What do you need to sell and how to trade on eBay from Russia? How to sell on ebay from Russia: the correct sequence of actions.

Ebay is a well-known, popular and simply huge auction on the Internet, where many people sell and buy various goods. For some, this platform is intended only for one-time sales, while for others it becomes a source of good profit, since they open their own online store, which provides regular income. Here you can sell almost any thing, and the buyer can be a resident of another state.

You need to know how to sell on ebay, because for this there are certain nuances that must be taken into account and certain steps must be implemented.

Introductory stages

Before you start making money using the site, you need to study it well. You can start the process by doing the following:

  • Thoroughly master the ebay website, for which you need to find it in a search engine and go to the very first option. It is better to view the site initially in Russian, so you need to select the appropriate setting. Since you plan to open your own store, you need to pay attention to the rules that need to be followed when selling various products. The rules are clear, but also strict, so you cannot work in violation of them. Since you will have to post your own ad, it is advisable to study the existing options in order to understand the principle by which goods are advertised. Particular attention should be paid to those ads that are at the very top of the search, since they potential buyers see first.
  • Next, you need to create your own unique account. To do this, come up with a suitable name for it, which you need to remember well. You need to enter not only your name, but also your email address, and you also need to come up with a high-quality and strong password. A letter from the auction will be sent to the specified address, which will contain a link to confirm the creation of an account. If you plan to open a profitable online store, then you need to select “open a business account.” Afterwards you will need to fill out certain lines, according to which the name of the company and some other information about it are written.
  • The form of payment is selected. There are quite a few payment methods that are offered to sellers and buyers. It is important not only to know how to make money on ebay, but also how to withdraw funds. The most optimal choice withdrawal is considered to be through the Paypal system, on the website of which you need to create your account.
  • The rules of operation on the site take into account that only those sellers who have a good reputation can sell their goods profitably, so it is advisable to choose one online store or several in which a few small goods will be purchased. You can select the best-selling items, and the sellers may be from Russia or other countries. As a result, you can get a few positive reviews and a small rating, so selling on ebay can be successful, but many buyers do not want to deal with sellers who do not have a review and rating.
  • Before you start selling, it is advisable to set up your profile so that the online store looks interesting and understandable. It is recommended to post a photo and add some information about yourself. This attitude will have a positive impact on the impression of potential buyers.

It is quite clear how to become a seller on ebay, but it is advisable to know what to sell on ebay so that it would be profitable for sellers from Russia to work on this resource.

In fact, you can sell completely different products that may be of some value to customers. If a special online store is opened that will specialize in selling certain things, then you will need to post suitable and appropriate products.

Unusual and original lots that cannot be purchased in stationary retail outlets or online stores are considered especially valuable.

Sellers from Russia sell very well various antiques and vintage items that embody the unique culture of the country. This may include watches or figurines, rare equipment or books.

If you want to earn good money on the site, you can open unique internet a store offering original and unique products that will be sold in large quantities, so you can even get regular customers. It is important to find suppliers and ensure regular deliveries.

What is prohibited from selling?

The eBay auction prohibits the sale of certain goods, which include:

  • alcoholic products;
  • initially prohibited elements, which are drugs or illegal services;
  • tobacco products;
  • animals;
  • some products that are classified as adult items.

If you post things that are prohibited, your account may be frozen or even deleted.

The trade itself is carried out in several stages:

