How to beautifully make up your eyes with eye shadow and pencil. How to paint your eyes with dark shadows step by step (step by step instructions)

Read our step-by-step instructions and tips on how to properly apply eye shadow, and you will quickly master the necessary skills.

1) Use a quality primer

A good base is even more important than the quality of the shadows themselves. The base will make them more durable: they will not smudge or crumble. In addition, the shade will be more saturated. To beautifully make up your eyes, you can use not only a special primer as a base, but also cream shadows in pastel colors.

2) Shade

The main rule for applying shadows is good shading. Yes, this will take some time, but the result in the end will be excellent.

3) Don't forget about brushes

Many people use the standard applicator that comes with the palette for eye makeup. But with its help it is almost impossible to achieve perfect shading. To apply crumbly shadows, it is advisable to use special brushes, but cream shadows can generally be applied with your fingers.


4) Smooth transitions

How to apply eye shadow correctly? Using several shades, try to avoid too clear boundaries between zones. You can achieve smooth transitions using the same shading.

5) Be careful with the lower eyelid

Colored eyeshadow on the lower eyelid often creates the effect of dark circles under the eyes, even if you don't actually have them. For the lower eyelid, it is best to use eyeliner or light shadows, and save dark ones for the outer corners of the eyes.

6) Concealer and powder

Bright eye makeup will attract additional attention to them, so do not forget to correct the area under the eyes with concealer. If you plan to do a smoky eye, be sure to powder your skin over the concealer so as not to smudge it if the dark shadows fall off.

7) Minimum 3 shades

For beautiful makeup - no matter evening or daytime - you will need at least 3 shades: medium for the middle of the eyelid, dark for the outer corners, and light for the inner corners. You will find such a set in any palette! But if you don’t have time in the morning to apply and blend several tones, use only a light pale pink shade - it suits almost everyone and allows you to make your appearance more fresh and rested.

How to apply eye shadow correctly: step-by-step instructions

  1. Apply foundation, including on the eyelids, to hide unevenness and capillary mesh.
  2. Conceal dark circles with concealer and powder.
  3. Apply the main tone to the moving eyelid, completely covering it.
  4. Shade the inner corners of the eyes using pearlescent or light shimmering shades.
  5. Apply a dark shade of eyeshadow to the outer corners.
  6. Blend thoroughly using a brush. Complete your makeup with mascara.

In order to get beautiful makeup, it is absolutely not necessary to contact professional makeup artists on this issue; you can do it yourself, having the necessary cosmetics and products on hand. So that you can cope with this task, let’s figure out how to put on makeup beautifully.

What should you consider before applying makeup?

To make your makeup look good, you should consider a few nuances. In particular:

  • For what occasion do you do makeup? If you are preparing for an event: a banquet, a wedding, a party, you should do evening makeup, which allows the use of dark shades of eye shadow and eyeliner or lipstick. If you are going to work or a business meeting, you need to get by with a light daytime makeup with light beige or brown shadows, as well as nude lipstick - this option will always be appropriate.

  • What is the condition of your skin? If you have a large number of rashes and redness, do not forget to use special corrective products and dense textures of foundations in order to hide such imperfections; in this case, you should avoid bright red lipstick - it will focus attention on existing inflammations. If there are no skin problems, you can decide how to apply makeup at your own discretion. It is allowed to use bright colors of lipstick or eye shadow, as well as light textures of foundation.

  • What will you be wearing? Remember that your makeup should be in harmony with your outfit.

You should also take into account the shape of your lips, eyes, and chin when choosing one or another makeup scheme. Remember that there are recommendations on how to properly do makeup for different face types, eye shapes and lips, which will help you hide existing flaws and highlight your strengths. Be sure to study them and apply them to make your makeup look beautiful.

Video: beautiful daytime makeup:

The main stages of creating makeup

It’s not difficult to figure out how to learn to paint from scratch. To begin with, you should collect the basic cosmetics, which will include: either a foundation base (girls with oily skin should use both of these products), powder, eye shadow (it is advisable to choose basic brown shades to begin with), eye and lip pencils, mascara , eyebrow product, lipstick. You need to do makeup with them step by step as follows:

1. First, you should cleanse your skin and apply moisturizer to it. A few minutes after this, you can carefully apply the foundation with a brush, sponge or fingers, spreading it over your entire face. If you have problem areas of the skin, for example, rashes or redness, as well as bruises, you need to apply a corrector to these areas.

3. The next step is eye makeup. You will need to apply shadows step by step, blending them on the moving eyelid, apply liquid eyeliner, and then mascara.

