Where can you get lice? Lice in children

Follow the basic rules - and unpleasant diseases will pass by

Readers periodically contact the editors of VP with questions about how likely it is to catch certain skin ailments in public transport, while trying on clothes in a store, as well as when visiting swimming pools and water parks.

Moreover, health certificates are not required either in swimming pools or in water parks. We forwarded the questions to Olga Vladimirovna Gaivoronskaya (pictured below), head of the organizational and methodological advisory department for dermatovenerology of the City Dermatovenerological Dispensary.

- First of all, I would like to note: in our city several dozen of the most common skin diseases are constantly recorded, and throughout the world there are much more known - about two thousand. Yes, now a whole series of illnesses are on the attack, which, as we all understand, is facilitated by non-compliance with basic sanitary rules. However, not everything is as terrible as it seems to some particularly suspicious citizens. In order for a particular disease to be transmitted from person to person, certain conditions are needed - otherwise the city would be experiencing a pandemic of scabies, lice, and other things. But this, as we see, does not happen, and it is enough to observe simple rules We all need hygiene. By the way, do all of you always wash your hands when you come home and before eating? Meanwhile, this rule will significantly reduce the risk of potential infection with gastrointestinal ailments, skin diseases, and even ARVI.

As soon as you experience any rashes, scratches or other skin lesions, consult a dermatologist. The assistance provided in the city’s KVD is free, including all necessary tests. Unfortunately, there are cases where even very clean people suffer for a long time, for example, from scabies, mistaking it for an allergy. We call it “the scabies of intelligent people.”

Who will swim with us? Bring your slippers!

— What can you pick up in the pool and water park? Some citizens are sure that not only fungi (dermatomycosis), but also sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Like, I swam, and now you have trichomoniasis with gonorrhea...
- No, you definitely won’t catch these infections (STIs). These are all inventions with the help of which citizens who have gone “to the side” try to justify themselves to their spouse. You cannot become infected with phthiriasis (pubic louse) in the pool; by the way, it is also impossible to catch a pubic louse if you sit next to a sick person on public transport, at a table. The pubic louse cannot jump, and can only be infected through intimate contact. What can you really get infected with in a swimming pool?

1. Molluscum contagiosum. This usually applies not to adults, but to children and adolescents. Infection can only occur through close skin-to-skin contact (for example, when children jokingly wrestle each other in the locker room).

2. Plantar (viral) wart. So wear rubber slippers in the shower and locker rooms. The likelihood of contracting this disease is low and depends on the state of immunity of a particular person, as well as on whether there are abrasions on the sole. And of course, it depends on how epidemiological measures are carried out in the pool premises.

3. Fungal diseases(dermatomycosis). Unfortunately, there is no 100% guarantee that you won’t get infected while wearing open rubber slippers. The best option- closed rubber slippers. And don't stand barefoot on rubber mats! The most important rule is that after visiting the pool, you need to wash your feet (preferably with soap or shower gel), wipe them dry (not forgetting the spaces between the toes, where the fungus likes to settle), lubricate them with cream (it’s enough to spread it lightly). No special antifungal cream is required; a regular one is sufficient.

Attention! It is advisable to apply the same rule for treating your feet after you have returned home from the shoe store where you tried on shoes, since footprints and socks do not provide one hundred percent protection.

— Is it possible to get scabies and other skin ailments when you grab handrails on public transport or push a cart in a supermarket? What if a sick person used it in front of you?
- No you can not. To do this, there must be a sufficiently large concentration of the pathogen. That is, the previous user should have a skin disease specifically on the palms and hands, and the patient should literally rub against the handrail. This is almost impossible. A more realistic way of becoming infected with the same scabies is if you wear gloves that were worn by a sick person. There is a possibility of transmission of the disease through a strong handshake.

It is also almost impossible to contract a skin disease through money. Unless, of course, you spend hours fiddling with them in your hands. I would like to draw the attention of young ladies to another circumstance: in too short a skirt in the summer (that is, when your legs are bare), it is better not to sit on fabric and lint-covered seats in public transport, or on mattresses on trains. If a person suffering from scabies sat in this place before you, there is some chance of infection.

