The miraculous relics of St. Spyridon of Trimythous. Prayers to Saint Spyridon the Wonderworker of Trimythous

Despite the fact that in Orthodoxy material wealth is not considered the true goal of a person and it is not customary to ask and pray for it, among those whom the Church considers saints, there is one who is often approached with requests for financial assistance and stability.
Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is often asked to help with matters at work, with money, with solving housing difficulties and other worldly matters.
But after getting acquainted with his life, one comes to the understanding that Saint Spyridon is asked in many other cases, because in Christianity he is revered on an equal basis with his contemporary -

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not “specialize” in any specific areas. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
And .


Saint Spyridon was born around 270 AD. e. in Cyprus in a village near Trimifunt (Trimitus), so he was called the Trimifunt Wonderworker.
Since childhood, Spiridon was a shepherd; he led a righteous and God-pleasing life. He was like the Old Testament righteous: like the prophet David - with his meekness, Jacob - with his kindness, Abraham - with his love for strangers. Therefore, on the icons Bishop Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is depicted not wearing the bishop’s miter; on his head he has the usual shepherd’s hat.

The saint did not have any wealth, but still tried to give shelter and food to those in need. His unusual kindness and warmth attracted a variety of people to him.
After the death of Bishop Trimifunt, Spyridon was unanimously elected as the first priest of the city. But even being in such high rank, the saint always showed an example of humility - he, like a common person, worked to earn his own food.
For his many virtues, the Lord endowed Spiridon with the gift of insight and healing people. Saint Spyridon treated patients who were hopeless for conventional medicine, but first of all, he tried to save people from mental illnesses, and also cast out demons.
By God's grace, the Saint was able to control the forces of nature - once, through his prayer, during an unusual dry spell that happened in Cyprus and claimed many lives from hunger, the sky became cloudy and life-giving rain began to fall.
Several years passed, a shortage of bread hit the country again, merchants raised grain prices, making huge profits. One poor man turned to a rich merchant, begging him to give him grain at interest, but this rich man was especially greedy and did not want to help. The peasant decided to tell his misfortune to Spiridon, who consoled him:

“Don’t cry, soon your house will be full of bread, and tomorrow this rich man will beg you to take his bread for free.”

And then at night, by God’s will, a downpour occurred, destroying the barn of the greedy merchant, and a lot of grain was carried away by the streams of water.
The next day, the desperate rich man ran around and asked everyone to take as much bread as they needed, he already wanted to at least save what was left. Many people collected grain carried away by streams of water along the roads, and this peasant also collected wheat for his family.

Soon, another poor man again asked for help from this merchant, promising to return the grain with interest after he received the harvest, but the rich man demanded a huge, exorbitant deposit from him. This man also turned to Bishop Spyridon, begging for help. On the morning of the next day, the saint himself brought gold to the poor man and told him that he needed to give this gold to the merchant, take wheat from him, sow the grain, and after the harvest he had to redeem this deposit and bring it for Spiridon.
That’s exactly what happened - the poor man took the gold, received grain, sowed it, reaped a rich harvest, bought back the bullion and brought it to the saint. Taking this gold, Reverend Spiridon and the peasant went to the rich man. Approaching his garden, the saint lowered the gold onto the ground near the fence and said a prayer from his lips:

“My Lord, Jesus Christ! By His will he creates and transforms everything! Commanded this gold, which You had previously transformed from an animal, to again take on its original form.”

During the prayer, the gold began to move and then transformed into a writhing snake.
For the sake of the needs of his neighbor, Saint Spyridon first turned the viper into gold, and then turned it back into a snake. Both the merchant and the peasant saw this miracle, they immediately fell to their knees, glorifying the Lord God, whose power was shown by Spyridon of Trimythous.

Once a friend of Bishop Spyridon was slandered. He, innocent, was put in prison, where he awaited a death sentence. When the saint was notified of this, he immediately rushed to help. But on the path of Saint Spyridon there was a wide river, which overflowed greatly, and in addition, heavy rains destroyed the crossing over it.
Like Joshua crossing the flooded Jordan, Saint Spyridon ordered the waters to part.
The flow of the river, as if by order, stopped, and a passage was formed, which remained dry, along which Spiridon and his companions, “ by land", crossed to the opposite bank. Then the waters closed again and the river flowed again as usual. Witnesses to this told the judge about what miracle happened with the help of the saint. The judge received Spiridon with honors, listened and freed his innocent friend.

One day Spyridon of Trimifuntsky came to the temple to serve Vespers. Then there was no one in the church except the clergy, Vladyka stood in front of the altar, lit a large number of candles. During the service, Bishop Spyridon exclaimed:

"Peace to all!".

There was no one to answer, but suddenly a voice was heard from above:

“And to your spirit!”

After each petition, the litany was heard from above, as if a large multitude of voices were singing:

"Lord have mercy!".

Witnesses of this were people who entered the temple to look at the singers, but saw in it only Saint Spyridon and some church servants.
It is believed that the Heavenly Angels themselves served with Saint Spyridon in this service.

In 325, on the initiative of Emperor Constantine the Great, the First Ecumenical Council was convened, which took place in Nicaea. At the Council, three hundred and eighteen holy fathers met together for the first time, among whom were Bishops Spyridon of Trimifuntsky and Saint Nicholas Myra (Nicholas the Wonderworker). At this Council, important church matters were discussed; in particular, it was necessary to determine one’s attitude towards the then gaining Arian teaching, in defense of which very intelligent speakers and philosophers spoke out.
After the speech of Spiridon, who in simple words explained his thoughts about Christ, even the most experienced Arian philosopher Eulogius admitted that from the lips of the saint he felt a special power, against which any evidence was powerless. Later Eulogius renounced this heresy and accepted Baptism.

