Why do you dream about a nest of mice? Why do you dream of a nest - interpretation of sleep according to dream books

Family dream book

Why do you dream about the Nest in modern times:

Seeing a chicken sitting on eggs is a sign that you will appreciate the peace and comfort of your home.

See also: why do you dream about birds, why do you dream about a bird’s nest, why do you dream about an egg.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about the Nest:

If you see that you have found a nest with chicks, then profit awaits you. If you find an empty nest in a dream, then the end of things awaits you.

If you dreamed of a bird's nest in a tree, then joy and prosperity await you. Taking a nest from a tree in a dream means stupid jubilation awaits you.

Seeing that you are emptying and breaking a nest is a sign of trouble. Why dream of seeing a snake or crocodile nest - this portends you great anxiety.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about the Nest, how to understand the dream:

If you dreamed of a nest, then you will have an interest in a business that will ultimately turn out to be very profitable.

If a woman dreams of a nest, it means moving for her. If you see an empty nest, then sadness and separation from a friend await you.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about a nest?

If you dreamed of a nest, it means illness and a long stay in the hospital.

Also, a nest is evidence of uncleanness in your body.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream of a Nest in a dream:

Seeing that a nest has been destroyed is a bad sign, indicating that you will have to leave your native place and move to live in a rather remote area.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream about the Nest in a night dream?

If you dreamed of a bird's nest, this portends you an interesting business in which you will take an active part.

If young people dream of a nest, then this means for them a change of place of residence.

If the nest is empty in a dream, then you will experience sadness from parting with a friend. Abandoned nest - failures in business endeavors await you. Seeing a nest full of eggs in a dream foretells the opposite for you, plus successful trips.

If you dreamed of chicks in a nest, this means sadness and awareness of your own guilt. If you see a bird sitting on eggs in a nest in a dream, then everything will be fine in family relationships, at least in the near future.

Seeing that a bird has flown away and there are broken eggs underneath is disappointing.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about the Nest - dream analysis:

Why do you dream about the Nest - interpretation of the dream:

If you dreamed of a bird's nest, this is a sign of successful entrepreneurship.

If a young woman dreams of a nest, this foretells her a change of home. Seeing an empty nest in a dream means separation from a friend.

If you dreamed of a bird hatching eggs in a nest, then everything will be fine in family relationships.

Why dream of seeing a nest full of bird eggs - this promises you successful endeavors and successful trips.

If you dreamed of abandoned chicks in a nest, this is a sign of future sorrows.

Dream Interpretation of D. Mendeleev

If you dream of a Nest, what does it mean:

Nest - If you dream about a bird making a nest, this means that in reality things will go well, and very soon you will reach indescribable heights that you did not expect and could not dream of. If a young woman or girl had such a dream, it means that she will soon get married and leave, thereby changing her place of residence and address.

An empty nest always dreams of separation from a friend or loved one, which most likely will happen on his initiative due to your excessive selfishness and sometimes disregard for him. You absolutely do not know how to appreciate people, because you simply are not capable of it, because... love only yourself, completely forgetting about others.

Seeing a ruined nest in a dream means that in the near future you will inevitably face a divorce, and a very problematic and scandalous one, with breaking dishes, loud showdowns and assault.

If you yourself are engaged in the destruction of bird’s nests, then such a dream signals that the marriage ties will disintegrate precisely through your fault and initiative, because you do not know how to forgive a person for his minor weaknesses and minor shortcomings. Remember: there are no ideal people, we can all make mistakes, so do not execute your loved one and do not judge harshly, because sometimes he does not even understand how he offended you or caused discontent.

If you see that you are building a nest yourself, then you will never create your own family, remaining a convinced bachelor or an old maid. The reason will lie only in you.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why do you dream about the Nest according to the dream book:

Seeing a bird's nest in a dream is a good sign; it may mean that in the near future your interest will be focused on a certain business that will turn out to be very profitable for you in the future. For the poor, such a dream predicts big and good changes in their lives. A dream in which you see a bird hatching eggs in a nest means that a cozy home and beautiful children will become your joy in life.