— Is it possible to become infected with head louse on public transport? And a body louse: what if a louse from some homeless person jumped onto my coat?
- No, transmission requires fairly close contact. For example, if children in kindergarten or camp swapped hats and slept on the same pillow. It is also dangerous to use only one comb.

As for the body louse, it does not live in the coat, but on clothing directly adjacent to the body (pants, T-shirts, shirts, etc.). To become infected, body items must come into contact somehow. And lice, I repeat, do not know how to jump.

— How many people in the city suffer from head lice?
— No one knows the true number, since not all sick people go to the doctor. Some citizens prefer to be treated themselves (fortunately, the appropriate products are available in pharmacies), or go to private clinics.

— Is it possible to become infected with scabies when trying on, for example, dresses in a store?
- No, even if a sick person tried on this dress before you: the concentration of the pathogen is insufficient. But if you wear a dress or tracksuit after an infected person without special disinfection, the chances of catching the disease are quite high.

— What should you do if a child pets a stray animal that has no fur in places? What if he has ringworm?
- You need to wash the child’s hands well, change his clothes (wash the removed clothes and iron them). If a child has played with such an animal for a long time, consult a dermatologist.

— What to do if a domestic cat has picked up fleas, and now these fleas bite not only the cat, but also those living in the apartment?
— In humans, fleas can cause very severe dermatitis, most often on the legs. In this case, you need to treat the cat and disinfect the apartment, treat upholstered furniture with an antiseptic solution.

— If you wipe yourself with wet wipes, you will save yourself from possible infection during your visit public places?
— Unfortunately, a napkin is not a substitute for proper hand washing with soap. But if you can’t wash your hands, use antibacterial wipes.

— Is it possible to catch leprosy (leprosy) in St. Petersburg? After all, you never know who comes to our city...
— There are no fresh cases of leprosy in the city. But you need to remember about the likelihood of contracting this disease when traveling to some southern countries. So, about four years ago, this disease was “brought” by a St. Petersburg resident from India. But, fortunately, the disease did not spread further: his relatives did not get sick.

By the way, there are still two leper colonies in Russia.

Tourism and population migration are considered additional factors contributing to the outbreak of head lice. Often the source of the disease lies in the children's community - in schools, preschool kindergartens, summer camps, children's sanatoriums.

Depending on the affected area, there are several types of this disease:

  • head, in which lice develop their activity in the scalp;
  • pubic– the insect settles directly in the human pubic area, as well as in the adjacent genitals and places with hair;
  • wardrobe– Lice take root on human belongings and cause harm to the entire body.

It takes 8-10 days for the nit to mature, after which the larvae hatch. During the growth period, the larva intensively feeds on human blood and after 10-15 days it becomes a sexually mature louse, capable of laying up to 10 eggs per day.

The adult head louse has bright, noticeable pigmentation on the sides. Given their size, it is very difficult to catch them and remove them manually, without the use of special preparations. Most often, head lice take root in females, since it is easier for insects to survive on long hair. You can become infected with them even when using someone else's comb or after trying on a headdress.

Infection with pubic lice occurs directly during sexual contact, but they are often transmitted through the sharing of bed and underwear, personal hygiene items - washcloths, towels.

A body louse, after sucking blood from a person, does not remain on the skin, but returns back to the clothes. Most often, this form of lice occurs in homeless people.

Symptoms of lice

Symptoms of lice may not appear immediately after infection, but after several days or even weeks.

The main signs of pediculosis include:

Note: if the nit is dead, then the color of the egg is more faded and it is not so watery.

Its fluorescent effect is manifested as follows:

The seriousness of the disease lies not only in the presence of a certain discomfort after infection.

One of the most effective remedies for lice and nits is Medifox. They treat the scalp after mixing the concentrated solution with water in a ratio of 2 ml/30 ml. Treat the hair with the prepared mixture using a cotton swab. After completing the procedure, wash the head with shampoo and thoroughly comb the head with a fine-toothed comb.

