Do-it-yourself children's playground in the country (56 photos): safe, fun and useful. Sports ground at the dacha: we build it with our own hands

Do-it-yourself playground at the dacha: photo popular projects, ideas for building a playground, this will be discussed in this article on the website. The dacha plot is today successfully used for family recreation. If there is a small local area Near the cottage you can create a comfort zone for residents of all ages. For adults, this could be with a barbecue or barbecue, benches, etc. To diversify the leisure time of children, it is suitable do-it-yourself dacha playground: photos and ideas interesting projects so diverse that there should be no problems with organizing the play area.

Children's playground at the dacha made of wood, built with your own hands

Do-it-yourself children's playground at the dacha: photos and ideas, interesting projects

Very often, young children choose inappropriate places for their games, which leads to serious injuries, since adults are not always able to follow every movement of their child. Especially if there are a lot of children. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to organize a special play area on the site. Numerous DIY photos of playgrounds show that any person is able to build the simplest design, which will be interesting for children and safe to use.

A specially organized play area will help to better monitor children

The feasibility of building a summer playground for children

The decision to build on a summer cottage sports playground for children will bring with it many positive moments. The child will not only feel parental care, but also have a specially designated safe place for games.

Note! The play area will allow the child to have personal space, which will contribute to the development of intuition, communication skills and understanding of peers. The baby will learn to control his body, strengthen his muscles and improve coordination, and will also be able to play group games with friends or his own brothers/sisters.

Children's playground at the dacha helps children develop not only physically, but also acquire useful social skills

Playgrounds develop independence in the child. They are able to distract the baby for a long time, and at this time parents will be able to pay attention to household chores without fear for his health and life.

The presence of a special area for relaxation and games protects the child from many problems, such as:

  • communication with dishonest people;
  • playing with sharp objects that can cause injury;
  • broken bottles, garbage, syringes in the grass, dangerous plants.

The rope sports town promotes the physical development of children

However, it is not necessary to strive to create a perfect design. On photo of children's playgrounds with your own hands, of which there are many in the Internet space, it is clear that most of projects are based on imagination and personal preferences. When creating a play area, you just need to give in to your own instincts and take into account the wishes of your children.

Construction of a children's playground at the dacha with your own hands: photos, drawings.

In order to organize a play area on garden territory, just look DIY photo of playgrounds in the garden presented in this article, or read the materials online. As a rule, the set of designs is standard in most cases, but you can always supplement it with any other objects that seem interesting or necessary to you.

The play complex for children can be supplemented with any elements to your taste

Helpful advice! Do not be afraid to involve children in construction (to the extent of their physical capabilities). Working together promotes mutual understanding, healthy communication and strengthening relationships within the family. The baby will be able to show his creative personality, and in this way you will instill in your child a love of work and independence from an early age.

Drawing of a wooden children's house on supports

Main objects of the playground: photos and design features

The following objects are considered traditional outdoor equipment for playgrounds:

  • sandbox - for the construction of the frame part it is allowed to use treated logs, stumps or plastic bottles(filling – river sand, carefully sifted and peeled);
  • structures of various shapes - structures can have an interesting external design in the form of boats, wooden houses, cars, animal figurines, rockets, etc. (it is recommended to use logs, painted car tires, boards, metal profiles as manufacturing materials);

Games on the sports playground will help strengthen the child’s muscles and improve the overall health of the body.

  • (suspended, balancers, rocking chairs, etc.);
  • partitions and devices for zoning the territory - for the construction of such objects pebbles, gravel, cones, stones, wood cuts and logs, branches and green spaces are used);
  • ropes, hammocks and rope ladders suspended from wooden or metal structures.

Climbing wall for children, organized in the courtyard of a private house

Specificity of playgrounds for children in the country

The most popular object created DIY playgrounds for children is a sandbox. This type of construction can keep a child occupied for several hours, which he can spend building sand castles, tunnels, playing with molds and other types of toys.

When building a sandbox, it is very important not to make a mistake with the placement. It is recommended to install the structure in the shade (the shade should be moderate so that the sand does not retain moisture and does not give off dampness) and close to the house. Playground designs may include sandboxes large sizes. Such structures are divided into 3 and sometimes 5 zones for play.

The sandbox is the most popular object in the playground intended for young children

Helpful advice! Use materials of natural origin and any other available means for zoning. Branches, stumps and logs are suitable for these purposes. They should be pre-treated and painted in a suitable color.

If there are no tall trees, and there is no way to organize a sandbox in the shade; you can build over the structure. This structure will protect the child from exposure to direct sunlight and ultraviolet radiation.

Do-it-yourself wooden sandbox in the garden

Pre-processed tree cuts and logs are best used for the construction of sports equipment installed on playgrounds for older children. Wood cuts are suitable for laying paths, and logs, from which a whole complex can be organized, will allow the child to learn to maintain balance.

Pre-painted in bright colors can be used as improvised materials. Large hemp and small sizes, and also the boards can be used to make chairs and tables.

Wood is the most environmentally friendly material for the construction of a sandbox and other elements of the playground

Do-it-yourself wooden playground: drawings and placement principle

At the initial stage, you will need to create a children's playground on the site DIY platforms diagrams, drawings and visualization of all objects on the territory. Developing a project will allow you to create an accurate idea of ​​the future construction and coordinate your actions.

The area allocated for development must be located in close proximity to the house. This requirement especially applies to families with small children. Even if you can create a safe and comfortable play area, children still need supervision. Therefore, the site should be located within sight from the window of the house.

Layout plan for the playground and other facilities on the site

Older children are more active and demanding when it comes to playgrounds. It is worth setting up a sports area for them, which may be a little distance from the house. A small area is enough to accommodate a sandbox. Movable and team games require availability large space. For these purposes, you can set aside a garden if it is present in the local area. This place is great for hide and seek or playing tag.

Working together promotes healthy communication, as well as the development of creativity and independence in the child.

Helpful advice! If you intend to use the garden to organize a playground, you should delimit its territory in advance into a play area and a space where vegetable beds, flower beds and flower beds are planted. ornamental trees and bushes. This is done to prevent children from trampling on plants while playing.

