How to cook Incomparably “Rules for baking in a gas oven. How to use the oven

Live fire in the apartment space. How to use a gas oven correctly so that you can have fun and without stress. Who doesn’t like to eat well? And eating well is even better. But, alas, an electric oven is not capable of providing dishes with a taste that will cover our souls with sweet languor. taste buds. Unlike a gas stove. What kind of beast is this and how to defeat it? Here brief instructions for those who are looking for an answer to the question: “How to use a gas oven?”

“Start” button or how to “start” a gas unit

When an unfamiliar object appears in the house household appliances, You:

  • either study the instructions thoroughly and then act;
  • either turn on the “fifth sense”, set up an “oracle” or use the “scientific poking method”.

And, you see, the outcome of the situation in scenario No. 2 is obvious. The equipment is delivered to you. Install. Setting it up. They are leaving. And you are left alone with her. This is where the fun begins.

The subsequent actions are comparable only to the dances of African shamans. During them, they also puff strangely, buzz, moo and twist. So, in order to protect you and your nerves from an unsuccessful acquaintance with such a type of equipment as an oven, we... We will reveal terrible secret- the secret of its inclusion.

The gas stove consists of two parts - hob And oven. She can be dependent and independent. The dependent cooker has one control for the oven and hob, independent - separate.

To turn on the oven, open it. If necessary, turn on the lighting (there is a special button on the control). Find the hole (usually located above the door joint). Light a match and bring it to the source of fire.

Now click the appropriate button and wait. If everything is in order with the gas supply, there will be no problems turning on the oven. In terms of switching on, it’s easier with an electric oven, but a gas oven is just as good, although it takes some getting used to.

Memo from the hostess. The control of a gas stove is most often expressed by recessed handles (mechanical). Therefore, in order to turn on the stove (oven), you need to lightly press the handle inward and turn it clockwise. And to turn it off, turn it against it without pressing.

Modern gas units can't help but please. Of course, they have much fewer functions than electric ones, but the quality and reliability are superior. top level. Take, for example, the Slovenian Gorenje ovens.

Thanks to their quality and reasonable price, they have long filled all of Europe. Particularly large exports of products are directed to Germany. And the Germans know a lot about quality.

So, modern models gas ovens include useful modes, including “Gas supply control”. You press and hold a special button for three seconds after the flame has formed, and only then release. If you don't do this, the fire goes out.

About gas pressure

Are you planning a big move to a new building? You can forget about the gas stove. Unfortunately, gas supply is not possible in modern residential high-rise buildings. What can we say, even in old 5-9 storey buildings you often encounter the fact that gas simply “does not reach” the apartment due to low pressure.

This is where the creativity of housewives comes into play. Some people light a fire with a branch from a broom, and some make a paper rope. If you are “lucky enough” to encounter a problem with low gas pressure, first release it.

After this, roll the paper into a tube, wet the end you hold in your hand with water, and set the other on fire. Use this “miracle design” to light the oven. Do this only as a last resort if necessary. If there is none, call a gas specialist. There’s nothing to try on yourself “ headache"in the form of someone else's responsibilities.

If you run out of matches, how to light a fire? Use a regular lighter. The principle is the same: release the gas, bring the lighter to the hole, open the fire and that’s it. But do not forget that this method is dangerous.

After you light the oven, be sure to ventilate the room. “Activating” the hob with a lighter for smokers is also a matter of minutes. The main thing is to act carefully so as not to get burned.

Memo from the hostess. The above methods of “making fire” are life-threatening. You can use them, but we do not recommend it. It’s better to immediately buy a household lighter along with the stove, or don’t be lazy and go get some matches.

What's next

Congratulations! You turned on the gas, which means you took the first step towards becoming a chef. How to use a gas oven for cooking? Here it depends on the requirements of the dish.

If you carefully turn the burners clockwise, you will see the heat increase on the hob and in the oven. But here it’s better without amateur performances. To prepare tasty and healthy food, follow the recipe (everything from “A” to “Z” is written there). Before that, don’t forget to read again how to use a gas oven.

Young housewives are faced with the question of choosing an oven. Electric models Today they are considered less dangerous and more convenient to use. They do not require matches or lighters to turn them on, and according to many buyers, food cooks faster in them due to uniform heating. If the house is connected to a central gas supply, gas stoves are most often installed in it, since they are economical in terms of financial costs.