Note: Equally important when treating lice is to remove every nit. To prevent this procedure from becoming very labor-intensive and tedious, you can first apply fish oil, hair balm or regular vegetable oil to your hair.

In addition to the above-mentioned drug, such remedies for lice and nits as:

  • Nittifor;
  • Nix;
  • Lauri;
  • Veda-2;
  • Butadion;
  • Paraplus;

After completing the procedure using lice shampoo, rinse the hair and thoroughly comb the head with a fine-toothed comb.

Important: Modern doctors do not recommend using dichlorvos and dust soap, since these products are excessively toxic and can cause additional harm to the patient’s health.

It is worth noting that when using any of the special solutions to remove lice, you must adhere to the specified rules in the instructions. All of these products are very toxic, so after finishing the hair treatment, you should wash your hands thoroughly. It would not be superfluous to boil all linen, including the patient’s bedding, and perform a preventive examination of the rest of the family or team for infection.

How to get rid of lice at home using folk remedies

In addition to standard medications for lice and nits, you can try to cure lice with proven folk remedies.

The most popular are:

  • a mixture of kerosene and water;
  • tar soap;
  • various essential oils, such as lavender or tea tree.

In addition to the above drugs, may be involved:

  • Paranix,
  • Parasidosis,
  • Hygia et al.

If after applying the medicine the child feels unwell, the mixture should be washed off immediately and a doctor should be called. After completing treatment for lice, the headdress must be boiled.
How to remove pubic lice at home

An effective remedy for this form of lice is Spray-Pax containing pyrethrins. natural origin. The way to use it is to spray it on the scalp of the perineum, after which it must be washed off no later than after 30 minutes with soapy water.

Another method is disinfection in a steam-formalin chamber. For greater efficiency, you can also treat all clothes with special preparations before boiling, especially folds of linen.

Measures to prevent head lice

If you have to spend a long time in a team - kindergarten, hostel, etc., then all the above measures must be observed with increased attention. In such institutions, control over the level of hygiene is carried out by responsible persons - doctors and educators assigned to this institution.

More detailed information You will learn about the symptoms, methods of prevention and treatment of head lice by watching this video review.

Infection with pediculosis can appear three or more weeks after infection, this is due to the incubation period for the development of the disease. Its main manifestation is severe itching on the skin. It is explained by the fact that when lice bite, they secrete irritating saliva under the skin. Especially severe, almost unbearable itching throughout the body occurs when infested with body lice - and it intensifies at night.

Pediculosis has the following symptoms:

  • small grayish-bluish or red spots on the skin;
  • scratching at bite sites;
  • the presence of nits in the hair.

Pediculosis on the head is accompanied by red spots along the periphery of the scalp; with body lice, the skin throughout the body becomes blue, and with lice pubis, bluish-gray spots 0.3-1 cm in size appear on the thighs and abdomen.

As a result of scratching, pustular skin diseases can develop due to the addition of a bacterial infection.

Treatment and prevention of pediculosis. The danger of traditional methods

The pharmacy range of products to combat lice is quite wide, and in the form of shampoos, ointments, aerosols - this is convenient because it helps to choose a product for any length of hair, for a child and for an adult. The main thing you need to warn the patient about is that you must strictly follow the instructions for use, since these drugs are quite toxic.

For severe itching, antihistamines are used; in the case of a pustular rash, topical antibacterial ointments are used. Clothing and household items are subject to washing and heat treatment (boiling water, hot iron).

Patients should know that folk remedies for the treatment of head lice, as a rule, are much less effective than pharmaceutical ones, require prolonged use and are no less toxic.

As additional means When treating head lice, we can recommend the use of hair balms that do not require rinsing with water. The small silicone particles they contain contribute to the rapid and effective cessation of vital activity not only of lice, but also of the eggs and larvae they lay on the hair. The balm is rubbed into the hair, and after a few hours it is thoroughly combed out with a metal comb.

Personal hygiene can be used to prevent head lice.

