DIY hydrophobic staining. Treatment with hydrophobic compounds

High humidity is the main enemy of most surfaces or structures. Throughout its existence, humanity has been constantly waging an invisible struggle with it. And it has long been proven that a hydrophobic coating copes best with it. Today there are plenty of them, and they honestly prove their right to use.

What is a hydrophobic coating

A hydrophobic coating is the effect of non-wetting with moisture the surface on which it is applied: brick, concrete, glass, stone, plaster, and so on. Moreover, thanks to it, the treated surface is more resistant to corrosive processes or the effects of low temperatures. Which is important for reinforced concrete or concrete structural elements.

Hydrophobic coating is a modern substance for treating any surface. the main objective and the task is to protect it, first of all, from the destructive effects of moisture. Available in spray or liquid form. Therefore, you do not need to have special skills or involve a specialist to use it. You can apply a hydrophobic coating yourself to any surface, strictly following the instructions for use.

Scope of application of water repellents

Hydrophobic coating is used for processing finished products in factories with open warehouses, to reduce its water absorption, increase heat resistance or frost resistance. And also before transporting it from these warehouses. For a car or other parts made of metal. Also for the safety of the car. To strengthen stone and other structural elements from the impact of weather changes and temperature changes on their surfaces, as well as high humidity.

How does a hydrophobic agent work?

Each hydrophobic coating has an active filler, which, interacting with the surface, forms a special very thin layer- film. It is this that prevents moisture from penetrating through itself, creating a kind of anti-corrosion barrier. This coating can be used to treat fabric elements, metal, glass, even under very unfavorable weather conditions, extending their service life. The line of new and modern includes:

  • wax compositions;
  • organic substances based on silicon;
  • corrosion inhibitors with silicone;

Having a unique structure and composition, the hydrophobic coating is able to penetrate deep into the pores of the surface, creating a thin invisible layer through crystallization.

Types of hydrophobic material

The entire line of water-repellent coatings is divided into four main types:

    • varnishes;
    • impregnation;
    • special paints;
    • stains.

Varnishes are used for processing and protection wooden surfaces from damage, rotting and other destructive actions, are produced unpainted, that is, without color at all. Lays on the surface easily, quite large. Painted surfaces become attractive and shiny. The processing process occurs in two stages: surface preparation and the process of applying the material itself.

Impregnations. Used in the construction of paths on terraces or the construction of building walls. The material is applied both during laying and upon completion. The use of impregnations is especially effective for porous surfaces, where, as a rule, water gets in, which subsequently leads to a deterioration in both the appearance of the surface and its inherent characteristics.

Stains. The basis of this product is drying oil, which has a particularly good effect on the quality of wooden surfaces and is perfectly absorbed by the latter. Apply by roller, brush or spray method.

Special paints. Suitable for all types of wall surfaces. The product is easy to apply to the material, odorless, moisture-resistant and hygienic, vapor-permeable and economical. The paint applies easily to a wet base. After drying, it becomes an excellent protective barrier against high humidity and its effects.

Hydrophobic agent and car

Hydrophobic coatings for cars can be purchased at almost any auto store. The body treated with this substance is long years will protect it from corrosion or other contaminants, it perfectly protects paintwork and prevents scratches on its surface. If you apply a hydrophobic coating yourself by polishing the metal parts of the main components of the car, this will extend the life of the car as a whole.

Now such products are sold in the most different types. Modern hydrophobic coatings for cars are non-toxic and indifferent. And most importantly, they are able to completely protect the treated surface from damage due to high humidity. Hydrophobic coating for car windows has a unique water-repellent effect. And this is safe driving in downpours or heavy rain.

using additives

As you know, concrete is a material that has high coefficient water absorption, therefore it is recommended to additionally and specially treat it. After all, moisture that penetrates its surface will not only lead to shedding of the base, but also damage to its integrity. Often, a hydrophobic coating for concrete applied to its surface can completely protect it from this incident. But in some cases this is not enough, and the structure of the material has to be changed in order to minimize the level of porosity, making it more durable.