During initial installation, it is better to light the oven and cook this or that dish in it according to the instructions. If this is not possible, you need to focus on a specific algorithm for switching on and further operation, which is the same for all types of models.

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    Terms of use

    First you need to understand the type of model. There are two types of oven: electric and gas. Each of them has its own operating characteristics; in order to avoid breakdowns, it is important to take these factors into account and strictly follow specific instructions.

    Despite the variety of modern ovens, there are principles for using such devices. The main thing is the choice:

    • Heating level. Depending on the products that will be cooked, it is important to choose the right option.
    • Mode. The variety of modes in the oven allows you to cook many different dishes. different dishes. Pizza, kebabs, julienne, fish - all this is perfectly prepared using this simple device.
    • Dishes. This choice is very important when using the oven. Utensils made of glass, ceramics, silicone, iron and cast iron can be used in the oven. But which one to use for baking depends on the specific choice of dishes. It is especially important to familiarize yourself with the purpose of the item; not every silicone, glass or ceramic container will withstand high temperatures. Typically, information about the method of use is indicated on the packaging or bottom of the cookware.

    To make using the oven convenient and pleasant, you need to pay attention to thermal power burners This parameter depends on the volume of the cabinet, but the general movement of heat flows is usually the same in all models, so you can predict the progress of baking.

    Operating a gas oven

    The first thing you need to do is look inside the oven and check its contents. Pots, pans and other household utensils are often stored in the oven. Therefore, before starting cooking, you should free up space and remove all unnecessary things.

    First you need to think about what exactly will be cooked and determine which shelf is best to place the dish on. When the gas oven is on, it is unsafe to change the level of the grill inside the cabinet. Before placing the container in the oven, preheat it for a few minutes. It is important to select the required mode and temperature; after waiting until the oven has warmed up, you can place the baking sheet inside.

    A big advantage of new models of gas ovens is the notification sound signal, which notifies you when food is ready. This function plays a significant role, since there is no need to open the cabinet door every time and slow down the cooking process.

    Using an electric oven

    At the bottom electric stove no utensils should be present. In these models, the dish must be placed only on specially installed shelves and wire racks.

    The lowest section electrical cabinet not intended for cooking, as the heating element may be damaged. Once the cooking process is nearing completion, it is recommended to open the door slightly. If the dish was prepared more than an hour, the oven can be opened completely. When food needs to be stewed or baked, use the middle level of the shelf, and when cooking, the lower one is suitable.

    When using an oven stove, use a fireproof pottery, ceramic and cast iron appliances. The instructions for using such ovens are almost identical to the recommendations for using gas ovens, but the level of heating inside the cabinets is different. Electric technology allows for more even cooking.

    Main functions

    The electric oven has many positive options, which is why it is more popular gas equipment. One of these main functions is temperature setting. To achieve desired effect from the dish, you should carefully choose the required level at which it will be located. Many recipes for cooking in the oven do not indicate this fact, which creates a problem for novice cooks. The higher the baking sheet is, the faster the product will cook, and if you put it on top at the end of cooking, it will brown better. Conversely, if the food begins to burn, the container can be lowered to a lower level. The bottom of the food is baked well and evenly.

    To achieve optimal results when preparing many dishes, you must select the universal mode. With this option enabled, you can easily bake or bake without worrying about how well the food will cook or whether there is a risk of ruining the culinary process.

    The quality of cooking often depends on the container in which the food is located. For example, aluminum and glass products conduct heat poorly and can therefore slow down the process. Often you want your food to be well cooked and golden brown. In this case, some ovens are equipped with the following important modes: standard heating on the upper level and high heating on the lower level.

    Fan in Electrolux ovens

    More expensive ovens have a fan, which is located on the back wall of the device; its presence allows for measured cooking, for example, if several types of baked goods or meat products located on different shelves are being cooked at the same time.

    Bottom heat is used to prevent food from getting too burnt. Fruits and other foods that cannot withstand high temperatures are often prepared here. With skillful handling, at the same level you can simply reheat a dish if it does not fit in the microwave.

    Actually upper level The oven prepares dishes that require a golden-colored crust. For example, julienne and lasagne should be cooked at the top, with the fan on.