  • The work format is selected. The fact is that eBay offers sellers two options for selling their products. For this purpose, an auction or sale at a strictly established price may be used. An auction on ebay is conducted in such a way that a seller from Russia sets a certain starting price, after which potential buyers begin to bargain for it, increasing the bid. The second option involves setting a single and constant price, so the first buyer who wants to buy the product can make the purchase. Each format has pros and cons, with auction usually being chosen for the most unique and unusual items that many buyers want, so a very high dollar amount can be achieved. At the same time, the auction itself can be standard or Dutch, and a private scheme and bidding are also offered, accompanied by the setting of a reserved price. Either all buyers or a limited number of them can participate in the auction.
  • A specific category is selected. For each product, a suitable category must be selected, which must correspond to its purpose and type. Therefore, it is important to know where this or that product should be taken. If the wrong category is selected, ebay staff may reject the listing of the item.
  • Creating an ad. Selling goods through ebay will be successful and effective if the lots are well advertised. To do this, use a special ad, for which you need to come up with a bright and interesting title and a short but clear description. For sellers from Russia to be successful on this Internet resource, they must pay attention to each lot. The first thing potential buyers pay attention to is the name, so it should be catchy, beautiful, interesting, unusual and informative. The description must be truthful and contain quite a lot of information about the product. Special information must be written here key phrases, by which you can find a lot through an advanced search.
  • Price and appearance lot. A certain item needs to be displayed correctly, so it is advisable to have a real image of it, which will be the face of the lot. It is recommended to use only high-quality and beautiful photographs that will attract the attention of buyers. Next, the starting price is set, and it is best to initially set a value that will be optimal for a particular lot. But you shouldn’t put too high a price on a product, since you can expect that there will be no buyers for it at all.
  • Duration of trading. You need to set the time that will be allocated for the auction. The minimum period is one day, and the maximum is 10 days. It is advisable to make sure that the last day of trading is a weekend, since it is on such days that a large number of buyers are present on the site.
  • Then you can start selling. At the same time, special services can be purchased that will allow you to attract the attention of users to a specific lot.

Final stages of sale

To work profitably on ebay, you need not only to properly design your online store, but also to trade correctly, so you need to pay attention to a specific lot not only when it is put up for sale, but also after the sale. This attitude will allow you to gain a positive reputation and a large number of regular customers, so you can create an optimal store that can bring good profits.

Therefore, after placing the goods, the following actions must be performed:

  • You need to regularly monitor the auction so that, if necessary, you can make certain adjustments that will attract buyers. You can also end the auction at any time, but such a decision will negatively affect the attitude of site users. The reserve price may be reduced for the product. Additionally, you can even block buyers who have a lot of negative reviews, a bad rating, or are unable to pay for the item through the chosen system.
  • After the goods are sold through the online store, it is necessary to immediately issue an invoice to the buyer in order to receive funds as quickly as possible. It is best to leave positive feedback to the buyer immediately.
  • You need to send goods from Russia in beautiful and high-quality packaging. If the product is likely to break, it must be in a strong and secure container. If any problems arise, they can be resolved directly with the buyer or through the site administration.

Thus, if you know how to sell on ebay, you can open your own store, which will be regularly updated with new and original products. Creating a lot will not be difficult if you approach this issue wisely and study the instructions. Trade is considered simple process, which just needs to be given a lot of attention. Open profitable business very easy, so minimal costs you can expect a good and stable income.

Mentality ordinary person It’s structured in such a way that for the most part we don’t know other languages ​​and don’t intend to learn them. How then can you put a product up for sale on Ebay? Western Bid offers detailed step by step instructions in Russian - how to register on Ebay, how to display goods on Ebay in the most favorable light in order to sell them for maximum profit.

So, if you are ready to sell, then think carefully about how you will do it. On the pages of the Ebay online store great amount experienced sellers and if you make a mistake, they will buy from them. Therefore, the Western Bid company offers these instructions for placing a lot on Ebay auction; we have been trading for a long time and we have enormous experience. And if you are determined to start making money on your own at an ebay auction, then the first thing you need to do is register. Next, click the button "Sell". It's at the top of every Ebay page.

Select the sales format “Selling Format”

You must decide whether to put the item up for auction or sell it at a fixed price. If this is an auction, then “Auction Style”, or if at a fixed price, then “Fixed Price”.

Select category "Category"

This is the section (part) of the Ebay website that has the most similar products. Choose wisely. Take a close look at where else similar products are available. If it is in several categories, then the product is placed in one for free, and in the second for a small fee. You cannot place a product on the “maybe” list, as it will be removed from auction. And if this happens several times, your account will be blocked.

How to Write a Title and Description for an Ebay Product

Since Ebay is an online store (auction), it must be sold according to the laws of promoting goods on the Internet. This means that a catchy, specific and competent title is a must. Next should be a description of the product. List all the main characteristics simply and clearly; the text must be correct (without errors), otherwise no one will find the product.