Speaking at the Council, Bishop Spyridon personally demonstrated the Unity in the Holy Trinity, which Arius opposed. Coming out in front of everyone and crossing himself, he said

"In the name of the Father"

he squeezed the brick (plinth) that was in his hand and at that moment fire burst out of the stone. The saint continued:

"and the Son!"

— water flowed from my hand. After the words

"and the Holy Spirit!"

Spiridon opened his hand and everyone saw dry clay on it - the remains of a brick.

“Here are three elements, and there is only one plinth. So in Holy Trinity“Three Persons, but the Divinity is One.”

- this is how Saint Spyridon explained to the Arians the Unity of the Three Divine Persons of the Holy Trinity.
IN simple brick Three substances are united together - fire, water and earth. There is also one God, whose three Persons we know: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Seeing such arguments from the saint, some Arians again returned to the profession of Orthodoxy.

After the Council in Nicaea, the glory of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky spread throughout the entire Orthodox world. They began to especially respect and honor him, but the humble shepherd returned to his home in Cyprus to continue to modestly fulfill his duties.

When Constantine the Great died, his son Constantius, who was very seriously ill, became emperor. The best doctors were invited, but no one was able to heal him.
And then one day, in a dream, the emperor saw two priests who were able to defeat the disease. After a long search, Constantius finally saw those whom the Angel pointed out to him in a dream - these were Saints Spyridon and his disciple Triphyllius.
As soon as they entered the emperor’s chambers, he recognized them, stood up and went to meet them, which was then the highest manifestation of honor. After Constantius humbly bowed and asked for the help of Saint Spyridon, he prayed to the Lord and laid his hand on the king’s head. Just an ordinary touch healed the emperor; the pain that had tormented him for many years passed instantly and without a trace. Numerous courtiers who were present witnessed this event.
After the emperor was freed from illness, Saint Spyridon began to heal his spiritual ailments. He often talked with him for a long time, explained to Constantius the essence of faith, that it was necessary to fight temptations and not do things that contradict God's commandments. He said that every Christian should have humility and mercy, and even more so a king who rules entire nations. As a result of this communication, Constantius became very attached to the saint and, at his request, exempted all ministers of the Church from taxes. The king also wanted to generously gift his savior, but Spiridon did not want to accept the gifts, saying:

“It is not good to pay hate for love, for what I did for you is love. I left home, sailed for a long time by sea, endured severe cold and winds to heal you. Isn't this love? And you give me gold, the cause of all evil.”

Still, the emperor persuaded the saint to take the money, which Saint Spyridon immediately, as soon as he left the palace, gave to the poor. Constantius learned of this act and realized that he had been given another lesson in the mercy and generosity of a poor man who had so easily given up a large fortune.

Returning home, Saint Spyridon met a woman whose child had recently died. She was a pagan and didn't know at all Greek language, but even so it was clear that she was very sad and would really like her baby to be alive. Spyridon, seeing her suffering, asked his deacon Artemidor:
What should we do, brother?
Why are you asking me, father?- the deacon said in response to him. — If you healed the king, will you really reject this unfortunate woman?
Saint Spyridon, on his knees, began to pray to the Lord, and He heard him - the child came to life. Seeing this miracle, his mother fell dead, her heart could not stand it.
Again the holy Monk Spyridon asked the same question to Artemidorus and again received the same answer. Again the elder turned to God with prayers, then he said to the deceased:

“Rise up and get back on your feet!”

As if awakening from a dream, without understanding anything, the woman opened her eyes and stood up. Everyone who saw this miracle was instructed, due to the modesty of the saint, to remain silent about it. Artemidorus told this story to people only after the death of the saint.

One day Spyridon of Trimifuntsky and his student Triphyllius found themselves in Parimna, in one very beautiful place. Trifillius was delighted with nature and decided to purchase an estate for the church. The student’s thoughts were revealed to Saint Spyridon, and he said:

“Why, Triphyllius, do you constantly think about vanity? You want an estate that really has no value. Our treasures are in Heaven, we have a house not made by hands, eternal - strive for them and enjoy them in advance (through the thought of God): they cannot move from one state to another, and whoever one day becomes the owner of them will receive an inheritance that will never again will lose."

Thus, the saint's instructions gradually increased the spiritual level of his disciple. The teaching was beneficial. The disciple of Spyridon of Trimythus, Saint Triphyllius, received many gifts from the Lord in his righteous life.

The world reveres Saint Spyridon for wise man Having a prophetic gift, he saw the sinful deeds of people and tried to help them repent of them. And whoever lied to the saint was punished by the Lord himself.

One man whole year spent a long business trip on business, and when he returned, he found out that his wife had cheated on him and was even expecting a child. He told Spyridon about this, who summoned the harlot to his place and began to convict her. The woman replied that she had been lied to and that in fact the child was her husband’s. Of course, this lie was revealed to Spiridon, and he told her:

“You have fallen into great sin, and your repentance must be great. I see that your adultery has led you to despair, and despair has led you to shamelessness. It would be fair to give you a quick punishment, but we need to give you time to repent. Sin has no such power that can surpass God's love for mankind. The Lord is ready to support all those who fall, but for this you must repent. Remember, the child will not be born until you tell the truth.”

When the time came for the baby to appear, some force prevented the birth. This woman was in pain, but still did not admit her sin, so she died in sin, without repentance. The Bishop, having learned about such a death, felt very sorry for this sinner, he said:

“I will no longer pronounce judgment on people if what I say comes true so quickly...”

