Large size photo wallpaper for the wall. How to choose the right size of photo wallpaper

As you know, to obtain a high-quality result in any endeavor, preliminary calculation and reasonable approach to the point. Therefore, before you start making repairs with your own hands in a residential building or apartment, you first need to correctly calculate the amount of building materials needed.

Almost no renovation is complete without wallpapering, so many readers will find it useful to know how to calculate required dimensions wallpaper on the wall for pasting an apartment or a separate room.

Typical roll of vinyl wall covering.

In order to help the reader with solving this issue, this article will present the most common formats of rolled finishing materials for gluing walls in residential and commercial premises.

It will also be presented here detailed instructions, which describes the process of calculating the required quantity.

Range various types wall coverings.

Having decided on a certain type of wall covering material, as well as having decided on the design and color scheme, before purchasing wallpaper you need to find out as accurately as possible required amount material. To do this, first of all, you need to know the exact length of the roll of the selected coating.

It should be noted right away that there are no uniform global standards in this regard, but there are certain rules, which the majority of both domestic and foreign manufacturers try to adhere to.

  1. The most common length of rolled wall coverings is 10.05 meters.
  2. The actual dimensions of the wallpaper in a roll may differ from the declared value indicated on the packaging by +/- 3%.
  3. Depending on the width, the total area of ​​such a roll ranges from 5.3 m² to 10.6 m².
  4. In some cases, an atypical roll length may be used, which must be indicated on the packaging. Custom wallpaper large sizes can be 15, 20, 25, 30 or even 50 meters long. As a rule, these sizes are used for large-format types of coating that are used for painting.

The photo shows the packaging label indicating the main parameters.

Note! The actual length of the material on the packaging is always indicated in meters, and this means that the size of 10.05 m means a length of 10 meters and 5 centimeters.

An equally important parameter for determining the required amount of material is the width of the roll.

This value, like the length, is also not standardized by anyone, but there are also unspoken rules regarding it, which most manufacturers try to follow.

  1. The most common width, which is commonly called “half a meter” in everyday language, is indicated on the packaging in meters and in fact the standard size of a roll of wallpaper has a width of 0.53 m, or 53 centimeters.
  2. IN Lately A newer format is becoming increasingly common, which is called meter, but in fact its width is 1.06 m, or 106 centimeters.
  3. As mentioned above, depending on these two values, the area of ​​a standard roll can be 5.3 m² or 10.6 m².
  4. As in the case of length, some foreign manufacturers may not produce rolls standard width, the value of which can be 70, 75, 90, 120 or 140 cm.

Advice! When gluing walls yourself, it is most convenient to use standard wallpaper sizes 0.53 m wide, but using meter rolls significantly speeds up the work and also allows you to halve the number of joints.

To correctly calculate the required amount of finishing materials, it is necessary to take the exact dimensions of the room, taking into account that in any room there are places that will not be covered.

  1. Draw on paper detailed plan premises with detailed drawing of all architectural features(niches, cornices, window and door openings). As a plan, you can use a standard project of a house or apartment with the specified dimensions.
  2. In case of absence standard project using a tape measure, gradually take the exact dimensions of all sections of the room and mark them on the existing plan. To avoid errors when converting values, it is initially better to indicate all dimensions in meters.

Room plan showing wall dimensions.

  1. Using the generally accepted dimensions of a roll of wallpaper for walls, the length of which is 10.05 m, the most important parameter will be the maximum height of the room, since the number of panels that can be obtained by cutting one roll will depend on its value.
  2. No less important for economical cutting it has the size of wallpaper repeat, since the number of panels that can be obtained from one roll also depends on its size.
  3. Doing the final count, you need to keep in mind that the area of ​​the door and window openings cannot be pasted; accordingly, it should not be taken into account.

It should also be remembered that you never need to purchase the amount of material back to back, because during the work some circumstances will inevitably arise that will increase the consumption rate above the design value. For this reason, it is always better to take a small supply, which, if left, can be used in the future for unforeseen repair work.