How to post a product image on Ebay

Upload a product photo. The photograph must only be original. Drawings, other people's photographs, photographs of the manufacturer's website are not allowed. The better the quality of the photograph, the greater the chances of selling the product quickly and for good price. Photo format - jpg. You can add 12 photos for free, the rest are added for money. If you do not want to pay for the rest of the photos, then you can place the photos on a third-party hosting and add links to them in the description of the product (lot).

How to set a starting price for an item on Ebay

Next, you should set the starting price “Starting Price”. When chosen correctly, your starting price greatly increases your chance of making good money on Ebay. If the initial price of the lot is low, then there is an option that the final price is unlikely to suit you. And if the starting price is too high, then it is unlikely that anyone will buy the product. Therefore, you should carefully study the prices on Ebay for a similar group of products. It is possible to use the option of purchasing goods immediately, without bidding, i.e. listing at a fixed price BuyItNow.

How to Determine the Duration of Bidding on Ebay

The product can be offered for sale within 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 days. It is reasonable to calculate the duration of trading so that it ends on a weekend. The greatest activity on Ebay is observed on weekends. It is also worth remembering about time, that is, the difference in time zones. The product should be put up for auction when the target audience is in the middle of the day.

Below is detailed instructions in pictures (March 2013):

ATTENTION! About how to arrange a lot for free and beautifully -.

Attention! Find out our email address to accept PayPal payments

Have you decided to start selling on eBay? Our article will tell you where to start.


Trading platform with auctions eBay helps to find buyers from home around the world, as well as for large businesses and simply selling unnecessary junk from home. Oddly enough, it is very convenient to use and at the same time, among more than 180 million buyers you will always find yours. So how do you do business with eBay and make money from it?

  • Go to the main page of the site eBay
  • Be sure to read the information regarding the terms and conditions for sellers
  • Look at a few ads - what exactly sellers write, how the pages are designed
  • Understand how search works. Try to find something
  • Try sorting items on the right side
  • Pay special attention to the very first advertisements, as they are the ones that receive a large number of buyers.

Choose a good account name

  • Of course, eBay itself may ask you to choose a name, but it is better to use a name that will attract more buyers. Try to avoid any aggressive names or names that will devalue your products.
  • You cannot write the names of Internet sites or email in the title. In addition, it is forbidden to indicate the word eBay.
  • Brand names are not allowed unless you own them.

Registering on eBay as a Seller

There are two ways to register a seller account.

Method 1: Create a new page

  • Open the main page of the site eBay
  • At the top right select "Register"
  • Next will open registration form as a buyer, but we don't need it, so choose "Creation account companies"

  • A form will open to fill out, indicating:

  1. Country of Residence
  2. Company name
  3. Full legal address of registration
  4. Company phone number
  5. Next, enter contact information - phone number, address and email
  6. The last block indicates the login that will be displayed on the site - this is your unique name
  7. The password for the account is also indicated.
  • After entering all the data, select "Save and Continue"

Method 2. Obtaining seller status

If you already have a buyer page, you can get seller status through it. For this:

  • At the top right of the page, select "Sales"

Sales button

  • Click “I want to sell to buyers from Russia”

  • Next, click "Register"

  • A small form will open for you to fill out. Enter all the details and select "Register"

  • A message will appear indicating that your data has been sent for review.

  • After receiving the letter by e-mail Once registration is completed, you can display your products

Setting up a payment form

This moment is worth describing separately. As everyone knows, on eBay There are many payment methods accepted, but the most popular is PayPal, so it’s worth using it.

That's all! The registration process is complete. Now it’s time to decide what to sell and start the process accordingly.

What to sell on eBay?

If you have not yet decided what you want to sell, then use a few rules:

  1. Trade what you understand. This will make it much easier for you to communicate with customers and select an assortment.
  2. Find out which products cannot be sold. It is described in detail what cannot be sold on eBay in the rules for sellers. You can watch them.
  3. To minimize risks, sell what you have in stock or in small quantities.
  4. If you're not sure what you want to sell, it's risky to stock up on items without making any sales. It's better to put a few things on sale to understand what sells well and how the process generally works.
  5. You can start by selling things you don't need.

