What is Norbekov exercises, examples of exercises. Exercises for the spine according to Norbekov Norbekov exercises for joints

Diseases of the spine and joints are an extremely pressing problem of modern society, since every year the number of people suffering from degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the musculoskeletal system is only increasing, and the age of such patients is no longer advanced.

Chronic pain in the joints and back significantly reduces the quality of life of people, which forces them to take armfuls of painkillers, and, as we know, such medications are far from harmless. Therefore, patients are increasingly turning to alternative methods of therapy, one of which is Norbekov’s joint gymnastics.

Who is M. S. Norbekov

Norbekov Mirzakarim Sanakulovich is a Russian and Uzbek practitioner of alternative medicine, writer, “Doctor of Psychology and Philosophy of Medicine.” True, the healer awarded the doctorate degree to himself independently, since there is not a single proof of its authenticity.

Norbekov is also the founder and director of such an organization as the Institute of Human Self-Healing, and since 2010, the director of the LLC Center for Educational and Health Technologies M. S. Norbekova.

From the pen of Mirzakarim Sanakulovich, several dozen books have been published describing his author’s method of healing the body (Norbekov’s system). It must be emphasized that the author’s books have been published in multi-million copies not only in the CIS countries, but also abroad.

Many critics consider Norbekov a charlatan who uses suggestive influence methods in his classes, and some argue that the healer’s technique is harmful to health. However, there are more than one thousand people for whom exercise according to Norbekov really helped get rid of joint pain.

Norbekov system

The healing technique of this alternative medicine practice is called the “Norbekov System”. This is a whole complex of influences of alternative medical science, which is aimed at improving health, increasing vitality and developing intuition. When performing the exercises, special attention is paid to psychology and treatment with words.

The system includes several courses that are aimed at improving the condition of various human organs and systems. For example, in addition to the section devoted to the musculoskeletal system, the technique of improving vision has earned wide popularity.

To fully master the Norbekov system, you will have to attend 3 courses:

  1. Basic wellness.
  2. Preparatory.
  3. Basic.

Only after this, according to the traditional healer, can you gain control over your body and mind and be cured of any disorders in the body.

Problems of gymnastics for joints according to Norbekov

As has already become clear, exercises for joints are only part of Norbekov’s system, but many undergo the entire educational and health course for this very purpose.

The main goals of therapeutic exercises:

  1. Improving the health of the body as a whole, and not just individual groups of joints. During any exercise, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are strengthened, which has a positive effect on the human condition. In addition, exercise therapy improves mood and increases vitality.
  2. Regaining full control over your body. Many ailments of the musculoskeletal system lead to limited range of motion and the inability to perform previously habitual actions, which negatively affects not only physical but also mental health. Therefore, such exercises are simply necessary for patients.
  3. Restoring mobility and flexibility of the spine. Such abilities are a sign of a person’s youth, so exercises that can restore these functions to the body again only have a positive effect on health.
  4. Improving the functioning of muscles and ligaments. Exercise strengthens these musculoskeletal components, which provides excellent support and protection for the skeleton and joints, preventing further damage.
  5. Strengthening inner peace and faith in one’s capabilities, for which various psychological techniques are used.

Rules for performing exercises

The main rule for performing Norbekov’s exercises and the key to success is the right positive attitude. As the author himself states, a good mood is 99% of success and only 1% depends on the gymnastics itself.

Basic rules of gymnastics according to Norbekov:

  1. Before class, you need to create a good mood for yourself. It doesn’t matter if this is done artificially, the main thing is to do the exercises with a smile and pleasure. If this cannot be achieved on a particular day, then it is better to skip the lesson altogether.
  2. Classes should be held regularly and daily.

All exercises should be performed only with a positive attitude

Like any other therapeutic gymnastics, Norbekov’s technique has its prohibitions for practice.

Contraindications to Norbekov’s exercises:

  • pregnancy;
  • operations that were performed recently;
  • mental disorders in humans;
  • suffered a stroke or heart attack less than 3 months ago;
  • period of exacerbations of chronic pathology;
  • acute pain in the joints and back;
  • the appearance of severe pain during exercise.

Important! Before you start training, you need to consult with a specialist about the appropriateness of the chosen set of exercises and find out if you have any contraindications to exercise therapy. This applies to any exercise, not just Norbekov’s gymnastics.

