Pistachio color in the interior and its combinations in the photo. A cozy green bedroom is a small oasis in your apartment: designer tips, design ideas, photos of interiors Pistachio bedroom with white furniture

Natural delicate shades, close to the natural environment, are very popular in design. Pistachio color occupies a special place of honor in the interior. This warm shade symbolizes spring, unity with the environment natural environment, universal, harmonizes perfectly with other tones and suits most styles.

Features of color and influence on the psyche

Pistachio color has a positive effect on the central nervous system human, has a calming and relaxing effect. This delicate green shade in muted varieties gives a joyful feeling of cleanliness, freshness and light, so it is ideal for interior decoration in homes where people live who experience constant nervous tension. Bright, rich shades will charge you with energy throughout the day and are especially appropriate in the design of a kitchen or dining room for calm, balanced residents.

Designers love to use pistachio tones due to their universal properties. The color does not change even under different lighting, and the surface completely retains its shade. Used in finishing materials, textile parts, decoration, furniture.

On vertical surfaces, the light green shade of pistachio is pleasing to the eye, and individual small details with this color on furniture, curtains or sofa cushions create a bright accent and give the room a luxurious look.

Interior style and pistachio color

These tones are great for modern design and add lightness to the interior. It harmonizes with glossy and plastic coatings and creates original compositions with chrome fragments. Light green tones also combine with eco-style and look impressive in eclecticism and pop art in the form of splashes. For the Tuscan style, light green shades with wrought iron and wooden elements are often used.

Delicate tones exquisitely complement the light ease and romance of Provence, especially when using pink, lilac, blue and gray additional details. You can give the refined atmosphere of Paris to the room with the help of floral motifs, wicker or artificially aged furniture.

IN classic style you can’t overdo it: the pistachio color should complement, but not dominate. Use in combination with light colors will visually expand the space, and with dark ones it will remove possible flaws. An accent on the wall or patterns on textiles look good in classics.

Mediterranean style is a true favorite of light green color range. Combination with yellow, orange and blue flowers, the use of different prints and maximum exposure of sunlight to the room will highlight all the advantages of the interior.

Combination with natural materials

Pistachio color harmonizes perfectly with any products made from natural materials or supplemented with individual elements:

  • wood;
  • bamboo;
  • leather, fur;
  • jute;
  • rattan;
  • cork floor;
  • reed and reed fabric.

Also, the shade of pistachio looks good on natural wallpaper, plaster, surfaces made of sisal, siagrass, and coconut fiber. The golden-green tones of the walls in combination with floral wallpaper from arrowroot, nettle, golden flower.

In compositions with wood, it is recommended to give the pistachio color a predominant place in the interior. Designers often use such combinations to emphasize the naturalness of a room.

Wall decoration

Many owners of houses and apartments today resort to choosing pistachio surfaces for walls. This is one of the few colors that does not conflict with other shades, but on the contrary, complements the individual design with its gentle romanticism, naturalness and spring freshness.

Light greenery in wallpaper can be of different tones, and each shade fits well into the interior. It is recommended to select tones that are opposite in saturation. Wallpaper in the color of walnut grains looks organically in different styles: hi-tech, minimalism, Provence, classic. The main attention should be paid to the remaining elements in the interior, to correctly combine the details and distribute the accent.

When purchasing wallpaper, you need to focus not only on the area of ​​the room in order to purchase required amount rolls, but also lighting in the room. This indicator is considered one of the main ones, because if you go too far with strict tones, you can see a depressing, heavy atmosphere after the renovation, spoiling the mood with its despondency. In the case of pistachio wallpaper, it is appropriate to combine with different, even daring options and add brightness to the room with the help of a different color scheme. Compositions can be included in patterns, designs and ornaments on wallpaper.

To achieve a harmonious combination in the interior, follow these recommendations:

  1. Under pistachio wallpaper you need to choose textiles of other shades.
  2. Bright, spacious rooms allow you to choose dark green wallpaper for the walls. The abundance of light softens the severity of the interior.
  3. Walls small rooms low light conditions should not be performed in dark colors. You can make an accent with a shade of pistachio on one side, and decorate the window with light curtains on the opposite wall.