How to put a product up for sale?

First, study advertisements for similar products. Pay special attention to those that have a lot of sales or applications. Think about what item you would buy and write the text.

Now to put the item up for sale:

  • Open the site eBay
  • Login to your page
  • Next go to "My eBay"
  • Select an item "Account"
  • And click on

  • Next, click on the button

  • Select here "Create List"

  • Write the name of your ad

  • Now select a category for the product

  • Select item status and click "Further"

  • The system will ask you to enter your username and password

  • Add product photos

  • Select the condition of the product and describe it

  • Set the time of the sale and its type (auction or simple sale)

  • Set the payment method and details for receiving payments

  • After all the settings, select Save to save the message or Review to see what it will look like.
  • If you click List It, then the list will be published.
  1. The title and description should be such that buyers can easily find your product. Write what kind of product it is, its brand, model, size and other data. Add a subtitle with additional information that will be shown during searches.
  2. Describe the characteristics in detail. This is in some categories. When specified additional information It’s easier for customers to find your product. For example, describe the condition of the item being sold. Or describe these characteristics in "Questions and Answers".
  3. Don't forget to describe the condition of the item. Options may vary. It all depends on the category.
  4. Don't be afraid to add features from the catalog, as many items are related to products from it. If your item is in this category, then you can choose a ready-made description and even a photo. This helps you save time on listing and get more buyers.
  5. Be sure to add pictures. High-quality photos will help sell products faster.
  6. Determine how long the bidding will be divided. Optimal time— 7 days, because if you install more, you may have to pay an additional commission. You can also choose the start time for your ad.
  7. Select a Payment Method. We, as beginners, choose PayPal for now. Over time, this list can be expanded.
  8. Please indicate which delivery method you use. If it is paid, then you can charge a fixed amount for the operation or calculate the price for each product separately. You can also offer a free delivery option to attract more buyers.
  9. Write down the conditions under which the goods are returned. Even if you don’t have it, you still need to reflect it.
  10. Launch advertising of your products through additional parameters, for example, an additional subheading.

I have a buyer, what should I do?

  • As soon as your product is purchased, you will receive a notification. We recommend that you immediately issue an invoice to the buyer if you have not received payment within several hours.
    After that, send the goods using the selected delivery method.
  • When the buyer receives his package, he may leave you feedback. We advise you to do the same. Just write it on the day of sending. So, if you did everything correctly, then there is no risk and you can write an opinion about the buyer at this stage.
  • If the buyer has not left you a review, then you can politely tell him about it, but under no circumstances bother him.
  • Make the packaging beautiful and of high quality. If the item is easy to break, then poor packaging will be a reason for customer dissatisfaction. But beautiful and durable packaging will leave a good impression. Be sure to remember how much you pay to ship the item so you can determine an acceptable shipping cost.
  • If the buyer is not satisfied with something, then always try to negotiate with him, since it is difficult to delete or cancel a bad review. Bad reviews discourage buyers, so try to keep the buyer happy.

Video: How to list an item on Ebay. How to sell on Ebay?

I always thought eBay was... perfect option to get rid of stale goods. It has the largest audience among online markets – over 110 million active users. They, of course, are spoiled by Chinese prices, but if they reduced the price tag on my T-shirts to cost or slightly lower, then they got a competitive offer. The experience of selling abroad gave me confidence: using ASOS Marketplace, I sent parcels to the UK and France several times.

eBay's conditions suited me: free placement of up to 50 items per month, the market takes about 10% of the sale (depending on the category). Registering for a merchant account simply required entering your name, verifying your phone number, and providing your PayPal account. After that, I got to the welcome page, where I was asked to start posting products.

This process turned out to be simple, but tedious. eBay even asks you to indicate the dimensions and weight of the packaged item. The end of the ridiculous procedure ended in complete disappointment.

“Unfortunately, you will not be able to complete this item card because you have reached the limit on the number of items you can post in this category,” the message on the screen read. IN reference information Limits were mentioned only in passing - who would have thought that the limit would be zero positions. That is, I cannot sell a single item, and the only way to fix this is to call the international eBay office, and strictly during business hours.