A set of basic exercises

There are a lot of exercises for joints in Norbekov’s system. They allow you to work out every joint in the body, even the smallest ones. The entire program takes about 1-1.5 hours. But some people don’t have that much free time, so below is a selection from the entire program, the quintessence, so to speak.

For joints of legs and arms

  • we stretch our arms in front of us, gradually clench and unclench our fists;
  • We try to click one by one with all fingers;
  • after that, shake your hands, relaxing the muscles;
  • we stretch our arms in front of us and rhythmically perform flexion and extension at the wrist joints;
  • perform turns with your hands - turn your outstretched arms with your palms up, then down;
  • rotate at the wrist joints, with the fingers clenched into fists;
  • we spread our arms to the sides and perform rotations in the elbow joints;
  • then rotate the shoulder joints;
  • slowly bring our shoulders together to meet each other, then spread them as far apart as possible;
  • alternately raise and lower your shoulders;
  • then shake again and relax your hands;
  • we stand on one leg, the second one is slightly higher than the floor, alternately pull the toe up, then lower it down (repeat for the second leg);
  • perform rotations at the ankle joint for two legs in turn;
  • we hold on to the support and stand on one leg, bend the limb at the knee joint at a right angle and perform rotational movements with the shin alternately for both legs;
  • We raise our legs one by one and perform circular movements in the hip joints.

You can practice according to Norbekov’s method with the whole family

For the spine

  • tilting your head back and forth, left and right;
  • We pull our chin up as much as possible and in this position we turn our heads to the sides;
  • a similar exercise, only the chin looks down;
  • circular movements in the cervical spine;
  • We fold our arms in a lock on our chest, direct our shoulders towards each other, while spreading our shoulder blades as far apart as possible, and tilting our head towards the chest;
  • we put our hands in a lock on the lower back and perform a similar exercise, while we bring our shoulder blades together as much as possible and tilt our head back;
  • we try to reach the floor with our hands;
  • we place our hands on the lower back, rest our fists on it and bend over, trying to bring our elbows together behind our backs;
  • hands on the belt, perform body turns to the right and left and bends back and forth;
  • We perform circular movements with the pelvis, first clockwise, then counterclockwise;
  • We raise our arms as high as possible and try to stretch as high as possible, while keeping our feet on the floor.

Full version of gymnastics for joints according to Norbekov:

Norbekov’s joint gymnastics is not just exercises, but specially selected exercises that, together with a good mood and the mood for recovery, will help you quickly forget about pain in the back or in other joints.

Academician Norbekov is widely known throughout the world for his systems for healing the body. His gymnastics for the spine deserve special attention. Norbekov was one of the first who began to treat the disease from the inside, and not just its external symptoms, reaching the very depths in this. Diseases such as osteochondrosis, hernia and other pathologies of the spine are not only a consequence of certain processes in bone tissue, but also malfunctions of the body as a whole. Metabolism and hormonal levels change, stress or depression are possible - all this has a negative impact. Norbekov’s gymnastics for the spine helps eliminate many of these factors, promoting a person’s health and allowing him to find inner harmony.

Norbekov himself, describing his system, says that only 1% of success is exercise, and the remaining 99% is positive infusion and the psychology of self-hypnosis. The latter helps create a good mood. You need to mentally imagine the state of pleasant languor that is the result of gymnastics, and do each exercise in this comfortable feeling.

When performing movements, you need to mentally develop positive character traits in yourself, including the following:

  • the ability to fully control your body and mood;
  • calmness and determination;
  • self-confidence and other traits that, according to the person himself, he lacks.

You cannot perform gymnastics automatically. You should feel every movement and enjoy performing it. It’s great if you do the exercises with a sense of humor.

Describing gymnastics for the spine, Norbekov considers the latter to be a kind of door or threshold through which we enter the system in order to improve the health of the entire body. Therefore, you should not be surprised that some exercises in the system resemble massaging acupuncture points: on the ears, chin, paranasal.

Norbekov insists that spinal mobility can be restored at any age. He recommends paying attention to how active children are and comparing this with our inactive lifestyle, especially if, due to laziness, you prefer to spend your free time lying on the sofa rather than moving.

