Interesting works that are worth reading. The most interesting modern books

(estimates: 31 , average: 4,26 out of 5)

In Russia, literature has its own direction, different from any other. The Russian soul is mysterious and incomprehensible. The genre reflects both Europe and Asia, which is why the best classical Russian works are extraordinary, striking in their soulfulness and vitality.

Main actor- soul. For a person, his position in society, the amount of money is not important, it is important for him to find himself and his place in this life, to find the truth and peace of mind.

The books of Russian literature are united by the features of a writer who has the gift of the great Word, who has completely devoted himself to this art of literature. The best classics They saw life not flatly, but multifacetedly. They wrote about life not of random destinies, but of those expressing existence in its most unique manifestations.

Russian classics are so different, with different destinies, but what unites them is that literature is recognized as a school of life, a way of studying and developing Russia.

Russian classical literature was created by the best writers from different corners Russia. It is very important where the author was born, because this determines his formation as a person, his development, and it also affects his writing skills. Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky were born in Moscow, Chernyshevsky in Saratov, Shchedrin in Tver. Poltava region in Ukraine is the birthplace of Gogol, Podolsk province - Nekrasov, Taganrog - Chekhov.

The three great classics, Tolstoy, Turgenev and Dostoevsky, were completely different people from each other, had different destinies, complex characters and great talents. They made a huge contribution to the development of literature, writing their best works, which still excite the hearts and souls of readers. Everyone should read these books.

Another important difference between the books of Russian classics is that they ridicule the shortcomings of a person and his way of life. Satire and humor are the main features of the works. However, many critics said that this was all slander. And only true connoisseurs saw how the characters are both comical and tragic at the same time. Such books always touch the soul.

Here you can find the best works classical literature. You can download books of Russian classics for free or read them online, which is very convenient.

We present to your attention the 100 best books of Russian classics. IN full list The books included the best and most memorable works of Russian writers. This literature is known to everyone and is recognized by critics from all over the world.

Of course, our list of top 100 books is just a small part that brings together best works great classics. It can be continued for a very long time.

A hundred books that everyone should read in order to understand not only how they used to live, what were the values, traditions, priorities in life, what they were striving for, but to find out in general how our world works, how bright and pure the soul can be and how valuable it is for a person, for the development of his personality.

The top 100 list includes the best and most famous works of Russian classics. The plot of many of them is known from school. However, some books are difficult to understand at a young age and require wisdom that is acquired over the years.

Of course, the list is far from complete; it can be continued endlessly. Reading such literature is a pleasure. She doesn’t just teach something, she radically changes lives, helps us understand simple things that we sometimes don’t even notice.

We hope you liked our list of classic books of Russian literature. You may have already read some of it, and some not. A great reason to make your own personal list of books, your top ones that you would like to read.

We talk about books of different genres that you can read for your soul. These works will definitely not leave you indifferent.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Well, when else, if not in winter, should you ask yourself what to read for your soul? When the TV and social media tired of it, it's time to pick up a book. And we will tell you what you can read.

R. Bradbury “Dandelion Wine”. Cold winter evenings make us remember the gentle summer. Fresh air, birdsong, warm river, golden sunlight— this is the atmosphere this work will immerse you in. Together with the main character - a 12-year-old boy - you will live a carefree summer, full of discoveries, sad and happy events, pleasant impressions.

T. Pratchett “The Unadorned Cat”. No politics, no drama, just Their Majesties Cats. This book is a small encyclopedia that talks about the life and essence of cats in an easy manner. “Cat without embellishment” will allow you to while away the evening in a warm cozy atmosphere, and maybe you will even learn a lot of interesting things about mustachioed pets.

A. Exupery “The Little Prince”. This is an allegorical fairy tale, which, despite the genre, is dedicated to adults. Together with the wonderful Little Prince, you will go on a journey across the planets and learn to look at familiar things from a different angle.

This is a work of modern literature. This novel tells about the girl Liesel living during the Second World War. It is interesting that the narrative is told from the perspective of Death, and in Zusak’s book this is a male character.