Hoping that on the other side of the line everything would probably be automated and that at most I would have to say my e-mail, I waited until evening and called the number provided.

But the manager answered me, and all the advice he gave me boiled down to entering the PIN code when creating a seller account. And I dealt with this for a long time and successfully. After three minutes communication 300 rubles in my account are over.

And then I started writing. I wrote about my problem and a day later received a response in which I was again asked to enter my PIN code. Then I wrote an even longer letter, where I attached screenshots, and only after that things started to happen. They sent me a list of documents for identification. This list is not posted anywhere on the website.

It included: a copy of a driver's license or any other document with a photograph, an agreement with the forwarding service, if any, a certificate from the bank confirming the existence of an account and cards linked to it, a billing address and the expiration date of the card, and if the address on the card ( billing address, for us this is the registration address) does not coincide with the address indicated on eBay and planned to be used in trade, then it must be confirmed by sending a copy of the utility bill.

However, it must be admitted
that the service employees tried
help me. Every time I received a long and clearly not a template letter

All documents must be sent by fax with title page, which indicates the mail and ID associated with the account in the eBay system, after which they are reviewed within 7-10 days.

I sent all the documents through the FaxZero.com service and began to wait. Seven days later I received a message in which it was written that they could not satisfy the request, since they did not understand my situation with the addresses.

I sent the following fax, in which on the cover page I described the difference between the registration address and the residential address in Russia, and attached a scan of the registration page from the Russian passport to all other documents.

10 days passed, but they still didn’t answer me. I wrote it myself. It turned out that they touched my second request somewhere. After a couple of hours of searching, they wrote that they had found it, and now they again need 7-10 days to review it.

After another 10 days, having not received a response, I wrote again myself. I was informed that my request was sent to a special department that reviews complex applications, and now they have a lot of work, so I will have to wait a little longer. By this time, a month and a half had already passed since my first attempt to become a seller on eBay.

Over the following weeks, I contacted them several more times: they either lost my faxes again, then asked me to confirm the address again, or reported on the workload of their department. Therefore, when I finally received the long-awaited letter satisfying my request, it was already joyful, funny, and sad. The whole procedure took me three months.

It should still be admitted that the service employees always sincerely tried to help me. Each time I received a long and clearly not a template letter. They thanked me several times for being an eBay user for two years and three months and praised my choice last purchase and generally showed miracles of tact. I just can’t be angry with them, although I understand that it would be better if they spent their time not on writing letters, but on debugging processes.

Out of the promised limit of 50 product units, I was able to use only 20. The system promised that this number would increase over time and with the growth of my sales. But from time to time I will still have to go through the identification confirmation procedure again. Meanwhile, in the first week of listing on eBay, we had several dozen views for each product - and not a single sale. One thing is good: during this time I have already sold some of my remaining inventory on ASOS Marketplace.

In this short article I would like to show you how you can put an item up for sale. Of course, as you understand, an auction is not a disinterested thing and you have to pay for trading on it. Therefore, here I would like to look at how to minimize eBay commission fees and further show examples of listing goods on eBay without any paid services.

First of all, let's look at what commission fees on eBay consist of:

  1. Fee for listing a lot for sale. That is, simply for exhibiting the lot, it turns out, you also have to pay. But not everything is so sad. You can list 50 items every month on eBay for free.. This is quite enough at the beginning of trading, I still do not go beyond this limit. If you sell more than 50 products monthly, then for placing the fifty-first and subsequent eBay products will charge you $0.30 for each lot.
  2. Commission fees in case of successful sale. If the product is on sale, then the platform eBay will charge you 10% of its value.. Therefore, be sure to take this into account when calculating the price of the lot.
  3. Fees charged by Paypal for payment processing. They make up 3.9%. Also take this figure into account when setting the price.
  4. Fees for Additional services eBay, such as: highlighting a product in the search, displaying in recommended products, increasing the duration of the auction over 10 days, adding more than 12 photos to the gallery, setting reserve prices when bidding at an auction.