What are head lice in humans? They breed on the hairs of the head. Adults subsist on the blood of the host. The skin on the head is thin, they pierce it with their proboscis and feed in this way. When pierced, a small amount of a special substance is released that prevents blood from clotting. A person feels severe irritation in the bite area, itching, resulting in scratches on the skin. Where else do lice live? They can be observed in other areas of the hairline, for example in intimate areas. There is a species called body lice that live in the folds of clothing, but also feed on human blood.

Children most often suffer from head lice. This is due to the fact that they are in close contact with other children every day. They often pass their personal hygiene items to each other and may exchange hats.

How else can you get lice? Let's look at the most common myths.

As you can see, there are many places where you can get lice. These are children's preschool institutions, schools, pioneer camps, hairdressers, beauty salons, bathhouses and swimming pools (lice there can move onto a person’s belongings in the locker rooms). How do they show themselves? Read on.


The main symptoms of head lice are presented below:

At the first signs of pediculosis, it is necessary to conduct an examination and begin treatment.

How to treat pediculosis in children and adults

Measures to combat head lice include several methods:

  1. Drug treatment.
  2. Processing of things, household items, bed linen and the entire room.
  3. Personal hygiene.
  4. Periodic prevention of recurrent disease.

The following remedies are considered the best for children:

  • "Nittifor" (can be used from 5 years). It is not absorbed into the blood and does not irritate the scalp. This is very effective remedy against lice and nits, which is used not only for children, but also for adults.
  • Lotion "Foxilon". Works well against adult lice, but has no effect on nits.
  • Shampoo "Pedilin". It is very gentle on the child’s skin, but does not kill nits. Therefore, several treatments are required. Can be used for children aged 2 years and older.


Sanitation things are also widely used. This is especially true when body lice. This procedure is best performed in specialized institutions, where control is carried out by the epidemiological sanitary service. But you can successfully get rid of lice at home. It is important to understand that the use of old folk remedies (vinegar, vodka) brings an effect, but requires re-treatment, since it mainly kills adult insects, but does not kill nits. In addition, such products can lead to complications and harm the skin. Dryness, burns, allergies appear. Also, traditional methods can lead to poisoning, which can provoke broncho-obstructive syndrome.




This procedure is repeated after 2 days.

Boric ointment

This is also an effective remedy for lice and nits. Apply the ointment to your hair and head and leave for 20 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Doctors and researchers are constantly making new discoveries and developing new methods for treating head lice. Entire complexes are created every year synthetic materials and oils in order to prevent the spread of this nuisance. Mineral oils are created to act on nits and lice, disrupting their metabolism. But this technique is still at the research stage.

If lice has affected the pubic area, then the best remedy The way to combat this is complete hair removal.

Hellebore water

According to the instructions for using hellebore water for lice, it is alcohol diluted with water. It is produced in bottles of 50 and 100 ml.

Reviews about this product are different. For some it helped the first time, for others they had to repeat the procedure. The instructions for using hellebore water for lice clearly states how to use this product. It should be applied to the scalp and hair, tie a scarf and wait 20-30 minutes. Then comb out the dead lice with a comb and wash your hair thoroughly. This product is toxic and should not be used by pregnant, breastfeeding or people under 18 years of age. Under no circumstances should the product be allowed to come into contact with wounds (if any), in the eyes, or in the mouth. In the latter case, hellebore water can cause poisoning. This product does not act on nits, so after the first treatment a second one is required. The break between them should be 7 days.

Alcohol or vodka

This method combating pediculosis is the most common. For the compress You need to take 96 percent alcohol and apply it to the skin between partings along the entire length of the hair. This technique is not gentle, since a burning sensation appears almost immediately. This product greatly dries out the skin. It is absolutely unacceptable for children, pregnant and lactating women. Vodka, which is half as strong as alcohol, is a more gentle method, but the product does not kill all lice, and has no effect on nits at all.

Table vinegar

Kerosene treatment

Previously, this remedy was a true salvation from lice. Many people still use it successfully. Kerosene can kill both mature insects and nits. As a rule, a single treatment is sufficient. The disadvantages of the product are the same as those of all chemical liquids intended for technical purposes: it causes skin allergies and dries out the hair. After using kerosene, they become brittle and split severely. The product should not be used for children.