Ken Kesey "Over the Cuckoo's Nest". We tried to include works of different genres in this selection, and it’s up to you to choose which book to read. “Over the Cuckoo's Nest” is a serious work, the characters of which are in a psychiatric clinic. The silence of hospital corridors and boring procedures reigns here, but everything changes with the appearance of Patrick McMurphy. This naughty hooligan turns everything in the clinic upside down, not allowing his fellow sufferers to obediently bow to the outside world.

B. Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago". This book can also be read for the soul, but it is quite sad. The novel shows how historical events(in this case Civil War and revolution) influence the fate of an ordinary person, who by chance finds himself in their center.

Stephen King "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption" This is the story of how main character Wrongly convicted of murdering his wife and her lover, he is imprisoned in Shawshank Prison, where corruption and violence are rampant. The book is considered one of the best in King's work.

M. Hansen, D. Canfield, E. Newmark “Chicken Soup for the Soul. 101 best stories". If you have never come across the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series of books, we recommend that you pay attention to it. The series includes several books, each of which is a collection of stories about different people. You will learn about a boy from a simple family who met three presidents, about an actress who became happy thanks to cancer, about a girl who sold more than forty thousand cookies for her mother’s dream. Amazing stories collected here ordinary people, in whose lives something incredible happened, and you definitely won’t be able to tear yourself away from them.

It's no secret that women love to read for the soul. Most representatives of the fair half of humanity love to read about love. Romance novels are also designed for a certain circle of readers, but if you want to read better and more interesting works, then you should pay attention to the following books:

  • Maya Kucherskaya “Aunt Motya” is a classic novel about love, betrayal and emotions;
  • Haruki Murakami's “Norwegian Wood” is a novel about friendship, love and conscience;
  • Chingiz Aitmatov “Djamilya” is a novel about love with gorgeous descriptions of steppes and mountains;
  • Janusz Wisniewski “Loneliness on the Internet” is a novel about the modern world and the position of one person in it.
  • John Fowles, The French Lieutenant's Mistress. A lot of good things are written in this novel. The author leads the reader to the fact that conscience is an individual choice of each person.

Maybe we are spending our lives on the wrong things? Or do we value worthless things? The life of the dying Lillian teaches readers the importance of time.

Anne Frank "Refuge" Diary in letters". The book presents the diary of a little girl who kept it in Amsterdam, hiding with her family from the Nazis. This is a tragedy of the twentieth century, which was reflected in the notes of a fifteen-year-old girl.

Vladimir Nabokov "Lolita". This work can be treated with contempt or with admiration. There is no third. A novel that shook up society and became popular on both sides of the ocean.

The reader himself chooses what literature to read, domestic or foreign. From foreign literature you can choose very interesting books. Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is admired by readers around the world. This is a love story that stands a level above all other novels in this category.

Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights. The novel will take you to England, where the girl fell in love with her cousin. This novel still remains a mystery.

Erich Maria Remarque "Arc de Triomphe". The text of this book is divided into quotations. The love story that develops in Nazi-occupied Paris cannot leave the reader indifferent. Paris, two lovers and doom are the main directions of the book.

Victor Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral" The novel is also recommended for reading, because this book has withstood centuries and has not lost its popularity. A story about what can stand in the way of love.

Margaret Mitchell "Gone with the Wind" The novel remains a sought-after work decades later. If you are looking for a woman to look up to, then this novel is for you. The main character Scarlett O'Hara deserves to be succeeded by women with diametrically opposed social views. thorn bush". Family saga of an Australian writer. This is a story about the Cleary family, about their sorrows and joys, about ups and downs, but the main feeling that permeates the entire novel is true and pure love.

Françoise Sagan "Hello, sadness". This is a novel about the experiences of a young girl, Cecile. She spent some time in a monastery, and upon returning to her father, she plunges into a bohemian life without rules. Until one day a mother's friend appears in their lives, smart and beautiful woman with your moral values.

Mikhail Shishkin "Writer". The book is a correspondence between two lovers. The hero writes from the war, in which he takes part in a campaign against the Chinese. The girl writes from a “civilian” background. Soon the reader understands that the lovers correspond, but do not hear each other, and they live in different times...

Russian classics have a lot of interesting things about love. For example, Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina has been filmed many times. Performances were staged based on its plot. A story about passion, love, which has destructive power, makes the main characters live through the experiences.