Universal table to simplify calculations by known value perimeter of the room.

Advice! If there is such an opportunity, it is better to purchase rolls of large formats, since a large length does not create a lot of unnecessary residues, which leads to a more rational consumption of material.

Large-sized photo wallpaper on a wall is a photorealistic image printed on special paper or self-adhesive polymer film made of polyvinyl chloride.

Currently exists great amount proposals, which may differ in quality of execution, subject of the picture and method of application. Depending on their format, for ease of installation they can be divided into several separate panels.

In order to navigate making the right choice wall covering for each specific case, the main dimensions of photo wallpaper on the wall have some generally accepted formats, on which the number of individual fragments of the picture also depends.

  1. A single-panel photographic image usually has total area no more than 2 m² and is most often used as a separate artistic panel.

A vertical photograph looks good on an entrance or interior door.

  1. Two-panel photo wallpaper measuring 1.9 x 1.35 m is used for decorative finishing small rooms.
  2. Three-panel, usually horizontal compositions have a standard format of 2.95 x 1.35 m.
  3. When decorating spacious rooms, large-sized eight-panel photo wallpapers, which have the generally accepted format of 3.8 x 2.7 m, look impressive.

Photorealistic image on the wall of a residential apartment.

After reading this article, it becomes clear that the correct calculation of the amount of wallpaper for pasting walls is of no small importance, since the price of the material used, and, accordingly, the total cost of repair work will directly depend on how well this work is done.

To learn more about this issue, you can watch the video in this article or read other materials on similar topics on our website.

Using photo wallpaper you can create a unique picture that covers the entire wall. Printing is applied to a paper, non-woven or vinyl base.

During production, a special technology is used, with the help of which the smallest details are printed. This will create a feeling of the presence of a corner of nature or another image you like.

Beautiful paintings decorate the walls, ceilings, and furniture. Their service life is 6-10 years. To correctly design the placement on the wall, you need to know what sizes of photo wallpaper on the wall are available.

There are many types of photo wallpapers of foreign and domestic producers. The most quality models are produced using latex, eco-solvent, and ultraviolet printing.

We consider the existing ones and their characteristics in the table:

You should not install furniture near the wall on which photo wallpaper is pasted, even small size, as it will hide part of the image.

Available sizes

Most often, the image is distributed into several elements, from 2 to 16

The industry produces photo wallpapers of various geometric shapes and sizes. There are vertical and horizontal wallpapers with a flat, three-dimensional or relief image. Most often, the canvas is made of several parts and can contain from 2 to 16 elements. This is done to make it easier to hang on the wall.

Small-sized canvas can be made in one piece; its size usually does not exceed 2 square meters. m. Can decorate a wall in a room with a small area or serve as a decorative element in the living room. A seamless image will look more beautiful, but if it is large, it will be difficult to stick it alone.

Let's look at the table for wallpaper sizes depending on the number of elements in the canvas:

The largest wallpapers are produced with a width of 3500 mm.

Large size photo wallpapers need to be installed by two people. Mark the location of the canvas on the wall in advance. You need to ensure that the image is positioned clearly horizontally and vertically.

Made to order

Experts will help you adjust the selected image to the size of the wall.

There are companies specializing in the production of photo wallpapers individual projects. To place an order, you need to measure the wall or that part of it on which the panel will be located.

Then select the image you like. Most often, the selected photo needs to be cropped to right size. There is a service where you can enter the size and move the cropping frame to select best angle review in the picture.

When choosing large photo panels, you need to choose the right resolution so that the image does not turn out blurry.

Design solutions

Photo wallpaper with perspective can visually enlarge the space

Photo wallpaper can both visually expand a room and hide its size. It all depends on correct location canvas on the wall and its size.

