Instructions for negotiations and operational switching. Brief theoretical information

Chapter 1.5. Electrical management

Operational management

1.5.8. Consumers who have their own sources of electrical energy or who have independent electrical network enterprises in their power supply system must organize operational dispatch control of electrical equipment, the tasks of which are:

  • development and maintenance of the required operating mode;
  • production of switching starts and stops;
  • localization of accidents and restoration of operating mode;
  • planning and preparing circuits and equipment for production repair work in electrical installations;
  • fulfillment of requirements for the quality of electrical energy;
  • ensuring economical operation of electrical equipment and rational use energy resources subject to consumption regimes;
  • prevention and elimination of accidents and failures in the production, transformation, transmission, distribution and consumption of electrical energy.

The organization of dispatch control at Consumers must be carried out in accordance with the requirements current rules, while Consumers included in the register of energy supply organizations carry out their activities in accordance with the rules of technical operation of power plants and networks.

1.5.9. Electrical equipment operational management system, organizational structure and the form of operational management, as well as the type of operational maintenance of electrical installations, the number of operational personnel per shift is determined by the head of the Consumer and is documented.

1.5.10. Operational management should be organized according to a hierarchical structure that provides for the distribution of functions operational control and management between levels, as well as the subordination of lower levels of management to higher ones.

For Electric Energy Consumers, the higher level of operational management is the dispatch services of the relevant energy supply organizations.

1.5.11. For each operational level, two categories of equipment and facilities management should be established - operational management and operational management.

1.5.12. IN operational management a senior employee from among the operating personnel must have equipment, power lines, conductors, relay protection devices, equipment for the emergency and regime automation system, dispatch and process control facilities, operations with which require coordination of the actions of subordinate operating personnel and coordinated changes in modes at several facilities.

Operations with the specified equipment and devices must be carried out under the supervision of a senior employee from among the operating personnel.

1.5.13. IN operational management a senior employee from among the operating personnel should have equipment, power lines, conductors, relay protection devices, emergency and operational automation system equipment, dispatch and process control facilities, operations with which do not require coordination of the actions of personnel of different energy facilities, but the condition and operating mode of which affect the operating mode and reliability of electrical networks, as well as the configuration of emergency automatic devices.

Operations with the specified equipment and devices must be carried out with the permission of a senior employee from among the operating personnel.

1.5.14. All power lines, conductors, equipment and devices of the Consumer's power supply system must be distributed among operational management levels.

Lists of power lines, conductors, equipment and devices that are under the operational control or operational supervision of a senior employee from among the Consumer’s operational personnel must be compiled taking into account decisions on the operational management of the energy supply organization, agreed with it and approved by the technical manager of the Consumer.

1.5.15. The relationships between personnel at various levels of operational management must be regulated by relevant regulations, agreements and instructions, agreed upon and approved in in the prescribed manner.

1.5.16. Operational control must be carried out from the control panel or from the control room. It is possible to use an electrical room adapted for this purpose.

Control panels (points) must be equipped with communication means. It is recommended to record operational negotiations on a tape recorder.

1.5.17. Operational control panels (points) and other rooms adapted for this purpose must contain operational diagrams (layout diagrams) electrical connections electrical installations under operational management.

All changes in the connection diagram of electrical installations and relay protection and automation devices (hereinafter referred to as RPA), as well as the places where grounding is applied and removed, must be reflected in the operational diagram (layout diagram) after switching.

1.5.18. For each electrical installation, single-line diagrams of electrical connections must be drawn up for all voltages under normal operating conditions of the equipment, approved once every 2 years by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the Consumer.

1.5.19. Each control center, control panel of the Consumer's power supply system and facility with permanent personnel duty must have local instructions for the prevention and elimination of accidents. These instructions must be agreed upon with the higher operational dispatch control body.

1.5.20. Each Consumer must have developed instructions for operational management, maintenance operational negotiations and records, production of operational switching and elimination of emergency modes, taking into account the specifics and structural features of organizations.

1.5.21. Switching to electrical diagrams distribution devices (hereinafter - RU) of substations, switchboards and assemblies are carried out by order or with the knowledge of higher operational personnel, in whose operational management or jurisdiction this equipment is located, in accordance with the procedure established by the Consumer: by oral or telephone order with an entry in the operational log .

Operational switching must be performed by an employee from among the operational personnel who directly services electrical installations.

The order for switching must indicate their sequence. An order is considered executed only after receiving a message about it from the employee to whom it was given.

1.5.22. Complex switchings, as well as all switchings (except single ones) on electrical installations that are not equipped with interlocking devices or have faulty interlocking devices, must be carried out according to programs and switching forms.

Complex ones include switching that requires a strict sequence of operations with switching devices, grounding disconnectors and relay protection devices, emergency and regime automation.

1.5.23. Lists of complex switchings, approved by technical managers, must be stored at control centers, central (main) control panels of power plants and substations.

Lists of complex switchings should be revised when the circuit, equipment composition, protection devices and automation change.

1.5.24. Complex switchings should usually be performed by two workers, one of whom is a supervisor.

If there is one employee from the operational staff in a shift, the supervisor may be an employee from the administrative and technical staff who knows the layout of the electrical installation, the rules for making switching and is authorized to perform switching.

1.5.25. In case of complex switchings, it is allowed to involve a third employee from the personnel of the relay protection and automation services for operations in the relay protection and automation circuits. This employee, having previously read the switching form and signed it, must carry out each operation as directed by the worker performing the switching.

All other switchings, if there is a working locking device, can be performed individually, regardless of the composition of the shift.

1.5.26. In urgent cases (accident, natural disaster, as well as during emergency response), it is allowed, in accordance with local instructions, to carry out switching without orders or without the knowledge of superior operational personnel, with subsequent notification and entry in the operational log.

1.5.27. The list of employees entitled to perform operational switching is approved by the Consumer's manager.

The list of employees who have the right to conduct operational negotiations is approved by the person responsible for electrical facilities and transmitted to the energy supply organization and subsubscribers.

1.5.28. For repeated complex switchings, standard programs and switching forms* should be used.

When eliminating technological violations or to prevent them, it is allowed to make switches without switching forms with subsequent recording in the operational log.

* When drawing up standard programs and switching forms, energy services are recommended to use the standard instructions for switching in electrical installations, which are in force in energy supply organizations.

1.5.29. Switching programs and forms, which are operational documents, must establish the order and sequence of operations when carrying out switching in electrical connection diagrams of electrical installations and relay protection circuits.

Switching forms (standard forms) should be used by the operating personnel directly performing the switching.

1.5.30. Switching programs (standard programs) should be used by managers of operating personnel when making switching in electrical installations of different management levels and different power facilities.

The level of detail of programs must correspond to the level of operational management.

Workers directly performing switching operations are allowed to use the switching programs of the corresponding dispatcher, supplemented by switching forms.

1.5.31. Standard programs and switching forms must be adjusted in case of changes in the main electrical connection diagram of electrical installations associated with the introduction of new equipment, replacement or partial dismantling of obsolete equipment, reconstruction of switchgears, as well as the inclusion of new or changes in installed devices RZA.

1.5.32. In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, switching is carried out:

  • without switching forms - for simple switchings and in the presence of operating interlocking devices that prevent incorrect operations with disconnectors and grounding blades during all switchings;
  • according to the switching form - in the absence of locking devices or their malfunction, as well as in case of complex switching.

1.5.33. When eliminating accidents, switchovers are carried out without forms and are subsequently recorded in the operational log.

Switching forms must be numbered. Used forms are stored in the prescribed manner.

In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, switching is carried out without drawing up switching forms, but with an entry in the operational log.

1.5.34. Electrical equipment that is turned off at the verbal request of process personnel to carry out any work is turned on only at the request of the employee who submitted the request for shutdown or replacing him.

Before starting up temporarily disconnected equipment, at the request of the process personnel, the operating personnel are obliged to inspect the equipment, make sure that it is ready to be switched on, and warn the personnel working on it about the upcoming switch-on.

The procedure for filing applications for turning off and turning on electrical equipment must be approved by the technical manager of the Consumer.

1.5.35. In electrical installations with permanent personnel on duty, equipment that has been repaired or tested is switched on only after it has been accepted by operating personnel.

In electrical installations without permanent personnel duty, the procedure for accepting equipment after repair or testing is established by local instructions, taking into account the characteristics of the electrical installation and compliance with safety requirements.

1.5.36. When switching in electrical installations, the following order must be observed:

  • the employee who received the switching task is obliged to repeat it, write it down in the operational log and establish the order of upcoming operations using the operational scheme or layout diagram; draw up, if necessary, a switching form. Negotiations between operational personnel should be extremely concise and clear. The operational language should exclude the possibility of misunderstanding by personnel of received messages and transmitted orders. The giver and receiver of the order must clearly understand the order of operations;
  • if switching is performed by two workers, then the one who received the order is obliged to explain, using the operational connection diagram, to the second worker participating in the switching, the order and sequence of upcoming operations;
  • if there are any doubts about the correctness of the switching, they should be stopped and the required sequence should be checked according to the operational connection diagram;
  • After completing the switching task, an entry about this should be made in the operational log.

1.5.37. With planned changes in the circuit and operating modes of the Consumers' power equipment, changes in relay protection and automation devices, the dispatch services, which manage the relay protection and automation equipment and devices, must make the necessary changes and additions to the standard programs and switching forms at the appropriate levels of operational management in advance.

1.5.38. Operating personnel directly performing switching operations are not allowed to disable interlocks without authorization.

Unblocking is permitted only after checking on site the switched-off position and determining the reason for the blocking failure with permission and under the guidance of employees authorized to do so by written order of the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the Consumer.

If release is necessary, a switching form is drawn up with release operations entered into it.

1.5.39. The switching form is filled out by the duty officer who received the order to carry out switching. Both workers who carried out the switching sign the form.

The supervisor during switching operations is the senior in position.

Responsibility for the correctness of switching in all cases rests with both workers who performed the operations.