Advantages of water repellents

The main and undeniable advantages of these substances are:

  • Easier work with materials, such as concrete. IN ready-made designs they are almost invisible.
  • During the crystallization process, it is formed light film, capable of passing air.
  • Non-toxic and does not contain substances harmful to human health, does not pollute environment.
  • Treating building facades with these products extends their service life.

Remember that to achieve desired effect from water repellents, it is necessary to correctly and skillfully take into account the nuance: each of the surfaces that will be treated with them has its own special means. And for this it is better to take either the advice of a competent person or entrust this matter to an experienced specialist. At the right approach and with the right choice, surfaces and structural elements treated with it will serve you for many years.

Hydrophobic compounds in wall waterproofing

Since architecture and construction began to develop, one of their main elements is the roof. Reliable roof is a symbol of building protection. And we must admit that it is she who is exposed to the greatest influence of natural and temperature loads. Therefore, it requires additional attention and processing. If you use a hydrophobic coating for stone in construction or in finishing certain parts with this material country house, then the appearance of the material will always have its original appearance.

For this purpose, developers of water-repellent coatings have created special additives. They are able to influence the density of the solution and plasticity. In the end it turns out concrete mortar, which is easy to lay, and when dry it is hard, durable, waterproof and resistant to low temperatures product. To achieve this effect when building with concrete, you need to use either in combination the additives presented below or separately:

Comparative characteristics of water repellents

Hydrophobic agents first appeared approximately 40 years ago. They were based on: an organosilicon solution, which included polyhydroxyloxane, Na methyl siliconate and Na ethyl siliconate. These substances had negative qualitative properties: low in efficiency and fire hazard. Today they have completely disappeared from production. Modern means This line is mostly made from polyorganosiloxane and its derivatives: polymethylhydride siloxane liquids, polymethylsiloxane resins, alkali metal alkyl siliconates or other compositions based on the latter. These products are non-toxic, non-hazardous, and not harmful to the environment or the human body.

Surface and volumetric hydrophobization

Surface hydrophobization is carried out by injection or applying the substance with a brush, roller, or spraying. Volumetric hydrophobization is carried out by injection into specially drilled holes in the walls of a building or other surfaces. Drilling is done in a checkerboard pattern, sloping deep almost to the very end. Next, a hydrophobic material is introduced into these holes under a certain pressure. This method of surface treatment is considered more effective than the first.

This is due to the fact that the denser the surface is impregnated with a substance, the stronger the hydrophobic protection is considered. Such protection does not lose its properties for 30 years during surface treatment, and if volumetric treatment is used, then for the entire service life of the structure.

For any installation and external finishing works hydrophobization of brick or concrete is mandatory. This is reliable protection artificial stone from excess moisture absorption, which increases its frost resistance and extends its service life building structures. And the higher the porosity of the material, the more it needs such processing.

In what cases are water repellents needed?

Water-repellent compounds are divided into two main groups: volumetric and surface. The first includes various additives that are manually introduced into the concrete solution at the stage of its preparation. They increase the water resistance class of the monolith, compact and strengthen it, and prevent the appearance of white efflorescence.

The second category is film-forming and penetrating water repellents, which can be used to protect finished concrete products, brickwork, decorative cladding, tiles, etc. After application, they create a thin waterproof layer on the surface. From time to time this coating will have to be renewed, but this is cheaper than subsequently restoring the structure with your own hands.

For maximum reliable protection Experts recommend combining both methods of hydrophobization. Moreover, it is advisable to choose not universal compositions, but those designed for specific materials and operating conditions. Manufacturers today offer formulas that can be used both as additives in the solution and for application to the surface.

Water repellents are in demand where artificial stone experiences the destructive effects of various liquids:

  • Brick walls of houses and tiled facades.
  • Fences, blind areas, curbs, paving slabs.
  • Receiving trays for drains, wells, septic tanks, swimming pool bowls.
  • Concrete areas for parking lots, workshops, laboratories, etc.

Review of popular brands

When choosing water repellents, you need to focus on the scope of their application: what is suitable for heavy concrete does not always work effectively on gas blocks with their high porosity. It is important to take into account the degree of exposure to moisture on the structure itself, so as not to waste money on expensive compounds.