Narrow photo wallpapers will visually increase the height of the room and place emphasis on a specific area. If you stick a narrow canvas on the doors in the hallway, the room will seem larger. With such panels you can divide the area into different zones: for work, rest, board games, etc.

Place large canvases in living rooms

Niches decorated with photo panels, pasted vertically or horizontally, will fit beautifully into the interior.

Horizontally located large canvases will look harmonious in large living rooms, halls of houses, and in public spaces.

Sometimes canvases are glued to walls that are parallel to each other.

Photo wallpaper erases the boundaries of the room and expands the space. It seems that the room is located on the ocean or the edge of a forest. Once you take a step, you will find yourself inside a picturesque corner of nature.

Try to stick the panels on leveled walls

The first step is to prepare the wall surface. Removing old wallpaper and repairing it cement mortar or putty all cracks and depressions.

If there are rust spots, paint over them so that the redness does not appear on the new wallpaper. We prime in two layers with a deep penetration solution.

We purchase glue suitable for specific type wallpaper Then we lay out the panels on the floor and check the image quality. You also need to pay attention that the edges are smooth. We leave the canvas unfolded for a day so that it straightens out.

If the wallpaper is glued overlapping, the seam is positioned away from the light source. We carry out horizontal markings on the wall using building level. For determining vertical plane We use a plumb line.

The quality of pasting of the remaining parts will depend on how smoothly the first element of the photo panel is pasted. Watch the intricacies of gluing photo panels on walls in this video:

Apply glue according to the instructions for the wallpaper. Most often you need to smear both the wall and the canvas. Then we go over it with a rubber roller to remove any air bubbles.

During the work and until the pasted surface has completely dried, you need to ensure that there are no drafts. You can paste over the walls at any time of the year; the room must have a positive temperature.

Correctly selected sizes and shapes of photo wallpaper will help visually expand the room and create coziness and comfort in the home.

If you decide to add photo wallpaper to the interior of one or more rooms of your apartment, then keep in mind: they can either decorate and visually expand the room, or make the room unsightly and significantly reduce it visually. To avoid typical mistakes When decorating an apartment with photo wallpaper and giving the rooms zest and chic with the help of a printed photograph on the wall, you should know many secrets and nuances.

Photo wallpapers are back in fashion

Photo wallpapers today again decorate the most modern designer interiors

Russians had the opportunity to hang photo wallpapers in their apartments back in the mid-70s of the last century; the total fashion for them began in the early 90s, but by the end of the same decade it had almost completely exhausted itself.

It is known for certain that the first patterned wallpaper, made from rice paper, was glued to walls in China 200 BC. From there they became known in Europe (however, paper wallpapers were inferior to the usual fabric ones in brightness, design and price for a long time - almost until the mid-18th century). Today paper photo wallpaper with the seal of himself High Quality and the varied texture will not surprise anyone.

After the breakup Soviet Union people, tired of the shortages and meager assortment of stores, rejoiced at everything new, bright and unusual. That is why the opportunity to see Niagara Falls, snow-capped mountain peaks or some other thing on the wall of your own living room or bedroom every day Garden of Eden seemed fantastic original idea and, moreover, incredible beauty. True, it soon became clear that images of the same landscapes again decorated almost every apartment, the picture itself quickly faded, and even initially the quality of the print left much to be desired. From that moment on, sales of photo wallpapers began to decline rapidly until they completely disappeared.

Today, times have changed significantly, and the sign of the new era is, first of all, developed technologies, which provide, among other things, the possibility of high-quality printing of pictures of any shape and size at an affordable price. With this opportunity, the demand for photo wallpaper has revived again, especially since even a landscape photograph taken with one’s own hand can now be displayed on the wall.

The landscape on the wall in the bedroom, practically no different from the real thing, is no longer a luxury and is available to anyone

The main task in the new conditions is to correctly select an image according to the realities and characteristics of your own apartment, as well as your ideas about the beautiful and unique design premises.