1.5.40. Switching in complete switchgears (at complete transformer substations), including rolling out and rolling in trolleys with equipment, as well as switching in switchgears, on switchboards and assemblies with voltage up to 1000 V, is allowed to be performed by one employee from among the operating personnel servicing these electrical installations.

1.5.41. Switching in electrical equipment and in relay protection and automation devices, which are under the operational control of higher operational personnel, must be carried out by order, and those under his jurisdiction - with his permission.

In the event of a fire and emergency response, operating personnel must act in accordance with local instructions and the operational fire extinguishing plan.

1.5.42. The switching order must indicate the sequence of operations in the electrical installation diagram and relay protection circuits with the required degree of detail determined by higher-level operating personnel.

The switching executor must be given no more than one task at a time to carry out operational switching.

1.5.43 If the voltage in an electrical installation disappears, operating personnel must be prepared for its reappearance without warning at any time.

1.5.44. Disabling and energizing a connection that has a switch in its circuit must be done using a switch.

It is allowed to turn off and turn on separators, disconnectors, detachable contacts of connections of complete switchgears (KRU), including devices outdoor installation(KRUN):

  • neutrals of power transformers with voltage 110-220 kV;
  • grounding arc suppression reactors with a voltage of 6-35 kV in the absence of a ground fault in the network;
  • magnetizing current of power transformers with voltage 6-220 kV;
  • charging current and ground fault current of overhead and cable power lines;
  • charging current of bus systems, as well as charging current of connections in compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents of the energy supply organization.

In ring networks with a voltage of 6-10 kV, it is allowed to turn off equalizing currents up to 70 A with disconnectors and close the network into a ring if the voltage difference across the open contacts of the disconnectors is no more than 5% of the rated voltage. It is allowed to switch off and switch on a load current of up to 15 A using three-pole disconnectors for outdoor installation at a voltage of 10 kV and below.

It is allowed to remotely switch off by disconnectors a faulty 220 kV switch, shunted by one switch or a chain of several switches from other connections of the bus system, if disconnecting the switch can lead to its destruction and de-energization of the substation.

Valid values The currents switched off and on by disconnectors must be determined by the normative and technical documentation of the energy supplying organization. The procedure and conditions for performing operations for various electrical installations must be regulated by local regulations.

The switching executor must be simultaneously issued no more than one order to carry out operational switching, which contains operations for the same purpose. After issuing a specific order, superior operational personnel, without interrupting the conversation, are obliged to: make sure that their order is understood correctly (listen to a verbatim repetition of the received order from subordinate operational personnel); confirm this with the words “Correct, do it,” “Okay, do it.” Operating personnel who have received an order to make switches are obliged to: repeat the order verbatim and receive confirmation that they understood the order correctly; record the order in the operational journal if the order is received at the workplace; according to the diagram, check the sequence of operations and begin executing the order; send notification of the switch using the form.

Granted to

If the procedure for conducting operational negotiations established by these instructions is violated, any of the negotiation participants is obliged to make a remark. Higher operational personnel issue operational orders in the form to make switches or change the operating mode on equipment (facility) under their operational control. When making switches, before issuing a specific order, higher operational personnel are obliged to: general form, briefly explain the purpose of your actions; instruct subordinate personnel on the switching procedure; instruct subordinate personnel on how to eliminate possible emergency situations; establish the necessary sequence of operations in the electrical installation diagram and circuits of relay protection and control devices, SDTU with the required degree of detail.

Energy Blog

Blog of a power engineer of relay protection and PA; - operations for turning on or off grounding blades, for installing and removing portable groundings; - issuing permits for the preparation of workplaces and for admission; - information about the operation of relay protection, emergency automatics; - information about the operation of location determination devices damage, telemechanics and remote control devices; - operational changes in relay protection and automation settings; commissioning and decommissioning of relay protection and automation, switching taps on transformers; - reports of accidents with people; - introduction of restrictions and disconnections of consumers for electrical and thermal energy; - reports of damage to equipment and apparatus or disruptions to their normal operation; - messages from the Hydrometeorological Center about storm warnings; - reception, handing over of shifts indicating the date, duration of the shift and the name of the dispatchers.

Persons entitled to conduct operational negotiations can be not only chief power engineers and energy engineers, but also persons from among the operational personnel, foremen, senior foremen, etc. A prerequisite is the presence of an appropriate electrical safety group. You can download a sample list below. I approve: Director of Lukson LLC A.A.

Zlobin "" 2015 List of persons having the right to negotiate with JSC IDGC of Siberia - Krasnoyarskenergo Berezovsky Distribution Zone No. Position Full name Electrical safety group Date of inspection Telephone 1 Chief power engineer Arkhangelsky N.Yu. V 11/13/2014 2 Electrical engineer Bokov V.I. V 11/13/2014

List of persons entitled to perform operational switching in accordance with the contract for the maintenance of electrical installations with IP Baburin No. Position Full name. Electrical safety group Date of inspection Phone 1 Head of ETL Baburin V.A. V 07/31/2014

Occupational Safety and Health

Chief Power Engineer (last name, given name, patronymic (if any)) before 20: (date) 2.1 send a list of employees, (name of organization) who have the right to conduct operational negotiations on power supply, as well as in organizations whose electrical networks are powered by (name of organization ) from networks. (name of organization) 2.2 request similar lists of employees from the organizations listed in clause 2.1. Familiarize operational personnel with them. 2.3 determine the control room of the chief power engineer’s service as the location for storing lists of employees of the energy supply organization and sub-subscriber organizations that have the right to conduct operational negotiations on power supply. Application: for 1 l. in 1 copy.

The right to conduct operational negotiations

If the duty personnel of an electric power facility violates the procedure for conducting operational negotiations established by this standard, any of the negotiation participants is obliged to make a remark. IN general view the form of communication when conducting operational negotiations is as follows: - the name of the electric power facility, division is called; - the position and surname of the duty officer is reported; - the time of issuance and execution of the order, permit, information is indicated; - the content of the order, permit, information is stated. When conducting operational negotiations via direct (dispatcher) channels, it is allowed to limit oneself to reporting the last name without the name of the electric power facility or division.

The person being called is introduced first, the person calling second, addressing each other only as “You”. It is allowed to address them by name and patronymic.

Sample list of persons entitled to conduct operational negotiations

  • On conducting operational negotiations and operational documentation
  • Energy Blog
  • The right to conduct operational negotiations
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Energy dispatcher

On conducting operational negotiations and operational documentation The switching executor must be simultaneously issued no more than one order to carry out operational switchings, which contains operations for the same purpose. After issuing a specific order, the superior operational personnel, without interrupting the conversation, is obliged to: make sure that his order understood correctly (listen to a verbatim repetition of the received order from subordinate operational personnel); confirm this with the words “Correct, do it,” “Okay, do it.”
Operational orders are given in an imperative form, briefly, clearly: “Turn on ...”, “Disable ...”, “Remove ...”, “Repeat ...”, “Correct, carry out”, etc. Execution order 1. Describe the concept of operational negotiations and requirements for conducting operational negotiations. 2. Fill out the order form to perform the specified switching.
3. Fill out the notification form for the completed switch. Contents of the report 1. Description of the concept of operational negotiations and the requirements for conducting operational negotiations. 2. Completed order form to perform the specified switching.
3. Completed notification form for the completed switch. 4. Conclusions. Test questions 1. How are disconnectors switched on the contact network? 2. Who issues the order to switch? 3. What should operational negotiations be like? 4.
Who has the right to conduct operational negotiations? 5.

And also the appendix: Appendix to the order dated No. (date) Cover LIST OF EMPLOYEES, (name of organization) who have the right to conduct operational negotiations on electricity supply 1. – (last name, first name, patronymic (if any)) (position) (tel .); (number) 2. – (last name, first name, patronymic (if any)) (position) (tel.); (number) 3. – (surname, proper name, patronymic (if any)) (position) (tel.); (number) 4. – (last name, first name, patronymic (if any)) (position) (tel.); (number) 5. – (surname, proper name, patronymic (if any)) (position) (tel.); (number) 6. – (surname, proper name, patronymic (if any)) (position) (tel.); (number) 7. – (surname, proper name, patronymic (if any)) (position) (tel.).

The person being called is introduced first, the person calling second. In the future, addresses by name and patronymic are allowed. Operational negotiations must be clear, concise and clear in content, and conducted in a technically sound manner, using industry-accepted terminology.

Before the start of operational negotiations, operational personnel are required to think through their content. Operational negotiations must be conducted with the utmost conciseness, absolute precision of all expressions, excluding misunderstandings, errors and questions. When conducting operational negotiations, maintaining operational and technical documentation, deviation from the established dispatch names of equipment, power lines, relay protection devices, and SDTUs is unacceptable.

It is allowed to use abbreviated names in accordance with the instructions of the PTE.
RZ and PA; - operations for turning on or off grounding blades, for installing and removing portable groundings; - issuing permits for the preparation of workplaces and for admission; - information on the operation of relay protection, emergency automatics; - information on the operation of means of identifying fault locations, telemechanics and telecontrol devices; - operational changes in relay protection and automation settings; commissioning and decommissioning of relay protection and automation, switching taps on transformers; - reports of accidents with people; - introduction of restrictions and disconnections of consumers for electrical and thermal energy; - reports of damage to equipment and apparatus or disruptions to their normal operation; - messages from the Hydrometeorological Center about storm warnings; - reception, handing over of shifts indicating the date, duration of the shift and the name of the dispatchers.


