Cycloid type example from the movie. Hyperthymic, cycloid, labile and astheno-neurotic types of accentuations in the classification of A.E. Lichko

Prone to frequent mood swings and changes in the manner of communicating with people around him. His performance periodically drops, and he loses interest in work and in the people around him. Moreover, people of the cyclothymic type of character accentuation have a hard time experiencing failures, often think about their own shortcomings and uselessness, experience a feeling of loneliness, and become withdrawn.

During periods of depression, the behavior of a person with a cyclometric type of character accentuation is similar to dysthymic character accentuation, which is replaced by activity characteristic of the hyperthymic type.

Affectively exalted type

Human of this type character accentuations can be recognized by his characteristic high level of contact, talkativeness, and amorousness. Such people often argue, but do not lead to open conflicts. IN conflict situations they are both active and passive. At the same time, they are attached and attentive to friends and relatives.

They are altruistic, have a sense of compassion, good taste, and show brightness and sincerity of feelings. Negative traits: alarmism, susceptibility to momentary moods.

Work of the Shmishek questionnaire

The questionnaire consists of 88 questions, 10 scales corresponding to certain character accentuations (personality accentuations).

Dominant type of accented character is determined by the maximum number of points that the subject gains as a result of testing using the Shmishek questionnaire; by the number of points one can judge the degree of development of various character accentuations in an adult or child.

The sum of “raw” points multiplied by the corresponding coefficient gives the indicator type of accentuation. The maximum score for each type of accentuation is 24 points. A sign of accentuation is considered to be a value exceeding 12 points. The obtained data are presented in the form profile personal accentuation(character accentuations).

The test is intended to identify the accentuated properties of character and temperament of adolescents, young adults and adults. The Shmishek test is suitable for taking into account character accentuations in the learning process, professional selection, psychological counseling, career guidance.


Currently, many areas labor activity people are associated with neuropsychic stress. The acceleration of the pace of life, information overload, increasing this tension, often contribute to the emergence and development of borderline forms of neuropsychic pathology, which makes the issues of mental hygiene and psychoprophylaxis a number of the most important and urgent tasks in protecting human mental health. The solution to these problems is associated, first of all, with the need for early diagnosis of disorders of social and mental adaptation, as well as a predisposition to neuroticism and psychopathization.

The number of character traits that are recorded by human experience and found designation in language is extremely large. The variability of character traits is manifested not only in their qualitative diversity and originality, but also in their quantitative expression. There are people who are more or less suspicious, more or less generous, more or less honest and frank. When the quantitative expression of a particular character trait reaches extreme values ​​and is at the extreme limit of the norm, the so-called accentuation of character.

Diagnosis of accentuated character traits plays an important role and becomes relevant not only because under the influence of psychotraumatic factors they can turn into pathological condition, but also because maintaining mental balance is an important prerequisite for normal human life and sufficient productivity of his work. To adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of an information overloaded world, a sufficient reserve of mental strength is required. The human psyche is very vulnerable, and there are a great many negative impacts on the psyche during a person’s life, ranging from minor griefs and grievances associated with family relationships to severe personal shocks and tragedies in a person’s life.

Each person is an individual, with his own character traits and ability to adapt. Some people are quite resistant to many stressful influences and “can withstand blows well,” they can find at least one way out of any situation, and they find it, while negative people external influences do not have a noticeable effect on them peace of mind. But other people have completely different character traits, and even a minor mental trauma can have a significant negative impact on their psyche and cause various mental disorders.

And as has already been said, knowledge of the peculiarities of one’s character, the peculiarities of perceiving certain events and responding to them, makes it possible to react to many psychotraumatic situations in a more detached manner, which can precisely provide a reserve of mental strength, and can also help to pay attention to it in time. these personality traits and not allow them to develop in a negative direction and turn into pathology. Or, through the development of opposite character accentuations, make a person’s personality more balanced, facilitate interpersonal communication, and adaptation to new living conditions.

The classification of types of character accentuation is significant and does not coincide in the nomenclature of names among different authors (K. Leongard, A. Lichko), so I will try to reflect the point of view of both authors on the problem of accentuation. However, the description of accentuated features turns out to be largely identical, so I will give a list of accentuations, borrowing the most successful terms from both classification systems.

Thus, purpose This course work is a study of character accentuations as personality traits, a study of the combination of various accentuated personality traits, for further use in work.

Research objectives :

1. Study the traits that form an accentuated personality, as well as the classifications of character accentuations by various authors.

2. Describe the types of character accentuations, features of their manifestation, and their combinations.

3. Describe the method for determining the type of accentuated character traits of G. Shmishek (1970) and consider the possibilities of its use to determine individual personality characteristics, and in the future, to identify disorders of mental adaptation in the early stages.

The solution to the stated problem can be used to solve the following practical problems:

Drawing up correction programs;

Career guidance and selection;

Identification of persons prone to depressive states and affective reactions, etc., for the purpose of socio-psychological support.


People are distinguished from each other not only by innate personality traits, but also by developmental differences associated with the course of their lives. A person’s behavior depends on what family he grew up in, what school he attended, what profession he is, and what circles he moves in. Two people with initially similar natures may subsequently have very little in common with each other, and on the other hand, the similarity of life circumstances can develop similar traits and reactions in people who are fundamentally different.

People differ from each other no matter how the difference arises. Just as one person differs from another in appearance, so the psyche of each person is different from the psyche of other people. There are variations in the nature of human reactions to the environment: there are people with more or less pronounced egoism or altruism, more or less ambitious, more or less capable of compassion, more or less filled with a sense of duty, etc. This means that in the sphere of aspirations and dispositions, on the basis of such variations, human individualities arise, which differ from each other.

The traits that determine a person’s individuality can be attributed to various mental spheres: 1) the sphere of orientation of interests and inclinations, 2) feelings and will, and 3) the associative-intellectual sphere.

To understand the essence of a person, it is necessary to take a close look at the various features of the named spheres characteristic of him.

It is not always easy to draw a clear line between the traits that form an accentuated personality and the traits that determine variations in a person’s individuality. accentuated features, characters are not nearly as numerous as Variant traits. These are the same traits, but they have a tendency, as already mentioned, to turn into pathology. Accented characters depend not on natural biological properties, but on environmental factors that leave an imprint on the lifestyle of a given person.

Even at the dawn of the study of psychopathy, the need arose to separate them from extreme variants of the norm. V.M. Bekhterev (1886) mentioned “ transitional states between psychopathy and normal state" P.B. Gannushkin (1933) designated such cases as “ latent psychopathy", M. Framer (1949) and O. Kerbikov (1961) - as " prepsychopathy", G.K. Ushakov (1973) - as " extreme variants of normal character" The most common term was introduced by K. Leonhard (1968) - “ accentuated personality" In our country, a slightly different term has become widespread - “ character accentuations" - introduced by A.E. Lichko, on the basis that the concept of “personality” is more complex than the concept of “character” and includes intelligence, abilities, inclinations, worldview, etc., and also because in the descriptions K. Leonhard is talking specifically about character types.

As mentioned earlier, the view on the problem of character accentuation differs among different authors. As an example, I will give a summary table of classifications of character accentuation according to K. Leogard and A. E. Lichko, compared by V. V. Yustitsky (1977), and then we will try to consider the points of view of these researchers each separately and give a brief assessment of each of the presented classifications .