How to choose the right one

In order for photo wallpaper to decorate a room, and not vice versa, it is important to take into account a complex of factors. The chosen plot, color, and especially the size of the picture should fit perfectly into the room, and the unusual texture will add zest. original design premises.


The subject of the image on the photo wallpaper directly depends on the room in which you want to see it.

  • Mountain peaks and waterfalls, beloved in the 90s, are most suitable for decorating a bedroom. Everything in this room should be conducive to comfortable rest and relaxation, and majestic landscapes are perfect for these purposes.

Mountain peak on the bedroom wall

  • In the living room where it happens most of meetings, conversations and movement in general, a drawing that is equally dynamic, for example, a panorama of the city, is suitable.

Panorama of the big city in the living room

You can also decorate the walls of the living room with a huge family photo or a photograph enlarged several times, which has value for a certain circle of people close to you.

  • An office or workshop will be perfectly complemented by an image in a retro or vintage style: a photograph from the beginning of the last century, which depicts Big city or, suppose, an antique shop, a still from a cult black-and-white film, or, for example, an antique geographic map.

An old geographical map in the office

  • Photo of a vintage vehicle or brickwork of a real wall (for example, famous wall Viktor Tsoi on Old Arbat in Moscow or street art of a favorite courtyard in St. Petersburg) will fit perfectly into the corridor of your apartment.

Image brickwork on the wall in the hallway

  • In the kitchen, the most logical thing to do is to support the gastronomic theme and stick on the wall an image of products in any context close to you: real photo, made by you at the dacha, children's drawing your son or a still life made famous artist Renaissance era.

Food wallpapers look best in the kitchen

A typical mistake is to place on the wall of one of the rooms a so-called “universal” image of any color, and especially one enlarged many tens of times. Such a picture most often looks awkward (most of all due to the unrealistically huge sizes of roses or tulips). It is more logical to place any life-size images on the wall (including a flower meadow with many small flowers, if that’s what you want), rather than pasting up a huge image of anything, which can sometimes even scare the person who comes in, and not decorate the room at all.


When choosing the color of photo wallpaper, first of all you need to decide on one of two color concepts that can easily coexist in the same room:


If your room is covered with dull plain or small-patterned wallpaper and is furnished with simple furniture, you can easily stick photo wallpaper with a scarlet sunset or another image made in rich colors on one of the walls - they will not overload the room and will set a certain mood.

Bright photo wallpaper to contrast with the interior

If the room as a whole is quite saturated with a variety of details, including color ones, then the image on the photo wallpaper can be monochromatic or even black and white, which will certainly attract attention and will not conflict with other things.

Black and white wallpaper in the interior with bright accents

  • Uniformity, consistency in one color and concept.

If you like, say, the pastel shade of your walls, curtains and furniture and you would not like to disturb the harmony of the room, but want to introduce something new, then photo wallpaper of approximately the same color will allow you to bring the idea to life.

Photo wallpaper to match the color of the furniture and the rest of the interior

In a room whose design is based on bright colors and contrasts, photo wallpaper to match will also come in handy.

Bright photo wallpaper in a bright interior

When pursuing the goal of visually changing the size of a room, remember that:

  • White and cool colors (blue, green, lilac) visually expand the space, that is, a waterfall or the mountain peaks of Everest will add space and air to the smallest room.

Photo wallpaper that visually increases space

  • Warm colors (yellow, orange, brown, red and their shades) will visually make your room smaller, so photo wallpaper with a desert or a retro photo of New York is best left for a fairly spacious room with large windows.

Photo wallpaper that can visually make a room smaller


The main rule when choosing the size of photo wallpaper is simple - the design on it should be completely visible! Neither furniture, nor paintings, nor any other decorative elements should cover or block the image on the wall, which appeared there to be admired.

Simply put, you need to literally estimate and measure the dimensions open area walls in the room that you decide to decorate with photo wallpaper, and buy in a store or order a print according to your exact measurements.

