How and how to cut foam boards? The easiest way to cut foam plastic: cutting methods and tips for performing the work. The best way to cut foam plastic.

When carrying out work related to home insulation, best material You won't find anything better than polystyrene foam. It is popular because it is inexpensive and is a pretty good heat insulator. But when you get to work, a natural question arises: how to cut the foam and make the parts you need from it so that the cutting lines are straight and have the configuration you need.

There are two types of foam: hard, or also called hard, and soft. Easier to machine (cut) solid look polystyrene foam, which is why it is more popular. Soft types of foam crumble, and special treatment must be applied to them. There are also no foam sheets of uniform thickness, and it follows that cutting modes will be different and require an individual approach for each case. Soft look can be cut with any sharp thin object, even credit card. Place a ruler or straight edge along the cutting line and trace the line with your cutting tool. Then move the foam board so that the cut coincides with the edge of the table, and pressing the part of the board that is on the table, lightly press on the sagging part. The foam will break along the cut line. You can use a serrated knife from a kitchen set to cut foam. To make it more convenient to work, it must be rubbed with wax or stearic candle. If you need the foam to remain clean, then use a stearin candle. white. Cut the foam with even, long movements so that the knife is immersed with the entire blade. A paper cutter with a retractable blade works well for cutting thin sheets of foam. This knife can cut various details and fragments. First, make a cut not to the full depth, and then cut off the part you need using even movements. Make sure that the blade of your knife is always sharp, because if it is dull, you will not be able to make an even cut.

If you need to cut a lot of foam, you can use a saw for convenience. Moreover, any one with a hard or tension blade and small teeth will do (hacksaw, jigsaw or bow saw). A flexible saw blade will not allow you to make a straight cutting line. Use the entire blade to cut the foam, applying even pressure on the saw with your hand.

When you need to cut large slabs of foam plastic, it is convenient to use electric jigsaw. Place the slab on the table so that the cut is behind the edge of the table, and turn on the jigsaw to cut the pieces you need. Wear safety glasses when working with a jigsaw. And the most convenient way, in our opinion, is cutting foam plastic using a heated wire. First you need to make the foam cutting machine itself. Fasten the nichrome wire to ceramic insulators, and the insulators to a U-shaped bent pipe. You should end up with a bow saw with nichrome wire instead of a blade. Connect a flexible insulated wire to the nichrome wire at both ends so that it does not interfere; it can be secured to the pipe using electrical tape. Now connect this wire (make it long) to a 12 V step-down transformer. Include a rheostat (variable resistance) in the circuit to adjust the filament of the nichrome filament. Install a button from an electric drill on the pipe itself and connect it to the circuit. The button will give additional amenities at work.

Apply current to your unit, the nichrome will heat up, and use a rheostat to make the heating color of the nichrome thread dark cherry. With this unit you can cut parts of any configuration. Simply guide the thread along the cutting line. True, there will be smoke, so you need to work either outside or in a well-ventilated area. Also try not to touch the switched-on thread to avoid getting burned.

We have listed all the main methods of cutting foam, they are all good in their own way. Choose for yourself what suits you best.

Many people wonder how to cut polystyrene foam at home. After all, this is one of the most popular and sought-after materials in construction, distinguished by many positive qualities and advantages. Polyfoam is intended for sound and heat insulation of residential premises. It is very easy to use, available in every hardware store, and its cost is very low. The only difficulty can be caused by the process of cutting foam boards without crumbling.

Ordinary foam plastic - advantages of the material

Polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene is a white material consisting of almost 95 percent air. It belongs to the category of environmentally friendly materials, therefore it is not hazardous to health. Made from polystyrene foam great amount a wide variety of products, including food packaging.

