Formation of Crassula Hobbit. Crassula - The Hobbit and Gollum an unusual type of money tree

Crassula (lat. Crassula) is a plant from the Crassula family. "Crasus" means "thick". However, this property is obvious - the leaves are very fleshy. Biologists know more than 300 species of Crassula, Substantial part Some of them come from hot regions - Africa, Madagascar, and the Arabian Peninsula. The plant survives even in desert conditions, it is very hardy and requires basic care. For this reason, the Crassula has been chosen by flower growers all over the world.

The Crassula flower is a representative of the genus of succulents. Succulent means “succulent”; the flower contains a clever tissue that retains moisture. And it is this property that explains a lot in the rules of watering, caring, and protecting the flower from disease.

Externally, Crassula indoor plants are diverse - tree-like shrubs, herbaceous, creeping. But there is one common feature: the leaves grow in pairs opposite each other, and crosswise in relation to the previous pair. Biological features different types almost no different - similar methods of care, requirements for watering and lighting.

At home, Crassula blooms extremely rarely - with white, blue, red or yellow flowers, collected in “umbrellas” or “brushes”.

Types of flower

There is a Crassula mix plant on sale. This is not a species, but just a marking of an entire batch. This means that there were several different varieties in one shipment. And in order to determine the type of plant purchased, you will have to compare it with photographs.

The most popular varieties in Russia bred by breeders:

Ovata (Crassula ovata) - a species so named due to its leaves oval shape(ovata literally means "oval"). And due to the fact that the color of the leaves is green with a silvery coating, people have an association with coins. That's why this type Crassula began to be called the “money tree”. Ovata has many subspecies. One of the popular ones is Crassula Ovata Minor (lat. C. ovata minor). It grows slowly, which is why it got the name “minor”. The color of the leaves is slightly reddish due to anthocyanins. A bushy species, it can grow up to 100 cm in height, so it is great for a mini-garden.

Crassula Hobbit (C. ovata cv. Hobbit) is a hybrid variety. It was bred by American breeders in the 70s of the last century by crossing the fat plants: Ovata and Molochnaya. The Hobbit has an original shape of leaves - fused from the base to the middle. The plant resembles coral polyps. Very branching species, suitable for creating bonsai.

Houseplant Crassula Muscosa (C. muscosa), also known as mossy and moss-like. Completely different in appearance from the previous ones. This is a small shrub with shoots spreading along the ground. Therefore, it is sometimes called “lizard tail” or “lightning”. The leaves look like shingles, folded in four rows. In bright light, these “tiles” take on a reddish tint.

Proper care of crassula at home consists of several selected parameters:

  • Temperature

Crassula is a desert and semi-desert plant that quickly adapts to the coolness of autumn and the hot, dry heating season. The optimal temperature range for normal growth is from 10 to 25 °C. The higher the temperature, the more intense the growth; the lower, the slower the development.

Fresh air is most beneficial for the plant. Therefore, it is recommended to place the flower on the balcony or veranda if the air temperature is within the recommended values. Temperature changes between midday and night will only harden the plant and make it stronger.

  • Lighting

Since Crassula originates from the southern regions, it needs good lighting. The longer the daylight hours, the more beneficial it is for her. But he doesn’t like extremes either! Therefore, it is better not to place the flower in direct sunlight. As, indeed, too shady corners. You should find a place with bright but diffused light. Great option- window sill of a southwest or southeast window. You can build a small screen in the summer so that the rays do not “hit” the plant directly and burn the leaves. For mossy crassula, the optimal lighting option is morning and sunset rays. Ovata minor is considered the most shade-tolerant.

  • Watering

Due to the fact that the fat plant stores water in its leaves, it does not need a lot of water. In winter, it is enough to water once a week or even once every 2 weeks, depending on the temperature and humidity. However, dry soil is also harmful to the root system. To avoid mistakes, each time before watering, it is recommended to check the condition of the soil, simply by touch, or by piercing it with wood chips. In spring and summer, water after the soil in the pot is half dry, in winter - completely.

It is important to remember that any Crassula is more afraid of waterlogging than drought. Mossy Crassula requires the least amount of moisture, as it has small roots.

  • Fertilizer

In late autumn and winter, Crassula has a dormant period, so it is not fertilized. During the cold season, it is permissible to apply a light fertilizer of half concentration only once. This means diluting it by 1⁄2 the dose indicated on the fertilizer package.

In spring and summer good for the plant increased nutrition is beneficial. It is fertilized with a liquid product for succulents and cacti once a month. After transplantation, Crassula is not fed for six months.

There are three ways to propagate Crassula:

  • cuttings;
  • leaf;
  • seeds.

The best and most reliable method is considered to be cuttings.

You need to cut the shoot about 10 cm, less is possible, and dip the cut area in the solution activated carbon. To prepare the solution, you need to crush a coal tablet and dilute it with water (1 tablet per 50 ml of water). Leave the plant in the air for 2-3 days so that the cut “withers” a little, as flower growers say. Then transfer it to a bowl with leafy soil. In a bright place, growth should begin in 2-3 weeks.

To propagate by leaf, you need to perform the same manipulations.

A more painstaking task is propagation by seeds. To begin with, Crassula seeds need to be planted in shallow bowls with a substrate (a mixture of peat and sand), watered and placed in a warm place.

It is important to water the seeds very carefully for two weeks so as not to wash them out of the soil.

After 2-3 weeks, the seedlings are moved to a larger container. And in the fall - in a permanent pot.

Although the flower is not whimsical, it also has three main enemies:

  • excess moisture;
  • drafts;
  • insects.

Excess moisture is the most dangerous; it can lead to rotting of the roots and even the trunk. As a result, the fat woman dies. In second place are drafts. If temperature changes harden, then drafts lead to colds, leaves dry out and fall off.

Insects cause harm. They are clearly visible to the naked eye on the stems and leaves - white hairy bugs sucking young shoots. They are removed with cotton wool soaked in medical alcohol.

No less dangerous are those that also feed on plant sap. You can get rid of them only with the help of pesticides, which are sold in flower shops.

If the plant is not watered for a long time, they can settle in it. The cobwebs on the leaves speak of such neighbors. Insecticides, which are also available for sale in specialized stores, help to cope.

Despite the large number of subtleties of care, in general Crassula is ideal for home breeding. This is an excellent option for those who often leave for a long time, for business or forgetful flower growers. With a minimum of time and effort, you can get good result for home decoration.

The plant is given its ideal shape by pruning. When the fat plant grows to 25-30 cm, the top is cut off and the bush acquires decorative look.

You can form a bonsai from Crassula, see this video:

Crassula (lat. Crassula) is a plant from the Crassula family. "Crasus" means "thick". However, this property is obvious - the leaves are very fleshy. Biologists know more than 300 species of Crassula, a significant part of them come from hot regions - Africa, Madagascar, and the Arabian Peninsula. The plant survives even in desert conditions, it is very hardy and requires basic care. For this reason, the Crassula has been chosen by flower growers all over the world.

The Crassula flower is a representative of the genus of succulents. Succulent means “succulent”; the flower contains a clever tissue that retains moisture. And it is this property that explains a lot in the rules of watering, caring, and protecting the flower from disease.

Externally, Crassula indoor plants are diverse - tree-like shrubs, herbaceous, creeping. But there is one common feature: the leaves grow in pairs opposite each other, and crosswise in relation to the previous pair. The biological characteristics of different species are almost the same - similar methods of care, requirements for watering and lighting.

Types of flower

There is a Crassula mix plant on sale. This is not a species, but just a marking of an entire batch. This means that there were several different varieties in one shipment. And in order to determine the type of plant purchased, you will have to compare it with photographs.

The most popular varieties in Russia bred by breeders:

Ovata (Crassula ovata) is a species named for its oval-shaped leaves (ovata literally means “oval”).

nbsp; due to the fact that the color of the leaves is green with a silvery coating, people have an association with coins. That is why this type of Crassula began to be called the “money tree”. Ovata has many subspecies. One of the popular ones is Crassula Ovata Minor (lat. C. ovata minor). It grows slowly, which is why it got the name “minor”. The color of the leaves is slightly reddish due to anthocyanins. A bushy species, it can grow up to 100 cm in height, so it is great for a mini-garden.