A ruined nest means a quarrel, divorce. Seeing broken eggs in a nest means failure and disappointment. For a young woman to see a nest in a dream means she is forced to move to a new place. Seeing an abandoned nest in a dream means separation from a loved one. The nest of a stork or some songbirds in a dream symbolizes well-being and life’s pleasures. A nest of birds of prey in a dream means the treachery of your enemies. However, if you dream that you are destroying such a nest, then the dream predicts victory over your enemies.

Driving away birds of prey from their nest in a dream means that you will achieve good luck, unless you are afraid of difficulties and dangers. The nest of a snake, crocodile or other predatory animal portends great concern. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will find yourself in a difficult situation and become confused. Destroying such a nest means that changes in business await you (good and bad), but associated with great experiences. Seeing a fabulous or intricately woven nest means unusual news or an incident that may happen to you. Seeing a golden nest with eggs in a dream is a warning of danger. If in a dream you dream that you see yourself in a nest, this foreshadows upcoming family ties.

They will be cheerful and obedient.

Seeing broken eggs in a nest- portends disappointment and failure.

Empty nest in a dream- may also portend failure in business life. But a nest full of white bird eggs promises you a good start to many things and successful trips.

Abandoned chicks in a nest

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Nest- symbolizes the “home nest”.

Find a nest with eggs or chicks- joy, profit, family growth.

Seeing an empty nest- to poverty.

Dream book of lovers

To a woman- this dream predicts a change of residence.

Empty nest- dreams of separation from your lover, because of which you will suffer.

Nest with a bird hatching its chicks- means happy family relationships and obedient children.

Nest with broken eggs- dreams of separation and disappointment in love.

A nest with many white eggs- promises good luck in love and a romantic trip.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Nest in a dream- symbolizes home and household.

A good, lived-in nest- a sign of good progress. Sometimes such dreams- dream about before moving to a new place of residence.

Empty nest- often foreshadows separation.

Chicks in the nest- this is a reminder that you have to take care of the house and conduct household affairs with great diligence.

Seeing a nest full of eggs in your dream- portends the success of many of your plans and endeavors, especially if the eggs are white.

Variegated eggs in a bird's nest- a sign that things will develop with varying degrees of success, but overall everything will go well.

Nest with broken eggs- portends the collapse of plans.

Solomon's Dream Book

Nest- acquisition of property, hectic life.

Dream book for a bitch

Nest- moving to a new job or starting your own business.

Seeing a nest full of eggs in a dream- successful business trips, good endeavors.

Empty nest- separation.

If in a dream you see a bird hatching eggs- harmony and peace in the family, mutual respect and sincere love, healthy and obedient children.

New family dream book

Looking at a bird's nest in a dream- to successful entrepreneurship.

A young woman has this dream- portends a change of home.

See an empty nest- to separation from a friend.

I dreamed of a bird hatching eggs in a nest- everything will be fine in family relationships.

Nest full of bird eggs- promises successful endeavors and successful trips.

Abandoned chicks in a nest- a sign of future sorrows.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing a bird's nest in a dream- means that you will be interested in an enterprise that will become profitable in the near future.

A young woman has such a dream- promises a change of place of residence.

Empty nest- a sign of sadness caused by separation from a friend.

To dream of a chicken sitting on eggs- predicts that you will love children and home comfort, will be modest and cheerful.

Seeing a nest with broken eggs- a harbinger of failures and disappointments.

Eastern women's dream book

bird's Nest- means that in the near future your interest will be focused on a certain business, which in the future will turn out to be very profitable. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows a move.

See an empty nest- to separation from a loved one.

Broken eggs in a nest- to failures and disappointments.

A dream in which you see a bird hatching eggs in a nest- means: your joy in life will be a cozy home and beautiful children.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Nest- to create (expand) your family. The meaning of the dream increases if screaming chicks are seen in the nest. Bird's nests- they can ruin (rob, rob) the apartment.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Nest- a reflection of “hatching” ideas or projects. A reflection of home warmth and family happiness. The need to let go of the child, children.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Nest- dreams of wealth.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Nest- marriage.