Despite the fact that the classics are eternal, there are also interesting modern books . Annually a large number of literary works receive prestigious awards for bookshelves Curious novels are appearing that resonate with both readers and critics. The best modern books are as good as great novels, some of them becoming classics within a few years of their writing. However, all lovers of reading constantly face difficulties when choosing literature. With such a gigantic volume of books being published, how can one determine which modern fiction is worthy of attention, and which is just a one-day event that will quickly be forgotten?

The choice of works is a very individual thing. To find among modern prose best books, you must be guided by personal tastes and genre preferences. But in order to initially narrow down your search, you can turn to the opinions of other bookworms. On this page we have collected modern books that are worth reading, according to users of the KnigoPoisk website.

Modern books worth reading

Modern books, the ratings of which we publish, have already passed the initial quality check by many readers. You can rely on their reviews to decide whether to buy or read the work. Here are the top modern books that various reasons may be of interest to everyone. It is here that you will find novels of different genres and directions, among which you will definitely find a book that will become your favorite.

Modern prose: the best books on the KnigoPoisk website

If you are interested in contemporary literature, the list of books will help you choose what to read. Explore it and enjoy new interesting novels!


Perhaps the main bestseller of the decade is a psychological thriller, in which there are more unexpected plot twists than even the most demanding reader could wish for.


On their fifth wedding anniversary, Nick Dunne's wife Amy goes missing under suspicious circumstances, leaving him the prime suspect in her possible murder.


Critics have called Flynn's book a "novel of mirrors": nothing can be trusted here and on every page everything turns out to be not what it seems. It seems that the reader opens the book for this reason, so that he is thoroughly taken aback, but not only. Flynn writes, as it were, a fascinating read on the most favorite topic of a great novel - about family. She takes two absolutely glossy main characters, rips off all the covers from them, so what kind of marriage is it, it’s uncomfortable to stand next to them, but at the same time it implies that such an impossible union of unpleasant people is the ideal formula for a strong marriage.

Screen adaptation

Young, successful, beautiful and, most importantly, distinctly Hollywood protagonists are begging to be seen on the screen - it’s as if Flynn is writing a novel about the secret lives of American stars. In the novel, by the way, it is repeatedly emphasized how blonde they are - and it seems that the very choice of Ben Affleck for the main role hints that Fincher is up to something to spite the text. In any case, it will not be difficult for this film adaptation to become better than the original - there is nothing in the text except the plot, and Fincher is known for his ability to do beautiful things.

Tom McCarthy "When I Was Real"


An avant-garde novel, delightfully different from all other novels before and after it.


The main character, waking up in a hospital after an unnamed disaster, receives compensation of several million for damages and paranoid uncertainty about the reality of today - and spends a fortune on recreating the “real” pictures that lie dormant in his mind. It all starts with the construction of an entire house, in which a team of special people recreates the smell of fried liver, the sounds of music from a pianist from above, and cats walking on the roof. But it doesn’t end there - behind the house the scene of a street robbery is recreated, and then something worse.


Tom McCarthy came to literature from contemporary art, and his novel is not about fortune modern society, but rather about the state of contemporary art. Like an attempt to find out how far the art of actionism can go in its pursuit of reality. That is, what is important here is not only the fantasies of the hero, who suffers from the inability to light a cigarette with the ease of De Niro in “Mean Streets,” but also the fact that a whole army of professionals helps him fulfill any whim: from casting to literally choosing wallpaper. This alienation of the process from the result is reminiscent of cinema - is it worth adding that it was this book that Charlie Kaufman was inspired by when writing “New York, New York”.

Screen adaptation

It is logical that the adaptation of the novel was also undertaken not by a director, but by an artist, and not the last one: video artist Omer Fast became famous precisely for his works that groped the line between art and reality - in “Spielberg’s List” (2003) he interviews the team of the film “Schindler’s List” On the site of a concentration camp built outside Krakow as a film set, in "Casting" a soldier talking about serving in Iraq turns out to be an actor auditioning for the role of a soldier. The author of the book and the director wrote the script for the film together - and, it seems, understood each other: the film, where Tom Sturridge, with the help of artistic reconstructions, tries to reach his own forgotten past, Fast describes as the story of an artist devoid of talent.