The different sizes of the plates, as well as the structure in the form of small gas pores, determine the main positive properties expanded polystyrene:

  • High level of thermal insulation both internally and externally outside Houses. If you have learned how to cut polystyrene foam at home, you can install double insulation. Moreover, the cost of materials in any case will be much lower than that of other modern insulators that perform similar functions.
  • Excellent acoustic insulation of rooms. This will be very useful in modern apartments, in which sound insulation is almost completely absent. Polystyrene foam is perfect for protecting yourself from noisy neighbors. And, naturally, the neighbors won’t hear either if you treat yourself to your favorite music at a high volume.
  • Easy to install and install due to its low weight. The huge sheets weigh so little that even a child can handle them. The only thing worth paying attention to is the wind when doing outdoor finishing works. Even a slight blow of wind can disturb your workpieces, so it is not recommended to work with foam in windy weather.
  • Environmental Safety. The material does not pose any danger to humans because it does not emit toxic gases or waste. The production of expanded polystyrene is carried out in accordance with all European norms and standards, so certain types of it may come into contact with food products.
  • High resistance to negative impact fungi, bacteria, microorganisms, dampness, mold. Operation on outdoors for a long time will not cause any changes in consumer behavior, it will still be reliable and durable.

Before cutting foam, you should remember some rules for handling it. Thus, the vast majority of technical fluids cause irreparable damage to the material. IN Therefore, it is necessary to limit it from direct contact with solvents, gasoline, acetone and other similar liquids. Even pairs of the latter cause irreversible damage, which will certainly manifest themselves over time.

Another important factor– this is the temperature. If polystyrene foam is used on surfaces with temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius, certain problems may arise. For example, the material begins to crumble and break even from simple touches. Therefore, its installation should be avoided, for example, next to stoves.

Areas of application – where foam is used

Due to the large number of advantages this material has found the widest application, and not only in the construction industry. Thus, foam sheets can be used in such areas as:

  1. 1. Medicine - here polystyrene foam is indispensable as packaging for sharps and glass objects, as well as a case for equipment.
  2. 2. Organization active rest– if you cut the foam into sheets required sizes, it can be inserted into floats, life jackets and even buoys.
  3. 3. Design - specialists use the material to model and design various objects.
  4. 4. Shipbuilding - here foam sheets are used as an unsinkable filler for cargo compartments on boats, dinghies and other small vessels.

Thus, cutting foam plastic at home is relevant not only for performing construction work for soundproofing an apartment. So, having mastered this art in sufficiently, you can make an unusual decorative figurine, build a model of a boat, and even independently reproduce the protection of the refrigeration circuit located in the air conditioner.

Processing foam without crumbling - simple and effective methods

The peculiarity of cutting polystyrene foam is that the material is very light and brittle; if handled incorrectly, it begins to crumble and break. There are some rules to follow when working with foam boards. You can use many for cutting various devices, including a soldering iron, a sharp knife, a grinder and even nichrome wire.

Mechanical processing of expanded polystyrene, despite all its advantages, can cause some difficulties, especially for inexperienced beginners. If you don’t know how to cut polystyrene foam so that it doesn’t crumble, then first of all take care of purchasing a sharp knife with a rubber tip. When working, you should remember that the blade can very easily slide off the surface of the material, so you need to work very carefully and carefully, performing all movements exclusively “to the side” and “away from you.”

There are several basic tools for mechanical processing of polystyrene foam:

  • In some cases, a simple shoe knife will do. But only in cases where it is necessary to cut foam plastic up to 40 mm thick. Having sharpened a knife sharply, you should not hide the sharpener far, since every one and a half to two meters you will need to sharpen the blade again. It is recommended to wear headphones or insert earplugs into your ears, since the cutting process is accompanied by a not very pleasant “squealing” of the foam.
  • The next tool that works great with polystyrene foam is a wood saw. Using a hacksaw we cut slabs up to 80 mm thick. It is recommended to buy a tool with thin small teeth, in which case the cut will be smoother and more accurate. The main advantage of a hacksaw over a knife is the minimal risk of injuring yourself. And you will need to apply significantly less force during work.
  • A jigsaw is also great for cutting foam at home. The process moves as quickly and simply as possible, all actions are performed very clearly and accurately, the likelihood of causing injury to yourself is reduced to almost a minimum. In addition, a jigsaw belongs to the category of common and popular tools; a real owner simply must have this tool at his disposal.
  • A tool such as a grinder is also often used. If you need to cut foam plastic as quickly and without crumbling as possible, try to purchase the thinnest diamond discs. The cost of these discs is slightly higher than others, but the result is 100 percent worth the investment.

Unconventional cutting method - nichrome thread

All the methods presented above allow us to process polystyrene foam exclusively in a straight, even line. In situations where you need to make an unusual shape, a semicircle or a zigzag, you can use in unconventional ways. For example, nichrome thread. With its help, you will learn how to cut foam plastic so that it does not crumble, with minimal time and physical costs.