    Multifunctional ovens can not only reheat food, but they can also defrost and dry food, preserving its nutritional properties. To do this, two modes are turned on in the oven at once: low heating of the upper and lower heating elements.

    Modern manufacturers of household appliances offer users a special grill mode. It allows you not only to fry the product, but also to cook it with smoke. Many meat dishes: kebabs, rolls and steaks are suitable for this mode, but not all types of equipment have such a useful option. However, with the universal mode, you can also cook any food with almost the same successful result. If preparing a large number of meat, it is very important to constantly be nearby and check the dish, as it becomes dry, so it needs to be periodically watered with juice. In this case, the quality of cooking does not depend on the type of oven; drying of the product occurs equally in electric and gas ovens.

    When cooking, you can use foil or special baking bags. Meat and fish products are most often wrapped in foil, and depending on the volume of the dish, the temperature and time are adjusted. It is very important to wrap food on the shiny side of the foil.

    Using a baking sleeve, the dish becomes juicy and soft. Having lowered the food inside such a bag, you need to make several holes so that it does not burst during the cooking process.

    Another useful property oven is an opportunity to cook soups or porridges in it. The result will be similar to how it would be prepared in conventional oven. You can use the same ingredients for this, but the process will take a little longer, but this will not spoil the food at all.

    Sometimes, to prevent baked goods from settling, you should open the oven door slightly.

    It is especially important to maintain cleanliness of the internal and outside ovens. Foreign substances may cause unpleasant odors, so after surface treatment chemical compounds you need to carefully remove their remains.

    The best brands according to user reviews

    The simplest and most understandable, according to user reviews, is the Darin gas stove. Operating the oven using this technique does not cause any difficulties. The Hephaestus company has also proven itself well. Both of these options are also affordable.

    The companies Indesit and Bosch are considered real giants in the production of electrical and gas stoves. If you want to get reliable equipment with a good oven that will last a long time, maintaining all its characteristics, you can give preference to these brands.

    Electrolux, Gorenje, Hansa, Greta receive good reviews, but for baking lovers it is better to choose models with convection. The leaders in this category are Darin and Gefest.

    As for Ikea, the best, according to customer reviews, is the Realistic model.

    The Beko company presents a large number of options on the market, but if you believe the user ratings, they consider electric independent system Beko OIE 25500 X. It seems reliable, safe and attractive in appearance.

    Whatever model of oven you choose, turning it on is quite easy to do if you carefully look at the symbols near the levers and buttons.

Don't forget to reheat

Many manufacturers recommend preheating the dish to the desired temperature before putting the dish in the oven. This is right. But there are exceptions when the product can be placed in a cold oven. For example, fatty meat. In this case, a couple of minutes before the end of cooking, the oven can be turned off. The dish will be cooked due to the residual temperature. During cooking, the oven door should be opened as little as possible to maintain the desired temperature inside.

Heating modes in ovens for cooking

Each oven has different heating settings. Let's look at them in more detail:

- Mode 1: bottom + top heating. This mode is present in all ovens. It may also be called classical, traditional or static heating. The lower and upper heating are turned on simultaneously, with a hot flow rising from below and a cool flow falling from above. The cooking process is slow, and the heat is not always distributed evenly. But for cooking some dishes this mode is completely suitable. For example, for savory baked goods, muffins, cakes, bread, cookies, biscuits, stuffed vegetables, fish, lasagna, roasts, poultry, pork ribs and lean beef.

- Mode 2: bottom heating + top heating + fan. The operating principle of this mode is a little similar to the previous one. However, due to the fan, which is installed on the back wall, the flow of hot air is distributed evenly throughout the oven. If you are planning to cook a dish using this heating mode, keep in mind that the food a short time will brown quickly. Thanks to this, you can maintain the juiciness of the dish and get a crispy crust. The cooking process is reduced by approximately 30%.

This mode is suitable for dishes that require even cooking on the outside and inside, such as cakes, roasts, casseroles, roasts and pork knuckles.

On a note. Ovens with a fan are called multifunctional, and without it - statistical.

- Mode 3: lower intensive heating + upper heating. This is another variation of the classic mode. But the lower heating element is more powerful. Therefore, it is recommended to cook in this mode when you need to quickly fry a dish from top to bottom. In addition, it is great for forms that do not conduct heat well: aluminum cookware, glass, and so on.

