What to do on Maundy Thursday before Easter. What you must do on Maundy Thursday

CLEAR THURSDAY. EVERYTHING THAT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW ABOUT HIM. What should a believer do? Maundy Thursday? What is the essence of this holiday, is it possible to go to the cemetery on this day - the answers to these and other questions are in this article. In 2016, Clean Thursday is April 28th. Every day Holy Week Great Lent is dedicated to memories of last days stay on earth of Jesus Christ. In the Church tradition these days are called Great or Passionate. The essence of Maundy Thursday, first of all, is the remembrance of the Last Supper, during which Christ established the main Sacrament of the Church - the Eucharist ( Holy Communion). Gathering his closest disciples, Christ gives them wine and breaks bread for them with the words: “Take, eat, this is My Body given for you, and My Blood shed for you.” Therefore, on this day, believers, with the exception of some emergency situations, come to the church for worship and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Why is Thursday also called clean? At the beginning of the Last Supper, Christ washed the feet of His disciples, thereby showing them an example of true humility and service to others. In memory of this on Maundy Thursday during the service in cathedrals The rite of washing the feet is performed: the bishop washes the feet of 12 priests or monks. Perhaps it was thanks to this rite that the tradition of cleaning houses and apartments on Maundy Thursday arose. But it is worth remembering that the essence of this day is not at all in cleaning the home, but in spiritual cleansing, repentance and preparing the soul for Holy Communion. Another theory of the origin of the name “Maundy Thursday” reminds us of this - in early Christian times, catechumens (preparing for baptism) were baptized on Holy Saturday, on the eve of Easter. Everyone was preparing for this event. Lent. And therefore, Maundy Thursday was really called clean because before Epiphany and Easter they put themselves in order, so that on Good Friday and Saturday they would not think about it, but think about Christ who died and rose again.

What can and cannot be done on Maundy Thursday? (Priest Stefan Domusci answers). Is it possible to visit a cemetery on Maundy Thursday? On Maundy Thursday you need to visit the temple. Actually, if a person has a question about whether he can or cannot go to the cemetery, this means that he wants to understand how to do it right, and he wants to do it right. And if this is so, then he should probably listen to the Church, which on this day remembers the institution of the Last Supper and remembers the passion of Christ. They actually took place on Friday, but it so happens that the service dedicated to this event takes place on Maundy Thursday evening. Therefore, naturally, if a person really wants to know how it is accepted in the Church and how to act in order to be with the Church and be a Christian, then he should participate in the liturgy, should take communion on Maundy Thursday, and in the evening, if possible, be reading the 12 Gospels.

Is it possible to clean on Maundy Thursday? Naturally, the house should be clean before Easter. At the same time, spiritual purity is incomparably more important. On this day, it is extremely important to participate in divine services and, most importantly, to realize the holiness of these days. It lies in the fact that we do not repeat what happened once, but we become witnesses to those events, reading passages from Scripture, listening to the words of liturgical texts. We enter into the experience of the disciples who participated in the Last Supper, into the experience of standing before the cross. And this means that we must tune our inner ears to the Gospel. If at the same time we fuss, clean, wash and think that this is very important, then this is the same as putting things in order outside and not cleaning our soul, not putting it in order. This is not true. In this case, it is very important to set your priorities correctly.

Is it possible to get a haircut on Maundy Thursday? Previously, catechumens (preparing for baptism) were baptized on Holy Saturday. They prepared for this event for a very long time. And therefore Maundy Thursday was really called pure because before Easter they put themselves in order, so that on Friday and Saturday they would not think about it, but think about Christ who died and rose again. The perception of these things as unacceptable, I think, is due to the fact that it was more difficult to do this before than it is now. The process of washing and cutting was quite labor-intensive. Therefore, people perceived it as some kind of work. At the same time, they understood that it was not worth working on a holiday, especially on such days when time needed to be devoted to something completely different. Nowadays people take a shower once a day, and it happens within five minutes and is not difficult. To believe that taking a shower somehow offends God or the sanctity of the holiday is simply ridiculous. Therefore, when we ask the question, should we really be dirty and unkempt by Easter, it is clear that since we did not have time to cut our hair before, it is better to do it before Easter in order to look beautiful and neat on the holiday.