First you need to do some preparatory work for assembly necessary equipment. So, you should make sure you have a small spring, a 24-volt transformer and nichrome wire. The working surface of the table is set at an angle from 20 to 60 degrees. We stretch the wire across the table. We fix the ends of the wire on each side of the table with a spring.

After this, we attach the wires coming from the transformer to the wire. When current is supplied to the transformer, the nichrome thread heats up, as can be seen from its appearance. All we have to do is lay down a sheet of any thickness in accordance with the pre-applied markings. Under its own weight and for a reason inclined surface the polystyrene foam will slide down and cut through at the same time.

No garbage, everything happens very quickly and without unnecessary movements. The only difficulty is assembling the necessary equipment, since not everyone has transformers.

Thus, there is nothing overly complicated about how and how to cut polystyrene foam at home. Even with an ordinary knife you can perform all the necessary operations. If you purchase better equipment, the processing process will take a minimum of time, without additional effort, noise and debris.

When making repairs, especially those related to redevelopment or insulation, a material such as polystyrene foam is often used. Its popularity is due to the fact that it is quite cheap and has good insulating properties. But many people have a question, like polystyrene foam, not only quickly, but also with high quality. So that the cut line is even and the edges are not “shaggy”.

Polystyrene foam, as you know, can be hard (hard) and soft. The hard one is well processed, and for this reason, by the way, it is popular among fishing enthusiasts - they make floats from it. But soft ones usually crumble. The thickness of the sheets (pieces) also varies, so there is no single recommendation for cutting foam plastic. But some advice can still be given.

If the foam is soft, then it can be cut into pieces with a paper knife. It cuts through foam like butter. However, you need to take into account that the blade of such a knife is quite flexible, so if the piece is “thick” enough, then it is unlikely to be able to maintain a straight line. And if it does work out, then the cut may not be vertical, but with a bevel.

Harder and thicker foam sheets can be cut:

  • sharpened. If the thickness of the sample is not very large, then it is better to heat the knife and then cut it. Cutting will go much faster;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • wood saw with fine teeth.

Those people who have tried cutting foam plastic with a jigsaw do not recommend using this tool. Can't make a straight cut.

Most best method– cutting foam plastic using nichrome wire. To do this, a rather primitive “machine” is assembled. The wire is stretched vertically, and current from a 12V transformer is passed through it. “Craftsmen” often adapt power transformers from old TVs for these purposes. A rheostat or variable resistance must be included in the electrical circuit. It will not be difficult to calculate it for a person familiar with the basics of electrical engineering.

Regulating the current strength is necessary so that the wire does not heat up too much. Excessive heating will cause the foam to melt, and sagging will form on its edges along the entire cut line, which cannot be removed “exactly”. This method is attractive because it allows you to cut out neat fragments not only along a straight line, but also along curves and kinks. Essentially, this makes cutting universal.

You can try it with a grinder. However, you should choose the thinnest disk. But when using such a tool High Quality it will not be possible to get a cut, this will give the same result as when using a jigsaw. Some people advise using a soldering iron with a specially prepared thin tip.

All of the above methods are good in their own way. Therefore, you need to choose according to the circumstances, taking into account all the features of such cutting.

Sheet foam is insulation made from foamed polystyrene. In another way it is also called polystyrene foam. It is one of the most popular materials for thermal insulation of houses, as it is low cost and easy to install. But during installation of slabs it is often necessary to cut them. It is extremely important to make a straight cut on the foam sheet, as large gaps can worsen the thermal insulation characteristics.

Overview of methods

You can cut polystyrene foam at home using many methods:

  • with a knife;
  • hacksaw;
  • jigsaw;
  • grinder;
  • electric knife;
  • machine for cutting foamed polystyrene with wire.

1. A sharp knife is well suited for slabs up to 5 cm thick. The blade should be thin and not flexible, otherwise the cut will be crooked. To ensure even less waste when cutting polystyrene foam with your own hands, it is better to heat the knife. It should be taken into account that the blade will have to be sharpened approximately every 2 m, otherwise the work will take longer and there will be more debris.