In fact, if you display up to 50 products per month and do not use additional paid services, then you don’t pay anything for displaying the goods, so if you don’t sell anything, then you don’t lose anything (except, of course, the costs of purchasing goods, if you had any). And in case of sale, you will be charged 13.9% of its value. Therefore, simply increase the price of the product by this percentage. Moreover, 13.9% is taken from the sum of the cost of the product and the cost of delivery, so it does not matter whether you include the cost of delivery in the price of the product and select the “Free Shipping” option or set the cost of the product and the cost of delivery separately.

Instructions for placing a lot.

Now that you are familiar with the trading conditions, let's look at two examples of listing goods on eBay. In the first case, the video tutorial will tell you how to put a pair of shoes up for sale. This example is artificially simulated to simply show the process. In the second case, there will be more modern and detailed text instructions for selling tar soap. It's already real example of what is sold from Russia in large quantities. And remember, the main thing is to start trying it yourself, because you can read instructions endlessly, but true experience comes only when you try to do everything yourself. Each situation is unique and somewhere you will have to think with your own head, but I think after looking at the examples given, you will have fewer questions. The main thing is not to be afraid and try.

Selling on eBay - Example 1. Displaying boots (video tutorial).

Selling on eBay - Example 2. We are displaying tar soap.

Now let's look at how to list a product on eBay using the example of selling Russian tar soap.

My account settings are set to English. If you have Russian set, then some menu items will, accordingly, be in Russian. However, not all part of the sales interface is translated from English, therefore, it is much more convenient to use English language. In addition, if you intend to trade with foreigners, then it is better to immediately get used to the terminology in the original language. The entire description below will take into account the English-language interface.

Select in the top menu of the site “My eBay” – “Selling” (My eBay – Sales)

A form opens in which you need to specify the name of the product. The name of the product should, if possible, be written in the way that a potential visitor will search for it through the search bar, so don’t hesitate to use keywords. In addition, since for such a product as Russian soap there may be a Russian-speaking buyer living abroad (as a rule, emigrants from the Russian Federation and CIS countries), I duplicate the name of the product in Russian. In this case, I am selling 2 bars of soap in one lot, so I write the following text in the title: “Russian Organic Birch Tar Soap 2 PCS | Tar soap - 2 bars.” After specifying the product name, click “Get started”:

A form for selecting a product category appears in front of you. Select the desired category. If you find it difficult to choose, you can find similar products from other sellers and see in which category they are located. In our case with soap it is “Bar Soaps”:

After selecting a category, click the “Continue” button and get to the next step, “Create your listing”, where we will need to do detailed description goods, including price and terms of delivery and return. There are two options here, either work with this listing creation form, or switch to a simplified form, for which you need to click the “Switch to quick listing tool” link. If you want, you can try the simplified form, but personally, I always work with the extended form, so we won’t switch anywhere. Let's start filling out the form in order:

Title– This is the title that users will see in search results. We filled it out in the previous step, but if you want, you can edit it here.

Condition– condition – select New (well, I wish I could sell used soap - ;))

Add photos– a very important step, here we add photos of the product. Without photos, selling anything in the 21st century is generally pointless, so try to prepare high-quality and clear photographs of your product in good resolution in advance. Personally, after taking photographs, I edit the images in Gimp or Photoshop: I remove the background and make the image brighter and more contrasting. You can add up to 12 photos in total without additional fees. And this is what the images I added look like:

UPS– barcode – I never bother with this parameter, select “Does not apply”

Brand– brand, brand – you can select from the list or enter your own. Naturally, in this case there is no such thing in the list, so we manually enter “JSC “Neva Cosmetics”, Saint-Petersburg”:

Size type– type, size – they offer a choice of Regular, Sample Size and Travel Size. Select "Regular".

Formulation– shape – select “Bar” (bar).

Country, Region of Manufacture– country and region of the manufacturer – set “Russian Federation”

After all our body movements, I got the following picture:

Next comes the “Details” section, where we can give detailed description product. How better description, the higher the likelihood that the product will be found and that it will be attractive to the buyer. I filled it out like this:

If you have been making purchases at this auction for several years now, then you know that many sellers have very beautiful descriptions and even contain images. This is possible if you switch to the “HTML” form. Of course, knowledge of html is necessary, and images must be uploaded to some image hosting and links to them provided here. In a separate article I will talk about how to make a beautiful description with minimal knowledge of html so that anyone can figure it out. While, in principle, a simple text description is sufficient, many limit themselves to just that.

