Why do you dream about taking a shower? Why do you dream of a shower: cold, hot, at home or in a public place? Why do you dream about taking a shower - basic interpretations.

In which we bathe or shower. Of course, I would like to know what such a dream means. Logically, washing means cleansing, that is, something good is implied. And yet, let's turn to the interpreters, what does it mean

Interpretation according to the universal dream book

The universal dream book will help you figure out what it means in a dream.

  • A shower is, first of all, hygiene, and seeing it in a dream means renewal and successful business management.
  • Taking a shower is an unconscious desire to be clean. Therefore, a dream in which you wash in the shower portends a solution to the problems you have. When you take a shower, you simply wash them off.
  • Also, such a dream suggests that it would not hurt you to take a break in your affairs, relax, and then get down to business with fresh energy and achieve even greater success in your chosen field of activity.

Interpretation according to Adaskin's dream book

Adaskin's dream book also understands a shower in a dream as cleansing and renewal.

  • If you dream that you are taking a shower, real life you will soon get rid of people or circumstances that prevent you from realizing your plans and achieving your goals.
  • Showering in a dream can also mean improving your intimate relationships. It's possible that you and your partner are in for a tidal wave. vitality and energies that can bring newness and freshness to your relationships.
  • If you have to take a shower in a dream, this could also mean that you are about to meet a person who will give you a lot have wonderful days, but the relationship will not become permanent.

Interpretation according to Longo's dream book

Yuri Longo considers the shower a symbol of spiritual cleansing and renewal of your vital energy.

  • If the dreamer bathes in the soul, in reality this will lead to the understanding that in life he does not adhere too much moral principles. In addition, he adheres to the concept that life is a dirty thing. Therefore, one must strive to direct one’s actions in a positive, creative direction, and then the perception of the world around him will become completely different for him.
  • Completely different situations you can see in a dream. Wash in the shower and being left without water - such a dream also has its own explanation. In reality, this can lead to an unexpected turn of events that will interfere with the implementation of your plans.
  • Washing in the shower in a dream and noticing that someone is spying on you - good sign for a young girl. Such a vision promises her a lot of attention and interesting proposals. True, in such situations she needs to be as reasonable as possible. Well, if a business man had such a dream, this is a warning that his competitors are trying to learn the secrets of his business.

Interpretation according to different dream books

If we turn to more interpreters, we will see how interesting and varied are the interpretations of the dreams in which you had to.

  • According to Lewis's dream book, taking a shower in night vision may mean your need to wash away the heaviness from your life, the desire for physical or spiritual renewal. Also, a shower can characterize rewards that, one might say, “pour” onto the dreamer.
  • Lagutina’s dream book interprets the vision in which you washed yourself in the shower as a symbol of upcoming dubious entertainment.
  • According to Karatov’s dream book, if you took a shower in a dream, in real life all your efforts will not go unnoticed and will be appreciated.
  • Smurova's dream book warns that if you have taken a cold shower, you may experience big problems. What else does such a dream mean? Wash in the shower clean water, removing dirt from yourself may mean that the circumstances that are now too constraining or disturbing you will no longer bother you.
  • Meneghetti, in his dream book, considers water pouring on you from the shower to be a symbol of the positive emotions awaiting you.
  • The Wanderer's Dream Book promises that a warm shower in a dream can be a harbinger of events that will cause you to worry. And here cold water in your soul will allow you to look at your behavior from the outside, assess the situation, and, if necessary, make the right decision.
  • Miller explains to us the following dream. Wash in the shower with soap a very favorable symbol for a young girl. The dreamer will not need money even in the most difficult moments.

Interpretation of dreams taking into account details

Sometimes, in order to more accurately decipher your night vision, it is very important to remember some important details. For example, if you had to, try to remember exactly where it happened:

  • if you were at home, changes await you, which may depend on various details;
  • took a shower in public place(pool, gym) - deception or betrayal may await you;
  • swam at home with parents or friends - most likely they need your help;
  • if the shower was on the beach, you may have financial problems;
  • if you had to wash in the presence of people, in reality you may disgrace yourself, so control your behavior.