Crassula Hobbit (C. ovata cv. Hobbit) is a hybrid variety. It was bred by American breeders in the 70s of the last century by crossing the fat plants: Ovata and Molochnaya. The Hobbit has an original shape of leaves - fused from the base to the middle. The plant resembles coral polyps. Very branching species, suitable for creating bonsai.

Houseplant Crassula Muscosa (C. muscosa), also known as mossy and moss-like. Completely different in appearance from the previous ones. This is a small shrub with shoots spreading along the ground. Therefore, it is sometimes called “lizard tail” or “lightning”. The leaves look like shingles, folded in four rows. In bright light, these “tiles” take on a reddish tint.

Proper care of crassula at home consists of several selected parameters:

  • Temperature

Crassula is a desert and semi-desert plant that quickly adapts to the coolness of autumn and the hot, dry heating season. The optimal temperature range for normal growth is from 10 to 25 °C. The higher the temperature, the more intense the growth; the lower, the slower the development.

Fresh air is most beneficial for the plant. Therefore, it is recommended to place the flower on the balcony or veranda if the air temperature is within the recommended values. Temperature changes between midday and night will only harden the plant and make it stronger.

  • Lighting

Since Crassula originates from the southern regions, it needs good lighting.

The longer the daylight hours, the more beneficial it is for her. But he doesn’t like extremes either! Therefore, it is better not to place the flower in direct sunlight. As well as in too shady corners. You should find a place with bright but diffused light. An excellent option is the window sill of a southwest or southeast window. You can build a small screen in the summer so that the rays do not “hit” the plant directly and burn the leaves. For mossy crassula, the optimal lighting option is morning and sunset rays. Ovata minor is considered the most shade-tolerant.
  • Watering

Due to the fact that the fat plant stores water in its leaves, it does not need a lot of water. In winter, it is enough to water once a week or even once every 2 weeks, depending on the temperature and humidity. However, dry soil is also harmful to the root system. To avoid mistakes, each time before watering, it is recommended to check the condition of the soil, simply by touch, or by piercing it with wood chips. In spring and summer, water after the soil in the pot is half dry, in winter - completely.

  • Fertilizer

In late autumn and winter, Crassula has a dormant period, so it is not fertilized. During the cold season, it is permissible to apply a light fertilizer of half concentration only once. This means diluting it by 1⁄2 the dose indicated on the fertilizer package.

In spring and summer, the plant will benefit from increased nutrition. It is fertilized with a liquid product for succulents and cacti once a month. After transplantation, Crassula is not fed for six months.

There are three ways to propagate Crassula:

  • cuttings;
  • leaf;
  • seeds.

The best and most reliable method is considered to be cuttings.

You need to cut the shoot about 10 cm, or less, and dip the cut area in an activated carbon solution. To prepare the solution, you need to crush a coal tablet and dilute it with water (1 tablet per 50 ml of water). Leave the plant in the air for 2-3 days so that the cut “withers” a little, as flower growers say. Then transfer it to a bowl with leafy soil. In a bright place, growth should begin in 2-3 weeks.

To propagate by leaf, you need to perform the same manipulations.

A more painstaking task is propagation by seeds. To begin with, Crassula seeds need to be planted in shallow bowls with a substrate (a mixture of peat and sand), watered and placed in a warm place.

After 2-3 weeks, the seedlings are moved to a larger container. And in the fall - in a permanent pot.

What you need to consider when growing poitensia: how to care for it at home, do you need to prune it, and how to propagate the flower?

What conditions are required for growing calla lilies, and why it is considered a funeral flower, read here.

About caring for stephonotis:

Crassula: types, varieties and their description

The genus Crassula includes more than 200 plant species. Its Latin name Crassula comes from the word “thick”, “fleshy”. IN indoor floriculture most often grown are oval or ovoid Crassula (Crassula ovata). It is a tree-like perennial plant with a thick woody trunk. It has oval, dense green leaves with a bluish-gray waxy coating, which look very decorative. The maximum height of an adult tree is about one and a half meters.

Popular varieties of Crassula oval:

  • Compact (Crosbys Compact) - small foliage, 1.5 cm long and 1 cm wide.
  • Minor – leaves are light green with a reddish tint, the plant develops very slowly.
  • Sunset (Hummels Sunset) - the leaves are decorated with white and yellow stripes with a red border; in low light they turn green.
  • Oblique is a natural variety with spiky green leaves and a thicker trunk that branches heavily.
  • Solana - yellow stripes are visible on the leaves; the plant requires pinching shoots to create a branched crown.
  • Tricolor (Trikolor) - white stripes are visible on the green leaves and there is a red border around them.
  • Crassula ovata Hobbit - its leaves resemble the ears of the popular cartoon character Shrek, they have bright green color with a purple tint around the edge.

In addition, other types of plants are bred indoors: creeping, ground cover, lycophytes and other fat plants. They can have a variety of leaf shapes and colors; some representatives bloom beautifully, for example, Crassula pierced-leaved.

Planting, replanting and soil requirements

Soil for planting crassula is bought at a flower shop. Suitable soil for succulents. You can prepare the soil yourself, then a good additive would be vermiculite - a natural crushed mineral that has the properties of retaining excess moisture. If necessary, it gives it to the roots of the plant and does not allow the soil to be too wet, which is very important for fat plants.

It is advisable to take a pot for transplanting that is not deep, but wide.

It is better if it is ceramic - the roots will be able to breathe and will not rot. There should be a hole in the bottom of the pot for drainage. After purchasing a plant in a store, it is advisable to transship it without disturbing the earthen ball, if the specimen is healthy.

Sequence of actions during transplantation:

  • Expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the pot for drainage;
  • vermiculite is added to the soil for succulents;
  • pour it into flower pot;
  • plant a Crassula seedling;
  • Fill the pot completely with soil.

For the first time after planting, the plant is not watered.

Optimal conditions for growing Crassula

The optimal conditions for Crassula will be similar to natural conditions. Some of its species come from arid and sunny Arabia, others from South Africa. In any case, Crassula is unpretentious in terms of water and nutrition. In summer it needs a lot of warmth and fresh air, and in winter it needs temperatures below +15°C. But she will overwinter in warm room, but it won’t bloom in the spring.

When growing a plant in a pot, preference should be given to soil for succulents. The Crassula flower loves bright light, especially variegated varieties.

Caring for Crassula at home

Knowing the characteristics of the plant, it is not difficult to care for it. Watering should be moderate but regular, and the soil should be loose enough so as not to retain excess moisture.

Crassula tree requires not only proper care, but also formation.

This plastic plant can grow in any desired direction where the owner directs it. Most often, Crassula is formed in the form of a small tree with a branched trunk or a lush bush in which the trunk is almost invisible. You can plant several seedlings in one pot to make the plant more lush.

Money tree blossom

Crassula blooms with small, white-pink flowers collected in a brush. Inflorescences appear in adult plants at the ends of the stems.

In order for a money tree to bloom indoors, it needs to create special conditions for this, similar to natural ones, when periods of dormancy and active growth alternate.

In winter, Crassula should not be placed near a battery. During this period, she needs cool air (+10 or +15°C) and minimal watering once a month. With the arrival of spring, the plant begins to be actively watered and fertilized. After a cold and dry winter, Crassula should bloom, feeling an abundance of warmth and light, moisture and nutrition. It is advisable to place the plant on the terrace, balcony or out into the garden in the summer.

Houseplant propagation

The plant is propagated by leaf and stem cuttings or seeds in March or April. Crassula seeds “Money tree mix” and other varieties can be bought at a flower shop.

The seed is sown in a mixture of universal soil and sand taken in equal parts. They are very small, so they are laid out on the surface without sprinkling earth on top. The crops are moistened from above with a spray bottle, covered with film, ventilated daily and maintained at the required humidity.

If the seeds are fresh, shoots will appear in 2 weeks. Using a toothpick, they are seated in separate pots.

At vegetative propagation getting new plants is much easier. A leaf or stem cut with a sharp blade is suitable for this.

  • The cut is treated with crushed activated carbon and dried for 3 - 4 hours.
  • Then they are planted in a pot filled with a mixture of sand and soil for succulents.
  • Moisten as the soil dries with a spray bottle.

Pests and diseases - how to treat them?