For everyone who heard about Spyridon Trimifuntsky and knew the saint, he was pure example piety, simplicity and modesty. His earthly life ended at the age of about 80 during prayer. Exact date The saint's resting place is unknown, but it is believed that it happened in 348.

His relics rest on the island of Corfu in the church named after him, and his right hand is in the church Mother of God Santa Maria in Rome.

For so many centuries, the saint’s body did not succumb to decay, and the temperature was always 36.6 degrees.
There is a shrine in Moscow - the shoe of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, which was brought from the island of Corfu. It is noticed that this shoe is wearing out, as if the miracle worker still walks and helps people, performs holy miracles. There is no scientific explanation for this fact.

Spiridon's slipper is located in the Intercession Church of the Danilov Monastery.


We magnify you, Holy Hierarch Father Spyridon, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us to Christ our God.


Stories from the editorial mail of the Pravoslavie.Ru portal

"When our dad went on a drinking binge"

Saint Spyridon also helped our family. When our dad went on a drinking binge, my sister began to intensively pray to the saint, because she had heard a lot about how the Lord, through his prayers, quickly helps suffering people. She prayed for several days, and dad came out of his drinking bout! For us this is a real living miracle of God! Glory to our Lord forever. Amen.

“Mom signed by negligence financial paper for a large amount of money"

Saint Spyridon helped us prevent legal proceedings. Several years ago, my mother inadvertently signed a financial document at work for a large amount of money. Like a bad movie, her company folded and all financial responsibility fell on her as a subscriber. The prospects were terrible: prison and so on. We began to pray to Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and the saints. Every evening I also read an akathist to St. Spyridon. I’ll come in the evening, I don’t have the strength, I want to sleep - and I’ll tell myself: no, get on your knees and read, ask Father Spyridon for help. A few days later I was recommended the best lawyer. He took us on a recommendation and didn't charge us a penny. He looked at the papers and said that the period of liability had expired and mom was in no danger! I have never felt greater joy! Glory to God and thanks to Spiridonushka for his help to us sinners!

“St. Spyridon miraculously entered my life and remained in it.”

This entry was made by me in 2011. Amazing holy Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky! In an amazing way he came into my life and stayed in it. It started with the fact that on February 19, 2009, having learned that my first grandson was safely born, I went to the temple to celebrate. She thanked God, the Mother of God, all the saints, and asked for the intercession of her mother and child. Then in church shop I bought a commemorative icon of the Mother of God and asked the holy saint of God, Daniel, whose name they decided to give to the baby. No such icon was found, and instead a small icon of St. Spyridon of Trimifunt was offered. I accepted with gratitude, although at that moment I was not at all familiar with this saint, I knew for sure: there are no accidents, and God’s Providence acts independently of ours for the good of us sinners. The icon of the Mother of God was presented to my children and grandson, and Saint Spyridon remained with me as a memory of that happy day. Of course, I read the life of this saint, but over time the details began to be forgotten. Following the first, the second grandson was born, life dictated its own rules, difficulties arose, but I did not despair, firmly believing in the mercy of the Almighty and the intercession of the saints. I cannot be called an exemplary parishioner, I confess, but there is no end to the Creator’s mercy, as long as I don’t give up completely, so long as my consciousness doesn’t darken and my heart doesn’t harden.

Gradually life began to improve, unexpectedly I was offered a job for more favorable conditions. At the same time, I learn that the relics of the Moscow Danilov Monastery have arrived in Stavropol: a particle of relics, a lifetime portrait-icon and the saint’s rosary St. Seraphim Sarovsky. I decided to go and worship. Before work, I go into St. Andrew’s Cathedral and next to the things that belonged to Seraphim of Sarov, I see a large icon of St. Spyridon of Trimythous! I almost stopped thinking about him, but he did not forget about me and reminded me through whose mercy and intercession help came. And he attached his shoe as proof. What joy, tenderness, tears of gratitude and repentance. I am re-reading the life and miracles of St. Spyridon, but I am imbued with them with a completely different heart, and his daughter’s name was the same as mine - Irina. Yesterday was the day of remembrance of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, and today, knowing that a young employee was having difficulty obtaining a mortgage, she advised me to prayerfully turn to the good Saint Spyridon. I think that he will try to help her too. Thank God for everything!

P.S. 12/22/13 a young employee moved to new apartment!

Servant of God Tamara
“We could barely make ends meet”

One day, our family faced a very difficult financial situation. My husband and I struggled, but we could barely make ends meet, and we did not see a way out of the impasse, since we are both already pensioners. I was so tired of hopelessness that one evening during evening prayer I prayed to our Lord Jesus Christ for help. The next day I was looking through my church calendar and became interested in the icon of St. Spyridon of Trimythous. After reading his life, I prayed to him for help. A week later, my husband received a long-awaited increase in his pension, and although we did not become rich, our financial position has stabilized. Thank you to our Lord Jesus Christ and Saint Spyridon of Trimifunt!

“I worked for three months and did not fulfill the plan”

I work in a bank. It so happened that I moved from one position to another. I worked for three months and did not fulfill the plan, but I must say that this happened for the first time in the last few years (the woman who worked several years before me always fulfilled). I went to the temple and prayed to St. Spyridon of Trimythous, and then the clients came one after another. Plus it was my birthday, they gave me a lot of money...