The nest is ruined- to divorce.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a bird's nest in a dream- portends an interesting business in which you will take an active part. Regarding young people- this dream means a change of residence.

If the slot is empty- you will feel sadness from parting with a friend.

Abandoned nest- failures in business endeavors.

See a nest full of eggs- portends the opposite plus successful trips.

Chicks in the nest- to sadness and awareness of one’s own guilt.

See a bird sitting on eggs in a nest- this means that everything will be fine in family relationships, at least in the near future. If a bird flies away and there are broken eggs underneath it- this is disappointing.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

The nest is empty- a pleasant life; with dead chicks- poverty, melancholy.

Women's dream book

Seeing a bird's nest in a dream- means that in the near future you will become interested in entrepreneurial activity.

Empty nest- to separation from a friend or failure in business life.

Nest full of bird eggs- promises a good start to many things, successful trips.

See a bird hatching eggs in a nest- to improve family relationships, good behavior of your children.

broken eggs- dreams of disappointment and failure.

Abandoned chicks in a nest- a sign of future sorrows, which will be caused by your rash behavior.

General dream book

Find a nest in a dream- for engagement.

You dreamed that you destroyed a nest- in the near future you will quarrel with your beloved (lover), bride (groom), wife (husband).

Build a nest- for a quick wedding.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Nest- a symbol of “hatching” ideas or projects.

If you are "building a nest"- this means you create a warm, cozy room in your home. This is a wonderful sign of home warmth and family happiness.

Nest- may mean it's time to go within for renewal. Go into your inner nest and sit there with ideas. There is a time in your life when you need to be silent and still, and there is a time when you need to be open and expansive.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a nest in a dream- to happiness and wealth, find him- to joy, happiness, luck, if it is empty- to a mistake in business, ruin him- to the disorder of affairs, hold in hand or see with chicks- to profit.

English dream book

If in a dream you find a bird's nest full of eggs- this is a warning sign. Your property may be confiscated. For those who are starting a lawsuit, this dream predicts an unfavorable outcome of the case.

However, often the same dream- predicts a wedding and the emergence of a cozy family nest with cheerful chicks, which, when they fly out of the nest, will bring you joy and console your old age.

If the nest is destroyed- a dream promises only troubles.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

See nests- to increase or to great difficulties.

Big dream book

Nest in a dream- means an imminent engagement.

Find a nest in a dream- a very important dream for lovers.

If you dreamed that you were ruining a nest- this means that in the near future you will quarrel with the person you are in love with.

Lunar dream book

Find a nest- well-being.

Nests- marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Nest- joy, well-being.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Bird's nest- a good sign; finding him with birds means profit, but an empty end to things; a nest of snakes, crocodile and other harmful insects portends great concern.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Nest- a symbol of home, engagement, marriage.

With eggs and chicks- profit, happiness in the house; empty, destroyed- breakup of relationships, children will leave home.

Modern universal dream book

When birds build a nest- it meets their needs.

Nest- a reflection of their individuality. But it is also important that the nest is created for reproduction, as a refuge from predators, protection from the external environment and comfortable housing.

What kind of nest did you dream about? Even the tiniest birds are capable of building extremely complex nests that are the epitome of safety- do you want the same nest? Do you want to be safe, do you need reliability, solidity and protection?

Who do you think lives in this nest? Is it a raptor or a bird of paradise?- are you sure there are no predators around you?

If the nest is built by a peacock- the dream reflects your desire to surround yourself with creative people.

The nest may also- symbolize your desire to start a family.

If in real life you want to leave your “nest” (a typical desire of teenagers)- you may also dream of a nest. If you are an adult- a dream may mean that you want to break off a relationship or change your lifestyle.

It is important to pay attention to where exactly the nest is located. If it is on the edge of a branch and is about to fall- it means you don’t feel solid ground under your feet. Is the nest high in a tree or on the ground? Are you a dreamer or are you firmly planted on the ground? Are there any chicks or eggs in the nest? Eggs symbolize hopes and desires, chicks symbolize commitment, work and devotion.