Accented personality type according to K. Leonhard (1976) Type of character accentuation according to A.E. Lichko (1977)
Demonstrative Hysterical
Pedantic Psychasthenic
Stuck -
Excitable Epileptoid
Hyperthymic Hyperthymic
Dysthymic -
Affectively labile Cycloid
Affectively exalted Labile
Emotive Labile
Anxious (fearful) Sensitive
Extroverted Hyperthymic-conformal
Introverted Sensitive Unstable Conformal Astheno-neurotic Schizoid Sensitive Unstable Conformal Astheno-neurotic

Character core

A real cycloid exudes spiritual and physical warmth, it even
physically felt in contact with such a person. The warmth of others
people are partially extinguished by dysphoria, egocentricity, depersonalization,
an invisible “wall” between them and the interlocutor. All this is not in
cycloid, but it has an aroma of enveloping warmth, softness,
good-natured love of life, humor. This happens not only in relation to
close people, but goes in a wide wave, warming and caressing almost everyone
those around you. At times this open warmth is curtained by sadness, but also
then through this “curtain” it continues to be felt. But here's a cycloid
cheered up and again, like the sun, warms those around him with his rays.

The main feature of cycloid naturalness is syntony
(from the Greek sintonia - consonance, consistency). Syntonality means "in
one tone." First of all, it is open spontaneity in communication. Cycloid
resonates with the state of another person and responds in tone with his own
condition. The tone of the conversation changes - and facial expressions change
eyes, voice modulations, gestures, posture, cycloid mood. This resonance
clearly perceptible, because the cycloid is understandable: its feelings are reflected in
his appearance and behavior. He gives full vent to his emotions. From
fullness of feelings can hug, kiss a person or shout at him,
down the stairs.

E. Kretschmer made an interesting remark that a cycloid is capable of
shout rudely and is not capable of being caustic and angry /71/. If there is
desire to help, then the cycloid does it selflessly, from the heart, and not only
words. When a cycloid feels bad, he needs to speak out completely,
cry: large tears flowing down chubby cheeks are associated with something
genuine, spontaneous, childlike.

A cycloid person is characterized by internal mental coherence
(one of the facets of syntony). He rarely has irreconcilable
internal conflicts, including moral ones. If he really wants something
wanted, then he morally allows it and forgives himself for it. Lies and cunning can
take place, but they are also a continuation of cycloid spontaneity.

The cycloid lives in tune with the world around it, entering into detail and practical
details and moments of life events. He perceives the world “deliciously”. Love of life
cycloid is rich with the abundance of colors and smells of life. He enjoys
varied communication, practical activities, quickly gets acquainted and
easily enters into friendly relations. All ceremony is alien to him,
artificiality, in its naturalness there is something natural and primordial,
protecting the cycloid from conventions, false shame and falsehood. The cycloid lives and
gives life to others, infecting them with his optimism and energy.

Even cycloid immorality, due to its naturalness, does not carry
in itself the perversions of sadism. It is understandable to most people because
many of them want the same thing as the cycloid, but they firmly adhere to
moral prohibitions. Paradoxically, the unprincipled actions of the cycloid
They are cute in their own way and do not cause condemnation. When you read about adventures
Ostap Bender, the musketeers A. Dumas, then you become infected with their skill easily and
live happily, completely forgetting about their morality or immorality
actions. Even such a great moralist as L.N. Tolstoy described it this way
unprincipled, frivolous, but kind and cheerful, syntonous
Steve Oblonsky, what we, like the characters in the novel, want without judgment
smile ironically at him. Cycloid A. S. Pushkin could affect any
themes and, due to natural tact, lightness and charm, was not vulgar.

Due to the same naturalness, the cycloid blows its nose, yawns,
stretches, without causing feelings in most people around him
awkwardness, and even vice versa, creates an atmosphere of simplicity and comfort. This edge
cycloid naturalness can be called naturalness. Due to this
naturalness (unlike a psychasthenic, schizoid), a cycloid man does not
is embarrassed by sexual desire for the woman he likes. Cycloid,
meeting a work colleague in the morning, perhaps beaming with a smile and friendly
holding out your hand, say: “Somehow you look bad today, dear, like
as if they had grown old,” and all this without the slightest causticity, causticity,
in his own caring and kind way. Disarmed by such naturalness
the touchy colleague does not get angry, but goes to look at himself in the mirror.

E. Kretschmer made an important observation-discovery, which he called
pathetic proportion (proportion of mood). He noticed that the cycloid
can be simply joyful or sad, there is always a mixture of the two in him
these feelings, one of which predominates. Kretschmer wrote: “The attitude, with
in which the cycloid personality combines hypomanic and gloomy traits
temperament, we call diathetic proportion or proportion

Any natural process is characterized by a wave-like, rhythmic
flow. Nature breathes with weather fluctuations and changing seasons. In a cycloid,
as in a natural person, we see this natural property. The name itself
"cycloid" comes from the concept of cycloid, which in Greek means
circularity. So, within the framework of the diatetic proportion, the mood of the cycloid
fluctuates from joy, light to sadness and gloom.

If you follow the scientific rigor of the approach, then the ups and downs
moods in cycloids should be called hyperthymia and hypothymia; at
cyclothymia, respectively, hypomania and subdepression; with MDP mania and
depression. I believe that non-specialists can call any mental decline
the commonly used word "depression". In the book we will adhere to this
wide usage of words. The main thing is to clearly understand that in the case
cycloid psychopathy, cyclothymia and MDP we are dealing with qualitatively different
depression. They are the mildest in cycloids, the heaviest in MDP.

A depressed cycloid remains himself: his values, the meaning of life
remain with him, he is able to live through depression, starting from them.
A depressive cycloid retains the ability to control himself using his
will and in case of an offense is considered sane. With cyclothymia, and
especially with MDP, the personality is, as it were, “curtained” by a painful state. AND
he himself is sick, and his relatives notice that he has become a different person.

Cycloid is characterized by practical realism of thinking. He's little
appreciates ingenious reasoning, for which it is not yet clear how to
can be practically applied. His thinking moves in tune, in tune with quickly
changing reality, capable of flexible compromises. Even
cycloid is a philosopher, like Feuerbach, Marx, then the main thing in his philosophy comes down to
to search for conditions so that people here on earth can fully
live, love, develop freely. Cycloids, as well as people already described
characters, characterized by a realistic attitude. They feel that
spiritual life is born within them, and is not given to them from other unearthly

G. E. Sukhareva writes: “Everything around them is assessed positively and
cheerful colors. A 9-year-old boy, when asked how he spent the holidays,
replies: “It’s so good that it can’t be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen.” On
when the doctor asks what hurts him, he answers: “I’m healthy, I don’t get sick, I never
I was sick and I won’t be sick!”

School performance is uneven due to their turbulent
temperament, due to which they lack perseverance. Often they
A wonderful memory helps. Even without understanding the material, they are able to learn
by heart. Despite affective outbursts and pugnacity, they do not
epileptoid furious anger and vindictiveness against the offender. They can, in
Unlike an epileptoid, being friends with those with whom you were still at odds yesterday. Among
children, they often enjoy authority and sympathy due to their courage and
open friendliness. They easily adapt and navigate
situations without suffering from shyness and inhibition. And they have periods
depression, lethargy. This usually doesn't last long.

Variants of a cycloid nature

Described in detail by E. Kretschmer and P. B. Gannushkin. E. Kretschmer highlighted
the following options are cycloid in nature. Lively hypomanic type, quiet
self-satisfied type, melancholic type, as well as chatty, cheerful, calm
comedians, quiet sincere people, carefree lovers of life, energetic
practitioners This list indicates the diversity of cycloid
accentuators and psychopaths.

What is the reason for this diversity? The point is that the above
The cycloid core is layered with other characterological traits.
The core appears most clearly and unclouded in “pure” cycloids, that is
without any admixture in the character of pronounced hysteria, authoritarianism,
psychasthenic-like, whose mood is most often closer to moderate
increased. In such cases, we feel in a person an unclouded
solar syntony-coherence, full-blooded
naturalness-naturalness. Also, the core of character can steadfastly
“become covered” with sadness or become inflamed, inflamed with hyperthymic fire. P.B.
Gannushkin proposed a taxonomy of cycloids depending on their features
moods. Based on this taxonomy, let’s consider the options
synthonic people.

