How to write a letter that will help you prepare for death and change your life. Epistolary genre: how to write a letter to relatives

I wrote this letter to potential relatives, it was a great success :). They reacted, we correspond, they, on their own initiative, take trips to villages and archives, in general - everything started to turn around. :) Maybe I was also lucky in that they themselves were also to some extent interested in their family, and my appearance was adequately perceived. I attached to the letter envelopes with my address for return letters, Russian stamps for the required amount and a printed Tree (common) on which the line from me to that ancestor was highlighted, which, according to my assumption, could be their ancestor.

Hello, dear Siberina
Yulia Mikhailovna.

You don't know me and I don't know you either. Therefore, I apologize for this letter and for the questions asked in it. I will try to explain why I had all these questions and why I decided to write a letter to you. To do this, I will tell you a little about myself and go a little (about 100 years) into history. In short, the reason to write you a letter was your rare surname - SIBERIN.

Let me introduce myself in absentia: my name is Ilona Alekseevna Dementieva. I am 35 years old. I live in Latvia, in the city of Jurmala. I have three children of my own and one stepson - all boys - ranging in age from 4 to 17 years. I work in a company involved in the construction, rental and sale of houses, and I study at the Latvian University State University. I am my mother's only child.

Now a little about my hobbies and history.

Once upon a time, about 20 - 25 years ago, I was fascinated by the stories about my ancestors that my grandparents told me. But at that time I was too young to seriously engage in research into the history of my Family, my Family.
Now that there are opportunities, finances, time, the Internet, the desire to study the history of my ancestors has come true and, after several years of searching, has turned into this “Tree”, which I am attaching to this letter. Unfortunately, people are not eternal, and both grandfather and grandmother passed away... All that remains is the little that I heard in childhood. Memory remains. Despite all my efforts and searches, there are still many “blank spots” on this “Tree”. That is why this letter was born - in the hope of filling in the gaps in the history of the Family. Now I’ll delve a little deeper into the history of the Family in the aspect in which you, perhaps (I really hope!) can help in my search. I was born in Lithuania, in the city of Panevezys in 1968. My mother, Irina Vsevolodovna Dmitrieva, was born during the evacuation from besieged Leningrad - in the Ufa region in Bashkiria, in 1943. Her parents: mother (my grandmother) - Klavdia Ivanovna (in maiden name Zakharova) and father (my grandfather) Dmitriev Vsevolod Nilovich . It is about the grandfather that will be discussed further. He is a career military man, he went through the entire war underground, in the reconnaissance of the Baltic Fleet, and after the war he also did not leave his military career. He was born in 1917, on October 25, and all his life his birthday was celebrated on November 7 - the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. So in our family, November 7 was not just an official holiday. He was born in St. Petersburg/Petrograd into the family of an employee of the printing house of the Academy of Sciences. In addition to him, there were three more children in the family: two older brothers (Mikhail and Alexander) and a younger sister who died in infancy. In 1922, when he was 5 years old, his father (my great-grandfather) - Dmitriev Nil Dmitrievich - died and his mother (my great-grandmother) - Anna Osipovna (according to other sources - Iosifovna) Dmitrieva (virgin.
SIBERIN ) raised three boys alone. Very little is known about her. And it is about her that all the questions are asked. (this is the only photograph that has survived to this day) very little is known. She was born in 1884 in “... Yaroslavl province, Yaroslavl district, Osenevskaya volost, village Tarusino... from peasants..” - this information was found in the marriage records of the church/parish register for 1905 of the church in Bolshaya Kolomna. She died on April 30, 1942 in Leningrad during the siege. My grandfather told me very little about her, and in general, my grandfather did not talk about his parents - he simply could not, words were not enough, alas... At the time when I reached the conscious cognitive age of active interest, my grandfather had already suffered a stroke several times and it was speech that suffered most from the paralysis suffered. So, alas, my knowledge about the SIBERIN Family is very meager. I only know that my great-grandmother, Anna Osipovna, definitely had a sister - Yulia Osipovna, who was married to Dobrovolsky and they had a son, Anatoly (the last statement about the son is accepted with the addition - “like”). This is all that is known about Yulia Osipovna SIBERINA. Unfortunately, I was unable to find traces in the historical archives of Moscow, Yaroslavl, and St. Petersburg. Therefore, the questions are: what were the names of the parents (my great-great-grandmother and great-great-grandfather) Anna and Yulia Osipovny, who they were, where they came from, when they were born, where they lived, whether they had other children, and the children have descendants - everything these questions remain open to this day. The only conclusion that can be drawn from the available data is that their father’s (my great-great-grandfather’s) name was Osip(or Joseph - if you follow other sources) SIBERIN. And it's all!!! Alas... By the way, I have repeatedly raised the question of the origin of the seemingly ordinary, but at the same time very rare surname “Siberin”... There are several
different versions Osip so rare that search engines only show a few people with that last name!! One of them - Maria Siberina - could not be found, but in the city of Yaroslavl there are several (!) SIBERINA!! And, since the roots of the origin/birth of my great-grandmother Anna Osipovna go back to the Yaroslavl province, I had a little hope for luck. Hence my desire to contact people with the last name SIBERIN/a in the hope that maybe one of them will turn out to be very distant relatives and maybe (I really hope!) can help with replenishing the information I have on the genealogical “Tree”. This, in fact, is the reason for this letter. Don’t be surprised if your relatives receive the same letter - I know that letters are best written by hand, but since everyone’s handwriting is different, so as not to make it difficult for people to understand the peculiarities of their handwriting, I decided to write the letter on a computer and print it out. required quantity