A diseased plant can be easily identified by its appearance. Its growth stops, spots appear on the leaves, and sometimes the trunk rots and falls to one side.

The most common problem causing trunk and root rot is overwatering. The plant doesn't like it too much humid air and soil.

  • If fusarium rot appears on the leaves, it forms brown spots.
  • Late blight usually develops on the root collar of the plant, causing rotting of the trunk.

At the first sign of disease, the fat plant is treated with a fungicide and all rotten parts are cut off. If it is no longer possible to save the tree, its healthy parts are rooted in the soil substrate, and the soil and the rotted root are thrown away.

Pests most often settle on weakened plants, and most often this is a root or mealybug. A sick fat woman is treated with an insecticide several times, with an interval of 7–8 days.

Not all gardeners succeed in growing a large money tree, much less making it bloom.

  • For Crassula to grow beautiful tree, the branches are pruned, then they will begin to branch.
  • Rotate the plant different sides towards the light so that the leaves grow evenly.
  • They fertilize it with complex fertilizers for succulents not only at the roots, but also along the leaves.
  • Place the money tree on the brightest window in the apartment.
  • In winter, it is kept in a cool room and watered very rarely.

The money tree is not only beautiful ornamental plant, but also therapeutic. Its leaves have healing powers and can be chewed for sore throat. If you apply crushed leaves to the wound, it will heal quickly. Therefore, such a green pet in the apartment will definitely not be out of place.

What container is suitable for growing?

When choosing a flower pot, you should remember that the roots of Crassula are located close to the soil surface and are too sensitive to excess moisture, and the crown is wide and weighty. To ensure sustainability and favorable conditions To grow, the flower must be planted in a flat, wide and heavy container, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the diameter of the crown.

At the bottom of the pot, you must place a layer of drainage, for example, expanded clay (2 cm). The greatest decorative effect is achieved if only one tree is planted in one container.

How to choose soil

The easiest way to purchase soil for Crassula is ready-made, at any gardening store. The plant is not demanding on the composition of the soil. Ready-made soil for cacti or other loose sandy substance is also suitable. You can prepare the soil mixture yourself.

How to water correctly

At home, minimal care is required. Watering is rare. It is recommended to do this only after the soil surface has completely dried. Crassula is a succulent plant, so it tolerates dry soil better than excess liquid. Excessive moisture is especially dangerous in winter. Rarely water at this time. mature plant- no more than once a month. Soft leaves are a sign of lack of water.

For irrigation, water at room temperature is used. The most suitable time is evening.

What should the air humidity be?

The plant develops well in a dry atmosphere; no additional spraying is required. To remove dust from Crassula leaves, it is recommended to sometimes wipe them with a cloth or napkin soaked in water. The fat woman will not mind if the soil is covered with film.

How to feed

Crassula does not require frequent and abundant fertilizing. In spring and summer, once or twice a month is enough. Any fertilizer for succulents in the form of a solution will do. In winter, fertilizing is carried out much less frequently, and the concentration of fertilizer is halved.

Fertilizer is well accepted by the plant if applied to moist soil immediately after watering.

When the tree is transplanted into fresh soil, richly flavored with compost, it grows well and has large, succulent leaves; it should not be fertilized.

Variety of species

The flower is part of the Crassulaceae family and includes 300-350 varieties. There are perennial and annual species of wild and indoor plants. There are different forms: bushy, treelike and herbaceous.

Most famous the following types, grown at home:

  • Crassula tree oval, or Ovata. This plant is in the form of a shrub, up to one meter high. The stem is woody, the branches are dense, the leaves are elongated, oval in shape. Some species may have red veins on the upper part of the leaf blade. Ovata is easy to care for and can be successfully grown at home. The flower tolerates shade well and has a large number of varieties, differing in color and shape.

  • Crassula Minor. The low-growing variety is the most popular. The bush is compact, the leaf blades have a reddish tint, each is 1.5 cm long and 1 cm wide. Krasula Minor grows very slowly, so it is great for decorating a mini-garden.

  • Crassula the Hobbit. This variety is a hybrid, obtained by crossing milkweed and Ovata. It is characterized by the fact that its leaf plates are of an original shape, turned outward, while they are fused from the stem to the middle. In its size and growth characteristics, Crassula Hobbit is similar to Ovatu. This species is distinguished by a highly branched trunk, which makes it highly decorative. The plant is often used to form bonsai. The variegated varieties of hybrids are especially popular.

  • Crassula Mix. One of the most famous varieties family, which is preferred by gardeners. The plant looks like a small bush. The leaves are dark green. The trunk is distinguished by its massiveness.

  • Buddha Temple. This variety has outstanding appearance. He is loved by many gardeners. It attracts attention not only with its original appearance, but also with its decent size. It remains erect up to 15 cm, then, most often, bends under its own weight.

How to replant

Young plants are replanted once a year. Mature bushes require relocation to new soil in three years. The procedure is carried out in spring, after the flower pot is filled with roots. To avoid damage to the plant, it is necessary to transfer it with a soil ball into a wide container with a diameter larger than the previous one, pouring fresh soil into the voids.

In case root system large, it can be shortened a little to fit in a new pot. The planted plant is watered carefully, in small portions, since overwatering and stagnation of moisture are likely to lead to rotting of the root system. It should be noted that planting in a wider container stimulates the growth of the fat plant, therefore, if it is necessary to accelerate growth, the operation is carried out more than once a year.

Features of reproduction

One of the main advantages of this plant is its ease of propagation. Are used different methods. The seed method is used very rarely, since propagation by cuttings is much simpler.

Cuttings are taken from the bush at any time of the year. However, in winter it will be necessary additional lighting and protection from the cold. The cut cuttings are kept in the open air for 2-3 days, withering, after which they are planted in containers with a light substrate consisting of leaf soil, turf and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.

Sometimes cuttings are pre-rooted by placing them in water with the addition of activated carbon for disinfection. After the roots appear and the seedlings begin to grow, they are planted one at a time in a container with a diameter of 5 cm.

If you want to propagate Crassula by seeds, mix leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:1. Scatter the seeds over the surface of the ground. Cover the container with glass, spray regularly and ventilate daily. Shoots appear in two weeks. Small plants are picked up and moved to a very bright place. When the young shoots begin to actively increase in size, they are planted one bush per permanent place. The composition of the soil used is the same as for cuttings.

How to avoid possible ailments

Crassula is characterized by excellent resistance to various negative impacts. The tree successfully copes with errors in care, untimely watering and rare feeding. Worse plant tolerates being overly cared for.

Excessive watering is detrimental to the crop. If there is no drainage, fluid stagnation often occurs, which leads to the occurrence of fusarium rot.

This disease is one of the most common. It first affects the root system, then rises to the root collar. A white-pink coating appears on the leaves.

A diseased bush most often dies. Rescue is possible only at an early stage of the disease. The plant is transplanted into new soil, completely removing the old soil and rotten root ends. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to fix the watering schedule and alternate watering with thorough drying of the soil.

A frequently observed ailment of Crassula is leaf drop. The reasons may be:

  • excessive soil fertilization;
  • increased ambient temperature;
  • excessive moisture.

In extreme conditions, the flower multiplies very quickly. In wild conditions, Crassula produces young shoots from leaf blades, and this is the main reason for their falling off.

To heal a flower, you need to get rid of the damaging factor: replant it in new soil, place it in a room with a comfortable air temperature. If all the leaves have fallen, the top of the stem must be cut off and rooted.

To achieve long-term flowering, the tree is provided with good lighting, full dormancy with reduced watering in a cool room.

Pests rarely attack the plant. They can be: scale insects, false scale insects, aphids, mealybugs. Should be applied standard methods struggle. In case of a large degree of damage, treatment with insecticidal solutions is performed. If there are few pests, it is enough to remove them mechanically: Rinse with warm water or remove with a cloth soaked in alcohol.

To make your Crassula happy with its magnificent appearance, take care of it by following these simple tips.


The plant feels better in a bright and warm place. Loves the sun, but the heat and burning rays of summer can cause yellowing and wrinkling of the leaves. Tolerates dry air well and does not require spraying. Grows well on sandy-clayey soil, the soil must be permeable for better drainage The bottom of the pot is filled with expanded clay. In summer, the plant can be placed on the balcony or in the garden, but it is worth providing protection from rain. In winter, it is better to move it to a cool place and reduce watering so that the fat plant goes into a dormant state, otherwise it may wither and lose leaves.