What is the attitude of the Church to conspiracies on Maundy Thursday? The Church has a very negative and negative attitude towards this. There are no conspiracies and no signs regarding Maundy Thursday or any other day at all. Except, perhaps, signs related to the weather. But this is a sign in the sense that simply people, living for a long time in one area, saw some patterns that one way or another developed for their region. But, firstly, this does not relate to a specific holiday or memorable day, but to the time of year. And, secondly, it has nothing to do with the life of the person himself, does not mean that he must do something so that later it will somehow have a positive impact on his life. This is all paganism. Customs and rituals of Maundy Thursday Exist great amount folk customs and rituals associated with Maundy Thursday. Of course, it is worth understanding that they are all essentially a continuation of pagan traditions.

The most important Orthodox person on this day - to come to the church for service and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, thereby fulfilling the commandment of the Lord, which He established precisely on Maundy Thursday. Maundy Thursday prayers The prayer texts of this day contain memories of the Last Supper, the establishment of the Sacrament of Communion, and the betrayal of Christ by Judas. They already feel sorrow for the coming suffering of the Lord. The Gospel reading for Maundy Thursday offers us to read a description of the Last Supper, compiled from the stories of all four evangelists. On this day, during the service, instead of the “Cherubic Song” and the sacramental verses, the prayer is sung: “Today of Thy secret supper, O Son of God, accept me as a partaker: I will not tell the secret to Thy enemies, nor will I kiss Thee like Judas, but like a thief I will confess Thee: remember me, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom.” In the evening, a service is held with the reading of the twelve Passionate Gospels. These passages reveal to us a complete picture of the terrible suffering of the Savior. Believers stand in the temple with lit candles in their hands. After each reading of the Gospel, the choir sings with thanksgiving: “Glory to Your long-suffering, O Lord!”

In 2018 it falls on April 5, and indeed this is the last Thursday before Easter 2018, which Orthodox Christians will celebrate this year April 8. In the article you can learn about Maundy Thursday, find out the customs and signs of this day, what you can and cannot do on this day.

The most important day of Holy Week after the Resurrection of Christ is Maundy Thursday, which in 2018 falls on April 5 for Orthodox Christians and March 29 for Catholics. According to the Gospel, on the Thursday before the crucifixion of the Son of God, four important events occurred:

  • Jesus washed the feet of his disciples
  • conducted the Last Supper, sacraments,
  • told about sincere prayer to the Lord
  • and ultimately the betrayal of Judas occurred.

One of the fundamental evangelical events is the Last Supper. After all, it was there that Jesus washed the feet of each of his disciples, teaching them the most valuable lesson of humility.

What should you do on Maundy Thursday?

What Maundy Thursday is can be learned from the very name of the holiday; on Maundy Thursday, from time immemorial, our ancestors were cleansed physically and spiritually. It was believed that bathing before sunrise washed away sins, relieved anxiety and fear, healed and strengthened health. Those who have not yet risen the sun can already take a bath or a cleansing shower. But it’s not too late to do this during the day.

After cleansing the body on Maundy Thursday, it is customary for the whole family to go to church to confess and receive communion. Also on Maundy Thursday they helped those in need. These actions will help spiritual cleansing.

On this day, anyone can make Thursday salt. It is believed that it has special powers and protects households from evil spirits and evil spirits. This food additive can be used as a seasoning when preparing Easter dishes.

Upon returning from the temple, you need to do a general cleaning in the house, clear the house of unnecessary things, wipe the dust off the furniture, wash things and prepare for happy holiday Easter. It was on this day that pies were baked, eggs were painted, Easter cakes were baked and other holiday treats were prepared. It should be noted that all actions must be accompanied by good thoughts, there is no need to be angry with someone or something on this day, preferably on other days too.

What should you not do on Maundy Thursday?

