Imbuilding - effective exercises for intimate areas. Imbuilding - strengthening intimate muscles The best imbuilding exercises for pumping up muscles

Imbuilding is a set of special exercises that train a woman’s genital intimate muscles. This course also has a second name – wumbling. Although, in fact, this term means slightly different exercises. The article will tell you in more detail about the set of imbuilding exercises.

Imbuilding - what is it?

If the word imbuilding is translated from English, then this term literally means – to build intimate muscles. It should be noted that imbuilding consists of three English words - intimate, which means internal, deep, intimate. Muscles – the meaning of the word is muscle. Building, this term translates as to build.

Imbuilding is designed to train a woman’s genital muscles; it is a modern set of exercises. The purpose of this course of exercises is to train intimate muscles so that they become stronger and more flexible; in addition, this set of imbuilding exercises also strengthens women's health, which is very important for any representative of the fair sex, especially for those who are preparing to become mother.


Thanks to a set of imbuilding exercises, a woman will be able to easily control her intimate muscles, including during sexual intercourse, as well as during pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, imbuilding is also useful for the prevention of various female diseases. Many doctors practice imbuilding as an additional treatment method.

It must be said that imbuilding exercises are simple and absolutely safe; you can do them even at home. It should also be noted that similar methods for strengthening the female muscles of the body took place back in the seventeenth century in the East, and it was from there that the history of imbuilding began.

In the modern world, exercises to strengthen the female genital muscles began to be practiced by an American scientist and gynecologist - Kegel. It was he who, more than fifty years ago, patented his invention - a simulator for training intimate muscles for women. His method of treating female diseases, as well as restoring muscles after childbirth using imbuilding, resonated with many practicing gynecologists. Until now, doctors recommend Kegel exercises to their patients. Especially, exercises help during pregnancy and during the recovery period after childbirth, as the muscles become stretched and weak.

Imbuilding is primarily necessary for the prevention of diseases in women. Such diseases include prolapse of organs, weakening of muscles in the postpartum period, urinary incontinence, such a symptom can also appear after childbirth, pain during menstruation.

Imbuilding at home will help cure and prevent these diseases without the intervention of surgeons. Imbuilding also brings the muscles back to normal, makes them more elastic, due to which during childbirth you will experience less painful sensations, and there will also be a possibility that there will be fewer internal tears or none at all. This is due to the fact that a woman who has completed a set of imbuilding exercises at home controls her muscles much better; she understands when to tense and when to relax her intimate muscles. Moreover, it makes it easy and painless. In addition, if you engage in imbuilding after childbirth, then with the help of exercises the size of the vagina can be reduced to the original size.


So, the result of imbuilding exercises is as follows:

  • Since during training, intimate muscles are saturated with blood, and neurons in muscle tissue are activated, this has a positive effect on intimate life and the process of sexual intercourse, as well as on orgasm. Many women do imbuilding exercises at home, and they are very pleased with the results.
  • Imbuilding will also contribute to muscle development, which in turn has an impact on sexual intercourse. Due to the fact that a woman controls her muscles and can relax and tense them, with the help of this skill she is able to control arousal, as well as the moment of receiving satisfaction. In addition, imbuilding will help improve and increase sensuality during sex.
  • Imbuilding allows you to improve intimate relationships, since not only the woman gets pleasure, but also the man, again, it contributes to the woman’s ability to control her internal muscles.
  • If you are planning a pregnancy, then imbuilding will also come to your aid, since with the help of imbuilding, blood circulation in the internal intimate muscles is normalized, which promotes conception, and other metabolic processes are also normalized.

The advantages of imbuilding simulators include the following:

  • The simulator is manufactured only of the highest quality, using specialized equipment; during production, the complex structure of female internal organs is taken into account.
  • Imbuilding simulators are ergonomic. Correctly selected dimensions of the simulator will help you achieve a positive result much faster. In addition, they will support your desire to take the exercise course again and again.
  • The simulators have a feedback function. That is, after you have completed the exercises, the simulator will inform you about how correctly you performed this or that exercise. If you did something wrong, do not despair, the main thing is patience and regularity, and mistakes can always be corrected and a positive result achieved.
  • The main advantage of the imbuilding simulator is that it is effective. You will achieve better results than if you exercise without a machine. Since the simulator helps to achieve a positive result in a short time.