Furniture and textiles

Pistachio color exudes cheerfulness and warmth, making it a suitable option for textile decoration. With the help of attractive elements you can create a special cozy and comfortable atmosphere in your home. It is used in both classical and modern design in any textile:

  • curtains;
  • upholstery of chairs and sofas;
  • decorative pillows;
  • bedspreads;
  • carpets

Naturalness and delicacy of color help to successfully fit into the most fashion trends in design. The choice of plain textiles or with prints depends on the specificity of the interior. The main thing is to achieve harmony and not overload the design with the same type of things. For example, to remove the facelessness and severity of plain walls and floor surfaces, you need to add bright contrasting patterns and ornaments.

Using textiles, you can visually adjust the features of a room, for example, visually expand the space by hanging light curtains. A carpet of rich pistachio shades will reduce discomfort in an overly spacious, seemingly empty room.

When choosing pistachio furniture, you need to adhere to general style in the interior, for example, for high-tech, choose attributes made of glass and plastic, for a classic style - wood with additional forged elements. The main background can be either a plain pastel or a bright, provocative one. Pistachio furniture looks great in contrast with the overall tone of the room. To enhance the emphasis, it is permissible to use convex textures and interesting intricate shapes.

Combination of shades

Typically, designers do not limit themselves only to pistachio tones when decorating the interior. Avoid merging surfaces and use different colors.


The universal white color can soften the richness of the tone and bring into the room a calm, pleasant atmosphere filled with homely warmth. For small rooms it is important to use pistachio furniture and white trim.


This color brings prestige in a classic style. Light gray in combination with pistachio elements will give a mysterious atmosphere, and thick, rich gray will add contrast and depth.


The composition is not suitable for all rooms, as it looks bold, even a little aggressive. Black tiles or a sink in a pistachio kitchen will add rigor and originality to the design.


The gamma with cheerful “orange notes” will give the room a cozy and warm, cheerful atmosphere. The color of pistachio in this case serves to mute the bright orange.


Finishing materials made of wood in brown shades in combination with pistachio naturalness will emphasize the fusion with nature. Brown upholstered furniture looks good against the background of pistachio walls and floors.


Compositions of violet, lilac and pistachio add uniqueness to the interior. Such a memorable design seems to “breathe” with pleasant coolness and envelops you in a mysterious atmosphere.


The color of turquoise gives the room uniqueness, unusualness and refreshes even the most dull interior. The success of the combination lies in the harmony between the cold notes of pistachio and turquoise.


These two colors make it possible to achieve excellent results in interior design. It is best to use pastel colors in furniture and decor.

Pistachio color in room interior design

The lightness and ease of pistachio color allows you to harmoniously decorate the environment in rooms for various purposes. With the help of natural shades you can enliven the interior, add originality and sophisticated style to it.

Living room

For a room where the whole family gathers and receives guests, an unobtrusive, calm pistachio shade is ideal. Romantic people can decorate the living room in Provence style. In this case, it would be appropriate to decorate the walls in light colors with floating floral motifs in a yellow or golden palette. Fancy patterns on the carpet, furniture upholstery, sofa and curtains look beautiful.

The walls of the living room can be painted in pastel colors, and the interior can be enlivened with the help of pistachio furniture attributes. Bright, creative people will feel comfortable in a room where pistachio, white and orange shades predominate.


For a room where people are forgotten in the sweet embrace of Morpheus, you need to choose calm shades. Furniture and decor must be of the same design. A light pistachio bedroom in a classic style looks elegant.

In minimalism, accents on bright pistachio pillows, lamps, vases and other accessories will help breathe life into the rigor of the design. It is recommended that the main background be done in gray in various tones.

Can be used bold decisions and combine pistachio with turquoise, orange, light blue.


Shades of green go well with natural materials, therefore, if the kitchen design contains wood, stone, bamboo, then you can safely decorate the walls, kitchen units or tables in pistachio color. The real tenderness of spring will be presented by a room decorated in white tones, where a bright accent is a pistachio apron and the opposite wall with a floral pattern.