If you dream that you are being fed in a nest- it means you need the support of another person.

If you dream that you are constantly flying to a nest with food- it means you provide for others, their life depends on you.

Is there anything in your real life that you would like to “hatch”?- what ideas or thoughts would you like to think about and bring to life?

Dream book of a gypsy

Nest- for the upcoming wedding.

Nest full of eggs- means success in your personal life.

Nest with chicks- you are going on a trip with your friends.

Empty nest- travel plans will not come true.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Nest- a symbol of various kinds of connections.

See it, find it- joy, true happiness / family growth / feeling of an established strong connection with a friend, person.

Hold in hand- profit.

Carry somewhere- feel the burden of connections, be burdened by them.

Destroy the nest- failure / feeling of a fatal need to break ties.

To be in a big- be in a network of various kinds of connections with people.

A nest carefully lined with down, a hidden nest, to hide it- in your life there are connections with people hidden from your consciousness, and they determine a lot in your destiny.

See swallow's nest- soon to live in your own home.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Bird's nest- you will move to a better place, family affairs, marriage (young); find- joy, well-being, happiness; ruin- enemies are lurking, trouble; remove from tree- imminent wedding / not to rejoice for long; with eggs- family happiness; with chicks- profit; with dead chicks- losses, poverty; the nest of an unclean creature is bad.

Esoteric dream book

Nest- household chores.

Ruined- minor domestic troubles.

Ukrainian dream book

Find a nest- great happiness, remove from wood- weddings soon; destroy the nest- your enemies rejoice.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Nest- engagement, marriage; with chicks- big profit; with eggs- family happiness; remove from tree- short-lived joy; devastate, break- to trouble.

Collection of dream books

Nest- for good, for profit.

Nest- acquisition of property, a pleasant and calm life in a cozy home.

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The mouse symbolizes ingenuity, dexterity and at the same time weakness.

Folk signs and sayings are associated with mice, which could have contributed to the appearance of the image of a mouse in your dream: “The mouse overcomes - before hunger; mice get out of the house - before a fire”, “Eat what a mouse has bitten, its teeth will get stronger”, “If a mouse gets into your bosom, then there will be big trouble”, “Mice will gnaw clothes (dress) - to death”, “Do not name, caressing , kittens become little mice: the mother will gnaw them to death.”

The bat is the personification of night and blindness. But according to some folk beliefs, a bat can also be a harbinger of good luck, hope and even happiness.

So your subconscious, sending you the image of a mouse in a dream, could be based on a variety of events that happened in your life, in one way or another connected with folklore motifs.

Watching a mouse running away from a cat in a dream is a sign that you will happily avoid danger.

Feeding a mouse in a dream - a dream indicates that you should be more tolerant of the people around you, even though you see that they are weaker than you. There will definitely come a time when you will need the help of these people, so do not act arrogant with them at the present time.

Setting a trap in a dream to catch a mouse is evidence that in real life you are a very enterprising, resourceful person who can find a way out of even the most difficult situation.

If you dreamed that you killed a mouse or caught it in a mousetrap, then such a dream means that you have a very difficult task ahead of you, from which you can emerge victorious only thanks to your courage.

Seeing a large number of mice in a dream means a happy release from problems.

To see a bat in a dream - the dream tells you that in real life you need to learn to adapt to all circumstances, so you can easily avoid any danger.

Watching a bat fly in a dream is a sign that your old hopes are destined to come true. Perhaps such a dream indicates that your affairs, despite all the forecasts, will end successfully.

Seeing a wounded bat in a dream is evidence that you should be careful at night. You may be in danger of being robbed.