“The saint made me read the whole New Testament»

Saint Spyridon somehow forced me to read the entire New Testament from beginning to end. To be honest, I usually can’t read for a long time. Holy Bible, I am constantly distracted by the bustle. But one day, after a prayer service in the church of St. Spyridon, I suddenly found a special inspiration, one might say an Easter mood, and I read the entire New Testament from cover to cover in three days! Later I surprised myself...

“The saint gave me a piece of his shoe”

The help of Saint Spyridon came to me more than once. I still turn to him often, and December 25 is a special day for our family. Three years ago, my husband and I were left without work. Of course, despondency and all the ensuing “charms” of unemployment and debt became our companions for some time. By chance I learned about Saint Spyridon on TV and decided to pray to him. Through prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, within two weeks I posted my resume, passed an interview and found an excellent job. A year later, we again watched a program about Spiridon on television and learned that his shoes wear out within a year, and when they are replaced, the worn ones are cut into small pieces and distributed to believers. Since about the pilgrimage to Fr. At that time I could only dream of Kerkyra, I mentally asked Spiridon to somehow give me a piece of his shoe, if possible. A few days later I accidentally meet an old acquaintance and find out that she was in Kerkyra and she had a piece of Spiridon’s shoe, which she took with the express purpose of giving it to someone. In general, about two weeks after I asked Spiridon for a small shrine, I not only received what I asked for, but also an oil consecrated on his relics.

“The saint helped in the construction of our temple”

Several years ago, at the relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, she asked for help in building a temple in the village of Kirovskoye in Crimea. Since then, the chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was opened in our village and construction of the Church of St. Ambrose of Optina began. Thank you to the saint for hearing our prayers.

“The next morning the child recovered”

Saint Spyridon is our family saint. It helps not only with housing difficulties. He is a great helper in all family problems! I can tell you many cases of blessed help from Saint Spyridon to our family. If a child was sick, I prayed to Spyridon, read an akathist in the evening, placed an icon of the saint next to my son, and the next morning the child recovered. This happened several times! If there are problems at work, we also pray to Spyridon, and help comes immediately. In financial difficulties, when there were situations where there was simply no money to pay the rent or pay off debts, St. Spyridon always helped, money appeared as if from nowhere (or an unexpected part-time job, or relatives gave it, or an unplanned bonus). Spiridon also protects from ill-wishers, and most importantly, brings some sense! Holy Hierarch Father Spyridon, pray to God for us!

“The builders built at random”

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is helping me build a dacha. When I started construction, a lot of money was spent, and the builders built at random. And then the money ran out and work stopped. There is no money, and there is no end to work. I began to turn to Saint Spyridon every morning with a request to help me complete the construction. My request was fulfilled very simply by clarifying in my head what needed to be done at each stage of construction. I realized that everything construction works I can do it myself and I can make all the necessary purchases myself building materials V required quantity. And it quickly became clear that there was no shortage of money and that I could do everything. My only regret is that I did not turn to St. Spyridon earlier. Reverend Father Spyridon, pray to God for us!

Elena Guryeva
“We lived in a rented apartment with three children”

He helped us when we were in a terrible situation: we lived in a rented apartment with three children, my husband left me, and I also lost my job. And so we prayed to Saint Spyridon, read the akathist, and through the saint’s prayers we were given a 100 percent subsidy for the purchase of housing. This subsidy, it turns out, is given to large families in Moscow, but we didn’t know - in general, few people know about it. And we had to collect a lot of different papers, certificates that we had no other housing, and stand in line at night to give these certificates. And so the housing commission in April 2012 issued us a certificate so that we could buy an apartment with it. And we even bought two: not one two-room apartment, but two one-room apartments, although one of them was in the Moscow region. But now we feel so good and comfortable! Now, however, we are changing our Moscow apartment to another area - from Yasenevo to Izmailovo, since we haven’t really agreed among ourselves where to live. And now I again began to read the akathist to St. Spyridon. Thank God for everything! Our Holy Hierarch Spyridon, pray to God for us! How terribly we were lost, I cried my eyes out when we had nothing, but now there is such joy! How good it is when we have such kind prayer books! There are not enough words to express all this happiness that we now have through the merciful prayers of the saint! Now we don’t hang around other people’s corners, but our own own apartment we have. God bless!!!

“The court decision was not in our favor”

Saint Spyridon and Saint Nicholas helped us solve the housing problem. We had a trial on the privatization of a departmental apartment, which lasted a year and a half, and the first court decision was not in our favor. Having changed the lawyer, we started the case again. In the meantime, while the process was going on, we visited the island of Corfu and prayed at the relics of St. Spyridon, and six months later we won this almost lost case! Moreover, a year later we unexpectedly bought another inexpensive apartment! This is a real miracle that required a lot of strength, tears, and intense prayers from our entire family. Thank God for everything!

“The saint teaches me humility”

I have a lot of, if not miraculous, but unusual coincidences associated with Saint Spyridon. It was as if he deliberately reminded us of himself and became almost like family. Having learned that they pray to him when they have housing problems, I began to ask... True, now I’m ashamed - I “trained myself” so much that, when approaching the icon of the saint, I thought only about my apartment... The problem has not yet been solved, but to suits him, and I think this is a lesson for me: the saint teaches me humility, which is much more salutary. And I myself am no longer begging for anything - I just thank you, ask for the salvation of my soul and believe that if it is useful to me, then everything will work out!