The color of pistachio goes well in the bathroom with exotic crimson or pink patterns “crawling” along the walls and spotlights. The alternation of pistachio and orange tiles looks unusual and bright.


The first impression is formed from the hallway, so it is very good to choose the “welcome” color of pistachio as the main background. Warm pastel colors are better, and to make surfaces last longer, you should buy vinyl or non-woven wallpaper.

Pistachio color is perfect solution for creating fashionable interior in any room. It is always pleasant to be in rooms with the presence of elements of a similar palette, and the right combination with other colors allows you to achieve special harmony in the design.

For several years now, natural shades that evoke associations with fruits, plants or landscapes have occupied a stable position in design. This is explained by the ease of perception of natural varieties, which allow you to create the most comfortable atmosphere in the room. Among the entire palette, pistachio color is the most common color in the interior - mainly due to its ability to be combined with other colors and the ability to fit into any room.

The shell of the beloved nut served as the source of the pistachio color. It is a mixture of blue-green and yellow tones that can be bright or pastel if diluted with white.

Surrounded by this shade, residents feel comfortable, cozy and safe. More subdued varieties create a calming environment, while richer ones energize.

Designers value pistachio because of its versatile properties. The point is that it doesn't change from different types lighting - be it the rays of the sun or lamps, the coating will retain its original tone. Color can be used for any elements in the interior: decoration, furniture, decor or textiles. The walls will enhance the perception, and compact details will become a noticeable accent that attracts attention.

Pistachio color fits perfectly into many styles, but with small reservations. For example, for Provence you need to limit yourself to only pastel variations in the form of individual objects. In the classics, dark shades look harmonious, while bright ones usually appear in combination with the same tone of other colors.

Within the framework of a modern style, it is better to use it as a compositional center, and in minimalism - as small inclusions. Rarely pistachio color is found in Scandinavian interior, tending towards white, as in high-tech high-tech. If desired, you can add it to the palette of the room, balancing it with neutral types.

Color combinations

As already mentioned, pistachio can peacefully coexist with many shades, and with some of them it forms a very stylish pair. Let's look at a few successful combinations.

Pistachio with white

The interior, in which these two colors dominate, has a calm, natural atmosphere, since universal white can softly set off even a rich variation of pistachio, letting even more light into the room.

You can often find two options for using this combination. In the first case, one or more walls reflect a walnut shade, and the furniture is painted white. In the second, it’s the other way around, and this solution is more preferable for small spaces, as it allows you to visually expand the space, while creating a variety of colors.

Pistachio with blue

This pair usually does not act as the main color scheme due to the richness of the final design, but is harmonized with neutral inclusions. In the interior, it is often embodied in elements adjacent to each other, creating a lively, natural atmosphere.

It can be a sea or pastel shade - pistachio will form a successful combination with any of them. The success of the “union” lies in the fact that one color belongs to cold tones, and the other to warm ones.

Pistachio with yellow

Yellow will only emphasize the presence of this shade in the composition of pistachio. As a result, even a few details with such color scheme will make the room sunny and very warm - an ideal solution for houses whose windows face north, letting in little natural light during the day. Bright wall cladding will help enhance the effect, but this is a very bold design option.

Pistachio with brown

Brown can be presented as an independent color or finishing material- wood. The second option demonstrates a wide palette of not only textures, but also tones, among which it is worth giving preference to warm ones. They go better with pistachio, emphasizing its natural origin.

In the interior, it can be used to decorate walls - then the wooden set will stand out well against its background. The color can act as a textile, for example, for upholstery. This is a great combination that suits the classic style.

Pistachio with pink

A memorable pair is formed by the natural pistachio color with the less natural pink. Reach interesting effect you can by playing with their saturation. For example, pastel varieties can coexist in any embodiment: partitions, furniture, decor. And saturated ones must be added carefully, balancing with white.

Pistachio color in interior design - photo

The areas of application of the pistachio shade depend not only on the preferences of the owners, but also on the room and its conditions. Somewhere you need to create a calming atmosphere, and somewhere you need to add certain materials.