Crassula "Hobbit", like other representatives of the Crassula genus, is easy to grow. In the warm season, it requires moderate watering. Water thoroughly, then wait until the soil dries well. From spring to autumn, fertilize once a month with fertilizer intended for cacti. Replant if necessary when the roots no longer fit in the pot. It is better to replant in spring or summer. Large and highly branched specimens should be planted in heavy, stable pots to protect the plants from tipping over.


Crassula "Hobbit" reproduces with great ease through shoots and cut leaves. It is better to take cuttings in spring or summer. The pruning area should dry out; after a few days, the plant fragments are placed in water or a peat mixture. Crassulas quickly produce roots; fallen leaves often take root in the soil themselves.

Home care

The best option would be to place the pot on the east window; a southeast window would also do. Direct sunlight on a south window will not prevent the flower from developing either. If you place a flower pot on a north window, then the reddish color of the leaves may not appear.

If the plant does not have enough light, the stems will stretch and turn pale. During active growth, a temperature of 20-25°C is desirable, and the best place for the flower will be a balcony or garden.

In winter, it is better to leave Crassula in a cool room (7-10°C). The flower can withstand frost of -2°C. Place it in a room away from radiators.

Which pot to choose?

The root system of Crassula is shallow, the crown is heavy and grows in breadth. It is better to take a pot that is wide, heavy and flat, with a diameter larger than the crown of the flower. The bottom of the pot should have a hole (to drain excess water); place expanded clay on the bottom 2 cm thick.

Soil for Crassula

The flower is unpretentious to the soil. Buy soil for cacti at a specialty store. You can make the soil yourself: coarse sand, fine gravel, agroperpit, charcoal.

How to replant?

Crassula tolerates drying out better than waterlogging. Be especially careful in winter period- water big flower once a month. If the leaves become soft, then it’s time to water them with water at room temperature, preferably in the evening.

The flower does not require additional spraying. The leaves are wiped from dust with a damp cloth.

It is enough to feed the plant in the spring-summer period 1 or 2 times a month with liquid fertilizer for cacti. Fertilizers are applied to moist soil immediately after watering. In winter, the plant is rarely fed, and the concentration of the solution is reduced by 2 times. When transplanting Crassula into new soil, it does not need to be fertilized.

Varieties of Crassula have some peculiarities in care. For hybrid Crassula mix, bright sunlight is better suited. For lycophyte or purslane crassula, darkening is better.

How to care for the Hobbit Crassula?

Crassula "Hobbit" is small, compact, and independently forms a knotty stem, like in a bonsai.

To achieve bonsai from " money tree“You need to start pruning it when the flower is young, when the shoot is about 15 cm long. It needs to be pinched, leaving 2 leaves at the top. To form a beautiful crown of the tree, the stems are further pinched. The broken area is treated with crushed coal.


Best time for flower transplantation - spring. Young flowers are replanted once a year, and adults - 3 times a year. Take a pot of larger diameter. Then the plant is placed in it along with a lump of earth, and soil is added to the pot. Watering should be done carefully, without over-wetting the flower. When replanted, the growth of the tree is activated.

How to reproduce?

Crassula propagation is noted for its simplicity. You can use the seed method or the vegetative method. You can cut a plant at any time (in winter there are difficulties regarding lighting and protection from hypothermia). The cuttings first lie dormant for 2 days, then they are planted in shallow pots with soil (leaf soil, turf soil, sand, 2:1:1). Cuttings can be placed in water with the addition of charcoal for disinfection. When roots appear, the seedlings are planted in pots (6-7 cm in diameter).

For seed propagation, soil is needed (leaf soil, sand, 2:1), after planting it must be covered with glass, sprayed and ventilated regularly every day. After 2 weeks, the seeds will germinate; they should be planted at a distance of 1 cm from each other. Young plants are transplanted to a permanent place, using soil and pots, as when propagated by cuttings.

What to do if leaves fall?

Despite its resistance to adversity and ease of care, Crassula leaves may periodically fall off. The reason for this may be problems with the root system (for example, poor drainage, as a result, the roots begin to rot). In such a situation, the flower is usually transplanted into another pot with normal drainage and watering is adjusted.

Another reason for leaf fall may not be correct use various fertilizing and fertilizers. Which is usually resolved by stopping the use of these substances.

The third reason for leaf fall is heat in room. In this case, you should change the room to a cooler one or move the plant into the shade.

Plant varieties

Although this indoor plant does not require care, each variety has its own growing features. If you know them, the plant will not cause problems. Crassula has a spectacular appearance, but if you learn how to shape its crown, you can create interesting compositions. But not only the money tree can be pinched; there are hybrid forms with which you can also experiment. Experienced flower growers choose highly decorative and original species, among them:

  • Tree-like.
  • Ovata.
  • Mix.
  • Sunset.
  • Minor.
  • The Hobbit and others.

Crassula arborescens is a classic example of a plant. This type of Crassula is usually called the money tree. The succulent can reach a meter and also tolerates the formation of a crown that is wide due to its fleshy shoots. The leaves of the crassula are rounded, growing directly from the stem in twos, located opposite each other. At each new level, the leaves are arranged crosswise to the adjacent ones.

Crassula tree loves the sun very much, therefore, to maintain her health, it is important to comply with this condition. The color of its leaves depends on the brightness of the light. If care is carried out in accordance with the rules, then its leaves have a green color and a red border. If there is not enough sun, the leaves grow normal green.

Crassula mix

The variety can be seen not only in experienced flower growers, but also beginners. This variety is the most unpretentious, so it is easy to grow at home.

The trunk of the succulent is massive, the leaves are dark green and oval in shape. The crown without pruning is formed by the bush, but if pruning is carried out in a timely manner, you can achieve a very original look for the mini-tree.

Variety Ovata

This is a shrub with a dense, wide and branching crown, growing up to a meter. The succulent develops quickly, forming thickened shoots with dense fleshy leaves, small oval or obovate in shape. At first the trunk and shoots are gray-green, then as they grow older they change color to brown. Greenish leaves are located opposite each other. They are directed upward, so they often grow together a little at the base. Only the emerging leaf has a pointed tip, which later falls off.

Crassula ovata is unpretentious, so it is easy to breed at home. Unlike the tree-like form, the action of light is not reflected on it - its leaves have the same color both in the shade and in the sun. This species can be grown not only on the windowsill, but also in the flowerbed. It served as the basis for the development of other species.

View Minor

This species was artificially bred from Ovata. Crassula minor grows small, its leaves are green with a reddish tint. Depending on the intensity of lighting, they can change their color. The leaves are oblong, reaching 1.5 cm in length and 1 cm in width.

The trunk of Crassula minor is green, soft and fleshy to the touch. The lower leaves tend to die off, and the trunk becomes overgrown with a kind of bark. This property allows the tree to look compact. Timely pruning will increase decorative properties, thanks to which miniature views will decorate any area of ​​the apartment.

Crassula hobbit is the result of crossing an oval and milky species. The leaves are of unusual shape: they are fused from the base to the middle, turning outward. The plant develops slowly, but needs pruning from a very early age. When the shoot reaches 15 cm, it is pinched. The two largest leaves are left at the top of the head, from where the branch will then occur. Pruning is repeated when needed to achieve a bushy effect.

Flower Gollum

This flower and the Hobbit Crassula are similar to each other. That's two hybrid varieties, bred in the 70s of the last century by crossing the ovata and milkweed crassulas. They have an original leaf shape. Gollum leaves are rolled into a tube, the tips expand into a funnel. The size and speed of development are similar to the common Crassula ovata, but with more branching trunks. The species is very decorative; there are several forms with variegated leaves.


This Crassula flower differs from other species in color. The leaves of this crop have white stripes edged with red. In some cases, instead of white stripes there are yellow ones. Mature trees can bloom; this phenomenon should be expected at 7-10 years of age. Crassula sunset usually blooms in late autumn. At this time, inflorescences appear on the shoots in the form of miniature white-purple stars. Among the features of care are: lack of fertilizing in the autumn-winter period.