1. Constitutionally depressed (hypothymic or sad). P.B.
Gannushkin paints a very painful picture of someone mired in hopelessness.
self-flagellation of a pessimist. At times it seems like it's not just about
cycloids, but also about circular patients. True, he notes that “behind this
the gloomy shell usually conceals great kindness, responsiveness and
the ability to understand the emotional movements of other people; in a close circle
loved ones, surrounded by an atmosphere of sympathy and love, they become clearer:
become cheerful, friendly, talkative, even jokers and
humorists..." /4, p. 14/.

K. Leonhard calls such personalities dysthymic /8, p.
183-186/. E. Kretschmer calls them heavy-blooded for their inhibition,
phlegmatic, lethargic. Perhaps such a heavy-blooded cycloid was
fabulist I. A. Krylov. Through all the depression, humor shines through,
naturalness, love of life, which can be brought to life joyfully
an event, a sincere compliment. This type of woman lifts herself
mood for shopping, new hairstyle. When she's sitting in the chair
hairdresser, then involuntarily warms his soul with the feeling that about her

Many sad cycloids are similar to psychasthenics in their moral
sensitivity. I remember how such a woman naturally cried at
people, repenting for not buying bread for a poor grandmother (psychasthenic
I would hardly cry among unfamiliar people). Compared to psychasthenics
they have less concern for their well-being, more unreasoning courage,
less self-esteem. There is something surprisingly pure in their moral
actions that do not come from reflection, not from a feeling of guilt or tortured
conscience, but because they have such a nature, which is easy, organic, without
internal struggle and doubt are allowed to be carried out. Their moral attitude
very flexible: such a doctor or boss is ready to write a deliberately false
paper, as long as it helps a specific person. It's possible that
a certain amount of mild depression (without nervousness,
irritability) has an enlightening effect on a person, freeing him from
vanity and low motives. In this regard, it is appropriate to recall the Book

These people, as Kretschmer noted, are characterized by a non-moralizing ability
understand the characteristics of other people /71, p. 456/. They often have a feeling
pessimistic course of life, which they obediently accept without pathos and
tragedy, rather with sad humor. Sad (hypothymic) cycloid at times
resembles a sleepy, lazy cat. But, reviving, it can amaze
intelligence and quick, accurate reaction. Sometimes hypothymic cycloid
gives the impression of an autistic schizoid. But on closer contact
glows with sad syntony and a craving for warmth. There are also sad cycloids
verbosely active, but the eyes, mood, sense of life conceal in themselves
a significant admixture of sadness. We may remember with gratitude
notable in this regard are R. Bykov, Yu. Nikulin, S. Dovlatov.
I believe it is no coincidence that among the sad cycloids there are many humorists -
This is how they heal and rise from their sadness to the joy of life.

2. Constitutionally excited (hyperthymic). To the psychopaths of this
The group is characterized by pathological optimism. They laugh even when
most of them are crying. If such a person becomes dangerously ill, then
It is very difficult to force him to undergo treatment, frightening him with possible death. Hypertim
feels the energy in himself for several lifetimes, and he does not believe in his own
death. He is capable of making an epicurean joke: “As long as I exist, there is no death, when
she will come, I will not be there.” Hyperthyms are cheerful, as if accompanied by cheerful music
drank champagne. There is no discord in the soul: everything desired is permissible. IN
during periods of special upsurges of mood, they are capable of embarking on dubious
adventures, as if losing for some time the sense of duty and decency.
Hyperthyms crave new areas of activity, since in old areas, with their
point of view, all that remains is to carry out what is already known - and this is boring for them.
They may be angry, but not neurotically nervous. Having flared up,
They quickly move away, refreshed by the release of emotions, and do not harbor any grudges. They don't have
cold severity, sharp hostility, strict adherence to principles. If
a severe hyperthymic psychopath can be harmful to business, since more
plans and begins, than creates, then a mild psychopath and an accentuator
are distinguished by amazing productivity.

I will dwell on those hypertims who indulge not so much in “fleshy
joys of life,” but, on the contrary, somewhat pushing them aside, they surrender
passions of practical work. As E. Kretschmer noted, they “have no desire
to correct the world according to firmly established provisions... These are practices
who first get to know the person and real opportunities, and then
are already taking into account the principle” /71, p. 455-456/.

Such hyperthyms gain experience in practical life from childhood, so
As always, they organize something, “crank it out.” They always know: where,
what, how much, what depends on whom. More often rely on intuition than strictly
verified calculation. They are characterized by the following attitude: we’ll wait, we’ll see, we’ll figure it out.
People call them cunning, because they find a way out of almost any
situations. They sense who they need to interact with and how: they are putting pressure on someone,
someone is immediately given in to someone, someone is listened to respectfully, someone is shouted at
- in a word, as mobile as mercury.

Hyperthymas, like many other cycloids, can easily
reincarnate and be what you need to be in a given situation. Merry
With a joke they soften their impudence and assertiveness. Many of them
characterized by charm and the ability to inspire trust. They always have
a wide range of sincere compliments. Hyperthymas skillfully reduce
distance in communication, establish friendships, so when they
They approach people with a request, making it difficult to refuse. They are ready for
compromise: if everything fails, then they try to get at least something. U
of a hyperthymic boss, the doors do not close - he accepts everyone at once, without
creating queues while solving multiple problems. Hyperthymic
an energetic practitioner is not sentimental, not touchy, does not get stuck inertly in
feelings. He has a need to speak out, but not
to complain forever. In difficult situations, his typical question is: “What
what to do?”, to which he immediately looks for a practical answer.

3. Cyclothymics (according to P. B. Gannushkin). We are talking about cycloids with
wave-like mood swings. K. Leonhard called similar
individuals are affectively labile. Currently, there are no such cycloids
They are usually called cyclothymics: this is what people with cyclothymia are called. These
people can clearly observe “good and bad” days. On good days they
feel unusually healthy, but over time, taught by experience,
Already in the depths of their souls they are anxiously awaiting the depressive phase. Sometimes, if hesitation
moods are frequent, fatigue accumulates from the lack of spiritual
stability. It is difficult to say about them whether they are optimists or pessimists.

What is optimism? Let me explain with an example. An optimist sees half a bottle
champagne and exclaims: “How great! A whole half bottle of champagne!”
A pessimist in such a situation becomes gloomy: “Alas, half the bottle has already been drunk.”
A depressed person falls into despair: “Oh, woe, I’ve drunk half a bottle, and this
terrible!" A given type of cycloid can react in any of these ways. A
can joke: “If you add more, I’m an optimist, and if not, then I’m a pessimist,” and
he will laugh at his own joke. A similar cycloid needs to be configured like this
so that he values ​​his good days, and in bad times I waited with confidence
good ones - then he will be closer to an optimist. Wonderful example such
we see relationships in Pushkin’s little wise poem “If life
will deceive you."

4. Emotive-labile (reactive-labile) cycloids. People of this
character - the most helpless in their affective instability. Their
the mood “dances” several times a day. They laugh merrily themselves
They understand that this will lead to tears. Sometimes they don’t know what to expect from themselves
in a minute, in an hour. Such cycloids require psychotherapy.

Due to the fact that they attract little attention
motivation for changes in their state, people can consider them
capricious, even superficial and frivolous. However they are different
deep feelings and lasting affection for loved ones and friends. Any
a trifle can unsettle them, but a pleasant event can instill cheerfulness and
even distract from really serious troubles. These people are running away from
communication with those who, for obvious or unknown reasons, spoil their fragile
mood. If a person has a beneficial mental effect,
then they are ready to stay next to him all day.