It's no secret that in our night visions we have to experience a lot of emotions. We literally feel some of them physically, they are so realistic. In real life, after a long and tiring day, taking a shower brings us long-awaited relaxation and a feeling of cleanliness. But it happens that in our souls we wash ourselves in our sleep. Of course, the next morning we want to know what this means. Try to remember everything down to the smallest detail, write down the dream on paper and then contact an interpreter. As a rule, in the dream book a shower is a symbol of cleansing and renewal. Perhaps your dream will bring you something new and positive in reality.

In almost all famous dream books water is a symbol of change that a person strives for all conscious life. Dreams in which a person washes in the shower signify changes, and whether they are good or bad depends on the details of the dream.

Details of a dream in which a person has to take a shower will help to more accurately interpret what this dream was about. For a young girl, a dream in which she washes her body means changes in personal life. If the water is warm, then she should not fear negativity or betrayal from her lover. If a girl is cold in the shower and the water does not give her pleasure, then most likely the dreamer will face problems in her relationship. The water flowing from the body is colored with blood, which means you need to be wary of betrayal or betrayal, which will drive the dreamer into melancholy or depression.

If a young mother is taking a shower and she is wearing clothes, then this dream warns that the child will soon get sick. For married woman swimming under cold streams of water means a strong quarrel with your spouse. It is possible that the instigator of the scandal will be the dreamer herself. Many people are interested in why they dream of washing under dirty streams of water. This dream carries negative connotations. Dirty water- this is gossip that will bring a lot of unpleasant moments to the person who saw the dream.

If in real life the dreamer is sick with something, then a dream in which streams of water flow from the shower onto his head signals that the illness will soon recede. The main thing is that the water in the dream is clean. Dirty liquid - to exacerbation of the disease.

So why dream of taking a shower while standing in the water. If suddenly a person in a dream saw that liquid did not flow into the drain, but collected in the bathroom or shower, rising higher and higher, this is a problem that will need to be solved very urgently. If there is a lot of foam in the water that covers its entire surface, then the problems will be easy to solve, but if the liquid in the bathroom is dirty and rises very quickly, then the dreamer will have to make a lot of effort.

If suddenly a person takes a shower in a dream and the water becomes either cold or hot, without the dreamer’s intervention, then this dream signals that the dreamer will soon have to make a choice. A lot depends on the decision, wrong choice, your usual life can change dramatically, not for the better.

Taking a warm shower with your lover or spouse is a sign of a new round of relationships, the main thing is that the water is clean and people are not wearing clothes. Swimming with a stranger means a change of place of work. The dreamer can count on good luck in his career if in a dream stranger pours water on him.

If in a dream a person stands under the shower in clothes and water flows down it, the dreamer should be very careful about his health. This dream warns of a rather serious illness.

IN Eastern dream book the interpretation of dreams involving body washing is quite interesting. It is believed that if a person washes in a dream, it means that in real life he needs a person to whom he can pour out his soul and receive support. It is possible that the person who saw this dream previously committed an unseemly act, which he regrets.

If you suddenly run out of water while taking a shower in a dream, it means that in real life you will have to find yourself in an unpleasant situation that the dreamer will not be able to resolve on his own.

Multi-colored streams of water flowing from the shower indicate unexpected news that will greatly delight the dreamer. If in a dream there was any animal under streams of water together with a person, then you need to remember which one. Soon the dreamer will meet a person whose character will contain the habits of this animal. For example, if there is a cat nearby, then new friend will turn out to be selfish, if the dog is a dog, then the friendship will be strong.

It is not good if water is poured on a person, but he turns out to be completely dry. This means financial problems.

Not every dream seen and remembered is prophetic. Sometimes strange or vivid dreams are games of the subconscious after a busy and busy day. But if the dream recurs, then it is advisable to find out its interpretation.

It is not uncommon for a soul to enter into a dream as a detail of a significant event. Sometimes we don’t even concentrate our attention on this dream event. But in vain.

Taking a shower in a dream means flipping through the next page of the “book of life.” In the space of dreams, as in reality, there are moments that we do not pay attention to, although wise people do not ignore them.

