Aries cat horoscope for August. Horoscope of work and money

In August 2017, Aries will find either “Black Mirror” or “House of Cards” or an even longer series very useful...

Aries horoscope for August 2017.

In August 2017, Aries will find either “Black Mirror”, or “House of Cards”, or an even longer series very useful, since next month you will need something that you can bury yourself in, and enjoy not shining. Because, as the hero of the series “Breaking Bad” said: “Positivity does not change reality.”

The fact is that in August 2017 Aries will need to use every minute or every half hour in order to relax and calm their nerves. And TV series or a good book are the ideal way to calm down and relax. After all, judging by the horoscope for August, most often at night Aries will understand that everyone really needs them! To all... mosquitoes. But for people... It’s better for Aries not to think about this in August 2017, but to relax while watching an interesting TV series or book. So, Aries, if in August 2017 you are not able to fully rest, and do not introduce into your daily diet not only goodies and grub, but also privacy and tranquility, then very often by the evening you will be in a very bad mood. And Aries in a bad mood are much more dangerous than Scorpios or Capricorns. Why? Because unlike them, you will not only be able to move in “to the fullest,” but also explain why.

What to do?

The site's astrologer gives Aries two great pieces of advice for August 2017. First, devote maximum time to rest, laziness, and light, unburdensome entertainment. If your bosses or loved ones are against it, just say, “I can’t get off the couch - the astrologer forbade me!” Secondly, provoke accidents in August 2017. It is they, as the horoscope shows, that can positively change your life. So don’t be afraid to “accidentally” get on a train, plane or elevator and wake up in a bed that isn’t yours. Don’t be afraid to accidentally change your mind and go to the cinema instead of home in the evening. Even alone. It’s not for nothing that they say that “Thursday can become Monday if you have a good time on Wednesday.”

Horoscope for August 2017 Aries Favorable days are 2, 3, 5, 12, 16, 18, 25 and 27.

Horoscope for August 2017 Aries unfavorable days - the keys to happiness are in your head... there are also locks to this happiness... By planning unfavorable days, you yourself are hanging a lock on your possible happiness.

Horoscope for August 2017 Aries work, career and business. In the professional sphere in August 2017, Aries will have a difficult situation. In the sense that in order to achieve your professional goals, you will have to put in twice as much effort as usual. Given the great astral resistance, try to be moderate in your ambitions. Don't set your goals too big. Proceed with great caution. Try to be punctual and disciplined. To achieve success in August 2017, you must be wise and balanced in your decisions.

In the professional sphere, August 2017 for Aries will resemble a trip on a crowded bus. But the worst thing on the bus is not the controllers and not the alcoholics, and not even the gopniks, but the two fourth graders after the circus. Therefore, try not to waste your nerves and time on those who, although traveling with you, are actually just “passengers”.

Horoscope for August 2017 Aries Finance. In August 2017, Aries' main expenses will be related to accommodation. You will even have some thoughts about the house or real estate. But August 2017 is not the best time to buy real estate or major renovations. So be prepared for the fact that all this will stretch until the fall. In addition, in August 2017, many Aries will face unexpected and inevitable expenses. Try to avoid expenses that do not improve your quality of life. Planet Saturn will help you in solving this problem.

Love horoscope for August 2017 Aries. Horoscope for August 2017 Aries Love.

The astral impulses of the last month of Summer will create a good emotional climate around Aries, woven from love, fantasies, dreams and tossing. Your main task next month is to reduce aggression. Don’t forget this is YOUR task, and your aggression. That is why try to rest as often as possible. Moreover, take a break from the Internet and social networks. This is especially true for Aries women. Try to avoid situations like: “Dad, dad, who’s that shaggy guy in the corner... with red eyes... who’s been sitting all night?” “Don’t be afraid, baby... it was our mother who left us on Facebook...” Better spend charming and mesmerizing hours with your loved ones. Moreover, judging by the horoscope in the second half of August, you will want to put your partner on a pedestal and admire him/her and your relationship. But, if suddenly circumstances develop in such a way that your eyes suddenly open and you see that your partner is an ordinary person with the usual set of shortcomings and weaknesses, this can upset you very, very much. Therefore, Aries, try not to let other people’s dirty socks or unwashed dishes in the kitchen spoil your relationship in August 2017. Leave these showdowns and disappointments for the fall. So that you have something to talk about on rainy autumn evenings.

For single and active Aries, August 2017 may be very promising, provided, of course, that your eyes and ears are wide open. And some Aries also have cleavage. Under the influence of Venus, some Aries will receive good signals about quite successful acquaintances. But be prepared for the fact that these acquaintances will require effort from you. And you will need to try very hard to make the right and deep impression.

In the end, the horoscope for August 2017 tells Aries that if you had to pedal to work on a computer, then most likely over the past two months many of you would be able to lose about five kilograms. Therefore, try to take a break in August 2017, including from the computer! Close out Summer 2017 with good memories!

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August 2017 for Aries will be remembered for a twofold feeling: on the one hand, they want rest and relaxation, but on the other hand, work will require maximum concentration. Therefore, there is nothing else left to do but to seek a compromise between desires and responsibilities. The first decade is not suitable for beginnings. This is due to the partial lunar eclipse on August 7th. This is a good time to complete projects.

In the second half of August 2017, you should be careful with equipment and electronics; breakdowns are possible. Aries may be plagued by delays in travel and delays in payments. At the same time, the representatives of the sign themselves will be able to painlessly pay off their debts.

On August 21, the Aries horoscope recommends giving up taking initiative at work and reducing social activity. On this day there will be a solar eclipse that can distort a true understanding of the situation. If you are planning a vacation, you should take care of purchasing a voucher and booking tickets before August 10. Otherwise, some problems and restrictions are possible.

Aries love horoscope for August 2017

The Aries horoscope for August 2017 recommends paying attention to the atmosphere in the family, relationships with loved ones and children. Perhaps the time has come to change something in communication, to prevent the development of negative trends. You can't leave everything to chance. It is worth spending more time with your family and delving into the problems of your household. It is not recommended to plan weddings after August 13th.

Favorable days for love in August 2017 for the Aries sign: August 1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 28, 29.

Aries financial horoscope for August 2017

The first ten days of August 2017 are suitable for maximum immersion in business. Aries can safely make appointments with partners and clients, start long-term projects, and enter into contracts. The results will definitely please you.

The Aries horoscope for July 2017 recommends slowing down already in the second decade. The rest of the month is suitable for completing tasks and performing monotonous, routine work. If possible, you should refuse to sign important documents or at least study them carefully.

Favorable days for money in August 2017 for the Aries sign: August 2, 4, 5, 11, 14, 17, 18, 22, 27, 28, 30, 31.

Health horoscope for the Aries sign for August 2017

In August 2017, Aries should pay attention to the cardiovascular system. To improve health, jogging in the fresh air, swimming, cycling, and walking are recommended. Aries smokers are advised to get rid of the bad habit or at least reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke. The smoking cessation ritual can be performed on August 7, the day of the lunar eclipse. Having smoked the last cigarette, you need to mentally say goodbye to it, take a contrast shower and lie down to rest.

Horoscope for 2017 Aries by month

The planets change positions, and in August 2017 Aries will feel the tension drop. Relax, relax, fall in love, in a word, do what your heart desires!
According to the Aries horoscope for August 2017, this is a bright, memorable period. You will literally glow. There will be plenty of vitality, and you just need to decide where you will direct it. A surge of creative activity is possible; the emergence of new talents, abilities, and hobbies is not excluded. You will need an environment that admires and worships you, but you yourself will be able to give love and take your loved ones under your protection and guardianship. A good period for people engaged in creative activities, for educators, actors. You will enjoy doing what you love and will be very happy if a child or loved one shares your hobbies with you.
In August 2017, your soul and body will ask for a vacation, but your head and thoughts will most likely still be busy with business and work. Therefore, we need to look for a balance. In general, the first 10 days of August are very ambiguous and not very suitable for new beginnings. This is due to the fact that on August 7 there will be a partial lunar eclipse, which warns not to make any important decisions at this time and to take care of your health.
From August 13 to September 5, delays, postponements, and breakdowns of equipment and electronics may occur more often than usual in business. But at this time it is good to pay off debts and close all sorts of work and financial “tails”. Focus your attention on this.
Another August event according to the 2017 horoscope is a total solar eclipse, which will occur on the 21st around 21.30 Moscow time. During this time, try to limit your social activity and not make drastic decisions at work.
As for your vacation, it needs to be planned and booked in advance, that is, before August 10, otherwise you risk having problems with tickets, hotel reservations, etc.

Favorable days in August 2017: 3, 11, 16, 20, 28-30.
Unfavorable days in August 2017: b, 7, 15, 21, 25.

Horoscope for August 2017 Aries - Love, family
According to the Aries horoscope, August 2017 is a wonderful, festive, bright and bright month. It’s as if it was specially created for love and romantic mood. The stars will help both lovers and spouses overcome obstacles in relationships if they existed in the past.
Business is business, but in August 2017 Aries must definitely devote time to his children or loved ones (or both at once). The Cosmos itself requires you to reassess and make changes in your relationship with your children. Be sure to analyze how much time you spend together, how quality and interesting it is, what your children do in their free time, what is the atmosphere in the house? It is very useful to do such audits from time to time in order to notice negative trends in time and prevent their further development.
In relationships with the opposite sex, carry out a similar audit. Remember that relationships with your loved one must also change and evolve.
In August, according to the 2017 horoscope, it is possible that relationships that are important to you will reach a new level. It becomes clear that there is more between you than just physical attraction, and you enjoy being together, especially on vacation. But as far as the main life principles are concerned, you are different people. This means that a long-term serious relationship will require considerable sacrifices from both parties. Are you ready for this? The stars advise answering this question first of all to yourself, and only then informing your partner.
However, August is a master at creating illusions, so now you tend to answer positively to all difficult questions. Well, enjoy the moment, go to the warm sea and sun together, with friends, with children - everywhere and with everyone you will feel comfortable and good.
During the period from August 13 until the end of the month, it is not recommended to get married and hold wedding ceremonies.
Events that will occur during the lunar (August 7) ​​and solar (August 21) eclipses will be associated with love, creativity, and children. A child born at this time will be karmically connected with you. You will be loving and passionate. Falling in love is possible, a passionate romance, conception is not excluded. However, keep in mind that not everyone will be ready to throw themselves on your neck, and not everyone will be pleasant to you. On August 6-7 you may receive an unexpected rebuff. These days, try not to walk alone, as you may attract unwanted partners. Although a threat may loom over your marital relationship in the first ten days of August, nothing will threaten a marriage based on strong spiritual intimacy between people.

Aries horoscope for August 2017 - Health
According to the Aries horoscope in August 2017, your energy potential is quite high, and diseases will bypass you.
In August 2017, Aries needs to thoroughly tackle the improvement of the cardiovascular system. In this regard, arrange moderate loads for yourself. Take up cycling, go for walks in the forest, swim, run. If you smoke, now is a good time to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke or quit smoking altogether. The latter is good to do in the form of a ritual at the time of the lunar eclipse, which will occur on August 7 at 21.20 Moscow time. Before the eclipse, smoke your last cigarette and say goodbye mentally to it. Write on a separate sheet all the disadvantages of smoking, and on another - the advantages of a healthy lifestyle. Burn the first sheet of paper with minuses and the remains of cigarettes at the exact moment of the lunar eclipse. Take a contrast shower and go to rest.
You should not plan a medical examination in August 2017, since due to inattention or annoying misunderstandings, the test results may turn out to be erroneous or the diagnosis will be made on the basis of unverified or deliberately false information.

Horoscope for August 2017 Aries - Money, finance
In August 2017, the financial situation of Aries is quite predictable, both the expenses and income of the month are quite expected and reasonable. Pleasant surprises and gifts from loved ones are also possible.

Horoscope for August 2017 Aries - Work, business
According to the Aries horoscope for August 2017, in the first ten days of the month, make the most of your business. Work, go to meetings, conclude contracts, start projects, just fulfill your work responsibilities conscientiously, and you will be guaranteed good results.
Dedicate the second and third decades of the month to reorganizing business processes, continuing previously started tasks and performing routine work. I do not recommend starting large projects or signing important papers between August 13 and the end of the month. If you still need to do this, then carefully check each clause of the contract before you sign.
After August 13, Aries' affairs may stall, equipment will begin to malfunction, couriers and secretaries will lose or confuse documents. The stars recommend devoting this time to finishing things that have been started a long time ago, but have been shelved. Do a general cleaning of your workplace, office, and sort out your email. It is likely that something important and valuable will be found. If you bring the creative touch that is characteristic of you into your work, then your business will go faster, and your colleagues, looking at you, will catch up.
In August 2017, you can renew and improve relationships with colleagues from other cities or countries, meet old friends, former business partners. All this can happen not only in the office, but also on vacation, that is, there will be a unique chance to combine business with pleasure.
Complex questions that have haunted you in the past are gradually losing their relevance, but this situation is temporary - you may have to return to them in the fall. Yes, you still have a struggle ahead, but there is nothing scary about it anymore.
Based on materials from Pavel Globa and Tatyana Borsch

The planets change positions and you will feel the tension drop. Relax, relax, fall in love, in a word, do what your heart desires!

Work, career. Aries August 2017

August is ideal for relaxation, but if you belong to the caste of incorrigible workaholics, then this month you can do a lot and get a lot done. For example, you can renew and improve relationships with colleagues from other cities or countries, meet old friends, former business partners. All this can happen not only in the office, but also on vacation, that is, there will be a unique chance to combine business with pleasure. Complex questions that have haunted you in the past are gradually losing their relevance, but this situation is temporary - you may have to return to them in the fall. Yes, you still have a struggle ahead, but there is nothing scary about it anymore. In the second half of August, you may periodically receive conflicting messages from employees or colleagues. There is no point in reacting to this; most likely, this is unreliable and unverified information.

Money. Aries August 2017

The financial situation is quite predictable, both expenses and income for August are quite expected and reasonable. Pleasant surprises and gifts from loved ones are also possible.

Love, family. Aries August 2017

August is a wonderful, festive, bright and bright month. It’s as if it was specially created for love and romantic mood. The stars will help both lovers and spouses overcome obstacles in relationships if they existed in the past. Perhaps a relationship that is important to you will reach a new level. It becomes clear that there is more between you than just physical attraction, and you enjoy being together, especially on vacation. But as far as the main life principles are concerned, you are different people. This means that a long-term serious relationship will require considerable sacrifices from both parties. Are you ready for this? The stars advise answering this question first of all to yourself, and only then informing your partner. However, August is a master at creating illusions, so now you tend to answer positively to all difficult questions. Well, enjoy the moment, go to the warm sea and sun together, with friends, with children - everywhere and with everyone you will feel comfortable and good. This month you may meet old friends whom you have not seen for a long time, and this communication will be easy and pleasant.

The enchanting August of 2017 has the potential for representatives of the sign of Aries to appear as an ideal time to confess their feelings. A good mood and positivity contribute to romantic encounters. The exact love horoscope for Aries for August will tell you what actions will help you achieve success in your personal life.

August presents free representatives of the sign of Aries with the opportunity to communicate with pleasure with new representatives of the opposite sex, make dates and start romantic relationships. In the last month of summer, single people born under the sign of Aries have a great opportunity to quickly move from timid dates to strong and long-term relationships. The rapid development of personal life will not leave representatives of this zodiac sign time for the usual prudence and reflection. August opens up the opportunity for Aries to fall in love, so the love horoscope recommends not to miss this chance.

Aries who are married or in a strong relationship will be able to strengthen mutual understanding with their significant other in August and feel a new round of feelings. This month, the innate suppressed emotionality of Aries will slow down and allow them to open up in communication with their spouse. In August, family relationships of those born under this zodiac sign have an unprecedented intensity and intensity of emotions. The love horoscope advises Aries during this period to try to strengthen existing mutual feelings for the chosen one and strengthen the foundation of the family.

Love horoscope for Aries women for August 2017

Single girls born under the sign of Aries will receive special attention from the opposite sex in August. Natural sociability will help them find a common language with attractive men and turn the heads of many of their new acquaintances. Single Aries girls in August should be attentive to their fans and not give strong hopes to those with whom they do not plan a long-term relationship. An accurate love horoscope in the last month of summer 2017 recommends Aries girls to exercise great caution in communicating with new acquaintances so as not to become a victim of deception.

Married Aries women during this period will be able to completely surround their household with care and be patient with their demands and whims. Mutual understanding with a spouse in August for Aries women will help them easily determine future plans and unite the whole family to implement them. A playful sparkle in the eyes and a good mood can arouse an increased love interest in your spouse. This chance should not be missed, so in August, representatives of the Aries sign should put their family life as a priority over other interests.

Love horoscope for Aries men for August 2017

Free Aries men will be able to especially open up to personal relationships in hot August 2017. For those born under this zodiac sign, the end of summer will be the best time of the year to improve their personal life, which at this time will completely depend on the desires and efforts of the representatives of this constellation. The stars recommend that single Aries men be prepared for expressions of sympathy from both girls and a response.

Aries men who are in a serious relationship or marriage will appreciate the qualities of their soulmate this month and accept her positive changes for themselves. August for married Aries men may be marked by the care and support provided to their loved one. The passionate and sensual emotions of Aries in August can pleasantly surprise your spouse and give you the feeling of a new romance with your loved one.