1.1. This instruction has been compiled in accordance with the requirements:
_GKD 34.20.507-2003 “Technical operation of power plants and networks. Rules".
_GKD 34.35.507-96 “Operational switching in electrical installations. Execution rules."
_ SOU-N MPE “Elimination of accidents and regime violations at energy enterprises and energy associations.”
_DNAOP 1.1.10-1.01-97 “Rules safe operation electrical installations." _Oblenergo Instructions “On conducting operational negotiations, an operational scheme and an operational log.”
1.2. This instruction defines the procedure for maintaining an operational log at substations, distribution centers, distribution centers and workshop areas of distribution networks of electrical networks.
1.3. Knowledge of this manual is required for:

  • ODS dispatchers;
  • OVB of groups of substations;
  • operational and production personnel of substation groups;
  • EDG dispatchers of RESs;
  • OVB RESov;
  • operational and production workers of workshop sections of distribution networks transferred to the operating mode of fire protection or during operational switching in the networks of the section during the elimination of technological violations, preparation of workplaces;
  • SPS, SRS personnel.


2.1. Operational logs must be kept at all substations and OVB of groups of substations, the control center of ES, ODG, OVB and workshop areas of RESs.
2.2. The right to maintain an operational log is granted to the personnel specified in clause 1.3. of this instruction to those on duty during the shift and admitted to operational control and (or) operational switching.
2.3. The following information must be indicated on the outer front cover of the operational journal: enterprise, division, electrical installation, site, fire safety department, serial number, beginning and end of its maintenance.

For example:

JSC "Tsentroblenergo"
Northern Electric Networks.

Operational journal.
Substation "Severnaya" -110 kV
№ 1

JSC "Tsentroblenergo"
Northern Electric Networks.
Nikonovskaya group of substations.
Operational log of the EOD

JSC "Tsentroblenergo"
Northern Electric Networks.
EDC of the Southern Distribution Zone
Operational log

JSC "Tsentroblenergo"
Northern Electric Networks.
Arsenyevsky city distribution zone.
Privolsky section.
Operational log

JSC "Tsentroblenergo"
Northern Electric Networks.
Southern Distribution Zone
OVB "Nikitovsky site"
Operational journal.

Started: "__"__________200__g
Finished: "__"_______200__g

2.4. On inside The front cover must contain a list of persons entitled to maintain an operational journal.
2.5. The pages of the operational journal must be numbered, the journal must be laced and sealed. On the last page it is indicated “The magazine is numbered, laced and sealed (the number of pages is indicated)” signed by the responsible employee of the relevant electrical network service indicating the full name.
2.6. The last page should indicate a diagram of the normal mode or deviation from it at the time of entering the operational log, signed by the head of the substation group or deputy. Head of the Distribution Zone for Operations. If there are changes in the normal mode scheme during the maintenance of the operational log, the corresponding changes are made on the last page, indicating the date and signature of the person who made the change.
2.7. When introducing a new operational log on groups of substations, all stamps of installed groundings from the previous log must be transferred to the first page. When transferring stamps to a new journal, in the “Signature” line, indicate the full name of the person by whose order the grounding was installed, signed by the person transferring the stamp. The first shift must be recorded in full, indicating all deviations from the normal mode scheme.
2.8. The operational journal is kept in ink without blots, erasures or the use of a proofreader. Corrections in the text are not allowed. If an erroneous entry is identified, the error can be crossed out with one line (the crossed out text must be readable) and a new correct entry is made. In the column “Visas, comments and orders. . ." indicated “erroneously” under signature.
2.9. Each entry in the operational log must begin with recording the time the order was given and the message was received. When giving an order for operational switching, the record should end with recording the time of receipt of notification of execution in the form “Iss. Time".
2.10. The supervisor or deputy must become familiar with the maintenance of the operational log every day, on working days. Head of the UDF, Deputy the head of the Distribution Zone for operational work, recording the identified comments in the “Visas...” column and signing them.
2.11. Heads of substation groups (chiefs, chief engineers and deputy heads for operational work of distribution zones) are required to familiarize themselves with the maintenance of the operational log at the substation (site) from the moment of the last visit, recording the identified comments in the “Visas...” column and signing them.
2.12. The heads and chief engineers of distribution zones with the maintenance of an operational log on the EDG must familiarize themselves with the maintenance of the operational log at least twice a week, recording the identified comments in the “Visas...” column and signing them.
2.13. Personnel of the SPS, SRS and SOT are required to familiarize themselves with the maintenance of an operational log at the substation, EDG of the distribution zones, and sites at each visit, recording the identified comments in the “Visas...” column and signing them.
2.13. The operational log is a strict accounting document and must be stored for five years.
2.14. For omissions in maintaining the operational journal, the perpetrators will be held administratively liable.
2.15. Leaving duty without registering the change of shift in the operational log is prohibited.
2.16. The following must be recorded in the operational journal:

  • receiving, issuing and carrying out operational orders;
  • changes in the operational state of equipment of substations, distribution centers, transformer substations, overhead lines, relay protection and automation devices, PAs, SDTUs, which are both under operational control and under control at adjacent power facilities, indicating the position of switching devices and the grounding mode of transformer neutrals;
  • results of inspections of equipment at substations, thermal power plants, overhead lines in case of technological violations in the network;
  • information about violations, abnormalities in the operation of equipment at substations, distribution centers, transformer stations and emergency shutdowns of overhead lines, indicating the operation of relay protection and automation devices under the control of the dispatcher;
  • information about emergency frequency reductions;
  • information on the application of regulatory measures, indicating the magnitude and reason for the application;
  • orders through the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • orders of the enterprise management related to the operation of equipment, operational and sales work;
  • information about incidents, accidents, phenomena.

2.17. The installation and removal of portable grounding connections at substations and distribution centers must be recorded using stamps of the established type. When handing over the shift, the installed ground connections must be highlighted with a red pencil. In operational logs of ODS, OVB of groups of substations, OVB of ODG RESs, installed groundings are highlighted by underlining with a red pencil, and removed ones - blue.
2.18. A link is allowed in shift turn-in records, but records only of the previous shift during a break in work of no more than one shift.
2.19. When making entries in the operational log, abbreviations are allowed in accordance with instructions ODS-2 “Production of inscriptions and designations on electrical equipment of electrical networks.”
2.20. Records related to operational switching must be maintained in a technically competent manner. Deviations from technical terminology and dispatch names are unacceptable. The use of signs in the form of arrows or other symbols is prohibited.
2.21. When repairing overhead lines according to the program, it is allowed to make one entry “According to program No.__ off. and ground. 110 kV overhead line “Kherson – City No. 1”. DEM: Ivanov, Petrova. S-but Sidorov.
2.22. It is prohibited to make entries in the operational journal that should be recorded in other documents: in the journals of orders, telephone messages, etc.
2.23. When commissioning new equipment, reconstructing the network, testing equipment, etc. It is allowed to make the following entries: “Kherson, according to the program, testing operations for testing the operating voltage MV-110 kV Central No. 1 have begun,” “Test operations for testing the operating voltage MV-110 kV Central No. 1 have been completed.”
2.24. Entries in the operational journal are kept in chronological order. In case of violation of the chronology in the operational log, the entry must be made in the following form: “15-30 At 14-10 at the Seversk substation, automatic reclosure was introduced. South". In the column “Visas. Notes...” a “Missed entry” is marked and the signature of the operating personnel on shift is affixed.
2.25. Entries in the operational journal are made in legible handwriting in dark blue or black ink in Russian.
2.26. When introducing a new operational journal in the EDG of RESs, annexes must be drawn up to this operational journal in the form of “Statement No.__ of accounting for included grounding knives to the operational journal No.__” and “Statement No.__ of accounting of installed portable protective grounding to the operational journal No.__”, signed by the deputy head of the Distribution Zone for OR and sealed with the seal of the Distribution Zone. Information about all included SZN and established PZZ from previous operational logs is transferred to the stamps of these statements.


3.1. Mnemonic diagrams of control panels of ODS, ODG, substations or network sections represent graphic diagram with printed operational dispatch names of electrical installations, models of switching devices with a changeable state and electrical connections of electrical installations of the distribution network enterprise, site, substation, displaying the actual position of the switching devices. The mnemonic diagrams should reflect the equipment of electrical installations that is under the operational control or control of the duty personnel.
3.2. Mnemonic diagrams must be equipped with posters with symbols printed on them that determine the operational status of the equipment, the installation location of portable grounding, working crews and other necessary posters.
3.3. On the mnemonic diagrams it is allowed to put conventional symbols, inscriptions reflecting relay protection and automation devices (AVR, AChR, DZ, ODS) and their settings for the purpose of efficiency in the work of the duty personnel.
3.4. Inscriptions on electrical installations, connections, sections or busbar systems must be written in black font directly on the tablet in block letters.
3.5. Operating personnel are required to maintain a mnemonic diagram (layout diagram), displaying on it all the changes occurring during the shift. Changes are made immediately after making operational switching, receiving notification of the execution of orders for operations with switching devices, receiving a message about independently performed operations in accordance with ODS-5, installation of portable grounding by hanging appropriate posters, bringing models of switching devices into the appropriate position.
3.6. When commissioning new equipment, reconstructing a network or changing operational dispatch names on the mnemonic diagram, appropriate changes must be made immediately. All changes must be formalized by instructions from the enterprise.

4. Conducting operational negotiations.

4.1. OPERATIONAL NEGOTIATIONS – exchange of information in the process of personal communication between duty, operational and production and production personnel using communication means about the condition of equipment at power facilities, organization of repair work by both the personnel of the oblenergo and other enterprises (licensees, railway, Centrenergo, etc. .), as well as with non-electrical personnel of third-party organizations (Ministry of Emergency Situations, SBU, etc.) on issues related to the production activities of the enterprise ( natural disasters, theft, etc.).
4.2. All operational negotiations must be conducted in Ukrainian or Russian. Before commencing operational switching, duty personnel are required to consider the content and sequence of upcoming negotiations. Operational negotiations must be conducted technically competently, using the technical terms recommended in GKD 34.35.507-96, GKD 34.20.563-96, GKD 34.20.507-2003 and in accordance with the “Instructions for making inscriptions and designations on electrical equipment of electrical networks” . In orders for operational switching, all electrical equipment of substation, overhead lines, RP, TP, CL, relay protection and control devices, SDTU devices must be named in full in accordance with the uniform operational dispatch names, briefly and clearly. Reductions are allowed in accordance with ODS-2.
4.3. At the beginning of the conversation, persons participating in the upcoming negotiations are required to provide the name of their object, position, and introduce themselves by last name. When conducting operational negotiations via dispatch channels, it is allowed to limit oneself to reporting the last name. The following order of negotiations is adopted, namely: the person who received the call is introduced first, and the person calling second. In the future, addresses by name and patronymic are allowed. Friendly relationships are prohibited, i.e. calls by name. When making entries in the operational journal, it is allowed to limit oneself to indicating only the surname, provided that there is no person with a similar surname at this unit.
4.3. When conducting operational negotiations, it is PROHIBITED:

  • use cellular communications if it is impossible to record on a magnetic medium;
  • conduct conversations of an extraneous, personal nature;
  • use “adverbs and particles” (“so”, “too”, “also”, “well”, “yes”, etc.).

