Phrases for letters of gratitude to company employees. How to write a thank you letter: sample, template and text examples

What is a thank you letter and why write one? This phenomenon is not yet popular enough in the Russian business environment. Many consider this gesture more of fawning than an expression of gratitude. However, this is fundamentally wrong. Writing a letter of gratitude to a partner, client or investor is a sign of good manners and an expression of respect. In this article we will answer the most popular questions regarding the issue of writing a thank you letter, we will figure out how to write a thank you letter and what to pay attention to.

Why write a thank you letter?

There are several options for why and why you need to write a letter of gratitude. You can find a great variety of reasons: simply put, you can thank in writing anyone who distinguished themselves in a special way and did something useful to you. This can be either an individual letter to a specific person or a general one for the company’s team.

Reasons why to write a thank you letter:

  1. To stand out from the multitude of competitors.

    There are certain situations when additional bonuses will not help express a feeling of gratitude for the work done. A well-written thank you letter will do the job perfectly.

  2. Remind.

    If there are several applicants for a position, work, etc., but only one candidate previously (not immediately before the appointment) wrote a letter of gratitude to management or a work partner. This is a small thing, but it will attract attention and help you earn extra points.

  3. Gratitude for a job well done.

    As a result, the performer may have spent personal time, unaccounted for and unpaid. In this way, you show your “human side” in cooperation, helping to further strengthen the relationship.

To whom and how to write a thank you letter?

To compose a thank you letter, pay attention to the terms of cooperation and the position of the addressee. We should not forget that, despite the free form, such a letter is, first of all, and therefore unnecessary emotions are not permissible here. If you plan to draw up a document after negotiations, then the letter must accurately, specifically and briefly describe why you should be chosen from among the applicants.

The basis of a thank you letter after business negotiations, sample:

“Having such practice as (briefly), I am confident that I will be useful for the implementation of your project, since I have (specifically, a plan, resources, competencies, etc.).”

It is worth saying that understanding how to write a thank-you letter does not free you from the need to fulfill your immediate work responsibilities, and it is not a fact that your partner will change his mind. However, such a letter will help form an opinion of you as an intelligent and educated person.

How to write a letter: mistakes

To know how to write a thank you letter, you need to understand (and avoid) the basic mistakes you can't make.

  1. Do not use the words of address “Madam”, “Dear”, “Beloved”.

    This sounds pretentious and incorrect towards the team. The exception is “Dear”, when you are addressing a long-time partner or client with whom you communicate outside work activity. In other cases, it is better to limit yourself to the address “Dear.” If the letter is addressed to the entire company, indicate its director in the address, and note the team in the text itself.

  2. Don't forget about yourself!

    Be sure to indicate the initiator of gratitude - your full name, or the name of the company, structural unit. “Gorizont LLC expresses gratitude..”, “On behalf of the team of the Fregat company and on my own behalf, I thank..”, “Management of the Phoenix company...”. Please note that for the provision of services it is customary to draw up a letter of gratitude on behalf of the company; when applying for the work of a specific person, it is better to apply on behalf of the manager. It would also be appropriate to note the full names of employees when addressing the team, but no more than 5-7 people.

  3. Abstract gratitude is excluded.

    Be sure to indicate WHAT you are thanking FOR. It is incorrect to thank “for everything you have done for us,” it would be more correct: “The team of Horizon LLC expresses gratitude to the employees of the Phoenix company for their professionalism in resolving (such and such) issues, perseverance and confidence in achieving results.” You can thank for the conditions, responsiveness, equipment, support, and provision of services. Make your gratitude as specific as possible.

  4. Compose the text of the letter without “water” and unnecessary repetitions.

    The generally accepted volume of a letter is approximately half an A4 page, so get rid of verbosity and excessive emotionality, do not write texts filled with feelings: “I was so glad to cooperate with you”, “I am very pleased that our meeting took place”, “Very pleased with the atmosphere at the negotiations, I hope you enjoyed the final conversation.” Eliminate any manifestation of familiarity; be sure to check the letter for errors.

  5. Do not rule out the topic of further cooperation.

    Wish the recipients development, inexhaustible optimism, original ideas. Express your interest in further cooperation, noting the benefits of the completed work, otherwise the letter may have the effect of saying goodbye. Please note that letters sent immediately after the end of cooperation produce the greatest effect. Don't delay!

How to write a thank you letter and format the document correctly?

