What is state accreditation of a university? How does a license differ from accreditation?

In the vast majority of countries in the world, higher education institutions receive the right to provide educational services by recognizing the compliance of the level of education received in them with accepted standards. University compliance necessary requirements determined by the authorized education control body.

The process of confirming the quality of education state standard, carried out by authorized bodies is called state accreditation of a university. During state accreditation it is recognized as a type educational organization(assigned the status of highest educational institution), and its type (academy, institute or university) in the course of assessing the level of education received and the effectiveness of educational programs used to train students.

An assessment of the level of knowledge of graduates of the educational institution is also given in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard. University accreditation is issued for 5 years; subsequently, the educational institution is subject to re-accreditation.

Due to the fact that, in addition to the accreditation verification of the educational programs themselves, the level of education received through them is also mandatory assessed, state accreditation newly organized educational institutions are carried out after the first graduation of students.

In case of successful accreditation, the university is issued a certificate of state accreditation with an annex indicating all the specialties accredited in this educational institution. In addition to the list of specialties, the type and type of accredited institution is directly stated in the certificate. If an educational institution at the time of state accreditation has branches in other cities, each of them must have a copy of the accreditation certificate with its attachments.

State accreditation of individual branches of educational institutions is not carried out.


Conducts accreditation of educational institutions federal Service for supervision in the field of education and science - Rosobrnadzor. To assist in the accreditation of universities, a National Accreditation Agency has also been organized, which deals directly with organizational issues and the preparation of materials for accreditation.

Verification of a university’s compliance with the requirements of the state educational standard takes place in several stages:

1. Preparatory:

Conducting a self-examination – independent testing of the knowledge of graduates and faculty;

Preparation of a package of documents required for submission to Rosobrnadzor for the official procedure;

Contacting Rosobrnadzor, submitting the required package of documents;

Formation of an accreditation commission;

2. Expert-analytical:

Carrying out an accreditation examination of an educational institution formed by a commission;

Issuance of an accreditation certificate.

3. Final

Making a decision on accreditation

Issuance of accreditation certificate.

Subject to successful completion of the accreditation examination and issuance of a certificate of state accreditation, the university receives a certain status - institute, academy, university.

The university has the right to implement curricula both higher and postgraduate vocational education, makes it possible to undergo both training and retraining and advanced training in many specialties, conduct Scientific research in the field of fundamental science, has the right to scientific and methodological activities in his field.

An academy differs from a university in its narrower focus and the lack of the right to conduct scientific research in the field of fundamental science. The Institute is engaged in narrow-profile professional education in the field of a specific science, where it can conduct methodological developments and basic research.


State accreditation does not simply determine the type and status of an educational institution. A university that has state accreditation is a guarantee of receiving a real, high-quality higher education, it is a state diploma, indicating that its holder really has the knowledge and skills necessary for an employer, it is a guarantee of successful employment, it is all benefits, scholarships and grants provided by the state, it is study and creative exploration, providing knowledge and perspectives.

Unaccredited educational institutions cannot always provide everything necessary knowledge, and a diploma of an “established standard” received in such an institution is a very dubious document, which a potential employer will always look askance at.


Among other things, a university with state accreditation guarantees not only an official diploma, which is sometimes quoted abroad, but also the possibility of subsequent training - master's and postgraduate studies are always available to graduates of an accredited university.

Unaccredited commercial establishments, unfortunately, often offer higher education at the undergraduate level, which does not always correspond even to this level.

The next advantage concerns the male half of all applicants, namely, the right to a deferment from the army is given by studying only at a university that has state accreditation. Moreover, you can count on a deferment only if you obtain specialties that are strictly specified in the Appendix to the certificate of state accreditation of the university.

The opportunity to receive higher education at the expense of the state, that is, at budgetary basis, is available only in universities with state accreditation. The same applies to a variety of student benefits and payments.

All state guarantees regarding them are fulfilled only in state accredited universities. In private educational institutions you cannot count on such an opportunity. All training is at the expense of the student.

At any commercial activities there is a risk of going broke and not making a profit. Unfortunately, in the sphere of providing educational services, the same fierce competition and the same market laws operate, which do not forgive mistakes and unprofitability.