- Mode 4: bottom heating Bottom heating is present in every oven, but depending on the complexity of the model, it plays a different role and has different power levels. It is recommended to be used for drying pies with wet filling. Low heat is also chosen for long-term baking.

This mode has its drawbacks: it takes more time to prepare the dish and the housewife must control the baking process (move the baking sheet higher or lower, unroll it).

- Mode 5: bottom heating + fan. The principle of operation of this mode is almost the same as that of low heating. However, due to the fan, the cooking process proceeds more quickly. The heat from below rises to the ceiling, and at this moment the air currents created by the fan lift it and spread it throughout the oven. Chefs recommend using this mode when you need to quickly finish baking or bake open pie. This mode is also convenient for baking low-rising baked goods from yeast dough. Advantages of this mode: the baked goods are evenly toasted on all sides and at the same time juicy on the inside.

Note: in order not to disturb the circulation of heated air over the dish, when baking in this mode, it is recommended to use low pans.

- Mode 6: top heating This mode is convenient because the heating is not too intense. It is suitable for frying almost finished dishes on top (for example, casseroles, browning breadings, cakes), as well as for grilling lightly fried vegetables. Top heating is good for cooking julienne, as well as those dishes that need a golden brown crust on top.

- Mode 7: top heating + fan. This is an “accelerated version” of the previous mode of cooking. Thanks to this mode, you can achieve a light golden crust on the surface of the dish with uniform internal heating. Therefore, you should choose this mode for dishes that are baked in molds: vegetable soufflés, casseroles, lasagna and meat.

- Mode 8: ring heater + fan. The spiral heater is located on the back wall of the oven, and there is also a fan inside it. Thanks to this, the air is distributed horizontally and quickly fills the entire chamber. The horizontal movement of hot air flows allows you to cook several dishes at once, which are installed on 2-3 levels of the oven. But at the same time, the temperature for all dishes should be the same. The advantage is that even when preparing different dishes, their aromas and tastes will not mix. This is because drier air inside the oven and the removal of humidity prevents this from happening.

This mode combines efficiency and high speed. This is very convenient on the eve of various holidays, when you need to prepare many dishes in a short time. This heating is very gentle and does not cause the food to burn on either side. The operation of a ring heater with a fan is excellent for drying herbs, fruits, mushrooms, puff pastry, sterilizing home-canned food and all dishes that should be juicy inside and well-baked.

Note: in this mode you should set the cooking time a little less, as the dish cooks faster.

- Mode 9: ring heater + fan + bottom heating. This cooking mode uses intense and even heat. But unlike the previous mode, only the middle level of the oven is used here. It can be used to cook French fries, semi-finished products, strudel, and pizza. The dish will be well cooked: the filling will remain juicy and the dough will be browned. In addition to pizza, you can cook cheesecakes, buns, pies with glaze and fruit pies, cheesecakes, baked potatoes.

In addition to cooking, this mode can be used to heat, defrost and keep food hot.

- Mode 10: ring heating + fan + bottom + top heating. This function is very rare and only in expensive models. Many may have a question: why so many functions at the same time? Everything is very simple. Firstly, it allows you to reach the desired temperature in a short time. Secondly, the food is also cooked much faster. This function is needed for technical dishes that require the formation of a golden brown crust and deep baking. Sometimes the heaters are used only halfway, and sometimes to the maximum.

Having bought a new gas or electric stove, first of all, you want to quickly understand what the icons on the oven mean, because the capabilities of modern technology are so great that they can confuse even the most experienced user. In this article we will tell you what types of ovens there are and how to use certain modes correctly.

Gas oven

Modern gas ovens differ significantly from the usual Soviet version of this kitchen appliance. They allow housewives to express themselves to the fullest, thanks to a variety of cooking functions. With its help, you can prepare not only delicious, varied food, but also the most healthy one. But this will be easy to do only if you know what the icons on the oven mean and how to use it correctly.

Advantages of a gas oven:

  • The cost of such kitchen appliances is much lower than the cost electric ovens.
  • Due to the ability of gas ovens to operate from a gas cylinder, household appliance can be used in country house or at the dacha.
  • The presence of a gas control function in many models makes gas ovens safe.