Imbuilding - video

Imbuilding, as we said earlier, can be done at home. In a comfortable environment for you. Video imbuilding will help you with this. Next, you can familiarize yourself with the video imbuilding lessons; they present to your attention exercises, both with and without a special simulator. You can also leave your comment on this article if you have already completed a set of imbuilding exercises.

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Many representatives of the fair sex are interested in the question: how to carry out imbuilding exercises at home? There are many types of this charging. For the initial stage there are easy exercises. It is always recommended to start with just such classes, gradually moving on to more complex ones, which are designed for professionalism in this matter.

At the very beginning of the path to improving your body, not all exercises will be easy. Be a little patient and try your best. The result will not be long in coming, and you will definitely achieve complete harmony with your body.

What is imbuilding?

Imbuilding can be called intimate exercise. To be precise, this is a system of exercises aimed at strengthening muscles that are in one way or another connected with the intimate area. You can often hear a horror story as old as the world that after childbirth, the muscles of the intimate area are greatly stretched, and nothing can be done about it.

But these are just prejudices. All that remains is to sympathize with those who, due to ignorance of their own anatomy, become hostage to such myths.

The female genital organ is a smooth muscle organ. But it is also known from a school anatomy course that smooth muscles do not have the ability to voluntarily contract. But it can stretch perfectly, which makes it possible to increase the lumen of the intimate area so much that a child can pass through it. The complex system of the female body responsible for the intimate sphere is not made up of genitals alone. In addition to the genital organs, it includes the muscles of the pelvic floor, perineum, and even the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. They need to be trained in imbuilding classes.

By learning to properly control these muscles, you can not only master the ability to consistently contract or relax the vagina. Strong muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum are the prevention of such age-related problems as, for example, uterine prolapse and urinary incontinence, and improved blood circulation in the pelvic area is the prevention of inflammation of the woman’s reproductive system and cancer.

Another common misconception exists among those women who have heard what imbuilding is and want to do it at home as soon as possible. They believe that, having mastered the technique, they will become irresistible in all respects - their weight will decrease, and real miracles will begin to happen in bed. Unfortunately, it's not that simple.

Imbuilding is a set of exercises that work deep muscles, and strengthening them will not in any way affect the volume of the hips or buttocks. But it often happens that, having felt a surge of vital energy from exercise, a woman begins to pay closer attention to her diet and general physical training, which, of course, together gives excellent results.

As for success on the bed front, no magic will happen here either. Time must pass before a woman learns to apply new useful skills in bed and learns new horizons of her body’s capabilities. And then - there is no limit to perfection!

If you do not have the opportunity to visit an imbuilding trainer, then you can do it at home. If you have a desire to do intimate exercises, then start doing it right away before you change your mind. Take advantage of your body's resources. The most basic muscle, which is responsible for the strength of the remaining muscles included in the intimate area, is called the pubococcygeus. It has the shape of a figure eight (it makes two loops around the anus and the entrance to the vagina).

The initial stage should be forced cessation of urination. You must learn to stop the stream of urine at any time. When urinating, hold the stream of urine for a few seconds and then relax your muscles. Repeat this several times during one urination. From today, going to the toilet little by little turns into a gym at home.

You can also train the muscles of the perineum anywhere. Tighten your vaginal opening in the same way you held back your urine. You need to hold this retraction for ten seconds, then relax, and so on ten times. Such exercises must be done at least three times a day. When it becomes easier for you, then begin to gradually increase the repetitions up to fifty times.