2. You can also cut slabs with a greater thickness at home with a jigsaw and grinder. The main thing is that the height of the blade or disk is enough. The jigsaw must be moved smoothly, otherwise the polystyrene foam balls will begin to peel off from each other. It should be borne in mind that when sawing using these methods, the foam crumbles greatly.

3. A hacksaw for metal or wood is well suited for cutting polystyrene foam boards up to 10 cm thick. The finer its teeth, the better the cut. In addition, this cutting method is fast and does not require much effort. It is necessary to act smoothly and evenly, without sudden movements.

4. To prevent the foam from crumbling and to ensure an even cut, you can use a wire with a cross-section of 0.5 mm and pull it between two handles. They begin to saw according to the markings and at the same speed. Due to constant friction, the wire will heat up and melt the foam. With this cutting method, the edges of the slab are smooth and even, and the amount of waste is minimal. The only drawback is that this work will require two people.

5. If slicing is planned large quantity foam plates, it is better to purchase a soldering iron attachment or a special electric knife. Thanks to the sharp blade and high temperature, the slabs are cut quickly and evenly. In addition, they are used to make shaped cuts. But you need to take into account that the length of the blades of many tools is no more than 5 cm. Also, when working with hot tools, you should be careful not to get melted foam on your clothes or skin. It will not be possible to remove it from the skin instantly, which means there will be a severe burn.

6. One more thing good device The one that will be used to cut foam plastic slabs is a special machine. You can buy it or make it yourself. Cutting is fast, silent and effortless, and material of any thickness can be cut (depending on the capabilities of the machine). The amount of waste is minimal, and the cut is absolutely even and smooth. Another advantage of this method is that, thanks to the hot nichrome wire, the cut cells are melted back together. As a result, the thermal insulation characteristics of the foam do not deteriorate.

Before cutting the foam, you need to mark with a sharpened pencil. If possible, you need to cut the slab in the direction away from you. When sawing foam plastic using the heating method (machine with wire, electric knife), dangerous black smoke is released, which causes significant harm to humans. Therefore, cutting it using these methods should only be done in a well-ventilated area or in the open air.

In order to make a simple machine, you will need a surface with an inclination (20-60°). It's stretched across it nichrome wire with the required cutting height. One end of it is firmly fixed, and the other is connected to the spring. Then the wires from the power supply are connected. The current strength must be controlled so that the wire does not overheat too much, so a rheostat is additionally connected. The temperature should not exceed +100°C. After everything is ready and the thread is heated, the foam is cut. To do this, you just need to lay the plate down, and it will begin to roll off on its own (if the surface is smooth enough) or it will be pulled evenly through the wire. If you do this too slowly, the cut will be wide, since during this time a lot of foam will have time to melt. If you do it quickly, there is a risk of breaking the thread.

Ready-made machines for cutting polystyrene foam have more capabilities. With their help, 3D figures are made. Depending on the configuration, they can have from one to six strings. They are controlled either by the operator manually or through computer program. Some are compact in size, making them easy to transport, which is extremely important for builders. The cost of machines for cutting polystyrene foam starts from 40,000 rubles. There are also models with laser - such devices make the highest quality cuts. Laser machines Used for cutting out figures for shop windows, exhibitions or any other important events.

Before choosing the best way to cut polystyrene foam, you should decide how much material needs to be processed. If cutting will be carried out only once, then you can get by with a sharp knife or hacksaw. In another case, it is better to buy an electric knife or make a machine with wire yourself or purchase a ready-made one.

Polystyrene foam is widely used as insulation for walls, floors or ceilings. The main thing when using it is to cut the material correctly. It is important not to crumble the polystyrene foam and make the most accurate and smooth cut possible. For these purposes there are different instruments and methods that can be applied at home.

Types of tools for cutting foam at home

The foam cutting tool may have different shapes. The type of cut determines the effectiveness of the tool. There are 2 main types of devices.

Types of cutters:

  • Mechanical;
  • Thermal.

Mechanical tools are used to perform small amounts of work. It is easy to perform mechanical cutting. But the cut may be of poor quality.

Thermal tools are professional equipment. It is widely used by construction industry specialists.

Thermal cutter used for polystyrene foam different types. With its help, you can quickly and efficiently make a cut. The basis of a thermal tool is a hot thread or wire.

Based on the type of assembly, instruments are classified into branded and homemade. The first option is represented by cutters made in production. Professional equipment includes both knives and thermal cutters.