“Every year before the feast of the saint, miracles happened”

God bless! Everything was simple: I saw a program on Channel One about Saint Spyridon of Trimythous. How quickly does he help? During this transfer I asked the saint. I understood: it’s crazy, where would the apartment come from? We live with our parents in a two-room apartment. After a day or two I realized that my faith was not the same... and after three days I forgot. Six months later, relatives called to three-room apartment live, the keys were given on December 25th. Every year before the holidays, miracles happened, people marveled and waited. I had the feeling that I had forgotten something: only in the third year I remembered my request. He thanked the priest as best he could and asked the Lord and His holy saint to serve a prayer service of thanksgiving. Marvelous is the Lord God in His saints. My mother is stubborn: all the time we lived in the apartment, she repeated that it would be better to have her own, small, but her own. In the fourth year, I learned that there is Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, who helps with housing. I didn’t tell her about my requests, I just asked who helped with this apartment? I thought about it - but still it would be better to have my own. She prayed and ordered prayer services herself. Thank God, we moved in December: it’s a small place, the renovations are not completely done. Since then I have been reading the life of the saint carefully and every time my eyes fill with tears... Glory to you, Saint Spyridon. Thanks to the parents for their help and prayers.

“I couldn’t find a job for a year.”

Saint Spyridon of Trimythous helped me a lot. When I stood at a crossroads, I didn’t know what to do. The fact is that I could not find a job for a year (I was laid off due to the liquidation of the enterprise), and we live alone with our daughter, and it was very difficult, since our dad did not pay child support. And I decided to sell our 3-room apartment in the village and buy it in the regional center, since it is easier to find work there. I advertised for sale everywhere, but could not find buyers, and then I prayed to Saint Spyridon to help me or somehow let me know that he heard me. And then the next day I got two buyers at once, although no one had been interested in my apartment for more than a month. One of them agreed to give the money on the same day, but I said that I would first look for a suitable apartment in Bryansk, and then I would sell it right away. But when I started looking for an apartment, it turned out that prices had almost doubled and for my good three ruble I could only buy a bad one-room apartment. I changed my mind, and three months later I got a job. And I understand that the saint made it clear to me that he heard me by sending me buyers, so that I could see for myself that I did not need to sell the apartment, and so that I would not torment myself. Thank you to Saint Spyridon! I pray to God for us.

“I wanted to have my own house”

I learned about Saint Spyridon of Trimythous when his right hand was brought to Kyiv. This was in 2009. Our whole family went to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra to venerate and venerate his holy relics. I always wanted to have my own house outside the city. And I asked, if possible, that we build it. At that time there were no such funds. And here on next year My husband was offered a lucrative job under a contract for 1.5 years. And with this money we were able to start building. Before laying the foundation stone for the house, I asked the priest to serve a prayer service at the site and pray to Saint Spyridon. And although not everything is finished in construction and there is still a lot of work, thanks to the prayers of St. Spyridon, a beginning has been made. Moreover, I now consider the priest, whom we invited to pray for the start of construction, to be my confessor and try to confess to him more often. Now, when I arrive at a construction site, the first thing I do is read the troparion to the saint several times and a prayer. And near the work a temple was opened, where there are the relics of Saints Nicholas and Spyridon. Now every Thursday you can go to a prayer service to St. Nicholas and St. Spyridon at lunchtime. Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you for the help and prayers of St. Spyridon!

"I lived in a dilapidated wooden house. There are cracks, drafts everywhere...”

I really revere Saint Spyridon! I read that he was a friend of St. Nicholas of Myra, the miracle worker, that they spoke together at the Council against the heresy of Arianism. I bought an akathist to St. Spyridon and his icon. And then I found out that St. Spyridon helps a lot if a person has housing problems. I began to pray and order prayer services to this saint. I have a disability, a meager pension (RUB 5,560), and I work part-time, of course, but not enough money. And I live in the Moscow region in a dilapidated wooden house. There were cracks, drafts everywhere, there was water in the house, but there was no place to wash. One room, a tiny kitchenette, an old veranda, an outdoor toilet... In the summer it was okay, but in the winter it was a bit difficult.

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky became famous among the people for his numerous miracles. The elder was a God-fearing man, for which he was awarded by Christ the gift of foresight; he could control the weather, resurrect the dead, heal illnesses, and guide people to virtue. The icon of St. Spyridon of Trimythous is the wonderful face of a God-loving elder who has an infinite love for humanity.

Life of the Wonderworker

The Wonderworker was born in Cyprus into a simple working-class family. He was a kind and humble child, tending sheep. High education he did not receive it, but from an early age he tried to live piously, taking the example of virtues from the Old Testament forefathers. The young man loved to host travelers, was gentle with people, and helped the poor. He transferred all the virtues to family life, having married a meek and chaste virgin.

Read about the saint:

Unfortunately, Spiridon became a widower early. He gave all his property and finances to the poor. IN good deeds The Lord Himself helped the man; with His holy help, the future saint learned to heal ailments, cast out demons, and help people in all their needs.

The consequence of Spyridon's godly life was his appointment to the post of Bishop Trimifunt. But being in a high position, the saint, as before, showed mercy and practiced virtue.

In 325, Spyridon participated in the 1st Ecumenical Council, where he denounced the philosopher who called for the acceptance of the heretical teaching of Arius. He showed the audience proof of the unity in the Holy Trinity: taking a brick in his hands, he squeezed it with force. As a result, a fiery flame came out of the brick, then a thick stream of water flowed out of it, and the clay remained in the hands of the saint. Thus it happened that there is one brick, and three elements - the same is true in the Trinity: It has three Persons, but the Divinity is One. His subsequent speech about Christ and doctrinal dogmas yielded blissful results: the previously furious Aryan heretic instantly became a defender of Orthodoxy and accepted Baptism.