The purslane crassula is similar to the oval and tree-like ones, but is smaller in size.


This species grows to form a shrub up to 25 cm high. It has fleshy tetrahedral creeping shoots with curled tops. This species is undemanding to conditions, tolerates shading well, and bright light gives the leaf scales a reddish tint.


Perforated in a different way. Belongs to medium-sized plants. Its diamond-shaped leaves wrap around the stems in an interesting way, giving the impression of being strung together. The beady leaves are light green with a bluish bloom and have a red edge.

Features of care

Most Crassulas tolerate sunlight well, so it is quite possible keeping the plant on a south windowsill. But still, the best place for the plant is a window facing east or southwest. With a lack of light, the succulent loses its decorative qualities, its leaves fall off, and its stem becomes elongated. If possible, you can grow Crassula outdoors in the summer - a balcony or terrace will come in handy - it will have a positive effect on her health.

Crassula is thermophilic, so it tolerates the summer heat well, and even in winter, with radiators running, it feels good, unlike most indoor plants. Also, Crassula “will not be offended” if she is placed in a cool room with a temperature 10-15 degrees. Low air humidity will also not affect it negatively.

Since the flower is undemanding, all care for it comes down to not very frequent watering, fertilizing and washing thick leaves. But it is necessary to water this succulent, adhering to certain rules. In summer, Crassula is moistened as the top layer of soil dries; in winter, it is given time to dry by 2-3 cm. The plant is larger afraid of waterlogged soil than drought, so in the summer the succulent can easily endure a month of absence.

Fertilizer is applied once a month in spring and summer. Use fertilizer for cacti and succulents. In autumn and winter the soil is not fertilized.

Crown formation

The formation of a tree begins when it is still young, since when pruning an adult tree, stumps remain at the pinching site, which spoil all the decorativeness. First you need to choose the right pot. It should be shallow and small. Otherwise, the root will tend to go deeper and the stem upward, causing the latter to become weak and thin. The soil composition should contain:

  • 3 parts of turf land,
  • 1 part humus,
  • 1 part leaf soil,
  • 1 part sand
  • 1 part fine gravel.

When the plant reaches 15 cm, you need to trim 2 small leaves on the top of the head. This stimulates branching, that is, instead of a pair of leaves, four will appear. As the succulent grows, pinching is carried out upper leaves in places where the shoots should branch - thus the crown of the money tree will be formed.

Transfer rules

Crassula is replanted when the need arises, but after the roots fill the pot. Transplantation is carried out every 2 years. This is done in the spring during the period of active growth. Take a larger container and place it on the bottom good layer drainage from expanded clay, then using the transshipment method - when the earthen ball is not damaged - the Crassula is placed in a new pot, and the voids are filled with fresh substrate. If the root does not fit into the new pot, it can be shortened. If you don't need a big one indoor flower, then its growth can be restrained by not replanting, annually replacing only the top layer of the substrate.

Reproduction methods

Crassula propagation is carried out by seeds and cuttings. Seeds are sown in wide bowls with the following composition: 1 part leaf soil, 0.5 parts sand. The containers are covered with glass, which is removed every day so that condensation does not form and air enters for ventilation. Seeds will appear in 2 weeks. Grown sprouts dive, maintaining an interval of 1 cm.

The soil in the container consists of 1 part leaf soil, 0.5 part sand, 0.5 part turf substrate. Seedlings are kept under bright but diffused light. Grown plants are planted in pots with a diameter of about 6 cm. The composition of the soil is as follows: equal parts of leaf soil, turf soil and sand. At first they contain at a temperature of about 17 degrees, then transferred to a permanent place.

The second method - propagation by cuttings - is more reliable and simpler. Suitable for cuttings leaves and stem segments. To do this, a large leaf or long shoot is shortened with a sharp knife, and the cut is treated with crushed coal. Then they wither for 2-3 days and are planted in a mixture of sand and leaf soil. You can also root cuttings in an aqueous solution of charcoal. When the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in pots with a diameter of 6 cm with a soil composition: turf, leaf soil and sand are taken in equal proportions. After this, the pot is placed in its permanent location and the same care is carried out as for an adult succulent.

Diseases and pests

Crassula belongs to the flowers that It’s preferable to forget to water than to moisten the soil twice, since excess moisture can cause rotting of the roots and even the stem. Crassula also does not like drafts: the plant withers, its leaves dry out and fall off.

The money tree with its various species is unpretentious plant, which is easy to care for at home even for a novice flower lover.

Favorite conditions for Crassula



Water regime and humidity


Planting and transplanting

To grow a beautiful flower at home, you need to choose the right pot for planting. Since Crassula has a very delicate, small root system and a heavy crown, to plant it you need to use a wide and heavy flowerpot that will ensure stability and full growth of this plant. The diameter of the pot should not be smaller than the diameter of the crown.

Crassula, Crassula or Money Tree

The genus Crassula or Crassula belongs to the Crassula family and includes about 300 species of plants, mostly succulents. In addition to succulents, which are very diverse in size and shape, among Crassula there are also aquatic plants, and creeping herbaceous plants and even tree-like shrubs.

Crassulas are found on all continents and grow in arid areas and swamps.

A common feature for all Crassulas is the arrangement of thick, fleshy leaves on the stem opposite each other, pairs of leaves are arranged crosswise to each other. The shape of the leaves can be different: oval, lanceolate, pointed.

At home, the most common types of Crassula rarely bloom, but their amazing unpretentiousness and wide variety of forms have made Crassula a very popular indoor plant.

Most often found in indoor culture Crassula Ovata. This fat plant is known to everyone under the name “Money Tree” or “Tree of Happiness”. Its homeland is South-West Africa, its height is natural conditions can reach 3 m.

In conditions ordinary apartment This is a small tree up to 1.5 m tall, with branched shoots, with fleshy, round, shiny leaves. The leaves are dark green, sometimes turning red at the edges. The flowers are white or cream. Rarely blooms.

Crassula Ovata

Crassula Arborescens

Perfect for creating miniature landscapes and various compositions of plants, since this plant can easily be shaped into a branched tree, it grows quite slowly, and the root system is shallow. Crassula oval goes well in composition with both decorative foliage plants and cacti.

Crassula Arborescens very similar to Crassula oval, differs from it in almost round leaves with a bluish bloom.

Crassula falcata

Crassula lycopodioides

Crassula perforata

Crassula schmidtii

Crassula Coral

Crassula tetragona

Crassula cooperi Regel

Crassula rosularis

Crassula care

Lighting. It is better to place all fat plants in a bright place; most of them do not require shading from direct sunlight. East, south or south-west windows are perfect for crassulas. With a lack of light, the shoots become longer, the internodes become larger, and leaves may fall off.

In the summer, it is advisable to take the fat plants out to open air, placing it on the balcony or in the garden. Many types of Crassula grow well on sunny balconies, but you need to make sure that when watering drops of water do not fall on the leaves.

Air temperature. Most crassulas are heat-loving, preferring an air temperature of 20-25°C. In autumn and winter they grow well both in cool rooms with a temperature of 10-15 ° C, and in normal conditions of apartments with heating.

Air humidity. It doesn’t really matter; Crassula grows well in normal indoor conditions.

Watering. Crassulas accumulate a lot of moisture in their thick and fleshy leaves. therefore, excess moisture is more dangerous for fatwort than its lack, especially in winter. In spring and summer, fat plants are watered when the soil is only slightly moist, in autumn and winter - almost dry. The plant will easily tolerate lack of watering for 2-3 weeks during your vacation in a not too hot room.

The soil. Crassulas are undemanding to soil. They grow well in prepared succulent soil.

Money tree (crassula, crassula)

You can mix turf soil and sand, or use a mixture of turf, leaf, humus soil and sand in equal parts. It is recommended to add pieces of coal to the soil. The root system of Crassulas is shallow, so low containers are used. Crassulas grow well in bowls. Good drainage in the pot will not allow water to stagnate and cause fungal diseases of the plant.

Feeding. It is enough to feed Crassula once a month with a fertilizer solution for cacti and other succulents in spring and summer. In cold weather, you can not fertilize the plant at all or water it once a month with a weak fertilizer solution (half concentration or less).