Requirements for the design of outdoor playgrounds for dachas

There are a number of basic requirements regarding the placement of the playing area and all objects installed on it. By observing these simple rules, you can achieve optimal and safe conditions in which your child will play.

Children's sports complex built on the local area

Basic requirements for the site:

  • Before you start construction, ask your child what games he likes best and what objects he would like to see on his site. Some people prefer to play in a hut woven from willow twigs, others will like the bike trail with road signs, still others will be interested in a wooden house or a “bungee” under a tree. The child should be given the opportunity to make his own decisions about what he will play with;

  • should not be nearby electrical appliances, sources electric current, elements of communication systems to which a child may have access;
  • in the evening the site should be well lit. Think in advance about the placement of lighting fixtures, taking into account efficiency, economy and safety rules.

How to improve the safety of children's outdoor playgrounds

To make a space safe for children, you should first take care of the vegetation. Plants with thorns and nettles must be removed from the site.

It is necessary to ensure that only plants that are safe for children are present on the site.

On suburban areas You can often find poisonous and dangerous plants. These include rose hips, sea buckthorn, bittersweet nightshade, castor bean, etc.

Eliminating dangerous shrubs and plants will help avoid many of the problems they cause:

  • burns;
  • injuries of various kinds (scratches, punctures);
  • blisters;
  • allergic skin rashes;
  • poisoning

Do not leave small children unattended on the playground

Helpful advice! If you cannot completely exclude the presence of poisonous and dangerous plants on personal plot, keep a close eye on small children in the yard. As they grow older, explain to them what danger this or that flower poses and how important it is to avoid contact with such plants.

All play objects that you install in your yard must be tested for strength and reliability. The structures are not allowed to have protruding bolts and nails, as well as sharp corners. All joints between parts are carefully aligned and cleaned.

The structures are not allowed to have protruding bolts and nails, as well as sharp corners.

Every 6 months you should check the serviceability of swings and other structures. To increase safety, it is necessary to install protective elements on children's slides.

Do-it-yourself playground: how to make the main types of structures

Of all existing objects and accessories for children's playground for a summer residence The sandbox occupies one of the leading positions in popularity. This type of design is intended for the little ones. Therefore, it is recommended to place the sandbox on open place so that parents have the opportunity to observe the child’s actions from anywhere on the site.

To organize shade over the sandbox, you can build a wooden mushroom or a metal umbrella. The choice of materials depends on your budget, as well as the raw materials from which the entire playground will be made.

Folding sandbox made of wood installed in the local area

Do-it-yourself sandbox on a playground made of wood: photos and recommendations

At the first stage of sandbox construction (Fig. 1), work is carried out to organize the base and drainage layer. For children's playgrounds made of wood, structures with dimensions of 170x170 cm are usually used.

First of all, you should fence off the perimeter of the area where construction will take place. Use wooden or metal pegs, as well as marking tape, for these purposes. The sandbox must be designed in such a way that rainwater does not subsequently collect in it.

Rice. 1. Stages of construction of a wooden sandbox: 1 - choosing a location, marking, digging a recess; 2 - arrangement of a drainage layer; 3 - construction of the sandbox frame; 4 - installation of the protective cover

Helpful advice! Before starting work, remove upper layer soil along the entire perimeter of the construction area. The optimal layer removal depth is 0.3 m.

Determine the middle of the area for installing the sandbox. To do this, you need to draw 2 diagonal lines, connecting the opposite corners of the marking in pairs. The center will be located at the intersection of these lines. In this area, a depression of 0.7 m with a diameter of 0.5 m should be made in the ground. Liquid formed after precipitation will flow here.

If you cover the sandbox at night or when you are away from your summer cottage, you can keep the sand clean for a long time.

The recess must be filled to the very edges with pebbles and compacted well. To ensure access of rainwater to the drainage layer, you should make a slight slope of the soil leading from the edges of the sandbox to its central part using a shovel.

Do-it-yourself sandbox on a playground made of wood: base and frame

The base in the sandbox serves an important function. It prevents sand from mixing with soil. As a material for organizing the base, it is allowed to use thick polyethylene film or geotextiles of synthetic origin. You need to make a sand mound over the drainage. The thickness of the layer is 0.05 m.

Rice. 2-1. Step-by-step instructions for building a sandbox: 1 - select a place for the sandbox (side length = 1.8 m); 2 - prepare the material; 3 - dig a hole 15-20 cm deep; 4 - add a layer of pitch (5 cm)

After this, the material intended for covering the base is laid on the sand cushion. Do not forget to first make holes with a diameter of 10 mm in the film or geotextile.

To build the frame part, you will need to prepare and polish all the necessary parts.

Elements for the skeleton part of the sandbox:

Helpful advice! Before assembly, it is recommended to soak all structural parts antiseptic. For these purposes, you can use specialized compounds or drying oil.

According to the markings, it is necessary to install wooden blocks in the corners. These elements should be buried 0.15 m into the soil. After this, wide boards (25x300x1700 mm) are nailed to them.

Rice. 2-2. Step-by-step instructions for building a sandbox: 5 - lay boards around the perimeter, forming a square; 6 - place the first row of boards on a sand bed, temporarily secure the corners; 7 - level the boards using a wooden hammer and level; 8 - lay the second row of boards, carefully remove the temporary fastenings

At the end, horizontal boards are fixed so that the child can safely lean on the edges of the structure while playing. If necessary, the dimensional parameters of these elements can be adjusted to the dimensions of the resulting structure and your own wishes.

Sandbox for a wooden children's playground for a summer residence: the final stage

At the final stage of construction, it is recommended to build protective structure from the sun. To do this, you can make a lid from wood in the shape of a fungus, painting it like a fly agaric, or use it as a frame base 4 wooden boards for tensioning the awning.

Rice. 2-3. Step-by-step instructions for building a sandbox: 9 - drill holes and fasten the boards with screws, 3 pcs on each side; 10 - lay a layer of polyethylene or geotextile; 11 - install the third row of boards, fasten it with screws to the bottom row (the screws in the third row of boards should not be located directly above the screws installed in the second row); 12 - trim off excess material with scissors or a knife

To fill the sandbox, it is recommended to use coarse-grain river sand. A sandbox with dimensions of 170x170 cm can hold about 800-900 kg of filler. Before pouring sand, it should be thoroughly sifted and cleaned. The child's health depends on this.

Rice. 2-4. Step-by-step instructions for building a sandbox: 13 - fill in pre-cleaned and sifted sand; 14 - you can make a hinged lid or, following further instructions, a lid that turns into two benches; 15 - take 8 posts (four per bench) 10x10 cm (the length is determined by the height of the sandbox); 16 - cut the boards to the required length, attach them to the posts with screws, make sure the strength and stability of the structure

Often domestic and wild animals toilet in sandboxes. To protect your baby, experts recommend building sandboxes closed type. The presence of a special lid or valve will allow you to close the structure at night or while away, if you use country cottage area for seasonal accommodation.

Rice. 2-5. Step-by-step instructions for building a sandbox: 17 - secure the longitudinal boards as shown in the figure; 18 - attach the board in the center of the future seat; 19 - install the seat boards (use screws for fastening); 20 - treat the finished product with an antiseptic composition

Development and principle of creating a project for a children's playground with a slide

Using to create DIY playground drawings with dimensions, you can build an interesting game complex. Even this structure itself has a complex structure, so you will have to work hard on its construction, since here you will need to take into account a large number of nuances and rules.

The height of the structure is selected taking into account the age category of children and their height. For children aged 2 to 5 years, the maximum height of the slide is 150 cm. For schoolchildren primary classes a design with parameters in the range from 250 to 350 cm is suitable.

Children's play complex made of wood with a slide, installed in the garden

Helpful advice! A safe design should have wide steps so that the child’s leg remains stable when climbing. It is recommended to place the steps themselves as close to each other as possible, preferably without significant gaps, since children run quickly and can slip.

To increase the safety level of the staircase area on the slide, anti-slip material can be used to finish the steps. This type of special coating will be especially useful if there are other sources of water nearby. This measure will allow children with wet feet It is safe to climb the hill.

Drawing of a wooden playhouse with a slide and swing

Recommendations for creating a slide on a children's playground with your own hands

Installing durable handrails is an essential part of construction. In this case, the railing should not end immediately after the top step of the stairs, as the child will need additional support for further movement. To ensure that the top platform of the slide is stable, spacious and reliable, it is recommended to install strong railings of appropriate height on its sides.

Plan of a children's playground made of wood with a slide and other elements

The biggest difficulties come with the construction of the ramp. For these purposes, plywood (multilayer type) coated with a varnishing composition can be used as the main material. However, the best option The solution to this problem is to buy a ready-made skate. This element can be made of plastic. Thanks to the properties of this material, the slide slope is durable, and the friction coefficient is significantly improved.

Installing a plastic ramp for a children's slide is the best option, especially if the playground is intended for small children

Plastic slopes have various modifications:

  • standard;
  • screw;
  • straight.

Note! Taking into account the fact that it is quite difficult to create a safe slide design with your own hands, experts recommend purchasing finished products from specialized companies.

Drawing of a slope for a slide with installation dimensions

If you intend to do the manufacturing and assembly yourself, you should consider several nuances:

  • the surface of all parts and joint areas must be thoroughly sanded;
  • the supports are made exclusively from new and durable materials, completely free of any defects;
  • To fix the supporting part, railings and sides, it is necessary to use high-quality fasteners.

The plastic slope is absolutely smooth and does not overheat in the sun

DIY playground ideas: slide designs made from different materials

If you look at the photos of crafts for DIY playground, of which there are many on the Internet, you can see that most of the structures are made using scrap materials. When it comes to building a slide, increased demands are placed on the product in terms of strength and reliability. Therefore, you should carefully consider the choice of construction material and drawings.

Rice. 3-1. Construction of a wooden play complex with a slide, swings and a sandbox at the base. Ready-to-use design

The traditional material for the construction of slides on children's metal playgrounds for summer cottages is sheets of stainless steel. Today, the price of purchasing this raw material has increased significantly. Moreover, due to the operation of scrap metal collection points, the percentage of thefts of stainless steel products has increased.

Note! Ordinary steel sheets are not suitable for the construction of structures that are used in outdoor conditions. This point is due to the fact that ordinary steel is susceptible to corrosion, and the slide will quickly rust.

Rice. 3-2. Construction of a wooden play complex with a slide, swings and a sandbox at the base. Step 1: installation of the frame

Alternative Stainless Steel Replacement:

  1. A finished slope made of plastic - in this case you will have to adjust all design parameters to the size of the plastic element.
  2. Wooden boards - carefully polished boards will not be able to provide a fast and sliding descent, so structures made from this material will be interesting for kids (older children will need to use other materials).

Rice. 3-3. Construction of a wooden play complex with a slide, swings and a sandbox at the base. Step 2: site arrangement, installation of railings

Using unusual materials in crafts for the playground

For the construction of the slide, it is allowed to use wood with additional finishing - the frame of the structure made of wooden boards can be finished with slippery material. Such coating options include linoleum, which can be purchased on the construction market or used as leftovers after renovation work in the house.

The covering is laid in such a way that the material covers not only the central, but also the side part of the slope. After this, high-quality fixation should be performed. The result is a slide with a smooth surface for safe riding.

Rice. 3-4. Construction of a wooden play complex with a slide, swings and a sandbox at the base. Step 3: installation of stairs. Step 4: installation of the swing frame, installation of fasteners. Step 5: mounting the swing frame to the frame of the complex

Of course appearance the product suffers greatly due to the use of linoleum, and the structure itself can last no more than a year. The result depends on your imagination and skill. The edge part can be hidden under a plank (polished), which can serve as a railing.

Sheet material with a smooth surface can be used as raw material for the base. After which the slope is covered with liquid acrylic, intended for baths.

Rice. 3-5. Construction of a wooden play complex with a slide, swings and a sandbox at the base. Step 6: Complete the installation of the swing frame

Note! Using liquid acrylic is an experimental idea. If you decide to use this technology, after creating the design, you should thoroughly test the slide before letting children use it.

The slide is not the only element suitable for installation in the play area. On the Internet you can find a large number of photos of cars made from tires for playground, in the form of animals, intricate labyrinths, sports equipment and houses. All of them will be a great addition to your site.

Balance swing made of metal and wood

Making children's playgrounds from wood for a summer residence: swings

It is impossible to imagine a do-it-yourself playground made from scrap materials without a single swing. Such structures have a simpler structure than slides, so you can handle their construction yourself. In this case, it is enough to follow the drawings and recommendations.

For example, consider making a simple swing design. The height of the structure will be 350 cm. To firmly fix the product, its supports should be buried 0.5-0.7 m into the soil. After which the remaining space is filled with cement mortar.

Diagram of a wooden sports complex with swings

To make the load-bearing parts of the swing, you need to prepare 6 wooden beams with section parameters of 5x5 cm. Work on assembling the frame should begin with the arrangement of racks. To do this, the beams are connected using bolts on each side of the structure. As a result, you will receive a reinforced and durable product. In the upper part, the paired beams-racks must be connected by another beam - a crossbar.

The staircase structure in this project can be used not only for children's games. With its help you can make everything easier for yourself installation work that touch the swing. When assembling the frame part, the main thing is to use reliable way fastenings and high-quality fasteners.

Children's sports and play complex made of wood with hanging swings

Do-it-yourself playgrounds in the country from scrap materials: photos and useful tips

Based on scrap materials, you can make the main structures on the site, as well as accessories and decorative elements. You can use various raw materials that are available on your site:

  • car tires;
  • logs and branches;
  • plastic bottles;
  • stone and brick;
  • textile;

From scrap materials you can make the main structures on the playground, as well as accessories and decorative elements

  • old furniture;
  • pallets, etc.

Note! Crafts for playgrounds made from logs go well with the use of materials such as chains, ropes and ropes. Colored ribbons can be used as decorative elements.

Playground built using logs

DIY swing for a children's playground

To install a swing on a personal plot, you must choose a spacious place. Do not forget to take into account the swing amplitude based on the features of the design you have chosen.

The most simple option The organization of the swing is a structure on rope suspensions, fixed to a thick tree branch. There are many modifications designed for both small and older children. In this case, not only wood can be used.

Children's swing suspended from a tree branch on a chain

If you use ropes or ropes as suspensions, be sure to check their condition (on a regular basis). Direct exposure to the sun, weight loads and friction forces contribute to the gradual deterioration of the material.

A chain will become a more reliable and durable suspension. It can withstand significant weight loads, but has its drawbacks. During movement, the chain links are quite mobile and can pinch the skin upon direct contact or children's fingers, which often get caught in the holes. As a result, the child may receive serious injuries and hematomas.

Hammock swing suspended from a tree in the courtyard of a country house

Helpful advice! For a safe grip on the chain, you should put a rubber or plastic hose. The thin shell will protect your hands while riding on the swing. Since children love to play with pipes, check them periodically to ensure they are intact. In some cases, you can use special covers made of canvas fabric or other high-density material.

Diagram of a wooden frame for a swing

Do-it-yourself playgrounds in the country: photos of swings and features of their installation

Bright plastic flowers and butterflies, made by yourself, are perfect for decorating the play area

  • after cutting, the petals should be folded to one side;
  • using a burning candle, melt the material so that smooth bends and beautiful curls are formed under the influence of temperature;
  • From the received elements you need to assemble the decor. To connect the parts together, use fire or wire.

Using your imagination, you can make original toys from plastic bottles for outdoor use.

Photo of a playground made from tires

Car tires after being used for their intended purpose by many owners Vehicle are thrown into landfills. The accumulation of this garbage causes a significant blow to the environment, polluting the environment.

Note! About 70% car tires does not go through the disposal procedure and lies as dead weight in landfills. This problem can be solved by reusing the material to create crafts from wheels for the playground and garden.

Old car tires are a good material for creating objects for a children's playground.

The versatility of tires allows you to create amazing and original objects. In addition to swings, sandboxes are made based on tires. No rubber needed large quantities fasteners and components, it is easy to use and does not require the use of special tools, as well as reinforcement measures.

The playground in the courtyard of a private house is decorated using car tires painted in bright colors

Crafts made from tires on the playground: a sandbox based on one tire

A simple sandbox design can be created using just one bus. To do this you will need:

  • car tire big size;
  • knife with a sharp blade;
  • a piece of garden hose;
  • coloring composition of one or several shades (choice color range depends on the design);
  • shovel.

Children's sandbox based on one large diameter tire

  • pick up optimal place for placing a sandbox - preferably in the shade, since rubber is subject to strong heating under sun rays. If this requirement is ignored, children may get burned in hot weather;
  • Use a shovel to create a hole in the soil. It should match the shape of the tire, and slightly exceed its dimensions in size;
  • cut out using a knife inner part tires with disk;

In the center of the play area for kids there is a sandbox made from an old tire.

  • the freed edges should be hidden under a rubber hose. To do this, you need to cut it lengthwise on one side and put it on the edge of the tire to limit children’s access to the sharp edges of the cut, which could injure them;
  • apply to the surface of the structure finishing layer. Use brightly colored paint for painting or plain coloring.

Note! Filling the inner cavity of the tire with sand should be done only after the surface of the product is completely dry.

A sandbox made from a car tire will have attractive appearance, if you cover its surface with patterns using contrasting colors

Sandbox in the shape of a flower made from tires

This type of structure is more complex, so you will need more time to create it. But as a result, you can get a large sandbox in which several kids can play at the same time. This product can also be used as a flower bed, where soil is used as filler instead of sand.

Used car tires are easy to process - they can be cut perfectly with a sharp knife.

Required tools and materials:

  • car tires small size(3-4 pcs.);
  • sharp knife;
  • construction stapler;
  • shovel;
  • hose;
  • coloring composition for finishing.

The flower-shaped tire structure can be used both as a sandbox and as a flower bed.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut the car tires lengthwise into two equal parts.
  2. Finish the cut edges using a garden hose cut on one side.
  3. Prepare the area for construction by making a small shaped depression in the soil that matches the shape of the future structure.
  4. From the resulting elements, form a flower on the prepared surface.
  5. At the location of one of the petals, you can install a comfortable seat or a treated stump. It will serve as a table or chair.
  6. To secure the tires together, use a staple gun.

Sand intended for children's games must be cleaned and well sifted

The structure is ready. All you have to do is paint it and fill it with sand.

Tire crafts for children's playgrounds: sandbox with a wavy side

A sandbox with a wavy side can have various dimensions. The design can accommodate several children at once. Several tires will be required. Their number depends on the diameter and size of the sandbox.

Stages of work:

  • first you should make a frame base from any available material that you have;
  • tires must be cut in the form of waves, which occupy approximately a third of the size of the whole product;

Sandbox made from a tire with a wavy side: lines along which to cut the tires, and general form finished product

Helpful advice! Before installing the decorative part, paint all elements of the tires in different colors.

  • Painted tires should be installed on top of the side on the frame in a vertical position. As a result, you will get a colorful, bright frame for the sandbox frame.

Making crafts for the playground with your own hands: swings from tires

For older children age group It will be enough to hang a solid tire on a rope from a tree. To achieve more attractive design, using a knife you can make shaped slits in tires. The main thing is not to overdo it: the supporting parts of the swing should remain wide and strong.

Solid tire swing suspended from a tree branch

For small children, the “cradle” design is suitable. She has simple technology manufacturing:

  1. A small tire must be cut to the middle using a sharp knife so that the rims of the product remain intact.
  2. Then you need to mark the locations for placing the fasteners, fix the brackets and thread a rope or chain through them.
  3. The ends of the hangers should be tied or securely fixed to the rims on both sides.

Scrap tires are great for creating unique objects for your play area.

Any child will love the rocking swing. To create them, cut the tire in half. Fixed on top of the cut part wooden plank so that the rounded part of the tire is facing the ground. The structure should be equipped with handles so that the child can hold on to the swing comfortably and firmly. To do this, just make holes in the board where the rope will be pulled.

Note! Instead of rope, you can use handles cut from wood.

This option for making a rocking swing is considered the simplest. From one tire you can make two structures at once. If you show a little imagination and put in extra effort, you can create more complex products in the form of animal figurines.

An obstacle course made of car tires covered with bright ornaments

Obstacle course made from car tires

Outdoor games are an integral part of children's leisure time. outdoors. To provide interesting entertainment for kids, set up an obstacle course made of car tires on the playground.

Ways to create an obstacle course:

  • bury the tires one by one, lining them up so children can step over them. This obstacle course can also be used as a colored fence on the site;
  • dig the tires at a short distance from each other so that the kids can jump from one element to another;

Children's playground made of logs and old car tires

  • cut out the core of the tire so that from each element you get a pair of rings. Form a net out of them using reliable fasteners and fix one of its sides on the ground, the other on a high support.

In addition to the basic elements for children's entertainment, tires can be used to create other useful things on the site, for example, garbage containers, decorative ornaments And . For coloring finished products It is recommended to use nitro paint or water-based composition.

How to organize a children's playground at the dacha? Not much is known about this. There is no special literature, collections of drawings or step-by-step instructions. There are many photos of sites on the Internet with cosmic budgets and labor costs. When it looks beautiful, but is difficult to do, motivation drops. We have collected these photos from our own collections and blogs of dacha parents, which you can easily use in your dacha. Budget from 0 to 20,000 rub. Get inspired by ideas and apply them!

Publication from Polly☮️ZOzhizni Psychologist (@polly_max) Sep 6, 2015 at 4:21 PDT

How to apply car tires

If you decide to organize a children's playground at your dacha with your own hands, stock up on old car tires. Swings, climbing walls, steps, Swedish walls, sandboxes and flower beds - that's what you can make from them.

And from half a tire, wooden bench and the steering wheel from an old bicycle makes an excellent homemade rocking chair.

How to beat a tree

A tree is a sports and playground created by nature itself. It can be supplemented with a small platform and a house. It will work out cozy place for playing on a hot day.

A good pine tree can even replace a sports complex for a summer house if you hang rings on it and rope ladder how we did it:

Houses and huts

Building houses and huts is something every child will take on with pleasure. Here are some simple ideas.

Summer is coming, vacation. How to organize leisure time for children in nature, in the countryside, in the countryside? We make a playground for children ourselves!
In the summer, most parents try to take their children out of dusty, polluted cities into nature. If you spend the summer months at the dacha with your children, then you need to make sure that their summer vacation is not only beneficial, but also enjoyable. To prevent your child from getting bored at the dacha, make a playground for him with your own hands. This will require very small financial investments plus your time and imagination. Be sure to involve the children themselves in creating the playground. Firstly, joint work contributes to family unity, strengthening relationships between parents and children, and, secondly, the design of the playground - creative activity, which will be useful for the overall development of the child.

Any child will prefer natural materials (for example, wood) to play. artificial plastic. Therefore, we will focus on creating crafts for the playground from natural materials.

The required components of any children's playground are as follows:

- sandbox
- water
- green spaces
- children's playhouse(tent, awning)
- swing
- natural materials for play (gravel, stones, tree cuts, cones, twigs, plants, etc.)

1. DIY playground. DIY sandbox

All children get a lot of joy and pleasure when playing with sand. Playing with sand provides unlimited opportunities for a child's development. You can make Easter cakes from sand, build castles and tunnels, cook “soup” for dolls, and it can be transported in cars. Another fun thing to do is bury various items in the sand and then dig them out. You can sprinkle dry sand on the beetle, and then watch how it gets out of it. It is interesting to draw pictures and write letters on damp sand.

Making a children's sandbox with your own hands is not at all difficult. First of all, you need to choose a suitable place for it. The sandbox should not be in the sun, but at the same time, a too dark, damp place is not suitable for it. If the child is still small, the sandbox should be near the house so that the baby is always in your sight.

You can fence off the sandbox using logs, stumps, and boards. If the sandbox is large enough, you can split it into several play areas(see photo below).

To protect from the sun, you can make a canopy.

2. Children's playgrounds for the dacha. Swimming pools

Just like with sand, children only like to play with water. Most the best option- combine games with water and sand. Make sure that your child always has a source of water near the sandbox. Even a small bowl of water will be enough.

Of course, any child will be delighted to have a pool at their dacha.

Another good fun is to spray each other with water from a hose on a hot summer day. Or you can ask your dad or grandfather to make an outdoor shower from PVC pipes.

3. Children's playgrounds. Children's playgrounds photo

When creating a playground with your own hands, you cannot do without all kinds of logs, stumps, tree cuts, and boards. You can make tables and chairs from stumps and surround the sandbox with them. Stumps and logs can be used as sports equipment: it is useful for children to learn to walk on them while maintaining balance. The tree cuts will make a nice path.

A child's imagination can turn a simple log into a bridge spanning an abyss, into an airplane, a car, a horse, etc. Such games with object replacement are very useful for developing children's creative thinking.

4. Decoration of the playground. DIY playground photo

A prerequisite for a good playground is the presence of greenery: trees, shrubs, grass, flowers.

Large trees provide protection from the sun on a hot summer day. They are fun to climb.

Sometimes trees have to be removed for various reasons. However, you should not cut down the tree at the very root - turn it into an interesting decorative element - a fairy-tale “house”.

The base of large trees is the best place to create fairy houses. Making such a fairy-tale house from any available material will be interesting for every little girl.

Be sure to help your child make his own flowerbed, which he will take care of on his own.

Even if you yourself prefer not to plant anything in your dacha, make sure that your child has his own small garden. Just a couple of beds where he can grow unpretentious and tasty plants, for example, green peas.

5. Crafts for the playground. Decorating a playground with your own hands

Decorating children's playgrounds is an interesting and creative activity. Handmade crafts made from wood, tires and plastic bottles are suitable for decorating a children's playground. Here are some ideas for decorating a playground with your own hands. Be sure to involve children in the process of creating crafts for the playground.

6. How to make a playground. Playground ideas

When creating a playground with your own hands, be sure to give your child a secluded corner where he can be alone or in the company of his friends, dream, play, read, and finally take a break from you, the adults. This can be purchased children's playhouse or a tent. Or you can make a children's house (tent, pavilion) with your own hands. Here are some interesting ideas.

DIY children's house made of wood

Children's houses for dachas. Children's houses tents.

The easiest way to make a children's house with your own hands is to stretch a rope between two trees, pillars, between a tree and a fence (see photo below) and throw a thin blanket over it. The ends of the blanket must be tied with ropes to pegs driven into the ground, or pressed with stones.

DIY children's house.

Most interesting way make a children's house for the dacha - "grow" it on your site. Any climbing plants with lush foliage, for example, beans.

Using the same principle, you can “grow” a children’s house from sunflowers. Sunflowers - auspicious plant for growing with children. They have large seeds, grow quickly and are very unpretentious. Plant sunflowers around the perimeter of the circle at a distance of 10 cm from each other. When they grow to 1.5 meters, collect their tops and tie them together - your sunflower house is ready! Yes, don’t forget to leave room for entry when planting!

7. DIY playground. Children's playground made of wood

As we already mentioned at the beginning of the article, be sure to make sure that the child has natural materials available for play: sand, water, large stones, small stones, twigs, pine cones, plants. Games with natural material have great importance for the development of sensory perception, motor skills, creative thinking of the child, have a beneficial effect on the physical and mental health of children.

8. DIY playground ideas.
Concluding our review article “DIY Playground”, we will share with you a few more useful ideas on the design of children's playgrounds.

Plexiglas easel.

Many mothers know how useful games with paints are for young children. But most do not very often allow children to draw at home, because... After such activities, you have to wash both the child and the apartment.

Games at the dacha in warm weather have one great advantage - a child dressed in only panties, no matter how dirty he gets, can be very easily washed right on the street, by watering, for example, with warm water from a hose. And at the same time, you don’t have to worry about the cleanliness of the carpet, furniture, or floor. Let the children at the dacha have plenty of fun with dirty materials, with the same paints, for example. A homemade plexiglass easel, which can be washed using the same hose, will provide you with invaluable help.

It's a good idea to hang a chalk board on the fence. Don't forget to give your child crayons, a bucket of water, and a rag.

Taking care of the physical development of children, you can make a rope bridge and a bungee for them. And from an old chair you can make a comfortable swing.

Good luck in fulfilling your plans!

Probably not best place on land where you can have a good rest with the whole family from the bustle of the city and annoying noise than your own Vacation home. Here you can forget about everything, enjoy nature and the beauty of the local landscapes, and have a pleasant time with family and close friends. But this is all about us - adults, but what about children, what do they need in order for their vacation to be no less useful, rich and exciting? That's right - a playground for games and entertainment! It’s better to make a multifunctional children’s playground at your dacha yourself. This way you will not only save a lot of money, but also be confident that the structure will be quite reliable and truly safe. After all, who, if not parents, should take care of the health of their children.

Do-it-yourself playground from scrap materials (photo)

Since the main and priority requirement for a playground is its safety, it is important to place the playground away from dangerous places where babies can get hurt becomes a top priority for parents. Nothing should threaten or pose a danger to their health.

When playing outdoor games, children completely forget about safety precautions, so before you let them out onto the playground, you must be absolutely sure that nothing will happen to them.

Of course, you will not be able to completely eliminate the risk of accidental injuries, because these are children and no one knows what might come to mind. But you should try your best to make sure their environment is as safe as possible.

When choosing a suitable place to place a playground, remember that your kids, especially young ones, should always be in sight. Therefore, it would be advisable to arrange a playground opposite those windows in the house where you are most often.

The distance of the site from the house should not be too great, so that if something happens you can quickly respond to the problem that has arisen.

DIY children's sandbox (photo)

DIY children's sandbox - good way prove to your children that their childhood is not indifferent to you. By showing care and attention to the younger generation at an early age, you will lay reliable foundation your future relationship.

The simplest and most straightforward way to build a sandbox is an open wooden structure in the shape of a square, diamond, rectangle, etc. You can go even further and make wooden sandbox with your own hands in the form of a boat or ship.

A children's sandbox in the shape of a ship is a dream for any child, especially boys.

Child psychologists claim that when playing in the sandbox, children not only develop creative abilities and hand motor skills, but also develop such skills in themselves. positive features character, such as hard work, perseverance, endurance and restraint.

In addition, it has been proven that keeping children in the sandbox, at least one hour a day, helps stabilize their nervous system and stress relief.

Quite simple and quick way children's playground design - make a small sandbox out of white quartz sand, having previously fenced it off with ordinary logs

Your task is to make a sandbox, and the kids will figure out how to organize the gameplay themselves

Do-it-yourself sandbox from scrap materials is quite profitable and practical solution, which will help not only save family budget, but will also allow you to use in the process of creating a frame those unnecessary things that have been lying around for a long time.

Do-it-yourself children's slides for the dacha (photo)

Unlike a sandbox, a children's slide is more complex design for making it yourself. The difficulty lies not only in the fact that its construction requires more building material, but also have a special responsibility for the safety of the structure.

In order for the playground project to meet the most stringent safety requirements during its construction, many little details and nuances will have to be taken into account:

  • Maximum height of the slide for children preschool age should not be more than 1 meter; for children over 5 years old, the height can be increased to 2–2.5 meters.
  • The angle of rise of the stairs should be within 25° - 30° degrees, optimal width steps are considered to be 20 − 25 cm;
  • The rubber coating of each step will significantly improve the grip on the sole and prevent the process of sliding;
  • Reliable, strong railings and balusters will not allow your child to fall from a height if at some point he loses his footing or slips.

For a quick and safe descent from the slide, it is best to use plastic slopes, which have low weight and an excellent coefficient of friction. Today, stores specializing in the sale of sports playgrounds will be able to offer you a huge selection of plastic slopes, both in height and in design shape (straight, screw, wavy).

If you still decide to use natural materials (wood, plywood) for the slope, remember that their surface should be carefully varnished.

A properly created children's playground at your dacha will allow you to be sure that your children are completely safe while spending time there. Children's slides for the dacha are a sport, and physical education, as we all know, not only strengthens the body and spirit, but also helps your baby to develop properly intellectually.

Therefore, if you want your child to always be healthy, maintain the necessary sports shape and lead healthy image life, the question of how to make a playground with your own hands should be paramount for parents.

Following simple rules installation by assembly wooden structures, you are guaranteed to get a comfortable and absolutely safe playground

A children's slide for the dacha is not the only thing you can make with your own hands for a fun holiday for your kids. , trampolines, sports equipment, sandboxes, swings, labyrinths, . Here is just a small list of what you can make yourself with your hands good tool, and there are a number of fresh ideas in my head.

All these things, buildings and structures will be an excellent addition to the appearance of your site and will transform it landscape design, and a beautiful playground for active games will give the courtyard a unique ambience and special style.

Do-it-yourself children's swing for a summer house (photo)

When we go to the dacha to rest and unwind from everyday worries and bustle, we dream of spending this time as comfortably as possible.

That is why we buy expensive, soft, and most importantly comfortable furniture. On the street you can hang a beautiful hammock, which is great for drinking a cup of coffee or reading. interesting book. But, alas, you can’t tempt children with such a vacation; they need something more than soft sofa or a boring hammock, they are only interested in the swing. And if you haven’t taken care of this issue in advance, you’ll have to make a swing from scrap materials.

When creating an outdoor children's swing for your dacha with your own hands, you, as a father, must first of all understand that despite their angelic appearance, they still carry potential danger. Therefore, as with any issue related to the safety of children, their reliability becomes the main criterion.

Children's tire swings are the easiest and fastest way to please your kids.

You can hook the swing to absolutely anything, the main thing is that the support is sufficiently reliable and strong. If it's wooden or metal poles, dug into the ground, then their base should be carefully, if it is a tree standing near the house, you need to hang the swing only on a healthy and thick branch.

A do-it-yourself playground at your dacha can also serve as an excellent place where you can set up outdoor swing. After all, there is always a strong beam on it that can easily support your small baby.

If your “communication” with a hacksaw, jigsaw and plane is on a first-name basis, it means doing wooden swing doing it yourself will not be difficult for you. You just need to purchase a suitable rope for a swing, and there will always be a couple of boards on hand.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the majority of outdoor swings for a dacha, which can be made with your own hands, require practically no costs.

DIY tree house (photo)

Probably many of you read a book about an ageless boy as a child. Peter Pan from magical land Neverland. Everyone remembers his mysterious tree house, which beckoned and attracted with its mystery. Every child dreamed of a tree house like this.

Time passed, the children grew up and for most, the old dream remained a dream. But why not now, later? long years, when you already have your own kids, it’s impossible to make your childhood dream come true. Made so in an original way An interesting children's playground will be an ideal addition to your site.

To make a treehouse with your own hands, you just need to have a simple drawing, a minimum carpenter’s kit, standard lumber and a reliable assistant on hand so that if something happens, he can insure you. After all, the work ahead, although at a low level, is still to be done.

Most suitable variety The wood for building a house with your own hands is oak. Following the oak are such strong species as maple, linden, large spruce or pine.

Important! Before you start building a children's treehouse, you need to thoroughly examine the object for the presence of various diseases. If such facts occur, from the construction of a building on this tree need to refuse.

Active games are an integral and necessary part of the life of any child. Therefore, the presence of a good and safe playground on the site is guaranteed to provide your kids with interesting and varied leisure time at the dacha.

There is a huge variety good ideas for the design of children's playgrounds. Projects and drawings will be an excellent help for you when creating these objects. If you don’t have them, don’t be upset, and especially don’t give up. You can make a playground for your beloved kids quite easily and quickly without them.

As a child, the favorite place of any of us was a children's playground with a carousel, swings, sandbox and others interesting devices. Moreover, spending time in this amazing, never boring place was not boring even alone. What can we say about fun company friends, when you can constantly come up with new interesting games and you don’t want to go home. If you have a summer cottage, you should definitely arrange a playground for children on its territory - here the kids will be busy with their own affairs, without distracting their parents who are busy in the garden. Children's playgrounds for dachas are great joy for children, and games for fresh air Any child will benefit.

The playground must be created taking into account the age of the child. It’s easy to set up a place for a child to play - the playground can be made from ready-made things - an inflatable children's pool, a folding tent house, a small table, a drawing bench and a beach umbrella.

You can create such a playground for your child in half an hour - just buy an inflatable pool, an umbrella, a tent house, a table and a bench and place them in a suitable place

For an older child, you can add sports equipment - a horizontal bar, various ladders, a rope, a cozy house. You can arrange a small flower garden and allow your child to care for his plants on his own.

A ready-made great playground for a teenager with a climbing wall, a slide, a swing and a rope ladder

Children's playgrounds for dachas should be located in a place that is comfortable for children, where there is both sun and shade. It is good to choose a place that is sheltered from the wind and quite spacious to provide space for games.

The playground should not be located far from home so that children are always in sight of their parents. It should not be set up near various outbuildings where gardening tools are stored - everyone knows children's curiosity.

Perhaps, when creating a playground, this diagram will help you, which clearly shows the location of the playground and other dacha facilities

The play area should be located on level ground so that children do not get injured by catching on roots protruding from the ground or hummocks. Small area, which you will allocate for the site, must be cleared of debris, small stones, and weeds. It would be good if the area was covered with soft grass on which you could run barefoot.

Layout of the playground - all objects are conveniently located, under the swings and slide with ladders you can build a sand mound or make a rubber covering

In a small area you can also arrange something like a gravel garden with small stones. Children enjoy playing with gravel as much as sand.

The cute playground is made in the style of a gravel garden, its appearance is enlivened by funny little animals made of tires in the background. The site is created according to a scheme similar to the scheme for creating a garden from gravel

If there is not enough space for a playground in the country, you can create a children's corner. For example, fence off the play area with stumps and fill it with sand or gravel inside. It is good to create such a playground near a reservoir - it looks picturesque, and children will be able to collect water for play.

What can be placed on such a site?

The playground does not have to have a standard set of devices; the summer resident has at hand a lot of materials that can be used - stumps, logs, tires, boards, from which you can create wonderful and funny things on the playground. Children differ from adults in that they can find any standard object non-standard application, so you can ask them for advice too.

A necessary element for a baby is a sandbox

The sandbox is a place for creativity; who among us didn’t like baking sand cakes, creating secret passages and building castles as a child? For this you can use old boards, stumps, digging them along the contour, or sawed logs. Stumps and logs may be different heights, in this case, children will enjoy jumping and walking on them, and the sandbox will look original and maybe decorative element Location on.

A comfortable large sandbox for a baby made of thick timber. There is also room for a bathing basin and plenty of space for games. The awning protects from the sun

Can be buried well in the ground paving slabs along the contour of the sandbox, choose multi-colored tiles of a beautiful shape.

You can use both sand and fine gravel in the sandbox. To keep this place clean and protect it from cat tricks, come up with a lid to close the sandbox at night or while you are not at the dacha.

Game vehicles

Such devices, of course, do not go anywhere, but children's imagination is much more vivid, so the child will get real pleasure from “riding” in an improvised car or flying in a rocket. The easiest option is to make a car from scrap materials. You can use a steering wheel from an old car, stumps, old boards, tires. It’s enough to show your imagination, use bright colors, and your baby will become the owner of a wonderful improvised “car”.

The “vehicle” for the child is built from massive stumps, boards, tires and an old steering wheel. You can also arrange a sandbox inside and make benches if there is enough space

Children's swing for the garden

When installing a swing, you need to choose a spacious place for it, taking into account the swing amplitude, and install it securely, checking all the fastenings. It is better to buy ready-made swings; today stores offer the most different models from various materials.

This is a ready-made playground that has everything a child needs for physical development. You can make a durable horizontal bar yourself and hang a swing on it with a seat made of a tire or plastic board.

A rope swing attached to the branch of a large tree, if you have one on your property, will be inexpensive.

Children's house - a cozy place to play

Children love to keep secrets and create their own secrets. Therefore, the playhouse on the site will be a great joy for them - more suitable place there are no secrets to discuss.

A skilled craftsman can create a children's house himself from boards and scraps roofing material, but you can buy ready house made of plastic, wood or a tent for very young children.

Children's playground is made of plastic; the house can be purchased separately. It's inexpensive and will bring a lot of joy to kids.

The kids will be happy if you arrange for them, but this is a difficult task. Firstly, it is necessary that a large, strong tree with spreading branches grow on the site, and secondly, the house must be built and located, thinking about the safety of children.

Country pool

Today, many companies are engaged in the production of playgrounds; you can buy a ready-made one or order several elements for a playground

If you want to make do with improvised means, you can create this interesting playground from logs and stumps for teenagers. Children will be able to practice dexterity, play patches, and invent many of their own games.

Table for drawing and crafts

It will be easy to build a table for various crafts from a stump and old board or tabletops, a ready-made plastic table will also work, and it’s very inexpensive. It's a pleasure to glue, draw, and sculpt in the fresh air.

What kid wouldn't love a fly agaric-shaped table and hemp chairs? And it’s very easy to create them, you just need to find suitable stumps

Decorative decorations for the playground

Using various funny figures, which are not difficult to make, the site will look much more attractive. Images of animals and cartoon characters can be cut out of plywood and painted. Good for decoration children's corner and large pebbles, which with the help of images can be turned into animals, flowers or mushrooms, and luminous stones, making the site a mysterious fairy-tale corner in the evening. Ready-made garden decor in the form of gnomes and flowers also decorates the children's corner.