Important! This function automatically lights the fire if it is accidentally extinguished while the oven is operating.

  • Gas ovens are more economical than electric ovens when paying for utilities.

  • Before cooking food in the oven, you should check it for the presence of food residues and foreign objects, such as baking tins.
  • You should install shelves in the still unheated chamber in those rows that you will need for cooking.
  • Light the gas oven and preheat to desired temperature.
  • Place the pan with food in the oven only after it has been heated to the required temperature.

Important! Placing food in an unheated oven will result in uneven cooking.

  • You should not open the door too often and look into the oven chamber, since with each opening the temperature in the oven drops and, accordingly, the food will take longer to cook.
  • After turning off the oven, leave the baked goods in it for another 5-10 minutes.

Important! Before installing the oven, it is imperative to study the installation and use instructions.

Electric oven

For sophisticated housewives who demand more from their kitchen appliances, electric ovens are the best option. The functionality of such devices is simply amazing, but the complexity of the device is much higher. Therefore, in this case, the question of what the icons on the oven mean will be more relevant than when using a gas unit.

Advantages of electric ovens:

  • Any dish in electric ovens is cooked more evenly, thanks to its placement in different parts cameras heating elements.
  • The choice of temperature for cooking is in a wide range: from +30 to +300 degrees.
  • High level of control of the required temperature with an accuracy of up to 5 degrees.
  • Possibility of cooking several dishes simultaneously with the appropriate chamber volume of the device.

Important! Before you start choosing a cooking mode, take a critical look at the inside of the chamber. Perhaps first you need to use our tips to put it in order and.

How to use an electric oven?

The main problem of many housewives is the inability to understand the operation of the various modes of an electric oven. There are so many of them that people get lost and use only the familiar and simplest ones. This is the main mistake of owners of such equipment, because having in the house kitchen appliances with great potential, you should use it to the maximum.

Let's understand the functions of such cabinets before using an electric oven. You can also use the information from a separate article about.

Mode 1: Bottom + Top Heat

Every electric oven has this operating mode. It can be called differently: static, traditional, classic heating. But this does not change its principle of operation. From the bottom and top of the chamber, two heating elements are turned on and working simultaneously. The heat generated creates the effect of natural convection.


The air movement in the oven chamber is not as fast as we would like, and the oven heats up unevenly. One of the reasons for this is that the lower heating element is always more powerful.

Browning dishes during this baking will not be difficult, but in order for the dough to bake well from below, you need to place the baking sheet not in the center, but on a lower level.

Important! By playing with the position of the baking sheet, you can cook many delicious dishes in a similar oven mode.

  • Shortbread pastry.
  • Pastries and bread.
  • Various cookies, biscuits and cakes.
  • Stuffed vegetables.
  • Rack of pork ribs.
  • Poultry meat.
  • Roast.
  • Lean beef.
  • Fish casseroles and fish.

Mode 2: intense bottom heat + top heat

This operating mode of an electric oven is a variation of the classic mode. It is distinguished by a more powerful heating element at the bottom of the chamber. Use this option for cooking dishes that require quick frying from the bottom.


This mode is great for cooking in dishes that do not conduct heat well, such as aluminum or glass dishes.

To prevent food from burning, add water to it. The food will cook faster, since good heat comes from below and the air from above is not cold. As a result, the dish simmers on all sides and cooks as evenly as possible.

Main dishes that are prepared under these operating parameters

Various dishes in pots – Casserole.

Mode 3: Bottom Heat + Top Heat + Fan

Working with such parameters involves the cooperation of two heating elements (lower and upper) and a fan installed on the rear wall. With such interaction, streams of hot air rapidly spread throughout the oven chamber, ensuring uniform temperature throughout its entire space. If you have chosen just such a model, you need to clearly know how to use an electric oven in order to appreciate all its advantages and not waste your money.

Important! You can often come across another name for fan operation – convection. The fan creates forced convection warm air in the oven. Ovens equipped with a similar device are called multifunctional. In the absence of a fan, convection occurs naturally, since cold air is always heavier than warm air. These ovens are static models.