Pistachio color in the kitchen interior

In such an environment, the process of cooking will turn into an exciting activity, as pistachio helps to increase the activity and mood of visitors.

In this space it is often found in the form of wall tiles - the most universal material For working area, which is constantly exposed high temperatures, humidity and various types of pollution.

In the dining area, distant from the work area, you can choose pistachio-colored paint or wallpaper, since the conditions here are more stable. Washable wallpaper and other moisture-resistant varieties will do the job perfectly.

The shade is also used for furniture set, with white, black or wooden countertops. This solution is well suited for Provence, classic, as well as modern style.

Pistachio color in the living room interior

In a place intended for relaxation in the company of loved ones or good movie, color plays an important role in creating a suitable atmosphere. Pistachio is a very friendly summer shade, so its presence in the living room is not only permissible, but also highly desirable.

In spacious rooms, you can paint all the walls without worrying that the solution will overload the composition. Pastel colors are especially suitable for such purposes. In small-sized rooms, you can decorate only one part of the living room, for example, the central one - the one on which the TV screen is located.

If you need to go for a more laconic design, then pistachio color can be embodied in one or more objects: a sofa, carpet, curtains or wall paintings. This is an option for modern styles.

Pistachio color in the bedroom interior

Since the bedroom should promote relaxation and prepare for the upcoming sleep, it is recommended to limit yourself to pistachio-colored textiles only. Bed linen will do this perfectly, highlighting the bed as the main center of the room.

On the other hand, the pistachio design can be a real salvation for those who find it difficult to wake up in the morning. Walls in this range will quickly put you in an active mood and lift your spirits. To balance the impact, you can weave in white, blue or beige details.

Pistachio color in the bathroom interior

In the bathroom, this shade is used for decoration or furniture, since plumbing fixtures - the main element of the space - are often presented in a white, glossy version.

Special washable paints can survive indoors with high humidity, but it is better to give preference to traditional tiles, which will not only withstand any load, but will also help diversify the monochromatic coating.

These can be large fragments or small mosaics, which alternate with other colors, glossy or matte surfaces. The interior will look harmonious, making reference to natural landscapes.

Pistachio color in the interior of the hallway

The hallway forms the first impression on visitors, so choosing pistachio color as the main component of the palette is good decision for a cozy, welcoming space.

Warm colors visually seem closer to the audience, which is why it is recommended to stick to pastel shades in small areas. On such a surface, traces of dirt are more quickly visible, which inevitably enter the hallway from the street. To solve this problem, give preference to vinyl or non-woven wallpaper - they will last a long time.

Pistachio color in the interior of a children's room

There are several nuances in choosing colors for a nursery. Firstly, through it the child begins to explore the world for the first time, so natural combinations here are preferable to flashy and unnatural ones, which were previously classified as “childish”.

Secondly, the interior palette affects the well-being of the small inhabitant, increasing or vice versa - controlling his activity. For overly active children, you can choose a muted, calm tone of pistachio. But for a child who is closed in on himself, a combination with pink or blue will help him open up.

The advantage of pistachio color is that it is suitable for children of any gender and age. For example, using it as a background, you can eventually change toys into posters or books - and you will get a room for a teenager.

Video: Pistachio color in interior design

A person’s mood and well-being are very closely related to his color environment. It's hard to convince yourself to relax in a room where the walls are decorated, for example, in burgundy or bright red tones. Pistachio color in the interior of a room is considered universal. It easily combines with many shades, does not tire, and gives any room special energy and freshness. It is loved equally by novice designers and masters of their craft.

Light green attracts the eye and creates a feeling of endless freshness in combination with white

Features of pistachio color

The use of this shade in interior design is not uncommon. Natural beauty is one of the main features of light green. He will become ideal option for rooms insufficiently illuminated by natural light. This tone will not lose its brightness even with an artificial light source.

Pistachio color in interior design does not entail an emotional burden. This color has few complementary shades, so it is very predictable. By gluing, for example, light green wallpaper, you won’t wonder whether it will hurt your eyes too much on a white background or whether it will take on a grassy tint with a black frame.