Not all cycloids, especially the original ones, are limited to the given ones.
options. The more complex and multifaceted a person is, the worse he sits
pre-sewn clothing of a characterological description. Needed by many
add explanatory definitions to help more accurately capture the emotional
image of a person. Let us remember the syntonic intellectual Bulat Okudzhava, his
a sunny-sad smile, warm, gently invigorating, with a slight hoarseness
voice, sad but complex songs that give hope. There's something about them
autistic, their heroes are shrouded in a slightly demonstrative, romantic haze,
in the songs there is a sense of style, intimacy, symbolism, in which
earthly meanings.

Some researchers, for example K. Leongard, call syntonic
only those cycloids that are characterized by a fairly even, neutral
mood. Apparently, it is assumed that it is in this mood that a person
most able to resonate with another person. However we
we feel that we are both hyperthymic and hypothymic through joy or sadness as well
naturally resonate with what is happening, remaining generally within the framework of their
prevailing mood. Therefore, the definition of syntonicity belongs to the core
cycloid in nature, not limited to its individual variants.

Perhaps cycloids do not raise children as methodically as
anxious people of other characters, but will not spare either money or
strength, will not leave them in trouble. A cycloid father, having dinner in a restaurant, may
allow his three-year-old son to crawl on the tablecloth, knocking him over
her drinks and sauce, laughing at his tricks and pranks, coming from them in
good mood. He immediately consoles the frightened waiter: “I’ll pay for everything.
Let the boy live." And there is no swagger in him, the arrogance of the rich
person, but only the deep joy of the opportunity to provide my son with
fullness of life. Cycloid families often have guests. Noisy and fun
Holidays and birthdays are celebrated when all the relatives come together. Cycloid
Mom manages to do hundreds of things in a day, but at the same time she will quickly notice that she has
one of the five children looks dejected, and, doing the hundred and first thing, quickly shoves
him a thermometer. The atmosphere of the cycloid family is well conveyed by L. N. Tolstoy on
example of the Rostov family. Many Italian films are shown in a hyperthymic manner
the turbulent family life of poor people with its increased “temperature” of feelings,
screams when everything is in a heap, but at the same time people somehow manage to do everything
figure it out and laugh at yourself and each other.

Differential diagnosis

People may mistake a brightly dressed, noisy person for hysterics, while
while it may be a cycloid. The hysterical person unconsciously strives for the center
attention, and the cycloid involuntarily ends up there due to its active
community. Often people themselves invite him to the center of the celebration of life,
for example, as a wedding toastmaster. Cycloid himself loves to please people.
From this natural desire to please, coquetry, playfulness,
slight preening of oneself, but all this is cheerful and without falsehood. No
the predominance of the pose, its emptiness. In an easy cycloid pose it is felt
natural warm syntony, not pretentious, demonstrative

Sometimes people confuse violently behaving cycloids with organic psychopaths
(more on them later). Cycloid hyperthymia is distinguished by its content,
purposefulness, infects with a taste for life. Organic euphoricity
is rather empty of content, disinhibition is clearly visible in her,
a complacent and worry-free desire to get a primitive “high”. Cycloids,
when they are “carried” by emotions, seem hysterical or market-like, while organics
during these periods they may give the impression of being temporarily weak-minded.

In general, for classical clinical diagnostics the most important thing is not
information that third parties report about a person or about himself, or
clinical impression that a person directly makes during
conversation time. Recording and analyzing this impression is called mental
status (condition), which is carefully compared with the received
information. Only after the conversation it becomes clear how to interpret this
information. Experienced clinicians in most cases shy away from
making a diagnosis without seeing the patient (which is possible for some


1. The story by A.P. Chekhov “Darling” depicts a spiritually uncomplicated
synthonic woman. On the grounds that it varies with different
people, as if losing themselves, she cannot be attributed to hysterical natures.
Darling is the opposite of hysterical. The latter wants to be the center of attention and
so that events revolve around her. Darling puts someone else in the spotlight
a person and dissolves in worries about him, without expecting rewards or praise. She
helpless in front of her deep-emotional need with her whole body and
Serve your loved one with your soul. At the same time, she loses herself as an independent
personality. But he doesn’t regret it at all - because with his independence
will you help your husband? Her love is motherly, fussy, absolutely local and
finds its highest development in the little boy. She doesn't live for herself
can. There is a detail in the film adaptation of the story when Darling asks not to clean up
portraits from the wall ex-husbands. She loves them all. If her husbands hadn't
died, she would have been a faithful wife to one husband. To remain alone
not helping anyone is completely foreign to her, so she again
fell in love. It is interesting that some intelligent sensitive-helpless schizoids
They treat Darling without any irony. Apparently they feel how important this
syntony for which worries and worries loved one there is the most
great self-concern. Without a naturally syntonic core of character
Darling’s behavior, taken in all its details, can be explained

2. Let us recall the image of the synth swindler Ostap Bender, who “honored the criminal
code." There was warmth in him, kind concern for his companions, a desire to help them.
Natural humor permeated everything he did. Special attention please pay attention
on the synthonic-talented plasticity of his interaction with people. E.L.
Dotsenko writes: “...the genius of I. Ilf in a duet with E. Petrov manifested itself
also in the surprisingly accurate name of the type of fraudster they described -
combinator. This is not a swindler working in one genre - a deception,
deception, robbery, coercion, manipulation, etc. This is real
a combinator that amazes with its instrumental equipment and flexibility"

They say there is a scale of psychotypes. How can you find out how your own child is growing up in order to help him fight his negative traits? Zinaida K., Gomel.

The classification of accentuations was developed by the German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard in 1968. Based on his works and the research of Russian psychiatrist Pyotr Gannushkin, Soviet psychiatrist, Honored Scientist Andrei Lichko created his own personality typology.


Traits of this psychotype rarely appear in childhood; the guys are focused on one thing, serious, preoccupied, striving to achieve what they want at any cost.

High degree of determination. Such teenagers subordinate their lives to achieving a goal (quite large-scale), while being able to neglect the interests of others. They are ready to sacrifice well-being, give up entertainment, comfort and other joys common to children.

High energy; independence; independence; reliability in cooperation when goals coincide with the aspirations of the people with whom they work.

Repulsive features: irritability, anger, if something or someone gets in the way of the goal; weak sensitivity to other people's grief; authoritarianism.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: extremely ambitious by and large, and not on trifles.

When making contact, they often suppress their interlocutor, are overly categorical in their judgments, and can hurt others with their words. They don’t notice their own conflict.
Completely unsentimental, friendship is viewed as a continuation of a common great cause. Friends are only comrades.

Attitude to study and work. Only those academic subjects that are needed now or will be needed in the future. To do this, they can go to the library, take extra classes, buy a lot of books, and read during breaks. And everything else in school is of no value.
The greatest success is achieved in individual creative work. Unsurpassed generators of big ideas and non-standard approaches to solving complex problems.


From preschool age, children predisposed to this type are thrifty with clothes and toys. They react sharply to those who try to take possession of their property; From the first school years they show increased accuracy.

Love of order, desire to maintain what has already been established, conservatism; high energy (students willingly engage in physical education, run, speak loudly, organize everyone around them, and with their activity often disturb others). In extreme situations, teenagers become brave and even reckless; V everyday life show anger, explosiveness, and pickiness.

Attractive character traits: thoroughness, accuracy, diligence, thrift (often turning into pedantry), reliability (they always keep promises), punctuality (in order not to be late, they will set 2 alarm clocks and also ask their parents to wake them up), attentiveness to health.

: insensitivity to the grief of others, excessive irritability due to noticed disorder, carelessness of others or violation of rules.

