What needs to be done to make a living spruce last longer? How to make your Christmas tree last longer.

Elegant, fresh and fragrant Christmas tree pleases the eye and lifts the mood. However, after a certain time, the tree begins to turn yellow and crumble. What can be done to make the tree stand for a long time, remaining just as fresh and green? This is exactly what we will talk about.

How long does it cost live Christmas tree

The lifespan of a freshly cut Christmas tree depends on many factors. The main ones are storage and transportation conditions. It is also worth paying attention to the type of tree. Christmas tree sellers are unlikely to share with you information that will tell you how long the tree will last. Therefore, you will have to take care on your own to ensure that the forest beauty pleases you with its aroma and greenery for as long as possible.

However, no manipulation will give freshness to the New Year tree if you purchase a dry spruce. Great way Check the tree for freshness - bend the needles around your finger. If they break, then the tree is dry and will not last long. You need to buy a Christmas tree whose needles will bend. If you buy a fresh spruce and care for it properly, they can last up to a month.

What to do to make a live Christmas tree last longer

It is very important to store your tree properly before you decorate it. Therefore, let the wood get used to the temperature of your home. To do this, leave it for some time in the corridor or corner of the room, where the air temperature is lower. In this case, you should not untie the tree; let it stand tied for some time.

Be sure to cut down a small amount of the trunk to rid the tree of resin, which has hardened and does not drain water well. If you don't plan to install your Christmas tree right away, tying a wet rag around the trunk will help the tree stay fresh and not dry out. To prevent the tree from falling off for a long time, it is recommended not to install the tree near heat sources, so keep it away from a heater or radiator. In addition, try not to overload the branches with toys and garlands.

What to add to water to make the tree last longer

There are many ways to keep your Christmas tree fresh for a long time. The most popular and effective is aspirin. Add 2 aspirin tablets to a sheet of water. Remember to periodically add water with aspirin. Some people recommend adding sugar to the water. The correct proportions should be observed, and one tablespoon of sugar should be placed per aspirin tablet.

Another way to keep your Christmas tree fresh is glycerin. In this case, it is recommended to add one teaspoon of glycerin per liter of liquid.

If you plan to place your tree in sand, be sure to water the tree periodically. For irrigation, you can use water with aspirin and sugar. The recommended frequency of watering is once every 1-2 days, depending on the speed of sand drying.

Having considered the question of what to do to prevent the tree from falling off, it is worth noting that a dry tree is not only unaesthetic, but also causes fires. Therefore, if the tree has dried out and begun to crumble, it is worth taking it out of the room.

The fluffy spruce is a symbol of the New Year. Some prefer artificial pine trees, others cannot imagine a holiday without the smell of a real tree. But in order for the tree to stand for a long time, it is necessary to follow some rules, without which the needles may fall off ahead of time.

Right choice

In order for the green beauty to please you with its decoration longer, you need to choose it wisely. When purchasing you should pay attention:

  1. For the splendor of the pine needles. If the needles are already scarce at the beginning, then everything will only get worse.
  2. The needles need to be felt. It is important that they are soft, elastic and do not remain in your hands. Dry needles indicate that the tree was cut down a long time ago and at home it will simply fall off without waiting for the holiday.
  3. The branches must be elastic. A sign of a problem is limp spruce legs.
  4. You should pay attention to the trunk. If there are needles on it, then the tree is healthy and was cut down recently.

The purchased Christmas tree should not be immediately brought into warm room. If there is a balcony, then the best option- keep the tree there for several hours. If there is no loggia, the pine can be left in the entrance and brought into the apartment a little later.

Installation secrets

In order for the tree to stand for a long time, it must be installed correctly. To refresh the tree and give it new strength, it is better to lightly cut off the lower branches. If you remove the bark along the lower edge by 10-15 cm, then the trunk will have the opportunity to receive nutrients through the cambium layer.

In order for the tree to stand for a long time, it should be placed in a bucket of sand or water. Besides simple solutions You can use mixtures, which, when prepared, can significantly increase the service life of the forest beauty.

Nutrient Solution Recipe

To make the tree stand in water for a long time, you can add several incidents to it:

  • take 3 liters of fresh water;
  • mix salt and sugar in equal proportions (2-3 tablespoons);
  • pour the mixture into water;
  • a tablet of acetylsalicylic acid is added to the prepared solution;
  • the mixture is poured into a high tree stand.