And therefore, alas, not a single private university can guarantee its students that it will not suddenly close due to the unprofitability of the enterprise. The fate of the students in this outcome is very deplorable. No one will return to them either the money they paid in vain or the time they wasted.

By entering a higher educational institution with state accreditation, an applicant insures himself against many troubles, but not a single university can guarantee receiving a full-fledged higher education unless the student himself makes enough efforts to receive a truly significant and valuable diploma at the end of his studies. real, higher education.

On June 16, 2016, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registered the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 334n dated June 2, 2016, in accordance with which the accreditation procedure for specialists will be organized and carried out.

This order explains in detail who will undergo accreditation, what documents are required for admission to accreditation, how the accreditation commission will be formed, how the specialist will be assessed and what to do if the latter was unable to pass accreditation. The Sibmeda medical portal tried to understand all the issues in detail.

Who must be accredited

Gradually, certification will be replaced by an accreditation procedure, which will also be carried out once every 5 years and the transition to which will be carried out in stages. As a result, a specialist upon completion of a higher medical educational institution, residency, and upon expiration of the certificate will be required to undergo the accreditation procedure.

The first to join this process Graduates universities Those of them who did not go to residency or did not pass the entrance examination to continue their education can start working in primary care as a local therapist. But to do this, they must undergo primary specialist accreditation.

For residency graduates a more complex exam is provided - primary specialized accreditation, which they must pass in order to obtain access to specialized medical activities and the opportunity to be called a narrow specialist.

Upon expiration of the specialist’s certificate, periodic accreditation must be carried out every 5 years and all other doctors, conducting practical activities in public or private medical institutions. Those who received their education abroad will not be able to avoid a professional exam. Regardless of whether they have a valid document for the right to practice, they are required to undergo accreditation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Who carries out accreditation?

One of the most exciting questions is who will carry out the accreditation. Unlike certification, this will do specially formed accreditation commission, consisting of representatives from various “sectors” of the health care system. In particular, it will include representatives of professional non-profit organizations, executive authorities in the field of health protection and (or) medical organizations and other organizations engaged in medical and (or) pharmaceutical activities, and (or) trade unions medical workers or their unions (associations); educational and (or) scientific organization implementing medical and (or) pharmaceutical education programs.

As for professional non-profit organizations, the commission can only include those communities that unite at least 25% of doctors from their total number on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In general, only the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation will form the composition of the commission, approving the personnel anew every year. However, the formation of a professional jury will be carried out according to the specialties for which accreditation is carried out.

Naturally, appointment to the commission cannot be random. Required terms for all members of the accreditation commission are the absence of a conflict of interest or other personal interest in the accreditation of a specialist, as well as the presence of higher or secondary vocational education in a specialty corresponding to the specialty for which the accreditation commission is formed, and work experience in the relevant specialty of at least 5 years.

Where is accreditation carried out?

Accreditation of specialists will be carried out on the basis of a subordinate educational and (or) scientific organization. For this purpose, the ministry will create a Methodological Center for Accreditation of Specialists. However, specialists can be examined only on the premises of educational and (or) scientific organizations, technical equipment which allows this to happen.

During accreditation, video and audio signals will be recorded in the premises. Accredited persons are also prohibited from carrying and using communication devices.

There is no information yet on where specialists will be accredited in Novosibirsk. But, according to our assumption, it will be the Novosibirsk State medical University. The base of the Novosibirsk university is perhaps the only one that allows you to test practical skills and solve simulation problems.

Documents for accreditation

So, in order to get into the accreditation procedure, you must first declare your intentions to the accreditation commission. To do this, a graduate or specialist personally submits documents to obtain access to accreditation.

Initial accreditation of graduates requires the submission of the following documents:

1) application for admission to accreditation of a specialist,

2) a copy of an identity document,

3) a copy of documents on higher education and qualifications (with attachments) or on secondary vocational education (with attachments) or an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission;

4) a copy of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if available).