  • An old belief says that on Maundy Thursday you cannot borrow anything, you cannot share anything - no matter what you are asked to do - borrow money, an item, a pen or a little salt.
  • On Clean Thursday you cannot work on the ground, plant or even water plants.
  • No matter how appetizing Easter dishes may look, you cannot try them during or after cooking.
  • You cannot do handicrafts on this day.
  • You cannot guess and engage in esoteric practices or witchcraft.
  • You cannot leave it overnight from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday soaked laundry that didn’t have time to wash, and unwashed dishes.
  • You cannot play gambling, any games for money - you can lose your luck for a year in advance, do not bet, do not argue on something and do not bet your head.
  • You cannot make trade transactions.
  • Do not play weddings, do not submit applications to the registry office, do not sign.

Maundy Thursday: traditions, signs, rituals

  • If you clean up on this day, you can find what you have been looking for for a long time. If you leave the house uncleaned, you shouldn’t expect anything good from next year.
  • It was believed that if all the money in the house was counted three times, prosperity and prosperity would reign in the family.
  • good and sunny weather Maundy Thursday speaks of the warm remainder of spring; a rainy day predicts cold and dampness until summer.
  • Popular beliefs prohibit lending anything on this day, because along with this, happiness and prosperity are given away.
  • To attract wealth, coins were sometimes thrown into the water intended for cleaning, saying: “Money, move - don’t transfer!”

Visiting a temple is the most important tradition of any religious holiday. It is believed that if you bring a lighted candle home from the temple on this day and it does not go out during the journey, the current year will be happy for the person. To save a patient from a serious illness, a church candle should be placed at the head of the bed and wait until it burns out. The remaining wax must be taken and buried near the temple.

How to make Thursday black salt

To do this, we need ordinary coarse rock salt and a cast iron frying pan, which needs to be heated to 200 degrees. But you need to remember that add salt healing power, which can protect you and your home from the evil eye and damage, is possible only on the night from Wednesday to Maundy Thursday. Therefore, you need to prepare all the ingredients in the evening and start cooking at night. In ancient times, for cooking Thursday salt used kvass grounds or spices: They were calcined in a coal oven. The salt turned black during cooking.

White salt must be mixed with a wet additive. In our case we will use Rye bread, mint, dill and oregano. For 1 kilogram of salt you will need 4 loaves of bread and one hundred grams of each herb, which must first be dried and finely chopped.

Then you need to separate the bread crumb and soak it in water, leaving it for a while. Then you need to squeeze out the bread crumb and mix it with herbs and salt. After this, you should fry the resulting composition in a frying pan or put it in the oven. While the product is being prepared, you must read the Lord's Prayer.

Be sure to watch how the salt crackles as it cooks. If it cracks a lot, then your house is damaged. Therefore, you will have to pierce the salt until it stops making sounds: this way you can protect your home from bad influences. The finished black salt should be cooled, crushed and placed in containers and bags. It is advisable to consecrate it in church.

Conspiracies for Thursday salt

Healing salt is used for a whole year until next Maundy Thursday against various troubles and adversities.

Conspiracy from trouble

If trouble has entered the house, then it is recommended to pour this magical remedy into every corner to consecrate the house. It will drive away evil. Moreover, be sure to place a fragrant amulet on the table in a salt shaker. Let family members use this seasoning for a while. At the same time, say this:

“Thursday salt protects the throne of peace! He sits in the corners, the devil is watching! Amen!".

Conspiracy against quarrels and scandals

If a scandal in the family occurs between spouses, then you need to place a small bag with this remedy under the pillow. It will calm both the inflamed brain and the unrestrained tongue. This is also done when one of the family members reacts too emotionally to certain events. Salt will help him look at them from a different perspective. When you start putting the bag in, say the following words:

“Salt of Thursday, take off the veils of anger, take them to the churchyard. Peace will increase for us. Amen!".

Conspiracy for peace in the family

For peace and well-being, salt the headboards of the beds of all household members. This is the tradition. They also place a salt shaker in the center of the table with this product. She will suggest profitable ideas and help in their implementation. This is the conspiracy.

During Orthodox holiday Everyone can get rid of accumulated negativity and bring prosperity into their lives. On Maundy Thursday, even ordinary cleaning can be turned into money ritual. You can learn how to do this from our article.