The “weak link” of the psychotype: They cannot tolerate disobedience and violently rebel against infringement of their own interests.

Features of communication and friendship. They do not make casual acquaintances; they prefer to communicate with childhood friends and schoolmates. If they consider someone a friend, then they fulfill all the obligations that friendship imposes. Betrayal, either in friendship or in love, will never be forgiven.

Attitude to study and work. They are goal-oriented, complete all homework, do not skip classes, and are usually excellent students. Growing up, they perform best in work related to maintaining order, rules and regulations adopted by someone else (for example, a financier, lawyer, teacher, military man, etc.).


Those belonging to this psychotype have been distinguished since childhood by their noisiness, sociability, and courage; prone to mischief. They lack a sense of distance in relationships with adults.

Dominant character traits: high spirits, extroversion, joy from communication, good health and blooming appearance.

Attractive character traits: energy, optimism, generosity, desire to help people, initiative, talkativeness, cheerfulness; the mood is almost independent of what is happening around.

Superficiality, inability to concentrate on specific case or thoughts, a constant desire to do something more interesting in this moment, jumping from one thing to another (such guys sign up for several clubs or sections at once, but don’t go to any one for more than 1-2 months), disorganization, familiarity, frivolity, readiness
at unrestrained risk.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: cannot tolerate a monotonous environment, monotonous work that requires painstakingness or a sharp limitation of communication; they are oppressed by loneliness and forced idleness.

Features of communication and friendship. They always act as merry fellows and jokers. Their home is a meeting place for friends and acquaintances, where anyone can come and stay as long as they like. They are always drawn to the company and strive for leadership among their peers. They can easily find themselves in an unfavorable environment and are prone to adventures.
They are not capable of deep affection. They are characterized by love for their neighbor (and not for all humanity); rush to help without hesitation. In friendship they are kind and unforgiving. Having offended someone, they quickly forget about it and will be sincerely happy the next time they meet; if necessary, they will apologize for the offense caused and do something nice.

Attitude to study and work. Schoolchildren of this psychotype would achieve significant success if they were not so frivolous and could concentrate on one subject. All subjects are easy for them, but the knowledge they receive at school is superficial and often unsystematic. They are constantly late for classes and skip classes (especially those classes in which they are bored and have no opportunity to express themselves). Easily catch up: for example, before test work or they won’t sleep for one night during the exam and will learn almost everything.

Capable of achieving success in any business. At first, everything goes well for them, achievements appear, but if routine work begins, it becomes uninteresting, the activity ceases to be new, then they are ready to quit at the first opportunity and switch to something else.

Noisy and overactive, they often create the appearance of productive activity (they willingly and eagerly get down to business, plan a lot of events, hold meetings, etc.), which helps to build a career.


This psychotype is visible from early childhood. A cute baby, in front of a large number of adult strangers, recites poems, sings songs, and demonstrates his talents and outfits without any embarrassment. The main thing for him is admiring spectators. If guests sat down at the table and forgot about it, it will certainly attract attention again. If unsuccessful, he will knock over a glass on the tablecloth or break a saucer.

Dominant character traits: demonstrativeness; the desire to constantly be the center of attention, sometimes at any cost; thirst for constant admiration or surprise, veneration, worship.

: perseverance, initiative, sociability, dedication, resourcefulness, activity, pronounced organizational skills, independence and willingness to take leadership (although after a burst of energy, the listed qualities quickly fizzle out).

Repulsive character traits: a tendency to intrigue and demagoguery, hypocrisy, cockiness, recklessness, thoughtless risks (but only in the presence of spectators), boasting of non-existent successes, taking into account only one’s own desires, inflated self-esteem, touchiness.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: inability to bear blows to egocentrism, exposure of fictions.

Features of communication and friendship. They constantly need numerous viewers. In principle, this is the main form of their life (in public and for people). But, as a rule, they communicate only with those who express their admiration and idolize their abilities and talent. Very often they are selective, striving to be friends with famous people in order to be in the shadow of their fame, or with those who lose to them in order to shade themselves even more.

Attitude to study and work. Often this is just a reason for communication, an opportunity to express yourself among people. They go to school for fun. To attract attention, they study not just well, but better than anyone else, surprising teachers with their abilities in various subjects.
In principle, these are gifted, talented people who are easily given professions related to artistic creativity. They work best
outside the team and mandatory framework.


Since school years, such children love to play alone, are not attracted to classmates, avoid noisy fun, preferring the company of older children. In adolescence, isolation and isolation, and an inability to empathize with others are striking.

Dominant character trait: introversion. This is a pronounced mental type, constantly analyzing the surrounding reality.

Attractive character traits: seriousness, restlessness, taciturnity, stability of interests and constancy of activities. As a rule, these are talented, smart and unpretentious schoolchildren. Productive, they can work on their ideas for a long time, but do not push through them, do not implement them.

Repulsive character traits: isolation, coldness, rationality. Such children have little energy and are inactive.
with intense work - both physical and intellectual. Emotionally cold. Their egoism is unconscious.
At the same time, they are vulnerable, because they are proud. They do not tolerate criticism of their system.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: They cannot tolerate situations in which it is necessary to establish informal emotional contacts, and the violent intrusion of strangers into their inner world.

Features of communication and friendship. Very selective; people are hardly noticed, like many things in the material world. But they still need communication that is deep and meaningful. The circle of people with whom they come into contact is limited (as a rule, they are older).
They are characterized by self-sufficiency in the sphere of relationships; they can communicate with themselves or with one person. A friend is one who understands their characteristics well and does not pay attention to oddities, isolation and other negative character traits.

Attitude to study and work. They are capable and talented, but require an individual approach, since they have a special vision of the world, their own point of view on ordinary phenomena and objects, unlike others. They know how to study a lot, but not systematically, because it is difficult to fulfill generally accepted requirements, and not according to the scheme they themselves invented.
When they see that a teacher evaluates the result of work, and not formal compliance with mandatory rules, they show all their talent. If the teacher and parents require children of this psychotype to solve problems in a strictly defined way (as explained in class), then they will fall behind, despite the fact that they are quite capable of solving the same problems with several in original ways. This applies not only to mathematics, but also to other academic subjects.
Most often, such guys make excellent scientists, for example mathematicians or theoretical physicists.


Along with some timidity and timidity, such children have a tendency to reason and have intellectual interests that are beyond their age. From a young age they suffer from various phobias - fear of strangers, new objects, darkness, being alone at home, etc.

Dominant character traits: uncertainty and anxious suspiciousness, fear for one’s future and loved ones.

Attractive character traits: accuracy, seriousness, conscientiousness, prudence, self-criticism, even mood, loyalty to promises, reliability.

Repulsive character traits: indecisiveness, a certain formalism, a tendency to long discussions, soul-searching. There may be fears regarding an unlikely future, based on the principle “no matter what happens” (hence the belief in omens).
Another form of protection against constant fears is conscious formalism and pedantry, which are based on the idea that if everything is carefully thought out in advance, foreseen and then acted without deviating a single step from the planned plan, then troubles can be avoided.
Such teenagers find it difficult to make decisions; they constantly doubt: have they taken everything into account? But if they dare, they begin to act immediately, because they are afraid that they will change their mind.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: fear of responsibility.

Features of communication and friendship. They are shy, self-conscious, and do not like to make new contacts. They have few friends, but this friendship lasts forever. They remember the smallest details of the relationship and are sincerely grateful for your attention.

Attitude to study and work. Able to study without raising their heads, showing determination, perseverance and perseverance long time, because they are afraid to upset their loved ones and teachers with low grades. The result obtained is checked against reference books, dictionaries, and encyclopedias; They'll call a friend and ask him.