Wonderworker Spiridon of Trimifutinsky

Miracles of Saint Spyridon

One day, Cyprus suffered a severe drought: people were dying of thirst and hunger, previously rich harvests withered on the vine. The saint offered prayers to the Almighty and the long-awaited downpour sanctified the Cypriot land, which soon yielded a rich harvest, the famine and human pestilence stopped.

Spiridon always helped poor people in their needs. One day, a poor man asked a wealthy townsman for a loan of grains for sowing and promised to repay the debt after harvesting. But the rich man demanded gold from the poor man as collateral. The upset peasant came with his grief to the miracle worker and he promised to help him by sending the poor man home. Taking the snake in his hands, the miracle worker turned it into gold and gave it to the plowman, so that he would give it as collateral and return it after the harvest. Having received the grain, the farmer sowed the field and received a rich harvest. Having bought the gold from the rich man, he returned the ingot to the saint, who, in front of the peasant’s eyes, again transformed the gold into a snake. The peasant was very surprised by the miracle performed and thanked God.

Spiridon Trimifuntsky

One day a pagan townswoman came to Spyridon. Weeping bitterly, she laid at the feet of the saint deceased body baby. Having prayed to the Almighty, the saint infused life into the baby. The amazed mother, seeing her child alive, immediately died of joy. But the saint ordered her to resurrect and stand on her feet. The woman seemed to awaken from a deep sleep, stood up and took her beloved child in her arms.

The end of life's journey

The height of the rank was not a reason for the pride of the saint. He worked in the fields along with the poor. During the harvest, a miracle happened and Spiridon’s head was covered with cool dew, and his hair changed color. The saint realized that the Heavenly Father was calling him to Himself, that the time had come to leave earthly life for heavenly life. Around 348, he gave up his soul to the Lord.

Spyridon of Trimifunt was buried with honor in the city of Trimifunt, and at his tomb, for the Glory of the Lord, numerous miracles and healings were performed and continue to be performed to this day.

Miraculous icon and cancer with relics

The face of the holy wonderworker rests on the iconostasis of everyone Orthodox church. Spiridon always responds to heartfelt prayer.

What can you pray to Saint Spyridon for:

The relics of the saint are on greek island Corfu in the church consecrated in his honor. Hand ( right hand) Spyridon of Trimifuntsky rests in Rome. Over the centuries, the saint's body remains incorruptible, his temperature is always 36.6 degrees. Through the glass of the shrine, the hair, skin and teeth of the saint are clearly visible. Scientists are still unable to explain the phenomenon of the incorruptibility of the body of a saint. The clergy periodically change the clothes and shoes in which the saint is dressed, because they often wear out.

Cancer with the relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

There is a legend among the people that the great saint sometimes goes to travel around the world and helps those in need.

The sarcophagus is locked and open only for worship by Orthodox Christians. It is decorated with countless ornaments made of silver and gold, which is people’s gratitude for Spiridon’s miracles through their prayers.

In Moscow, in one of the churches of the Danilov Monastery, a shrine is kept - the saint’s shoe, brought from Corfu. From time to time, clerics notice that it wears out, as if the miracle worker wore it during his wanderings around the world.

The icon kept in the Moscow Church of the Resurrection of the Word is marked by miracles. In its center is depicted an ark carrying part of the holy relics of Spyridon. It happened that one day a temple servant was praying fervently before the face and suddenly saw the door of the relics open. The woman repeated her request again - the door closed and the request was soon fulfilled.

Meaning of the image

Orthodox people have long venerated the holy face of the blessed wonderworker. During his earthly life, Spyridon favored the poor, the sick and the needy. And to this day he helps those who pray to him, including healthy, wealthy Christians.

Icon of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

He was always sincere in prayer and righteous in deeds.

Prayer Requests

Most often, before the holy face of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, people ask for resolution of problems:

  • in case of job loss and layoff;
  • on resolving material problems;
  • about finding a decent income;
  • on timely repayment of debts;
  • about purchasing your own home;
  • on preventing sudden loss of livestock in peasant villages;
  • about preserving the harvest;
  • during litigation;
  • in healing from illnesses;
  • to resolve family problems;
  • to prevent cruelty between loved ones;
  • for business success;
  • when oppressed by enemies;
  • for guidance in making important and fateful decisions.
Important! It is necessary to understand that the saints and their Faces “do not specialize” in fulfilling petitions in some certain areas. Appeal to heavenly intercessors should occur with faith in the Power of the Heavenly Father, and not by the power of a separate icon or prayer.

Only pure and honest thoughts should be present in prayer, the appeal should be selfless and pious.

When a prayer book asks for something, you must thank God for absolutely everything. For grief and joy, wealth and poverty. With the Lord everything is providential and according to merit.

Attention! Prayer requests for To the Higher Powers must be carried out with a pure heart, selflessly and piously.

But it is important to know that the request may not be fulfilled as quickly as the prayer book wishes. Perhaps you will have to wait for its execution not a year or two, or even more. In this case, it is important not to lose faith, because faith and patience can move mountains!

The veneration of the icon takes place annually on December 25th. This particular day falls on the date winter solstice, and the sunny day begins to arrive. From the time of ancient Rus' This day was called “Spiridon’s turn.”