Remember that photo wallpaper does not have to occupy one wall from floor to ceiling. There are many options for shapes and sizes of a piece of photographic image:

  • a narrow vertical canvas (for example, filling the area between a cabinet and other furniture);
  • horizontal insert at eye level (for example, above a sofa);

Horizontal insert of photo wallpaper in the bedroom

  • inserts with images on different parts of the wall, connected by meaning;
  • highlighting protrusions or niches in the wall using photo wallpaper.


The choice of texture for photo wallpaper is an extremely individual thing, and general tips and the recommendations in this area are as follows:

  • In a living room, children's room or other room where movement, and, therefore, the likelihood of fraying the coating is greatest, it is better to choose a simple, not the most expensive photo wallpaper printing without unnecessary frills. As a rule, this is a matte pattern without any texture.
  • Delights, such as the texture “Frost”, “Painting” or “Plaster”, are most appropriate in rooms for serious pastime, namely in an office or library.
  • Brilliant glossy images, which bear the appropriate names “gloss”, “gloss” and others, are most often used in offices and design studios, but are also perfect for a teenager’s room or a living room decorated in the pop art style.

glossy photo wallpaper in the living room, decorated in pop art style

  • “Canvas” and “Linen” are recommended for the kitchen or living room, especially if the apartment’s residents are calm, peaceful older people.

According to Feng Shui, any image, be it a painting by a recognized genius or a poor quality photograph taken by an amateur, carries a very specific energy charge. Each of us intuitively feels this charge, and that is why we like some pictures very much, others irritate us, and others leave us indifferent. What exactly will we see day after day on the wall in own apartment, is important for our mental health, therefore, according to Feng Shui, the criteria for choosing paintings for your home are very clearly stated (of course, this also applies to photo wallpaper):

  • The owner of the house must like the image without reservations or assumptions.

That is why the designer does not have the right to unilaterally decide what and how will be located on the walls of the rooms on which he is working. In this case, the reasons why you don't like the image are not important.

  • It is advisable that photo wallpapers do not depict animals during a hunt or people with weapons, since such pictures carry aggressive energy.
  • According to Feng Shui, photographs of deceased idols on the walls of a home are unacceptable.
  • The picture should be as realistic as possible or with a minimum of abstract details.
  • The image must be completely clear and understandable to the owner of the house. Strange hieroglyphs, paintings and even photographs will bring confusion and subsequent strife into the house.

Photo wallpapers with images that are incomprehensible to the owner of the house, in particular hieroglyphs, are unacceptable according to Feng Shui

There can be a lot of advice and opinions on choosing and placing photo wallpapers, but the most important thing remains the desire and feeling of beauty of the person who is going to decorate the room, and the recommendations given above will help you avoid mistakes and obvious mistakes.

What to ask yourself

Which drawing to choose (photo)

Types of kitchen photo wallpapers

Size matters

Security issue

Photo wallpaper in the kitchen is bold and original Design modern kitchen is not limited to installing the necessary furniture. Photo wallpaper for the kitchen is designed to solve many problematic aspects of the interior. They will not only become original decoration and fill the kitchen with a unique flavor. With their help, you can realize the most incredible ideas and visually expand a small kitchen space.

What to ask yourself

You can choose the sea as a pattern for photo wallpaper. This solution will be simply ideal if your kitchen is large.

Before you go shopping for photo wallpaper, you need to ask yourself a few right questions:

  • what combination with the general color scheme Do you prefer kitchens: contrasting or in the same color scheme as the entire interior?
  • Is the kitchen sufficiently lit, and on which side do its windows face - sunny or dark?
  • what problem should a kitchen design with photo wallpaper solve: expand a cramped space or divide it into zones large space, become an accent of the interior or the general background of the kitchen?
  • Do you plan to glue photo wallpaper to the entire wall or to a certain area, and what are its exact dimensions?