1. Aquasil.

The concentrated preparation reduces the water absorption capacity of heavy and porous concrete by an order of magnitude and improves similar indicators for brick by 30 times. At the same time, the formula ensures that the monolith is strengthened by about a third of the original grade. The low-alkaline mixture is fireproof and resistant - re-application will be required no earlier than after 10 years.

After diluting the concentrate in a ratio of 1:10, the consumption of Aquasil is about 250-500 ml/m2. This is a universal water repellent that can be used both to improve the characteristics of the solution (up to 0.5% of the weight of cement is added) and for surface application. In the second case, water-repellent properties appear within 2 hours after impregnation.

A concentrated emulsion for dense products protects not only the cement stone itself from external influences, but also fittings, as well as mortgages metal parts Concrete products Spectrum 123 perfectly fights mold and harmful microorganisms, and the hydrophobization effect becomes noticeable within 20 hours after use.

The concentrated silicone mixture is diluted in a ratio of 1:4 or 1:3 if you are working with porous substrates. Apply only to a dry surface at positive temperatures. Penetration depth into the thickness – 3-10 mm, average consumption is 0.15-0.3 l/m2.

3. Tiprom-U.

In its main characteristics it is similar to the already discussed Aquasol: the same organosilicon concentrate, used both in solutions and as a surface protection for porous materials. It shows itself well as a dirt-repellent composition and relieves brickwork from the appearance of efflorescence. However, it also has limitations on its use: in its instructions, the manufacturer does not recommend Tiprom-U for non-absorbent surfaces that are constantly in contact with water.

The composition penetrates into the thickness of concrete to a depth of 35 mm, clogging internal capillaries. In addition, it easily repels not only water, but also ice, which allows it to be used for processing paving slabs. The solution is applied in several layers at time intervals (no more than 10 minutes) until absorption stops. Consumption – 150-300 ml/m2.

4. Crystallisol.

This brand produces a whole family of various highly specialized water repellents for concrete - each for its own field of application.

The most popular of them:

  • Monolith is a formula for volumetric hydrophobization. Increases the water resistance grade by 5 classes, without entering into a “conflict” with plasticizers and antifreezes.
  • Crystallizol W12 – provides the monolith with high moisture resistance up to 1.2 atm and increases the number of freezing cycles to F.

Surface water repellents of this brand are produced at water based, and therefore form only a transparent, colorless film on concrete with good vapor permeability. They are fireproof and have antiseptic properties.

5. Armocryl-A.

Means deep penetration is made on the basis of polyacrylates, and is essentially an impregnating varnish. Excellent for pigmented products such as facing artificial stone, paving slabs and sectional fences, because it prevents the paint on their surface from fading.

Armocryl has a pleasant " by-effect": it strengthens and removes dust concrete bases, strengthens cement joints in brickwork. The instructions for use require applying the varnish in two layers with a break of 12 hours. The total consumption depends on the texture of the surface, but usually does not exceed 210-260 ml/m2. Armocryl itself is resistant to alkalis, acids and petroleum products.

6. Alpa Polyfluid.

A deeply penetrating water repellent, which contains not only synthetic resins, but also fungicidal additives, as well as antifreeze. Designed to protect porous and already slightly cracked surfaces, it can be applied with a brush or used to inject problem areas. It functions on the principle of penetrating liquids, that is, it crystallizes in the pores and capillaries of concrete with the participation of moisture. Partly because of this, the price of the French product is higher than others. Polyfluid has an average flow rate (about 0.2-0.3 l/m2) and allows you to start working after 4 hours.

Features of application

Any hydrophobic additive to concrete is introduced into the solution itself at the stage of its preparation. Here you only need to correctly calculate its amount for the total volume of the mixture, following the instructions on the package. Water-repellent coatings work differently. To apply it yourself, you can choose any handy tool: rollers, brushes or spray gun. Painting is usually carried out in several stages until the water repellent ceases to be absorbed. After this, it is left to dry for a day. You can then paint it, but if you chose a silicone-based composition, this will no longer be possible.