Natural color does not cause fatigue. This amazing light green tone is appropriate in any room, be it a living room, kitchen or children's room. The pistachio color of the walls goes well with both dark and light furniture. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to make it dominant. A touch of freshness can be added with pale green curtains or other accessories such as rugs or decorative pillows.

Neutral light green can become cheerful and flirty if combined, for example, with asymmetry in the room

Advice! An even pistachio color does not need additions such as stencils, drawings, or stickers. But curtains of this shade with a pattern printed on them will be an excellent additional element of the room.

Combination of pistachio with other colors

Even taking into account all the above advantages of this shade, a successful combination of colors with light green is a painstaking creative work that requires certain knowledge. What shades does the color of pistachios harmonize well with?

  • White. This combination is considered very successful classic version. Combining warm green with white is especially important for small rooms.

A few accents in the Scandinavian interior: roller shutters on the windows and a pistachio-colored rug

  • Yellow. A positive and cheerful color, coupled with light green, increases the properties of the latter several times. Saturated yellow color will require placing accents. A pale yellow shade can be safely used as the dominant tone in the interior.

  • Beige. It is considered the most unrivaled companion color to light green. This natural, relaxed, natural combination can satisfy the most demanding aesthetic needs.

The combination of “beige and pistachio” is self-sufficient, but it can also be a background for a riot of colors of various accessories

  • Blue turquoise or blue color with green is associated with marine theme. The blue color will look good on a pistachio shade as accessories, and large ones at that.
  • Orange. Rich orange, peach and apricot shades look very vibrant and impressive against a light green background.

A cheerful combination of green as the dominant color and orange as the color of textiles and other accessories

  • Pink. This color will be an excellent complement to pistachio. Both shades look so noble that it’s impossible not to love this combination.

Feminine and cozy combination of green and pink

  • Brown. With this combination, conflict will never arise. Delicate green walls plus wooden furniture - what could be more natural than this combination.

Depending on the room where it is used, pistachio color changes its overall mood: in classic design in the living room it becomes the color of luxury

  • Black. An excellent combination for modern interiors. The combination of black and light green is an option only for stylish and courageous people.

Black, white, pistachio: a combination for young and energetic people

Combinations of pale green with dark green and blue will not be very successful. Pistachio will seem dirty and cloudy with a muted blue tint. But with the right combination of textures, patterns and materials, you can design a quite decent interior even with such unsuccessful combinations. It is important that these color inclusions are few.

Light green can be combined with several shades of green in one room at once. This luxurious combination can be emphasized favorably by gilding.

Advice! When decorating the interior, feel free to use natural materials. Pistachio color combines amazingly with wood, straw, stone, and bamboo.

A unique and very successful combination in the design of a colored kitchen: pistachio and emerald green tiles, the texture of which is emphasized by transparent furniture

The use of pistachio shades in various interior styles

This color is quite often found in the design of modern interior styles: hi-tech, minimalism, contemporary . This is due to its successful combination with chrome elements, plastic and gloss.

The naturalness of green colors fits perfectly into the eco-style that is popular today. If you put emphasis on the pistachio shade, it will become a good option for pop art or eclectic style.

Tuscan style The interior design has Italian roots. Here, in large quantities apply natural wood, all kinds Forged Products and green shades.

The French style of Provence is characterized by romanticism and lightness. An abundance of textiles and all kinds of wicker baskets, vases, even pieces of furniture will be an excellent complement to the pistachio color.

Creating warm green shades in the kitchen

First, let's determine how to use green in the kitchen interior - dominant or secondary. The light green tone of the walls in the kitchen will be a good combination with both dark and light furniture. Straw, stone, bamboo or wooden frame the furniture will not clash at all with the pistachio-colored walls.

Pistachio-colored furniture in the dining room, decorated with large plant scenes on the walls

TO kitchen furniture In a salad shade, you can safely choose wall coverings in sea, wine, emerald or purple. A pistachio-colored kitchen in this case will refresh the rich tone of the walls.