Primary specialized or periodic accreditation requires the submission of a slightly different package of documents:

1) applications for admission to accreditation of a specialist,

2) copies of an identity document,

3) report (portfolio) for the last 5 years about professional activity accredited, including information about individual professional achievements, information about the development of advanced training programs that ensure continuous improvement of professional skills and expansion of qualifications (for periodic accreditation),

4) copies of a specialist’s certificate (if available) or a specialist’s accreditation certificate (if available),

5) copies of documents on higher education and qualifications (with attachments) or on secondary vocational education (with attachments) or an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission,

6) copies work book(in the presence of),

7) copies of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if available).

Within 10 calendar days from the date of submission and registration of documents, the accreditation commission holds a meeting and makes a decision on the admission of a specialist to accreditation of a specialist and on the timing of accreditation of a specialist.

Accreditation procedure

In general, specialist accreditation is a special form of examination consisting of several successive stages. Each stage is an independent exam, without passing which you cannot pass the next test. That is, passing the first stage gives access to passing the second. Accordingly, failure to pass the first stage does not allow the examinee to pass to the next stage.

Primary and primary specialized accreditation include the following stages:

- testing;

- assessment of practical skills (abilities) in simulated conditions;

- solving situational problems.

Periodic accreditation includes stages such as:

- portfolio assessment;

- testing.

Each stage is assessed by the accreditation commission in the “passed”/“failed” format. The stage of testing and assessment of practical skills is considered completed if at least 70% of the answers and practical actions are correct. The stage of solving situational problems is considered completed if 10 or more questions out of 15 possible given right answers.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 334n dated June 2, 2016 does not provide a clear formulation and technology for assessing a specialist’s portfolio and does not explain why the assessment of practical skills and solving situational problems are not included in periodic accreditation. But the document allows us to judge that portfolio assessment should provide an opportunity to evaluate the practical skills and experience of the accredited person. In addition, here the accreditation commission evaluates the level of qualifications of the specialist and his compliance with the requirements for carrying out professional activities in the specialty, which means that the specialist’s portfolio must correspond to the declared and actual level of qualifications.

If accreditation is not passed

In general, three attempts are given to pass each stage of accreditation. If all of them are unsuccessful, the specialist is recognized as having failed accreditation. The absence of a specialist during the accreditation procedure automatically recognizes him as having failed the exam. The accredited person can try his hand again after 11 months, starting all over again. But even the stages passed in the previous accreditation will not be counted towards him.

However, if a specialist has not passed accreditation, then he can file a complaint against the corresponding decision of the accreditation commission to the appeal commission within 2 working days from the date of publication of the results of passing the accreditation stage. The complaint is considered within 5 days. If the decision of the appeal commission is positive, the accredited person can return to the accreditation procedure and start from the stage that he did not pass or did not appear for.

Stages of accreditation

The question of the timing of accreditation still remains open. It started directly in 2016, however, the introduction of accreditation as a technology for obtaining admission will be carried out in several stages. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2016 No. 127n determined the following terms and stages of accreditation of specialists:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 No. 1039, a new Regulation on state accreditation was approved educational activities(hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). Accordingly, previous regulatory legal documents on state accreditation of educational activities from this moment lose force.

It is important to note that, according to this Resolution, certificates of state accreditation that organizations carrying out educational activities have, issued before September 1, 2013, are subject to re-issuance by accreditation bodies before January 1, 2016, based on applications from these organizations.

Who does the document apply to?

The regulation establishes the procedure for state accreditation of educational activities of educational organizations, organizations providing training, as well as individual entrepreneurs, with the exception of individual entrepreneurs carrying out educational activities directly (hereinafter referred to as organizations carrying out educational activities), for the implementation of basic educational programs (with the exception of educational programs for preschool education).

Who conducts

State accreditation is carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science or executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising powers delegated by the Russian Federation in the field of education (hereinafter referred to as accreditation bodies).

How is it carried out?

1. To obtain state accreditation, an organization carrying out educational activities applies to the accreditation body with an application for state accreditation, to which is attached a number of documents and information specified in the Regulations. The application forms and information attached to it about the implementation of educational programs, as well as the requirements for their completion and execution, are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The application and accompanying documents are submitted in one of the following ways:

a) on paper or registered by post with a description of the contents and a notification of delivery;

b) in the form electronic document signed with an electronic signature.