Laura Hillenbrand "Unbroken"


One of the main non-fiction bestsellers of the decade, the 2010 Time magazine book of the year is about a man who survived.


The incredible biography of Louis Zamperini, a street boy who was raised to be an Olympic runner and sent to the Games in Berlin. Then he became a pilot during World War II, survived a plane crash, drifted on a raft in the ocean for a month - all to be captured by the Japanese.


An incredible and absolutely true story that Laura Hillenbrand found; our time needs heroes and, not finding them in the present, finds them in the recent past.

Screen adaptation

The script for Angelina Jolie's film, which we will see at the end of the year, was written by the Coen brothers, a photograph of her together with the main character, taken shortly before his death, went around the Internet, but it may turn out that the desire to make socially responsible films will play a bad joke on her: this It’s easy to kill an already pathetic story with brutal seriousness.

Jeannette Walls "The Glass Castle"


A wonderful book about a difficult childhood in a strange family.


Dad drinks, mom draws pictures, no one works, there is often no food at home and never money, the children don’t go to school, but dad can tell them the best fairy tale in the world, and mom can teach them to play the piano - and everyone is happy.


In fact, “The Glass Castle” is almost the best thing that happened to young adults literature this decade: instead of the fictional suffering of teenagers from dystopias, here is a real complex childhood, where the bohemian life of parents is not always a joy for their four children.

Screen adaptation

The main name of the upcoming film adaptation is already known - this is Jennifer Lawrence, for whom this book will be a chance to finally get out of the swamp of The Hunger Games somewhere closer to the arthouse. With all the love for Lawrence, a lot depends on her in this film adaptation: the whole book is built on very subtle details, and this should turn out well as “Tideland”, and not just another teenage thriller.

Colm Toibin "Brooklyn"


Irishman Colm Toibin, one of the most serious modern authors, tragically (for us) not translated into Russian, and his novel, which received the Costa Prize in 2009.


A young Irish woman leaves her native village for America for better life- and although things are already difficult for her in Brooklyn, everything becomes even more difficult when tragic events at home they force her to return home.


Colm Tóibín is one of the few authors capable of writing long, slow, unhurried texts and following his characters with close attention and exceptional sympathy, who have been forgotten by world literature for more than a hundred years. His novel, however, can be read more simply - as a novel about emigrants in reverse, where America becomes a place from which it is necessary to leave.

Screen adaptation

Saoirse Ronan, the apprentice pastry chef from The Grand Budapest Hotel, will play the lead role in John Crowley's upcoming - very Irish - film adaptation: it looks like the heroine's inability to take life into her own hands will be the main plot here.

Kevin Powers "The Yellow Birds"


A novel about returning from war, written by an Iraq war veteran, became for Americans something like “On Western Front without change” in the 21st century.


Private John Bartle went to Iraq with his school friend Murph. At the beginning of the war, they swear to each other not to die - but the hero returns alone. Surviving is only half the battle: adapting back to peaceful life turns out to be completely impossible.


Kevin Powers' novel filled the empty niche of the Great Novel about Iraq; here, for the first time in literature, all soldiers’ injuries are fully described - both in the fields and after the fields: why they leave, what they experience and how they return.

Screen adaptation

Benedict Cumberbatch, who has been cast in the lead role in David Lowery's upcoming film, says too much about the upcoming film adaptation: he doesn't look much like an Iraqi mercenary, which means that in a text that is half poetry and the other half the call of blood, it has been decided only poetry was left.

Sebastian Barry "Tables of Fate"


A century of Irish history in notes from a madhouse.


A hundred-year-old woman, sitting in a madhouse, keeps a diary in which the tragedy of her own life is inseparable from the tragic history of Ireland - and her attending physician sits around the corner and also keeps a diary, a little simpler. Sooner or later they meet.


The 2008 Costa Prize, the Man Booker Prize shortlist and a host of other awards prove, if not the importance, then the literary excellence of the text, authored by one of the best living Irish writers and playwrights.

Screen adaptation

It’s a rare case when already at the stage of preparation of the film it is clear that it will pay tribute to the original: Jim Sheridan in the directors, in the roles of the patient and her doctor Vanessa Redgrave and Eric Bana - and a whole sea of ​​famous names in flashbacks.