The versatility of pistachio shades allows you to create wonderful interiors in small and large spaces. large kitchens. And it doesn’t matter at all whether they are tall or low ceilings in the room and what its geometry is.

Advice! To avoid the effect of general merging, do not decorate the entire kitchen area (furniture, facades, floors, walls) in one color. Moderation and mandatory dilution of the light green shade with harmonizing colors are necessary here.

Pistachio color in the interior living room design

The tone of pale greenery can be used to decorate the interior as accents, or you can make it the main one. Both options will be successful. In any case, pistachio color will bring a feeling of joy and freshness to the room.

The combination of pistachio and black creates a strict, but at the same time welcoming atmosphere, therefore it is very suitable for decoration, for example, office premises. The white ceiling adds depth to the composition.

The color of light green visually expands the room. Therefore, its use is especially relevant in small living rooms. But for spacious rooms this shade is also an ideal option. Pistachio walls in a large and well-lit living room can be successfully combined with purple colors, for example, upholstered furniture. Ceiling white will emphasize the brightness of two shades.

Advice! There are many options for using pistachio color in the living room interior. It is important not to be afraid to try and experiment.

Children's room

The child should feel cozy and comfortable in the children's room. Therefore, a soft green, but not flashy shade will not have a negative impact on the child’s condition. There is always a place for pistachio color in the nursery. This could be wallpaper, ottomans, a small rug, a panel, a lampshade, decorative pillows.

The outrageous interior created with the dominance of pistachio color will really appeal, for example, to collectors of modern art and creative people.

An adult child can, of course, independently choose the combination of shades he likes. In this case, your task is to suggest that for a girl the most successful combination of pistachio color with pink, crimson and burgundy shades, for a boy - with blue and brown.

Light-filled living room with stucco molding against the backdrop of pistachio walls

The understated luxury of a classically designed modern home: as they say in English speaking countries, "classy"

The delicate pistachio shade, named after the delicious nut, is very popular among designers. It allows you to experiment with color, goes well with other shades, and can be accent or primary. Here are a few examples of a “pistachio” interior.

Let us immediately note that pistachio color can be of different saturations. It is obtained when mixed yellow tone with blue-green. You can add more green and yellow for brightness, or you can dilute it with white to make the tone more pastel. For upholstery of upholstered furniture, darker shades of pistachio are often used, as it is more practical.

Designers believe that pistachio goes best with white, turquoise, blue, and light blue shades. However, there is a lot of room for experimentation here. In the bedroom, pistachio color can be safely combined with bright textiles.

Experts call pistachio color very favorable for psychological state home owners. It doesn’t tire you out, even if all the walls are painted pastel. In this, pistachio echoes this year's favorite - the shade Greenery, fresh, spring and optimistic.

Pistachio color should be classified as natural, natural shades. That is why it will combine so harmoniously with wood, natural wallpaper, and other natural materials. But this does not mean that pistachio is suitable only for eco-style or Mediterranean classics. This is a very modern and relevant color.

Designers consider one of the advantages of pistachio color to be the ability to maintain its tone at different levels of illumination, remaining just as attractive and quite calm. You can choose one pistachio shade or several varieties for the room, it will turn out equally beautiful.

Calm and fresh pistachio color is perfect for various rooms. In the living room it can become a shade of furniture upholstery or painted walls, in the bedroom - textile details and curtains, in the kitchen - it can dominate the color of cabinets.

With shades of pink, pistachio creates unusual and very delicate combinations, perfect for bedrooms and living rooms. The colors do not compete, but rather complement each other, making them brighter and more noticeable.

In this interior you can clearly see how harmonious the pink and pistachio color scheme looks. Even fairly bright shades combine harmoniously, making this bedroom original and at the same time homely.

You shouldn’t be afraid of such combinations as pistachio with graphite, dark gray, even black. The neutrality of this classic pistachio kitchen, for example, was well diluted by the rich black stone countertop.

In the bathroom, pistachio color is, of course, also appropriate. It can be associated not only with greenery, but also with the sea, the sea coast, especially if combined with turquoise and blue tones.