Paint the kitchen in bright colors

For the kitchen, both the theme of the wallpaper and its color are of great importance. Cold tones have the ability to visually expand space. Therefore, designers advise for small kitchens blue, blue, green colors. If there is a lack of natural light, it is preferable to opt for light colors. When the kitchen windows face North or West, experts recommend choosing wallpaper in warm colors: red, yellow, orange. These colors create a feeling of warmth and comfort.

Photo wallpaper with a pattern close-up additionally expand the space

Psychologists have their own opinions about the meaning of color in the kitchen. In particular, it is worth mentioning the effect of color on appetite. Wallpaper in warm colors enhances it, while in cold colors, on the contrary, they can help reduce the desire to ask for more.

Do not forget about the combination of color with other interior elements. A bright color will distract attention from less striking details - old furniture or plain curtains. Neutral colors will serve as a backdrop for other design components that you want to highlight.

What story should you play out on the wall?

Photo wallpapers for the kitchen have a wide variety of subjects - from fruit still lifes and set tables to images of Italian streets and field landscapes. Universal subjects for the kitchen are still lifes, baskets with pies, photographs of cans, cups, teapots and plates. However, there is one nuance here that should be taken into account when choosing a product plot. Firstly, they stimulate the appetite, and secondly, they force you to “eat with your eyes.” This means that our psyche, on a subconscious level, perceives the picture it sees as a reality in which you take part. So if you don't want to dial excess weight, pictures of bagels and cakes, give preference to vegetables and fruits.

An excellent solution would be to opt for a neutral plot. For images such as ears of corn, wildflowers or bouquets, it is easy to create a harmonious combination with other interior elements.

A few words about background wallpaper

It would be appropriate to opt for plain ones with a smooth texture. The shade can match the background of the photo wallpaper or one of the colors of the main picture. The contrasting combination also looks harmonious.

Which drawing to choose (photo)

Functionality of wallpaper in the interior

It’s rare that anyone can boast of a spacious kitchen in their apartment. You won’t be able to enlarge it with photo wallpaper, but you can visually expand the space. For these purposes, images that create the illusion of perspective are best suited. For example, if the wall next to the dining table is decorated with a photograph of a Parisian street, it will create the impression that your kitchen is a continuation summer playground French cafe. Photo wallpapers depicting a clean sea beach, a dense birch forest or an endless corridor help to push the boundaries of the usual space.

Correctly chosen photo wallpaper will not only make the room “fresh”, but can also influence your mood

The combination of proportions of image elements must correspond to the dimensions of your kitchen in order to maintain overall harmony.

Vertical photo wallpaper used to decorate an apron in the kitchen or a section of the wall along dining table will visually increase the total area of ​​the kitchen, and vertical elements are able to visually “raise” the height of the ceilings.

Wallpaper with a 3D effect would be a bad choice for a small kitchen. Their ability to create the illusion of volume, on the contrary, will only visually reduce the space. However, they will be the right solution for decorating a studio apartment, where the open plan combines the kitchen and living room into a single space.

Happy owners spacious kitchens will appreciate the possibilities that photo wallpapers have for zoning space. With their help, it is easy to separate the dining group into a dining area.

Types of kitchen photo wallpapers

High-quality photo wallpaper for the kitchen must have a number of certain characteristics. How do they differ from wallpaper for the walls of other rooms?

The basis of the wall covering for applying a digital image is paper, non-woven or vinyl. Information about this is contained on the packaging. For the kitchen the most suitable option will become a non-woven base. It’s good if the wallpaper is covered with vinyl protection - such wall covering is not afraid of moisture, so they can be washed with a wet cloth or wiped with a damp cloth. The moisture-proof layer can also be made of varnish or using lamination. Your choice depends on whether you prefer a matte or glossy finish.