Gymnastics includes three interconnected parts:

  • Joint gymnastics aimed at training the spine.
  • Training of blood vessels and nervous system.
  • Training the spirit and self-confidence.

Gymnastics involves maximum focus on the joints, other movements are considered as auxiliary. Basically, the exercises consist of several sequential stretching movements.

Indications and contraindications

Norbekov’s gymnastics helps to launch the body’s defenses and improve the condition of the spine. Conditions such as osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia are often closely related to the emotional background and are the result of prolonged depression and stress. They are treated through simple exercises and changing your attitude towards yourself.

Please note that the system is not for everyone. You should first consult your doctor, especially if you already have diseases. Any painful sensations are not allowed - if you feel them, stop exercising. Also contraindications to performing exercises are pregnancy, the postoperative period, exacerbations of diseases and chronic diseases, stroke, heart attack, and mental disorders.

Exercises for the spine according to Norbekov

Let's consider what exercises include gymnastics for the spine according to Norbekov. Also, do not forget that your good mood plays an important role. Correct your posture and smile, breathe energy into your body and start doing exercises.

Gymnastics Norbekova for the cervical spine

  • It is necessary to focus specifically on the cervical region. The chin should slide down along the chest without tension. You need to alternate between relaxation and light tension. With each new tension, continue the exercise, increasing your efforts. A wave of self-confidence must remain in the body.
  • Standing straight, move your head back a little. Stretch your chin up, alternately relaxing and tensing.
  • Straighten your head, tilt it to the right. Try to touch your shoulder with your ear. Keep your shoulders motionless. Then change position, touching your left ear to your left shoulder.
  • Straighten your head, turn it to the side so that your chin points up. Repeat the same for the second side.
  • Straighten your head and tilt it down. In this position, turn your chin in one direction and then in the other direction.
  • Tilt your head back slightly, turn your chin to the side, then change direction.
  • Level your head and look ahead. Do a neck twist. Move your gaze slowly to the right and then turn your neck. Change direction.
  • Norbekov’s gymnastics for the cervical spine ends with slow and free rolls of the head, which must be repeated several times in each direction.

Exercises for the thoracic spine

  • Clasp your hands in a “lock” in front of you. Press your chin to your chest, pointing your shoulder joints towards you. Keep your back straight, fix your lower back. No need to hold your breath.
  • A similar exercise, but the hands are “locked” at the back. Pull your shoulder joints back without raising your shoulders and trying to squeeze your shoulder blades together. In this position, aim your sternum upward.
  • Raise one shoulder up, lower the other down. You need to alternate tension and relaxation.
  • Lower your arms, stretch them towards the floor, lowering your shoulders. Pull your pelvis forward, keep your spine straight. Lock yourself in this position. Raise your shoulders as high as possible, reaching the top of your head towards the ceiling.
  • Rotate your shoulder joints forward, then back.
  • Spread your legs, your feet should feel glued to the floor. Spread your elbows to the sides, place your hands on your shoulders, look ahead. First turn your eyes, then your head, then your shoulders and chest. The hips and stomach should not move. Perform the turn to the extreme point and try to turn even further. Do the same exercise in the other direction.
  • The exercise works the spine from the neck to the lower back. Take a pose as if you are grasping something large with your hands. Tilt your head down and tense up. Then move your arms back, stretch your crown up and slightly back, stretch your sternum up.
  • Straighten up, bend your arm behind your head, while pointing your elbow at the ceiling, direct your gaze behind your elbow. Stretch and change hands.
  • Perform slow circular movements with your shoulders, trying to maximize the amplitude. Do the same for the second side. While doing the exercise, you should feel a wave throughout your entire spine.
  • Place your fists in the kidney area. Bring your elbows as close as possible using springy movements, while arching your spine forward.
  • Move your tailbone forward. Fix the position in the lower back and bend the spine in the other direction.
  • Place your hands on your shoulders, spread your legs, and keep your feet motionless. Look away to the side, then turn your head and shoulder girdle, chest, and stomach. The same goes in the opposite direction. In this case, the pelvis should not move.

Now let's look at Norbekov's exercises for the lumbar spine

  • Spread your legs slightly apart and bend them halfway. The pelvis should face forward. Fix your torso. Stretch your tailbone upward with springy movements.
  • Arch your lumbar spine. You need to keep your back straight. Reach the back of your head with your tailbone.
  • Arch your spine. The load must be distributed throughout the spine.
  • Lean your body forward, bend your knees slightly. Stretch your tailbone towards the back of your head with springy movements, arching at the lower back.
  • Arch your lower back, leaning back slightly. The tailbone should reach towards the back of the head.
  • Make circular movements in one and the other direction. Remember positive emotions.
  • Move your hip to the right and slightly back. Perform springing movements with your hip to the side. Then bend toward the hip you abducted. Retract your other hip and do the same.
  • Place your feet together. Raise one hand vertically up and strive with it, as if you want to touch the ceiling, bend over. Change your hand.

Norbekov’s gymnastics also includes twisting exercises for the spine.

Many people have encountered the problem of joint pain, but not everyone wants to take medications every time. As an alternative, exercises by the famous doctor of the alternative medical system - Norbekov - are often used. Dr. Norbekov’s video of gymnastics for the spine and description of the exercises presented in the article will help cope with many pathologies of joints and bone joints.

A little theory

The physical and emotional state and well-being of a person largely depends directly on the condition of the spine. The spine is the support of the entire body. As a result of insignificant muscle grounding, slight curvature or displacement, the patient may experience a lot of unpleasant sensations and pain.

This, in turn, can lead to the so-called reflex spasm of muscle fibers. Over time, this condition causes a lot of inconvenience, and becomes the cause of a constant vicious circle, in which spasm causes pain, and pain causes spasm, after which the situation repeats.

It is for these reasons that most specialists from various fields of medicine advise starting work on the health of your body by improving the functionality and nutrition of the spine and restoring muscle activity.

Mirzakarim Norbekov is the author of a unique way to combat changes caused by aging of the body and various diseases of the musculoskeletal system that are progressive in nature. The Norbekov system is also suitable for the treatment of chronic pathologies of internal organs.

Norbekov’s gymnastics for the spine is the basis of his unique and very effective author’s program. This program is unique in that at a moderate pace, but confidently, as a result of the exercises, all vertebrae are involved in the work, while metabolic processes in all tissues, including those around them, are activated.

Video “Full version of Norbekov’s exercise complex”

Demonstrative video with an introductory speech by Norbekov himself about the gymnastic complex for the spine, as well as a full course of exercises.

Who needs Norbekov’s gymnastics?

All three parts of the spine (cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral) are involved in the process of performing the exercises. With regular exercise, over time the patient notices a decrease or elimination of chronic back pain, the feeling of fatigue disappears, a good mood and incentive to work appear, and a desire to move and be more active appears.

The complex is aimed at restoring the activity of the organs of the musculoskeletal system in case of existing violations of their functionality.

This gymnastics is simply necessary for people in old age, as well as for those whose profession involves being in one position for a long time. This especially applies to office workers, drivers, salespeople, teachers, and so on. Exercises according to Norbekov will also not hurt those who suffer from excess body weight and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

With daily exercise, you may notice the appearance of lightness in the spine and throughout the body. Patients also note the appearance of a second wind, an increase in energy and vigor.

A set of exercises can be used to prevent the development of joint pathologies and for their treatment.

The essence of Norbekov’s gymnastics

Norbekov’s health-improving set of exercises is aimed at improving health, increasing overall tone and strengthening one’s own self, self-esteem and self-confidence. In addition to physical activity, an important role is played by the psychological attitude, in which work on the state of mind should take place.

If we compare Norbekov’s gymnastics and exercise therapy, then physical therapy is simply a mechanical repetition of movements for a healing purpose. Moreover, as the author of this idea himself claims, as a result of automatic repetition of movements there is no benefit, but there is harm.

Basic rules of Norbekov gymnastics:

  • exercises must be done every day, without exception;
  • do exercises only in a good mood and with a positive attitude;
  • enjoy doing the exercises;
  • Before you start charging, you need to completely relax.

This complex has a positive effect not only on the condition of the joints, but also on the human body as a whole. In the process of performing exercises, flexibility, muscle function, functionality of the respiratory system improves, vision improves and a protective layer is formed for the joints and skeleton of a person.


Despite the almost ideal course of gymnastic exercises, even here there are contraindications that must be taken into account in order to avoid complications and serious consequences.

It is worth holding off on gymnastics in the following cases:

  • period of bearing a child;
  • postoperative period;
  • human mental disorders;
  • stroke or heart attack that occurred three months before the start of the course;
  • acute form of chronic pathologies;
  • acute pain in the back and joints;
  • the occurrence of severe discomfort and pain during Norbekov charging.

The entire course contains exercises for different parts of the musculoskeletal system. Before performing it, it is recommended to consult a specialist, especially for serious pathologies.

Norbekov's exercises for the spine

With the help of such exercises, blood circulation and the functioning of the digestive, respiratory and urinary systems are improved. According to Norbekov himself, twisting is very useful for the spine.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Spread your legs and feel support in them. It should feel like your legs are glued to the floor. Therefore, it is important to connect not only the body, but also mentally tune in to the exercises.
  • Evenly distributing the load, slowly turn to the right, first the head, and then the body. Turn around as much as possible, tense up and immediately relax. Repeat the turn to the left.
  • Lower your chin to your chest, clasp your hands in front of you below. During this movement, several muscle groups work at once. The arms and chin are pulled down, the neck is pulled up, and the shoulders should strive towards each other.
  • Move your hands back. There should be a feeling of tension, in which the shoulder blades seem to come together.
  • Bend your arms at the elbows, alternately lifting and releasing your shoulders.
  • Lower your shoulders. There is a feeling of being pulled downwards in the hands, and upwards in the shoulders. At the same time, the top of the head seems to stretch upward. Repetitions alternate.
  • Smoothly rotate your shoulders back and forth.
  • Place your hands on your shoulders, bending them at the elbows, turn your shoulders to the right and left.
  • Tilt your head down, clasping your shins with your hands. The back should be arched back and the shoulder blades should be retracted. Bend your back forward.
  • Bend your right hand and place it behind your head, and pull your left hand down. Repeat all movements, changing the position of your hands.
  • Bend your legs slightly and move your pelvis back and forth. Perform slowly, smoothly.
  • Perform circular movements with the pelvis, while the torso should remain motionless.
  • Lower one hand, and raise the other and pull up. Swap hands and repeat the movements.
  • Relax completely, shake your head, neck, arms, chest, stomach, hips and legs.

The set of gymnastic exercises is over. All exercises must be performed smoothly, slowly, as if tensing every muscle and cell of your body. While performing a gymnastic complex, attention should be concentrated on movements and stretching muscles.

Norbekov’s gymnastics for the neck

With the help of these activities, stabilization of intracranial pressure, improvement of memory, brain function and sleep are observed. The first thing you need to do before starting the complex is to straighten your posture.


  1. Tilt your head back, tucking your chin up.
  2. Tilt your head left and right, trying to reach your ears with your ears.
  3. Turn your head so that your chin is pointing up. Tilt with your head down, and your chin should move to the sides.
  4. Straighten your head, then twist your neck in one and the other direction, but so that your nose remains motionless.
  5. Lower your head and chin down, after which you need to feel a sensation of neck tension appear.
  6. Slowly and smoothly turn your head in a circle in both directions:
  7. Calming breathing. During inhalation, the hands are at the top, and during exhalation, they are at the bottom.

There is also a complex for hand joints and ankle joints.

As for the above exercises, they must be performed daily, without skipping, otherwise there will be no reaction.

Gymnastics for the spine Norbekova - reviews

Of course, this complex is very much appreciated by many elderly and young people who often experience back and joint pain.

Tatyana, 57 years old:

“Gymnastics according to Norbekov was recommended to me by my attending physician when I turned to him with the problem of pain in the spine and difficulty breathing. I did the exercises every day, and already on the third day I noticed significant relief. I felt a kind of freedom of movement, breathing became easier, and the feeling of stiffness in my spine disappeared. On average, charging takes about 1-1.5 hours, but it is very easy and brings me pleasure. Now, having noticed this effect, I want to try its complex for the joints of the legs and arms.”

Irina, 66 years old:

“I have been familiar with the problem of arthrosis for a very long time, which brings me a lot of inconvenience. I am constantly forced to take pills and sometimes endure unbearable pain. Having already tried all the methods, I decided to try alternative medicine. Gymnastics for joints by Norbekov became my salvation. After just 10 days of daily exercise, I noticed improvements, and gymnastics itself brings me a lot of positive emotions and helps me calm down a little, come to my senses and move away from real problems. I recommended gymnastics to a friend, she is also happy!”

Oleg, 43 years old:

“I am forced to work in an office, so I spend most of my time sitting, almost motionless. As a result of this, several years ago I received osteochondrosis. And I tried many gymnastic complexes, but I saw a result that still lasts only after Norbekov’s gymnastics for the spine (the videos helped me master it on my own). In addition, I noticed that I became a little calmer, because while doing the exercises I concentrated on positive emotions and calmed down significantly. I like it, so I will continue to do it.”

Of course, before performing any therapeutic set of exercises, it is better to consult with your doctor and study the contraindications. Norbekov's gymnastics for the spine and joints is an excellent and, most importantly, effective method of combating pain, which does not require the use of various medications.

Video “Visual teaching aid for Norbekov’s exercises”

An indicative video in which Norbekov talks in detail and shows the features of his joint gymnastics.

In the modern world, where everything moves and changes very quickly, people spend a lot of time sitting still, at the keyboard and computer screen, or driving a car in a multi-kilometer traffic jam. There are hardly many people who are not bothered by back pain, joint pain and similar unpleasant sensations. No wonder they say “movement is life.”

Spinal diseases: herniated discs or spinal osteochondrosis can lead to a lot of life-threatening consequences.

There are many methods for self-healing and maintaining the body in good condition. One of them - "Norbekov system", or charging according to Norbekov.

In addition to improving health, the system develops intuition and increases vitality. Norbekov has a lot of followers, thousands of people praise this system and regularly perform the exercises.

Who is Norbekov?

Norbekov Mirzakarim Sanakulovich is a practitioner of alternative medicine, has published a number of popular books, developed gymnastics for the spine based on the study of Chinese tradition Lao Tzu. He also founded and directs the Institute of Human Self-Healing, and since 2010 he has been the director of the M. S. Norbekov Center for Educational and Health Technologies LLC.

Among critics, the attitude towards him is ambiguous; a lot is said about the imaginary scientific basis of his system, about the fact that methods of self-hypnosis mainly work.

But Norbekov himself repeatedly repeats that the success of his system mainly depends on self-hypnosis. In addition, there are thousands of people for whom this technique has really helped get rid of pain in the spine and joints. And there is also a popular method for improving vision according to Norbekov.

Rules for performing exercises according to Norbekov

As already mentioned, it is based on psychology of self-hypnosis. With its help, a good mood is created. Without a good mood, the author does not recommend doing exercises; it is better to skip it. Exercises cannot be performed automatically only meaningfully, feel every movement, get joy from it.

You should not take everything you do too seriously, it is recommended to add a little fun, support good mood. You should exercise regularly, every day. And finally, it is important, while performing Norbekov’s gymnastics, to work on those character traits that you want to improve or completely eliminate. The exercises are performed 10 times, measuredly, periods of tension alternate with periods of relaxation.

It is necessary to consult a doctor before starting gymnastics.

Joint gymnastics by Norbekov

Gymnastics consists of 3 parts that are interconnected:

  • Joint gymnastics, which trains the joints and spine.
  • Training the nervous system and blood vessels of the circulatory system.
  • Training the spirit and self-confidence.

Joint gymnastics according to the Norbekov system includes a huge number of exercises and allows work out every joint in the body, if necessary. When performed, the main movement and attention is focused around the joint. The movement itself consists of several stretching movements that are performed sequentially.

As for the spine, the author believes that its mobility is the main indicator that affects the well-being of a person as a whole. Restoring spinal mobility It’s possible at any age, the main thing is not to be lazy and follow the example of children who move a lot.

In order to master Norbekov’s gymnastics, you need to attend 3 courses:

  • Basic wellness.
  • Preparatory.
  • Basic.

After this, you can recover from any disorders in the body, since by mastering the technique, a person receives control over your body and mind.

Norbekov’s gymnastics pursues the following goals:

Norbekov’s gymnastics has its contraindications, which must be remembered:

Basic exercises

The entire complex of gymnastics according to Norbekov occupies from an hour to an hour and a half. Not everyone has so much free time every day, so you can stop at the next complex. It contains the key steps of the methodology.