4.4. In general, the form of an operational conversation should be structured according to the following scheme:

  • Object name;
  • position and surname of duty personnel, operational and production personnel, maintenance personnel;
  • content of an order, message, request, report, information.

4.5. If the personnel involved in operational switching violates the requirements of this instruction regarding the procedure for conducting negotiations, any of the negotiation participants is obliged to make a remark. A person who has received a remark about a violation of the procedure for conducting operational negotiations, switching, has not responded with an appropriate action, or has entered into an argument-dialogue, is subject to removal from operational negotiations, switching.

Appendix No. 1
to the instructions for use
operational journal

Form of reference
operational log for substations
serviced by operational and production personnel.

01.01.05 Shift from 7-30 to 19-00 EM p outdoor switchgear Ivanov II t=-5 C, snow.
07-30 Reported arrival at ps. Work verified

Accepted the shift according to the records of changes in

ps diagram for the previous shift
D/d ODS Nazarkov RV
D/d AGRES-Petrov II
D/d ASRES-Sidorov PP
07-38 Permission was received from the D/D ODS for the translation of technical specifications and technical specifications
to perform inspection of PS equipment.

The equipment has been inspected and there are no comments (if any comments are found on the equipment, please indicate them). Diagram
p/st normal mode (except), voltage
on AB-127V, recharging current, insulation control 35.6 kV
emergency lighting and protective equipment were checked. 3U0 was measured. TUiTS was transferred to Uv.EM p ORU!
on the remote control. Why not
Ps “Khorkino” Kolomiets NS. No comments on the ps. marked as
PS “Mountain” Borozdkin DV. No comments on the equipment. cells opened
An opened chamber of TN 1SSh-6kV was discovered. ka A report was given to the ODS on the condition of the circuits and equipment Full name

according to the group ps, the watches are synchronized. P/n

Control of electricity consumption in the morning

maximum: at 6 kV “Dekonskiy k-t” P = 0.8 MWh, “Belokamenka” P = 1.1 MWh.
9-05 Completed control of electricity consumption per hour
morning maximum. The flow rate for 6 kV connections was transferred to PSEN-Muntyan LA.

D/d ODS. Disable MV-110kV ad. "Khorkino" without

loads. Vol. 9-12
9-20 D/d ODS. Check the shutdown position of MV-110kV locally
and off LR-110kV ad. "Khorkino" without e.g. Issue 9-32

D/d ODS.Check absent. line voltage

input 110 kV and incl. ZN on LR-110kV pris. "Khorkino"
towards the overhead line, hang 1 poster ODS.Iss. 10-00

D/d ODS.Po B/P No. 21 with control Gura VI off.ShR 1SSH-110kV

and incl. ZN junction ShR-110 kV attached "Khorkino". Issue 10-15

D/d ODS. Accepted: MV-110kV and panel EPZ-1636 with.


According to Order No. 15, a relay protection and automation brigade consisting of:

Grishchenko IP group 5-work manager, Ilyushchenko DV 4gr-
member of the main control room team on the EPZ-1636 panel attached. "Khorkino".

Outdoor switchgear-110kV.MV-110kV ad. "Khorkino". According to N/A No. 14, the Godla AA brigade of gr. 4 was admitted for routine repairs.

Voltage drop in the 110 kV network with d/d ODS. D/d ODS. Inspect the relay protection and control panels. Upon inspection, fallen out blinkers were found.

Panel No. 1

CS: “faulty oscilloscope N-13”, “faulty
DFZ-2", "off MV-110/35/6 kV". Panel No. 9 DFZ Zovnaya: "Start protection (10RU)", "Off protection (11RU)", "Off.
MV-110kV Zarya (12RU). Panel No. 15 of Zarya automation:
“Operation of autorecloser (12RU).” Panel No. 5 EPZ-1636: “Acceleration 3
stage DZ (2RU)". MV-110kV ad. is switched off. "Zarya", APV
N/U.S-no d/d ODS.

dd ODS. Inspect the Zarya input equipment. An inspection of the Zarya-110 kV input equipment was carried out.

No comments. S-but d/d ODS.

D/d ODS. Output automatic reclosing at 110 kV "Zarya". Issue 10-22. D/d ODS.Incl. MV-110kV ad. "Zarya" without load. Issue.

Panel No. 1 of the CS fell out the blinker “Ground in the 6 kV network at 1 SSH-

6 kV”, KIZ reading: f “A” - 1.0 kV, f “B” - 5.3 kV, f “C” - 5.4 kV.
S-no d/d ODS, d/d AG RES.

D/d ODS. Start finding “Earth” at 2СШ-6kV. D/d AGRES.Okl.MV-6kv pris. "TP-19" under load.

KIZ readings unchanged. Issue 11-35
11-35 D/d ​​AGRES.Incl.MV-6kV pris. "TP-19" under load. Issue 11-36.

D/d AGRES.Okl.MV-6kV pris.Karpovka under load.

KIZ readings are normal. Issue 11-39.

D/d AGRES.Po B/P 100 off.LR,ShR1 SSH-6kV,incl.SZN on LR

pris. "Karpovka" towards the line. Issue 11-50.

According to order No. 15, Gritsenko’s brigade, IP 5gr. finished the work.

12-00 According to N/A No. 14, Godla AA brigade 4 gr. finished the work.

Delivered d/d ODS: MV-110kV with. "Khorkino" and FTE panel - "Khorkino".

17-00 D/d ODS. Apply GAO from 1st to 3rd stage.

GAO applied in 1st stage.Off. 6 kV "Belokamenka"

P = 0.8 MW. GAO 3 stages. Off pri. "Deconskiy plant" R=1.2 MW.
S-no d/d ODS.
18-00 D/d ODS. Apply GOM in 3 1st queues. wrong

GOM was applied in the 1st stage. With-but "Red" Petrova AI. (signature)

Load before applying GOM of the 1st stage "Mine 3 vv№1”Р=
1.0 MW, after application P = 0.6 MW. S-no d/d ODS.

D/d ODS. Stage 1 GOM has been cancelled.

19-05 Departed from ps
Changes in the PS scheme per shift.
The substation diagram corresponds to the normal mode diagram, for
exception: off MV-110,LR,ShR 1 SSh-110kV on ZN on LR in
side of the line, including ZN on ShR1 SSh-110 kV towards MV-110 kV
at the Khorkino connection. PZZ No. 1, 2, 3 in their inventory places. Clean b/p No. 20.

19-30 Passed the shift:

Appendix No. 2
to the instructions for use
operational journal

A sample of filling out the operational journal of the internal security control of groups of substations.

date and time
Contents of records in the shift and signatures on the delivery and acceptance of the shift.

Visas, comments and orders
technical personnel.

2nd shift from 19-30 o'clock on July 13, 2005 to 7-30 o'clock on July 14, 2005
Substation "Chertanovo" - 35 kV. Electrical fitter OVB Ivanova II.
(indicate the PS if acceptance was not carried out at the base PS)

T= -5C,
wet snow

Reported: d/d ODS-Moroz AY, ODC Southern Distribution Zone - Izyumovaya VA, G.Vostochny Distribution Zone - Zavereiko SI on accepting the shift. Checked - the security alarm is working. The clocks have been checked.

Permission was received from the D/D ODS to transfer the technical specifications and technical equipment to the MU for inspection of the substation equipment.

TU and TS were transferred to MU.

There were no comments on the inspection of the substation equipment (if any comments are identified, please indicate them). Scheme of PS of normal mode (indicate if there are any comments). The voltage on the battery is -117V. AB charging current is 5.5A. Insulation monitoring 35 kV (21; 21.1; 21 kV) 6 kV (3.6; 3.6; 3.6 kV). Emergency lighting and protective equipment have been checked - no comments. Reported by the UDF.

Work has begun on servicing the battery in the order of routine operation.

DD ODS at substation "Gorodskaya" -35 kV triggered security alarm.
Leave at substation "Gorodskaya" -35 kV.

Arrived at the substation “Gorodskaya”-35 kV (further entries are made in the operational log of the substation, starting with the following entry “22-10 Arrived at the substation by order of the police department of the ODS to determine the reason for the alarm.”

Left the substation "Gorodskaya" -35 kV.

Arrived at the Yuzhnaya substation - 110 kV to perform a night inspection of equipment, record meters and calculate electricity consumption.

Departed at the Chertanovo substation -35 kV.

Arrived at the Uzlovaya substation - 110 kV.

Started recording email readings. counters on flows from the control unit and calculation of expenses. Issue 01-25.

Work has begun on cleaning the 6kV indoor switchgear in accordance with routine operation.

The work on cleaning the closed switchgear switchgear-6kV has been completed.

Working out with the D/D ODS the procedure for the upcoming operational switching for the removal for repair at the Yuzhnaya 110 kV substation of 35 kV connections "City No. 1", "Filtrovalnaya" and 2 SSH-35 kV. Drawing up the B/P.

Checking the d/d ODS for working out self-preparation issues. According to the annual plan TU.

Study of section 4.5 ODS-5

Departed for substation "Yuzhnaya" -110 kV for operational switching.