If you dreamed of a bat hunting for insects, such a dream portends great happiness. Perhaps you have a profitable business ahead of you that will bring you considerable material profit and the respect of those around you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Small tailed rodent pests were not popular with our ancestors. Yes, and it would be strange for peasants to love thieves, every now and then trying to lay their miniature paw on other people's property! However, in Russian folk tales, the mouse bears the affectionate nickname “norushka” and rarely acts as a negative character. Even the golden egg strikes not out of malice, but out of awkwardness! So her appearance in a dream can be interpreted in different ways.

The image of a mouse in the interpretation of various dream books

  • Miller's dream book openly dislikes a domestic rodent, calling it a sign of future failures in business, an unsuccessful period in his personal life, or a minor but very offensive betrayal by a loved one. For an unmarried girl, a dream about a mouse threatens the appearance of a cunning rival, outwardly “gray”, but in fact toothy, who will secretly spoil the dreamer’s reputation. If the animal runs over your clothes, you will find yourself in the center of an unpleasant scandal.
  • The Dream Book of the White Magician considers the nightly appearance of the gray plunderer of other people's property to be a warning about the serious danger to which a person is exposed. At such times, you need to be extremely careful in communicating with unfamiliar people and listen more carefully to your inner voice. If the interlocutor evokes inexplicable antipathy, most likely this is not without reason.
  • Vanga's dream book interprets the dream of mice in a rather unique way. He considers the animal he dreamed about on Tuesday night to be the embodiment of some small and not very pleasant secret that the dreamer is trying to hide from a loved one. It’s better to gather your courage and honestly admit everything: your secret will sooner or later come to the surface, but it won’t be so easy to justify yourself.
  • The Housewife's Dream Interpretation connects the image of a mouse with the appearance of the dreamer's life as an empty and cowardly, but calculating subject. Keep your eyes open for him! In addition, a rodent means news that will force you to dramatically change your plans and course of action. If you are able to show sufficient flexibility, problems will be resolved safely, and you will be a winner.
  • The women's dream book holds almost the same opinion, adding that the dreamer's friends are hiding something from her.
  • According to the Children's Dream Book, a person who “dreams” about a mouse will find himself in a stupid situation and cause ridicule from others. Treat your mistake philosophically, or better yet, laugh along with everyone else - this will add points to you in the eyes of the audience.

Mouse, you say?

In the form of a mouse with a disproportionately long tail, a computer mouse and experiences associated with technology often appear in the night fantasies of our consciousness. Perhaps it’s time to clean your computer or install virus protection?

  • According to Freud's dream book, night dreams about mice promise nothing but disappointment. Business will go downhill, income will drop sharply, the desired marriage will lead to an unhappy family life, children will be upset by disobedience, and enemies will swarm around.
  • The Small Velesov Dream Book considers the mouse to be a harbinger of illness, failure, hunger, slander and losses associated with the dreamer’s loved ones. And even if in a dream the violator of your peace of mind died in the teeth of a cat, there is nothing to rejoice at. In the coming days, you will be attacked by gossipers.
  • Tsvetkov’s dream book advises a person watching a mouse in a dream to be wary of ill-wishers. In addition, be prepared to hear requests from relatives for financial assistance.
  • Against the background of endless predictions about failures and losses, the interpretation of the Gypsy dream book looks completely harmless. He is only talking about the barbs that a vicious woman will make at the dreamer.
  • For the Jewish dream book, an unclean animal represents a hidden enemy.
  • For French - the duplicity of loved ones.
  • For a Muslim it is a threat to life. True, a dream is considered significant only if the uninvited tailed guest was treated to some food in the dreamer’s house.
  • The 21st century dream book has a completely different opinion about mice. It turns out that a gray rodent appears in the dreams of people doomed to success! New adversities will pass by, those that already exist will be successfully resolved, and such a dream will come with some great joy as a bonus. So if you are an optimist, and the mouse you saw did not make you wake up in a cold sweat from fear, there is every reason to expect a happy turn of fate.
  • According to Aesop's dream book, an outwardly inconspicuous mouse is in fact the very embodiment of dexterity and natural intelligence, and such good symbols cannot be interpreted for the worse.
  • The Great and Russian Folk Dream Books give one general interpretation. If the rodent seems disgusting, unclean and dirty to you, get ready for trouble and take better care of your property: perhaps part of it will be lost or end up in the pockets of street thieves. But if in a dream you were drawn to cuddle a cute animal, in its image the subconscious slipped you someone well known and evoking tender feelings. For example, a child or a pet.
  • The Wanderer's Dream Book, in addition to the usual mention of secret enemies, makes the following interesting remark: if the mouse seen in the dream was mechanical, new ideas will begin to come to your mind, each more interesting and original than the other.