To decrease bad influence kerosene on the hair and scalp, it can be diluted with vegetable oil and shampoo (1:1:1), but in this case the product will not work on nits.

Treatment with dichlorvos

This method is considered one of the most radical, since the poison contained in dichlorvos can kill any insects: flies, bedbugs, cockroaches, of course, and lice. However, it does not act on nits, which must be taken into account by those who are planning to treat their own or someone else’s head with dichlorvos. The big drawback of the product is that it needs to be sprayed on the hair, since dichlorvos is produced exclusively in aerosol cans. With this method of use, there is no guarantee that some part of the product will not enter the human lungs.

Traditional methods of struggle without chemicals

The most harmless folk remedies for head lice are:

  1. Cranberry juice, which is rubbed into the scalp for 7 days.
  2. You can wash your hair for 10 days with mint decoction.
  3. A mixture of onions and garlic is an excellent method of combating head lice, but this remedy leaves burns on the skin.
  4. Dust soap. This method has been used for as long as kerosene. Dust soap is useful for prevention when washing things (hats, clothes, underwear). It helps get rid of all types of lice. It is worth considering the fact that this product is too toxic for the human body.

If you are not a supporter of various chemistry and medications, then in the best possible way the fight against lice can become special. It is designed in such a way that its teeth remove nits from the hair and remove adult insects. It is useful to use this comb to prevent head lice by combing your head once a week. It is quite expensive - from 1,400 rubles, but according to reviews from consumers and parents who used it to remove lice from their children, this is an almost ideal remedy.

Prevention of head lice

An important role in the prevention of pediculosis is played by identifying people with pediculosis (homeless people, beggars, families where alcoholism and unsanitary conditions are rampant). Let's give some tips on how to avoid getting lice from a child or an adult.

In clinics, persons sent for inpatient treatment to organized children's groups are required to be examined. It is also necessary to examine children from disadvantaged and large families in which there are no normal living conditions.

Each person must observe the rules of personal hygiene, including taking a shower or bath, washing clothes and bed linen. After visiting public places where you can pick up lice (hairdresser, swimming pool, etc.), it is advisable to comb them out using a thick comb. Parents should also examine their children returning from pioneer camps, sanatoriums and similar vacation spots.

When lice are detected during any period of formation, disinsection events are carried out simultaneously, exterminating lice directly both on the body and underwear, clothing and other objects. How to treat pediculosis in children when, unfortunately, it appears, we indicated above.

If head lice is detected in people living in comfortable apartments, treatment is carried out by the residents. The health worker gives advice on mutual examination of family members and the use of anti-lice agents.

If you think head lice is a relic of the past, you are deeply mistaken. Nowadays, lice still thrive and find refuge in the hair of people who take care of their hygiene. And yet it is more difficult to become infected with them than is commonly thought. Let's try to debunk a few persistent myths.

Myth: You can become infected by being in the same room as an infected person.

Although most of us attribute the ability to jump to lice, this is not true. If your head and head infected person do not touch, you have nothing to fear. Only through direct contact can lice crawl from one person to another.

Myth: People who wash regularly are protected from infection.

Clean hair, washed squeaky clean, on the contrary, is more convenient for reproduction. Why are we used to associating dirty and street children with lice? Prolonged lack of hygiene reduces the awareness of parents or guardians about the condition of the baby's scalp. In this case, the problem is often detected already at an advanced stage.

Myth: Lice can be spread from pets

Myth: You can get infected in the school playroom

Myth: You can get lice in the cinema

According to dermatologist Amy Shinian, if a louse leaves hair, it is either dead, about to die, or has found a new host. Insects are looking for a more favorable environment for existence and reproduction - a new clean head, and not a dry, bloodless seat. The only risk of infection at a movie theater is if the seats are too close, provided that both you and the person with head lice have long, flowing hair. In this case, curls tied up in a bun can be a good precaution against accidental contact with someone else's head.