Special breathing exercises help strengthen the pelvic muscles. Breathe very deeply, but at the same time you need to retract your anus. Watch the muscles of the intimate area and abdomen. They shouldn't strain themselves. Many gynecologists prove that if this training exercise is carried out, then after a short time you will be able to notice a positive result. It will also help tighten and tone all the pelvic muscles and improve.

Imbuilding classes are convenient because simple exercises can be done anywhere: at your workplace, on the way to or from work, while doing everyday household chores. It is enough to devote just a few minutes to this, and you will soon feel the result.

You can use more complex training for imbuilding exercises at home, which require the use of special vaginal simulators.

An ordinary pencil can serve as a simulator. Treat it with alcohol or any antiseptic. Insert the blunt tip of the pencil into your vagina. Try to grab it with your intimate area and move around the apartment, you can do household chores. Believe me, these trainings are interesting. If this is very simple for you, then try to suck in the pencil and then push it back out.

Special jade balls are an excellent training tool. Of course, they are not cheap, but they are worth it. The ideal option would be jade balls made in China - they are made from real jade, which has healing properties. It is necessary to boil for several minutes and cool, then you can use it. They look like three elongated balls attached to a fishing line. Each of these balls has a different size.

They can be used individually or all together. Now your goal is to wear these balls inside your vagina, initially for at least five minutes. You can move around the apartment and do household chores. To keep them in, you will have to constantly strain the muscle.

Over time, increase the duration of exercises with this load. Ideally, you need to learn how to move them upward when they are in the vagina. Don't worry, they won't stay there forever; they can be easily removed with a fishing line. It should hang as a free end.

One of the modern methods is the use of a pneumatic simulator, which is a chamber that is inserted into the vagina and filled with air. With the help of this simulator, not only the intimate muscles are strengthened, but also the pelvic muscles are massaged, which makes them more elastic.

There are a lot of other simulators for imbuilding training; describing all the methods in detail would take a lot of time. You can go to any intimate store and consult with a specialist. They will definitely find something suitable for you for exercises at home.

It was Kegel (gynecologist) who proved the effectiveness of this exercise. There is even a special Kegel exercise machine for strengthening intimate muscles.

Imbuilding exercises at home using this method:

  1. Slow pace. Suitable for the initial stage of imbuilding classes. Lie on your back and bend your knees. Tighten your pelvic muscles as hard as you can, hold it for five seconds and then relax for the same period of time.
  2. Fast pace. It must be done lying on your back at an accelerated rhythm. Tighten the muscle for two seconds and relax for two seconds. And do this at least ten times.
  3. Flashing. They are done in three positions: standing, sitting and lying down. With this type of charging, alternating tension of various muscles occurs. Change each pose after three minutes. First, the muscles of the intimate area contract for two seconds, then relax. Next, the muscles of the anus tense, also for two seconds and relax. This training should be done until you learn to distinguish between the compression of different muscles.
  4. Pushing out. When doing this, you should push in the same way as you do when going to the toilet little by little. The relaxation stage is repeated for several minutes, and you choose the interval yourself. It can be from two to ten seconds.
  5. Step-by-step lessons. For ten seconds you need to squeeze and unclench your pelvic muscles for ten seconds. Rest ten seconds. This is done three times. Then reduce the compression time by five seconds. This means that you squeeze for five seconds and release for five seconds, and the rest is also shortened. Do nine repetitions. And at the end of the exercise, hold the muscle in a compressed state for thirty seconds, then rest for the same amount. Repeat twice.
  6. Elevator. Use your imagination here. You should imagine that you are taking an elevator from the first floor to the tenth, with stops at each floor. At each stop of the virtual elevator, you must squeeze your genitals with renewed vigor; you cannot relax. But as you begin to go down, at each stop the intimate muscle should gradually relax. Repeating the exercises is not required and you can perform this training up to three times a day.

Why do you need imbuilding classes?