We don’t pay attention to the heart until it reminds us of itself with pain. We don’t pay attention to the air while there is plenty of it. We don’t pay attention to the shower when it is possible to wash and bathe every day.

Why a wise man pays attention to such details? The fact is that anyone who does not lose sight of “familiar” but vital phenomena becomes wise. Thinking about the air before oxygen starvation, and about the heart before a heart attack is wise.

I dreamed of a shower, the subconscious gives a reason to rethink the current reality. Souls are included in the dream book with a fragmentary interpretation: “if it was like this, then it means this, and if so, then it means something else.” Many different nuances are subject to many different interpretations.

To find out why you dream of a shower, you need to return your thoughts to sleep and find yourself under streams of warm water.

As already mentioned, if we take a shower in a dream, then some page of life is turning over. The dream symbol seems to summarize the past period of life, sum up the results and, perhaps, the subconscious is ready to give advice on the next steps in life.

Washing or bathing in the shower is...

1. The soul is also included in the dream book as an element of cleansing. If you see yourself dirty, with greasy, indelible stains, then this indicates that in new period You enter life with old sores and problems.

This means that the difficulties will double, since in any period of life there are enough tasks. There is only one way out: you will have to give up something. Yes, it’s a pity to give up something, because “so much time and effort has been spent.” But it’s better to dump this ballast in time and consciously than later, when you have to do it anyway, and there will be no relief.

2. Swim in a full bath and with the shower running. Very positive meaning.

  • Next life stage You enter cheerful and full of vitality.
  • The next page of life will be easy and exciting, like soaring over sunlit forests and fields.

3. Why do you dream of a shower when there is no water in it? It is clear that it is impossible to wash without water. That’s why the subconscious gives out this symbol: there is no entry into a new period with the old load.

Think about what you should get rid of. To do this, you will have to wash away old bad habits and become renewed.

4. Take a cold shower. The subconscious wants to say that in the past stage of life we ​​trusted reason and calculation too much.

Cold water washes away everything; according to the dream book, cold water is the most positive symbol. The subconscious mind advises you to remember your impressions and emotions, and to listen to your heart more often.

5. Why do you dream of a shower with hot water. It is impossible to wash with scalding hot water. From such “washing” you will achieve nothing except burns.

The previous stage of life was too saturated with emotions. Surely, they managed to “break the woods.” The subconscious mind advises listening more to the mind and reason. IN human life There are many sides that, without an analytical approach, will wither and will not be able to allow a person to breathe deeply and enjoy life.

6. Dirty water flows from under the shower. This moment is not up to you. You will have to go through trials and there is no way to avoid them - the reason could be fate, karma and other things that stand above human capabilities.

There is only one possible piece of advice here: humbly learn the lesson. You need to go through it and, perhaps, become stronger in some way.


1. The drain in the shower is clogged. The dream situation plays on the impossibility of expressing one’s feelings. You should not shy away from people and shy away from society, and also show your feelings.

They must share their own energy with other people, receive positive and negative bursts from them, and “splash” themselves. Man is a social being and cannot live isolated from others.

If you withdraw into yourself, then you can become like a downtrodden sewer pipe: all the impurities will sooner or later emerge, and their stench, and the puddle - a breeding ground for infection - will harm you first of all.

2. Broken tap. Failed plumbing is a sign that you are in Lately you pay too little attention to everyday life, comfort and coziness.

The subconscious mind advises you to pay attention to these things. Work is work, and entertainment is entertainment, but after both, we return home and truly relax in body and soul.

Of course, the material does not present all the points that may be indicated by washing in a shower stall. Yes, this is impossible.

Using the examples given, you can easily try to independently interpret the dream using this topic. Author: Igor Vaskin

A shower is a place where people can not only wash themselves, but also clear their minds, refresh themselves, gain strength and think about upcoming events. For some, this is a chance to retire and wash away the past day along with the events that have happened.

What do dreams say in which the dreamer visits the shower? A harbinger of trouble or prosperity? This will be indicated by details from night dreams. Remember the temperature of the water, who you were in the shower with, and emotional condition in this period. Having analyzed all the details from the dream books and put them together into a single picture, you will get a full interpretation of the dream and a clear picture of what to prepare for if you dream of taking a shower.