These are the ideal subordinates: They will complete any work carefully, accurately and on time, if the task is specific and there are instructions clearly regulating the procedure for its implementation. Such people like a quiet profession, for example, a librarian, accountant, or laboratory assistant.


From the first steps, these guys are fearful, afraid of loneliness, darkness, animals, especially dogs. They avoid active and noisy peers, but are sociable with those they are accustomed to; They love to play with kids: they feel confident and calm. They are very attached to their family and friends, these are “home children”: they try not to leave their native walls, they do not like to visit, much less travel somewhere far away (for example, to another city, even if their beloved grandmother lives there).

Dominant character traits: increased sensitivity, impressionability. Children are timid and shy, especially among strangers and in unusual surroundings. They see many shortcomings in themselves.

Attractive character traits: kindness, calmness, attentiveness to people, sense of duty, high internal discipline, responsibility, conscientiousness, self-criticism, increased demands on oneself. They strive to overcome their weaknesses.

Repulsive character traits: suspiciousness, fearfulness, isolation, a tendency to self-flagellation and self-humiliation, confusion in difficult situations, increased sensitivity and conflict on this basis.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: They cannot tolerate ridicule or suspicion from others of unseemly actions or unfriendly attitudes.

Features of communication and friendship. They contact with a narrow circle of people who arouse their sympathy. They avoid meeting and communicating with the lively and restless in every possible way. They prefer to share experiences and sensations with old friends.

Attitude to study and work. They study because they do not want to upset their relatives and teachers. They are embarrassed to answer at the board, they are afraid that they will be called an upstart. With a friendly attitude from teachers, they show excellent results.
For them, work is something secondary; the main thing is warm and kind relationships with colleagues and the support of their manager. They can be executive and dedicated secretaries, assistants, etc.


They don’t show much joy and are offended by everyone, especially their parents. There is an expression of dissatisfaction on their faces, frustration because they did not do it the way they wanted.

Dominant character trait: always in minor.

Attractive character traits: conscientiousness, a sharp critical view of the world. They strive to be at home more often, to create comfort and warmth, thereby avoiding unnecessary worries.

Repulsive character traits: touchiness, vulnerability, despondency, a tendency to look for illness in oneself, almost no interests and hobbies. Fast fatiguability.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: open disagreement with a different perception of reality.

Features of communication and friendship. Often and for a long time they are offended by others and friends, although they urgently need communication, so that they have someone to complain about life, about the fact that they were not understood or appreciated. I like to talk about the difficult circumstances in which I found myself. The advice of your interlocutor will be answered with a lot of arguments why nothing can be changed and it will only get worse.

It is difficult to be friends with such children: in any person they see possible reason worsening your mood.

Attitude to study and work. They prove themselves by memorizing the material well and carefully completing assignments, but they are not particularly interested in the depth and content itself. They study for fear of a bad grade. Citing illness, they may skip classes, most often in physical education, labor training and other subjects, the teachers of which do not make allowances for a bad mood.

It happens that they complain about people, circumstances, and ask to be given another task. But everything repeats itself: shortcomings, negative aspects in the organization of production or traits in others - a whole uprising in the soul. It's hard to do one thing all the time.


This type is quite common. Children agree with everything that their immediate environment offers, but as soon as they fall under the influence of another group, they change their attitude towards the same things to the opposite. They lose their personal attitude towards the world - judgments and assessments will coincide with the opinions of those with whom they communicate at the moment. Moreover, they do not stand out, do not impose their opinions, representing the masses who agree with the leader.

Dominant character traits: excessive adaptability to the environment, almost complete dependence on family and company. Life flows under the motto: “Think like everyone else, do like everyone else, and so that everything is like everyone else.” This extends to the style of clothing, behavior, views on important issues. These teenagers become attached to their peer group and unconditionally accept its value system without criticism.

Attractive character traits: friendliness, diligence, discipline, complaisance. They will not be a source of conflict or discord.
They listen to the guys’ stories about “exploits”, agree with proposals from leaders, willingly participate in “adventures”, but then they can repent. They lack their own courage and determination.
If the micro-team seems significant and has a positive orientation, then together with it they can achieve serious success, for example, by studying in some section.

Repulsive character traits: lack of independence, almost complete lack of criticality towards oneself and the immediate environment.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: They cannot tolerate drastic changes or disruption of life patterns.

Features of communication and friendship. They easily establish contacts with people and at the same time imitate leaders. Friendly relationships are fickle and depend on the current situation. They do not strive to excel among friends and do not show interest in making new acquaintances.

Attitude to study and work. If everyone around them studies well, then they will make an effort to keep up with their friends. The attitude towards work also depends on the mood of the team; are able to demonstrate diligence, diligence, creativity and ingenuity, and carry out everything that is assigned. Or they may shirk or do work formally if there are slackers nearby.


From childhood they are disobedient, restless, climb everywhere, but at the same time they are afraid of punishment and easily obey their peers.

Dominant character traits: complete inconstancy of manifestations, dependence on any person who is nearby at that moment. Easily influenced.

Attractive character traits: sociability, openness, helpfulness, goodwill, speed of switching in business and communication.
Often, outwardly, such teenagers are obedient, ready to fulfill the requests of adults, but their desires quickly disappear; very soon they forget about their word or are lazy, they come up with a lot of reasons why they cannot do what they promised.

Repulsive character traits: craving for empty pastime and entertainment, talkativeness, agreement, irresponsibility.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: neglect, lack of control.

Features of communication and friendship. Non-conflicting. Their contacts are pointless. They can be part of several groups at once, adopting the rules and style of behavior of each group. Tend to live for today; They sit for hours in front of the TV, listening to music. They act as assistants to leaders.

Attitude to study and work. Under the influence of another hobby, they may begin to study well or abandon their studies, which will inevitably lead to large gaps in knowledge. Further studies become more difficult.
Their knowledge is unsystematic, their attention is unstable, and during lessons they are often distracted from work for a long time. Homework is done
Good specialists they don't work out like that.


Since childhood bad dream, appetite, often capricious, afraid of everything. Sensitive to loud sounds, bright light; they quickly tire of even a small number of people; strive for solitude.

Dominant character traits: increased fatigue, irritability.

Attractive Character Traits: accuracy, discipline, modesty, complaisance, diligence, friendliness, forgivingness.

Repulsive character traits: moodiness, self-doubt, lethargy, forgetfulness.
Such teenagers are timid, shy, have low self-esteem, and cannot stand up for themselves. They experience great anxiety when external circumstances change, stereotypes are broken, because their psychological defense mechanism is getting used to things
and way of life.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: sudden affective outbursts due to severe fatigue and irritability.

Features of communication and friendship. They do not strive for close relationships due to uncertainty and do not show initiative. The circle of friends is limited.

Attitude to study and work. Low self-esteem often gets in the way. Constant doubts, feelings of anxiety and fear of making a mistake prevent you from working normally in class or answering at the board, even when the material has been learned. Work is tiring and does not bring joy or relief. Heavy and tense causes irritation. They need periodic rest or alternation of different types of activities.


They often catch colds. They are capable of getting upset because of an unflattering word, an unfriendly look, or a broken toy. Pleasant words, a new suit or book, good news quickly lift your spirits and give a cheerful tone to the conversation, but at any moment another “trouble” can change everything.

Dominant character trait: extreme mood swings from insignificant reasons. The state of mind determines everything: appetite, sleep, general well-being, desire to communicate, learn, performance.

Attractive character traits: good nature, sensitivity, affection, sincerity, responsiveness (during periods of high spirits). Loyalty to those with whom you are on good terms, who are loved and cared for. Moreover, this attachment remains, even if the mood has changed.

Repulsive character traits: irritability, short temper, pugnacity, weakened self-control. During a normal conversation, they can flare up and say something impudent and offensive.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: emotional rejection significant people, loss of loved ones or separation from those to whom you are attached.