5. The last step is to apply blush to the cheekbones, as well as veil powder. If you have fairly oily skin, you may want to use a compact powder that gives full coverage.

Important: if you are doing bright makeup, you need to focus on the eyes or on the lips (but not on the eyes and lips at the same time). Let's take a closer look at how to do this correctly.

How to paint your lips beautifully?

If you are going on a romantic date, you should focus your makeup on your lips. Step by step you will need to draw them like this:

1. First, apply a special one to your lips. It will ensure high durability of makeup throughout the evening. Please note: you only need to use a special lip primer; face or eye makeup products will not work for you.

2. Take a contour pencil and carefully outline the contour of your lips. If you don't have a pencil that matches the shade of the lipstick you've chosen, you can take a thin lip brush, put a little lipstick on it and draw a contour with it.

3. Using a brush, carefully apply lipstick to your lips.

Every girl wants to look attractive. Make-up plays a significant role in creating the ideal style.

As you know, eyes are the mirror of the soul. Knowledge of makeup techniques will help give your look a more expressive look and visually increase its size.

Necessary funds.

To visually enlarge your eyes, you will need the following tools:

  1. Foundation;
  2. Eyebrow shadow or pencil (at your discretion);
  3. Dark pencil or eyeliner for designing arrows;
  4. White pencil;
  5. Palette of shadows with light and rich dark tones;
  6. Tweezers for curling eyelashes;
  7. Mascara;
  8. Neutral lipstick or clear gloss.

Types of eyes

The method will depend on the shape of the eye.

There are 4 types of eyes:

  • close-set;
  • deep-set;
  • round;
  • narrow.

Close-set eyes in women are quite common. To make your eyes bigger you need to visually increase the distance between them. For this you will need shadows and.

We apply light colors to the inner corners of the eye, and dark ones to the outer corners. In this case, you need to create a smooth transition by shading the shadows well.

If your eyes are set too deep, then you need to take neutral-colored shadows and eyeliner.

We draw a line with a pencil at the top and bottom, slightly retreating from the lash line. We smoothly shade the features and apply the shadows in a thin layer.

Eyes that are round in shape are painted as follows. Using a pencil, draw an arrow from the middle of the eyelid that extends beyond the boundaries of the eye.

Along this line we apply dark shadows, which then need to be shaded. And finally we paint the eyelashes with mascara.

Narrow eyes are painted according to the same principle as deep-set eyes. At the same time, they appear larger and wider.

Applying makeup

Makeup is applied in a certain order.

In order for your makeup to be successful, you need to start with the tone of your face. A fresh and delicate complexion gives even small eyes a special expressiveness.

It should be noted that the foundation should not be very different from your natural skin tone.

To make your eyes appear larger, apply concealer to both eyelids. Choose a shade one tone lighter than your skin. You also need to pay attention to the quality of this cosmetic product, because it should help hide imperfections.

The eyebrow line is also very important in makeup. will help transform your look.

To visually enlarge your eyes, you need to make the gap from the eyebrow to the upper eyelid the most distant. In this case, the brightness will need to be dimmed a little.

To design the arrows you will need a dark pencil or eyeliner. Arrows can widen the eyes. It must be drawn in the direction from the upper eyelid to the outer edge, while gradually increasing its width.

The length of the arrow should be short, and the end should be raised. If you do daytime makeup, then you don’t have to line your lower eyelid. An excellent tool to make your eyes look bigger is a white pencil.

If you are doing daytime makeup, then you need to choose shadows in light colors that are close to your natural color. And if it’s evening, then use rich dark ones. Light shadows should be applied to the moving eyelid, and a darker shade to the outer eyelid.

The transition between tones must be made smooth. The main mistake is careless shading. Light-colored shadows are applied under the eyebrow line.

Beautiful, voluminous are an integral part of your makeup. In order for them to become fluffy and thick, they first need to be curled with tweezers. After that, apply mascara to the eyelashes of the upper and lower eyelids.

It is better to give preference to high-quality and proven cosmetic products.

The color is black, since multi-colored mascara focuses attention on the eyelashes, which, on the contrary, visually makes the eyes smaller.

Lipstick or lip gloss will complete your look. For daytime makeup, choose tones that are close to natural, and for evening makeup, choose bright and rich colors.

We must remember that bright lips can turn attention to themselves. If you want to focus on your eyes, then choose neutral tones.

Secrets of successful makeup.

Your eyes should not look tired or red. To do this, you need to rest, get enough sleep, take vitamins, take drops, and limit the time you work at the computer.

Focus on the eyes, not on the lips, for this you should give preference to light tones of lipstick or transparent glosses.

You should not line the lower eyelid completely, so as not to emphasize the boundaries of the eyes. Otherwise, they will not increase, but will appear smaller.

Eyelashes need to be carefully painted from the roots to the very tips and use tweezers to curl them.

Mascara should be chosen with extra volume and curl.

So, with the help of the right makeup and a few simple rules, any girl can visually enlarge her eyes, which will give her look extraordinary attractiveness.

This video talks about makeup to visually enlarge your eyes.

In contact with

It is difficult to find a woman who would be indifferent to appearance. Experiments with decorative cosmetics begin in adolescence - girls try to do their first makeup, use different brands of products. Often such experiments can hardly be called successful, but without constant practice you cannot learn how to apply makeup correctly. You need to figure out how to perform appropriate and at the same time beautiful makeup at home.

Basic Rules

Even the most sophisticated makeup will ruin your look if it is chosen inappropriately. If a girl puts on evening makeup and goes to school or work, she will show herself as a person with no sense of style. However, there are events that require professional makeup. For example, this is a wedding, a trip to the theater, a theme party. How to apply makeup correctly?

Facial skin preparation

Makeup can be easily done at home. The main thing is to know its basic rules. Even the highest quality decorative cosmetics are applied to a clean face. However, not all girls have smooth and even skin that is free from a single blemish.

A foundation or makeup base will help correct visible imperfections. A foundation in the form of a cream is more suitable for problem skin, because when applied correctly, pimples and redness are masked. If your skin is of normal type, you need to choose a makeup base that will even out your complexion.

Foundation or makeup base is applied to skin cleansed from dust and dirt. If a girl has dry skin, apply a thin layer of moisturizer under the foundation. It is recommended to apply foundation using a pre-moistened sponge.

If there are dark circles under the eyes, they are hidden with concealer. This product is applied delicately, because the skin under the eyes is very thin and delicate. After applying foundation (makeup base), lightly dust the face with loose powder. Then start applying blush. Their shade depends on the color type of the girl’s appearance:

  1. For those with fair skin and cool-toned hair, pink mother-of-pearl, chocolate, and dark beige are suitable.
  2. Cold pink and red blushes are suitable for hot brunettes with light “porcelain” skin.
  3. For girls with warm hair and brown eyes, shades such as brick, terracotta, and beige are suitable.
  4. For blondes with cool-toned eyes, blush in soft pink and coral shades is suitable.

Eyes: highlight your assets

Special attention is paid to eye makeup. How to properly paint your eyes to highlight their shape and color? The choice of mascara, eyeliner and shadows must be approached with special attention - how successful the makeup will be depends on them. You should also follow the basic rules for performing makeup.

First of all, they mask some skin imperfections near the eyes - bruises, wrinkles, redness, otherwise the face will look painful and tired. To make up your eyes beautifully, make sure that decorative cosmetics are applied evenly to your eyelids. To do this, the upper eyelid is covered with a thin layer of makeup base. This technique will prevent unsightly rolling and smudging of shadows.

When answering girls’ questions about how to apply makeup to their eyes to highlight the beauty of their natural shade, you need to pay attention to the choice of eyeshadow color palette.

Girls with dark green eyes need to do makeup with eyeshadow in rich brown, marsh and gold shades. If your eyes have a light green tint, it is better to avoid “deep” colors. Green eyes are lined with dark eyeliner or pencil.

Owners of brown eyes are provided with a wide selection of colors of decorative cosmetics for eye makeup. All shades of brown, purple, lilac, and green are perfect for brown-eyed girls. It is not recommended to choose shadows of pale tones - they will make your eyes tired. Brown eyes are also not suitable for pale pink eyeshadow.

To beautifully make up eyes with blue irises, use gray, lilac and brown shadows, which will highlight the advantages of the eyes. But bright yellow, green and copper shadows are excluded from the cosmetic bag, as they visually make the eyes faded and tired.

Those with gray or gray-green irises are wondering how to paint their eyes to highlight their natural shade. The choice of colors is varied, the main thing is not to use pink shadows for eye makeup. All shades of pink do not go well with gray, especially if it has an admixture of green. Examples of shadows well chosen for the eye color are shown in the photo.

Eye Makeup Principles

There are general rules on how to carefully paint your eyes so that your makeup emphasizes their advantages. Start eye makeup by applying eyeliner. After drawing the lines, begin applying shadows.

Light shades (beige, milk, champagne) are applied to the brow area or to the inner corners of the eyes.

To make neat makeup using several shades, make sure that there are no noticeable transitions between tones.

After applying the shadows, lightly powder the upper eyelid. This technique will protect the makeup from falling off.

Applying mascara is the last stage of eye makeup. Eyelashes are carefully painted at the roots, then moved with a brush to their tips. In this case, the movements should be slightly vibrating. This will help coat your eyelashes evenly. A small amount of mascara should be applied to the lower eyelashes, otherwise the eyes will look sloppy. After applying mascara, comb the eyelashes with a clean brush.

If a girl wants to paint her eyelashes with colored mascara (green, blue, purple), she first needs to apply classic black mascara.

Manufacturers of decorative cosmetics are trying to attract attention to their product by first “awarding” it with magical properties. There are mascaras on sale with super volume and lengthening effects. In fact, all cosmetic products for eyelashes have the same properties - even the simplest but high-quality mascara gives the desired volume and length to eyelashes.

To familiarize yourself with the technique of applying eye makeup at home, we recommend watching the video:

How to highlight lips

Successful makeup is an even complexion, expressive eyes and well-emphasized lips. Even the best quality lipstick or gloss will not adhere unevenly if the skin on your lips is dry and cracked. To prevent such problems, lips are intensively nourished. A special balm and peeling are suitable for care.

Before applying decorative cosmetics, apply a thin layer of foundation to the lips. This technique will help disguise the smallest cracks and uneven skin. After applying foundation, gloss or lipstick evenly covers the lips. To ensure that the cosmetics last, a small amount of powder is applied to the cream layer.

The color of the pencil is chosen to be a tone darker or similar to the shade of the lipstick. Before drawing the outline, the pencil is slightly heated in your hand. After this, the contour will be drawn softly and evenly. The contour is drawn from the central part of the lips.

Lipstick is applied in any convenient way:

  • special sponge;
  • fingertips;
  • with a brush.

If lipstick is applied from a case, it may apply crookedly and unevenly.

To make the lips sensual and voluminous, their central part is painted over with lipstick, the tone of which is lighter than the main one, or with colorless gloss.

If a girl wants to visually reduce her too full lips, she should stop using a pencil. Do not apply lipstick to the corners of the lips. They can be shaded with foundation. If the lips are of different sizes, then this feature can be corrected - light lipstick is applied to a thin lip, dark lipstick is applied to a full one.

Excess lipstick is removed with a dry paper napkin. The photo shows step-by-step application of lipstick at home.

To ensure that cosmetics do not go beyond the lips and stay neatly on them, lips are lined with a pencil.

Lip gloss is applied in several layers. If the shade of gloss is bright and rich, it is applied in the center and the lips are lightly rubbed against each other. The shine needs to be renewed regularly because it wears off quickly.

Taking care of your skin

Before going to bed, remove makeup using a special product. Natural almond oil is used to remove decorative cosmetics from the eyelids. A cotton pad is moistened in warm water and a couple of drops of oil are applied. The disc is used to gently wipe the eyelids until the makeup is completely removed.

Girls' mornings don't start with coffee. Or not just with coffee. Makeup is a very important and significant procedure. It doesn’t have to be created by professionals. Every person is capable of acquiring this skill. You can independently emphasize your beauty and hide imperfections. In our article we will tell you how to make up your eyes. A exactly which shadows to use and how choose a color palette for blue eyes.

Tip: prepare a set of several good brushes. For dry shadows, natural bristle brushes are perfect, but for a greasy texture, choose artificial bristles. It will not absorb cosmetics. Often applicators are attached to the kits; it is better to put them aside forever.

When choosing the treasured jar, your eyes widen. Which shadows to choose? Dry or liquid? What to apply? What about the color scheme? How to remove eye makeup? We promise we will explain everything in order.

There are shadows...

  • Liquid
    This shadow option is the most durable, which is a clear plus. But you will have to practice applying them carefully and in a thin layer, otherwise you risk getting a rolled up colored mass in the folds of the eyelid or the corners of the eye;
  • Dry
  • The most popular shadows are dry ones. They will help you create any look. Stores sell convenient palettes in matching colors. You have the choice to buy only one color you need or a set of several;
  • Shadows - pencil
  • It is clear from the name that these shadows are made in the form of a pencil. Convenient to carry and using them is also not difficult. Make sure that the application layer is thin. But they have a minus, the shadows - the pencil cannot be shaded. We only recommend using them to complement makeup;
  • Shadows - mousse
  • A great way to make your makeup look festive. Very long-lasting shadows that convey a satin effect and shimmer beautifully on the eyes. This product can be considered a novelty in the beauty industry. Masters often apply the product simply with their fingertips. Your face will immediately shine and become even more attractive.

How to apply eye shadow correctly

The first step is to prepare for eye makeup. It is worth evening out the color of all the skin on your face; for this you will need foundation and correctors. It is good to cover the eyelid with eyeshadow base. It will keep your makeup fresh for a long time.

Tip: Before applying makeup, moisturize the skin around your eyes, this helps the cosmetics go on smoothly.

There are many opinions that starting eye makeup should be with eyeliner. We offer another option. The fact is that after applying the shadows, the eyeliner will lose its shape and clarity. It's better to leave this for later.

Apply shadow to the eyelid, starting from the lash line to the eyebrow line. Movements should be soft and careful. Clear boundaries between colors are not allowed.

Tip: Use a soft round brush to blend. You can also use it to paint over the crease above the eyelid.

Place the lightest tone in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eyes, and the darkest in the outer corner. This technique is considered classic and gives expressiveness to the eyes. When the make-up is evening, a glitter effect is allowed. For this purpose, there are pearlescent shadows or cosmetic pigments. There are many nuances in eye makeup.

Transformation tricks

Darkening the inner corners will help visually reduce the distance between the eyes. Choose dark or medium tones. It is important not to redraw, otherwise the effect of negligence cannot be avoided.

To enlarge your eyes, use a palette of light shades. Cover the entire moving eyelid and the area under the eyebrows with these colors. It is better to emphasize the corners of the eyes with a medium tone. Don't use black pencil. Arrows can be drawn in brown or gray colors. Black color will make your eyes appear even smaller.

If you have round eyes, emphasize the eyelash line with dark shadows; mid-tones are good for the eyelid area, and leave light ones for the area under the eyebrows.

How to beautifully paint blue eyes with shadows

Selecting eye shadow for blue eyes is not the easiest task, but it is quite doable. Heavenly eye color is a rarity that makes you unique. Enhance your natural beauty with makeup. Many people think that for blue, shadows only in the same tones are suitable, but this is not so. In addition to blue and blue colors, there are other options.

Eyeshadow color for blue eyes

Get complete harmony using turquoise or sea breeze shades. The ideal combination will be with gold and silver colors. Purple and pink colors will highlight the beauty of the eyes. For example, for a date, find an active pink color and get a romantic look. Gray shades and pearl colors are combined. For an evening makeup look, don't be afraid of bright blue or black.

Tip: When working with makeup, be sure to consider the time of day. Daytime and evening make-up have their own subtleties and differences.

Day makeup

Light shades of pink and peach are ideal for going out during the day. They will not overwhelm natural beauty, but will only emphasize it. For a more expressive look, paint the crease of your eyelid with a darker shade. A bronze palette is also good for daytime makeup. It is considered universal for all eye colors. Try brown colors. The right combination will enhance the depth of your look.

evening make-up

Feel free to choose dark colors. We'll leave the delicate pastels for daytime hours. In the evening, chocolate shades will look great. You will only decorate the image along with the color of violet or dark blue. The whole palette of olive shades will also work. Give free rein to your imagination. The most daring girls can add sparkles, rhinestones or false eyelashes.

Tip: remember this rule in makeup as crossing the road only when the light is green. If your eyes are heavily made up, then your lips should remain natural colors. And vice versa. With bright lipsticks, do not overload your eyes with tone.

Of course, makeup doesn't look complete without mascara or eyeliner. Heavenly eyes have their own nuances. Using eyeliner, you emphasize the shape of your eyes and add expressiveness. A simple rule: the darker the color, the stronger the effect. Blue-eyed people should avoid light eyeliners. The exception is white, which is good to use for the inner corner of the eye. And for the entire eye, gray, brown and dark blue colors would be ideal. You can apply eyeliner both in daytime and evening makeup. Always use mascara at the end of your eye makeup. It can have different effects, but in any case, it always makes eyelashes more attractive. Blue-eyed girls can use mascara of any color: blue, black, brown. It all depends on your desire for the entire color palette of makeup.

Tip: buy special products to remove eye makeup. Water is a good way. But it happens that this is too harsh an option for the delicate skin of the eyes and the entire face. And with water you have a chance to feel like a panda with black streaks under your eyes. Cosmetic makeup removers will help you quickly and without harm to the skin.

Learn the art of blue eye makeup with the help of pictures attached to our article. We are sure that any girl will be able to repeat all types of make-up, you just have to practice. And for this you can even ask your friends to become your models.