Non-woven wallpaper has best qualities compared to analogues, therefore we recommend giving preference to this particular type

Photo wallpaper for the kitchen can be smooth or textured:

  • appearance smooth wallpaper looks like plastic. Their great advantage is protective covering, which allows you to wash off not only drops of grease during cleaning, but also drawings left by a child on the wallpaper with a marker. It should be taken into account that such photo wallpapers are very finicky and require perfect smooth walls, otherwise the impression of the drawing will be spoiled.
  • textured ones imitate the look of plaster, leather, papyrus and many other finishing materials. Such wallpapers give the plot volume and depth. They are pleasant to the touch and do not create glare from the sun.

Please read the packaging carefully before purchasing. If it states that waterproof inks were used for printing, this means not only that they can be washed. Such paints, as a rule, are resistant to fading and the wallpaper will last a long time.

Size matters

Regardless of whether you want to decorate the entire wall or some small section with photo wallpaper, when going to the store, you must know exactly the required dimensions. Sometimes it’s not at all easy to choose the ones you need, since most often manufacturers produce ready-made photo wallpapers in the form of panels of a given size. The drawing may consist of several parts, and the canvases may be rolled into rolls. Then the parts of the images are numbered.

A panoramic photo panel is large in size and can therefore be divided into several parts. If you don't want any joints in your design, seamless photo wallpapers are more suitable for you.

It will be easier to focus immediately on standard sizes. The length of the canvas is designed for a ceiling height of 2.6 m to 3.6 m. The width of the roll or the whole panel also varies - from 36 cm to several meters.

Wallpaper with cityscapes will help you immerse yourself in a journey without leaving the kitchen.

If your favorite design does not fit in size, ask the seller if there are others. Some manufacturers may offer several sizes of one plot. As a last resort, you can issue individual order from a specialized company.

How to hang photo wallpaper with your own hands (video)

Security issue

The kitchen of each individual apartment has its own individual climate. However, they all have the same feature - the humidity and air temperature here are much higher than in other rooms. And if the wall covering materials are of poor quality, no one can guarantee you that no harmful compounds will be released under conditions high humidity warm air.

To prevent this from happening, examine the packaging to see what kind of ink was used to print the photo wallpaper. The combination of components must be safe for humans and animals. It is better to opt for the option where it is indicated that the base is coated with UV-curing paint.

Examples of photo wallpapers (photo gallery)

In preparation for the renovation, you have developed a decent design for your room and chosen finishing material- wallpaper. You have a complete idea in your head about the future appearance of the room, you have all the dimensions in your hands, all that remains is to calculate the number of rolls of wallpaper needed for gluing.

Wallpaper on display in a wallpaper store

For a correct calculation, we need to know the exact width of the wallpaper roll and its length. The resulting footage can be transferred to the walls.

What sizes are generally accepted, what is the standard wallpaper width, and what is the length? You will get answers to these questions by reading this material.

Standard wallpaper sizes

Wallpaper is packaged in rolls that resemble small tubes; the thicker the material, the wider the diameter of the tube.

We will include the most popular wallpaper sizes that are available in any hardware store as generally accepted standards.

Wallpaper of standard width makes up the bulk of the assortment of any store

The size of a wallpaper roll is 0.53 m or 1.06 m by 10.05 m, this is our standard wallpaper size.

However, let's look at both of these dimensional values ​​in order.

Wallpaper roll width

The width of wallpaper can vary greatly depending on the country of production, but these three can be considered the most common sizes.

  • 0.53 m or 53 centimeters is probably the most popular width size; wallpaper in this version is produced by the vast majority of factories around the world. Wallpaper can be conventionally called half-meter.
  • 0.7 m or 70 centimeters is a very popular wallpaper size, and since imported wallpaper is considered high quality and very popular in our country, this size is also popular.
  • 1.06 m or 106 centimeters - the width of these wallpapers is exactly twice as large as the very first ones, this standard makes the gluing process 2 times easier, and is usually applicable to heavy non-woven wallpaper. Wallpaper can be roughly called meter-sized.