Depending on the amount in a dream

With the advent of decorative mice, attitudes towards rodents have changed

In the old days, interpreters were wary of the appearance of large numbers of mice in dreams. Vanga's dream book assured that this would lead to crop failure and rising prices; Nostradamus’s dream book threatened war, epidemics and famine; and other predictors agreed: one mouse - all right, two - expect problems, more than three - get ready to fight off a whole heap of troubles.

However, over time, the forecasts changed for the better. So, in the crowd of gray animals scurrying around the room, some later dream books see a lot of new, but pleasant troubles, and a lot of frightened enemies over whom you will win. And some people consider a flock of mice a sign of significant monetary gain! In a word, things are not at all as gloomy as our ancestors thought.

Interpretation based on the color of the animal (gray, white, black)

A gray mouse characterizes you as a person with a low level of aspirations, balanced, calm, not too fond of change and not striving for it. We can reassure you: there are no noticeable changes in your destiny. Is it really that good though? Maybe you’ll gather your courage and sign up for a horse riding course, go on a tourist trip to Altai, or do something equally unexpected that you’ve been secretly dreaming of for a long time?

Sometimes a gray mouse is considered a sign of a minor illness or difficulties in business.

Black color - please be careful

The interpretation of the image of a black mouse largely coincides with the previous one. Don’t expect big changes in your life, but be careful not to let strangers in on its details - you will suffer from slanderers.

The red animal represents a cunning and treacherous enemy. Apparently, in their interpretations, the ancestors started from the old Russian proverb “Red and red is a dangerous man.”

It would seem that a white mouse should bring good news. Not so! This animal personifies the “mouse fuss” that your enemies started behind your back. Moreover, the instigator of everything is someone who pretends to be white and fluffy, but in reality has a grudge against you. However, white color still brings a touch of positivity, giving a chance for good developments. For example, for married people, the snow-white animal hints at the possible infidelity of the other half, but for those who are just about to tie the knot of Hymen, it promises a strong, happy marriage. And if you already have problems in your life, after such a dream you will be able to get rid of them without much effort.

According to the Wanderer's dream book, a white mouse represents your loyalty. Alas, absolutely meaningless, because we are talking about a relationship that is time to end, or about a matter that has lost its former significance.

To size

With the size of the ghostly rodent, everything is extremely simple. A small mouse means minor difficulties, a big one means significant troubles and problems.

True, from the point of view of psychology, it is not enemies or dangers that appear in the form of large rodents in the human subconscious, but our fear of them. So a dream involving a giant mouse with glowing eyes and a creepy grin is a direct sign to take a closer look at your phobias. Try to intelligently weigh the real significance of frightening events and, perhaps, you will see that your fears are in no way justified.

In addition to fears, the big mouse indicates negative experiences accumulated in the dreamer’s soul: resentment, despondency, irritation and similar unpleasant feelings. Get ready to fight depression!

Explanation of various actions with an animal - dreamed about living or dead

Beware of uninvited guests. And not so cute!

  • If in a dream you listened to the squeak of a mouse that had settled under the floor, beware of thieves. Just as the animal itself comes into the house to profit from the owner’s supplies, so some will be ready to improve their financial situation at your expense. And in general, a dream about a toothy neighbor moving into human housing is considered unsuccessful - the house is in danger of trouble.
  • A mouse running at your feet indicates the need to replenish stocks so that rising prices do not take you by surprise.
  • A sound sleeper speaks of the well-being of children.
  • If in a dream several mice ran away from a person with all their paws, he will defeat his enemies.
  • The one who fed the animal from the palm of his hand values ​​himself too highly and his surroundings too low. But you may soon have to ask for help from the people at whom you snort so derisively today!
  • An unusual dream in which a bat feasted on your hands gives hope for a successful outcome of current events. But you will have to show great restraint and not give in to panic!