Go to the section on cost of goods and delivery “Choose a format and price”

On eBay, you can either put an item up for auction or set a fixed price, as in regular online store. I prefer to trade at a fixed price "Fixed Price". Next we set the price of the product. I recommend paying attention to the option “ Allow buyers to send you their Best Offers for your consideration» (Allow buyers to send you their best offers for your consideration). For example, you put up a product for $10, and the buyer wants to buy it cheaper, he can send you an offer to sell the product, for example, for $8, and you will already consider it and, if you want, sell the product on the proposed terms. In this case, I do not select this option, but often it can be useful.

In field " Duration» we can specify the duration of the ad. When placing a product for free, you can post up to 30 days - that is, your ad will be displayed for no more than 30 days and then, if no one buys the product, the ad will be removed, but it can be placed again. The “Good ‘Till Canceled” option (submit an ad indefinitely until the lot is withdrawn by you) is paid, so I do not recommend choosing it.

Below you are offered to send part of the money from the sale to donate to some fund. Since I’m greedy, I haven’t donated anything to anyone yet and always put “I do not wish to donate at this time”

We go to the “Select how you"ll be paid" section - and indicate the Paypal account where we want to receive money and where we will receive a refund from if there are any problems with the order. We also check the box "Require immediate payment when buyer uses Buy it Now" (Require immediate payment when the buyer uses the "Buy it Now" button).

Go to the delivery section “Add shipping details”.

On eBay, shipping is divided into domestic and international. Moreover, since there is no separate Russian eBay site, delivery for us will always be international. And the internal one is actually delivery within the United States (or within the UK, Germany, Australia, if your account was created on these sites, but I have not met such users). In other words, if you are registered on ebay.com, then you are considered an American user and therefore you are required to separately indicate delivery within the United States (U.S. Shipping) and separately delivery to other countries (International Shipping), including, by the way, Russia. Therefore, in our case, we simply indicate the cost of international delivery here and there. If you want to include the shipping cost in the price of the product and provide free shipping, then in the U.S. Shipping set the “Free Shipping” option, and in International Shipping just set 0, as in the picture below:

Handling time– order processing time is the time from the moment the buyer purchases the product until you send it to you with the tracking number on eBay. If you don’t work anywhere and plan to devote your time to trading on eBay work time completely, then you can set it for 1 day, but if you are busy with something else, then set it up to 3 days, like I did. But in any case, it is better not to bid for more than 3 days, this may turn off the buyer.

Here you can change the Item location by clicking on the “Change location” button. Here you need to indicate where the item will be shipped from. If you send it yourself, indicate your location. You can simply indicate your city, or only your country. If this field is not changed, then the auction will be set to a fragment of the address that you specified in your account.

The remaining fields may not be filled in.

If you did everything correctly, you should see the inscription “Your fees so far: $0.00.” This will mean that you do not need to pay fees for listing the product.

We click “Continue” and see a message stating that we “saved” 30 cents, since 50 products have not yet been displayed this month. Below we can see the choice of “Post our product”, “Preview”, or “Edit” again if you don’t like something.

Click “Preview” and if everything is good, then we publish it. You can also save your listing as a template so that when you post the same or similar product in the future, you won't have to fill out all the fields. Click – “Save this listing as a template and use it to sell similar items”

After this you should see the inscription “Congratulations!” and text stating that you have placed your first product.

Now, after placing the product, you can go to personal account in the “Selling” menu and look at your item. There you will see the number of views, how many days until the end of the ad and other data:

If someone buys your product, it will be displayed in the section Sold and you will be required to ship it and provide the buyer with shipping information. A separate article will be written about this.

If no one buys the product within 30 days, it will be displayed in the section Unsold and if you wish, you can set it again by clicking on the “Relist” button.

In the following articles, I will talk in detail about how to ship a product, how to provide shipping information, how to create an html template for product descriptions, and much more.

That's all, I wish you successful trading!