Before starting work, review the instructions for use on the packaging. Hydrophobizing coatings may differ from each other in the principle of application: on a wet or dry surface. The first usually include penetrating compounds that require water to start chemical reaction with concrete components and blocking its pores with insoluble crystals. Film-forming mixtures are applied to the dry base, which are unable to penetrate too deeply.


Snow, rain, mud and small insects, sticking to Windshield cars significantly impair visibility on the road. Standard wipers help to cope with this problem, but only partially; moreover, they only allow you to clean a few areas, but what to do with dirty optics and the car body? All that remains is to go to the car wash after every rainy day or purchase a specialized hydrophobic product - “anti-rain” for cars.

“Anti-rain” is usually called a composition that forms an invisible and thin water-repellent coating on the windshield of a car, thanks to which visibility does not deteriorate during rain and bad weather. All products of this type consist of polymers and silicone additives. Thanks to such hydrophobic coatings, water droplets turn into balls and easily roll off under the influence of a headwind at a speed of 60 km/h. If the product is of high quality, then there is no need for wipers at all.

If we talk about the varieties of “anti-rain”, then this product is usually produced in the form of:

  • Napkins soaked in liquid. These are the most expensive (from 200 rubles for 1 set) protective equipment, characterized by the most short-lived effect. Such glass wipes can be purchased as a “trial” to understand how rain protection works, but it is not profitable to use them on an ongoing basis.
  • Liquids. Such compositions are applied to the windows and car body using fabric. The consumption of the product is quite large, since it is very difficult to regulate the layer of applied liquid.
  • Sprays Using a spray spray, the composition is applied to the surface evenly, due to which liquid consumption is significantly reduced. In addition, the “anti-rain” is in a sealed container, which prevents it from spilling.
  • Glass ampoules. Such products have appeared on the market quite recently, and most often their names include the prefix “nano”. Such funds are considered the most expensive.

Duration of hydrophobic protective coating the life of a car ranges from a few days to 1 year. Of course, the cheaper the composition, the less it will last, so it makes sense not to overpay for a low-quality liquid, but to immediately buy, for example, a spray whose service life will be a year.

Today there are hundreds of rain protection products on the market for both glass and car bodywork. In order not to get confused in the variety and not throw money away, we offer you a list of the most effective “drugs”.

The best means to protect your car from rain

Let's look at the most popular water-repellent coatings of different brands.


Aquapel (or as it is often called aquagel for cars) is a plastic sponge and ampoule. After crushing the capsule, an active hydrophobic agent enters the sponge. Thanks to the applicator, Aquapel is convenient to use, and an invisible film is formed on the surface of the glass, which lasts up to 3-4 months. However, it is worth considering that this product is considered disposable; after crushing the ampoule, the gel cannot be reused.

Aquagel costs about 1,500 rubles, and if you come across a more “profitable” offer, then this is an absolutely useless fake (taking into account the maximum discount provided by the official manufacturer, Aquapel cannot cost less than 900 rubles).


Ombrello is a fairly high-quality anti-rain glass product from a German manufacturer. Just like aquagel, this “water repellent” is activated after pressing the capsule with the drug. Ombrello forms an anti-reflective, stable and durable layer, without the effect of an oil film.

The service life of the nano product is about 2-3 months. The “preparation” must be used immediately, since upon contact with air chemical composition evaporates very quickly from the sponge. The product costs about 800 rubles.

Turtle Wax

A hydrophobic cleaner for car windows, Turtle Wax (colloquially “turtle”) is a liquid that repels water well from glass surfaces. In addition, the “turtle” greatly simplifies the cleaning of glass in winter period when ice forms on them.

The product costs about 380 rubles, but the effect does not last more than 3 weeks (as the manufacturer itself states, Turtle Wax must be used at least once every 2 weeks, depending on weather conditions).

Important! Do not allow this product to come into contact with paint surfaces or skin.