In our country, perhaps only two standards are generally accepted: 0.53 and 1.06, and our wallpaper factories produce wallpaper only in this format. Classic wallpaper with a width of 0.53 centimeters can be made of any material, embossed or with an original design.

Rolls of small standard width

Wide wallpapers are mainly made on a vinyl basis, and they necessarily contain a non-woven backing. It is the fleece backing that ensures ease of pasting, and also meter wallpaper They will reduce the number of seams on the wall, which means they will veil the joints as much as possible.

Masters finishing works they claim that gluing wallpaper 1 m wide is easier than their narrower counterparts.

The demand for long wallpaper is as large and constant as for all others, and perhaps even greater.

The width size of 70 centimeters refers to imported wallpaper. We have highlighted it as the most popular of the line of wallpaper sizes from 0.5 to 1.5 m, which are produced by factories in European countries such as Italy or Germany.

Meter wallpaper on a store window, Russian collections

However, they do not stop there and are ready to go further and offer products of any roll width convenient for you. This individual approach is completely conscious and aimed at meeting the needs of the buyer. Basically, such wallpaper designs are made for design studios.

Wallpaper roll length

With the length of a roll of wallpaper, things are much simpler than with the width. Here you can highlight a couple of basic, additional options, and one main one.

The main standard for wallpaper roll length is 10.05 m - the vast majority of wallpaper is produced with this tube length.

The wallpaper is rolled into a tight roll and covered with film to protect the decorative fabric

An additional length option of 15 m is used in the production of 0.53 m wide vinyl wallpaper with a pattern and for painting.

Another additional option length 25 m - used in the manufacture of meter-long wallpaper on a non-woven base for painting.

Depending on the length of the roll, the area covered by them varies significantly.

  • With a length of 10.05 m and a width of 0.53 m, it is approximately 5.3 m2.
  • With a length of 15 m and a width of 0.53 m, the footage is 7.95 m2.
  • With a length of 25 m, a width of 1.06 m - approximately 25 m2.

Co standard sizes wallpaper, everything is clear, now you are ready to calculate the required amount. We strongly recommend that you carefully consider the most important size of your room - the height of the ceiling.

Choose wallpaper according to your color preference, the range of each standard is simply huge

It is this that will become the key in the calculations, since if it is higher than the conventional standard of 2.5 m, then you will have to use more wallpaper in the calculations, but you will have more unspent remains.

For more accurate calculations, you can use tables of standards with which the Internet is flooded.

Wallpaper type and size

Wallpaper from different materials are issued with different sizes. If you know the size, in some cases, you can determine the type of wallpaper and vice versa.

Paper wallpapers are available in small sizes

Basic production rules, generally accepted for wallpaper.

  • Paper wallpaper is produced in a total mass of 53 centimeters wide.
  • For foamed vinyl wallpaper, both standards are used (0.53 and 1.06), in addition, meter-long wallpaper comes with a non-woven backing.
  • most often produces large widths.
  • on the contrary, it is represented for the most part by a small width.
  • Paintable wallpaper is different longer and can have one of two width sizes.
  • If the size does not fit into the above-mentioned standards, then you have imported vinyl wallpaper. Pay attention to their price!
  • The size of the photo wallpaper can be any; it is indicated on the packaging.

To summarize, we can conclude that for an approximate calculation, the dimensions of the wallpaper can be considered as follows: half a meter or a meter wide and ten in length. This will make it easier to figure out total rolls and the necessary funds for their purchase.

Vinyl wallpapers long length, produced in a domestic factory

When taking measurements, we pay the main attention to the ceiling; it will be the starting point in our calculations.

As you can see, the sizes of produced wallpaper for walls are simple, standard and understandable.

Since some of the images in this article featured famous wallpaper from one domestic factory, we decided to add the official presentation of this collection to the article.