There are standards that must be followed when writing a thank you letter. First of all, it is drawn up on the company’s letterhead, the addressee (company or person), the address (specific) is indicated in the header, followed by a well-written text of the letter and information about you (company, position, full name, signature).

Please note that framed thank you notes are readily posted on office walls. Therefore, try to design it as responsibly as possible, paying attention to design and avoiding tasteless elements. Compose a non-standard, exclusive letter text using lively language.

Thank you letter by email

If work with a partner/client/manager was carried out primarily on e-mail, then the thank you letter can be sent in the same way. Electronic variant letters are less preferable, however, it can work to your advantage. In the case of an email thank you letter, don't try to make it stand out through colors, fonts and capital letters in the subject line - limit yourself to standard writing rules, be concise and timely.

Sample how to write a thank you letter

“Dear Ivan Sergeevich!

On behalf of the Fregat LLC team and on my own behalf, I express gratitude to the Zenit company for... participation in the project... It was nice to see the company’s employees... efficiency, competent attitude to work. In addition, I can note the ease and professionalism of each of your employees during the period of our cooperation.

I would like to note the work of the manager... His professionalism and knowledge of the matter allowed us to reduce the time required for the work, significantly reducing all costs.

(Position, full name, seal)..."

It’s not enough just to know how to write a thank you letter; it’s important to format it correctly and send it on time. A nice bonus will be a small gift, a personal discount or individual terms for a new cooperation, or an invitation to a corporate event. And a piece of advice - a handwritten thank you letter will stand out significantly from others, try to abandon the technique.

Below are examples of a thank you speech for a manager from a team. These are public words of gratitude that can be said at a corporate event, holiday, collective meeting in honor of the completion (or vice versa, the opening) of the project and on any other occasion where it is necessary to say a few words of gratitude to the management. These are universal texts; they are suitable for both men and women.

An example of a speech of gratitude (and any other award) may also be useful to you at such events (you will find it at the link).

Our dear Vasily Vasilyevich (insert the name of your leader whom you thank here)!

We all, your employees, thank you for your responsible and attentive attitude. For patience, competence and constant development of all of us and the organization in which we all work. Thank you for the generous bonuses with which you encourage our work. Thank you for leading us to a secure future, opening up more and more new prospects. Thank you for being persistent in achieving your goals. Thank you for not allowing us all to become limp and also achieve our goals, solve professional problems and implement plans.

We appreciate your great work and we are well aware of the scale of your contribution to our professional development. Thank you for this and wish you energy, strength, patience, good luck and new professional success. Let only wonderful employees meet on your way and only good news follow you.

Dear Marianna Valentinovna (here indicate the name of your leader to whom the words are addressed)!

Please accept our sincere gratitude for your sensitivity and flexibility in working with the team. Thank you for the created atmosphere of warmth and mutual assistance - it helps us become more productive and achieve the intended results. Thank you for timely vacations and understanding when our children are sick. Thank you for the wise advice and guidance that you generously share with us when the need arises. We thank you for your support and hope that you will forever remain as you are - the best leader in the world.

On behalf of the entire team, we wish you happiness and prosperity, health, energy and new successes.

Dear Petr Petrovich (insert the desired name of the manager)!

Please accept our most sincere words of gratitude from all employees of your department (company, team, workshop, division, etc.). We all worked under the guidance of the most different people and we are confident that our leader today is the rarest, the best of the best.

Your attentiveness and help support us every day. Your activity and energy fill us with vigor. Your determination convinces us that there are no impossible tasks - you just need to find non-standard solution. Your policy of relationships with the team instills in us warmth and love for our work. Your flexible working methods inspire confidence and empowerment. Your optimism and love of life do not allow you to give up when difficult times happen.

Pyotr Petrovich! As a leader, you deserve the highest marks and the warmest words. We wish you all the best. Don't leave us, we look forward to enjoying work under your leadership for a long time to come.

Dear Illarion Illarionovich (the name of your leader should be here)!

Sincerely, on behalf of all employees (present and absent here now), we thank you for the new implemented working methods. They make our work easier, open up new perspectives and inspire hope for new achievements.

We are grateful to you for your attentiveness to the needs of the team, as well as for your persistence in achieving common goals. For patience, creativity, creativity, firmness and determination - our special gratitude to you. We are proud of such a professional and competent leader. We wish you the realization of all your plans, the fulfillment of your plans and the embodiment of your ideas.

Dear Maria Ivanovna (insert the name of the leader to whom you express gratitude)!