The accreditation body receives them according to the inventory and registers them within 1 working day.

2. The application and the documents attached to it are checked by the accreditation body for:

a) assignment of state accreditation to the competence of the accreditation body;

b) availability of a license to carry out educational activities according to the declared educational programs, for state accreditation;

c) the expiration of 1 year from the date of refusal of the organization carrying out educational activities in state accreditation or deprivation of state accreditation;

d) the correctness of execution and completion of the application and attached documents, completeness of the attached documents.

3. In case of a positive decision, the application and the documents attached to it are accepted for consideration on the merits, and the applicant is given or sent a corresponding notice.

4. In case of non-compliance of the submitted documents with the requirements of the Regulations, the applicant receives a notice of non-compliance, as well as information that in order to carry out state accreditation it is necessary to submit to the accreditation body a correctly executed and completed application and attached documents and (or) missing documents within 2 months.

Otherwise, the applicant’s acceptance and consideration of documents will be denied, and the documents will be returned.

An organization carrying out educational activities has the right to submit an application no earlier than 1 year after its refusal to state accreditation or deprivation of its state accreditation.

The basis for termination of consideration by the accreditation body of the application and attached documents and returning them to the applicant is the entry into force of a court decision during the state accreditation procedure on the administrative suspension of activities or on the revocation of a license to carry out educational activities.

5. If the documents are accepted for consideration, then the accreditation body conducts an accreditation examination, the subject of which is to determine the compliance of the content and quality of training of students in an organization carrying out educational activities with the federal state educational standards declared for state accreditation of educational programs.

When conducting an accreditation examination of educational activities in educational programs that ensure the implementation of educational standards, an accreditation examination in terms of the content of student training is not carried out.

Accreditation examination is carried out separately in relation to educational programs implemented in an organization carrying out educational activities and in each of its branches.

Based on the results of the accreditation examination, a conclusion of the expert group is prepared, a copy of which is sent to the organization carrying out educational activities or is handed over to its authorized representative against signature.

6. The accreditation body reviews the conclusion of the expert group and makes a decision on the compliance or non-compliance of the content and quality of training of students in an organization carrying out educational activities, including in each of its branches, with federal state educational standards in terms of each level of education, enlarged group of professions, specialty and areas of training, which include educational programs applied for state accreditation, and makes a decision on state accreditation or refusal of state accreditation.

7. When making a decision on state accreditation, the accreditation body issues an organization carrying out educational activities a certificate of state accreditation with an attachment. A certificate without an attachment is invalid.

Validity period of the accreditation certificate:

a) 6 years - for an organization carrying out educational activities to implement basic professional educational programs;

b) 12 years - for an organization carrying out educational activities to implement basic general education programs.

8. The accreditation body refuses state accreditation of an organization carrying out educational activities if one of the following grounds is present:

a) identification of unreliable information in documents submitted by an organization carrying out educational activities;

b) the presence of a negative conclusion from the expert group.

9.An educational organization or organization providing training that arose as a result of reorganization in the form of a merger, division or separation, or reorganized in the form of annexation of another educational organization or organization providing training, is issued a temporary certificate for 1 year.

10. For the issuance of a certificate (temporary certificate), a state duty is paid in the amounts and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

11. The regulation also establishes the grounds and procedure for reissuing the accreditation certificate, issuing a duplicate in the event of loss or damage to the certificate with an attachment, the procedure for suspension, renewal, termination and deprivation of state accreditation.

The document can be viewed in full, for example, on the Garant website.

What to do?

1.Read the document carefully.

2.Make a decision on the timing of re-issuing the certificate or passing state accreditation. Make a plan.

2.Contact the accreditation body. Consult on any questions that interest you.

Accreditation under new rules

In 2017, Rosobrnadzor deprived dozens of universities across the country of accreditation and licenses. IN recent months Hundreds of students from MITRO, the First Moscow Law Institute, the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law and other universities were left out of higher education, many of them before defending their diplomas. Students are worried about the future of their education, and for good reason. A university without accreditation does not have the right to issue state diplomas, because the presence of accreditation just means that the quality of education meets federal standards. Other privileges are also lost: students are no longer guaranteed a deferment from the army, the institution cannot use tax breaks or maternity capital when paying for education.