Each movement is performed 8–10 times.

Exercises for the joints of the arms and legs

Exercises for the spine

The exercises are quite simple. If you perform them “with feeling, sense, arrangement” and regularly, the effect will not be long in coming. The joints will stop creaking and clicking and will become softer and more elastic. The spine will become more flexible due to the fact that the back muscles are stretched. Muscle blocks and tension will go away, and with them back pain.

Exercises allow strengthen the muscle corset around the spine. During leisurely movements, the intervertebral discs and cartilages are massaged, and the blood supply to the spine and joints improves.

The spine is stretched, returning to its natural position, and the deformed cartilages are also restored, since they have this ability. Thus, the spine is rejuvenated regardless of the person’s age.

Following the spine, they begin to work better internal organs. The complex should be performed in strict sequence: first load the arms, then the legs, first do exercises for the upper back, then for the lower back. Do all this at your own pace.


Norbekov’s gymnastics is good because it is suitable for people of any age, including children. To perform gymnastics, no additional costs are required other than free time and willpower. Be healthy!

System of exercises according to Norbekov

Emerging problems with the spine are quite common today. Back problems affect neither old people nor young people. In addition to the present pain and damage to bone tissue, spinal diseases are very often characterized by impaired functionality of various internal organs.

The peculiarities of Russian people are such that they treat their sore backs on their own. To do this, they buy special anti-inflammatory drugs in large quantities and start taking them. But the use of such drugs very often causes side effects that extend to the gastrointestinal tract.

News line ✆

That is why it makes sense to pay attention to all kinds of alternative treatment methods. One of them is the use of a complex such as gymnastics according to Norbekov for the spine. This system of exercises aims to improve the general condition of the spine during the rehabilitation period.

Characteristic features of Norbekov’s gymnastics

This set of exercises differs significantly from other similar actions that are aimed at treating and restoring the spine, as well as preventing various spinal diseases. The creator of such a system believes that the patient’s mood plays a huge role in the process of performing exercises. A secondary role is played by the intensity of training and the number of repetitions.

Absolutely all the exercises present are quite simple and similar in their immediate principle to elementary physical therapy exercises. The main emphasis here is on stretching without axial loads and selective muscle tension. The psychological mood and emotional state of patients is of great importance.

The main task of such a gymnastic system is the overall health of the body. According to its author, joint gymnastics is needed for internal treatment of the body. Her exercises are aimed at the general restoration of existing motor activity, the main functions of the spine and all joints. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the body and mental state of the patient.

In other words, the main point of such a system as gymnastics according to Norbekov for the spine is to combine general health exercises with the desired emotional mood.

Contraindications to the use of gymnastics according to Norbekov

This set of exercises is not prohibited for almost everyone. Due to the fact that Norbekov’s gymnastics is quite simple and does not place a significant load on the entire body, it has its contraindications in extremely rare cases. They are characterized by the following points:

  • pregnancy;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • unstable mental health;
  • recent surgery;
  • suffered a heart attack or stroke.

In any of these cases, before you start performing Norbekov’s gymnastics, you need to consult a specialist.

Rules for performing gymnastics

To ensure maximum efficiency in performing all the exercises and get a successful result, you need to follow some rules that are established by the author of this technique.

Correct adherence to execution technique is only one percent of the result. The remaining ninety-nine percent is the correct internal mood. Immediately before performing the complex, you should create a positive attitude in yourself, no matter how artificial it may be. All exercises are performed with a smile, with pleasure and joy. This is a prerequisite for conducting Norbekov’s gymnastics.

In addition, gymnastics according to Norbekov must be done every day. At the same time, any automatic or mechanical performance of exercises is unacceptable here, since each action must be felt from the inside.

The advantages of Norbekov gymnastics

Gymnastics according to Norbekov is an excellent preventive and restorative complex, but at the same time it cannot be the only way to treat various spinal diseases. All exercises of this technique are aimed at completely restoring active joint mobility. In this case, great attention is paid not only to the technique of actions and exercises, but to the presence of the right positive attitude in the patient.

It is necessary to do such gymnastics every day and conduct regular sessions. According to reviews, gymnastics according to Norbekov is indeed highly effective. All patients observe a general improvement in their condition and note that it has become much easier for them to move.

No need to treat joints with pills!

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