Intimate exercise is, first of all, needed to strengthen intimate muscles. But after you finally strengthen them, great horizons will open up before you in terms of intimate health:

  • you will receive high-quality pleasure, you will be able to manage it yourself, by the way, and your partner too;
  • you will not experience various diseases such as menopause, premenstrual syndrome;
  • the risk of inflammation of the female organs will decrease;
  • make it easier to endure childbirth and recovery in the postpartum period;
  • your partner will receive great pleasure from intimacy with you, which is the key to a long-term relationship.

Currently, imbuilding has become a very popular activity among the female half of the population. Several thousand women have already achieved stunning results. With the help of intimate exercises, it has become possible to preserve women's health. It is not necessary to hire a special instructor for this type of fitness. It is enough to spend a few minutes on special imbuilding exercises at home. The more you try, the faster you will achieve good results.

Certified imbuilding trainer and head of the PION women's development studio

One of the main reasons for women to do intimate gymnastics is to improve their own health. What does intimate gymnastics give us?

Imbuilding (on a regular basis) improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs - the cells are supplied with oxygen, renewed, peristalsis is enhanced (which solves the problem of constipation), congestion and its undesirable consequences are eliminated, such as erosion, prolapse of the walls of the vagina and uterus, urinary incontinence , benign formations, hemorrhoids.

And even if a woman’s health is fine, intimate gymnastics can be done just like that, “for yourself” - and get good results. After all, imbuilding increases the quality of sensations from sex! With regular training, muscle sensitivity increases and develops, sexual sensations and orgasms become brighter, and new forms of pleasure open up.

We talked about the benefits of intimate gymnastics and exercises for beginners, but today we’ll look at the topic: . Which ones to choose and which ones are the best?

Imbuilding: which exercise machine to choose?

If you go to Google and write “intimate muscle trainer” in the search engine, you can simply get lost from the number of gadgets! However, upon closer study, you realize that in design and functionality they are almost identical, only the names are different. To help you choose the perfect im-building machine, I will talk about the main groups of exercise machines that exist, their pros and cons.

PelvicToner trainer

It consists of two plastic plates connected by a spring, which the woman must compress with her vaginal muscles.

  • The advantages of PelvicToner include spring loading and ease of use.
  • Cons: lack of feedback, angular design, not very pleasant to feel, many women are afraid that it may pinch the vaginal walls or cervix, very tight springs (almost no woman can squeeze them).
  • Efficiency: if you manage to compress the spring, then after a month of training you will see the first results. And if not, you can study for a year and not notice any results.

Muranivsky's simulator consists of two chambers (internal - latex and external) and a pressure gauge that gives feedback.

  • The advantages of this simulator are that it has feedback, and this simulator makes it possible to acquire the skill of full vaginal contraction (used in sex), but this is not taught in the first lesson.
  • Disadvantages: it is not intended for beginners, since starting exercises on such a simulator without previously strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, a woman can get a number of complications and harm her intimate health (pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence and hemorrhoids). The fact is that training with the Muranivsky simulator is inevitably accompanied by increased intra-abdominal pressure, which not only compresses the vagina, but also puts pressure on the pelvic floor. And if the pelvic floor muscles are weak, then instead of strengthening them, you can get the opposite effect.
  • Efficiency: very doubtful if there is no instructor nearby to monitor the correctness of the exercises.

  • The advantage of Vagiton PNEUMO is that it is a 2 in 1 exercise machine. It has two attachments: the Classic “Kegel” and the “Muranivsky” attachment. There is a pressure gauge with biofeedback. The Kegel attachment itself is an ideal “dumbbell”. It is possible to pump up the sensor to a certain elasticity and gradually make the work of the muscles more difficult as they become stronger. Using the Muranivsky nozzle, you can perform gynecological massage of the vagina, which is very useful for a woman’s intimate health.
  • The disadvantages of this simulator are the same as the previous one; without the qualified help of a trainer, you can harm yourself and get the opposite effect from the expected one.
  • Efficiency: training the vaginal muscles with Vagiton PNEUMO gives noticeable results within 2-3 weeks after the start of training.

“Laser” simulator by Yuri Kornev

The vumbilding simulator is a rod with a larger or smaller ball installed at the upper end, and a laser at the bottom.