Features of communication and friendship. It all depends on my mood. If you are happy and satisfied with life, then you establish contacts with great desire; if you are upset and not satisfied, then they are minimal.
They have developed intuition and easily determine a “good” and a “bad” person when choosing a friend. They prefer to be friends with those who, during periods of low mood, know how to distract, console, tell something interesting, when attacked by others - to protect, and in moments of emotional upsurge - to share wild joy and fun. Capable of loyal friendship.

Attitude to study and work. Characterized by extreme variability; They react unpredictably to remarks and requests from the teacher or parents: in response to a remark they are able to laugh and joyfully begin to correct the mistake, but tears, irritation, and reluctance to obey the legitimate demands of the teacher are quite possible.
Knowledge is superficial and unsystematic, because such teenagers do not manage themselves and cannot be controlled by adults.
They switch, they forget about bad mood, if the work interests you, it doesn’t get boring, it captivates you.


These schoolchildren are no different from their peers, but from time to time they are unusually noisy, mischievous, and are constantly doing something. Then they become calm and controlled again. Adolescents experience periodic phases of mood swings, the duration of which ranges from several days to a week or more.

Dominant character trait: cyclical changes emotional background (high mood disappears, emotional decline puzzles everyone).

Attractive character traits: initiative, cheerfulness, sociability, when the soul is good.

Repulsive character traits: inconsistency, imbalance, indifference, outbursts of irritability, excessive touchiness and pickiness
to others. If you are overcome by sadness, then everything falls out of your hands; What was easy yesterday requires incredible effort today.
During a recession, it is more difficult to live, study, and communicate. Companies are annoying, risk, adventure, entertainment are losing their appeal. They become “homebodies” for a while.
Mistakes and minor troubles are very difficult to experience on pessimistic days. Just yesterday they won the tournament, but today the game isn’t going well, the coach is unhappy... It’s depressing, they don’t recognize their body, they don’t understand their irritation, they don’t want to see their loved ones.
They respond to remarks and remarks with dissatisfaction, although deep down they are very worried about these sudden changes. There is no feeling of hopelessness; they are confident that after some time everything will be fine again. You just need to survive the recession period.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: emotional rejection from significant people, a radical breakdown of life stereotypes.

Features of communication and friendship. Relationships with people are cyclical: the desire for communication, new acquaintances, reckless prowess are replaced by isolation, reluctance to talk even with parents
and close friends (“I’m so tired of you all”). They are truly friends with those who understand this inevitability of change in relationships and are not offended and forgive outbursts of irritability and resentment.

Attitude to study and work. Periods of active work in the classroom and at home are replaced by stages when complete indifference to anything.
In work, everything works out and works out as long as it’s interesting; as soon as the mood drops, they are unhappy with everything that is offered to them.

Based on the degree of severity, two types of character accentuations can be distinguished, which is necessary to know for an individual approach to raising a child, when choosing career guidance, and forms of personal and family psychotherapy:
obvious accentuation is an extreme variant of the norm. Character traits are expressed throughout life;
hidden accentuation - regular option norms. Some special character traits appear mainly during psychological trauma.

These 2 types can transform into each other, which is influenced by family upbringing, social environment, professional activity, physical health. In contrast to “pure” types, mixed forms of character accentuation are much more common.

Natalya Grigorieva, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology of BSMU, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Sci. 

The study of individual differences, in particular character accentuations, belongs to a separate discipline - the field. The works of many scientists - Western and domestic - are devoted to this field.

Rationale for character trait research

Why it is necessary to study the types of accentuation of differences between individuals has two objectives. Firstly, this is a research goal - to identify as many groups as possible and develop specific advice for representatives of each of them. The more classes are identified, the more effective psychological recommendations for their representatives will be.

Secondly, it is necessary to know the types so that the person himself understands the characteristics and reasons for his behavior and can, in accordance with this, correct it.

Often in this regard, everyday psychology is completely insufficient. For example, there is a common belief that fat people are kind. Conversely, a thin person is sometimes perceived as anxious and wary. Of course, such a breakdown into categories may be partly correct. Even Hippocrates did not avoid such an error in classification, although already in the medical field: once upon a time, an ancient doctor directly linked the tendency to apoplexy with obesity.

Soviet psychologist A. E. Lichko, like the German psychiatrist K. Leongard, used the concept of “accentuation” in their research. When applied to a specific property, this term means that it is highlighted more clearly than others, as if emphasized. In other words, accentuation is the expression of a certain character trait. For a person with this or that quality, certain social situations will be very painful, while others will be easily tolerated. This article will discuss the types of accentuation according to Lichko and Leonhard.

The psychology of differences is not a rigorous discipline. Types of accentuation are always descriptive in nature and are practically never found in their pure form. Each person can find himself in two or more types.

It should also be noted that assigning oneself to a certain category should not be aimless. Having fun psychological tests, you need to ask yourself the question: “Why am I doing this?” If a person understands that he belongs to one group or another, he needs to develop for himself an appropriate compensation and self-help strategy. To do this, you need to study the advice given by psychologists for representatives of different classes and apply them to life.

Classification by A. E. Lichko

A Soviet psychologist studied the types of accentuation of adolescents. In total, he identified eleven groups. The features of the types of character accentuation in his theory have much in common with the classification of Karl Leonhard. Let's look at them in order.

Hyperthymic type

A high level of energy, the ability to quickly find contact with people, a desire for leadership - all this distinguishes the hyperthymic type of accentuation. Lichko considered hyperthymia to be a general characteristic characteristic of adolescence. High emotional tone makes representatives of this category leaders in any company. They are not aggressive. They can enter into conflict, but only if they encounter sharp opposition to their activity. Therefore, it is better not to stand in their way, but, on the contrary, to encourage them to act.

Superficiality of interests - negative trait, which has a hyperthymic type of accentuation. Its representatives may have many abilities, but their interests are unstable.

Cycloid type

The main characteristic of this category is mood variability. An elevated state is replaced by despondency and irritability. Moreover, this happens every two to three weeks.

Labile type

The emotional tone of these teenagers, Lichko noted, cannot be defined as consistently low or high. Their mood is unstable and can change very quickly. Within this category, two subtypes can also be distinguished: reactive-labile and emotionally labile. The former are prone to mood swings due to external factors. The condition of others is more determined by internal experiences.

Representatives labile type sometimes they seem indifferent to others. But this is far from true - the real problem for some of them may be the ability to correctly express their feelings. Having deep attachments to loved ones, they do not know how to communicate them.

Astheno-neurotic type

Those who belong to this category are the main visitors to medical institutions. Their main difference is the concentration of attention on the state of their body. As soon as they feel unwell, they may suspect that they have a fatal illness - their suspiciousness reaches such proportions.

Sensitive type

The main characteristic of adolescents in this category, Lichko noted, is increased sensitivity, which is reflected in their behavior. People of the sensitive type are also characterized by painful irritability. Their weak point is big companies. They always feel uncomfortable in them, try to carefully observe what is happening, and sometimes copy the behavior of others. Representatives of the sensitive type can attract the attention of the entire company, for example, by going on some kind of prank. But they succeed poorly in this, and they return to the previous state only with even more aggravated timidity.

The advantage of representatives of the sensitive type is diligence, responsibility, and the ability to make and maintain deep friendships.

Psychasthenic type

Characterized by indecisiveness. Any everyday situation can become a source of painful uncertainty for a psychasthenic. They are distinguished by high intelligence and confidence in their conclusions. But the latter is rarely confirmed by deeds. Psychasthenics are prone to impulsive actions just at those moments when it is worth weighing the pros and cons.