Arrived at the Yuzhnaya substation - 110 kV to carry out operational switching.

At the Yuzhnaya substation - 110 kV with no entries in the operational log of the substation: off MV-35 kV, LR, ShR1 and 2SSh-35 kV, on SZN and installation of PZZ on LR towards the line, on SZN and installation of PZZ on ShR 1SSh-35 kV towards the ShR fork along the -35 kV adjoining "City No. 1" and "Filtrovalnaya". Removed from reserve and grounded 2SSh-35 kV.

Substation "Gorodskaya" - 35 kV Novikova EY. At 07-05 o'clock, disconnection and grounding of T No. 1, output of MIN point T No. 1 and 2, ATS SMV-6 kV and on. SMV-6 kV, output point of SMV -6kV.

The duty officer has 2 shifts.

At the Yuzhnaya substation - 110 kV, 2SSh-35 kV is removed from reserve and grounded, off MV-35 kV, LR, ShR 1 and 2SSh-35 kV, on SZN installed PZZ on LR towards the line, on SZN and installed PZZ on ShR 1SSh towards the fork at the Gorodskaya station No. 1 and Filtrovalnaya. Otherwise, the circuit is in normal mode. At the Gorodskaya substation - 35 kV output. MIN switching points No. 1 and 2, AVR and switching stations are output to SMV-6kV, incl. SMV-6kV. T#1 is off and grounded. The rest of the scheme is normal.
At the substation "Mashzavod" - 110 kV, "Krasny baker" - 35 kV, a normal mode diagram.
The security alarm of the Gorodskaya substation - 35 kV was triggered, the reason is unclear, from the SPS, SDTU.
(All deviations from the normal mode diagram and the diagram indicated on the bottom cover on the inside are listed).
Clean B/P No. 105 "OVB Northern gr. PS"

Accepted the shift:

Passed the shift:

Appendix No. 3
to the instructions for use
operational journal

A sample of filling out the operational log of a RES dispatcher.

Date and


Visas, comments and technical orders

2nd shift from 7-30 to 17-30 07/27/05 d/d Ivanov II
DD ODS - Koshkin VYU
OVB-1 Pasyuk SV gr.4-senior shift
Lavrushin VA gr.4 – brigade member
Lenko VA gr.2-driver-electrician
The complete set and condition of the chemical safety equipment was checked according to the list. No comments.
A targeted training session was conducted with a tape recording on the topic:
“Safety measures when working with AGP.”
OVB-1 go to 10 Petrovsky Street to determine the nature of the damage without the right to carry out work. Issue 07-51
OVB-1 on the street. Pertovsky, 10 break of the main wire in the span of the op. 4-5. Leave for TP8.
OVB-1 in TP-8 is off. n/v rub-ki st, Pervomaiskaya, lane. M. Thorez, Shchorsa, Input. Rub-to ST. Issue 07-59
OVB-1 in TS-8 at 0.4 kV Petrovskogo St. off-r.n/in rub-k, remove PN, installation. insulating pad. Issue 08-16
A report was issued to the UDS on the status of the distribution network network, number of applications, n/a. (in case of disturbances in the operation of the network, list by name the disconnected overhead lines, CL-6/10 kV; number of de-energized transformer substations, distribution points; category of demand, Taken measures to recovery; approximate voltage supply time; number of storeys, area, etc.; operability of radio communications, tape recorder).
OVB-1 ON-0.4 kV "TP8-Petrovskogo St." op.4 Grounded chassis AP-17 Issue
OVB-1 ON-0.4 kV “TP8-Petrovskogo St.” op.4 Wire no voltage
zheniya on 3 phases of installation PZZ No. 31. Issue 08-25

OVB-1 ON-0.4 kV "TP8-Petrovsky St." op.5 after grounding AP-17 wire. no oral tension PZZ No. 34. Issue 08-39

OVB-1 on R-176ODG on VKL-0.4 kV “TP8-Petrovsky St.” 4-5 poles mount the wire. Issue 09-40.
OVB-1 at VKL-0.4 kV "TP8-Petrovskogo street" remove grounding at op.4-
PZZ No. 31, op.5 PZZ No. 34. Issue 09-59 Go to TP8.
OVB-1 in TP8 incl. n/in rub-ki Entry ST, Pervomaiskaya St., M. Torez, Shchorsa.
Issue 10-06.
OVB-1 in transformer substation 8 at 0.4 kV, Petrovskogo street, remove the cover plate, install PN and incl.
current ruble issue. Issue 10-14
D/d ODS at substation "Gorodskaya" -35 kV according to technical specifications and technical equipment, "work" signals were issued
z-t" and off MV-6kV ad. "RP-21 No. 1".
OVB-1 at the Gorodskaya substation - 35 kV automatic from MTZ off. pris. "RP21№1"
Go to RP21 to inspect the equipment. Without the right to carry out work and
operational switch
OVB-1 in RP-1 was inspected 1 Sec.W-6kV.Remarks on inspection
no. There are no fallen blinkers on the relay protection device.
OVB-1 to order an inspection of the 6 kV ON-LINE "RP21-TP701" and otp.TP. Without the right
Carrying out work and lifting onto supports, package transformer substations.
OVB-1, during inspection of KTP-750, a burnout of 3 PCs and an interruption was detected.
2 support insulators on the PC frame. S-no head, chief engineer RES, d/d ODS
TP-701 on B/P 135 Zherdiyu AN gr4 with control Omelchenko NM gr.5 transfer power from VKL-6kV “RP21-TP749 Issue 12-15
VKL-6kV “RP21-TP701” open and closed in RP21, TP701 and usable PZZ No. 33 at op 22
otp. on TP-750 on B/P 136 Zherdiyu AN gr. 4 with control. Omelchenko AN gr. 5 Issue 13-45.

ON-6kV "City-TP701 off" and grounding in RP21, TP701 and op.22 otp. on TP750 was handed over by telephone no. 76 to Petrov VV. On the ODG board there is posted pl.1B.
KTP-750 according to B/P 135 Zherdiyu AN gr4 with control Omelchenko NM gr 5 off and ground ST-1.Issue.14-10

KTP-750 Omelchenko NM gr5 after briefing, allow the team to
Operational log No. 2 was issued to the brigade consisting of Koval LV group 4-man.
works, Zubkov LV group 3rd team member. Targeted training was conducted.
TP-1 Koval LV gr.4, Zubkov LV attached. 0.4 kV “F1-5” off n/v rub.,
remove the PN and install insulating material. overlay. Issue 13-38.
VKL-0.4 kV “TP1-F1,2,3,4” Koval AV, after instructions, allow the team to work with the lopper according to R-97
VKL-0.4 kV “TP1-F1,2,3,4” Koval AV work on R-97 has been completed.
1st shift dispatcher.
TP-701 includes LR-6kV connection TP-749.VKL-6kV “RP21-TP701”
off and ground in RP21, TP701, op. No. 22 otp. on TP-750 and delivered via telephone number 75
Petrov VV.V TP-750 turned off and grounded ST-1 and the team was allowed to work
according to n/d No. 114. Otherwise, the scheme is unchanged.
Next B/P- 136
The following order ODG-177
The EOD operational log has been verified
Accepted the shift:
Passed the shift:

t=-5C, snow


to the duty personnel of the UES OZH CES LLC "NGCC" for maintaining

operational negotiations and recordings.

Novy Urengoy

  1. General provisions

  2. Operational terminology during negotiations and abbreviations in operational records.

  3. General provisions regarding communications and recordings.

  4. The procedure for records of acceptance and handing over of shifts and reports of joining on duty

  5. The procedure for negotiations and recordings when taking equipment out for repairs and when putting it back into operation after repairs

  6. The procedure for conducting negotiations and recordings during emergency response

  7. Symbols in operational logs

  8. Maintaining technical documentation

This Instruction is intended to establish the procedure for conducting operational negotiations and making entries in operational logs by operational and operational-repair personnel of the NGCC energy service during normal operation and during emergency response.

The instructions are compiled in accordance with the "Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations /PEEP ed. 5th/, instructions for switching in electrical installations /TI-34-70-040-85/, Safety Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations /4th edition 1994/ , directive materials and is an addition to the current instructions on the production of operational switching, on the prevention and elimination of accidents and abnormal conditions, on the registration of applications for equipment removal for repair.

Knowledge of these instructions is mandatory for operational and operational-repair personnel of the NGKhK energy service, engineering and technical personnel of the industrial sector, and management of the OGE.


In order to organize records in operational documentation, for all operational personnel of the enterprise it is accepted one system abbreviations and terminology.

Operational terminology of operations.

The operation of closing an electrical circuit with any switching device /switch, disconnector, machine, separator, etc./ is called TURN ON.

The operation of opening an electrical circuit by any switching device is called DISCONNECTING.

The terms "DISCONNECTION" and "CLOSING" also apply to the connection generally located within the substation (for example, a transformer, etc.). In this case, these words mean turning on or off all switches and disconnectors of the connection. In this case, a certain sequence of switching on or off switching devices is observed, which is established by order / command / of a superior duty officer or a switching form. Examples of commands and entries:

  • Enable / disable / TR-110-1T PS “Stroitelnaya”.

  • "According to B.P. N04 at the Stroitelnaya substation, put 2T into operation.

  • "According to B.P. N05 at the Stroitelnaya substation, take out for repair 1 section of 110 kV busbars and TN-110-1.
For recordings and operational negotiations, the terms “Assembling the circuit” and “Disassembling the circuit” are allowed. They mean, respectively, turning on or off all disconnectors included in the connection circuit. These terms can refer to the connection circuit as a whole, for example:

  • At the Stroitelnaya substation, assemble a 1T circuit on the 110 kV side.
and to one or more joining elements, for example:

  • At the Stroitelnaya substation, assemble a 1T circuit on the 10 kV side.
Connecting live parts to ground by installing portable grounding or turning on a stationary grounding switch /knives/ is called - GROUNDING. Unless otherwise specified, this term means the connection to ground of all three phases of grounded live parts. In some specially specified cases, the order for performing operations indicates one or two phases (specifically, which: A, B or C), which must be grounded.