On April 5, everyone can ask for support from their heavenly patrons. Remember that rituals should not harm others. Don't be greedy, because you can't earn all the money in the world. However, everyone can bring the energy of monetary luck into life on this day. Eliminate the negative attitude, and then you can achieve success. On Maundy Thursday, start any business with a prayer that will allow you to cleanse yourself of negativity and tune in to good luck and prosperity.

How to attract money on Maundy Thursday

1. Before mopping the floors, place three coins of different denominations in a basin or bucket. Lower them into the water one by one, while saying: “The coins were earned through honest labor, not taken away, not stolen. The first will get rid of debts, the second will get rid of unnecessary expenses, the third will attract money". Wash the floor and throw the water over the threshold. Take the coins into the house and hide them in a secluded place.

2. From the very morning on Maundy Thursday, be sure to count your savings. Have positive thoughts and think about what you will do with your savings. Be sure to leave a small amount to make any charitable contribution. The energy of goodness and creation will return to you, multiplied several times, and the money you gave will also return to you in kindness.

3. On this day, you should not borrow or lend so that the monetary energy remains in your home. If loans cannot be avoided, read the plot: “Money for a good cause is always returned on time.”

4. If you have a pair of old shoes in your house, put a coin in it with the words: “The roads are well traveled in boots, it’s time to say goodbye to shoes. As soon as the shoes are found, the coins are taken, and the money will go into the house again.”. Take your shoes to a crowded place, and open them wide on the way back. front door with words: "Welcome!".

5. Scatter coins around the house, saying: “How much wealth is scattered around the house - no one counted, how many times I step on a coin, so much will be added to my wallet.” Do not remove the coins for 24 hours and try to ensure that household members step on them as often as possible. Then put the money in a piggy bank or opaque container. As soon as it is full, money energy will become a permanent guest in your home.

6. You can talk about wealth with your wallet. To do this, place it on the windowsill during dawn. It must contain at least one bill and coin. As soon as the sun appears over the horizon, say: “The radiant sun comes into the world, drives away the night, delivers from negativity. Light up my wealth. Increase your finances. The money will be used not for a bad cause, but for a good cause.”

7. Many housewives use water to wash windows and doors, into which they place charmed coins and a handful of Thursday salt. The words of the conspiracy are simple: “I will wash the house clean, remove dirt from the windows and doors. Money luck If he doesn’t pass by a clean home, he’ll turn into my house.” After cleaning, place the coins on the windowsill and near the threshold and do not remove them for three days.

8. Hold a few coins in your hand and read the Lord's Prayer three times. Then go outside the house, clutching the money, and say the words of the conspiracy: “Lord, have mercy on me, a sinful servant (name). Grant your forgiveness and blessing". Throw the money in an arc, as if sowing grains, and say: “In the name of good, the earth gives a rich harvest, feeds the people, and adds strength. So my money will bear fruit and go to a good cause.”

On Maundy Thursday, you can perform any ritual that will attract financial abundance into your life. In addition, at this time you can attract the energy of love and good luck, which will definitely enter your life after the celebration of Easter. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.04.2018 02:31

Everyone dreams of having material wealth. But live without denying yourself what you need, and sometimes allow...

In the series of days of Holy Week, Thursday is one of the most significant. It is called Clean because on this day people are cleansed of sins and finish cleaning the house before Easter. Rituals and rituals on Maundy Thursday, signs and customs, prayers and conspiracies for family and home, for unmarried girls associated with well-being, personal happiness and health.

What signs should you pay attention to on Maundy Thursday?

If you believe the signs for Maundy Thursday, then on this day you need to take water treatments before sunrise and finish cleaning the house. For financial well-being, you need to count all the money in the house in the morning (at dawn), in the afternoon and in the evening (at sunset). This is done in private so that no one distracts. Financial stability should also be ensured by washing windows and doors with water into which a handful of coins have been thrown. After washing, the coins are hidden away, and the water is poured under a tree growing in the yard. From evil spirits will protect washing with silver infused water. To do this, silver is placed in a vessel with water overnight, and in the morning this water is used for washing. To believe or not to believe in omens for Maundy Thursday? The Church considers them superstition. At the same time, we cannot ignore the experience of our ancestors. There is a fine line between prohibited acts and established traditions that have become firmly entrenched in our lives.