Today we will look at the meaning of pistachio color in the interior and study what colors it can be combined with. Kvartblog also selected 50 photos of examples of using pistachio color in the kitchen, bedroom, living room and hallway.

Psychology of pistachio color and its meaning

The first question that a homeowner asks himself when thinking about renovation or initial finishing new apartment- What color scheme should this or that room be decorated in? The style of future furniture, the colors of textiles and much more depend on the chosen combination of shades.

In the process of choosing the color scheme for the future interior, many are guided by personal preferences, forgetting that each color has a specific and scientifically proven effect on a person’s psychological background, his mood, appetite and sleep.

In this regard, pistachio is one of the most versatile and beneficial flowers.

A person’s positive perception of this shade of natural greenery is due to the fact that green color Since primitive times it has been associated with the warm season, the onset of spring and abundance. In addition to psychological peace, pistachio in the interior has a slight therapeutic effect - in such a room blood pressure is normalized, pulse and breathing are equalized, muscles relax and attention is concentrated.

Residents of cities suffering from a constant lack of greenery will especially benefit from the use of this color. fresh air and pure nature. Pistachio will help reduce stress levels, add harmony and tranquility to the bustling whirlwind of city life.

Combination with pistachio color in the interior

Unlike bright, too dark or cold green tones, pistachio is a warm, pastel and fairly neutral shade, so it is quite difficult for them to overload the interior or create an oppressive atmosphere in the room. However, there are several simple rules, which should be followed to create the ideal stylistic solution.

  • Warm with warm

Pistachio - warm color, so you need to combine it with warm pastel shades - light beige, peach, pale pink, yellow, ocher and brown tones. This color also looks good in combination with a pure white tone.

  • Natural harmony

It's no secret that the world's leading interior designers often borrow ideas from living nature for inspiration. It’s easiest with green shades - just look at a photo of a forest or flower garden with pistachio-colored foliage, and you can immediately identify the most suitable companion colors for yourself: brown, khaki and ivory.

In this context, natural wood or wicker furniture, light, beige textiles and flooring. As an accent to liven up the interior, you can add decorative red or pink little things to transform your home forest into a blooming garden.

  • Dominant or assisting?

An interior completely filled with pistachio color will not be sharply repulsive, but it can easily turn out to be boring, so professionals use it either as a background or as an assisting color in textiles or furniture. Choose suitable option easy - in small room with poor lighting, it is better to use only pistachio details, and in large and spacious rooms you can safely paint the walls in this soft shade without fear of losing the sense of space.

Here are some examples good combination with deep black color - a lot, but such a bold and risky step requires the work of a professional, because the slightest mistake will turn a stylish solution into a real disaster.

Pistachio color in the kitchen interior

Thanks to its natural softness, pistachio is perfect for decorating cooking and eating areas.

There are a number of kitchen interior design styles that are impossible to imagine without the use of pistachio color.

  • , country and

Combined with wooden furniture, abundance light shades and natural materials, such kitchens look great and, moreover, help improve appetite. Classic kitchens are invariably cozy, and the decoration kitchen facades grilles, carvings and balustrades will give the interior individuality.

  • High tech

This style allows you to combine pistachio color with chrome metal parts, A glossy facades modern kitchen sets will not only add color to the interior, but will also visually expand the space by reflecting the light falling on them.

In each of the styles, you can choose a successful combination of tones and materials for both a small compact kitchen with low ceilings and spacious kitchen- living room with large dining area.

Pistachio color in the living room interior

Today, they are becoming increasingly popular, in which pistachio shades are combined with boiling white wide skirting boards, window and door frames, light and lightweight textiles. Such a living room is filled with light and freshness, the space breathes and pacifies with its lightness.

For those who prefer an abundance of dark wooden furniture, the pistachio color of the walls and curtains will help balance the heavy filling of the room. When choosing such a solution, do not forget that dark furniture Suitable only for spacious rooms with fairly high ceilings.