  • Thanks to the constant movement of heated air, food is heated faster on all sides, which reduces the cooking time. This in turn makes the food juicy.
  • Some models of electric ovens allow you to cook two dishes simultaneously at different chamber levels in this mode.

Important! Cooking time in this mode is reduced by 30% compared to using traditional heating.

  • Choose the middle rack to install the baking tray. In this way, all the benefits of circulating hot air flows will be used.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to reduce the usual temperature for cooking a particular dish so that it does not dry out.

Main dishes that are prepared using the following operating parameters:

  • Fried roll.
  • Cakes.
  • Pork feet.
  • Casseroles.
  • Roast.
  • Puddings.

Mode 4: Bottom Heat

When the oven operates this way, only the bottom heating element is turned on. Such parameters are considered the most used, since old ovens only had this. Out of habit, housewives trust the proven cooking method more and do not always clarify what the icons on the oven mean or how to use an electric oven of this type. But you still need to do this, since modern models differ significantly from older units.


  • The cooking time is longer than when using the modes already described above.
  • The cooking process is quite labor-intensive, since the housewife will need to constantly monitor the dish, periodically turn it over, and change the level of the baking sheet.

This mode is convenient to use only for cooking baked goods that require long-term heat treatment.

Main dishes that are prepared using the following operating parameters:

  • Pies with moist filling.
  • Canning.

Mode 5: Bottom Heat + Fan

The operation of the fan is connected to the operation of the lower heating element. Thanks to this, the air temperature in the oven chamber is distributed more evenly.


  • Thanks to the fan, cooking in this mode is much faster than with the option with only bottom heating.
  • Dishes prepared using these operating parameters of the device are juicy inside and with a beautiful golden brown crust on all sides.

Main dishes that are prepared using the following operating parameters:

  • Open pies.
  • Baked goods made from yeast dough.

Mode 6: Top Heat

In this mode, only the heating element located in the upper part of the oven chamber works. The air in the chamber is not heated intensively, since natural circulation difficult. A similar option in the oven is activated to fry the top of an almost finished dish.

Use this mode to fry the top of various dishes, as well as to give a golden cheese or mayonnaise top to julienne, French-style meat and other similar dishes.

Main dishes that are prepared using the following operating parameters:

  • Casserole.
  • Cake.
  • Vegetables on the grill.
  • Polenta.
  • Lasagna.
  • Pasta casseroles.
  • Vegetables with bechamel.
  • Pudding.
  • Dumplings.

Mode 7: top heat + fan

This mode helps the products acquire a light golden crust, while heating them evenly inside.

Main dishes that are prepared using the following operating parameters:

  • Casserole.
  • Meat.
  • Vegetable soufflé.
  • Lasagna.

Mode 8: ring heater + fan

The ring heater is located on the back wall of the oven chamber and is a spiral element folded into a ring. Its circular shape was specially chosen, since together with the fan located in its center, the heating element provides horizontal movement of hot air, which quickly fills the oven chamber and warms it up to the required temperature. Manufacturers often call this mode convection.

  • With these operating parameters, you can easily cook several dishes at the same time, placing them on different oven levels.
  • It is better to cook one dish on the lower tier of the oven.
  • It is better to cook two dishes on the first and third levels of the oven.
  • It is not recommended to cook on the top row of the oven when using this mode.
  • It is better to set the temperature slightly lower than usual for a particular dish, as the fan helps heat the food faster.
  • To cook most dishes in this mode, preheating the oven is not required.


  • The air inside the oven becomes drier, which prevents food flavors from mixing and changing the taste.
  • The mode is quite economical in terms of energy consumption, since dishes are prepared quickly and more than one at a time.

Main dishes that are prepared using the following operating parameters:

  • Puff pastry.
  • Drying herbs, fruits, mushrooms.
  • Sterilization of preservation.
  • Well-cooked dishes with a juicy and soft center.

Mode 9: ring heater + bottom heating + fan

The combined operation of two heating elements and a fan is called differently by manufacturers. You can find the following names for this mode: pizza, pizza/baking, gourmet, convection heating + bottom heating, super fast heating, intensive baking, defrosting and reheating. This technology is based on using all the advantages of convection, but only if you know how to use an electric oven and what the icons on the oven mean.

  • It is best to use the middle level of the oven for cooking in this mode.
  • It is not necessary to preheat the oven for cooking.
  • This mode is often used for defrosting and heating food.