How to behave on Maundy Thursday - signs, customs

One of the main signs on Maundy Thursday is the custom of taking water procedures before sunrise. Thursday water has miraculous properties. If you bathe in it, all the sins accumulated over the year are washed away. Another important ritual is cleaning the house. Started on Monday of Holy Week, it must be completed on Thursday. After this, you can move on to other things. In order to get everything done, it is advisable not to delay it, but to start cleaning after visiting the church. It is believed that if Easter cakes baked on Thursday turn out to be tasteless, then the year will not be very successful. On Maundy Thursday, signs, customs and rituals are strictly observed.

What unmarried women should do on Maundy Thursday - signs, customs for girls

On Maundy Thursday, signs and customs for girls relate to external attractiveness and personal happiness. Washing with silver promises not only health and deliverance from evil spirits, but also beauty. If you cut the ends of your hair, they will be healthy and beautiful. Having stayed too long as a girl, the girl had to dry herself with a towel on Maundy Thursday, and on Easter, with Easter cakes and eggs, give it as alms. The ritual promised mutual love and quick marriage. A favorable outcome is also promised by a sign when a girl, according to a long-established custom, looks out the window on Maundy Thursday and sees a healthy young man.

What signs, customs, conspiracies, prayers exist on Maundy Thursday?

On Maundy Thursday there are other signs, customs, conspiracies and prayers. Silver is placed in the water collected on Maundy Thursday and left until Easter. To wash with such water on Christ’s bright Sunday means to gain wealth and beauty. On Maundy Thursday, signs, customs, conspiracies, prayers have special magical powers.


Lord! Have mercy and save!

I come to You in prayer.

And forgive me for my sins

I beg you, Almighty.

Help me cleanse my soul

Me from my vain sins.

Save me, God, save me

From hopeless deeds and thoughts.

Give strength to your wounded soul

Rip off the slippers of sinful dirt,

Everything that is planned to be accomplished

Despite evil and the machinations of scum.

Save and have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen.

Prayer Maundy Thursday, cleanse me from all evil

As confession cleanses, as water removes dirt, so you, Thursday, be pure, cleanse me from all evil, from offending people, from disobedience, from intemperance, from devilish blasphemy, from bad rumors, from evil conversations, demonic disputes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy for beauty

They read on Maundy Thursday before sunrise, bowing on all four sides.

"I'll get up

Servant of God (name),

At the clear dawn,

I'll bow first

To a beautiful star,

I'll wash myself with dew,

I'll wipe myself with a girl's braid.

Be my white face

Whiter than white light,

Scarlet cheeks are redder

Red sun,

Eyes are brighter

A clear month.

My eyebrows be

Blacker than black earth,

So that the guys are all

As one,

Word couldn't

I don't mind saying

Take your eyes off me.

I would like everyone

She was whiter and sweeter,

More desirable

And more beautiful.

My word is molded,

My business is tenacious.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

Spell for strong bonds between husband and wife

On Maundy Thursday, one thread is twisted from two spools and placed across the threshold. After the husband steps over the thread, it is tied with a knot in the middle and hidden away. When tying a knot, they say:

"Servant of God (name) and I,

His thread

Twisted together

Tightly rolled.

Like a knot on this thread

It won't come undone

So he is never with me

It won't part."

Maundy Thursday conspiracy for quick marriage

They wash themselves with cat milk, saying:

"How everyone pets cats

And how cats cling to everyone,

So do my suitors

They won't let you pass.

Now and forever

And forever and ever.

Maundy Thursday - signs, customs, what not to do in church and at home

What not to do on Maundy Thursday, what do the signs say and what customs exist?

  • Sitting is not allowed in church during services.
  • In order for there to be prosperity in the house, a candle lit in church should not go out on the way home.
  • Do nothing, do not eat or drink until the liturgy and communion in church.
  • Don't give anything to anyone - no matches, no salt, nothing else.
  • Can't leave dirty dishes and laundry soaked for washing.
  • You can't cook anything for festive table, bake Easter cakes and paint eggs until the end of cleaning.