From our entire team, please accept our heartfelt gratitude for the preparation and holding of the event (insert your own version here, what you are thanking for). Your activities are an example of enthusiasm and dedication, which is so necessary to achieve the highest goals.

We sincerely wish you new professional achievements and hope for continued fruitful cooperation.

Dear Ivan Petrovich Ivanov (here insert the name of the leader to whom words of gratitude are intended)!

On behalf of the entire team Joint Stock Company“Prosperity Inc” (here insert the name of the organization to which the team of congratulators belongs) and from me personally, please accept my sincere gratitude for the professionalism, competence, timely assistance and responsibility in the performance of professional duties, which you demonstrated to all of us every day. The results achieved (you can list which ones) best demonstrate your extraordinary leadership abilities.

We (the entire team) wish you well, good health, prosperity and new successes, as in professional activity, and outside it.

Dear Ivan Lvovich (insert the name of the leader to whom words of gratitude are intended)!

Our team sincerely expresses our gratitude to you for the excellent organization of the corporate event (insert your own here, what you are thanking for) dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the company, for your responsible and creative approach to the tasks, which helped to realize all our wishes and make the holiday unforgettable.

Dear Ivan Ilyich (replace with the name of your leader to whom words of gratitude are addressed)!

On behalf of all employees, we express our sincere gratitude to you for the well-organized work of our team. The activities you carry out and implement modern methods work allowed us to achieve new results, successes and see prospects for our further development.

We wish you fruitful work and success in implementing your plans.

We express confidence in maintaining the existing friendly relations and hope for further mutually beneficial, effective and fruitful cooperation.

The team of the British Cat International plant (insert the name of your organization on behalf of which you are expressing gratitude here) expresses sincere gratitude to CEO OJSC "Scottish Cat International" (here insert the name of the organization or department, workshop, plant, school, university, etc.) Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov (insert the desired name) for participation in the organization and conduct of events on ... (in this place indicate for what kind of events: project, presentation, exhibition, tasting, signing a contract, etc. you thank the manager).

Dear Ivan Ivanovich (insert the name of your manager here)!

On behalf of the entire team and with all our hearts, we express our gratitude to you. We are grateful to you for your caring attitude towards our personal issues and collective tasks. We are confident that our leader is the most caring, socially and professionally active, responsible and wise. People with such qualities are in demand everywhere and we are glad to work under your leadership. Without such leaders, dynamic, comprehensive development of any organization is impossible.

We believe in you, we hope for further support and assistance in any matter, we dream that your activities will not be interrupted. We wish our entire team (here you can insert the name of the department, company division, team name, brand, etc.) professional development, success, and prosperity.

Dear Maria Ivanovna (insert the name of the leader you are thanking here)!

For us, you are not just a director (manager, chief, chief master, administrator, etc.). You are a role model and admiration for us. Working with such a leader, you want to skip to work every day as if it were your home, and not leave it in the evenings.

Thank you for your support and care for each and every one of us. Thank you for your flexible approach and responsibility in your work. Thank you for the chosen policy of communication with the team, we hope you will adhere to it (the policy) in the future.

We wish you success, may all your hopes come true.

Dear Ivan Stepanovich (insert the desired name of the leader here - female or male)!

The team of Cosa-Nostra International LLC (insert the desired name of the organization) thanks you for your support and assistance to our organization in holding events (specify which ones). We sincerely wish you success, prosperity, happiness and health.

Dear Ivan Vissarionovich (insert the name of your manager here)

On behalf of our entire team, we express our deep gratitude to you for your contribution to the development of our common project(Insert what is necessary here. For example: for contribution to the development of the organization, sales department, regional development department of the company, etc.). Please accept our sincere gratitude for your help, sensitivity, creative approach, responsibility and attentiveness to the needs of the team.

You have convincingly demonstrated what a talented leader is capable of. We highly appreciate your work and hope that you will not stop there and will do everything possible to increase the results obtained and reach new heights.

We wish you and our entire team well-being, prosperity, fair winds in business and continued effective activities.

Whatever words of gratitude you choose, no matter in what format they are presented... never switch to a cheeky style, do not cross the personal space of the leader, do not try to hug him or pat him on the shoulder. There's no need to talk acceptance speech familiarly, even if in the speech itself you allow yourself a joke of a somewhat informal format (even the appropriateness of such a joke does not cancel the subordination between management and subordinates, which must be observed under any circumstances).

Thanks for your effort
And for your invaluable work.
May it be in recognition and glory
The glorious years are coming.