  • The advantages include the uniqueness of the simulator: today it has no analogues in the world! This is a beautiful design and ease of use, biofeedback (in the form of a laser point), which allows a woman to evaluate the correctness of performing imbuilding exercises and accordingly increases the level of personal motivation in achieving a certain result.
  • The disadvantages of this simulator are that one rod will most likely gather dust in a box as it is no longer needed. The simulator requires an instructor who will help you understand how to correctly perform exercises for the vaginal muscles in order to move in the right direction and get the intended result.
  • The work efficiency is high, the first results can already be felt after 2-3 weeks of regular use for 10-15 minutes a day.

“Magic Kegel” is a silicone device in the form of a volumetric figure eight with a vibrating effect. Equipped with a special application for a smartphone and a pressure sensor.

  • The advantages include modern design, attractive appearance and a mobile phone application with feedback.
  • Cons: The creators of the simulator combined incompatible things: vaginal balls and a device for controlling the force of muscle compression. The muscle contraction reading sensor is located in the narrowest place of this simulator, so almost no woman can achieve the required performance. The imbuilding trainer often loses connection with the application, or does not connect to the device at all, sometimes freezes, sometimes gives long instructions that distract from training, and gives false training results. This is why for many the Magic Kegel remains a beautiful but useless toy.
  • Efficiency: zero, since there is no clear understanding of how to make the pressure sensor work correctly.

The vaginal muscle trainer is a silicone “cushion” for insertion into the vagina. It monitors the intensity of muscle compression and relaxation and provides feedback in the form of vibration.

  • The advantages of this simulator are the same as the previous simulator: modern design, attractive appearance and a mobile phone application with feedback.
  • Disadvantages: exercises with a simulator require constant participation: you need to control the strength of muscle compression and cannot be distracted. To make it less grueling, the manufacturer included a number of games in the application with the help of which the training takes place.

Unfortunately, depending on your smartphone for workouts has its own problems: the connection constantly drops, and the application freezes and does not work. The app often shows false results.

Another problem that you may encounter is that the size of the exercise machine does not match the size of the vagina. Kgoal is large in size and, despite the fact that its “cushion” deflates and inflates, it is not suitable for everyone.

  • Efficacy: questionable.

Myostimulation (exposure to low-frequency current) of muscles has reached the most hidden corners of our body. The vaginal probe of this exercise machine is inserted into the vagina and stimulates the pelvic floor muscles using current.

  • Pros: like any myostimulation, this is a workout for the lazy; you don’t need to work your muscles at all. And this is a big plus for those who, for some reason, have lost control over the pelvic floor muscles, being unable to keep them in good shape.
  • Cons: the effect of current on the internal muscles is not the most pleasant sensation. In addition, the issue of the influence of low-frequency current pulses on the body has not been fully studied. Under the influence of a myostimulator, the muscles begin to contract and work, which the brain becomes aware of. But the brain did not give such a command to the muscles! And the brain begins to look for the reason for muscle disobedience - it begins to reconfigure its control system! Because of this, side effects such as muscle dysfunction and spasms may appear.
  • Efficiency: in about 20 sessions you can give your muscles good tone, but, unfortunately, the effect quickly wears off as soon as you stop using it.

Vumbuilding, or in other words, imbuilding, is the real art of training intimate muscles by a woman. Have you ever thought that by performing special exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles, you can get rid of many difficulties in the future? No? Well, be patient and try to read this article to the end, as perhaps you will change your mind and gain insight into the art that ancient women, such as geishas, ​​possessed.

Since ancient times, in different cultures and among different peoples, there have been “secret” practices to maintain intimate muscles in good shape, but not everyone knew about them, but only dedicated “priestesses of love.”

The very first sources that describe the art of wumbling were such ancient treatises as “Kama-Sutra”, “Tantra”.