Such a solution provides the needles with long-term freshness, and protects the trunk and branches from putrefactive processes. Explained this fact in that the mixture is close to the natural nutrition of all plants. It is often used by flower shop sellers to preserve bouquets.

Our grandmothers also knew many secrets on how to keep the Christmas tree fluffy and green throughout the New Year holidays. Many recipes are successfully used to this day. Among them, the following are considered the most effective:

  1. The tree is placed in a bucket of water, where 3 tbsp is added. spoons of glycerin. The drug ensures the elasticity of needles and branches and prevents them from drying out excessively.
  2. Gelatin can also provide a similar effect. It is recommended to add a pinch citric acid. To provide the tree with calcium, you can add crushed chalk.
  3. It is recommended to pour aspirin tablets not only into water. Crushed pills are mixed with sand. Take one tablet per kilogram of sand and add water to make the mixture moist. A tree trunk pre-cut into a cone is installed in it. The sand will dry out, so it is necessary to add water periodically.
  4. To make the tree stand for a long time, add urea to the water, which is good fertilizer. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of the product in a liter of water. A woolen rag is moistened in the resulting solution and placed in a vertical section of the trunk.

Salt and sugar guarantee the tree extra food. Water ensures sap flow and prevents premature drying. The addition of aspirin tablets has a disinfecting effect and prevents putrefactive processes from developing.

It is important to note: in order for the tree to stand for a long time, it should not be installed near heat sources. Heating radiators and fireplaces dry out the air around and negatively affect the condition of tree branches and needles.

Non-standard approach

If the owners of the house have a plot of land, then you can purchase seedlings in advance and plant them near the house. Then you can decorate your own Christmas tree every year and enjoy its splendor. However, not everyone this advice suitable due to lack of plots. In this case, you can purchase living plant in a pot.

In the salon you can get recommendations for care and find out how long the tree lasts. Typically, the lifespan of such a tree is 3 weeks, because the dry and hot climate of the apartment is bad for it. It is better to place the tub away from the radiators and do not forget to water it.

Live or artificial?

Now there are many options for artificial beauties on sale. Can choose green Tree, unusual - white or with a snowy effect. However, many people prefer to put up a live Christmas tree for the New Year. This is explained by the unusual and invigorating pine aroma, which provides a feeling of celebration and magic. In addition, living needles release natural essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on well-being and guarantee a cheerful mood.

Some people worry that they have to throw away a live Christmas tree after the holidays. However, wood can be put to good use. Some cook pine baths, others prefer to make face masks, and still others sew bags and, after pouring pine needles into them, place them in the closet. In this way, budget and original flavors are obtained.


Above are some tips on what to add to make the tree last longer. But, like any plant, it loves water. Therefore, it is necessary not only to water it, but also to provide it with a shower. To do this, it is convenient to use a spray bottle.

Usually among avid summer residents or amateurs indoor plants There will definitely be fertilizers. They can be used for feeding fluffy beauty. This will give her strength and provide additional nutrition. Thus, the tree can please household members for a long time.

When choosing a Christmas tree, you need to understand that this is a business. The sellers make a lot of money from them. Therefore, you should not buy a New Year tree in a hurry or dark time days. This way there is less chance of purchasing a low-quality and old Christmas tree.

In any case, a living symbol of the year cannot stand forever, so don’t be too upset if the needles fall off at the wrong time. You can treat this situation with humor and draw conclusions for next year.

In fact, in every house on New Year there is a Christmas tree. But many New Year's pines or other coniferous trees They begin to dry out quickly and crumble. In order to avoid such a problem, it is important to understand how to make the tree last longer. There are a few simple tips, which will help everyone enjoy the new year for at least a couple of weeks, not a couple of days.

How to choose a Christmas tree to last longer?

It all starts with choosing a holiday attribute. You need the tree to be:

  1. Lush. Scanty branches are a sign of problems;
  2. Not crumbling. It's pouring out now, it will be even worse;
  3. With elastic branches. Brittle branches are a sign of disease;
  4. With the top of the head not broken. Without the top, the tree is worth less;
  5. With needles on the trunk. Needles on the trunk are a sign of a healthy tree.

It is worth noting that the Christmas tree does not like large differences temperature. Therefore, you must keep it for an hour or more on the balcony, and only then can you bring the tree indoors.

How to put up a Christmas tree to make it last longer?