I wish you new victories,
Always be the best in business.
And before a difficult task
Never give up.

Especially for the site

Gratitude to the team from the boss

For working hard
I want to thank you all.
I wish you my job
Always love from the heart.

Let the work give inspiration,
Brings meaningful results.
Well, today shouts of “bravo”
Let them sound out to you guys.

Especially for the site

Thank you everyone for your work,
For your efforts, hard work.
I wish you inspiration
Let the years go by in happiness.

We deserve gratitude
This is true, no doubt about it.
I want to leave you
There is a bright trace in the work of life.

Especially for the site

Words of gratitude to the boss for cooperation in prose

The best gratitude for any master is if the work done pleases not only the customer, but also the author himself. Your professionalism is visible in everything: both in your approach to work and in the fruits of your labor. It's just a pleasure to collaborate with you!

Especially for the site

Gratitude for the work of a woman in prose

Thank you for the excellent work and warm relationships in the team! Let your work bring joy and impressive results! We wish you happy sunny days, female happiness and a cheerful smile!

Thanks for the work!

I would like to thank a first-class specialist and excellent employee for his impeccable work. I wish you continued good earnings. Let absolutely everything be yours working days pass pleasantly and easily.

Especially for the site

When a master gets down to business and completes the job efficiently and on time, you want to express gratitude and admiration in return! Thank you for your diligence and skill. It’s not scary to offer you a new task, knowing that the matter is in the capable hands of a professional.

Especially for the site

Gratitude to colleagues for joint work

Dear Colleagues! I would like to sincerely thank you for the invaluable work, efforts and endurance that you show every day, regardless of your mood and circumstances. May your energy be inexhaustible, your hard work endless, and your efforts highly paid!

Especially for the site

Thank you for your honest work and your daily work. You, real professional! I express special gratitude for the explanatory work and practical recommendations, which were useful to me in future projects. Good income and adequate customers!

Especially for the site

Beautiful words of gratitude for your work in verse

For wonderful work and skill,
We want to say thank you
For what is usual for you,
I bow to you deeply

For doing your job
We were able to do it wonderfully,
What did they do during the hunt?
And they brought it all to the end!

Let's say thank you for the quality,
For clarity with clarity in everything,
We will tell all our friends about you,
So that orders come day after day!

You as employees are priceless!
You can hardly find people like you,
Smart, kind, not at all lazy,
The skills in you are just darkness,

And everything you take on,
Comes out with high quality, on time,
Accept honor from us in verse
For a wonderful result!

Thank you, dear, very much,
Why have you made us happy?
Thank you simple Russian
For the result, well, that's all.

Thank you for your work
I want to say now.
It definitely turned out great
After all, guys, everything is yours.

You tried your best,
Honor and praise to you today.
Only will be favorable
Let fate be capricious.

Especially for the site

Thanks for your efforts
And for honest, glorious work.
Laurels of all your heroes
Now let them find it quickly.

May labor only lead to joy,
Let things go well.
I wish you success
The path led you.

Especially for the site

Thank you for your work
For a creative approach to business,
For wonderful work and care,
I want to say thank you
What did they do to her during the hunt?
I bow to you deeply!

Especially for the site

thanks for good job

Say thank you in verse
I burn with great desire
And for your work,
From the bottom of my heart I thank you!
You are a master like few
You approach your work strictly
The result of the work is always excellent
Easy, beautiful, harmonious!

Thank you for a job well done in your own words

Your erudition and outlook are unique, and your help in different situations is priceless! May happiness, love and luck always help you enjoy life! Thank you for your work!

Letters of gratitude are a special type of manifestation corporate culture. Such letters are widely used by organizations, both in the form of rewards for the performance of subordinates, and to express gratitude for cooperation to business partners, clients and other enterprises.

In what cases are thank you letters written?

Most often, such letters are written for certain dates: national holidays, birthdays, corporate events. Sometimes managers express gratitude to employees for a specific achievement (and also in addition to a bonus), for example, for completing financial plan etc., and to business partners - for long-term and effective cooperation, assistance provided in concluding a contract, etc.

Below you can download blank form and an example of a letter to a sales manager for the successful performance of job duties:

FILES Open these files online 2 files

The role of a thank you note

The importance of letters of gratitude is undoubtedly extremely great; it is not for nothing that such letters have always been widely used. For the author this is not particularly expensive, but effective way make it clear to an employee or partner that his merits are recognized, and for the recipient - always a pleasant reminder of self-importance. Quite often, letters of gratitude serve as an additional motivator, an incentive for more effective work.