Disconnecting live parts from the ground is called BY REMOVAL OF GROUNDING. This operation means removing the portable grounding or disconnecting the stationary grounding disconnector from all three phases, unless there is special instructions.

The connection of two or three phases to each other without connection to the ground is called BY SHORTING. Indicating exactly which phases. Reverse operation - REMOVAL OF SHORT SHORT.

For relay protection and automation devices, during operations to put them into operation and take them out of operation, uniform terms are established: " Enter device" And " Withdraw device". Example:

  • "Bring DZT - 2T to the Stroitelnaya substation»
A sudden and short-term deviation of the needles of electrical measuring instruments with a subsequent return or approach to the previous position is called " PUSH".

A change in the reading of any instrument in one direction or the other is called, respectively, " INCREASE" or " DOWNLOAD" indicating the changed value, to what value. Example:

  • Voltage for 1 sec. from 10 kV dropped to 5.8 kV.
Exceeding the current or power standard established for equipment is called - OVERLOAD, and in terms of voltage - OVERVOLTAGE. When reporting overload or overvoltage, be sure to indicate two numbers of permissible and actual load and voltage. Changes in the readings of electrical measuring instruments that have the nature of fluctuations in voltage, current and power are called SWING.

The action of relay protection and automation devices, which is established according to the readings of the corresponding devices / blinkers, illuminated displays, etc. / regardless of the consequences caused / turning off or turning on switches, etc. / is called TRIGGEMENT, indicating the protection or automation device. The activation of protection and automation by operational personnel is recorded in the operational documentation, necessarily listing the panel numbers, dropped blinkers and illuminated light displays. Triggering of an automatic reclosure or automatic reclosure is regarded as SUCCESSFUL, UNSUCCESSFUL or REFUSAL.

The successful operation of an automatic reclosure or automatic transfer system is considered to be one in which the circuit breaker remains in the on position after the action of the automatic reclosing or automatic transfer system on it. Unsuccessful operation of the automatic reclosure or automatic transfer system, in which the circuit breaker, which was turned on by the influence of the automatic reclosing or automatic transfer circuit on it, was again disconnected from the protection.

If, in the event of an emergency and the presence of factors inherent in the operating principle of the automatic reclosure or automatic transfer system, the circuit breaker is not turned on and the operation blinker does not fall out, then in this case it is considered that the automatic reclosure or automatic transfer system has failed.

About any disconnection of the circuit breaker that occurred due to the action of relay protection and automation devices, one should say EMERGENCY DISCONNECTED with the addition of the triggered devices after that. When turning off/on/ the switch with a key, remotely or by personnel acting on the drive, you should say OFF /ON/ manually. When it is turned off/on/without the influence of personnel or protection devices/automation/, it is said to turn OFF/ON/ spontaneously.

The loss of voltage from any piece of equipment is called BY REDEMPTION with a precise indication of exactly which elements have been extinguished: For example: “1 110 kV has been extinguished.” The extinguishing of all buses / of the entire substation / is called IN FULL REPAYMENT, and parts of the accessions PARTIAL REPAYMENT, and the extinguished connections are listed.

Accepted abbreviations in operational records. The text of this chapter provides examples of short names. These abbreviations are used for entries in operational documentation. When reading and conducting operational negotiations, these abbreviations should be considered the full text.

Abbreviated symbols for the names of enterprises and their structural divisions:

  • SES - Northern Electric Networks,

  • ODS - operational dispatch service,

  • MSRZAI - local service for relay protection of electrical automation and electrical measurements,

  • OVB - operational mobile brigade.
Abbreviated symbols for positions of management and operational personnel:

  • DS - CDS dispatcher,

  • DODS - dispatcher of ODS SES,

  • director - director,

  • Ch. Eng. - Chief Engineer,

  • Head teacher - head of the section,

  • Gl.en. - Chief Power Engineer,

  • DEM - duty electrician,

  • DEM PS - substation duty officer
Abbreviated symbols of equipment, its elements and relay protection devices.

Table 1






outdoor switchgear

Open switchgear

ORU-110 PS “Stroitelnaya”



Enclosed switchgear

ZRU-10 PS “Stroitelnaya”




PS “Stroitelnaya”



Overhead power line

VL-110 Urengoy-Muyaganto 1



Power transformer








Auxiliary transformer



north latitude

Bus system


Tire section

1 sec bus 10kV



Bus bypass system




Oil switch




Bus coupling sectional with bypass oil switch




Sectional oil switch




Oil bypass switch




Bus disconnector



Line disconnector

LR-110 Zvezda-1



Sectional disconnector




Bus bypass disconnector




Transformer disconnector




Grounding knives (stationary)




Portable grounding

PZ No. 3



Arc suppression coil

DGK-10kV No. 2



Automatic switching on


AVR-0.4 kV


Automatic reclosing

Automatic restart



Tire differential protection



Level of failure

Redundancy device

breaker failure

Breaker level level-110kV



Differential protection





Emergency automation



Switching form



Standard switching form



Jumper disconnector





cell No. 10

Abbreviations of the names of equipment and positions in the above paragraphs, as well as the introduction of your own terms and signs, are not allowed.


Operational negotiations are an integral part of the most responsible work of the duty personnel in making switching operations and eliminating accidents. Therefore, operational negotiations must be extremely clear and specific. The operational language must exclude the possibility of personnel misunderstanding the nature and content of the dispatcher's orders or the dispatcher misunderstanding messages from facilities.

Having received an order / message about the execution of an order or operational information from a power facility /, the personnel on duty must repeat it so that the first person is convinced that it was understood correctly.

Any operational negotiations of duty personnel should begin with the mutual communication of their position and last name, and when using backup or technological communication channels, in addition to direct operational ones, the object of the speaker should also be reported, examples:

  • DEM Ivanov,

  • DEM of the Ivanov OZH site.
The ODS dispatcher, when talking over direct and technological communication channels, is limited to reporting only his last name, and when talking over backup communication channels, the position of the speaker should also be reported, example:

  • DODS SES Kudinov,
Answers: “Hello”, “Yes”, “Listen” - ARE PROHIBITED. When talking via an operational/technological or reserve/channel, the person being called is the first to announce his/her last name/and position/personality, and the caller is the second. The operational log records the time, name of the object, position and surname of the person with whom the conversation is being conducted, example:

  • 14.00 DEM PS “Stroitelnaya” Ivanov.
The order given must be specific and given briefly in an imperative form, examples: “Disable, disable, enable, enable, etc.” “Go for an inspection to the Stroitelnaya substation.” All unnecessary additions to the order, such as “Please,” “Please,” “Necessary,” “Should,” “When you can,” etc. should be excluded from operational negotiations.

If the person receiving the order does not understand, then he is obliged to ask again and clarify it with the person giving the order. An order that threatens the lives of people or the safety of equipment WILL NOT BE FOLLOWED. The duty officer informs the person who gave this order /with a brief motivation/ about his refusal to carry out the order, and formalizes this refusal with a corresponding entry in the operational log.

During operational negotiations, the use of abbreviated names, equipment designations and operational actions IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED, because When talking on the telephone or radio station, abbreviated names may be distorted and misunderstood. It is permitted, as an exception, during operational negotiations to use abbreviated designations for relay protection and automation devices indicated in Table 2.1..

Requests for meter readings must be specific, for example:

  • “What is the active load on the 10 kV overhead line L-104 of the Stroitelnaya substation.

  • “Please report the readings of the ammeters on the 10 kV side of the 1T transformer” at the Stroitelnaya substation.
The expressions “Remove the load”, etc. are excluded. All extraneous, non-official negotiations through operational communication channels are STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

On-duty personnel of any rank are required to answer all telephone calls, as well as radio calls, temporarily interrupting conversations with other subscribers, and when called by a higher-ranking duty officer/dispatcher/interrupting negotiations with any subscriber, incl. and with leaders of any rank.


Each duty officer, upon starting work, must accept a shift from the previous duty officer, and after finishing work, hand over the shift to the next duty officer on schedule. Leaving duty without handing over your shift is prohibited.

When accepting a shift, the duty officer must:

  • Familiarize yourself with the state of the circuit and the operating mode of the equipment under its operational control and supervision.

  • Obtain information from the person handing over the shift about equipment that requires special control, which is under repair, or in reserve.

  • Find out where and what work is performed according to orders and orders, as well as the volume of work performed.

  • Familiarize yourself with the availability and content of current, emergency and permitted requests for equipment removal for repair.

  • Familiarize yourself with all the records and orders in the operational documentation for the time that has occurred since your previous duty.

  • Check and accept tools, materials, keys to premises, operational documentation and workplace documentation.

  • Document the acceptance and delivery of the shift by making an entry in the operational log signed by yourself and the signature of the person who handed over the shift.

  • Receive reports from subordinate personnel and report to the immediate superior on duty.
The report of the duty police officer must contain:

  • State of the PS circuit, deviations from the normal circuit and their causes.

  • The condition of the equipment and its operating mode.

  • Deviations from normal condition relay protection and automatic protection devices and their causes.

  • The presence of defects, malfunctions in equipment and measures taken to eliminate them.

  • Information about the working teams at the substation.

  • Availability of authorized requests for equipment removal for repair.

  • Checking the current time with the person receiving the report.
The specified procedure and content of the report are mandatory for all operating personnel of the NGCC.

When submitting a report, the superior duty officer has the right to demand a message and other information of interest to him.

An example of an entry in the operational log of the DEM PS when going on duty:

  • 05/12/93 Shift from 8.00 to 20.00 DEM PS Vlasova, Kondrashina.

  • 8.05. DODS report Nasikan I.M.