Main dishes that are prepared using the following operating parameters:

  • Unfrozen semi-finished products.
  • French fries.
  • Strudel.
  • Baked potato.
  • Cheese cake.
  • Fruit pie.
  • Cheesecakes and buns.

Mode 10: ring heater + bottom + top heat + fan

Manufacturers call this mode: intensive, preheating, pro hot air, 3D cooking, multifunctional cooking, quick cooking.

Not all models of electric ovens have this mode.

  • These operating parameters are used to quickly warm up the oven before using the main mode.
  • Cooking dishes that require deep baking occurs quickly with the formation of a ruddy, appetizing crust.

Main dishes that are prepared using the following operating parameters:

  • Leg of lamb.
  • Roasted whole pig.
  • Whole turkey.

Mode 11: Grill

The grill icon on the oven is also not found in all models of electric ovens. It indicates that the oven has a tubular element attached to the ceiling of the chamber. This part differs from a conventional heating element in infrared radiation, which heats the products directly, and not the air. The specificity of the grill is that it affects the products that are located directly under it.

  • This mode can be used for cooking main dishes, as well as for giving food a golden brown crust. final stage preparations.
  • It is worth considering that the grill can only operate in the highest possible mode. Only some models offer the user the ability to adjust the power of the tubular element.
  • It is best to cook on the first or second tier of the oven from the top.

Important! The choice of level depends on the thickness of the pieces of meat.

  • As a rule, cooking in this mode is carried out on a wire rack, so to avoid staining the bottom of the oven with drops of fat, place a tray on the lower level.
  • To avoid fumes and smoke, you can pour a small amount of water into the bottom tray.
  • To ensure that the crust is on all sides of a large product, such as chicken or goose, use a spit. By turning it over periodically, you will achieve the desired effect.

Main dishes that are prepared using the following operating parameters:

  • Steak.
  • Sausages.
  • Sausages.
  • Liver.
  • Chops.
  • Fish fillet.
  • Toasts.
  • Vegetables.

Mode 12: grill + top heat

Sometimes you can see the name of this function of an electric oven - large grill.

  • This mode is used when it is necessary to increase the effect of temperature on products.
  • To cook foods, they can be placed throughout the pan, not just under the grill.

Mode 13: grill + fan

IN different models The following names for this mode are found: gratin, ventilated grilling, fan grill, convection grill, turbo grill, turbo maxi grill, infra-fry and others. A similar option in the oven will allow you to cook on a spit without third-party intervention in the process. Thanks to the fan infrared radiation will fry the product on all sides.

In this mode, you can cook all dishes that are the same as in the grill mode, except for toast and steak.

Knowing how to use an electric or gas oven, you can cook a lot of tasty and healthy food. Food foil or a baking sleeve allows you to cook a variety of dishes in the oven at relatively low temperatures around 230 degrees. Simultaneous cooking of vegetables and fish, potatoes and meat in them gives a special taste and aroma, since the products are saturated with each other’s juices. If you cook often and with love, then multifunctional ovens with all the described modes are your version of a kitchen assistant. If you are a fan of monotony and cooking is not a very pleasant task for you, then when purchasing, choose a simpler oven, with only basic cooking modes. In any case, the oven will help create a holiday on your table.

Gas and electric ovens are found in almost every home in every kitchen. And at first glance, use this household appliances quite simple, but still, there are certain nuances that every housewife should know when purchasing a gas or electric oven for her kitchen.

Many people no longer want to use the old oven and therefore purchase new modern models that have a large number of different functions. Therefore, we additionally recommend that you read the information on how to choose an independent oven.

How to use a gas oven

Let's first look at how to use a gas oven and how to properly cook a variety of dishes in it. In fact, using a gas oven is quite simple if you follow all safety measures and follow all the cooking rules.

Many housewives complain that gas baked goods often burn on the bottom and remain almost raw at the top. The reason is that the heat source in a gas oven is located at the bottom and therefore the distribution of hot air is uneven. As a result, the food below burns, but the food above does not have time to bake.

Do not use a thick-walled baking sheet, which is attached to collect fat from foods that are cooked on the grill. If you want to bake a pie on it, you will simply block the flow of warm air that circulates through the oven and your baked goods will burn almost instantly.