Transfer. Adult fatworts are replanted once every two years or even less often in the spring. Crassula tree, the most common among indoor species, grows rather slowly. With age, its thick trunk and large mass of fleshy leaves become heavy, and the root system is weak. When replanting, it is recommended to use wide, stable containers, making sure that the plant does not fall out of the pot until it has established itself in the new container. Sometimes it is advisable to use supports.

Reproduction. Crassula can be propagated easily and simply from leaf and stem cuttings. This is usually done in the spring. A shoot or even a large leaf is cut with a sharp blade, the cut is treated with crushed activated carbon and dried for 2-3 days. Then they are planted in a bowl, in a mixture of leaf soil and sand.

At high air humidity, some species of Crassula develop aerial roots and take root even faster.

It can also be propagated by seeds, but this method is rarely used.

Diseases and pests. Crassula is resistant to pests. But if scale insects appear, it is better to treat the plant with Actellik, since wiping numerous leaves is a rather labor-intensive task.

The main danger is represented by various fungal diseases that develop when humidity is too high. It is difficult to fight them; it is much easier not to over-water the plant.

Other unpretentious indoor plants:

  • Zamiakulkas
  • Chlorophytum
  • Crassula
  • Aspidistra
  • Kalanchoe
  • How to care for Crassula (money tree)?

    Crassula is a houseplant known as the “money tree”. For many, this flower has become a talisman in the home, attracting wealth and material well-being. If you are interested in Crassula, which is a pleasure to care for, read on.

    Description and modern varieties

    Crassula, also known as Crassula, belongs to the Crassula family and has over 300 varieties of succulents. Among all species there are annual and perennials tree-like, bushy and herbaceous forms.

    The most common species grown at home include:

    Favorite conditions for Crassula

    Despite its unpretentiousness, Crassula still requires attention and proper care. Considering biological features this flower, you can create ideal conditions for its growth. Caring for crassula, its correct location in the room, as well as some subtleties in the process of growing it should be known to everyone who wants to grow this amazing flower at home.


    Crassula is almost the only indoor plant that develops quite successfully on a windowsill on the south side, being under direct sunlight. But still, ideal place to maintain this plant there will be a southeast position, as well as a window sill on the east side. Crassula easily tolerates a lack of light at home. The flower will not die from this, but its juicy, fleshy leaves will begin to fade and lose their bright color.

    In spring, the plant must gradually adapt to sunlight.

    It is exposed to the sun for several hours, and removed at midday so as not to cause burns. Timely care and attention are very important here.


    The temperature regime of keeping a flower in winter and summer is significantly different. In the spring, as well as in the summer, during the growing season, the plant needs to be provided with a temperature within 22-25 degrees. To do this, the flower is displayed on the balcony or in the garden.

    In winter, the plant enters a dormant period, so it must be kept in a cool room with a temperature of 7-10 degrees. This succulent tolerates temperatures down to -1-2 degrees. It is not recommended to place the plant near heating appliances in winter. If Crassula has not had a period of rest, this is fraught with massive falling of leaves and elongation of shoots.

    Water regime and humidity

    Caring for crassula at home includes regular and moderate watering. Water the flower rarely, only after the top layer of soil has dried. This is due to the fact that all succulents tolerate a lack of moisture much more easily than its excess. In winter, watering is minimized, since at this time of year there is a risk of Crassula becoming waterlogged, which can lead to rotting of the root system and death of the flower. Therefore, with the onset of cold weather, the succulent is watered no more than 1-2 times a month.

    Sluggish and soft leaves flowers may indicate a lack of moisture. It is recommended to use warm and settled water for irrigation. The best time to moisten the soil is evening.

    As for air humidity, Crassula easily tolerates drought and does not need to spray the leaves. The accumulated dust on the leaves is removed with a damp cloth.

    The Crassula responds very well to warm showers. Before carrying out this procedure, the soil is covered with film.


    Feeding Crassula is not a prerequisite for care. Fertilizer is applied only 1-2 times every 30 days throughout the entire growing season. As a top dressing, you need to use liquid fertilizer for succulents. With the onset of cold weather, the flower can be fed with the same substance with a half-reduced concentration.

    It is important to remember that fertilizing is carried out only after watering, in moist soil. It is not recommended to fertilize actively growing and healthy plants transplanted into new fertile soil containing compost.

    Planting and transplanting

    To grow a beautiful flower at home, you need to choose the right pot for planting.

    How to care for Crassula at home?

    Since Crassula has a very delicate, small root system and a heavy crown, to plant it you need to use a wide and heavy flowerpot that will ensure stability and full growth of this plant. The diameter of the pot should not be smaller than the diameter of the crown.

    When planting, a good layer of expanded clay drainage is placed at the bottom of the flowerpot, then soil for planting. To create a decorative effect, plants are planted in pots one at a time.

    Land for planting succulents can be purchased at a flower shop. If desired, it can be prepared at home.

    This plant is not picky about soil and grows quite successfully in any loose soil that contains coarse sand, gravel and agroperlite. Some gardeners add a small proportion of crushed charcoal, which will prevent rotting of the roots in case of excess moisture.

    In general, caring for crassula and its other varieties is almost the same and differs little.

    Proper care for the fat woman at home

    12Next ⇒

    Money tree (60 photos): how to get a beautiful and healthy plant?

    Crassula oval and tree-like - everyone's favorite and widespread indoor and garden plants, but their genus includes more than 300 species of incredible beauty

    Crassula tree, Crassula or money tree is a plant that has become widespread in the apartments and gardens of many of our compatriots. In European countries it appeared end of XVII centuries, and the peak of popularity falls on early XIX centuries. From our article you will learn what types of crassula there are, how to plant a money tree, what conditions are necessary for its growth, and much more.

    § Types of Crassula

    § Money tree: care and reproduction

    § Which soil should you choose?

    § Does the fat woman need feeding?

    § How to water a money tree?

    § Optimal temperature and humidity

    § Lighting

    § Trimming

    § Diseases and treatment

    § Pests

    Uncommon Crassula capitella, also known commercially as Campfire

    The money tree is a fairly common and very traditional houseplant, but in any modern interior it pleases the eye

    Types of Crassula

    There are about 300 varieties of money trees. For the most part they belong to succulents, although herbaceous, aquatic and creeping species are also found. The most commonly bred types of Crassula are:

    § Crassula oval. The fleshy leaves are rich green in color and have a characteristic shine. In the wild, Crassula ovala can reach a height of three meters, while in an apartment or house it stops growing after reaching 0.6-1 m. This plant differs from its fellows in that it has characteristic aerial roots on the branches and trunk.

    In many species of succulent money tree, the root system extends superficially horizontally

    Flowering of the money tree Crassula ovata, also known as Crassula ovata or Crassula ovata.

    § Crassula arborescens. It was this variety of plant that received the name “money tree” due to the similarity of the shape of the leaves to coins. Outwardly, it is similar to Crassula oval, but has a more rounded shape of the leaves and a bluish coating on them. A flowering money tree is rare, but this variety is still able to please its owners with flowers after it reaches ten years of age.

    Tree crassula blooms only after reaching the age of about ten years

    The flowering money tree is an excellent companion for other succulents, they get along well in the same pot

    § Crassula minor. A small plant with rounded leaves with a reddish border.

    One of the most popular types of money tree in home floriculture: crassula minor

    § Sunset Crassula. This variety has reddish-yellow streaks on the leaves.

    Sunset Crassula has a bright red border on the edges of the leaves.

    Pale pink Crassula Sunset flowers

    Advice!If you want to enjoy the original look of the colorful leaves of Crassula Sunset, grow it under bright sunlight in a greenhouse, as in simple home conditions its leaves turn green.

    Sunset Crassula develops a beautiful red border on its leaves only if it receives enough direct sunlight.

    A money tree in a succulent composition is always a great touch to the landscape design of walls and the design of the yard itself.

    § Crassula tricolor. This plant is distinguished by beautiful white stripes on a green background and red-pink edging.

    § Crassula crescent. One of the few flowering varieties of Crassula. Characterized by large umbrella inflorescences of a reddish color. Under indoor conditions, this type of money tree blooms in July-August.

    IN English speaking countries crescent plant is popular under the name "propeller plant"

    Bright red flowers of crescent crassula

    Money tree: care and reproduction

    This plant is propagated by the vegetative method - leaves and cuttings.