What other signs, customs, and what not to do should be observed on Maundy Thursday? The Church does not approve of fortune telling, conspiracies and other rituals that came into our culture from pagan times.

We told you what signs and customs exist on Maundy Thursday, conspiracies and prayers, signs for girls, what you should not do on this day. It's up to you to follow them or not.

Since ancient times, Thursday has been credited with special power, since it is he who is the harbinger of the severe, inhuman suffering of Christ, after which his Resurrection came.


All traditions of celebrating this day and its special reading were formed during the period of early Christianity. At the Last Supper (remember how emotionally Leonardo da Vinci depicted it!) Christ last time had a meal with the students. Unlike them, he already knew what awaited him ahead, and said that one of the students would betray him. At the same time, Christ, knowing everything, washed the feet of the disciples - thus showing love for them and true humility. By repeating this action today, clergy show the importance of humility and tolerance towards other people.

At the Last Supper, Christ established such a Sacrament of the Church as Holy Communion - the Eucharist. He broke the bread and offered wine to the disciples, accompanying this offer with the words: “Take, eat, this is My Body given for you, and My Blood shed for you.” This tradition has remained unchanged since then, and for all Christians. Catholics, Orthodox and Lutherans eat wine and bread, meaning by them the body and blood of Christ. So these are deeply symbolic actions.

Starting from Maundy Thursday, churches commemorate the last period of the Savior’s life on earth. In a high sense, Maundy Thursday is a symbol of the transition to spiritual cleansing and leaving behind a sinful, mortal life. Since this is so, believers should come to church on this day and receive communion.

The strictest food restrictions begin on Thursday. Let us especially emphasize: these restrictions apply to both food and alcohol; it is also strictly recommended to completely abstain from smoking.


Over the centuries that have passed since the evening when Christ took the meal at the Last Supper, the traditions of meeting Maundy Thursday as a whole have not changed, but sometimes they have become overgrown with some “folk speculation” about how to behave correctly. The main traditions have existed for many centuries: on Maundy Thursday they try to swim before sunrise, go to church and take communion, and also begin to prepare the house for Easter.

But, let’s say, the tradition according to which you need to bring a burning candle from the temple, and even so that it does not go out on the way, can be considered controversial: it is not easy to do this in our time. But you can bring a candle, and, taking precautions, you can light it at home - this will be good and correct. By the way, it is believed that the fire of such a candle protects the house from fire, however, be careful.

Cleaning, washing, washing windows and floors on Maundy Thursday is also a tribute to tradition, especially since in the following days no special work is recommended for people. But the main thing, of course, is not the cleansing of the home, but the cleansing of the soul and body.

Photo: Natalya Feoktistova, "Evening Moscow"

The next feature of Thursday is baking Easter cakes and coloring eggs, as well as preparing Easter cottage cheese. In tradition Armenian Church, for example, also the Thursday “baking” (warming up in the oven) and the blessing of salt - after this it is brought into the house, and it is considered healing.


Of course, over the centuries, the traditions of Maundy Thursday have been tinted in some places with pagan motifs: for example, in Georgia this day is celebrated the way the Slavs celebrate the night of Ivan Kupala. True, the official Georgian church does not support these pagan manifestations of the holiday.

Since ancient times, in the Russian tradition there have been many features common to this day in general and “Thursday cleaning”. For example, it was believed that on this day one should eat with a silver spoon and fork - supposedly this would bring health and beauty. And there are also very confusing things: according to one tradition, you can’t give away anything from home on this day, and “luck will flow away,” but according to another, on the contrary, you need to get rid of all rubbish and things that have not been used for a year are better to be given to other people - they will benefit them. It's up to you to decide how to behave.

It should be taken into account that in the official church tradition there are no instructions on this matter, but sharing with the poor is always good and correct. But the most important thing that needs to be done is to create cleanliness at home, an atmosphere of warmth and joy, light and hope, but without particularly stormy rejoicing - this is still a difficult day. Swearing, gluttony, and slander are also strictly prohibited.