The bat, by the way, is a very complicated symbol. The gypsy dream book considers it such a bad sign that it doesn’t even want to talk about it - they say it’s not good, that’s the point. In the interpretation of other interpreters, Norushka’s flying relative means bad news, the danger of robbery and even the threat of death, especially when a wounded animal is dreamed of. But if in your dreams you watched with curiosity the flight of a winged animal, the machinations of your enemies will turn against them. In more modern dream books, the appearance of a bat is regarded as advice not to give in to difficulties, but to actively adapt to new circumstances. Well, a sleeping bat is your intuition, which is growing stronger and gaining strength. Learn to listen to her, because deep down you already know the answers to many questions that now seem insoluble. You can read more about dreams with the presence of a flying beauty in the article.

No matter how the confrontation ends, you win

  • Catching an ordinary gray mouse without any purpose means risking becoming an object of ridicule or hostility from a large group of people. Your current actions are thoughtless and therefore show you in an unfavorable light.
  • But if in a dream you firmly knew why you were chasing a rodent, the situation changes radically. In your attempts to achieve what you want, you act absolutely correctly and one day you will achieve success. For unmarried girls, a dream about purposefully catching mice predicts matchmaking.
  • A mousetrap is a bad symbol, meaning evil gossip and tricks that enemies prepare for a person. But if you set traps in your dreams yourself, everything is fine. This characterizes you as a person capable of taking responsibility for your destiny and acting decisively when the need arises.
  • If in the end the animal ends up in your hands, expect an unexpected gift, a bargain, or a replenishment in your wallet. For pregnant women, a caught mouse promises the birth of a daughter.
  • Catching several rodents at the same time means achieving success in all your endeavors, but only through a lot of work. At the behest of a pike, luck will not come to you.
  • But the unpleasant feelings that you experienced towards your prey warn rather of the opposite. You will have to experience an influx of painful emotions, loss of spirit, or become a victim of someone’s insults.
  • Did the gray fugitive escape or did you let her go yourself? Unfortunately, there is a high probability of plans being disrupted. Your affairs will be difficult, and if you manage to achieve victory, it will be only by working up a sweat.
  • A very favorable sign is to watch a cat hunt mice in a dream. It seems that in the near future your spiteful critics will have no time for you: there will be another enemy who will “pinch their tails.” The best thing is that you win no matter the outcome of the hunt! Modern dream books consider a mouse bitten by a cat to be a symbol of complete victory over the enemy and circumstances, and Aesop’s dream book calls an animal safely hidden in a hole a sign that the dreamer himself will be able to avoid some danger. Only Veles’s dream book adds a fly in the ointment to a positive prediction, stating: a person who watched the massacre of a rodent at night is attacked by gossips during the day.

But I won’t pass for a fly?

Few people have had the good fortune to watch in a dream how a bat itself hunts for insects, making circles above the dreamer’s head. It's a pity! After all, this portends success in business, respect from partners and great happiness.

A dream in which you furiously crushed animals with your feet reveals the depth of feelings about some event, and a passionate desire to get rid of worries.

The extravagant dream in which you feasted on mice has several explanations:

  • Voluntarily swallowing a live rodent means receiving news that will leave an unpleasant taste in your soul.
  • Eating a mouse under someone's pressure means doing hard and monotonous work.
  • To snack on a delicacy and only later find out that it was a mouse is to be deceived into being involved in someone else’s adventure.

Did the mice in your dream bathe, swim or flounder in the water, but did not drown? There are two explanations for this fact:

  • Your enemies are too strong now. Don’t try to fight them, the enemies will still pop up and respond with an insidious blow. Step aside.
  • Wash away the past like water washes away dirt from your body. Free yourself from the memory of mistakes you once made and continue to move forward without unnecessary weight on your shoulders.