Before you place the baking sheet with the dough in the oven, you need to put it on maximum heat for ten to fifteen minutes. Then you need to reduce the flame to the required temperature. And only then put the baked goods in the oven.

Today, many people use a convenient and fireproof oven to bake pies. silicone mold, for uniform baking of meat, vegetables and other products - a baking sleeve or foil. As for glassware, only heat-resistant glassware can be used in a gas oven.

Cooking rules in a gas oven:

  1. Before starting cooking from the oven, be sure to remove all unnecessary items (pans, baking sheets, roasting pans, etc.) that could disrupt the air circulation inside the space.
  2. Before placing food in the oven, you must preheat it at maximum temperature about 10–15 minutes.
  3. In order for the baked goods to bake evenly (top and bottom), it is necessary to position it so that there is enough free space around it for free circulation of hot air.
  4. Try not to open the oven door unnecessarily while the dish is baking. You can monitor the cooking process through a special viewing window by turning on the electric backlight.
  5. Check the readiness of the baked goods with a regular toothpick. You need to pierce the pie with it and if the dough does not stick, then the product is ready.
  6. After you turn off the oven, you need to leave the baked goods in it for another 5-10 minutes.

It should be noted that the quality of any dish will depend on the temperature and time regime that you set. Also, many advise using asbestos in order for a gas oven to work functionally. It is also not recommended to use the oven and stove at the same time to avoid overheating of the equipment.

After the dish is cooked, it must be removed from the oven. How do you remove a hot tray from the oven? This can be done using regular potholders.

How to use an electric oven

Modern housewives often ask the question of how to use an electric oven, especially a modern one, which has great amount functions and various nuances.

To prevent the dish from burning it is necessary choose the right temperature level for baking in an electric oven. The most the best option There will be a medium level, since it is on this level that the dish will cook evenly and will not burn. In other cases, the level is selected depending on what is specified in the recipe.

Modern electric ovens have many modes that allow you to cook a dish with maximum comfort. You can use the top and bottom heat mode at the same time to cook bread, cookies, biscuits, lasagna, meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, etc.

Intensive bottom heat and standard top heat are used when baking dishes in ceramic pots or any ceramic dishes. It is not recommended to use enamel cookware for this mode, as they conduct heat poorly.

In the lower and upper heating mode with a fan, dishes are prepared on a baking sheet, as it allows the dish to brown well. Also, in modern electric ovens there are still a large number of modes, and their number depends on the model of the equipment.

Many people ask: can glassware be used in the oven? Naturally it is possible. The most convenient for use in an electric oven are ceramic, glass and cast iron cookware. It is very convenient to cook in ceramic pots, which allow you to make dishes juicy and aromatic. But all ceramic dishes must be placed in the oven only before it is heated to avoid cracking from a sudden temperature change.

You can use foil in an electric oven to prepare a wide variety of dishes, except fruits, cereals, mushrooms and soft vegetables. Foil perfectly preserves the dish in its original shape, prevents it from drying out and protects against too much high temperatures. But it is important that the shiny side always faces the dish.

Baking sleeves and cling film allow you to bake a wide variety of dishes at 230 degrees. You can cook meat and potatoes, vegetables and fish in them at the same time. The baking sleeve allows all products to soak in each other's juices.

How to use the grill in the oven? It can be used as the main mode for preparing various dishes or at the final stage in order to achieve a beautiful golden crust. This mode may also be called: barbecue and infraheating, depending on the oven model. This mode is great for cooking bacon, toast, homemade sausages, kebabs, pork ribs, etc. Dishes on a spit are also cooked in infrared mode until golden brown.

Many models of modern electric ovens are equipped with a temperature probe, which allows you to cook meat and other foods to a certain condition and the desired temperature. After cooking, read how best to do it.

Can I use the oven without the inner glass?

It is possible, but then soon the outer glass will very quickly become contaminated with various fatty deposits and will have to be thoroughly washed. Also, the front door of a gas oven will get very hot, which is unsafe for children.

Can I use the oven without the outer glass?

You can use an oven without external glass as well as without internal glass, since its main purpose is to protect your hands from burns and create an external design. Double or triple glass provides extra protection, so it's best to keep all the glass in your oven in place.