  • 8.40. The substation equipment, linings and relay protection switching devices were inspected; there were no comments. Reported by DODS to Nasikan I.M.
An example of an entry in the operational log of DEM PS when turning over a shift:

  • Protective means According to the inventory, the PSUs are clean N38-60. The operational scheme corresponds to the PS scheme. On the PS included: ZN-MV on TR-110 1T, ZN-104L on L-104 20.00. The shift was handed over: signature Vlasov signature Kondrashin. 20.00. Shift accepted: signature Churilov signature Simakov.
  • GKD 34.20.507-2003 “Technical operation of power plants and networks. Rules".
  • GKD 34.35.507-96 - Instructions “Operational switching in electrical installations. Execution rules."
  • GKD 34.20.563-96 - Instructions “Elimination of accidents and regime violations at energy enterprises and energy associations.”
  • Rules for the safe operation of electrical installations.
  • Instructions for the electric power system “On conducting operational negotiations and an operational log.”
  • Orders, Instructions of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy, regional energy companies.
    • Knowledge of this manual is required for:
  • oblenergo dispatcher;
  • electrical network dispatcher (DD ES);
  • the station shift supervisor (SS) and the shift supervisor of the electrical department (SSE) of the thermal power plant.
    • Each structural unit must develop local instructions for conducting operational negotiations, an operational scheme, and operational and technical documentation. Local instructions must not conflict with regulations in force in the industry and these instructions.


      • Operational negotiations are the exchange of information in the process of communication, personal or using communication means, of power facilities on duty about the condition of power equipment. As a result of operational negotiations, a decision is made on maintaining the operating mode and carrying out operational and repair work at an energy facility or in the energy system.
      • Only operational personnel who are on shift and included in the lists of persons entitled to conduct operational negotiations in a given electrical installation, enterprise, or division have the right to conduct operational negotiations. These lists must be available 24 hours a day at the workplace of operational personnel.
      • Lists of employees who are granted the right to conduct operational negotiations, switching, transferring applications, etc., are compiled on the basis of written official messages from regional distribution zones, electric power systems, oblenergos, MES, electric power systems, thermal power plants, related energy companies, consumer enterprises, etc.
      • Lists of operational personnel must be reviewed annually on January 1, and during the year if the composition of employees changes, of which all interested parties must be officially notified in a timely manner.
      • To conduct operational negotiations, operational personnel use specially organized dispatch (dedicated) communication channels, and any other available types communications.
      • All extraneous non-official conversations via dispatch communication channels, use of dispatch communication channels by non-operational personnel are strictly prohibited.
      • At the request of operational personnel, any communication channels must be released immediately. In emergency situations, the release of the communication channel for operational personnel of any level should be carried out by the personnel of the SDTU and communication services without warning other subscribers.
      • Operational negotiations at all levels of dispatch control in oblenergos should be recorded on special devices sound recordings providing recording storage:
    • under normal conditions - no less than the last 10 days, unless an instruction to extend the period is received;
    • in case of technological disruptions in work - no less than for the last 3 months, unless an instruction to extend the period is received.


      • When starting a conversation, subscribers provide the name of their company, division, facility, position and introduce themselves by last name. When conducting operational negotiations via direct (dispatcher) channels, it is allowed to limit oneself to reporting the last name. The person being called is introduced first, the person calling second. In the future, addresses by name and patronymic are allowed.
      • Operational negotiations must be clear, concise and clear in content, and conducted in a technically sound manner, using industry-accepted terminology. Before the start of operational negotiations, operational personnel are required to think through their content.
      • Operational negotiations must be conducted with the utmost conciseness, absolute accuracy of all expressions, excluding misunderstandings, errors and questions.
      • When conducting operational negotiations, maintaining operational and technical documentation, deviation from the established dispatch names of equipment, power lines, relay protection devices, and SDTUs is unacceptable.
      • It is allowed to use abbreviated names in accordance with the instructions of PTE, GKD-34.35.507-96 “Operational switching in electrical installations. Implementation Rules”, GKD-34.20.563-96 “Elimination of accidents and regime violations at power enterprises and in energy associations”, instructions “Bringing out for repair and putting into operation equipment, power lines, relay protection devices, SDTU”. The list of acceptable abbreviations used in maintaining operational and technical documentation and operational negotiations in oblenergos is given in Appendix 1.
      • If the procedure for conducting operational negotiations established by these instructions is violated, any of the negotiation participants is obliged to make a remark.


      • When accepting a shift, the duty officer from among the operational personnel is obliged to:
        • Familiarize yourself with the condition, diagram and operating mode of equipment, power lines, relay protection and control devices, SDTU, which are under its operational control or jurisdiction.
        • Familiarize yourself with all changes made to the operational and technical documentation during the time that has passed since the previous duty.
        • Obtain information from the employee who is turning over the shift about the condition of the equipment, which requires particularly careful monitoring to promptly prevent disruptions in operation, and about the equipment that is in reserve and under repair.
        • Find out what work is being performed according to requests, orders and orders.
        • Check and accept from the employee who is returning the shift, tools, protective equipment and pre-medical care, materials, keys to the premises, and operational documentation of the workplace.
        • Register the acceptance and delivery of the shift by making an entry in the operational journal with your signature and the signature of the person handing over the shift.
        • Receive a report from subordinate personnel on the shift and submit a report to the immediate superior operational manager about the entry into duty and the shortcomings identified when taking over the shift.
      • The start and end times of the shift must be established by the relevant job descriptions.
      • At each level of operational management of oblenergos, the amount of information transmitted during a report to higher operational personnel must be determined by the instructions of the local instructions for conducting operational negotiations and operational and technical documentation.
      • The content of the report given by the dispatcher of ES and NSS TPP to the dispatcher of regional power plants is as follows:
        • For equipment, power lines, relay protection and automation devices, SDTU, which are under the operational management or jurisdiction of the oblenergo department:
    • list of equipment under repair (reserve);
    • type of repair (major, medium, current or emergency) with clarification of the state of switching devices (turned off by switches, circuit disassembled by disconnectors);
    • grounding mode;
    • work performed, completion dates, VAG;
    • work unfinished in the previous shift and planned for the current shift;
    • “bottlenecks” in the network and equipment overload;
    • voltage levels at control points, as well as voltage levels in the main network, if there is a violation of the maximum (long-term permissible) values;
    • execution of specified energy consumption modes;
    • the use of compulsory measures to comply with established consumption limits for distribution zones, power grids, energy districts (GOM, GOE, GAO, SGAO);
    • activation of system emergency control devices (SAON, AChR, etc.) indicating the actual time and volume of operation;
    • comments on the distribution network and disruption of power supply to consumers as a result of outages.
        • According to the operating mode of the thermal power plant:
    • implementation of the dispatch schedule;
    • available load of the power plant, indicating the reason for deviation from the installed capacity, deviation from the specified load;
    • fuel reserves (for each type: fuel oil, coal), hourly consumption;
    • fuel use for each operating boiler;
    • the condition of the main and auxiliary equipment, indicating the type of repair and specifying the work performed, the start and end dates of the repair or reserve;
    • list of equipment under repair (reserve), type of repair (major, medium, current or emergency), completion dates, VAG.
        • The specified list is minimal and can be supplemented by the oblenergo DD.


      • Operational personnel gives orders and permissions directly to subordinate operational personnel who are on duty (on shift), coordinating their actions with the personnel of adjacent energy facilities and energy enterprises in accordance with current regulatory documents and regulations.
      • It is allowed to transmit an order or permission to the operational personnel of an energy facility, with which there is no direct connection, through the operational personnel of another facility, who is obliged to record the transmitted order in their operational journal or standard sound recording device, and then transfer it to its intended purpose.
      • The superior operational personnel gives orders to make switches or change the operating mode on the equipment (facility) under its operational control.
      • Higher operational personnel give operational permissions to make switches or change the operating mode on equipment (facility) under their operational control.
      • When making switches, before issuing a specific order, superior operational personnel are obliged to:
    • in general form, briefly explain the purpose of your actions;
    • instruct subordinate personnel on the switching procedure;
    • instruct subordinate personnel on how to eliminate possible emergency situations;
    • establish the necessary sequence of operations in the electrical installation diagram and circuits of relay protection and control devices, SDTU with the required degree of detail.
      • The switching executor must be simultaneously issued no more than one order to carry out operational switching, which contains operations for the same purpose.
      • After issuing a specific order or permission, senior operational personnel, without interrupting the conversation, are obliged to:
    • make sure that his order (permission) is understood correctly (listen to a verbatim repetition of the received order (permission) from subordinate operational personnel);
    • confirm this with the words “Correct, carry out”, “Okay, do” - for an operational order and “I allow, carry out”, “You can do”, “I don’t mind, do” - for an operational resolution.
      • Operating personnel who have received an order or permission to carry out switching operations are obliged to:
    • repeat the order (permission) verbatim and receive confirmation that the order (permission) was understood correctly;
    • record the order in the operational journal if the order was received at the workplace;
    • according to the diagram, check the sequence of operations and begin executing the order.
      • Operational orders are given in an imperative form, briefly, clearly:
    • “Enable...”, “Disable...”, “Output...”, “Repeat...”, “Correct, execute,” etc.


      • At each power facility, substation, substation, control room, there must be a list of operational documentation and logs that must be kept by operational personnel, approved by the technical manager of the enterprise. This list must be revised at least once every 3 years. Operational personnel must be instructed on the rules for maintaining each operational document and journal.
      • The sheets of all logs kept by operational personnel must be numbered, the log laced and sealed with the seal of the security-secret body of the relevant Structural Unit of the oblenergo. On the last sheet it is indicated “The journal contains __ (indicate the number)__ sheets numbered and laced together” signed by the head of the DS, EC of the Structural Unit of the oblenergo.
      • The outside of the journal must indicate its name, the name of the enterprise, division, structural unit, the journal number and the start and end dates of its maintenance.
      • All logs kept by operational personnel are strict accounting documents and must be stored in the prescribed manner. The storage period for magazines is at least 5 years.
      • Maintaining operational documentation and logs at the control centers of regional power companies, electric power plants, regional power plants, and thermal power plants must be reviewed daily by:

    record your comments in the margins and accept necessary measures to eliminate the identified comments.