The Japanese Glaco spray is quite effective and allows you to operate the car without “water ripples” for 3-4 months. If you apply it to the windshield at the beginning of each season, you can achieve maximum protection (for side mirrors, 2 times a year is enough). The “preparation” can be applied to both dry and wet surfaces.

The only drawback that car owners pay attention to is that the product begins to act only at speeds over 60 km/h. The spray costs about 500 rubles.

Liquid Crystal

The “Liquid Crystal” product for cars from a German manufacturer is a compact spray, after application of which a durable coating is formed on the windows and body of the car. protective film(contact angle between water droplets and glass is 120 degrees), repels water, snow, dirt and insects. The service life of the spray is 12 months. The composition of Liquid Crystal for cars is non-toxic, so you don’t have to worry about negative consequences.

The spray begins to “brush off” the drops at a speed of 50 km/h, so you don’t have to use the wipers.

In addition, thanks to the “anti-rain”, the glass also becomes immune to frost, so winter time You won’t have to waste precious minutes warming up the car interior in the morning.

The cost of “Liquid Crystal” for cars is 1,490 rubles per bottle.

Healthy! Due to the absence of aggressive chemicals, the product can also be used to treat any other surfaces: bodywork, mirrors, license plates or windows in the apartment.

If we talk about the best “anti-rain”, then, of course, it is much more profitable to purchase a more expensive product for cars – “Liquid Crystal”, than to buy cheaper analogues every 2 months. The brands Runway Rain Guard (200 rubles), Liqui Moly (650 rubles) and RainX Original (650 rubles) have also proven themselves well.

How to apply “anti-rain” correctly

To apply “anti-rain” for the body and glass, you must perform the following manipulations:

  • Wash the surfaces to be treated and the wipers with car shampoo and water.
  • Apply any alcohol-containing product to the glass and body detergent.
  • Wipe the windows and body with paper towels or a clean cotton rag.
  • Wait until the surfaces are completely dry.
  • Apply the spray directly onto the glass or onto a soft sponge and begin rubbing the “anti-rain” into the surface with quick circular movements.
  • If you are treating a windshield, apply the compound in two steps.
  • After the windshield, cover protective composition mirrors and headlights, and then the body (if necessary).
  • At the final stage of hydrophobic treatment of the car with your own hands, polish the surfaces and enjoy a comfortable ride.

Also, when using “anti-rain” for car glass, it is worth considering some operating features:

  • Work should only be carried out in a dry and clean place, protected from direct sun rays.
  • The air temperature should be from +5 to +25 degrees.
  • If you use products containing chemically aggressive substances, be sure to wear gloves, goggles and a respirator.

In custody

Typically, the hydrophobic coating for the body and windows gradually wears off without any problems. However, if you used cheap remedy, then stains and “flakes” may form on the surface. They are quite easy to remove using paper towel, which need to forcefully wipe the glass. For greater effect, medical alcohol can be applied to the material.

Everyone has at least once encountered a situation where comfortable, practical and inexpensive shoes become unusable after the first winter or spring rains. Water, snow, frost and especially chemicals that are mercilessly sprinkled on sidewalks cause severe damage to leather, suede and textile materials. Unfortunately, buying more expensive boots will not change anything, since aggressive substances can corrode even metal. The same goes for clothes - white stains constantly form on trousers, and stains from raindrops remain on jackets.

You can correct the situation and save a decent amount of money if you purchase such specialized products as: water-repellent impregnation for shoes and clothes.

How water repellents work

First of all, let's look at the types of surfaces that water gets on:

  • Hydrophilic. In this case, moisture spreads over the material, occupying the maximum possible area.
  • Hydrophobic. When water hits such a surface, it does not spread, but takes on a hemispherical shape. Thanks to this, less moisture is absorbed.

If we talk about shoes made of nubuck, suede, leather and other materials, they are not only hydrophilic, but also have a porous surface. Pores (or capillaries) literally “suck” water, so boots must be soaked with special products.

If you use cheap water repellents, they simply form a protective film on the surface. Because of this, the pores become clogged and the person’s leg does not “breathe.” Therefore, it is better to choose a higher quality hydrophobic spray that covers protective layer each pore, reducing its diameter, but does not interfere with air permeability. This type of treatment is often called super hydrophobic coating.

If we talk about the types of water repellents, today you can find water repellents on sale that cost from 50 to 3,000 rubles.

Types of water repellents

The form of release of products that form a waterproof film is very diverse:

  • Creams. Such compositions are divided into two categories: thick and liquid. The first type of product contains solvent, wax, animal fat and coloring components. They are only suitable for leather shoes. Liquid cream (or emulsion) is recommended for use in warm weather. This water-repellent liquid contains a smaller amount of solvents (which are sometimes completely replaced with water) and protects shoes to the least extent. Liquid products are often used to obtain shine rather than to protect the material.
  • Water repellent spray. Products of this type are suitable for almost all materials. Water-repellent sprays are used for shoes and clothing. Such compositions are easy to apply and have a wide spectrum of action. Unlike creams and liquids, aerosol has more for a long time actions.
  • Impregnations. Compositions of this type penetrate deep into the material and protect it for the longest time from the harmful effects of atmospheric phenomena. You need to choose a water-repellent impregnation for clothes and shoes based on the type of fabric: for suede, products with fluorocarbon resin (forming a kind of epoxy coating on the surface) are suitable; for smooth leather, it is better to give preference to silicone compounds; for other materials, fluorine-containing water repellents.

It rarely happens that a person wears clothes and shoes exclusively from one material, so preference should be given to an aerosol (spray), which is suitable for both suede shoes and leather jackets.

Talking about the best means ah, let's look at the most popular ones.

Best Water Repellent Spray Brands

Most often, stores buy products that are “well-known,” however, this does not mean that there are no other equally high-quality analogues on sale. Let's consider the main compositions with the best characteristics.


Collonil Nanopro water-repellent spray costs about 1,300 rubles. This product is suitable for smooth leather, velor, fur, nubuck and any textiles. The Collonil composition was developed using modern nano-technologies. Particles of the “drug” envelop the material and form a protective moisture-resistant film on it. Collonil is most suitable for use in the off-season, but with chemical reagents and he can't cope with salt.

It is also worth noting the rather pungent odor of the aerosol. Because of this, using Collonil indoors is not recommended. The spray is not sold in every city, so if you want to purchase it, it is better to immediately start searching for Collonil on the Internet.


Salamander Universal SMS shoe spray is very popular among consumers due to its relatively low cost from 300 to 500 rubles, as well as its wide range of applications (Salamander aerosols treat not only clothes and shoes, but also umbrellas, as well as “breathable” Gore materials -Tex). However, if you have ever used products from this brand, then you most likely noticed a rather strong and pungent odor. The manufacturer does not hide this information and strongly recommends applying the aerosol only outdoors or in a ventilated area.


The “Drywall” product, costing 1,990 rubles, is a universal water-repellent spray that is suitable for both natural and artificial fabrics of any type (including Gore-Tex materials and membrane shoes). The composition has a long validity period (up to 3 months). The main advantage of the Drywall spray is the absence of toxic components in the protective aerosol. In addition, nano impregnation for shoes does not contain oil, wax, acrylic, paraffin and solvents. Appearance things do not change even after repeated treatment with a water repellent.

Drywall for shoes forms a transparent water-repellent coating that does not clog the pores of the material, so “your skin will breathe.” Thanks to these properties, the water repellent can be used both in winter for skiing, and in hot weather.

If you do not want to use a water-repellent spray, then you can choose a high-quality impregnation.

The best brands of water-repellent impregnations

Among the best products used to impregnate fabrics, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Water-repellent impregnation Woly Sport. This impregnation in aerosol packaging was also developed using modern nano-technologies. The product costs about 400 rubles. Woly Sport is suitable for all types of fabric, but is most often used for sports shoes and Gore-Tex materials.
  • Olvist. The main advantage of Olvist water-repellent aerosol impregnation is its fairly low cost (200 - 250 rubles). The product is suitable for textiles, smooth and fleecy leather.
  • Textile Protect water-repellent impregnations. The product of this brand is available in a bottle with a spray bottle and costs about 2,000 rubles. This water repellent is a specialized compound that is used to treat not only shoes, but also sails, covers and awnings. However, applying Textile Protect to clothing is not recommended.
  • Nikwax. Impregnation costs from 300 rubles. A product is available for different types material. For example, a special water repellent Nikwax Down Proof has been developed for down jackets.

When purchasing any composition, try to consider why exactly you need a water repellent. When it comes to Gore-Tex fabrics, try to choose sprays or impregnations that indicate this type of material in the instructions.

It is also worth considering some features of caring for shoes and clothing treated with protective compounds.

Features of the use of water repellents

Before you start using a water repellent, you need to consider several nuances:

  • Impregnations for clothing are added to water, into which the jacket or trousers are then dipped. Shoes cannot be treated this way. Therefore, the easiest way is to buy a spray that can be easily applied to any item.
  • To ensure that the protective coating remains on your clothes as long as possible, try to wash items by hand.
  • Before applying any product, it is necessary to rinse and dry the item being treated thoroughly.
  • Maximum effect You can expect results from the water repellent within 24 hours. It is better not to wear impregnated shoes for 24 hours after treatment.

  • If you accidentally drop ketchup or grease onto the treated surface, you can remove the stains with a regular paper napkin.
  • Products that form water-repellent coatings on the surface are not recommended for use on bedding and underwear.

In custody

Many people don’t even think about why water repellents are needed and what useful function such compounds perform. Thanks to these tools, you can increase the service life of your shoes several times and save on buying a new pair of shoes. All that remains is to choose a high-quality spray or impregnation, and forget about problems such as stains or dirt stains.

Snow, rain, dirt and small insects sticking to the windshield of a car significantly impair visibility on the road. Standard wipers help to cope with this problem, but only partially; moreover, they only allow you to clean a few areas, but what to do with dirty optics and the car body? All that remains is to go to the car wash after every rainy day or purchase a specialized hydrophobic product - “anti-rain” for cars.

What is “anti-rain” - release forms

“Anti-rain” is usually called a composition that forms an invisible and thin water-repellent coating on the windshield of a car, thanks to which visibility does not deteriorate during rain and bad weather. All products of this type consist of polymers and silicone additives. Thanks to such hydrophobic coatings, water droplets turn into balls and easily roll off under the influence of a headwind at a speed of 60 km/h. If the product is of high quality, then there is no need for wipers at all.

If we talk about the varieties of “anti-rain”, then this product is usually produced in the form of:

  • Napkins soaked in liquid. These are the most expensive (from 200 rubles for 1 set) protective equipment, characterized by the most short-lived effect. Such glass wipes can be purchased as a “trial” to understand how rain protection works, but it is not profitable to use them on an ongoing basis.
  • Liquids. Such compositions are applied to the windows and car body using fabric. The consumption of the product is quite large, since it is very difficult to regulate the layer of applied liquid.
  • Sprays Using a spray spray, the composition is applied to the surface evenly, due to which liquid consumption is significantly reduced. In addition, the “anti-rain” is in a sealed container, which prevents it from spilling.
  • Glass ampoules. Such products have appeared on the market quite recently, and most often their names include the prefix “nano”. Such funds are considered the most expensive.

The validity period of a hydrophobic protective coating for a car ranges from several days to 1 year. Of course, the cheaper the composition, the less it will last, so it makes sense not to overpay for a low-quality liquid, but to immediately buy, for example, a spray whose service life will be a year.

Today there are hundreds of rain protection products on the market for both glass and car bodywork. In order not to get confused in the variety and not throw money away, we offer you a list of the most effective “drugs”.

The best means to protect your car from rain

Let's look at the most popular water-repellent coatings of different brands.


Aquapel (or as it is often called aquagel for cars) is a plastic sponge and ampoule. After crushing the capsule, an active hydrophobic agent enters the sponge. Thanks to the applicator, Aquapel is convenient to use, and an invisible film is formed on the surface of the glass, which lasts up to 3-4 months. However, it is worth considering that this product is considered disposable; after crushing the ampoule, the gel cannot be reused.