    It is best to plant Crassula in shallow pots, the bottom of which is covered with a drainage layer (small pebbles, expanded clay). Before planting, the soil must be moistened and a small depression formed in it. Place the shoot in it and dig it in lightly.

    Please note that it is better not to disturb an adult plant unless necessary - it will be enough to replant the fat plant once every three years. But while Crassula is still young (up to three years of age), the money tree should be transplanted annually, preferably in the spring.

    Unusual plant Crassula Campfire. The more often and more it receives direct sunlight, the brighter the color of the leaves.

    Which soil should you choose?

    The indoor money tree grows excellently in succulent soil. If it is difficult to find it on sale, you can make the substrate yourself. To do this, you will need to combine sand, humus, leaf and turf soil in a ratio of 1:1:1:4.

    Advice!You can also add small pieces of charcoal to this mixture.

    DIY home decoration: Crassula and other succulents growing on driftwood

    Step-by-step guide: creating a composition of Crassula, other succulents and sphagnum moss on dry driftwood

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    Crassula (Crassula) is one of the most common indoor plants, also known to everyone under the popular name “money tree”. Propagating Crassula cuttings is a simple matter, but rooting a leaf and getting a baby is a little more difficult. I really wanted to get a variegated Crassula. And then somehow a couple of leaves of the treasured plant appeared. Before this, I had not been specifically involved in rooting leaves; they themselves took root on the ground, breaking away from mother plant. I didn’t find any information on this issue on the Internet and... the ineptly carried out rooting process led to the fact that my variegated leaves rotted. I set myself a goal - to root a leaf! So…
    Before rooting, the leaf must be dried for several days (at least 2) in a dry and warm place. After the leaf becomes limp, you can begin to root it. I did it different ways:
    1. Take a small bottle of water (you can add any drug that promotes root formation to the water), the lower part of the leaf is immersed in water by 0.5 cm. The bottle is placed in a bright and warm place.
    2. The leaf is placed on the edge of the pot, and the lower part is dug into the ground to a shallow depth. The soil should be moist; overmoistening can contribute to leaf rot.
    3. The soil can be replaced with clean crushed sphagnum moss. Moss is also kept wet; only the lower part of the leaf is placed in the moss.
    The first and third rooting methods are good because you can notice leaf rotting in time. If it starts to rot, don’t despair and throw it away. Cut the leaf above the rotting area, dry it as you did the first time and start all over again. The roots appear after 3-4 weeks, their appearance is possible both earlier and later than these dates, everything will depend on the conditions of detention. In the case of the first rooting method, after the roots appear, the leaf must be planted in the ground. The leaf is planted in the same way as in the second rooting method, without deep penetration and minimal contact of the leaf with the ground.
    With all the methods described above, none of the experimental sheets died.

    These are the roots produced by a leaf of the variegated crassula in water.

    Crassula: home care, types and reproduction

    The leaf was picked up in a store. Crassula plants were sold in a “killed” state, with long-fallen leaves lying around them.

    This leaf began to rot in water, I cut the leaf just above the rotten area, dried it for several days and placed it in damp moss to root. And then these small roots were discovered.

    Such a baby grew from a rooted leaf of a fat plant.

    Types of tree crassulas

    Crassula got its Russian-language name for its dense succulent leaves.

    Crassula mix: home care, watering and replanting rules

    I like the tree-like types of Crassulas for their ease of formation and the possibility of obtaining an original man-made tree. These wonderful plants have a thick, woody trunk, the cuts of which quickly become overgrown. Crassulas are best formed by pruning and stretching.

    Crassulas are very unpretentious in care. In winter, they require almost no attention - just keeping them cool (in my conditions, it’s a window sill, right next to the glass) and watering once a month, when the leaves become slightly lethargic. In summer, without shading, plants sunbathe on the loggia from the end of March to November, withstanding differences in night-day temperatures.

    In hot summer weather, if the fat plant is placed on a sunny windowsill indoors, you need to water it carefully - in the evenings, almost every day. At temperatures of 30–40 °C, plants become stagnant and can easily rot after untimely heavy watering.

    The following species of tree-like crassulas were in my collection.

    Crassula ovata (argentea)

    Crassula ovata has oval, ovoid leaves. Ovata is exactly the fat plant that our grandmothers raised.

    Crassula ovata

    Crassula ovata obliqua

    Crassula ovata obliqua is distinguished by its characteristic pointed tip of the leaf. A striking representative of this variety of Crassula is the variegated Crassula ovata obliqua var. Tricolor with pure white chlorophyll-free stripes on the leaves:

    Crassulla Tricolor

    Crassula Tricolor grows slower than other species and branches reluctantly. In good light, the underside of the leaf takes on a rich crimson color.

    Crassula argentea Lemon & Lime

    Crassula Lemon & Lime also has a second name - Solana. Crassula Solana differs from Tricolor not in snow-white, but in yellow variegation. Unfortunately, the variegation of this cultivar is unstable.

    Crassula Solana

    Crassula ovata cv. Hummel's Sunset

    Crassula "Sunset" has a pronounced red edge along the yellow edge of the leaf:

    Crassula ovata cv. Hummel's Sunset

    The most amazing thing is that my specimen, purchased in a store, after a month on a sunny windowsill lost all this beauty and turned into an ordinary green-leaved Crassula ovata. But there is no doubt about the existence of this variety - there are photos of wonderful adult specimens on the Internet.

    Crassula Blue waves

    The tree-like crassula with curly leaves with a bluish-blue coating on them is very unusual:

    Crassula arborescens curviflora

    It branches well, grows slowly, forming spherical clumps.

    Crassula Coral

    Crassula Coral is also known as Crassula Skinny Fingers. Crassula Coral branches well, grows quickly relative to the others, and has a powerful trunk:

    Crassula Coral

    Crassula Gollum

    I really love Crassula Gollum for its leaves in the shape of “Shrek ears” - tubular, with funnel-shaped tips:

    Crassula Gollum

    It grows very slowly in the sun, and stretches out in the shade. I dream of having it in my collection Crassula Hobbit variegata.

    Crassula ovata Minor

    Other names for Crassula Minor - Compacta, Crosbys Compact. Crassula Minor Compacta is different small size leaves that turn red along the edges in the sun - they do not exceed 1.5 cm in length and 1 cm in width:

    Crassula Minor

    Crassula Hobbit

    After radical pruning of an adult specimen of the Hobbit Crassula, I ended up with a quite nice bonsai:

    Crassula Hobbit

    Several times I came across the opinion that Crassula is a shade-tolerant succulent. I can't agree with this. Only in the sun do they grow as they should, acquiring a wonderful color, short internodes, and good spontaneous branching.

    Crassula “The Hobbit” was first introduced by breeders in the middle of the last century, when R. Tolkien’s famous work “The Lord of the Rings” was published. Yours unusual name The plant was named in honor of the heroes of this book. Another name for the flower is “Shrek ears.” The plant is popularly called this because its thick leaves resemble the ears of the cartoon character of the same name.


    Crassula belongs to plants of the Crassula family. It's pretty varied look, which has about 300 varieties. One of the most popular is the Hobbit Crassula.

    The plant is compact and has an average growth rate. Without crown molding, it rather resembles a bonsai, so it is often used as part of decorative compositions of several succulents. The leaves attract the attention of others with their shape and shade. The color of the leaves is rich, emerald green, often with a reddish tint at the tips. With prolonged exposure to the sun, the color of the leaf plates with back side turns purple.

    Flowering at home occurs quite rarely, but if you create a comfortable habitat for Crassula, then even the oldest perennials can please you with pink and white miniature flowers collected in inflorescences.

    At home, the culture lives for quite a long time - more than 20 years.


    When planting Crassula "Hobbit", special attention should be paid to preparing the substrate and choosing a pot. You can pick up the soil mixture at the store. It is better to stay with a composition intended for cacti and succulents. However, you can make the substrate yourself from available components. You need to take:

    • 1 part sheet soil;
    • 1 part river sand;
    • 1 part turf.

    All components can be assembled in an environmentally safe place away from major roads and highways. It is also necessary to add a little crushed coal, zeolite and fine expanded clay to the prepared mixture. All components must first be calcined on a baking sheet in the oven.– this will destroy the larvae of insect pests, as well as pathogens of fungal, viral and bacterial infections.