If accreditation is lost, the university must notify students within five working days and also post an announcement online. However, as a rule, management withholds information until the last minute, and for many students the news comes as a surprise.

Lack of accreditation does not deprive a university of the opportunity to educate students. In accordance with the Federal Law “On Licensing individual species activities" the university will close only if it loses its license. A university deprived of accreditation can issue its own diploma - a non-state standard, but such a “crust” has no value.

"This document is in modern conditions nobody needs. How in professional organizations both in companies and in the civil service, a non-state diploma is not valued. With it, among other things, you cannot enroll in a master’s program or get a second higher education,” explains Grigory Shabanov, vice-rector for academic affairs at RosNOU.

How to transfer to another university

If a student does not want to remain a dropout, the only way out is to complete his studies elsewhere. The procedure for transferring from a university deprived of accreditation is regulated by the federal law“On education in the Russian Federation.” It sets out a special procedure that guarantees that students' rights are respected. By law, the university is obliged to ensure the transfer of students to other universities while maintaining the conditions of study. The student has the right to count on the same specialty, form and cost of training, course.

According to general director legal bureau "Amelin and Kopystyrinsky" Alexander Amelin, the transfer period does not depend on the time of the school year.

“The student must write a transfer application addressed to the management of his university. For minors, such a statement is written by one of the parents or a legal representative. Within 5 days, the university is obliged to provide a list of educational institutions ready to accept students,” says the lawyer.

He adds that it is possible to change the specialty. Then in the application you need to write about your desire to transfer to another educational program.

If a student does not agree with the transfer, he can obtain a certificate and independently transfer to other universities. However, according to Grigory Shabanov, in this case not a single serious university will accept him. Therefore, the student needs to try to choose the best option from those organizations that the rector’s office offers him a choice. As soon as the student has chosen a new university, it is worth contacting this organization and clarifying whether it actually carries out the transfer, and also once again discussing the conditions that will be preserved.

State certification at another university

Sometimes universities that have been deprived of accreditation do not inform students about this and proceed with graduation as if nothing had happened. In this case, in order to receive a state diploma, students have the right to undergo state final certification as an external student at an accredited university.

“The Russian New University provides the opportunity for students of other universities to pass the GIA, but only if they studied in the areas of training that we have. Otherwise, we would have to separately develop a huge package of methodological and regulatory documents for each profile. In addition, not all universities conscientiously comply with the legislation in the field of education, and we cannot take their students either,” says the vice-rector of RosNOU.

According to Shabanov, the duration of the procedure depends on how prepared the student is. All disciplines studied after the university was deprived of accreditation are subject to re-certification. This also applies to practice, so the university must find time to conduct consultations, recertify the person, schedule a defense time, provide time to prepare for the exam, and at the same time comply with all deadlines set by the Ministry of Education. As a rule, this takes from three to six months. The student receives a diploma from the university in which he passed the state final certification.

In what cases can you receive compensation?

What is certification of an educational institution, why is it needed?

Certification of an educational institution is carried out in order to find out how well the level of knowledge of its graduates corresponds to established state standards.

During the certification of an educational institution, the availability of a license is checked, the results final exams over the past three years. In addition, pupils or students of a certified educational institution write special test and test papers.

Certification is carried out once every five years, so before the expiration of the old certification report, it is worth asking when the certification will be carried out and whether it will be carried out at all. If an educational institution does not pass certification, it is deprived of accreditation. If it passes the certification successfully, it is admitted to state accreditation.

The essence of state accreditation is that an educational institution confirms that it is either a higher educational institution (university, academy, institute) or a secondary professional institution(technical school, school, college), or a general educational institution (school, gymnasium, lyceum).

Why should an educational institution have state accreditation?

The purpose of accreditation of a university is to establish (confirm for the next term) its state accreditation status by type (higher educational institution) and type (institute, academy, university) with the establishment of a list of educational programs of higher professional education for which the university has the right to issue education documents to graduates state standard.

State accreditation of an educational institution gives it the right to issue state-issued diplomas (certificates) in accredited educational programs.