Watch the video about Spiridon Trimifuntsky

Saint Spyridon of Trimythous was born at the end of the 3rd century on the island of Cyprus. Little information has been preserved about his life. It is known that he was a shepherd and had a wife and children. He gave all his funds to the needs of his neighbors and strangers, for this the Lord rewarded him with the gift of miracles: he healed the terminally ill and cast out demons. After the death of his wife, during the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great (306-337), he was elected bishop of the city of Trimifunt. In the rank of bishop, the saint did not change his way of life, combining pastoral service with works of mercy. According to church historians, Saint Spyridon in 325 took part in the actions of the First Ecumenical Council. At the Council, the saint entered into a competition with a Greek philosopher who defended the Aryan heresy. The simple speech of Saint Spyridon showed everyone’s weakness. human wisdom before the Wisdom of God: “Listen, philosopher, to what I will tell you: we believe that Almighty God out of nothing created heaven, earth, man and the entire visible and invisible world with His Word and Spirit. This Word is the Son of God, Who came down to earth for our sins, was born of the Virgin, lived with people, suffered, died for our salvation and then rose again, atoning for original sin with His suffering, and resurrected the human race with Himself. We believe that He is Consubstantial and Equal in Honor with the Father, and we believe this without any crafty inventions, for it is impossible to comprehend this mystery with the human mind.”

As a result of the conversation, the opponent of Christianity became its zealous defender and accepted holy baptism. After a conversation with Saint Spyridon, turning to his friends, the philosopher said: “Listen! While the competition with me was carried out through evidence, I set up others against some evidence and, with my art of argument, reflected everything that was presented to me. But when, instead of proof from reason, some special power began to emanate from the mouth of this old man, evidence became powerless against it, since a person cannot resist God. If any of you can think the same way as I do, then let him believe in Christ and, together with me, follow this old man, through whose mouth God Himself spoke.”

At the same Council, Saint Spyridon presented against the Arians a clear proof of the Unity in the Holy Trinity. He took a brick in his hands and squeezed it: fire instantly came out of it, water flowed down, and the clay remained in the hands of the miracle worker. “Behold, there are three elements, and there is one plinth (brick),” said St. Spyridon then, “so in the Most Holy Trinity there are Three Persons, but the Divinity is One.”

Saint with great love took care of his flock. Through his prayer, the drought was replaced by abundant life-giving rain, and continuous rains were replaced by bucketfuls, the sick were healed, and demons were cast out.

One day a woman came to him with dead child in his arms, asking for the intercession of the saint. After praying, he brought the baby back to life. The mother, shocked by joy, fell lifeless. But the prayer of the saint of God restored life to the mother.

Once, rushing to save his friend, slandered and sentenced to death, the saint was stopped on his way by a stream that unexpectedly overflowed from a flood. The saint ordered the stream: “Stand up!” This is what the Lord of the whole world commands you, so that I can cross and the husband for whose sake I am hastening may be saved.” The will of the saint was fulfilled. and he safely crossed to the other side. The judge, warned about the miracle that had occurred, met Saint Spyridon with honor and released his friend.

Such a case is also known from the life of the saint. One day he entered an empty church, ordered the lamps and candles to be lit, and began the Divine Service. Having proclaimed “Peace to all,” he and the deacon heard in response from above a great multitude of voices shouting: “And to your spirit.” This choir was great and sweeter than any human singing. At each litany, an invisible choir sang “Lord, have mercy.” Attracted by the singing coming from the church, people nearby hurried to her. As they approached the church, wonderful singing filled their ears more and more and delighted their hearts. But when they entered the church, they saw no one except the bishop with a few church servants, and they no longer heard heavenly singing, from which they were in great amazement.

Saint Simeon Metaphrastus, a writer of his life, likened Saint Spyridon to Patriarch Abraham in the virtue of hospitality. “You also need to know how he received strangers,” wrote Sozomen, who was close to monastic circles, citing in his “Church History” an amazing example from the life of the saint. One day, after the approach of Lent, a wanderer knocked on his house. Seeing that the traveler was very tired, Saint Spyridon said to his daughter: “Wash this man’s feet and offer him something to eat.” But due to fasting, the necessary supplies were not made, for the saint “ate food only on a certain day, and on others he remained without food.” Therefore, the daughter replied that there was no bread or flour in the house. Then Saint Spyridon, apologizing to the guest, ordered his daughter to fry the salted pork meat that was in stock and, having seated the wanderer at the table, began to eat, “convincing that man to imitate himself. When the latter, calling himself a Christian, refused, he added: “It is all the less necessary to refuse, for the Word of God has spoken: All things are pure (Titus 1:15).”

Another story, reported by Sozomen, is also very characteristic of the saint: the saint had a custom from harvested Give one part to the poor, and lend the other to the needy. He himself did not personally give anything, but simply showed the entrance to the storeroom, where everyone could take as much as they needed and then return it in the same way, without checking or reporting.

There is also a well-known story by Socrates Scholasticus about how thieves decided to steal the sheep of Saint Spyridon: late at night They climbed into the sheepfold, but immediately found themselves tied by an invisible force. When morning came, the saint came to the herd and, seeing the bound robbers, prayed, untied them and for a long time persuaded them to leave their lawless path and earn food by honest labor. Then, giving them a sheep each and sending them away, he said kindly: “Let it not be in vain that you kept watch.”

Saint Spyridon is often compared to the prophet Elijah, for also through his prayer, during droughts that often threatened the island of Cyprus, it rained: “We see Spyridon, the great wonderworker, equal to the angel. Once upon a time the country suffered greatly from lack of rain and drought: there was a famine and a plague, and many people died, but through the prayers of the saint, rain came down from heaven to earth: the people, having been delivered from the disaster, cried out in gratitude: Rejoice, thou who art like the great prophet, and the rain that takes away the famine and sicknesses, Thou hast sent down in good time.”