When you buy a tree, it is better to cut down its lower branches. This way you will relieve it a little. And it will stay fresh longer.

Also, you need to remove the bark about 15 cm at the bottom of the trunk. This will allow the tree to feed through the subcutaneous cambium layer.

The tree must be placed in water or sand. This way she will receive nutrition and will be fresh for some time. In addition, there are recipes for special nutritional compositions for this purpose.

Making a nutrient solution

To create Christmas tree food you will need:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of salt and sugar;
  • Dissolve this in 2-3 l. water;
  • Add an aspirin tablet;
  • Pour this into the tree stand.

It is worth noting that this measure not only maintains freshness, but also eliminates rot. This composition is close to what the plant usually feeds on. Flower sellers use approximately the same method to prevent bouquets from wilting longer.

You can also dissolve a spoonful of crushed chalk and a spoonful of citric acid in the same volume of water. This great option for a small Christmas tree. It is better to place large New Year's decorations in sand, which can also be moistened with some kind of solution.

Like any plant, the Christmas tree loves water treatments. It can be misted with a little water every day from a houseplant sprinkler.

You can also add fertilizers for indoor plants to the tree solution. This will also give him extra nutrition. And it will last a little longer.

Remember that a felled pine tree will no longer be able to stand for months. Prepare yourself mentally in advance for the fact that you need to throw it away. Celebrate the New Year and don't think about sad things. And don’t get hung up on the freshness of the tree.

It is worth noting that there is no need to buy such New Year's beauties at night or in a hurry. Unscrupulous sellers sell a bad product, receiving a large profit for it. You can easily become a victim of New Year scams. Therefore, vigilance here will not hurt.

But when buying it, you need to know what you need to do to make a live tree last longer, and then you can please yourself and your loved ones for several weeks.

1. If you brought a spruce from the cold, do not rush to immediately bring it into a warm place and install it, let the tree get used to temperature changes, place it in the coldest place in the house and leave it for several hours or even a day.
2. Before installing the tree, you need to saw down the trunk - this will help free the pores of the tree from resin, and it will be able to drink water, otherwise it will quickly dry out and crumble.
3. Place the tree in a bucket of water or wet sand. The ideal solution Wet sand is considered, it will keep the spruce green for as long as possible. Add a liter of water to a bucket of sand and water it periodically - once every 1-2 days.
4. To make the tree last longer, you can “feed” it - mix 2 tbsp. salt and sugar, add 1 aspirin tablet and pour into water for the Christmas tree. Or dissolve a little crushed chalk and citric acid in water. This will protect the trunk from rot and help the needles stay fresh longer.
5. You can also add any fertilizers for indoor or garden plants to a bucket of water or sand.

6. To keep the tree longer appearance, it should be installed away from heat sources and the branches should be periodically sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

If you purchased the green beauty a few days earlier, then do not rush to install it. It will be better if you keep the tree in the cold for a couple of days. If this is not possible, it is necessary to immerse the end of the tree trunk in a container filled with water and glycerin. For 10 liters of water there should be 2-3 tablespoons of glycerin. If you do not have this component, you can add 0.5 teaspoon of urea.

To ensure that the tree does not fall off for as long as possible, it should be installed correctly. The most ideal option is sand, and not just any sand, but certainly clean. After filling the bucket with sand, add one liter of water mixed with a small amount of glycerin or gelatin. You can make another solution. To prepare it you will need one aspirin tablet and 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. If you decide to use this option for installing a Christmas tree, you should pay attention to the following: the tree trunk must be immersed in sand at least 20 centimeters. Also, do not forget about watering - it should be done every two days.

There is another option, but it keeps the tree fresh for less time. Fill the prepared container with water and add half a teaspoon of citric acid, as well as a teaspoon of gelatin and a little chalk. The latter should be pre-crushed.

The last way to preserve a Christmas tree is to wrap the cut area of ​​the tree with a rag moistened with a special solution. In order to prepare 1 liter of solution, you will need 2 tablespoons of Triple cologne and a tablespoon of glycerin. After 10 days, a new mixture must be made. When the second 10-day period has expired, the rag should be moistened with plain clean water.

One last thing to always remember. Whatever method you use, you need to cut off the bark by 8-10 centimeters at the bottom of the trunk. By planing the trunk in this way, you will open up the fresh pores of the tree, which will help it last much longer.