Aquagel costs about 1,500 rubles, and if you come across a more “profitable” offer, then this is an absolutely useless fake (taking into account the maximum discount provided by the official manufacturer, Aquapel cannot cost less than 900 rubles).


Ombrello is a fairly high-quality anti-rain glass from a German manufacturer. Just like aquagel, this “water repellent” is activated after pressing the capsule with the drug. Ombrello forms an anti-reflective, stable and durable layer, without the effect of an oil film.

The service life of the nano product is about 2-3 months. The “preparation” must be used immediately, since upon contact with air the chemical composition evaporates very quickly from the sponge. The product costs about 800 rubles.

Turtle Wax

Hydrophobic cleaner for car windows Turtle Wax (colloquially “turtle”) is a liquid that repels water well from glass surfaces. In addition, the “turtle” greatly simplifies cleaning the glass in winter, when ice forms on them.

The product costs about 380 rubles, but the effect does not last more than 3 weeks (as the manufacturer itself states, Turtle Wax must be used at least once every 2 weeks, depending on weather conditions).

Important! Do not allow this product to come into contact with paint surfaces or skin.


The Japanese Glaco spray is quite effective and allows you to operate the car without “water ripples” for 3-4 months. If you apply it to the windshield at the beginning of each season, you can achieve maximum protection (for side mirrors, 2 times a year is enough). The “preparation” can be applied to both dry and wet surfaces.

The only drawback that car owners pay attention to is that the product begins to act only at speeds over 60 km/h. The spray costs about 500 rubles.

Liquid Crystal

The “Liquid Crystal” product for a car from a German manufacturer is a compact spray, after application of which a durable protective film is formed on the glass and car body (the contact angle between water drops and glass is 120 degrees), repelling water, snow, dirt and insects. The service life of the spray is 12 months. The composition of Liquid Crystal for cars is non-toxic, so you don’t have to worry about negative consequences.

The spray begins to “brush off” the drops at a speed of 50 km/h, so you don’t have to use the wipers.

In addition, thanks to the “anti-rain”, the glass also becomes immune to frost, so in winter you won’t have to waste precious minutes warming up the car interior in the morning.

The cost of “Liquid Crystal” for cars is 1,490 rubles per bottle.

Healthy! Due to the absence of aggressive chemicals, the product can also be used to treat any other surfaces: bodywork, mirrors, license plates or windows in the apartment.

If we talk about the best “anti-rain”, then, of course, it is much more profitable to purchase a more expensive product for cars - “Liquid Crystal”, than to buy cheaper analogues every 2 months. The brands Runway Rain Guard (200 rubles), Liqui Moly (650 rubles) and RainX Original (650 rubles) have also proven themselves well.

How to apply “anti-rain” correctly

To apply “anti-rain” for the body and glass, you must perform the following manipulations:

  • Wash the surfaces to be treated and the wipers with car shampoo and water.
  • Apply any alcohol-containing detergent to the glass and bodywork.
  • Wipe the windows and body with paper towels or a clean cotton rag.
  • Wait until the surfaces are completely dry.
  • Apply the spray directly onto the glass or onto a soft sponge and begin rubbing the “anti-rain” into the surface with quick circular movements.
  • If you are treating a windshield, apply the compound in two steps.
  • After the windshield, coat the mirrors and headlights with a protective compound, and then the body (if necessary).
  • At the final stage of hydrophobic treatment of the car with your own hands, polish the surfaces and enjoy a comfortable ride.

Also, when using “anti-rain” for car glass, it is worth considering some operating features:

  • Work should only be carried out in a dry and clean place, protected from direct sunlight.
  • The air temperature should be from +5 to +25 degrees.
  • If you use products containing chemically aggressive substances, be sure to wear gloves, goggles and a respirator.

In custody

Typically, the hydrophobic coating for the body and windows gradually wears off without any problems. However, if you used a cheap product, streaks and “flakes” may form on the surface. They are quite easy to remove with a paper towel, which you need to wipe the glass with force. For greater effect, medical alcohol can be applied to the material.