Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist. From conception to terrible death: holidays and mysteries of John the Baptist

MOSCOW, January 20— RIA Novosti, Sergei Stefanov. The holiday of Epiphany, celebrated in Russia with mass swimming in ice holes and the blessing of water in all reservoirs, is inextricably linked with the figure of John the Baptist. The day after Epiphany, the Church celebrates the Council of John the Baptist, and in total seven holidays are dedicated to it in the calendar. Why there are so many of them, what their essence is and what unusual stories are connected with them - in the material of RIA Novosti.

Cathedral of John the Baptist (January 20)

The celebration of the Council of John the Baptist on January 20 is associated with church custom: after big holidays the next day remember those saints who are directly related to this event. And if right after Christmas Christ Church celebrates the Council Holy Mother of God, Joseph the Betrothed and the Lord's brother Jacob, then after the Baptism of the Lord they honor the memory of the one who personally baptized the Savior.

The word “cathedral” in the name of the holiday - as St. Demetrius of Rostov defined it in his famous “Lives of the Saints” - means that “the people gather in church to perform divine services in honor and praise of the now glorified” John the Baptist.

John the Baptist, who testified to the coming of the Son of God to earth, completes the history of the Old Testament Church and opens the era of the New Testament - the establishment of new spiritual values. He is considered the greatest of the prophets. Christ himself said about him that “from among those born of women there arose no greater one than John the Baptist” (Gospel of Matthew, chapter 11). Evangelists call the Forerunner the Angel of the Lord, and on icons he is often depicted with wings.

“John was so great that the Church preserves the memory of all manifestations of his life: both his conception and birth, and in memory of his mission as the Baptist of Spasov (the Council of John the Baptist - the day after the Baptism of the Lord), and his martyrdom- the beheading, and three discoveries of this honorable head - a great shrine for the world, and the transfer of the right hand of John from Malta to Russia,” said the famous preacher, Archimandrite John (Krestyankin, 1910-2006).

Conception of John the Baptist (October 6)

This happened about two years before the birth of Christ. The Jews, who were expecting the Messiah at that time, were also waiting for his Forerunner: the prophetic books said that he would appear before the Messiah and would indicate His coming. Before the birth of John the Baptist, there had been no prophets in ancient Israel for several centuries, so the people readily responded to the preaching of the Baptist, even if it was accusatory and impartial in nature.

On the Feast of the Conception of John the Baptist, Christians remember how the prophet’s parents—the righteous priest Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth—received the joyful news of the imminent birth of their son. The couple were already old, but had no children and constantly asked God to give them a baby.

Archangel Gabriel appeared to the priest Zechariah while he was serving in the Jerusalem Temple. The angel said that he would have a son, whom he should name John. And because Zechariah at first did not believe the words of the archangel, he was struck dumb until the birth of his son.

The Feast of the Conception of John the Baptist is of Byzantine origin and has been known since the 5th century. Initially, it coincided with New Year's Day, which in 462 was moved from September 23 to September 1 according to the old calendar.

Nativity of John the Baptist (July 7)

The Nativity of John the Baptist (as well as the Beheading of his head) refers to the five “great” church holidays, next in importance after the “twelve” (twelve main) Lord’s and Mother of God holidays. This day always falls on Peter's Fast, as if a reminder that John himself strictly fasted all his life - he ate only grass and wild honey, and most often “didn’t eat or drink anything at all.”

John was born six months earlier than Jesus Christ. Before this, as the Gospel tells us, his mother Elizabeth visited Holy Virgin Maria, who was her distant relative. And the not yet born John greeted the Mother of God, “jumping in the womb” of Elizabeth. This unusual event is constantly remembered during festive services.

When Elizabeth gave birth to a son, all her relatives and friends invited to the celebration rejoiced. When they were deciding what to name the baby, Zechariah wrote on the tablet: “His name is John” - and immediately after that he regained the power of speech. Then Zechariah uttered prophetic words that the Messiah was coming to the world, and his son would be His Forerunner.

Further church tradition reports that righteous Elizabeth fled with her son into the desert and hid in a cave, after King Herod ordered to deal with all the babies in the area of ​​the Savior’s birthplace. And Zechariah was killed right in the Jerusalem temple for not revealing the whereabouts of his son. John lived in the desert until the time he went out to preach about repentance.

According to Father John (Krestyankin), the desert became “the mother and father of the one who was to become a servant of the Word,” and “in the silence of the desert he was preparing to speak with the voice of Truth in the human desert.”

The Nativity of the Baptist has been celebrated by the Church since ancient times. The date of birth of the “greatest of the prophets” was determined on the basis of gospel data about the six-month difference in the ages of John and Christ. At the same time, the holiday of the Nativity of Christ turned out to be close to the winter solstice, when the length of daylight hours begins to increase, and the birth of the Forerunner - to the summer solstice and decrease sunlight. Perhaps this is indicated by the figurative words of the Baptist himself that “He (Christ. - Ed.) must increase, but I must decrease” (Gospel of John, chapter 3).

Beheading of John the Baptist (September 11)

On this day, the Orthodox world remembers the death of the prophet at a drunken feast in the palace of the Jewish king Herod. John the Baptist was imprisoned for denouncing Herod, who lived with Herodias, his wife sibling Philippa. During the feast, Herodias' daughter Salome pleased Herod and all the guests with her dancing, and the king promised to fulfill any of her requests for this. After consulting with her mother, Salome asked to immediately bring her the head of John the Baptist on a platter. By order of the ruler, the Forerunner was beheaded with a sword.

This event, described in detail in the Gospels, occurred in the year 32. Meanwhile, legend has preserved the further development of this tragic story. Salome, crossing the Sikoris River in winter, fell through the ice and was crushed by it: her body was in the water, and her head was above the ice. As a result, the sharp ice cut her neck. Salome's corpse was discovered, and her head was brought to Herod and Herodias. They ended their lives in captivity in Spain, where, according to legend, they were swallowed up by the opening of the earth.

The beheading of John the Baptist is always a day of strict fasting, even if it falls on a Sunday, in this way the Church honors the memory of the martyr. In Rus', on this day, wine shops closed and the sale of alcoholic beverages ceased, and in 1914, on a nationwide scale, September 11 was celebrated for the first time as Temperance Day.

Exactly 100 years later, in 2014, at the initiative of the Russian Orthodox Church, this tradition was revived. Now, on the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist, who never drank wine in his life, special prayers are offered in all Russian churches for healing from the “passion of drinking wine.”

According to Patriarch Kirill, the example of John the Baptist shows that “for God there is no this life and eternal life - for Him everything is one life,” and “what happens in this life is not a final action, otherwise our whole history would turn into nonsense."

“The terrible death at a feast at the behest of a drunken ruler was not a fiasco. It was not a meaningless end to a righteous life, but a great feat, a martyr’s death in the name of God’s truth, which makes sense only in the perspective of eternity, like everything that we do in this life , both good and bad. There, in eternity, all this acquires its final meaning and its final significance," the patriarch said in a sermon dedicated to the Forerunner.

The first and second finding of the head of John the Baptist (March 9)

His disciples buried the body of the Forerunner in the Samarian city of Sebastia, and Herodias hid his head in the palace. However, the believing wife of Herod's steward, Khuza, carried her out and buried her in an earthenware vessel on the Mount of Olives, in one of Herod's estates.

The first acquisition of the head occurred in the 4th century, when the new owner of the estate began to build a church there. Workers preparing the foundation found a vessel with the head of John the Baptist. However, before his death, the nobleman again hid the shrine in the same place, fearing that it would fall into the hands of opponents of Christians.

Some time later, during the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great, the Forerunner personally appeared to two monks who came to Jerusalem to worship the holy places, and revealed to them the location of his “honest head.” According to legend, having dug up the shrine, the monks put it in a bag and carried it home, but then gave it to an unknown potter they met along the way to carry it. And then the Forerunner himself, appearing to him, ordered him to hide from the frivolous monks, and from that moment the potter became the guardian of the shrine. After his death, the saint's head, sealed in a water-bearing vessel, was kept by Christians.

Subsequently, the priest Eustathius, who fell into heresy, buried the shrine in a cave near the Syrian Emessa (now the city of Homs), and then a monastery arose on this site. In 452, John the Baptist in a vision showed the abbot of this monastery where its head was located. It is this event that is celebrated as the “second acquisition.” Then the shrine was moved to Constantinople.

Third discovery of the head of John the Baptist (June 7)

During religious unrest in Constantinople, the head of the Forerunner was transferred back to Emessa, and from there, already at the beginning of the 9th century, due to Saracen raids, to the Abkhaz Comana. When iconoclastic persecutions began, she was again hidden in the ground. Only after the restoration of icon veneration was the location of the shrine revealed to Patriarch Ignatius during night prayer.

The high priest informed the emperor about this, and the head was found for the third time in Komany (not far from present-day Sukhumi), in the place indicated by the patriarch (about 850). Here, in a small grotto, the miraculous image of John the Baptist, revered by believers, has been preserved. And the head itself was again transferred to Constantinople and on June 7 it was placed in the court church. Part of the relic was delivered to Athos.

In memory of the third finding of the head of the Baptist of the Lord, the Orthodox Church established a celebration on May 25 (old style, June 7 - new style).

Nevertheless, regarding the final fate of the shrine today there is different versions: Amiens Cathedral in France, the Church of San Silvestro in Capito in Rome, the Umayyad Mosque (ancient cathedral) in Syria, the Coptic monastery of Wadi Natrun and some other places appear as the location of it or its parts. Perhaps the shrine was divided into several parts and is now kept in different cities.

Transfer of the right hand of the Baptist from Malta to Gatchina (October 25)

In addition to the head of John the Baptist, the Church especially reveres his “right hand” ( right hand), with which he baptized Christ. It is believed that the right hand of the Forerunner was brought from Sebastia to his homeland, Syrian Antioch, by the Evangelist Luke. There it was kept for about a thousand years.

But after the conquest of Antioch by Muslims, the Christian relic was transported to Chalcedon in Asia Minor, and then, in 956, to Constantinople. After the capture of the capital of Byzantium by the Ottoman Turks in 1453, its shrines were kept in the royal treasury. However, there is evidence that in 1484 the right hand of the holy Forerunner was given by Sultan Bayazet to the Knights of Rhodes, and they moved the shrine to Malta, where it remained for almost three centuries.

Gennady Zaridze: it’s easier to believe in a miracle if it is confirmed by scienceChairman of the Association of Orthodox Scientists, Archpriest Gennady Zaridze, who measured the temperature with a pyrometer Holy Fire, on the eve of Knowledge Day, told RIA Novosti about the results obtained and shared his thoughts on the role of science in religious life.

After the French captured the island in 1798, the Knights of Malta presented the right hand as a gift to Emperor Paul I, who was in Gatchina at that time. This happened on October 12, 1799. In the autumn of the same year, the shrine was transported to St. Petersburg and placed in the Church of the Savior in the Winter Palace. A special golden ark was made for the right hand of the Baptist. A holiday in honor of this event was established in 1800.

After the 1917 revolution, the relic was taken abroad. She eventually ended up in Montenegro, initially in the monastery of St. Basil of Ostrog, and then in Cetinje monastery. The right hand of John the Baptist is kept there to this day. However, two fingers are missing from it: the middle one is now in one of the temples of Italian Siena, and the little finger is in the Ottoman Museum in Istanbul.

The body of John the Baptist, originally buried in Sebastia, was transported to Genoa as a result of the First Crusade in the 11th century. Now the relics are stored in a special ark in cathedral St. Lawrence.

For Catholics all over the world, the celebration of the highest ecclesiastical rank is the Nativity of John the Baptist. The last Old Testament prophet is glorified - the messenger of the coming of the Messiah, and therefore is also called the Forerunner.

The Gospel of Luke describes the very conception of John as the greatest miracle. His parents were childless Jews who lived in Judea, but Father Zakaria continued to pray even in old age. And the Lord heard his request. The angel who descended to him predicted the birth of not just an ordinary baby, but one endowed with a great prophetic mission, who would pave the way for the appearance of Christ. Zakaria doubted this, for which he was deprived of speech until the naming of the baby, who was actually born on the promised date (6-2 BC)

Historically, a little later, the ruler Herod organized an event known as the massacre of the infants. John's mother fled to the mountains: only the help of the Lord helped her save the life of the great child. He grew up in the desert and became an ascetic, eating locusts and wild honey, wearing clothes made of camel hair.

When he turned 30 years old, he began his activities: he preached, called to repentance, baptized those who had found true faith. The manifestation of repentance and spiritual transformation took place through washing in water. He announced the imminent coming of the Messiah and, most importantly, baptized Jesus, who was his maternal relative.

The process of baptism itself is very important: thereby John, anticipating his death, endowed Jesus with spiritual authority in front of society. And all the main Gospels tell that at that moment the Holy Spirit descended in the guise of a dove.

John exposed the evils of society, which caused his death around 30 AD. He is considered real historical character, his life stories in some sources are recognized as authentic texts, untouched by the conjectures of copyists. His activities were displeasing to the rulers of that time, who were mired in debauchery, especially Queen Herodias, who violated Jewish law by having a criminal love affair with her husband’s brother. John had very real power on the minds of people who respected him, revered him and considered him a saint. These, more political than religious, motives served to arrest the Baptist and his subsequent execution.

A source such as the Gospel of Mark connects the moment of beheading with the legendary dance of Salome. Being the faithful daughter of Herodias, for her dance she demanded from the ruler Herod Antipas as a reward the head of the saint, who at that time was imprisoned. This is how women's revenge was accomplished.

Further details of the biography diverge from different sources, becoming overgrown with all sorts of legends: the burial place is still disputed. Two fragments of the relics - the head and the incorruptible right hand - are considered revered shrines, although the number of relics centuries after the moment of death has become simply unrealistic: 12 heads, 9 hands, and many more body parts that claim to be sacred are known. According to most experts, the original part of the head is kept in Amiens, France.

But all this did not stop people from believing and endowing the collected water with special powers on the day of the Nativity of the great Baptist. John the Baptist became one of the most revered saints by the 4th century, and his 6-month age difference with Jesus was used by Catholic dogmatists as an additional symbol. The birth of Jesus is timed to coincide with the winter solstice, and John - to the summer solstice. This left an imprint on the ritualism of the holiday when Christianity spread at the beginning of the 1st millennium, especially in the territory of modern Europe. The eradication of paganism made it possible to replace the celebration of the longest day and the worship of the sun cult on the Nativity of John, leaving similar paraphernalia - fires, bonfires kindled in settlements.

Catholics all over the world, after the solemn mass on June 24, celebrate until the night, glorifying the great saint, who devoted his life to serving the true faith. They revere everything connected with him. Thus, on the site of his parents’ house in the suburbs of Jerusalem stands a majestic Franciscan Catholic monastery. In many countries where this religion is the main one, the Roman Catholic Church holds a solemn liturgy followed by processions with candles and torches.

John the Baptist, also called the Baptist, is one of the most revered saints in Christianity. That is why his Christmas is celebrated on a par with the Nativity of Christ and the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

On this day it is customary to give gifts to your loved ones. It is desirable that these gifts be somehow related to faith. It could be a cross or, for example, an icon. The icon of “the beheading of John the Baptist” will be a good gift, as it helps to avoid slander, maintain health and good luck in business.

The date of the celebration was calculated on the basis of biblical evidence that the Baptist and Christ had a six-month age difference. The Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist is close to the summer solstice, which indicates a decrease in daylight hours, and the Nativity of the Savior is close to the winter solstice (accordingly, an increase in daylight hours).

The Nativity of John the Baptist is celebrated on church calendar like a holiday

However, with the transition to a new style chronology in Russia and many other countries, the correspondence between these celebrations and the solar station was lost.

The event is extremely significant for the whole of Europe, and in some countries it has the status of a state celebration. It is one of the few holidays in the calendar of the Christian tradition, when the birth of a famous person is celebrated. The term “Christmas” is used only twice a year - these are the holidays of the birth of Christ and the Blessed Virgin.

In churches, on the occasion of the celebration of the Birth of the venerable prophet John the Baptist, a special service is held.

  • On the eve of this symbolic date, an all-night vigil takes place. The stichera that are performed during services were written by famous hymnographers at different periods: John the monk, Father Anatoly, A. Jerusalem.
  • The first canon for this celebration in the 8th century was composed by I. Damascene, and the second by Andrei of Crete. These works say that the previously barren Elizabeth managed to give birth to the Forerunner, who was destined to become the fulfiller of the Gospel prophecies. Further, the canon tells of the baptism of Christ by John in the sacred River Jordan.
  • In the troparion of the celebration, praise is read to the Prophet Forerunner, who was born despite the infertility of his mother, writes the Ros-Registr portal. This short prayer song clearly demonstrates the greatness of the prophet John, who announced Christ and soon baptized Him for the good of the believing people.
  • At the end of the services, the church glorifies the Forerunner and pays respect to his birth from a barren woman.
On a note! It is considered traditional pagan holiday Ivan Kupala in Rus' merged with the Christian Nativity of John the Baptist. The name of the Slavic celebration was previously associated with the name of the deity Kupala, but this version is not confirmed and is often criticized, because the very first mention of this idol was written in chronicles created in the 17th century.

The most plausible explanation for the identification of pagan and Christian holidays is the hypothesis that the name “Kupala” is a Slavic version of the name Baptist (“immerser”, “baker”).

This year, as in any other, it is advisable to read prayers at home to calm the soul and for the healing of the sick. It is believed that on July 7, many people receive miraculous healing by the will of the Lord. To do this, you should help your loved ones and perform noble deeds.

Try to visit the temple on this day, because the service will be solemn and bright. What you definitely cannot do on this day is work in the garden or clean the house. This Holy holiday, in which you need to rejoice and relax. This can be facilitated by the traditions of Ivan Kupala, which is also celebrated on this day.

The Church condemns those who perform pagan rituals on this day and, on the eve of this, tell fortunes about their betrothed. The only time when the church turns a blind eye to folk and pagan beliefs is Maslenitsa week.

History of the celebration

John the Baptist is a highly revered saint of the Christian world; Jesus called the prophet the greatest who lived on earth. The Baptist was born into the family of righteous parents Zechariah and Elizabeth. John was a maternal relative of the Messiah and the last prophet to predict His coming. The saint is called the Forerunner because he was born before the Savior, and the Baptist because he baptized the Son of God in the Jordan River.

  • Before beginning his divine preaching, John spent many years in the desert, tempering his spirit with severe fasting and daily prayer. He dressed in rough clothes, and his diet consisted only of honey and locusts. When the prophet turned 30 years old, the Most High Father commanded the saint to leave the desert.
  • John the Baptist - Forerunner of Jesus Christ

  • The Forerunner headed to the bank of the Jordan, where the Jews traditionally performed washing rites. At this point, a sermon about repentance and cleansing baptism flowed from his lips. The people believed the words of the Baptist, many listened to his advice and came to the river to give all of themselves to the Lord.
  • John was very surprised when Christ Himself appeared near the Jordan, who persuaded the prophet to carry out the rite of baptism of the Son of God in order to fulfill great truth. During the ritual, the heavens opened up and the Holy Spirit descended into the Messiah in a bodily form. The voice of the Lord confirmed this action and blessed the participants for the greatest achievements.
  • So, the great sermon of the Forerunner, who was awaiting martyrdom, was divinely crowned with the Baptism of Jesus Christ. The man who gave the order to cut off the honest head of the prophet was Herod Antipas. The reason for this was John's exposure of the adultery of the king of Galilee. In memory of the event of beheading, the church established a special celebration of September 11th.
Interesting! The elderly Elizabeth was a relative of the Virgin Mary. One day, the Mother of God visited the future mother of John the Baptist. At the moment when the Virgin Mary greeted Elizabeth, a baby leaped in the womb of the elderly woman, and she herself was filled with the Holy Spirit, as the Apostle Luke mentions. Events associated with the birth of the Forerunner

The miraculous story of the conception of the prophet John is written in the Gospel of Luke. Archangel Gabriel appeared before the father of the Forerunner, the elderly priest Zechariah, and announced the good news of the birth of his son. The heavenly messenger said that the couple’s prayers were heard, and the Lord gave them a child, who should be named John.

Saints Zechariah and Elizabeth came from the line of Aaron

Gabriel foreshadowed great happiness for the parents and people who would see the great prophet in their son. The Archangel listed all the virtues and exploits of the saint, glorifying his asceticism and desire to convert his fellow tribesmen to the true faith.

  • However, Zechariah at first did not believe Gabriel, because he and his wife Elizabeth were already middle-aged people, and even barren. For such a way of thinking, the priest was punished by muteness.
  • According to the Apostle Luke, the Forerunner was born six months earlier than Christ. According to the law of Moses, the baby was circumcised on the eighth day. Elizabeth named the child John, which somewhat confused her relatives, because no one in the family had previously bore this name.
  • Zechariah found the gift of speech as soon as he supported his wife and wrote on the tablet the name that Archangel Gabriel spoke about. The priest and his family began to glorify the Lord and preach the good news that this baby was destined to prophesy the coming of the Savior.
  • After Christ was born and the news spread about Herod’s order to kill all the Bethlehem babies, Elizabeth became frightened and fled into the desert with her son. Father Zacharias, according to legend, remained in Jerusalem to fulfill the great duties of a priest. Herod's envoys wanted to find out from him the secret of where his wife and son had hidden. However, the courageous father did not betray his family and was killed right within the walls of the temple.
  • Elizabeth and her son lived in the desert. Soon the mother of the Baptist died, and John continued to strengthen his spirit by reading daily prayers and observing the strictest fast. The prophet was preparing to announce to the world the imminent descent of the Son of God.

The celebration glorifies the boundless virtue and impeccable service of man to the Creator. Every believer has the responsibility to become one who will lead himself out of darkness and bring his own surroundings into the light. The life of John the Baptist is a great example of how it is necessary to fulfill one’s earthly calling, because in each of us there is the potential to preach about accepting Christ.

The desert where for a long time The Baptist lived is a symbolic place of emptiness that often prevails in human hearts. If a Christian is able to overcome his material loneliness and finds support in faith, he will certainly rise to heavenly heights and defeat darkness.

Important! The Forerunner is not just a prophet, but the voice of the Lord, using the body of the Baptist for the purpose of annunciation. After all, holy people do not speak on their own, but carry the word of the Almighty, infinitely devoted to Him. When the image of John grows in each of us, the world becomes closer and more holistic, exalting unity as absolute truth.

The Church celebrates the Birth of the venerable prophet John the Baptist on July 7. This celebration glorifies the greatest devotion to faith and fortitude of the spirit of the saint, who was the last to notify the people of the coming of the Messiah. In church services, the life of John the Baptist is remembered, his miraculous birth into a family of barren and elderly parents, as well as the event of the Baptism of Christ in the Holy Jordan.

Every year the Nativity of John the Baptist is celebrated on July 7th. Since ancient times in Rus' there have been quite a few different prohibitions on this day, which we want to tell you about.

This celebration is highly revered among all Christians, so there are several very important restrictions that must be observed. For example, on the Nativity of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, one must fast. This is one of the main rules, and it was believed that everyone who follows it will be encouraged by the forgiveness of various sins, and perhaps even all desires will be fulfilled.

During the Beheading of John the Baptist, it is strictly forbidden to use knives or other cutting objects. The belief says that a person who ignores this prohibition will take on his soul the sins of the killer of the prophet. And you should absolutely not cut any vegetables that are shaped like a human head.

Very often, on the Nativity of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, people had already begun to harvest. But, since it is undesirable to work on a holiday, people should pray while they do this, so as not to anger the Lord.

The Nativity of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John was not something all deeply religious people could enjoy. It was especially unacceptable to sing or dance.

There were also quite a lot of beliefs on this holiday. For example, about a white dog. If she follows you, then it is strictly forbidden to drive her away. If she follows you all the way home, then you need to let her in the door. It is believed that this is how John the Baptist himself blesses a person for a better life.

Video about the Nativity of John the Baptist. Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov

July 7 - Nativity of John the Baptist. Great Church holiday.
January 20 - Cathedral of the Baptist and Baptist John

“Among those born of women there has not arisen a greater prophet than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11)

In Orthodoxy, there are several other holidays associated with the veneration of John the Baptist:


John the Baptist is the patron saint of all Christians. It helps in the main thing for a person - to find the way to God, strengthen his faith and help him improve his life.
Prayers to John the Baptist help protect against enemies and lies.
It has been noticed that the image of John the Baptist helps get rid of headaches, even if they are very severe.

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not “specialize” in any specific areas. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
And .


As stated in the Gospel of Luke, the priest Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth once lived in Hebron. And although they were both “righteous before God... They had no children, for Elizabeth was barren, and both were already advanced in years.”

One day, when Zechariah had his turn to enter the temple for incense

“Then the angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing right side altar of incense."

Archangel Gabriel announced to the priest that Elizabeth would soon give birth to a son, and his name would be John and

“he will be great before the Lord; He will not drink wine or strong drink, and will be filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb; and he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God.”

(Siquer is anything that is not made from grapes and can lead to intoxication).
Zechariah doubted the archangel's words, but Gabriel told him:

“You will remain silent and will not be able to speak until the day this comes true, because you did not believe my words, which will come true in due time.”

Upon leaving the temple, the priest lost his speech; this sign was also a punishment for unbelief.
Saint Elizabeth conceived, but being chaste, she was ashamed because she was already old and therefore hid her pregnancy for five months. In the sixth month, her cousin came to visit her, Holy Mary, who by that time had already been carrying the Great Child under her heart for three months. As soon as the women saw each other, Elizabeth, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, was the first of the people to say to Mary:

“Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb!”

John the Baptist was given the gift of prophecy from God while still in the womb of his mother. Just as many years later John the Baptist would say that he was not worthy to baptize the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, he, while still in the womb, through the mouth of Elizabeth asked:

“Where is it from me that the Mother of my Lord came to me?”

Saint Mary stayed in Elizabeth’s house for three months, then returned home.

“The time came for Elizabeth to give birth, and she gave birth to a son. And her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had magnified His mercy over her, and they rejoiced with her. On the eighth day they came to circumcise the baby and wanted to name him, after his father’s name, Zechariah. To this his mother said: no, but call him John. And they said to her: There is no one in your family who is called by this name. And they asked his father by signs what he would like to call him. He demanded a tablet and wrote: John is his name. And everyone was surprised. And immediately his mouth and his tongue loosened, and he began to speak, blessing God. And there was fear on all those living around them; and they told about all this throughout the entire hill country of Judea. All who heard it laid it on their hearts and said: What will happen to this child? And the hand of the Lord was with him. And Zechariah his father was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, saying: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, that he hath visited his people, and hath made deliverance unto them, and hath raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David, as he hath declared by the mouth of his holy prophets that have come of old, that will save us from our enemies and from the hand of all those who hate us; He will show mercy to our fathers and remember His holy covenant, the oath which He swore to Abraham our father, to give us, without fear, after being delivered from the hand of our enemies, to serve Him in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life. And you, baby, will be called the prophet of the Most High, for you will come before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways, to make His people understand His salvation in the forgiveness of their sins, according to the gracious mercy of our God, with which the East from above visited us, to enlighten those sitting in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide their feet ours on the path of peace. And the child grew and was strengthened in spirit, and was in the wilderness until the day of his appearing to Israel.”

After Jesus Christ was born, King Herod wanted to kill Him, but could not find the Newborn, then he ordered the destruction of all babies under the age of two years.
Saint Elizabeth, having learned about this, was frightened, because by that time Jonn was a little over three months old, she ran away with her son into the desert and began to live in a cave. Her husband, Saint Zechariah, continued to serve in the Jerusalem Temple. He was soon killed because he refused to tell the whereabouts of his wife and son John to the soldiers of King Herod.

Righteous Elizabeth lived with her son in the desert, until last days own life. After the death of his mother, John remained to live in the desert, where there was no human malice, living there he was pure in spirit. Who knows, perhaps, living among people, John the Baptist would have lost his purity and would not have been able to enjoy trust, and would not have been able to expose human sins and passions without shame.

John remained in the desert until God was pleased to reveal him to the people of Israel.

The Church considers John the Baptist the most revered saint after Mother of God. He was very close to Jesus Christ not only in spirit, but also in the flesh (like a second cousin). The Church presents John the Baptist as an important leader of prayer for all Christians. This is manifested in the fact that during the intercessory prayer that follows the consecration of the Gifts at the Liturgy, the name of John the Baptist is remembered immediately after the name of the Mother of God.

Cathedral of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John

After the Great Feasts dedicated to the Lord or the Mother of God, on the day following it, according to church custom, it is customary to remember those saints who are in some way connected with this event.
Therefore, afterwards the Church remembers the prophet Saint John the Baptist, who had the greatest honor of laying his hand on the Lord Himself.
John the Baptist testified to people about the Divine Being of Jesus Christ, about the Appearance Holy Trinity during baptism in the Jordan.

The Lord chose the Prophet John to become a link between the old Old Testament Church and the New Testament Church of Christ. According to church hymns, Saint John was

“bright morning star”

which in its brilliance surpassed the radiance of all other stars and foreshadowed the morning of a blessed day, illuminated by the spiritual Sun - Christ. Having baptized the sinless Lamb of God, Saint John soon died a martyr, beheaded by the sword on the orders of King Herod.


We magnify you, the Forerunner of the Savior, John, and honor your glorious birth from the fruitless.


The Nativity of John the Baptist is celebrated on July 7, the beheading of his head on September 11, the first and second discovery of the relic on February 24, and its third discovery on May 25. Every Tuesday prayers for him are offered to God.

history of the holiday

The Gospel of Luke tells how the righteous spouses, the elderly Zechariah and Elizabeth, became the parents of a long-awaited baby. For many years they asked the Lord for such happiness. And their prayer was heard. This happy day was preceded by amazing events.

Zechariah, being a priest, once entered the Temple of the Lord to perform incense. He prayed for forgiveness and consolation for the entire Jewish people. On the right hand of the altar he saw the Angel of the Lord. Righteous Zechariah was frightened and confused. The angel announced that their prayer had been heard, and that his wife would give birth to a son at the appointed time. He will be named John and will prepare many tribes for salvation.

The priest doubted the Angel's words. He demanded confirmation of the prophecy. For this Zachariah was punished with muteness. Leaving the temple, he could not please his wife with the news he heard. He spoke only on the day when it was necessary to name his newborn son. The happy father praised God and named his firstborn John.

© Sputnik / Yuri Abramochkin

Veneration of the Nativity of John the Baptist

Only three Christian holidays approved in honor of the birth of the glorified person are called Christmas. We are talking about the birth of Christ, the Mother of God and John the Baptist. The very presence of this fact emphasizes the special status of the Baptist among the revered saints. The canons of the holiday in honor of the birth of the holy martyr were written by Andrew of Crete and John of Damascus. His stichera were written by outstanding hymnographers.

The Nativity of John the Baptist is invariably celebrated during Peter's Fast. The date of the holiday was calculated according to the testimony of the Gospel of Luke that John the Baptist was born six months before the birth of the Savior. Since the Nativity of Christ coincided with the winter solstice, the birth of the Baptist began to be celebrated on the summer day.

Because the Orthodox Church in Russia uses Julian calendar, the astronomical correspondence of the holiday was lost. By Gregorian calendar Christmas of the Forerunners is celebrated in June, and according to the Julian - on July 7. In honor of this event, the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist was erected in Moscow.

© Sputnik / Pavel Balabanov

Reproduction of the icon “Our Lady, Savior, John the Baptist” (Deesis) by an unknown artist from the late 12th century. State Tretyakov Gallery.

Why is John the Baptist revered?

Being the same age as Christ, John witnessed all the events that followed the birth of the Infant God. He miraculously escaped death on the orders of the frantic Herod, when he decided to exterminate all the babies in order to prevent Christ from ascending to the throne.

Left an orphan, John did not die of hunger. By the grace of God, he was hidden in the bosom of nature, away from human eyes. Protected by the Almighty, the boy grew up surrounded by animals who took care of him. The Holy Spirit led him and strengthened him in prayer. John grew up without seeing people and their cunning, sins and weaknesses. According to ancient Christian interpreters, he brought God the rarest Old Testament vow of virginity. His mouth was anointed with great power of reproof.

As he grew older, he began to expose the sins of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Self-interest and pride, lust for power and acquisitiveness - these are the vices that John exposed. The people, understanding the righteousness of his words, revered the just prophet and teacher.

When the hour struck, ten cities standing on the Jordan heard John's powerful call. Simple people They immediately left their business and went to the banks of the Sacred River. There he confessed to everyone and led people into streams of water. Realizing what they had done, the publicans and harlots swore allegiance to John. They joined the ranks of his students and faithful followers. They all expected the coming of Jesus, who, by the will of the Heavenly Father, went to the bank of the Jordan to save people.

© Sputnik / Ilya Pitalev

Exhibition "Masterpieces of Russian icon painting of the XIV – XVI centuries"

At the appointed hour, the Baptist pointed the people to Christ and said: “Behold the Lamb who will take away the sins of the whole world.” The Savior was baptized by John. He left a covenant of loyalty to the Lord and love for his son. John the Baptist devoted his entire life to serving God. After his death, the Baptist was called by the Church a martyr, the first by grace.

The death of the Forerunner was terrible. He pointed out to Herod that he had broken the seventh commandment of the law of Moses by marrying Herodias, the wife of his own brother Philip. Herod did not dare to immediately execute the prophet, fearing the anger of the people, but threw him into prison. He later ordered John's execution at the request of Herodias' daughter. John the Baptist was beheaded in his prison cell. The servants brought his head on a platter to the feet of the unfaithful woman. The body of the martyr was buried by the disciples of the Forerunner. The head of the Baptist was stolen by the pious servant of Herodias. Later this relic was lost and found three times.