Before enrolling in an educational institution, you should find out whether it is accredited.

Public accreditation is recognition that graduates of a higher educational institution have a more or less satisfactory level of education. Public accreditation is carried out by public educational, professional, scientific and industrial organizations; it does not entail the issuance of state diplomas.

Branches of a higher educational institution undergo licensing and certification independently, and accreditation - as part of the university. If branches teach without their own license to conduct educational activities in general or in individual specialties, citing the presence of a license from the base university, this is a violation of the law.

Accreditation is given for a period of up to five years. Accreditation is confirmed by a certificate that confirms the right of the university to issue state-issued documents to its graduates. Programs for which training is accredited are indicated not in the certificate itself, but in an appendix to it. The levels of education (bachelor, specialist, master), professions taught by the university, branches and a list of accredited programs in which training is provided in each branch are also indicated there.

In the event of liquidation or reorganization of an educational institution (merger, accession, division, spin-off), its accreditation becomes invalid and the certificate is invalidated.

What criteria are used to accredit higher education institutions?

Accreditation is carried out according to the following eight criteria:

Quality of training - the level of requirements for applicants is checked, the quality of training of students and graduates meets the requirements of state educational standards, the effectiveness of the intra-university system for ensuring the quality of education, the level of organization of students' research work, and the demand for graduates.

Educational activities of an educational institution - the conditions created in educational institution, for extracurricular work, as well as the organization of educational work with students.

Range of implemented basic educational programs.

Possibility of continuing education in educational programs of postgraduate and additional professional education.

Scientific, scientific and technical activities and their effectiveness.

Methodical work.

Qualification of teaching staff.

Which body accredits a higher education institution?

The accreditation of the university is carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science on the basis of the certification conclusion, the results of the examination of the university’s indicators and accreditation criteria for universities various types, approved by the accreditation body.

Accreditation issues are considered by the collegial body of the accreditation body, which includes representatives federal bodies executive power, which has universities under its jurisdiction, public organizations and state-public associations in the system of higher professional education, heads of universities.

What confirms that a higher education institution has passed accreditation?

The decision to accredit a university is approved by an administrative document of the accreditation body, on the basis of which the university is issued a certificate of state accreditation.

The certificate is a document confirming the status of the university, the compliance of the content and quality of training of graduates in accredited programs with the requirements of state educational standards, the right of the university to issue state-issued documents to its graduates on the appropriate level of education. The certificate is signed by the head of the accreditation body and certified by the seal of this body.

The certificate indicates registration number, date of issue and validity period of the certificate, location (legal address) of the university and its full name, including the name (including a special one - conservatory, higher school etc.), type of university (institute, academy, university), organizational and legal form.

If during accreditation it is established that the status of a university differs from that indicated in its name, the university is issued a temporary certificate for a period of no more than six months indicating its name. This certificate gives the university given period all rights of a higher educational institution that has state accreditation. A permanent certificate is issued to the university based on an application and constituent documents with the name of the university brought in accordance with the status established during accreditation.

The appendix to the certificate indicates accredited programs of all levels of education implemented by the university, as well as levels of education, qualifications (degrees) that will be awarded to graduates, the name and location of branches, a list of accredited programs implemented in each branch.

A certificate without an attachment is invalid.

The certificate is valid for the duration of the accreditation period, after which it becomes invalid.

The validity of the certificate is renewed in the same manner as its receipt. Additions to the certificate concerning accredited programs of the university and its branches are documented as an appendix to the certificate.

Can a university be denied accreditation if it has not passed certification?

Accreditation of a higher education institution is carried out on the basis of conclusions on the certification of the university. A higher educational institution of any organizational and legal form, in addition to obtaining a license to conduct educational activities in educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education, issued by the federal (central) governing body of higher professional education on the basis of the conclusions of an expert commission, must undergo state accreditation and certification to obtain the right for the issuance of state-issued documents. The purpose of the latter is to establish compliance of the content, level and quality of training of graduates of a higher educational institution with the requirements of state educational standards of higher professional education in areas of training (specialties).

A negative conclusion based on the results of certification serves as the basis for refusing accreditation to a university.