copies to send to all the Siberins found in the city of Yaroslavl, of whom there turned out to be 5 people and seem to be related to each other.

So I guess I’ll finish my letter. I apologize again for disturbing you.

Sincerely, Ilona Dementieva.


Letters have been written since time immemorial and continue to be written to this day. They serve as a tool for communication between people, helping to clearly convey the essence to the interlocutor, which was the reason for writing it. In this article we will look at several types of business correspondence and learn how to correctly compose business letters. To correctly compose any business letter, you need to be able to clearly state its essence and correctly structure it. Business correspondence is conducted on company-approved letterhead with your own logo and address. On the right top corner a header consisting of the position and name of the head of the recipient company is filled out. At the end of the header it says brief information about the sender. The next step drawing up letters are coming writing an appeal. It may sound different depending on the degree of familiarity with the addressee. If you know him personally, then you can address him like this: “Dear Sergey Yuryevich!” If the addressee stranger , the address may look like this: “Dear Mr. Ivanov!” It must be borne in mind that in these cases it is unacceptable to abbreviate the word Mr. or put initials instead of last name and first name.- the task of the preamble. Most often it consists of one paragraph. After reading the preamble, the recipient should already have a brief understanding of the content of the letter. After it, the main text begins, containing several paragraphs. The text should succinctly express your thoughts about the situation. It is advisable that the main text does not exceed four paragraphs. The letter should end with a conclusion, which briefly summarizes the results of the letter, puts a date and a signature indicating the name and position of the sender. Depending on the reason for writing the appeal, sometimes it is appropriate to end it with the words: “Sincerely yours!”, “With hope for further cooperation,” etc.

One of the common types of business letters is a letter of guarantee. In its main text, the author guarantees the fulfillment of one or another promise, announces the end date for the fulfillment of guarantees and establishes the amount of the penalty that he will have to pay in case of violation of warranty obligations.

Can be downloaded here.

Letters of gratitude are also a type of business, but already from the category of personal. They can be issued on company letterhead or a greeting card. The main text should include congratulations to the addressee, indicating the event that gave rise to the letter and listing the recipient's outstanding achievements.

On our website. Letters of recommendation are most often written for an employee of an enterprise on behalf of the manager. They contain information about best qualities

employee, his merits and achievements. Typically, in such letters, the previous employer is ready to vouch for his employee to the future employer.

Download here. It's not just organizations that have to lead business correspondence . When looking for a job, you must also follow Business Etiquette

. The applicant needs to be able to correctly compose a resume and a cover letter, in which a brief address to the employer is written, indicating the source of information about the desired vacancy, the name of the applicant and his telephone number. It is foolish to deny the benefits of electronic communications. But they have one significant drawback

: They can never convey the warmth we feel and the joy we experience when we write a real letter.

Think how great it is when you have one or even several pen pals to whom you can write a real letter. Imagine: you open your mailbox and find the message you've been waiting for. What a joyful feeling this is!

In addition to friendly correspondence, there are seven types of letters that I suggest everyone writes at least once in their life. Correspondence is a win-win lottery; you will win it in any case: both as the author and as the recipient. The author learns to express his feelings in words, and the recipient receives moral support.

Writing at least one letter from each category is a minimum task. The habit of writing letters regularly throughout your life will bring you significant benefits. Well, go ahead!

1. Letter of congratulations

We are proud of ourselves when we achieve our goals. But when others recognize our achievements, it undoubtedly makes our victory that much sweeter. We want people to see in us the potential that we see in ourselves.

Congratulatory letters - good tool in strengthening both personal and professional contacts. Great idea- regularly send such letters to colleagues and loved ones, congratulating them on pleasant events in their lives. However, if someone next to you achieves great heights, does something that you can admire, then this is an excellent reason to write them not just a small congratulation, but a full-fledged congratulatory letter. Maybe your brother just became a Marine and your friend broke all the records at the shooting range. Or your daughter became a college graduate, the first in your family, by the way.

Let others see that you know about their victories. And be proud of them.

2. Letter to your father

A father is an important figure in the life of any person. Good or bad, but in any case, fathers are the first standard of masculinity for a child.

Every boy wants to become an “ideal dad” in the future. Our fathers are sometimes so far from this model that we are very upset when we realize how much better they could have been. And sometimes the exact opposite happens: they are close to ideal, and we worry that we will not be able to follow their example.

One way or another, the relationship with our father largely shapes our personality. Sometimes our feelings for a parent are so deep and complex that we ourselves cannot fully understand them.

Most of us never take the time to thank our fathers for all they have done for us. The opposite situation is also possible: sometimes we cannot forgive them for the pain they once caused us. Yet, if we are not aware of our feelings for our fathers, we will never be able to understand how they influenced us, and to some extent we will not be able to fully understand ourselves.

Writing a letter to your father is great way think about all these questions. You don't have to send this letter if you don't want to - you're doing it for yourself. The goal is to gain a better understanding of your own feelings.

3. Letter of condolences

Of all the letters you will write, a condolence letter will be the hardest. At such a moment it is very difficult to find the right words. We are afraid to say something wrong, we feel awkward. For these reasons, we very rarely write condolences. We assure ourselves that people already know about our sympathy and support, and words are unnecessary here.

Yes, they probably realize that you empathize with them. But they all want to hear it from you. People need a reminder that you are thinking about them when they are having a hard time. Maybe not for long, but your words will make them feel a little better. It really means a lot when someone takes the time to tell you, “I know how hard it is for you, and it hurts me that you are suffering.”

4. Letter to your future

Someday in your life there will definitely come a moment when you feel that you have changed: you look at many things differently, make different decisions. It's quite strange to feel this way, actually. This does not mean that you begin to forget your past or categorically reject your “younger self.” It’s just that your previous life is left behind, and it seems to you that “you before” and “you now” are two completely different people.

This “borderline” state between past and present gives us an excellent opportunity to reflect on who we are now. Think about what the child you were would say to the adult you now see in the mirror?

Now write a letter to your future self. You will not print this letter for several years or even decades. Describe the hopes you have for the person you will be when you read this letter a second time. How do you see your career? Are you married? Do you have any children? Are you true to your favorite habits? What are your goals? What ideals have stayed with you throughout all these years?

When you read this letter many years later, you may find that your previous goals and ideals have changed dramatically, but you, in essence, do not mind: you now have ones that suit you much better. Your youthful maximalism and naivety can make you smile and even laugh a little :) Or, on the contrary, once again faced with your old dreams, you can realize how much you wanted to achieve and how little you actually achieved.

Such time travel will help you remember your youthful dreams and aspirations, inspire you to new achievements, and if now everything is not going the way you once wanted, then there is always a chance to fix it.

5. Love letter

It is not always easy to express your emotions towards other people. Men would be much more willing to express their feelings through actions rather than words. But women, as you know, love with their ears. They want words that will be followed by actions.

The difficulty lies not only in finding beautiful words, but also to say them out loud. When we prepare a beautiful love speech in our mind, very often we do not take into account the environment in which we will “expose” our feelings. The most awkward situation is when you are sitting next to a person and desperately trying to remember exactly what words you were going to say to him. To avoid all these incidents, let's start writing a love letter.

We often associate love letters with the past century. Men from the front wrote letters to their wives and brides, saying how much they missed their warmth, and the girls, in turn, wrote that they loved and were waiting. Such letters went on for months, but arrived only a few times a year.

In the biographies of great people, one often encounters beautiful love confessions that they wrote to their wives and mistresses.

Again about my love. About the notorious activity. Does love exhaust everything for me? Everything, but only differently. Love is life, this is the main thing. Poems, deeds, and everything else unfold from it. Love is the heart of everything. If it stops working, everything else dies off, becomes superfluous, unnecessary. But if the heart works, it cannot but manifest itself in everything.
From a letter from Vladimir Mayakovsky to Lilya Brik

However, your beloved does not have to be far away for you to decide to write her a love letter. You can even address it to the girl you sleep with every night. It will be more original and pleasant than the standard love confessions that we say every day.

Romantic letters are testaments to your love story. Which your grandchildren will probably read later.

6. Letter of encouragement

There have been moments in everyone's life when they had to fight doubts and fears, or moments in which they wanted to give up everything and retreat. If you are lucky, then in your life during this sad time a person appeared who could cheer you up, convince you that everything would be fine, in other words, raise your self-esteem and help you move on.

Such support always has a positive effect on a person, especially if the words are supported by encouraging actions (patting on the shoulder, for example). Although there are times when a letter is best option in order to provide support. And not only because you physically cannot always be present with those you want to cheer up. The letter stays with the recipient for a long time; he can return to it and re-read it at any time. When we listen to a fiery motivational speech, we listen to every word and believe that everything will pass and all problems can be solved. But as soon as we are left alone after a while, all our fears and doubts overtake us again.

An encouraging letter tells the recipient that you believe in him and his abilities, that he can cope with all difficulties. Maybe your niece recently started college and feels out of place and is considering dropping out. If you have similar experience, you can help her with advice and encourage her. Perhaps your son broke up with his first love and thinks it's the end of the world. Let him understand that everything is exactly the opposite and this is not the end, but only the beginning.

7. Letter of gratitude

Gratitude is one of the brightest feelings. Nothing else can support our personal and professional relationships like it does. Appreciation can instantly melt the ice between two people.

We all understand how much we need the kindness and help of others. You are very lucky if you have people in your life that you can thank.

For many there is only one thing kind word helped to become human again, but gold turned out to be powerless.
Erich Maria Remarque "Shelter of Dreams"

Write Thanksgiving letters needed as often as possible. Of course, it’s much easier to send a thank-you message via e-mail(and this is certainly better than nothing). But just imagine how touching it is to receive a real handwritten letter. For example, if you have an employee in your office who is diligent and successful in his or her job, you could leave him a short note letting him know how much you appreciate his efforts.

We hope that, in addition to such small news, at least once in your life you will write full letters of gratitude to the most important people in your life: mother, wife (husband), loved one school teacher, to the best friend.

Think about all they have done for you and the difference they have made in your life. Remember that there is nothing in the world more valuable than simple human gratitude.

Which of these letters have you already tried to write? Share in the comments!

Hello my dears!

There are several reasons why I decided to write a letter. The most main reason it's... New Year is coming!!! ; Yes, the New Year is coming soon and we, like children, never stop waiting for miracles. But the longer we live in the world, the fewer things remain that can surprise us. But it won’t be interesting to live like that, I thought, and decided that it was stupid to sit and wait for miracles, you need to create miracles yourself!!!

Agree that my letter was a pleasant surprise for you! Real New Year's surprise?! Surprise is a gift! The gift is brought by Father Frost and the Snow Maiden... I won’t be suitable for the role of the Snow Maiden... yes, yes, I am Father Frost!!! ;;;

We stopped writing letters to each other, and in a letter you can convey everything that you really feel. After all, not everyone manages to say everything that you really feel in a conversation with a person! We stopped writing letters to each other and it's sad! These soulless standard SMS, yes messages in in social networks. I decided to break these stupid modern standards and wrote you this letter, moreover, I give you a promise that now I will write letters to you (well, at least once a year;) and for every holiday, send a card with congratulations on what I wrote with my own hand. Initially, I thought of just a postcard, then I decided to write something like an invitation. And when I started writing... This is what it turned out to be! And I encourage you to answer me. Let's write letters to each other. Let's give the joy that we once experienced. Remember how we opened the mailbox, and there... a completely unsolicited letter from a loved one, or just from a friend. As if in impatience to open the letter as soon as possible, we went home, quickly opened the apartment, threw our bags on the threshold,... opened the letter and greedily absorbed the news. Remember these feelings that filled every cell of our body and soul.

One person close to me told me: “... you don’t need to change yourself, just be yourself and you will see how everything around you will change...” I thought for a long time about who I am and what truly brings me joy. As it turned out, joy for me, my inner self, is doing something nice for my loved ones, just from the heart.

We also stopped communicating. Yes, we began to communicate very little live. Often living close to each other, we see each other once a year as promised! This is what I also want to break. In short, I want to break everything and build a completely different, qualitatively new communication with my close and dear people.

I always wanted to have a big family, I dreamed of at least three children, but, unfortunately or fortunately, I don’t know, this is how my life turned out, I have one son. And I was sad, watching films about how the whole family gathers at their parents’ house for the New Year, and they all celebrate together and move out. I looked and was sad - why not me, I looked and dreamed - it would be great if it happened for me too. I still want a big, strong and friendly family, such as in the cinema (I advise everyone to watch the film “Falling in Love with Your Brother’s Bride”).

I thought... but if you sit and want and do nothing, then nothing will appear. Then I thought: “Do I need this?” After all, in order to unite and hold around so many different people– you need to work hard!!! Yes it great work! Am I ready for this?! Do I want this?!

Of course, you know how we wanted to live in our house. And so our dream began to come true. Let not everything go smoothly on the way to our dream. Let us sometimes feel despair and want to give up everything... but we will go to the end. Moreover, a good half of the path has already been passed and it would be stupid to turn back.

I started something from afar, so I’ll continue anyway!

Before starting this adventurous event with building a house, Dima and I thought a lot, traveled, looked various options, they calculated, but no matter how much you count, until you plunge into it yourself, until you experience for yourself what it is and what it is eaten with, you will not understand anything. And for a couple of years we hung out like in an ice hole, probably neither here nor there. higher power We saw that we don’t fully understand whether we need it or not. And then (just before the New Year) I went to the grave of Blessed Martha of Tsaritsyn, imagined what our home should be like, how we would live there and why we need it. I asked her: “I ask you, blessed Martha, to intercede before God for us. My husband and I decided to sell our apartment and use the proceeds to build a house, a house for ourselves and our son, a house in which we would live happily, a house in which our parents, children, grandchildren and friends would gather. We will also definitely plant an Oak tree near the house, in memory of my grandparents. Martha intercede before God for us, help us so that what I ask will work out, if it is necessary and useful for us.”

And as it turned out, we simply needed it. First of all, I saw that I raised my son very well, and construction became for him the first step towards Pavel’s development as a man. Secondly, we saw all the shortcomings in our relationship, which means we have a chance to fix everything. And of course, we saw the attitude of our closest people towards us, towards our problems.

Be that as it may, our affairs began to progress, but this was at first, and then somehow everything worsened, everything fell out of hand, the construction dragged on, discord began to develop between us. I was in despair, but then I realized that there is no need to rush back and forth, I need to stick to the original goal. I asked the blessed one: “... Martha intercede before God for us, help us so that what I ask will work out, if it is necessary and useful for us.” And this means that if the house turns out to be big, it means that we need it that way. We need it so that there is enough space for all of us.

Yes, I want! I want my family and loved ones to be next to me! Yes, I want my home to become a place where each of you will feel comfortable physically and warmly in soul, a place where you want to return, again and again, to people who will understand and forgive. Yes, I want to work on all this... provided that you let me go on vacation;;;

And besides, how come I only have one son?! We have at least two goddaughters, we are godparents, parents before God, which means we have two daughters!!!

I decided not to put it all off and start taking action. The saints have done their job, now I must act... myself! Why wait until the house is completed, everything is already there to host you. I invite you to become a truly big, strong and friendly FAMILY!!!

That's what this long story was for;;; I hope I didn't bore you! I also hope that you will gladly accept my offer.

Every family and even every person has some traditions. But New Year's rituals are special. This one magical holiday everyone is greeted a little differently. Someone always goes for a walk after twelve, and someone goes to the country. Some people always stock up on sparklers for the holiday, while others always bake duck with apples.

Let's bring the holiday feeling a little closer and make it even more wonderful. I propose to gather at our home... well, at the Chizhov residence;;; December 26 (the date needs to be discussed) and open an account with our family traditions. So!!!

Tradition No. 1: Let's arrange friendly gatherings with mulled wine and “predictions.”

There is probably no more winter and more warming drink. Let's get together, pour mulled wine into mugs, light candles and discuss together all the good things that have happened to us this year. I promise to prepare “prediction” nuts in advance, in which I will write something pleasant and you will see how many smiles such a simple surprise will bring. And this warm evening will be one of the first pleasant memories that we will put in our piggy bank.

Tradition No. 2: We rejoice at all the good things that have happened during the year.

We will get ourselves a piggy bank (each for ourselves), where we will put notes with pleasant events that happened to you during the year. And at the end of the year we will all read them out loud and be happy for each other. Great mood and a smile is guaranteed! And how many good things happened that you wouldn’t even remember without the notes! With such a tradition, you will always see off the passing year with gratitude.

Tradition No. 3: We forget the bad.

Of course, there is no point in accumulating bad events like good ones. But, if you sadly remember something that happened in the past year, we will try to get rid of it. Let's take an object that symbolizes bad memories for you, write on it a few more unpleasant memories that bother you, and burn them - all these objects. Very symbolic for starting the new year with a clean slate.

Tradition #4: Send New Year cards loved ones

Imagine how the mood of the people you care about will lift when they find a real greeting card. How pleased you will be to come up with a congratulation for each of them and look forward to the recipient’s reaction! Let's create cards with our own hands!

Tradition No. 5: Making a real family Christmas tree.

We outline the palms of the whole family and make a Christmas tree garland. Every year you can add new “palms”. The “palms” themselves can be painted, and the tree can be hung with balls with photographs of family members.

Tradition No. 6: We write a letter to Santa Claus.
So what if we have already grown up. There should always be a little room for magic in our hearts. Let's write a letter to Santa Claus, listing in it everything that we would like to receive in the coming year and what we expect from him in general. And at the end next year Let's open it and check to what extent our wishes have come true.

Tradition No. 7: Merry dancing

DID YOU KNOW WHAT: before 1700 they did not celebrate in Russia New Year. On December 15, 1699, Peter I issued a decree that on January 1, 1700, a new chronology in Rus' begins, on this day you need to fire cannons, burn resin, decorate the house with spruce and fir branches, and also “have fun with dancing, music and games." Let's follow, friends, the decree of Peter I and continue to celebrate the New Year!

I hope that you will support my endeavors and respond to our invitation. We look forward to hearing from you. Keep in touch by a well-known phone number.

Until now I say goodbye to you. Good health and good luck to you.

The need for the ability to write letters competently and beautifully has not lost its relevance in our time, when paper messages are rather an echo of the past. But it doesn’t matter at all in what form you send your letter (by email or regular mail) and to whom (an official, a potential employer or a friend), literacy should always be present.

You can see approximate options for how to write letters in the “document samples” section on this website. And now we will talk about the basic rules regarding the design and writing of letters. All existing letters can be divided into three categories:

  • personal - parents or close relatives, loved one, best friends, they imply the use of an informal style of presentation;
  • semi-official letters, this category includes correspondence on issues that concern you personally with various types of organizations; for example, with a bank regarding the status of an account or credit debt, with an online store regarding issues of purchasing and delivering goods;
  • official or business letters, they require strict adherence to business style of presentation and design.

Rules for writing a personal letter

Write personal letters - this is most often a pleasant activity, because sometimes it is the only thing possible way communication with family and friends. You should always say hello, and a letter is no exception. For this category of letters, the colloquial word “Hello!” is quite suitable.

In case you are responding to someone's email late, it would be good if you give a brief explanation of your delay. If the correspondence continues, then after the greeting you can answer all the questions that were asked to you.

With such an informal style of communication, jokes, descriptions of any events from your point of view, stories about the reactions of others, mutual acquaintances, etc. would be very appropriate. You can use anything that will give your letter content and interest to the addressee. Nowadays, the active use of emoticons is encouraged to express your feelings more vividly and clearly.

Write sincerely, show interest in the person you are writing to, ask questions that will facilitate continued communication. In conclusion, be sure to express your feelings with words, for example, “I’m looking forward to your answer,” “I love you,” etc. Don’t forget to put a signature at the end of the letter (this is especially often missed when writing emails), because the addressee cannot always guess the address from who is it. Before sending a letter, always re-read it - this will help to avoid grammatical and other errors, which, by the way, can be regarded as disrespect.

How to write a semi-formal letter correctly

Semi-official letters "Not love" manifestations of feelings and sentimentality, state only the essence of the issue and the facts, clearly and consistently, without lyrical digressions. It’s good if the manner of presentation is simple and logical. It is especially important to observe this when writing various types of complaints.

Nowadays letters are almost never written by hand. Most best option for semi-formal letters - this is to first type it in in electronic format on your computer, then print it out on a standard piece of paper, sign it, and send it by regular mail. If this is not possible, and you write by hand, then try to regulate your handwriting, write neatly and legibly, especially various types of data (name, surname, registration information, address for reply).

What is written legibly is much easier to read. And, therefore, you will protect yourself from unnecessary problems and misunderstandings. Very often surnames are difficult, both to hear and to write. If the handwriting is illegible, employees of an organization may read it incorrectly and make a mistake even in one letter when registering a letter. Subsequently, when electronically searching a large database, the process may fail to produce results.

According to unspoken rules, it is customary to indicate the addressee in the upper right corner. We offer a few examples as a guide. All of them are valid, but the details are up to you, including whether you have information about officials, about the name of the structural unit:

GKU Employment Center

population in N.

To the head of the GKU Center

employment center this or that

AND ABOUT. Surname

Administration of Ivanovo

such and such Department (name)

To the editor-in-chief

magazine "Molodist"

W.T. Kolomensky

OJSC "Svadba"

Chief Engineer

K.F. Chirkin

or to an individual

Tuzhilov O.O.

st. Lugovaya, 145, apt. 217,

Ivanovo, 425700

After specifying the addressee's details, write your: full name, actual residential address where the response can be sent, telephone number (home and/or cell phone)

If your request is repeated, be sure to make a reference to previous letters and the answers that you were given to them. Please format as follows: “To No. (outgoing number of the response sent) dated 09/30/2014.” Position the link text to the left above the text. Pay attention to the picture, which shows the letter diagram. This instruction greatly simplifies the processing of incoming correspondence and the response you receive will be compiled taking into account previous correspondence on the issue under discussion.

It is reasonable to start the text of a letter to a person whose name you know with the words “Dear...!”, and end it with the words “With respect...!”.

Be sure to attach documents confirming your case, if any, to the letter. Indicate this either in the text of the letter itself, or below with the thematic subheading “Attachment:”. Indicate the exact names of the documents, their originality (or copies). In the future, if suddenly necessary, you can easily prove what exactly you sent in the letter.

Here are some examples:

Application: for 5 l. in 2 copies.

Enclosure: a copy of the family composition certificate... 1 page. in 1 copy.

Remember to always indicate in your application:

  • personal data, namely: first name, patronymic and last name;
  • personal address to which the addressee should send his response;
  • date and signature.

If the specified data is missing, then your letter will simply be considered anonymous. Such letters are either not considered at all, or are taken into account, but you will not receive a response. The period within which the authorities must respond to you if all data is properly indicated is one month from the date of registration of the letter.

Write all letters (especially those containing complaints) to the authorities in two copies (one for them, the second for yourself). You can contact the desired organization in person. In this case, the employee receiving incoming correspondence (office, general department, secretary) is required to put a receipt stamp on both copies (with the number under which the letter is registered) with a date. If an organization has too many incoming letters and they don’t immediately assign a number, then insist that they at least give you the organization’s personal stamp and indicate the date. This fact is very important if it is necessary to meet deadlines or confirm the fact of the request.

It is not necessary to go in person; you can send your application from the nearest post office in the form of a registered letter with notification. The result will be similar. You can find out the fate of your letter by calling the organization, or simply waiting for an answer.

Responses to letters vary; if you were not given a detailed and clear explanation, but were simply unsubscribed, then it makes sense to contact us again. Facts of repeated appeals from citizens on the same issue are monitored in some organizations. Or write a complaint, you can even send it to higher authorities. Such requests are treated more attentively.

Everything that concerns has more important, and this is worth talking about in detail in a separate article.