    You should definitely put drainage at the bottom of the container; it should occupy at least a third of the pot. Usually used pebbles or expanded clay. This is very important, since stagnation of water leads to waterlogging of the soil, and this has the most detrimental effect on the condition of the root system and leads to the shedding of leaves.

    The root system of Crassula is superficial, so it is better to choose a low, but wide and flat pot for the plant. It is in such a container that the fat woman will be as comfortable as possible. The diameter of the pot should approximately correspond to the size of the crown. If it is smaller, the roots will be cramped. If you take a larger pot, the Crassula will grow and develop very slowly.

    Keep in mind that a mature plant is quite heavy. The pot must be stable to support the overgrown tree.

    The container can be made of any material, but since the flower looks very impressive and resembles a bonsai, it will look best in a ceramic or clay container. If you wish, you can even pick up a special bonsai. There is also one for Crassula pots important requirement– they must have several drainage holes to remove excess moisture from the substrate.


    If optimal conditions are created, Crassula will delight its owners for many years. The plant is very requires good lighting. The best place for it is a south or southwest window. In a shaded place, the succulent will also fully develop and grow if you place it in a well-lit place for a couple of hours a day.

    However, keep in mind that When kept in the shade for a long time, Crassula “Hobbit” leaves begin to stretch and then fall off. In addition, the flower becomes more faded and completely loses its decorative effect. In this case, it will be quite difficult to restore the appearance of the plant.

    Optimal temperature for Crassula, as for all other Crassulas, the background is considered to be within 20-25 degrees. In summer, the flower can be placed on the balcony, terrace or veranda. In winter (during the rest period), you can reduce the heating to 10-15 degrees. In winter, the plant needs coolness; only in this case will it be able to produce full flowering in spring or summer.

    If there is no cold period, then you should not wait for the appearance of buds; such a plant will only increase its green mass.

    Succulents, which include Crassula "Hobbit", are resilient tolerate short temperature fluctuations. They are able to withstand both sharp declines and rises, because this often happens in their natural habitat. Artificially bred varieties inherited this useful quality from their ancestors.

    Room humidity has virtually no significance for the crop. It tolerates both the dried air of metropolitan apartments and the hot heat in the summer. However, a periodic warm shower will not harm your green pet - this will restore the leaves’ glossy shine and bright color.

    After the procedure, you need to gently shake the flower pot so that all drops of water roll off the leaf plates. The plant must dry out in the room. If you expose it to the sun, water burns may appear on the surface of the leaves.


    If you intend to form a beautiful, spectacular crown, a special attention should be paid to pruning. If you want to get a thicker trunk, then trim side shoots need it quite early. To give the crown the required shape, shoots should be regularly pinched and weeded out with clean, almost sterile pruning shears. After the procedure, the cut areas should be sprinkled with activated carbon.

    You can even form Crassula in a fantasy style, especially if you grow the plant as part of a composition or as an element of a mini-garden.


    From October to the first ten days of March, Crassula “Hobbit” needs to be watered infrequently. This plant is native to desert and semi-desert areas, therefore it survives temporary drought quite easily. Succulents accumulate moisture reserves in their leaves, so even if the plant is forgotten to water for some reason, it remains alive, although the leaves lose their elasticity.

    During the period of active growth (during the warm season), the green pet needs to be watered more often - once every 10-14 days, as the earthen clod dries out. The top layer of the substrate should dry by about 50%. If the soil does not dry out during this time, you should check the drainage: it is probably clogged and has stopped allowing excess moisture to pass through.

    If the pot is constantly maintained high humidity, then there will be a risk of the fat plant being affected by fungal rot or mold. This may destroy the plant as soon as possible. For irrigation, use soft, settled water at room temperature. However, spring or filtered water may also be suitable.


    From time to time Crassula "Hobbit" needs to be replanted. Young plants are replanted every year. With each subsequent replanting, the pot should be 1-2 cm wider than the previous one. Adult plants are replanted every three years, while only the earthen substrate requires replacement; the pot can be left the same. When replanting, you should inspect the root system as carefully as possible, remove damaged roots and cut off those that are too long, not forgetting to sprinkle the cut areas with crushed coal.


    Any fat woman needs feeding. Can be used as fertilizer ready-made store-bought preparations created specifically for cacti and succulents. During the period of active growth (summer, spring and autumn), fertilizing should be done twice a month; in winter, it should be reduced or even eliminated altogether.

    Other nuances

    In case of violation of the rules of plant care Some problems may arise.

    • If the leaves remain soft even after watering, this directly indicates excess moisture. In this case, you should remove the Crassula from the ground, trim all the rotten roots and wash them under running water. Then the plant is transplanted into a new pot filled with fresh soil mixture and fertilized with carbendazim, after which it is left in a well-lit place and watered only after recovery. Please note that the light should be bright, but diffused.
    • Twice a year Crassula change their foliage, so leaf fall can be caused by natural processes. If it drags on, then most likely the plant does not have enough watering or is moistened with too cold water.
    • Stopping flower growth may be associated with an attack by pests, but most often this happens when planting a crop in a pot that is too small and narrow.
    • Frequent falling of trees occurs due to an incorrectly selected container. In this case, the root system cannot position itself normally. To avoid injury to the plant, you should select a heavy pot for it.
    • Appearance of brown spots on sheet plates- a clear sign of a fungal infection. In this case, radical measures using fungicidal drugs are required.


    Crassula "Hobbit" can be propagated in a variety of ways: leaf, cuttings, dividing the bush, as well as aerial roots . The seed method is often used, but this is a rather complex and lengthy process. The fact is that Crassula “Hobbit” blooms quite rarely at home, so getting its seeds is not easy. However, they can be purchased at any specialized store.

    The seeds are laid out on moist soil, lightly sprinkled with earth, and the container is covered with glass or plastic film(this is necessary in order to create Greenhouse effect). As soon as the seedlings appear, they should be transplanted into separate small pots.

    The easiest method of propagation is cuttings. To do this, cut cuttings 8-10 cm in size from the branches, wash them under running water until the release of juice stops, dry slightly under natural conditions, remove the lower leaves and place them in a vessel with water, preferably adding an activated carbon tablet ( this will prevent rotting). As soon as the roots appear, the shoot can be transplanted into a container with soil for further rooting.

    Hobbit Crassula (Crassula ovata Hobbit) is the most common and interesting Crassula oval variety. Crassula "Hobbit", a decorative succulent that grows to considerable size. The highly branched crown and rough stem make the flower ideal for bonsai-style formation. Fleshy leaves characteristic of the variety various shapes, more often - sharp, tubularly wrapped. The leaves resemble the ears of Shrek, or Tolkien's Hobbit, which is where the name of the plant comes from. Young specimens often have leaves that are flat or slightly curled. It grows quite slowly, usually only a few centimeters during the year. With proper care it can live a long time. Older specimens can produce beautiful white or pink flowers. At home, flowering is extremely rare.


    The plant feels better in a bright and warm place. Loves the sun, but the heat and burning rays of summer can cause yellowing and wrinkling of the leaves. Tolerates dry air well and does not require spraying. It grows well on sandy-clayey soil; the soil should be permeable; for better drainage, the bottom of the pot is filled with expanded clay. In summer, the plant can be placed on the balcony or in the garden, but it is worth providing protection from rain. In winter, it is better to move it to a cool place and reduce watering so that the fat plant goes into a dormant state, otherwise it may wither and lose leaves.


    Crassula "Hobbit", like other representatives of the Crassula genus, is easy to grow. In the warm season, it requires moderate watering. Water thoroughly, then wait until the soil dries well. From spring to autumn, fertilize once a month with fertilizer intended for cacti. Replant if necessary when the roots no longer fit in the pot. It is better to replant in spring or summer. Large and highly branched specimens should be planted in heavy, stable pots to protect the plants from tipping over.


    Crassula "Hobbit" reproduces with great ease through shoots and cut leaves. It is better to take cuttings in spring or summer. The pruning area should dry out; after a few days, the plant fragments are placed in water or a peat mixture. Crassulas quickly produce roots; fallen leaves often take root in the soil themselves.