Domestic - there is a domestic situation in life that causes anxiety and you want to “cleanse yourself” from it.

Seeing a shower in a public place in a dream means the dreamer is waking up active person and will receive rewards and public recognition for this, gratitude from colleagues.

Cold, speaks of callous character or a pleasant surprise that has arisen in reality. If cold water pours from a hot tap, then those around you will try to deceive, and in love relationships there will be a dead end.

Hot - in reality the dreamer’s heart will be “broken”; due to misunderstanding in the relationship, the love affair will end.

Seeing a broken soul in a dream means that in the dreamer’s life there are problems that need to be solved, but there is no opportunity. Don’t be afraid to ask your loved ones for help, they won’t refuse and it will be easier to cope with difficulties. The tap does not open - in life you will encounter difficulties in business, and there may be a failure in the project due to a mistake or omission.

Limescale deposits in the soul in a dream means that in reality there is a threat of failure of a serious business; you should take trusted people in whom the dreamer is confident to help.

Who washed?

Dreamer - you have committed an act in life for which you repent, but you make no attempt to cleanse yourself of what you have done. Do not hesitate to atone for guilt.

Do not be overly caring parents, otherwise the child will begin to protest and become uncontrollable. Children also need freedom of choice.

Girl - talks about sexual dissatisfaction in life.

Guy - a love meeting awaits. The dream speaks of a lack of attention from the opposite sex.

An attempt to fix an old mistake.

Indicates carelessness in relation to serious matters.

The circumstances of what is happening

According to the interpretations of dream books, washing in the shower in a dream means that in reality the dreamer realizes the futility of existence and the impurity of intentions; he zealously tries to wash away this dirt. You want to live better than the people around you, but you don’t care about the suffering of others.

“The main thing is that they are not in my life, and how to get rid of them is not important” - a selfish slogan. The dreamer needs to reconsider the values ​​in life.

According to the dream book, taking a shower in a dream indicates that efforts made to solve problems will be in vain. To wash in the shower - in the dreamer’s life there are worries, worries about the future of loved ones, and excitement. Bathing in the soul, according to dream books, means that the dreamer’s life is full of joy and pleasure, he is content with everything he has. In a word, he takes everything from life.

Slipping in the shower - in reality you thoughtlessly took on a serious matter. Don’t overestimate yourself, otherwise you may end up poorly and lose your reputation. To fall in the soul - in life after the incident they took the blame upon themselves, but at present there is no way to atone for it. Next time don't rely on own strength and don’t be afraid to ask your loved ones for help.

The water is running out - there is a situation in life, the resolution of which is expected from the dreamer. Circumstances indicate the opposite and what is happening is not subject to your actions.

Dousing yourself with water means you will experience joy and happiness.

Predictions for women and men

For a woman, according to the foreshadowing of dream books, washing in the shower in a dream means a romantic dinner in the company of her beloved man.

For a lonely girl or guy, the dreamer needs love and warmth.

For a girl in a relationship - love worries.

A pregnant dream with a shower predicts possible trouble, an accident.. Take care of yourself and be careful.

For a married person, marital feelings will be inflamed with their former passion, and a period of complete mutual understanding and family well-being will begin.

For a man to bathe in the shower in a dream, it means that in reality a girl who sympathizes with you will appear.

Let's turn to the interpretations of dream books

Miller interprets the vision of a shower in a dream as a sign of worry about a lover. This excitement is not caused by anything, out of nowhere.

Freud in his dream book speaks of an imminent surge of vital energy that the dreamer will splash out on his sex life.

Hasse's dream book says that bathing in the shower in a dream means that the dreamer’s efforts will not be in vain, and he will receive rewards for them.

Longo writes in his dream book that dreams of taking a shower speak of the dreamer’s life, which he considers dirty and vicious, and makes many attempts to cleanse his body and spirit through colossal changes.

Loff interprets the dream as a symbol of insight; the dreamer's eyes will be opened to the evil deeds that surround him.

In conclusion, we note that for accurate interpretation It is important to remember every element of a dream, because something forgotten will radically change the meaning of what was dreamed.