In ancient society they did not see anything shameful in such techniques and understood the benefits that they bring to both the woman and the man - the lover. But along with the development of Western society, humanity’s knowledge about the ancient techniques of love gradually began to fade away. In Puritan society, girls were raised so that they knew nothing about the peculiarities of sexual life, and everything that was in any way connected with sexual life was considered as something dirty, unacceptable and contrary to morality. This went on for a very long time, until the 20th century arrived; it was in this century that the famous sexual revolution took place. Since then, a gradual revival and improvement of ancient love techniques began; it was the 20th century that can be considered the beginning of the emergence of such an art as wumbling/imbuilding.

A great contribution to the development of a woman’s intimate muscles was made by such a famous gynecologist as Arnold Kegel, who dealt with the problem of urinary incontinence in women after the birth of a child. During the research, the professor found out that this problem is caused by the fact that some women have very weak intimate muscles after childbirth, then Kegel developed several special exercises for women with which they could pump up their intimate muscles. At that time, Arnold Kegel could not even imagine what a useful discovery he had made.

Why is it worth training your intimate muscles?

In the modern world, most women experience weakness of the intimate muscles, caused by irregular sex life and a sedentary lifestyle. If you are concerned about the following signs of weakness of the intimate muscles, then you should think about starting to perform special exercises.

  • Urinary incontinence under certain circumstances, such as laughing, sneezing, lifting heavy objects;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Prolapse of the vaginal walls;
  • Air entering the vagina during sex or bending over;
  • Water enters the woman's vagina.

Of course, the above reasons are not the only motivators for training a woman’s intimate muscles. When practicing wumbling, a woman will receive a whole range of “bonuses” that significantly improve her quality of life.

After performing special exercises, a woman experiences elasticity and tightness of the vaginal tissues, and blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves. Imbuilding classes also help a woman prepare for childbirth (childbirth is easier), recover after childbirth, for example, get rid of urinary incontinence after the birth of a child. But still, most women begin to engage in special training not because of the reasons listed above, but because wumbling classes can significantly improve the quality of sexual life.

Some women, for example, were able to achieve a vaginal orgasm only after working on their intimate muscles.

To everything else, I would like to add that a woman who has mastered the ancient art of geisha will be able to give her man such strong sensations in sex that he will not escape her later.

Methods of training intimate muscles.

The advantage of wumbling/imbuilding is that a woman can easily perform special exercises at home.

Kegel exercises.

Among all known exercises, Kegel exercises have gained the greatest popularity. And this is not surprising, because this particular technique is basic and widely used in the art of wumbling and imbuilding. The exercises performed allow you to strengthen the compression of the lower muscles of the vaginal canal, and after noticeable results are achieved, they move on to the next stage of imbuilding.

Here are some examples of Kegel exercises:

The simplest thing is to imagine that you want to go to the toilet “in a small way.” The essence of this exercise is that you do it (tension your muscles) as if you wanted to stop the flow of urine, without moving your legs.

Then follow these simple steps:
  1. For 10 seconds, try to squeeze and relax the vaginal muscles as quickly as possible, and then rest for 10 seconds. This technique must be performed in 3 approaches.
  2. The second technique is similar to the first. You will need to do the same, but for 5 seconds, and now you need to rest not 10 seconds, but 5 and repeat this exercise for 9 approaches.
  3. Final move: squeeze your intimate muscles for 30 seconds and relax for 30 seconds. Repeat 2 times.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in such exercises, and any woman can perform them at home or in any other convenient place and at a convenient time. The basic principle of basic Kegel exercises is for a woman to squeeze and relax her pelvic muscles, so you can even develop a set of exercises for yourself.

Gradually, from basic exercises they move on to the rest of imbuilding, that is, they learn to “squeeze” the upper part of the vaginal canal using the press and diaphragm. In addition, for better results, a woman is recommended to use special simulators for wumbling (laser simulator, pneumatic simulator, various weights and balls). Of course, all the exercises can be easily performed at home, but an unprepared woman who is faced with this for the first time may find it difficult to master the art of wumbling, which is why there are now a sufficient number of different schools for training intimate muscles. In these schools, an experienced instructor will help and tell you how to perform special exercises correctly, sometimes even just one lesson is enough. I would like to wish those women who have decided to engage in wumbling success and be patient while developing the muscles of love.