Elizabeth Strout "Olivia Kitteridge"


A collection of stories from the life of the American province, in which the main character manages to remain a minor character almost to the end.


13 stories from a small town in New England, from which the main character gradually emerges - an inconvenient, overbearing, aging high school math teacher. We meet Olivia Kitteridge as a middle-aged woman, and see her off as an old one - in general, this is a story, if not about aging, then about the loneliness that inevitably accompanies it.


2009 Pulitzer Prize - and a whole bunch of other awards: Elizabeth Strout managed not only to find a new hero, but also to complete the more difficult task of telling the story of an inconvenient heroine with empathy.

Screen adaptation

Frances McDormand, who is starring in the HBO miniseries that will be released this fall, is not a good choice for the role of Kitteridge: in the novel we are repeatedly pointed out what a large, physically awkward body she has. By making the heroine miniature, television cut off the novel itself, turning it into a story about what happens to a marriage after children grow up - a line that turns out to be far from the main one in the novel.

Jojo Moyes "Me Before You"


A sad story of impossible love that sells very well.


A girl at a crossroads loses her job and gets a job as a nurse for a smart, handsome man who is completely paralyzed after an accident.


The social rom-com genre, which Jojo Moyes invented with this novel and has been exploiting with might and main since then, is an undoubted success. Here, in general, it’s the same Jane Austen plus the problems of the first world in the 21st century. That is, the poor beautiful girls have nothing to pay for loans, Mr. Darcy also cries, in between there are many details of the hard life of the working class, laughter through tears, but still more tears. This is not required reading, just a good girl's novel, but it proves that literature can be in in a good way left, even without being too smart.

Screen adaptation

Estimated release - August 2015. Sentimental prose of this kind, as a rule, in film adaptations becomes something moderately marginal: it reaches its strong one hundred million (three times the budget), after which everyone tries to forget it as an annoying misunderstanding. Without counting on anything in particular, the studio gave itself the freedom to play a little: it invited Thea Sharrock, known more for her theatrical work, to the director’s chair (this will be her debut in a feature film, but she, as they say, is widely known on Broadway, in particular to her we owe it to Daniel Radcliffe naked with a horse), and Emilia Clarke aka Khaleesi was called to play the main female role. And Sharrock seems determined not to knock tears out of the audience, but to show them the injustice of the British class system.

What should a summer reading book be like - exciting, witty, light? introduces new book releases, which are nice not only to take with you on vacation, but also to tell your friends about them.

Modern Russian prose

Vacation is a good time to catch up and read what you haven't read. If you agree with this statement, then pay attention to current books by modern Russian authors.

"Aviator" Evgeniy Vodolazkin

Quote from the book: “Nothing is impossible during a person’s life—impossibility comes only with death. And even then it’s not necessary.”

The novel “The Aviator” by the winner of the “Big Book” and “Yasnaya Polyana” awards, Evgeniy Vodolazkin, today ranks first in the ranking of the most popular books in the “fiction” genre. And if you are not yet familiar with the current book of this season or the author who is already called “Russian” Umberto Eco", it's time to start reading The Aviator.

The hero of Vodolazkin’s new novel is a man who one day woke up in a hospital bed and realized that he didn’t remember anything. Now he has to rebuild his own life bit by bit. The strangest thing is that the calendar says 1999, and his memories are limited to St. Petersburg at the beginning of the twentieth century.

“Vera” Alexander Snegirev

Quote from the book: “Having made a choice, you recognize the path, and every path leads in one direction.”

This winter, Alexander Snegirev received the most prestigious Russian literary award “Russian Booker” for his book “Vera”. His novel is a story about a simple woman named Vera and her unsuccessful search for a real man in modern Russia.

Despite the fact that the choice of the Russian Booker laureate came as a surprise to many, Snegirev’s novel itself was definitely one of the most notable books of 2015. And those who have not yet had time to get acquainted with “Vera,” which reflects Russian reality, should hurry up and form their own opinion about it.


If you like solving riddles, the detective genre is what you need. But keep in mind, psychologists say that detective stories, like scientific books, are taken up by those who find it difficult to relax even on vacation and need to maintain the usual level of tension.

"In the Service of Evil" Robert Galbraith

Quote from the book: “If you stop and look closely, beauty can be found almost everywhere, but when each new day is fought, you somehow forget about this free luxury.”