What to expect if you dreamed of rodents locked in a cage? Different interpreters understand this symbol as a promise of great material wealth, reconciliation with the offended, or victory over the enemy. But no less often one hears that such a dream approves of a person’s efforts made regarding some important matter - they say, everything is correct, move along the same path and luck will not leave you.

Dreaming of a pregnant mouse or mouse nest

It's time to build your own nest

Pregnant rats and mice mean more trouble for the dreamer.

A mouse giving birth predicts a cycle of events that will captivate you. If at the same time you helped a mustachioed woman in labor, one of your acquaintances will very much surprise you with an unexpected act. It is bad if at the same time a stillborn offspring is born - this means discord among loved ones. True, living little mice will bring little joy, since they symbolize unpleasant rumors and slander. But if the tailed mother gave birth to other animals or completely incomprehensible creatures, rejoice. Profit awaits you, and it can be both material and spiritual.

A mouse's nest is a good sign. There are some problems in your personal life, but if you immediately begin to solve them, or at least think carefully about your mistakes, you can acquire your own nest. Not everything will go smoothly, so be wise and patient. A real chance to start the very relationship you dreamed of is opening up to you right now.

The interpretation of dreams does not follow strict rules. If a woman is afraid of rodents to the point of squealing, then even if they appear in her dreams, they are unlikely to bring good news. Likewise, for a person who happily tinkers with his decorative mouse, not a single dream about a long-tailed animal will be completely negative. And if the other day you encountered gray thieves in the barn or discovered their nest under the floor, your dream does not mean absolutely anything. Treat it critically, only then will you be able to sift out the random pictures that pop up in your sleeping consciousness from the really important clues of intuition.

I saw a bird's nest in a tree - the Oracle's dream book promises the dreamer new impressions. By taking part in an interesting project, you will receive a lot of positive emotions. It is possible for a young man to move or change his place of residence.

Don't refuse offers that will come in the near future. Perhaps this business will bring you good profits and good experience.

I dreamed of a nest in the house

You dreamed that a bird made a nest in the house, and you are happy about it - your intuition is very well developed, thanks to which you managed to avoid many dangerous situations. The ability to predict the development of events helps you move through life without major losses.

Seeing a swallow's nest in a dream

Seeing a large swallow's nest in a dream is a very good sign, which is a happy harbinger of prosperity in the house where the bird builds a nest, according to the plot of the dream. A calm family life, mutual understanding and love will settle in this house for a long time.

Give your loved ones more time, spend free time with them, be interested in their successes. This will only strengthen your family and create a warm atmosphere in the house.

Find a nest in a dream

Have you had a dream in which you find a bird's nest with abandoned chicks? Most likely, your family will get into trouble due to your wrong actions. Having become the unwitting culprit of all troubles, you will not be able to help your loved ones.

Try not to do anything rash, think about the consequences. After all, not only your future, but also that of your loved ones depends on them.

I dreamed that the nest fell

If you dream that a bird's nest is falling from a tree, it means that in real life the dreamer will face serious difficulties in business. If the nest has fallen with eggs or live chicks, it means you will not be able to overcome the obstacles on your own.

Don't be shy to ask for help. Only contact your closest and trusted people. Perhaps the help of your loved ones will come in handy.

Seeing a nest with chicks in a dream

Surprise and pride for your grown-up children - this is what dreams of a nest with chicks mean. The success of your children will make you happy. In another interpretation, a nest full of chicks promises material well-being and increased income for the dreamer.

Do not deprive older children of their independence. The sooner they learn to make decisions, the easier it will be for them to enter adulthood.

Saving a nest in a dream

Saving a nest with grown-up chicks in a dream indicates, according to the interpretation of the dream book, that the dreamer is able to provide for the family financially on his own and create a solid base for the future generation. Family and material well-being are what awaits him in the near future.

Just don’t think that wealth and love will fall on your head just like that. It is necessary to forget about rest for a while, and devote all your energy to work and family. Only in this case will you be able to receive rich dividends.