Schizoid type

Despite the fact that they are very vulnerable internally, schizoids have virtually no ability for empathy - they are not sensitive to the pain of others. Schizoid type accentuation has a positive side - they make good inventors. Most of those people who moved forward the progress of mankind were schizoid. Their main feature, which immediately catches the eye, is their eccentricity. “Not of this world,” this can safely be said about schizoids.

Epileptoid type

The most pedantic and picky type. It would seem that what is good about these character traits? But representatives of other types are difficult to imagine in some professions. For example, best teachers mathematicians or physicists are epileptoids. Their accuracy and attention to detail are undeniable advantages in teaching the exact sciences.

Hysterical type

For this category, all life is one huge stage. Some people may initially find it unpleasant to be in company with a hysterical person. After all, their main quality is a constant desire to be in the center of attention. But for certain professions, belonging to this class (its analogue in Leonhard is a demonstrative type of accentuation) is an advantage. For example, hysterics make excellent salespeople, actors, and singers.

Unstable type

Lichko's representatives of this category turned out to be the most irresponsible teenagers. These were those who had no stable interests and practically did not think about their future. Unstable people cannot concentrate on work for long; they are characterized by a constant craving for idleness and entertainment.

Conformal type

A distinctive feature of conformists is the desire not to differ from their environment. Their credo is “to be like everyone else.” Negative trait This category is the tendency to betray in a difficult situation. Conformist person he will not suffer from remorse - he will always find justification for his actions.

Types of character accentuation according to Leonard

Karl Leonhard identified twelve. In many ways, his classification overlaps with Lichko’s theory, and some types in them are identical. Leonhard created three categories: the first was associated with accentuations of character, the second with accentuations of temperament. The criterion for identifying the third group is personal characteristics (focus on oneself or the outside world).

First, we need to clarify the difference between temperament and character. People unfamiliar with psychology often confuse these concepts. But even some psychologists tend to believe that temperament and character are one and the same thing.

Temperament is the speed of a person’s reaction to current events. This quality is, rather, a physiological property of the nervous system. Temperament includes emotionality, degree of response, balance. Character is public education. Starting from birth, those around them seem to leave their mark on the child. Such social interactions “sculpt” his personality.

So, I carried out the classification in accordance with character, temperament and personality traits, and styles served as criteria for identifying categories social interaction person.

Accentuations associated with temperament

  • Hyperthymic type. The main characteristics are mobility, sociability. In childhood, hyperthyms have good memory and are easy to learn. In adolescence, conflicts are possible, since the group does not always allow hypertim to take a leading position. As adults, representatives of this category remain sociable and energetic. They are easy to find mutual language, if you do not engage in opposition.
  • Dysthymic type. Sullenness, phlegmaticity, and inhibition of reactions are the main features of dysthymics. They are silent and seem to be incorrigible pessimists. The positive side of the dysthymic type is responsibility and a developed sense of justice.
  • Labile type. He, as in Lichko’s classification, is distinguished by the ability to quickly change mood. Even a harshly spoken word can have an effect on a representative of the labile type. A good mood can be ruined even because it rains.
  • Exalted type. Representatives of this type are non-conflict, love society, and are attentive to others. The exalted type of accentuation is distinguished by amorousness, a tendency to sublime feelings, and sociability. Such people are very quickly influenced by events in the outside world - they are easily delighted by the positive ones, and panicked by the negative ones. Many designers, musicians and artists have an exalted type of accentuation.

  • Anxious type. The main feature is a feeling of anxiety for no apparent reason. Anxious children are quickly recognized by their peers, and because of their indecisiveness, they can become an object of ridicule. Having become adults, they remain no less suspicious than they were as children. It is difficult for such people to insist on their own. However, the anxious type of accentuation has its advantages - its representatives have a rich inner world, and are also always able to adequately assess their capabilities. Among other types, they perceive reality most clearly.
  • Emotive type. It is believed that representatives of this category “think” with feelings. Their main characteristics are kindness, responsibility, the ability to empathize, and low conflict. People can feel relaxed only in the company of close people. They are soft-hearted, compassionate, and also appreciate the beauty of nature more than others. When communicating with them, their feelings are always recognized. Main value for them - good relationships in the family and at work. Representatives of the emotive type are very vulnerable to callousness and rude behavior.

Accentuations in accordance with character traits

  • Stuck type. A person belonging to this category can carry certain feelings within himself for years. If these are negative emotions that were not correctly expressed, then they torment the stuck person for a long period of time. The pursuit of a goal is the most important characteristic of this accentuation. The stuck type will get his way no matter what. Often for this he strives to find good travel companions. Those who get stuck become good leaders in any activity. However, if their fate is not so rosy, they may become leaders of gangster groups. In addition, like the demonstrative, stuck type of accentuation needs recognition from society. However, this must be truly deserved respect, glory that has a basis.
  • Pedantic type. Like the epileptoids in Lichko’s classification, the main features of representatives of this group are scrupulousness and attention to detail. Pedantic people are highly valued in an office environment for their responsibility and efficiency. This accentuation also manifests itself in concern for one’s own health, lack of bad habits. The other side of the coin for such people is the constant fear of making a mistake, perfectionism.

  • Excitable type. Impulsiveness, irritability, the desire to satisfy surging impulses immediately - this is what characterizes the excitable type of accentuation. People belonging to this group are usually endowed with a high level of conflict, which often prevents them from building meaningful relationships. The advantage is that they live entirely in the present.
  • Demonstrative type. It is easy to identify, starting from the age of two. Such kids, having once been the center of attention, then try to win it at all costs. If this tendency is supported by parents, then they almost always have an inflated self-esteem that is not really supported by anything. Students of this type can be set as an example to others. Therefore, it is not always easy to recognize that their abilities in a certain area are hardly above average. On the other hand, the demonstrative type of accentuation is distinguished by artistry and good taste in clothing.

Types of accentuations according to personality characteristics

  • Introverted type. Characterized by focusing on one’s experiences and avoiding social contacts. Reality for them is secondary to the inner world. Introverts are responsible, unobtrusive, and love privacy.
  • Extroverted type. Its representatives are self-confident people who love being among people and receive energy from communication. They do not tend to get hung up on aspects of their inner life and always act in accordance with what reality presents to them.

Currently, Lichko's theory is more widely used among psychologists, since the scientist conducted his research on healthy people (teenagers). Leonhard's classification is more often used by psychiatrists. Despite the names presented in both classifications, these groups have nothing to do with mental disorders. The schizoid type of accentuation, for example, in no way means the presence of schizophrenia - all terms are conditional. Various types Accentuations mean the severity of a characteristic is within normal limits.

People related to cyclothymic, or cycloid, personality type, differ wave-like changes in mood and behavior. A joyful event awakens their thirst for activity, gives birth to bright emotions, generates talkativeness. Something sad leads to sadness and depression, to slow reactions and lethargy, to lethargy and lack of initiative. In a word, they transform from hyperthyma to hypothyma and back. Excitation and inhibition change many times, either by waves of a certain frequency (as long as there is energy, they are hyperthymic; when there is less energy, they are hypothymic), or as a reaction to certain external events.

Cycloid type: hyperthym and hypothym in one person

Oscillations between these two opposing states can greatly change the personality of a representative of the cycloid type: in a state of recovery Such people are drawn to companies, seek communication, consider themselves on a high horse, and their self-esteem is usually high. In a state of depression On the contrary, they tend to retire and tend to underestimate themselves and their achievements. Cycloids work and study unevenly - according to their mood and inspiration.

Sometimes in cycloids one can observe the presence two different types of states simultaneously, manifested in different proportions, with a predominance of one type. In a state of excitement, they can feel sad, but in a state of depression, they may not lose their sense of humor. In conclusion, we note that frequently changing states tire a person, as well as his environment.