Under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith is none other than the author of the cult saga about Harry Potter. Joanne Rowling. In the Service of Evil is her third book and the final installment in the series about private investigator Cormoran Strike. The “Harry Potter Mom” herself admits that “In the Service of Evil” is the only work that gives her the worst nightmares (while working on the manuscript, Rowling had to re-read a bunch of police reports and stories about serial killers).

The adventures in “Service of Evil” begin with Strike’s assistant Robin receiving a package containing a severed female leg. Now detectives have to unravel the name of the terrible criminal.

"Lontano" Jean-Christophe Grange

Quote from the book: “It’s only in the movies that a billionaire’s wife sleeps with a heroic and underpaid policeman. IN real life she prefers to stay by her pool.”

The book of the French journalist and writer Jean-Christophe Grange "Lontano" is today one of the most popular on Russian market. And the secret is not even in the name of the famous writer and journalist or in his regalia, but in the fact that the author, as usual, came up with a first-class thriller with a complex and exciting intrigue.

This time in the center of the detective story is the family of the French police chief, who are subject to daring attacks. What kind of criminal is operating in France and why the blows fall on the family of policeman number one is not so easy to guess, because Grange is famous for being able to keep readers in suspense until the very last page.

Memoirs and biographies

It has long been proven that reading memoirs and biographies satisfies not only people’s interest in peeping through the keyhole, but also secret narcissism (we all involuntarily look for ideal images of ourselves or our loved ones in great people).

"Jackie Chan. I'm happy" Jackie Chan, Mo Zhu

Quote from the book: “I am a common person, who has the courage to do something unusual."

This sincere book will be of interest not only to fans of Chan's talent, but also to everyone who likes works about brave people who are not afraid to make and correct their own mistakes.

"Chicken Soup for the Soul: 101 best story» Canfield Jack, Hansen Mark Victor, Newmark Amy

Quote from the book: “If you need to cut down a tree with an ax, and you hit it every day with five strong blows“Even the biggest tree will fall to the ground in time.”

Sales of the most anticipated summer series, “Chicken Soup,” are starting in Russian bookstores. Interestingly, in 1993 this collection of small real stories no one in life wanted to publish it, and by 2016 the book, which was rejected by 144 publishing houses, became one of the most successful projects in the history of book publishing.

The collection “Chicken Soup for the Soul: 101 Best Stories” is called so for a reason - it contains hundreds of poignant stories that can heal emotional wounds and strengthen the spirit. The authors introduce readers to the most unexpected characters, among them a failed actress who finds true happiness after learning that she has cancer; the most beautiful girl city ​​who falls in love with a hunchback after just two sentences and a 13-year-old girl who sold 45,526 boxes of cookies to make her mother's dream come true.

Romance novels

The fashion for novels in the “Fifty Shades of Gray” format has finally passed, and it’s time to look for new books and discover the names of authors not yet familiar to you.

"After You" Jojo Moyes

Quote from the book: “I doubt that happiness is a thing that can be earned.”

At the end of 2015, a continuation of the global bestseller “Me Before You” was published in Russia, which still remains the best-selling book in the country’s bookstores. A new book Jojo Moyes' After You tells what happened to the main character of the saga, Lou Clarke, after the death of her lover.

As Moyes herself admitted, she did not intend to write a sequel, but work on the script for the film adaptation and an endless number of letters asking how Lou’s future life turned out did not allow her to forget the characters of the popular novel.

“Sorry...” Janusz Wisniewski

Quote from the book: “Some things remain in memory and evoke appropriate associations only when they are correctly named.”

One of the most popular writers of modern Poland and the author of one of the most republished romance novels“Loneliness on the Internet” wrote a new poignant story. “Forgive me...” by Janusz Wisniewski is told from the perspective of a man who suddenly discovered his wife’s infidelity. The man cannot forgive the betrayal and becomes obsessed with revenge.

It seems that this fantastic story is just a fiction of the author, but in fact the book is based on real events that occurred in the early 1990s in Krakow: the popular jazz singer Andrzej Zauha and his companion Zuzanna Leśniak were shot dead by a jealous husband. Vishnevsky does not just retell this tragic story, he carefully examines the feelings of the heroes.