Recently, imbuilding activities have become extremely popular among women. This term refers to special exercises aimed at training female intimate muscles. According to experts, by regularly engaging in imbuilding, you can improve your sex life, ease the process of pregnancy and childbirth, and get rid of many gynecological abnormalities and diseases.

A Brief History of Imbuilding

Despite the fact that imbuilding is a relatively new term, techniques for training intimate muscles existed back in Ancient India, where every woman considered herself obliged to regularly perform certain exercises. The treatises Tantra and Kama Sutra describe these techniques in detail. The founder of modern imbuilding is Arnold Kegel.

This American gynecologist in the mid-twentieth century invented a vaginal simulator, which served to restore tone and train a woman’s intimate muscles. He also invented a special set of simple exercises that are quite accessible for independent use at home.

Imbuilding at home and what is the Kegel technique

Among all the currently existing techniques, it is the exercises that were once invented that are especially popular among women all over the world. The reason for this success is simple: this technique does not require a lot of time or special effort. You can easily train at home, without the presence of doctors or trainers, by spending a few minutes a day on your workouts. What does this complex consist of:

  • Actively squeeze and unclench your vaginal muscles for ten seconds. Then relax and rest for ten seconds. Do three of these approaches.
  • The second exercise is similar to the first, with the only difference that you will need to intensively squeeze and unclench your vaginal muscles for five seconds instead of ten, and then rest for five seconds. You need to do nine approaches.
  • Squeeze your intimate muscles and hold in this position for thirty seconds. After this, rest for the same amount of time. Repeat twice.

As you can see, these exercises are quite simple and accessible to every woman. You can perform them at any convenient time and anywhere. The technique developed by Kegel is based on squeezing and unclenching the intimate muscles. According to gynecologists, such training really gives positive results.

Imbuilding with exercise equipment

In addition to such useful and simple exercises, there is another effective method to train your intimate muscles yourself. These are classes with special simulators.

Today there are a huge number of various vaginal simulators. They no longer bear much resemblance to the devices that were in use in the forties and fifties. Modern manufacturers offer the following types of convenient and practical devices:

Exercise machine in the shape of a small egg

This is the most popular model. Such a device is available in the range of any company specializing in the production of this kind of intimate devices. It is quite easy to use and can be done while doing Kegel exercises. The egg is inserted into the vagina, and then successive squeezing and unclenching of the muscles is performed. Such simulators are made from special safe polymer materials, and the diameter of such an egg is 30 mm. This exercise effectively helps strengthen the intimate muscles and make them more elastic.

It is a special rod with a small ball at one end and a laser pointer at the other.

  • The ball is inserted into the vagina. Stand up straight with your back straight;
  • Spread your legs so that the laser does not touch them;
  • After this, begin to squeeze and unclench your pelvic muscles at intervals of several seconds;
  • The laser dot should move up and down;
  • Do several approaches of this exercise, bringing the amplitude of the laser movement to one and a half meters.

This simple workout will help strengthen weak muscles, get rid of urinary incontinence and restore the body after childbirth.

Perhaps the most complex and advanced device among all vaginal simulators existing today. Allows you to solve a number of problems:

  • increase sensitivity;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • improve the functioning of the excretory system;
  • achieve perfect compatibility with your partner.

Principle of operation This simulator is quite simple: a special chamber is inserted into the vagina, and then it should be inflated using a pump. This exercise plays the role of a kind of massage of the intimate muscles, making them stronger and more elastic.

Almost any woman who has no medical contraindications for sexual activity can exercise with a vaginal simulator. According to experts, the training technique provides such positive effects as developing sensitivity, treating gynecological abnormalities, preparing for pregnancy and childbirth, reducing pain during menstruation and solving many other intimate problems.