It is best to decorate a small living room in white or light beige, refreshing the interior with pistachio elements in the form of a small carpet, window or furniture textiles and accessories. These accents will be enough to create a fresh and cozy atmosphere in the room. To create a more playful and modern design for this living room, you can add some bright yellow, blue, turquoise or orange elements. Abundance light color against the background allows you to focus attention on several contrasting shades at once.

Another good solution is to use floral ornament. One of the walls or some part of it, furniture upholstery or curtain fabric with a pistachio print can enliven the interior and become a decoration of the living room, provided that most of the rest of the interior elements will be monochromatic.

Pistachio color in the bedroom interior

The choice of color scheme for the sleeping area must be approached with special care, because an unsuccessful combination can turn the bedroom from a rest room into a room of nightmares.

Choosing a color scheme in favor of pistachio will definitely be successful due to the calming and relaxing properties of this color.

It is pistachio and combinations with it that professional designers will most often recommend when it comes to the interior of a children's bedroom - kids are the most sensitive to their surroundings and warm green is one of the guaranteed safe shades.

If the owner wants an enveloping and deep atmosphere in the bedroom, you can use different shades of pistachio for walls, furniture and textiles, turning the room into a kind of cozy color cocoon.

And to create a bright and fresh bedroom, you need to create a light background using pistachio curtains, bedspreads and furniture covers.

Either way, contemplating the warm green hue before bed is one of the best ways to calm down, relieve stress and set yourself up for a peaceful night's rest.

Pistachio color in the interior of the hallway

When choosing the interior of a hallway, the most important thing is to take into account its size and illumination. Using a rich pistachio color for the walls of a tiny room can turn the hallway into a cramped and uncomfortable box.

Designers solve this problem by using mirror doors wardrobes or glossy surfaces of walls and ceilings. In the hallway, playing with light and space is often the only way out.

When used correctly, pistachio color in the entrance area can become a welcoming invitation and part of the cozy atmosphere of the home.

Pistachio-colored walls (wallpaper or paint)

To create a classic or Scandinavian style the use of pistachio color in wall decoration is a popular and extremely successful solution. Photos of finished interiors with pistachio walls are filled with warmth and comfort. But the harmonious use of this shade as a background requires adherence to certain artistic rules.

  • Plain coating

In order for a plain pistachio background to look fresh and not absorb light, it is necessary to shade it with light elements - furniture, flooring or window textiles. Even classic interior implies furniture of dark shades - you must definitely allow light into the room with the help of some light accessories or details.

Regardless of the wall covering material, be it liquid or simple wallpaper, paint or panels, plain coloring allows you to use pistachio even in small spaces without the risk of overloading the space.

  • Covering with a pattern

Unlike plain walls, patterned wallpaper is more demanding on the size of the room and the location of light sources. This coating weighs down and visually reduces the space, so it is appropriate to use only in spacious and bright rooms.

Another rule is that there should not be too much pattern; when using any print on the walls, it is preferable to use plain furniture and other textiles.

Since pistachio is a natural color, it is often used in modern interiors as a leading tone in the picture of photo wallpaper. Most often, such a pattern decorates only one wall in the room, and its richness is softened by the neutral shade of the remaining walls. The most important thing when using such a canvas is not to clutter the finished pattern with furniture, allowing it to lead the room, decorating and refreshing it.

Pistachio curtains

Pistachio-colored window textiles are used both as a solitary accent in light, neutral interiors, and as a companion to other elements of the room of the same shade.

Pistachio color in window decoration fills the room with summer freshness, warmth and can improve your mood even if there is a gray and dank autumn cityscape outside the windows.

The versatility of this color allows you to combine light tulle with green curtains, pistachio tulle with beige curtains, plain and patterned fabrics.

Pistachio curtains are the most popular classic solution, because they create coziness both in a room with wooden furniture and in a pastel interior in light colors.

Modern design often uses pistachio-colored blinds and roller blinds - this solution increases the usable space of the room and helps hide insufficient ceiling heights. Curtains with pistachio stripes too great way visually increase the height of the room and add volume to the room.

Pistachio color in the interior - photo examples

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