      • Responsibility for maintaining logs and other operational and technical documentation rests with the shift senior.
      • Entries in journals are made briefly, in a general form, using uniform terminology accepted in the industry.
      • Entries in the journals are written in legible handwriting in dark ink. Recording in pencil or permanent ink is strictly prohibited.
      • It is prohibited to correct or erase entries made in the journals. In case of an erroneous entry, it is crossed out with one line (under the signature in the margins) and a new correct entry is made. Strikethrough text must be legible.
      • Blank switching forms (BS) must be issued to structural units on a monthly basis. They must be numbered and signed by the chief engineer with the seal of the enterprise. In the CE, strict records of the issuance of clean BP must be kept in special journals.
      • Used switching forms (including damaged forms) must be stored for at least 1 month. During this time, they must be transferred from all structural divisions and checked at the UDS ES, for TPPs - at the PDS oblenergo. Based on the results of the inspections, measures should be developed within a month to prevent similar errors in the future. Copies of BPs that have errors should be sent weekly to the oblenergo PDS for their analysis and systematization (by fax, courier, e-mail).
      • The instructions developed by the production and dispatch service of oblenergos have the symbol DO-No., where No. is the number of the corresponding instruction. The number is followed by the name of the instruction. In every Electrical Networks on the basis of each instruction DO-No., the corresponding local instruction ODS-No. (with the same number) must be developed, taking into account the necessary changes and additions related to the characteristics of the electrical networks in use.
      • Instructions “DO”, “ODS” must be constantly located at the workplace of operational personnel, for whom their action is mandatory. They must be printed on paper and a printing device of appropriate quality, ensuring them a long service life, preventing operational personnel from independently replacing sheets, and having a neat appearance. In case of damage or loss of the instructions, a copy of proper quality must be immediately made.


      • Maintaining your own operational log is mandatory for each energy facility, substation 35 kV and above, each substation of the regional power distribution system, substation of the power plant, gas substation of oblenergo, OVB, thermal power plant shop. By decision of the management of power plants, their structural divisions, thermal power plants, the specified list of objects with mandatory maintenance of an operational log can be expanded.
      • The operational log is maintained in accordance with the requirements of Section 6 and the additional requirements below.
      • The operational log should be reviewed daily:
    • in the ES - the head of the UDS or his deputy;
    • at the substation – the head of the substation group or his deputy (for remote substations - upon arrival at the substation);
    • in RES - chief engineer of RES or deputy. Head of the Distribution Zone for Operations;
    • at thermal power plants - shop manager, chief engineer or his deputy,

    confirming this by fixing the date and your own signature in the margins of the journal, record your comments in the margins and take the necessary measures to eliminate the identified comments.

      • Under normal (non-emergency) conditions, entries in the operational journal are made before the operation is performed, immediately after receiving or issuing an order.
      • When eliminating an accident, to speed up switching, it is allowed to make preliminary entries in workbook dispatcher, duty officer or on a separate sheet, and then, if there is free time, immediately transfer them to the operational journal with full description everything done during the liquidation of the accident.
      • Entries in the operational journal are kept in chronological order. In the event of a violation of the chronology, a note is made in the margins of the journal: “Missed entry” and the signature of the operational person on shift is affixed.
      • Each entry must begin with recording the time of receipt or issuance of an order (permission), or receipt of a message. The text of the record may indicate the times of individual operations, actions of operational personnel, and events. Examples of records for oblenergo DD are given in Appendix No. 2.
      • Operational personnel must record in the operational log:
    • operational orders received, issued, executed;
    • changes in the operational state of equipment, power lines, relay protection and automation devices, SDTUs under its operational control, indicating the position of switching devices and grounding mode;
    • results of inspections of equipment at substations, thermal power plants, power lines carried out during the shift;
    • information about violations, incidents, emergency shutdowns of power lines and equipment, indicating the operation of relay protection and automation devices under its operational control or jurisdiction;
    • information about emergency frequency reduction;
    • orders to limit and disconnect consumers or introduce regulatory measures, indicating the magnitude and reason;
    • orders through the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
    • start and end times of tests according to approved or agreed upon programs;
    • other incidents, violations, events, phenomena that, in the opinion of operational personnel or their management, can have or are having a significant impact on the operational situation.

    The specified volume of records is a minimum. Depending on the specific conditions and the importance of the messages, the duty personnel makes records that they deem necessary.

      • At power plants, substations, power facilities and control centers of distribution zones, in the operational logs of the fire safety equipment, the installation and removal of all types of grounding must be recorded in the operational log using special stamps. Stamp installations grounding is placed in the left half of the magazine page, and the stamp removing this grounding – directly next to it, on the remaining free right half of the page (see Fig. 6.1). When installing and removing portable grounding, the grounding number is entered in the corresponding field of the stamp. When switching on (off) stationary grounding blades, “SZN” is indicated in the grounding number field.

    Figure 6.1 Stamps for installing and removing grounding used in oblenergo

      • On the DP ES it is allowed to apply special symbols and stamps in the text and in the fields of the operational journal, opposite the entry about the installation (removal) of groundings, etc. Appearance the indicated symbols and stamps, as well as the procedure for their use, must be specified in the local instructions for maintaining an operational journal.
      • At the substation and DP RES, when handing over a shift, the handover recorder lists the number of installed groundings, indicating the numbers and the number of the next blank switching form. If any portable grounding connections are missing (under repair), then this should be mentioned in the grounding records when handing over the shift.
      • Leaving duty without registering the change of shift in the operational log is prohibited.


    • Each substation of 35 kV and above, each substation of regional power grids, power plants, oblenergos, main control rooms of thermal power plants must be equipped with a mnemonic diagram. In the absence of a mnemonic diagram, each of the above objects must be provided with an operational diagram.
    • A mnemonic diagram is a single-line diagram of the primary connections of the corresponding enterprise, division, or electrical installation. It must be equipped with special posters with symbols printed on them that determine the position of switching devices (if models of switching devices with a variable state are not provided), the operational state of the equipment, the location of grounding installations and other necessary posters, based on specific operating conditions.
    • The operational diagram is a copy of the approved single-line diagram of the normal operation of the corresponding enterprise, division, or electrical installation.
    • The name of the equipment and switching devices displayed on the mnemonic diagram (operational diagram) must correspond to the dispatch names printed on the normal mode diagram.
    • The operating personnel maintains a layout diagram (operational diagram), displaying on it all the changes that occur during the shift, immediately after operational switching, and hanging posters with the necessary symbols on the switching devices being adjusted, in all places where grounding is installed, both portable and and stationary. The marks on the operational diagram are made carefully with dark paste using special symbols and symbols. Recording in pencil or permanent ink is strictly prohibited.
    • After the commissioning of new equipment or a new power line, reconstruction of the network, appropriate changes must be immediately made to the mnemonic diagram (operational diagram).
    • The senior operational person on the shift is responsible for maintaining the layout diagram (operational diagram).
    • At the oblenergo gas control center, posters and symbols given in Appendix 3 are used to maintain a mnemonic diagram.

    acceptable abbreviations used when maintaining operational and technical documentation and operational negotiations in oblenergos


    Full name



    Active power

    Reactive power

    Total electrical power

    1 stage of earth protection (other stages are similar)

    2nd stage of distance protection (other stages are similar)

    Accumulator battery

    Uninterruptible power supply unit

    Automatic switching on of reserve

    Automatic allocation of power plant auxiliary needs

    Field damping machine

    Emergency protection
    Automatic elimination of asynchronous mode
    Automatic transformer failure warning

    Automatic restart

    Automatic excitation regulator

    Automatic ratio controller

    Automatic line unloading

    Automated workstation

    Automatic current shedding

    Automated system

    Automated special schedule for emergency shutdowns of consumers

    Automated dispatch control system

    Automated control system

    Automated process control system

    Automated production management system


    Automatic frequency shedding

    Nuclear power plant

    Aging Pool

    Air drying unit

    Block desalting plant

    Switching form

    Static capacitor bank

    Block control panel

    Disaster recovery time

    Emergency preparedness time

    Air circuit breaker

    Voltage booster transformer

    On, on, on

    Overhead power line

    Load switch

    High voltage

    Fiber optic communication line

    High frequency

    Wind power station

    Wind power plant

    Emergency shutdown schedule

    Main control center

    Main gate valve

    Hydroash removal

    Generating company

    Power limit schedule

    Electricity consumption limitation schedule

    Main control panel

    Hydraulic power station

    Arc suppression coil

    arc suppression reactor

    Duty dispatcher

    Distance protection

    Transformer differential protection

    Tire differential protection

    Duty engineer

    Station engineer on duty

    Plant Manager

    Additional non-selective zero sequence protection

    ES, electric power system

    electric power system NEC "Ukrenergo"



    Control room

    Dispatching service

    Phase differential protection

    Electrician on duty

    electric power system

    Diesel power station

    Single technological process

    Unified Energy System

    Grounded, grounded, grounded

    Auxiliary building

    Ground protection

    Grounding knives (stationary)

    Enclosed switchgear

    Information and computing system

    Measurement information system

    Heat supply source

    Short circuit

    Boiler No. 4

    Short circuit

    Short circuit No. 1

    cable line

    Complete switchgear

    Complete outdoor switchgear

    Complete gas-insulated switchgear

    Complex of automation equipment

    Complete transformer substation

    Complex of technical means

    Line disconnector

    Power line

    Oil switch

    Measurement procedure

    minimum controlled level

    Local relay protection and automation service

    Overcurrent protection

    Mast transformer substation

    Long distance telephone exchange

    Main electrical networks


    Work permit

    normative document

    National dispatch center

    National Electricity Regulatory Commission

    low voltage

    Power plant shift supervisor

    Shift supervisor of the electrical department

    National energy company "Ukrenergo"

    Bypass switch

    Operational field team

    Bypass air circuit breaker