The entire life of the saint amazes with its amazing simplicity and power of miracles. given to him by the Lord. According to the word of the saint, the dead awakened, the elements were tamed, and idols were crushed. When the Patriarch convened a Council in Alexandria for the sake of crushing idols and temples, through the prayers of the fathers of the Council, all the idols fell, except one, the most revered. It was revealed to the Patriarch in a vision that this idol remained in order to be crushed by Saint Spyridon of Trimythous. Summoned by the Council, the saint boarded the ship, and at the moment when the ship landed on the shore and the saint set foot on land, the idol in Alexandria with all the altars was thrown into dust, which announced to the patriarch and all the bishops the approach of St. Spyridon.

Saint Spyridon lived in righteousness and holiness earthly life and in prayer he gave up his soul to the Lord (c. 348). In the history of the Church, Saint Spyridon is venerated together with Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra.

His relics rest on the island of Corfu in the church named after him (except for the right hand, which is in Rome).

Saint Spyridon is widely known for his miracles, which continue to this day, although he has been dead for over 1000 years. He led a godly life and was distinguished by his kindness of heart towards all those suffering and in need. For this, the Lord rewarded his saint with special gifts.

The relics of the monk

Almost nothing is known about the family in which Spiridon grew up and his adolescence. He was born at the end of the third century. He was engaged in herding cattle. The young man always treated the poor and strangers with great compassion. I tried to help them, provide a roof over their heads and feed them. Seeing such piety, God honored him with the gift of insight and healing, and the Saint could also cast out demons from the possessed.

The elder lived a rather long life and passed away when he was already over 80 years old. The date of his death was revealed to him by the Almighty. Before his death, he prayed and preached about love for the Lord.

His body remains incorruptible. Even after 1,700 years, the tissues of the relics remain soft, their temperature is 36.6 C, and the weight of the saint’s body is comparable to the weight of a healthy adult man. None of the scientists can still give an explanation for this mysterious phenomenon.

Interesting! Spyridon's shoes constantly wear out and the saints have to change his shoes. They say that the elder continues to come to the aid of all those in need. Only this can explain the condition of the saint’s shoes.

Miracle slippers of Spiridon Trimifuntsky

During his lifetime, Saint Spyridon performed many miracles. The sources describe cases when the elder managed to bring the dead back to life through his prayer. He healed diseases and knew how to talk to the dead. After the death of the elder, miracles continue to happen.

Interesting! One of the legends says that Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol came to the shrine with the relics of the saint. He witnessed a conversation between a man who claimed that the body could not resist rotting for so long. This is all embalming and nothing more. At this moment, the body of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky turned towards the speaker. Gogol was very impressed by what he saw.

Currently, crowds of pilgrims flock to his relics, seeking the saint’s help in their problems.

Where are the relics located?

Initially, the body of Saint Spyridon was located in Trimifunt. The next place where the relics of the saint rested was Constantinople.

In the 15th century it was destroyed, and the body of St. Spyridon was transported to the island of Corfu, to Kerkyra. The relics of the saint still rest there today. The inhabitants of the island consider the elder to be their heavenly intercessor and honor his memory with great respect. It is noteworthy that the island remained untouched during the difficult times of the conquests of the Ottoman Empire.

According to legend, when danger from the Turks loomed over this land, a terrible storm, rain and hurricane broke out. The enemies simply could not approach Corfu. Thus the saint protected the monastery where his body rested.

Relics of Saint Spyridon of Trimythus

Also, particles of the relics are kept in Moscow churches. In the Cathedral of the Resurrection of the Word there is miraculous icon with the image of a saint and relics. A small ark was made to store the relics. According to believers, the door of the ark itself opens and closes during prayer.

The icon is famous for its miraculousness. There was even a documentary filmed about her.

In the St. Danilovsky Monastery there is a saint’s shoe with a piece of his relics and an ancient icon.

Until the 30s of the last century, the Church of St. Spyridon operated in Moscow, which was very loved by parishioners. He had ancient history and was built back in the 17th century. But in times Soviet power was destroyed and could not be restored.

How to get there

The Church of the Resurrection of the Word is located at the address: Moscow, Uspensky Vrazhek, Bryusova Lane, No. 15/2.

It is convenient to get there by metro. It is better to get off at Okhotny Ryad station. Coming out of the metro onto the street. Tverskaya, you need to walk a few hundred meters. In this case, the Kremlin will remain behind. Walking along Tverskaya, you can explore local attractions along the way. Many famous people lived on this street, as evidenced by memorial plaques.

The Holy Danilov Monastery is located on Danilovsky Val Street, house 22.

How do holy relics help?

IN Orthodox practice It is not customary to approach saints with requests for material benefits. But in the case of Spiridon Trimifuntsky this is possible. Through the relics of the saint and sincere prayer you can get help in various life situations.

People come when they want to solve their problems financial difficulties, housing issues. They ask him for help in strengthening Orthodox faith, in case of internal disagreements. Saint Spyridon provides assistance in finding work and in successfully concluding legal transactions. Near the shrine with its relics you can often see people engaged in business.

Important! Before asking, you need to kiss the shrine, make the sign of the cross, and then pray. The request must be sincere and from the bottom of the heart. The confessors point out that the saint comes to the aid only of those who really need it.

Sometimes clergy cannot open the doors of the shrine with relics. In this case, they say that Spiridon went to help someone. He travels all over the world, and his worn-out shoes are proof of this. The saint's shoes, which are worn out, are cut into shreds and distributed to believers.

Important! The revered saint always responds to the requests of believers, but everyone must remember that in order to obtain results it is necessary to make their own efforts. And Spiridon Trimifuntsky will help to do everything in such a way that the problem is definitely solved.

Relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky