Gemstone and zodiac sign. Which stone is yours? Precious stones and their meaning according to zodiac signs

Since ancient times, people have used precious stones as talismans and amulets. This remains relevant in our time. Many minerals can not only become beautiful decoration, but also to protect the wearer from evil glances, illnesses, failures and become a real assistant in all matters. Determining which stone is suitable for a person is quite a difficult task. Sometimes you can just touch it, and it’s immediately clear that this is exactly the stone you need. But this method does not always work.

How to find out your stone

Before choosing a stone, you need to decide for what purposes it will serve. Some work as amulets and protect the owner from all sorts of negative influences. Others help attract good luck, money, love, and other benefits. Moreover, some can perform both functions at the same time. The main condition for the action of the stone should be right choice And sincere faith into the magic of stone.

Stone according to zodiac sign

The most popular method of choosing an amulet is selection by zodiac sign. So, for each sign there are stones that help in all matters and protect the owner. But along with this, there are also those that have the opposite effect. Therefore, it is worth finding out in detail which stone suits your horoscope:

  1. For people born under the most fiery sign of Aries, all minerals of red shades, such as amethyst, ruby, sapphire or diamond, are suitable. Each of them will be an assistant in their own field. For example, an amethyst will contribute to any endeavors and help in business, rubies will help you gain respect in your environment, and a diamond will help you change your barbed character. In turn, stones that suit Libra will destroy business sphere, relationships with colleagues and so on.
  2. For good-natured Taurus, such gems as agate, turquoise, emerald, sapphire, as well as white and transparent stones are perfect. In turn, Scorpio stones will carry negative energy to Taurus.
  3. For those born under the sign of Gemini, colorful stones will bring success and protection. Agate will also reward its owner with remarkable intuition and the gift of persuasion; chrysoprase will always contribute good mood, and beryl will be a good helper in finding your soulmate. Sagittarius stones will counteract all this.
  4. Mysterious and sensitive Cancers will find support by using minerals such as moonstone, chalcedony and all whites in jewelry. Owners of emeralds will not care about all depressive disorders and bad mood. The opposite effect There will be stones that are suitable for Capricorns.
  5. A Leo who surrounds himself with jewelry made of carnelian, sapphire, onyx, amber, and alexandrite will be successful in professional and personal affairs. And jewelry made from peridot will help you find mental balance. For servants of power, it is recommended to wear jewelry with rubies; they will help to have a greater influence on others. It is contraindicated to wear Aquarius stones.
  6. Virgos are very picky and hardworking people. For greater efficiency in business, they are recommended to use gems such as jasper and olivine. Astrologers advise people who play sports to wear jade jewelry during training; it will protect the owners from injury. Carnelian will protect you from betrayal and betrayal. Pisces stones, except sapphire, will have a negative impact on representatives of this sign.
  7. For people born under the harmonious and artistic sign of Libra, the following stones will bring luck and success in business: diamond, lapis lazuli, opal or aquamarine. Stones suitable for Aries will bring failure and disappointment into the life of Libra.
  8. Emotional Scorpios will be able to protect themselves from the bad influences of others and bad moods with the help of jewelry with corals, topaz, garnets and aquamarine. At the same time, the garnet will be able to attract financial success to the representative of the sign. Taurus stones will have a negative impact.
  9. Sapphire, turquoise, amethyst, chrysolite and all black amulets will protect Sagittarius and bring them success in their careers and family relationships. And chrysolite will also be a good protector against nightmares and will help take care of the immune system. Jewelry with Cancer stones will negate all the achievements.
  10. For reliable and patient Capricorns, amulets can be rubies, garnets, malachites or opals. All of them will help increase vital energy, wisdom and insight. Cancer stones are not suitable for this sign.
  11. Aquarius will bring good luck with amulets decorated with sapphires and obsidians. Jewelry with garnets will help restore a harmonious relationship with your other half, and sapphires will attract money. Also, for those who engage in mental work, it is recommended to wear zircon, it helps enhance memory. Representatives of this sign should not wear stones that are suitable for Leo.
  12. Impressionable and changeable Pisces good helpers There will be amethysts that will protect against bad habits. Pearls, in turn, will bring stability in love relationships. And jasper will protect from poverty, humiliation and depression. Virgo stones will bring the opposite effect to their owner.

Knowing which gemstone suits a person, you can choose jewelry that will not only be beautiful, but also very functional.

By date of birth

Based on the date of birth of the person choosing the talisman, you can choose a stone that can protect and protect. There are several ways to do this.

So, you can use numerological calculations in order to choose suitable stone. To do this, by adding up all the numbers in the date of birth, they come to a single number, by which you can find out what kind of jewelry is worth purchasing. For example, June 6, 1956 must be divided in this way: 6+6+1+9+5+6=33, 3+3=6 - this will be the number that determines the suitable stone.

The date of the month is also often used to select an amulet. Below is a table that will help you understand each day of the month.

Additionally, when choosing a talisman or amulet with gems, you can focus on the day of the week on which the person was born.

By blood type

This method of choosing an amulet is not very common, but it can also be used. A talisman chosen in this way will have a positive effect on all functions of the body. Protecting from diseases, injuries and other troubles.

So, for blood group I, minerals of all shades from yellow to red are suitable. These are stones such as amber, coral, tiger's eye, ruby ​​and others.

For owners of group II, green and green amulets will protect their health. blue flowers: opal, snake eye, sapphire and others.

Those who have blood type III will be given good energy by such gems as amethyst, charoite, aventurine and other minerals of purple, green, blue and orange shades.

For those with IV blood type, amulets with stones of blue, green and purple- emerald, turquoise and charoite.

Features of selection and care

You can choose a talisman based on the sources given, but if he does not like the minerals that are recommended to a person, then their magical properties will be lost. A person must feel the mineral, and then there will be a return.

This is explained by the amulet draws its energy from a person only if there is some connection, the talisman will function correctly. Therefore, when choosing a suitable amulet, you should first of all rely on sensations.

It is also worth noting that a stolen mineral will never become a talisman, even if it suits a person in all respects. The best magical powers possess amulets donated from the heart. It's even better if they're made with my own hands. Also greatest strength raw minerals have. But since they are inconvenient to carry with you, and very difficult to find, amulets in the form of jewelry are more popular.

If we talk about mineral care, there are also several rules:

  1. After purchasing jewelry with a mineral, it must be cleaned, since many people have touched it.
  2. In order for the amulet to perform its functions, it must be given time to recharge. For different minerals you will need different quantities time, from several days to a month. Amulets receive their energy from the earth, so to recharge it is enough to place the jewelry in flower pot for a few days.
  3. If a mineral functions as a talisman, then you cannot tell anyone about it, because then the powers of the gem will be lost. It is also prohibited for anyone to touch the jewelry other than its owner.
  4. If a stone is to influence human psychology, then it must be worn in a visible place.
  5. Astrologers also recommend that the mineral touches the body directly and not through clothing.

If the owner of the amulet loses it one day, then don’t be upset, it’s good sign. A lost mineral means that it has fulfilled its functions, or has collected too much negative energy, which can change a person’s life.

Stones for improving health

Talismans can be used not only to attract success and protect against negative influences, but they are also used to improve health:

  1. In order to get rid of colds, you can use cat's eye, amber or aquamarine.
  2. For any mental disorders or low mood, jewelry with sapphires, lapis lazuli, diamonds, topazes, corals, rubies and other stones is often used.
  3. For quick healing of wounds, ulcers and abrasions, amulets decorated with malachite, onyx, coral or lapis lazuli are well suited.
  4. If you have hearing problems, jade, amber, malachite and topaz jewelry will be good helpers.
  5. Minerals such as tiger's eye, malachite, lapis lazuli, amber, carnelian and others will help get rid of rheumatism.
  6. To provide a general tonic effect on the body, it is good to use aventurine, pomegranate and rubies.

It’s not difficult to determine which stone is my talisman, the main thing is to trust your heart and listen to your inner voice. If a person is attached to an amulet with a mineral, then this is really his gem and it will be a reliable amulet and talisman.

The old sages say: stones according to zodiac signs God has disposed, and divine actions are not subject to correction. Today's thinkers claim: without experience in communicating with minerals, it is impossible to determine stones by zodiac sign. Man is free in creativity and divine in possibilities. Whichever stone your soul attaches to is the talisman.

Where is the truth? In the dogmas illuminated by the discoveries of the ancient followers of Hermes Trismegistus, or in the innovative ideas of modern theologians? Practice shows: realities are always unexpected, unshakable dogmas are flexible, bold ideas never fully reflect all the features of the world order. according to zodiac signs are indeed distributed quite clearly and accurately - however, there is no rule without exceptions, and therefore a person’s desire is able to overcome a given predisposition.

Inexpensive jewelry has a pronounced ability to “adapt” to human specifics. Semi-precious stones according to the zodiac sign are sometimes defined as possible, optional, recommended without urgency, denied without categoricality.

Such variability in orientation is explained by the completely terrestrial properties of minerals. Change chemical composition– and many are characterized by variable filling of crystals – natural for most minerals on our planet. It is difficult to expect that the sum of different ingredients will always produce the same result. That’s why it turns out: a semi-precious talisman can help one person and not another – while both of them were born under the same sign (just in different decades).

Distributing natural stones according to the signs of the zodiac, we tried to accumulate the achievements of modern astrologers, lithotherapists, esotericists and magicians. In-depth research into the properties of jewelry and decorations is ongoing. Old minerals disappear from circulation, new finds are introduced into use and - the spirit of the times! – artificially created materials.

The stones of the zodiac signs, without changing their basic position, over time expand or narrow the horizon of their possible impact. Scientists diligently monitor changes taking place in a dynamic world and consistently bring the information obtained to the masses.

By recommending stones to you according to your horoscope, we guarantee the accuracy of the published information and data. Remember, however, that the effectiveness of precious and semi-precious amulets depends not only on the correspondence of the stone to the sign, but also on the method of acquiring the jewelry, the period and “density” of communication with it, the synergy or antagonism of the forces inherent in various minerals in one product.

And the most important thing. Not only the ability to walk on water, but also the ability to “redirect” the action of a stone depends on the depth of faith and obsession with an idea. Fall in love with a stone that is initially unsuitable for you, invest time and mental strength in shaping its activity, and you will definitely get the result that you expect and believe in.

Aries. (21.03-20.04)
Main stone Ruby

From March 21 to March 31- under the influence of Mars - especially courageous, aggressive, firm, strong, undisciplined, courageous, prone to bravado and ardent in love are born. Lucky stones: Agate, Amazonite, Hematite, Rock Crystal, Serpentine, Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Quartz, Sapphirine, Carnelian, Hawkeye, Tiger's Eye, Jasper.

Born from April 1 to April 11- under the influence of the Sun - natures are proud, generous, noble, courageous, capable of command, ambitious, and able to overcome obstacles. Love is a great affection for them. Lucky stones: Heliotrope, Pearl, Coral, Cat's Eye, Sardonyx, Amber.

Born from April 12 to April 20- under the influence of Venus - passionate and tender natures, dexterous and impulsive, loving music and fine arts. Lucky stones: Diamond, Garnet, Ruby, Sapphire, Zircon.

Calf. (21.04–20.05)
Main stone Sapphire

Born from April 21 to May 1- under the influence of Mercury - have great mental abilities and a penchant for commercial and agricultural enterprises. Melancholic. Lucky stones: Aventurine, Agate, Amazonite, Amethyst, Bull's Eye, Quartz, Carnelian, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from May 2 to May 11- under the influence of the Moon - dreamy, noble, indecisive, prone to politics and literature. Lucky stones: Turquoise, Jadeite, Coral, Onyx, Opal, Sodalite, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase.

Born from May 12 to May 20- under the influence of Saturn - unsociable, pessimistic, afraid of poverty and love loneliness. Lucky stones: Aquamarine, Diamond, Beryl, Garnet, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Tourmaline.

Twins. (21.05–21.06)
Main stone Rauchtopaz

Born from May 21 to May 31 under the influence of Jupiter - they are intellectual, selfless, have good intuition, and a talent for art. Lucky Stones: Agate, Amazonite, Rock Crystal, Moonstone, Malachite, Jade, Obsidian, Rhodonite, Quartz, Carnelian, Tiger's Eye.

Born from June 1 to June 10- under the influence of Mars - They are aggressive, sarcastic, anxious. Lucky stones: Pearl, Cat's Eye, Onyx, Opal, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Amber.

Born from June 12 to June 20- under the influence of the Sun - They are uncontrollable, authoritative, unrestrained, vain and talkative. Lucky stones: Alexandrite, Beryl, Garnet, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz, Tourmaline.

Cancer. (22.06–22.07)
Main stone Emerald

Harmonious and satisfied with oneself Cancer to maintain its positive qualities you need to wear a bracelet or pendant made of Agate, Pearl, Emerald, Cacholong, Selenite. For suspicious, indecisive and insecure Cancers, it is good to wear Emerald, Malachite, Sapphire, Carnelian, Jasper on the ring finger or at the level of the solar plexus.

Negative qualities Rakov: greed, laziness, imbalance, arrogance, selfishness - are well smoothed out by the vibrations of iridescent minerals: Cacholong, Coral, Opal, Selenite, Chrysoprase. Talisman stones for Cancers, their magical allies: Rock Crystal, greenish-blue Aquamarine, Pearl, Emerald, Opal, Chrysoprase.

According to ancient Arabic beliefs, a person wearing an Emerald cannot see scary dreams, the stone strengthens the heart, eliminates sorrows. According to ancient Russian legends,
it is a stone of wisdom, composure, hope. Emerald has the ability to see
into the future and break the evil spell.

A lion. (23.07–23.08)
Main stone Diamond

Born from July 23 to August 3- under the influence of Saturn - strong, mystical, ardent natures, not loving loneliness and coercion. Lucky Stones: Aventurine, Rock Crystal, Moonstone, Jade, Obsidian, Carnelian, Sodalite, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from August 4 to August 12- under the influence of Jupiter - scrupulous and judicious natures, picky, loving arithmetic and ceremony. Lucky stones: Jadeite, Cat's Eye, Onyx, Opal, Sardonyx, Citrine, Amber.

Born from August 13 to August 23- under the influence of Mars - strong, powerful natures, loving and worshiping power and command. Intelligence meets strength. Prosper and succeed in the army. Lucky stones: Alexandrite, Hyacinth, Garnet, Ruby, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Diamond, Emerald, Topaz, Peridot, Zircon.

Virgo. (24.08–23.09)
Main stone Jasper

Born from August 24 to September 2- under the influence of the Sun - they have a sense of harmony, calmness and a tendency to sedentary life. Lucky Stones: Aventurine, Agate, Amethyst, Bull's Eye, Rock Crystal, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Malachite, Jade, Carnelian, Hawk's Eye, Tiger's Eye, Jasper.

Born from September 3 to September 11- under the influence of Venus - secretive, shy, often monogamous. Lucky stones: Rutile Quartz (Hairy), Heliotrope, Jadeite, Pearl, Cat's Eye, Onyx, Sardonyx, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Citrine.

Born from September 12 to 23- under the influence of Mercury - modest and resourceful, sometimes lazy, often marrying late. Lucky stones: Diamond, Garnet, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz, Chrysolite.

Scales. (24.09–23.10)
Main stone Aquamarine

Lucky and aesthetic Libra For those who have successfully arranged their lives, small translucent stones are well suited as a talisman: Rose Quartz, Coral, Light Agate, Chrysoprase.

Negative qualities of Libra: selfishness, envy, laziness, imbalance, arrogance, intrigue - are well smoothed out by the vibrations of orange and green minerals, as well as eye minerals: Heliotrope, Cat's and Tiger's Eyes, Olivine, Rauchtopaz, Carnelian - large sizes that should be worn on the ring finger, on neck or wrist.

Talisman stones for Libra, their magical allies: green Aquamarine, Cacholong, Malachite, Jade, red, pink and green Tourmaline.

Corals - flowers of the sea, a favorite decoration since ancient times, which has always attracted the attention of true lovers of beauty.

Delicate and beautiful Coral is a symbol of happiness and immortality. Even in ancient times, they believed that Corals warded off troubles and illnesses. If Coral is worn on the index or ring finger right hand, it purifies the blood, helps control hatred, irritability, anger and envy. Coral teaches you to be wise, drives away depression, and ensures success with the opposite sex. It helps with travel, prevents disasters, especially those related to water, and protects against the evil eye. Coral absorbs the energy of Mars, and unrestrained and aggressive people should have it with them.

Scorpion. (24.10–22.11)
Main Stone Black Opal

Born from November 24 to November 2- under the influence of Mars - frustrated, capable of medicine, with the gift of healing people, insecure in youth and energetic in maturity. Lucky Stones: Aventurine, Amethyst, Hematite, Rock Crystal, Serpentine, Moonstone, Malachite, Carnelian, Hawk's Eye, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from November 3 to 13- under the influence of the Sun - strong and passionate natures, proactive, noble and generous with willpower. Lucky stones: Amethyst, Turquoise, Jet, Coral, Opal, Sardonyx, Citrine, Amber.

Born from November 14 to 22- under the influence of Venus - frivolous, emotional and amorous, with artistic talent and strong passions. Lucky stones: Aquamarine, Alexandrite, Beryl, Heliodor, Garnet, Emerald, Topaz, Tourmaline, Black Star.

Sagittarius. (23.11–21.12)
Main stone Garnet

Born from November 23 to December 2- under the influence of Mercury - a courageous and independent nature, sensual with a strong spirit, fond of hunting and sports. Lucky Stones: Agate, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Jade, Quartz, Sapphirine, Hawk's Eye, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from December 3 to December 12- under the influence of the Moon - they have imagination and imagination, love long journeys, and have changeable moods. Lucky stones: Turquoise, Hairy, Onyx, Opal, Sardonyx, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase.

Born from December 13 to 21- under the influence of Saturn - persistent, sensitive natures, loving luxury and gourmet, not having an aversion to food in general, retiring to satisfy their gastronomic needs. Lucky stones: Hyacinth, Garnet, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Peridot, Zircon, Black Star.

Capricorn. (22.12–20.01)
Main stone Topaz

Born from December 22 to January 2- under the influence of Jupiter - calm, prudent, systematic natures acquire wealth and success, but there is a risk of going broke. Lucky Stones: Agate, Amethyst, Rock Crystal, Serpentine, Moonstone, Malachite, Jade, Obsidian, Quartz, Hawkeye, Sodalite, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from January 3 to January 13- under the influence of Mars - people who reek of domestic boredom, known for their bad influence on others. Lucky stones: Turquoise, Jet, Heliotrope, Jadeite, Cat's Eye, Onyx, Opal, Sardonyx, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Charoite.

Born from January 14 to January 20- under the influence of the Sun - efficient, possess vitality, passionate, contradictory, sometimes prone to despondency. Lucky stones: Alexandrite, Hyacinth, Garnet, Opal, Ruby, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Zircon, Black Star.

Aquarius. (21.01–19.02)
Main stone Turquoise

Born from January 21 to February 1- under the influence of Venus - shy and delicate, melancholic and refined in love. Lucky Stones: Aventurine, Amethyst, Rock Crystal, Pearl, Serpentine, Jade, Obsidian, Sapphirine, Hawkeye, Jasper.

Born from February 2 to February 11- under the influence of Mercury - gentle, intelligent, a little vain, moral, and have a sense of humor. Lucky stones: Ametrine (citr. Amethyst), Turquoise, Lapis lazuli, Onyx, Sardonyx, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Charoite, Amber.

Born from February 12 to February 20- under the influence of the Moon - natures are easily disappointed, reserved, modest, sensitive, truthful, adamant, pleasant. Lucky stones: Aquamarine, Alexandrite, Hyacinth, Garnet, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, Zircon, Black Star.

Fish. (20.02–20.03)
Main stone Amethyst

Born from February 21 to March 1- under the influence of Saturn - capricious natures with unrealistic dreams, loving women, loneliness and change. Lucky Stones: Aventurine, Amazonite, Amethyst, Bull's Eye, Hematite, Moonstone, Jade, Carnelian, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from March 2 to March 11- under the influence of Jupiter - they love greatness and glory, are sensitive and vain, honest and solemn. Lucky Stones: Rutile Quartz (Hairy), Heliotrope, Pearl, Coral, Opal.

Choosing a talisman with a precious or semi-precious stone for yourself or as a gift to a loved one, you should focus on the zodiac signs. Zodiac signs are ruled by celestial objects (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Sun, etc.), and any stone is associated with several planets. Each planet has characteristic features, which allow you to most accurately select a stone specifically for your zodiac sign. To determine which stone is suitable for certain zodiac signs, consider:

  • Characteristic features of the sign that the ruling planet gives it.
  • The element to which the sign belongs.


Zodiac signs are divided into trigons according to the elements to which they belong. Astrologers identify four main elements. Solar signs are those zodiac signs that belong to the elements of fire and air. Lunar - zodiac signs related to water and earth.

  • Stones that suit zodiac signs belonging to the fire element are transparent and have warm colors.
  • stones, suitable for the signs zodiac, which relate to water element, translucent or opaque, such stones have the ability to change color.
  • Stones for the element of air are translucent, their main color is light gray.
  • For the element of earth, opaque stones that have a uniform color, without any inclusions, are most suitable.

Stones that suit a particular zodiac sign, as a rule, neutralize the negative influence of constellations on their representatives and enhance winning personality traits. To know best stone, suitable for a person, is easiest through the intersection of recommendations by date of birth and zodiac sign.


The brightest representative of the fire trine is Aries. Recommended stones for it: diamond, ruby ​​and amethyst.

Diamond, a stone that personifies strength and indestructibility, is best chosen by Aries as a talisman. Thanks to the diamond, Aries gains strength and his sense of purpose increases. The stone reduces general nervousness and aggressiveness, attracts good luck to the owner. Diamond amulets should not be used by people with bad intentions. Diamond has the most powerful effect on Aries born on March 22 and 28.

Since ancient times, ruby ​​has acted as a powerful talisman that can awaken a person from melancholy, increase motivation, and enhance empathy. It is famous for the fact that its owners strive for great things and accomplish the impossible. If a woman becomes the owner of a ruby, then it endows her with fertility and also relieves her of bad dreams.

It is not recommended to wear ruby ​​amulets for people who are not confident in themselves. Judging by the date of birth, the ruby ​​becomes the strongest talisman for Aries, who were born on March 20 and 28. Using talismans with amethysts, Aries will become calmer. These stones develop the ability to control oneself. Amethyst is ideal for Aries born on April 10th or 14th.

- a bright representative of the fire element, but unlike Aries, he is less hot, his “flame” is expressed in the image that he likes to maintain in society. The best talismans for him are jewelry made of amber. Leo strives to realize his potential, and amber will be useful for him, attracting luck and bestowing strength. For a woman, amber amulets guarantee an easy birth. Amber is best suited for Leos whose birthday falls on August 21st.

In second place for Leo is chrysolite, which can reveal the owner’s talents and sharpen intuition. Leo, belonging to the fire trine, often shows immense egoism and cannot contain his ardor, and this stone promotes warm, calm communication and gentleness. A good choice would be topaz, which helps to contact superior people. It, like chrysolite, is capable of activating the subconscious, making it easier to unravel the plans of other people.

impetuous, but of the trine, perhaps the calmest sign. The best talisman for Sagittarius is turquoise jewelry. The impetuosity of fire signs is known to everyone. From turquoise, Sagittarius gains the ability to bring things to an end, and not bury their talent in the ground by endlessly postponing promising opportunities. Helps Sagittarius become more decisive; their capabilities directly depend on self-confidence.

If you choose a stone, taking into account not only the sign, but also the date of birth, then Sagittarius born on November 28, December 1 or 17 will receive the greatest benefit from turquoise. Amulets made from topaz and chrysolite have a beneficial effect on internal state owner, stones have a positive effect on nervous system. Topaz improves intuition, peridot prevents unreasonable actions.


Aquarius, distinguished by lightness, optimism, love of freedom and eternal searches, often goes to extremes and loses prudence. Amethyst successfully copes with the character flaws that any Aquarius has. Inspiring courage, increasing self-confidence and intuition, removing negative energy coming from enemies, and also keeping away addictions, the talisman is able to bestow the sign with stability and awareness of its own path. Judging by the date of birth, Aquarius born on January 30th will receive the strongest positive influence from amethyst.

Zircon increases intellectual abilities and protects from harm. Its variety, hyacinth, has been highly valued since ancient times. Amulets made from this stone were used during travel; they enhance the positive and neutralize the negative in the life of their owner. Zircon is best suited for someone born on January 28th.

The vastness, variability and impetuousness of the trine of air are clearly expressed by Gemini. Thanks to agate, Gemini becomes more disciplined; moreover, agate helps to maintain the intended course and correctly distribute forces.

Gemini can find spiritual harmony thanks to alexandrite and topaz. Topaz promotes the development of intellectual abilities. For a woman, topaz jewelry brings admiration from others. Beryl has a special influence on the sign, increasing concentration and allowing you to stay on your intended path at the first setbacks. Amulets with beryl have a positive effect on family relationships and also protect travelers.

Restless in constant choice, Libra needs aquamarine to stabilize their mood and their condition.. A woman can give a talisman with an aquamarine to a man, which will protect against cheating and will maintain feelings at a constant level.

Libras are characterized by an inability to concentrate in particularly tense moments, with which lapis lazuli helps them well, while increasing the likelihood of insight and softening changeability. Charms made with lapis lazuli have pronounced medicinal properties: help preserve youth, stabilize the immune system.

Products with opal and tourmaline are also suitable as a talisman for Libra. Libra avoids extremes, using opal and concentrating energy on meaningful goals. It should be worn with caution by those who have not been able to overcome their selfishness. By date of birth, opal is ideal for Libra born on September 30th. Tourmaline is similar in effect to opal, but more strongly promotes the development of empathy.


Melancholic altruists need aquamarine, which makes them bold and ambitious. Good influence Amethyst and pearls have an effect on Pisces. By date of birth, the ideal stones would be: pearls - for those born on March 2; amethyst - for Pisces born on March 6 or 10; aquamarine is better to choose if a person was born on March 8th.

Pisces find peace using amulets with amethyst, and the stone also attracts good luck. As a symbol of romantic relationships, amethyst sometimes plays an ambiguous role, since there is a belief that by giving jewelry with amethyst as a gift, you can evoke love from the one to whom this stone is given. That's why married woman one should be wary if her life partner is given such a gift.

Pisces gain their sight from pearls; it is easier for them to protect themselves from dishonest people and rash actions. Charms with this stone have a beneficial effect on general state affairs of representatives of the sign.

Phlegmatic Cancer is positively influenced by pearls, emeralds and moonstones. By date of birth, ideal stones are: June 23, June 27 and July 22 - emerald; June 26, July 18 and 19 - moonstone; June 25 - pearls.

A talisman made with pearls is able to reveal the talents of the representatives of the sign and develop intuition. Owners of pearls are protected from negative impact from the outside, but their own impure intentions can negatively affect their lives.

A wonderful gift for Cancer would be jewelry with an emerald. The sign experiences an activating influence from this stone: liberating itself, Cancer begins to feel comfortable around people and experience less sadness. As a talisman it is considered very strong and protects the owner from dark magic. If Cancer was born on Monday or during full moon, a moonstone can bring him luck. It gives its owner oratory skills and increases consciousness.

The impulsive Scorpio can choose jewelry with aquamarine as its talisman, which strengthens the nervous system. Its medicinal properties are known: it has a positive effect on the health of the nasopharynx and oral cavity, the stone has the strongest effect when it is framed in silver.

Strengthening intuition can be obtained from black opal, and the positive influence of talismans with opal on the emotions of their owners will be added to this. Thanks to the opal, Scorpio is able to humble his temper, think a few steps ahead, and plunge into creative activity. The effect of opal is many times stronger on representatives of the sign who were born on October 28 or November 18.

If the person representing the sign is thinking about becoming a leader, garnet will help him. In many sources, it acts as a talisman for people connected by romantic or friendly feelings. Charms with pomegranate relieve headaches. By date of birth, garnet is ideal for Scorpios born on October 24th.


Capricorn opens the earth trine. Capricorn endows its representative with severity, pride and pedantry, the excessive manifestation of which must be neutralized by talismans. Thus, rubies, when worn in a pendant (the setting does not matter), give the owner power over the minds of people. Ruby will be the most powerful talisman for those born on January 2 or 8.

Another stone of power is onyx. The talisman helps to skillfully play political games and has a positive effect on the mind. When framed in silver, it motivates activity, gives a feeling of meaningfulness, and relieves melancholy, melancholy, and negativity. Capricorn born on January 3, 13 or 16 will benefit most from onyx.

The sign often has a negative effect on its representatives in the form of increased suspiciousness. Malachite talismans will protect not only from hypochondria, but also from real diseases; they have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.

Taurus is prone to passivity, and talismans made with chrysoprase or emerald will help you gain determination and protect you from unpredictable turns of fate. Taurus copes best with problems in a calm environment, so the emerald, which brings harmony and inspires Taurus, is perfect as a talisman. In addition, emeralds sharpen the intuition of their owners, improve mood and memory, and liberate. Emerald is ideal for representatives of the sign born on May 10th.

Chrysoprase promotes the growth of self-confidence, which Taurus urgently needs, it encourages him to seek new things, to grow spiritually and intellectually. Chrysoprase amulets protect against dark magic and negativity. Its numerous medicinal properties are known: stabilization of the emotional background, positive effect on metabolism and brain function.

Thanks to chalcedony, representatives of the sign experience emotional uplift, full of strength and energy. Talismans with chalcedony develop altruistic personality traits and make it easier to accept spending time or money on loved ones.

Jasper promotes the manifestation of altruistic personality traits, teaches tolerance, neutralizes reasoning and softens criticism, which Virgo often flaunts. Jasper has the strongest effect on Virgos born on September 2, 9 or 16.

Jade talismans bestow vitality, wisdom and protect against betrayal. Amulets with jade protect the owner from diseases; their healing properties are known: they relieve migraines, have a positive effect on many important organs (kidneys, liver, eyes, stomach). The stone symbolizes softness, strength, courage, purity, the desire for development and self-improvement.

At the slightest conflict, do you flare up like a match, lose control of yourself, and speak out harshly?

It looks very much like you are choleric. This means that precious and semi-precious stones of a certain type are suitable for your energy and can balance your psyche.

Choleric people, melancholic people, phlegmatic people, sanguine people - these are the main types of characters that were identified by the famous ancient Greek physician Hippocrates 2500 years ago! He explained the reason for this division different composition fluids in the body. Later, this version was repeatedly confirmed by scientists. But this is not what we will be talking about.

What stones should choleric people choose? What minerals are not suitable for melancholic people?

What jewelry should we wear to calm our too violent nature? Or, on the contrary, to “wake up” from the eternal melancholy sleep and finally pull myself together? With some stones you can “strengthen”, with others, on the contrary, you can moderate your potential.

Phlegmatic people

“She’s such a phlegm!” - you’ve probably heard such a statement about someone more than once. The word is simple, but very clearly characterizes people of phlegmatic temperament: slow in life, calm under any circumstances, closed and cautious. It seems that even an earthquake cannot make “phlegm” worry, much less, show its emotions.

However, phlegmatic people are people with a stable psyche, with a constant mood, who do not show their state of mind to others. In general, the necessary qualities for modern man. back side such a temperament is enough low level mental activity, sluggishness, and sometimes simply outrageous slowness! You will never understand what is on a phlegmatic person's mind. It takes him a long time to adapt to new conditions. Such a character, at its worst, can even be called boring. However, this does not prevent phlegmatic people from penetrating the secrets of the universe or leading huge teams. Vivid examples of this are the scientific luminary Newton and the outstanding commander Kutuzov.

On the one hand, a person is always calm, restrained, without breakdowns - this is great! On the other hand, sluggishness of reaction, constant inertia, indifference and almost indifference to others can do phlegmatic people a disservice.

Healing power Gems help to correct the behavioral characteristics and temperament of phlegmatic people. What should you pay attention to first? Choose jewelry with stones of warm, bright, luxurious shades - red, purple, golden, orange, yellow (garnet, ruby, cat's eye, yellow sapphire, yellow topaz, citrine, coral, lapis lazuli, carnelian, amber, amethyst, turquoise, yakhont) .

But be careful with pink and pale blue minerals - they have an overly calming effect. It is recommended to use jewelry with black and brown stones at a minimum. In hot summers, gems of “cool” shades are recommended.

Girls of a phlegmatic nature are advised to pay attention to coral jewelry. This mineral will make your character more determined and able to withstand difficulties. It will not harm modest and shy natures at all.

Insecure beauties who need the approval of friends and family are recommended to wear jewelry with beryl. Garnet jewelry will also help increase self-confidence.

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Amazonite, which is also capable of clearing its owner’s energy of accumulated negativity, will help overcome mistrust and establish social connections.

Try to choose jewelry in which the frame does not prevent light rays from passing through the stone and hitting the skin - phlegmatic people need more sun!


It won’t take long to describe choleric people - everyone already knows these extremely energetic, unbalanced and needed by society of people. Cholerics, in addition to their restless nature, have a huge amount advantages: almost always these are locomotive people who lead others and overcome difficulties and emotional stress that others have never even dreamed of. It is enough to identify only two historical figures - A.S. Pushkin and Peter the Great to understand how important the contribution of choleric people to the evolution of humanity is.

So, you are a violent choleric person, the house rests on you, at work the earth burns under your feet. At the same time, it is very difficult for you to stop yourself during outbursts of anger, you would like to gesticulate less during a conversation, and in general, it would be nice to be able to “turn up the volume” on sharp turns, and maintain adequacy in difficult life situations.

Correct selection jewelry will help you tame your expressive temperament and always feel good. Too strong gusts will cool down jewelry with green or white stones. For every day, pearls, quartz crystals, turquoise, moonstone, peridot, and jade are recommended. Blue, black, gray gems - blue yacht, amethyst, blue sapphire, lapis lazuli, black agate - will have a calming effect.

Cholerics are not recommended to often wear jewelry with coral. If they are ideal for phlegmatic people, then people with a hyperactive temperament can be pushed into rash actions.

Cholerics should, if possible, reduce the use of red, orange and yellow crystals in jewelry. They have a stimulating effect on the psyche. And do not overuse “eye” stones (cat's eye, tiger's eye, hawk's eye).

In order to remain in a state of emotional balance for as long as possible, choleric people are recommended to wear agate products more often. In addition, agate is a stone that attracts abundance and good luck, strengthening self-confidence.

In moments when emotions are overwhelming and you need to quickly cool down, a pearl bracelet or necklace will come in handy. Great experts in balance and tranquility - the Japanese, even in the Middle Ages, claimed that this mother-of-pearl stone - the best remedy cool down an overly ardent temper.

If you suffer from a lack of patience and are prone to excessive haste, try using lapis lazuli stone, which helps soften your character.

Not always balanced choleric people often suffer from far-fetched and groundless fears. An impressive ring with onyx will eliminate unnecessary worries. By the way, in ancient times representatives of the nobility preferred to drink drinks from onyx cups, since onyx has unique property"to cheer the sad soul."

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The silver setting of stones is more suitable for choleric people than gold. But this does not mean that gold is contraindicated for you. Just remember this when choosing the next treasure to add to your box.


Very lively and active sanguine people, unlike choleric people, rarely break down and have a rather pleasant, stable temperament.

A striking example a typical sanguine person - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart! Connoisseurs of classical music will understand what we're talking about. Consistently light, playful character, calm and peaceful cheerfulness.

Such people, as a rule, are not afraid of failures and troubles. High psychoanalytic activity, good adaptability and efficiency allow you to quickly solve all problems and move forward. A sanguine person needs a change of impressions. He is an active and sociable person.

What stones enhance good qualities sanguine people, and which ones weaken them?

In the cold season, it is better to wear jewelry with stones in warm colors - red, pink and yellow. On hot summer days, choose transitional shades - blue zircons, transparent quartz, gems of noble green tones.

Emotional protection from fears will help strengthen the moonstone, which, according to ancient beliefs, has the most powerful magical properties.

Diamonds and white topazes protect emotionally vulnerable people from psychological blows. Very expensive, of course, but really effective! The psyche is strengthened, the risks of developing deep disorders are reduced.

Aventurine will help melancholic people quickly gather their thoughts - the mineral helps achieve great success in their career.

Try to choose jewelry in which the frame does not prevent light rays from passing through the stone and hitting the skin - melancholic people, like phlegmatic people, need more sun!

Precious and semi-precious stones affect physical body, influencing at the level vitality. This is confirmed by the thousand-year-old practice of using natural gems!

Of course, each person has his own, exceptional temperament, which has many characteristics. This classification of precious and semi-precious stones, taking into account your temperament, helps to significantly narrow the range of your choice and save money on buying gems that are not suitable for you.

About stones-amulets

Aries. Diamond is suitable for this sign. This gemstone is considered one of the most noble. It protects against damage and evil spirits. Diamond attracts good luck and protects against illness. This type of jewelry should be worn on the neck or arm. Aries should also pay attention to amethyst. He has healing properties and helps you gain confidence. Other stones: sardonyx, coral, carnelian, flint, serpentine, hematite.

Calf. Sapphire is recommended for this sign. This stone is also a talisman for lovers. Decoration strengthens memory and develops intelligence. It helps with asthma and heart disease. Sapphire also protects against lies. Blue turquoise will help Taurus in relationships with the opposite sex. Other stones: emerald, agate, tiger's eye, ruby, jasper, malachite, lapis lazuli, jade, opal.

Twins. For this sign perfect choice there will be beryl or green chrysoprase. The first brings happiness in love, the second protects from financial losses and deception. A Gemini wearing chrysoprase will be able to achieve success in his career. Other stones: crystal, topaz, jasper, agate, jade.

Cancer. Moonstone is suitable for representatives of this sign. This decoration helps lovers overcome difficulties. Emerald is recommended for family Cancers, as it protects home. Other stones: morion, cat's eye, amethyst, euclase, turquoise, onyx, opal.

A lion. This sign should pay attention to stones yellow color: topaz, olivine and amber. The first protects travelers, the second brings good luck in business, the third protects against conflicts. Other stones: onyx, zircon, garnet, emerald, jasper, crystal.

Virgo. For this sign good choice there will be jade. This stone is a symbol of monarchs and leaders. This decoration will help with vision diseases. Carnelian is also suitable for Virgos. It is believed to give the skin a healthy glow. Such amulets will be more useful when framed in gold. Other stones: turquoise, sapphire, agate, diamond, crystal, emerald, jasper.

Scales. Astrologers recommend lapis lazuli for this zodiac sign. In ancient times, this decoration was used to treat various diseases. Opal is also suitable for Libra: it brings success to noble and good people. Other stones: beryl, coral, diamond, lapis lazuli, emerald, jasper, crystal.

Scorpion. A representative of this sign should wear aquamarine. Such a talisman will bring happiness to the family. Scorpio girls should pay attention to the carbuncle. Such decoration was considered a good amulet for pregnant women. Other stones: beryl, amazonite, jet, malachite, topaz, coral, beryl.

Sagittarius. Amethyst is suitable for this sign. This amulet is called the stone of love, as it helps in relationships with the opposite sex. In addition, amethyst brings good luck in gambling. Other stones: garnet, turquoise, chrysoprase, sapphire, amber, emerald.

Aquarius. For this sign, the pomegranate is a symbol of friendship. A similar amulet will also help in relationships with the opposite sex. Zircon improves memory and mental abilities of Aquarius. Other stones: opal, jade, amethyst, garnet.

Fish. This sign is recommended to wear pearls in combination with some other mineral. This talisman strengthens family ties. It will also help if Pisces is suffering from unrequited love. Other stones: aquamarine, turquoise, euclase, selenite, morion, hawk's eye.