Ways to cut polystyrene foam at home with your own hands

Soft material up to 4 cm thick can be cut with a regular knife at home. In this case, the blade needs constant sharpening. Otherwise, the cut will be uneven and crumble.

During work it will be enough unpleasant sound cutting It is recommended to perform the process with headphones or earplugs.

For a more even and smooth cut, it is recommended to heat the blade before use. You can also take a grinder or jigsaw for cutting at home. But the edges will be uneven, there will be too much noise from work and waste. Thicker foam plastic (8-10 cm) is cut using a hacksaw. It's fast and effective method. The work should be done with a tool with small teeth. This will make the cut smooth.

Advantages of using a hacksaw:

  1. The effectiveness of the method - less effort is applied than when working with a knife;
  2. Not dangerous;
  3. You can cut thick foam.

Steel wire is often used for cutting. You will need to secure handles on both sides of the wire. And then cutting is carried out according to the intended markings. During operation, the wire heats up and begins to melt the material. The edges are smooth and there is no debris. But two people must perform the actions.

Professional device for cutting foam plastic yourself

If the volume of work is larger and shaped processing is required, then you should pay attention to professional equipment. Experts use a soldering iron with a knife attachment. The hot blade helps create any cut.

During operation, safety precautions should be observed so that hot oil does not get on your body or clothing.

Can be used at home homemade equipment with nichrome thread. The method has already shown its effectiveness and convenience. There is little waste. The edges are sealed, but the material does not lose its properties.

Necessary materials to create a homemade tool:

  • Wire;
  • Long knitting needle;
  • Transformer;
  • Reastat;
  • Necessary electrical wires.

The knitting needle is fixed on the table and the thread is pulled between its ends. Then a serial circuit for connecting the elements is connected. When current is applied, the thread should only turn slightly red. Too much hot thread will cause an uneven and wide cut. If you plan a large amount of work, it is better to purchase special tool in the shop. It heats up quickly and guarantees quality performance. But it has a high cost.

Cutting foam plastic has some features at home. So in preparation you need to make precise markings using a sharp pencil. When performing work, you should cut the material away from you to the side. Cutting should be done in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. When heated, the foam begins to release toxic substances.

Efficient cutting of foam plastic with a string at home

There are many ways to cut foam. But it is important not only to get the job done, but also to make an even, smooth edge so that the material does not crumble. Best Fixture represents cutting with a string. You can make such a device with your own hands at home.

The manufacturing process requires care; no special skills are needed. Shaped cutting is popular, so a thermal cutter is required for the job. Cutting tool a nichrome thread attached to the handle protrudes. But some cases do not require a special cutting device.

Necessary tools for work:

  • Metal ruler;
  • Pencil;
  • Stationery knife.

First, use a pencil to mark the future cut. Next, you need to attach a ruler to the line and use stationery knife. There is no need to try to ensure that the knife completely cuts off the plate. After this, turn the slab over and complete the cut. The cut must then be completed by hand.

How to make a homemade foam cutting machine: steps

A machine with nichrome thread is considered the best option for cutting at home. Making it is quite simple. It is enough to stock up on the necessary tools.

Materials and tools for work:

  • An old table or structure made of wooden blocks and plywood;
  • Spiral;
  • Spring;
  • Rheostat;
  • Low power transformer;
  • Wires;
  • Two bolts with nuts.

On both sides of the table in the center you need to retreat 20 cm and drill holes. Then bolts are inserted into the holes and nuts are tightened. Other materials can also serve as racks, it all depends on the availability of available materials. Then a nichrome thread is pulled onto one stand at a height of 10 cm from the surface. We screw the spiral to the second one and only then connect the thread.

This fastening of the thread is due to the fact that when heated, the material begins to expand and sag. And this reduces the cutting quality.

Then the wires are connected to the racks. It is recommended to connect from below so that they do not interfere with operation. Then the wiring is connected to the transformer.

The choice of transformer is determined by many factors. This is affected by the length, thickness and composition of the nichrome thread. In some cases, a rheostat is used for power supply. This solution is considered safer, since unregulated power can be supplied through the transformer.

The transformer is fixed under the tabletop. On this homemade apparatus is considered completed. The device is connected to the mains and work can begin.

How to cut polystyrene foam at home (video)