Design rules

For obvious reasons, there is not and cannot be a standard sample thank you letter. It is always compiled in free form, but it is absolutely necessary to adhere to certain norms and rules when writing it.

  • First of all, you should remember that the letter must contain information about the author and recipient, and if the addressee is a specific person, then you must address him by his first name and patronymic.
  • Then the letter must list the specific merits and achievements that led to its writing.
  • In conclusion, be sure to include the date the letter was written, as well as the signature of the head of the organization or other authorized employee.
  • If desired, the letter can be certified with a seal - it will give the message additional solidity.

Elegant appearance letters, including an envelope, will also confirm to the person the sincerity of the author’s gratitude.

Letters of gratitude can be issued either on a regular A4 sheet or on the organization’s letterhead. But the most preferable option is to compose a letter on a beautifully designed template, printed on high-quality paper in color. The more presentable the design of the thank you note, the more weighty and meaningful it will be for the recipient.

You can write your gratitude either by hand or type it on a computer. It should be remembered that a handwritten letter, especially one written in calligraphic handwriting, is always of greater value compared to a printed one, since it once again emphasizes the sincerity, warmth of the written words and special respect for the addressee.

There is no need to be very original when composing the text - pathos, hypocrisy and jokes are inappropriate here. Excessive officialdom should also be avoided. There is no need to write a letter too sweepingly; it is better to choose concise, precise words and fit them into a few sentences.

Examples of how NOT to write a thank you letter

Dear Vyacheslav Evgenievich Lushnikov by our entire team!
We would like to express our most vivid feelings to you, in connection with your inherent natural hard work, cheerfulness and determination! ...

Vyacheslav Evgenievich! Brother!
First, hold the crab! Secondly, you are the best, so these lines are for you! ...

And now the correct example

Vyacheslav Evgenievich!
The team of the company "Name of the Firm" LLC thanks you for your many years of work, hard work and active life position...

It is worth remembering that the letter is not written personally by the writer, but on behalf of the organization. Even if there is a light, friendly, relaxed atmosphere within the team or in relations with a partner, the addressee of the letter may be offended by its content or not take gratitude very seriously.

On the other hand, as already written above, there are no strict requirements, so you can use any option you like :)

Instructions for writing a thank you letter

  • In the header of the thank you letter you need to indicate the recipient, namely: his position, the name of the company and a specific employee.
  • Next, in the middle of the line, you should write a direct address with your first name, patronymic (most often, adjectives such as “respected”, “dear”, etc.) are used here.
  • The next part of the letter concerns gratitude directly. Here you can write like common phrases, as well as specific actions for which recognition is expressed. The main rule is not to lie; gratitude must be sincere.
  • In the same part of the letter, we can say that in addition to the noted merits, the author of the letter expects further cooperation and new results (this will emphasize the value and indispensability of the recipient, in addition, the addressee will be motivated to successfully solve new problems).
  • Finally, the letter should be signed. The higher the status of the author of the signature in the service hierarchy, the more valuable the letter will be considered, as practice shows. Also, the gratitude needs to be dated.

General rules for writing thank you letters

To properly compose a thank you letter, you need to understand what the recipient will do with it.

Usually the document is hung on the wall and shown to the company’s clients. That is, it performs the function of presenting the organization. Letters are usually framed, so they should be on standard format letterhead.

Letter of thanks drawn up on the official letterhead of the organization. It must include the name of the sending organization. This is not only a formal rule, but also additional advertising for the company. To write a thank you note, you need a thick sheet of paper. It is important to pay attention to its aesthetics, since the document is used specifically for demonstration. It makes sense to choose a stylish font and a pleasant color palette.

The recipient of the document is usually the head of the company. The signature also includes the initials of the director of the sending organization. Signatures and seals are required. This is confirmation of the authenticity of the thank you letter. These documents are an important component of business relationships. They allow us to establish long-term cooperation. The letter aims to encourage action beneficial to companies. You can send it to partners, clients, and employees.

How to deliver a letter

Letters of gratitude are best handed over personally in a solemn atmosphere, in front of numerous witnesses. But if the recipient is in another city, then you can send the message via the Internet or fax - it’s fast and convenient. At the same time, it is worth remembering that sending via regular Russian mail is good manners; this method will allow you to send a beautifully designed “live” letter, which will undoubtedly be more presentable and pleasant for the addressee.