How to prune Kalanchoe after flowering? How to prune Kalanchoe to make the flower bloom.

They have different attitudes towards pruning. The common Kalanchoe Blossfeld, which blooms with red flowers, can be picked without restrictions. Even if you leave only one stump, after a while it will sprout and curl. Be more careful when caring for rare hybrids with yellow, pink, and white flowers; they may even die as a result of improper pruning.

If the plant has overgrown (this often happens in sunny places), has lost its compact shape, and has formed an unsightly, frail top, remove it. After each, be sure to cut everything off. To form buds, place the plant on a dark windowsill (you can even cover it with a bucket or box at night) and keep it for almost a whole month. Then move it to a bright place and start watering; such a change in regime has a beneficial effect on the Kalanchoe, and it will almost certainly bloom.

To keep Kalanchoe in a dense bush, carefully observe the shoots. As soon as they start to grow, pinch off two of them. top sheets. After a while, two shoots will appear at the pinching site; let them grow until the third pair of leaves appears, and cut them off at this level. Wait for two more shoots and a third pair of leaves to appear, then pinch again. Do this until a neat, dense bush of a rounded (or required) shape is formed.

Last time trim Kalanchoe shoots in November (on a south window) or (on a west or east window). Please note that in winter it is advisable to keep Kalanchoe in a cool place, optimal temperature 10-15? C.

You can propagate Kalanchoe or simply renew it. To do this, cut young shoots from 10 to 15 cm long with a sharp blade or knife. Remove the leaves from the bottom of the cutting and dry it for 1-2 days. Prepare a place for the flower in a mixture of sand and wet peat. Place the cutting at a depth of about 5 cm, and press the soil around well. Do not cover the cutting with plastic or a jar, or spray it with water. Just water it moderately and keep it at a temperature of 20-25? C.

Kalanchoe is one of the most popular indoor plants. There are several types of it in apartments. Kalanchoe is not only an exquisite interior decoration, but also an excellent medicine. The juice from its fleshy leaves can relieve a runny nose, treat abscesses and inflammation, and one of its species has even been popularly called “surgeon.” Kalanchoe grows very quickly and does not always look the way its owners would like. Its crown needs to be shaped.

You will need


Observe the plant. Kalanchoe standing on a bright window can grow very strongly even in a jar of water. Rapid growth is characteristic of almost all species of this plant. However, on overgrown upper shoots, the leaves become smaller and smaller, and the shoots themselves are thin and not particularly beautiful. At the same time, plants that are very elongated in height often do not have enough strength to grow, although in fact almost all varieties of Kalanchoe grow very willingly in apartments. Having noticed such manifestations, prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to pinch off the extra shoots. Do not be afraid of this moment, such an operation will benefit the flower.

Do not touch while its crown is thick and the leaves are large and beautiful. As soon as a thin, non-viable top is formed, remove it. Kalanchoe tolerates such operations well; the plant does not even need to be specially prepared for this. Its stem is soft enough, so just tear off the top with your fingernails. No wounds usually form. If it does (and this happens when the stem is already thick enough), sprinkle it with charcoal or ash. The ash from a small burnt piece of paper is enough. After

Pruning Kalanchoe. Kalanchoe stretched out. Rules for care and pruning. Read how to achieve lush flowering by using Kalanchoe trimmings?

Stretched Kalanchoe- the result of lack of pruning. Let's consider updating the crown as an opportunity to restore a flower, without considering others possible options violations.

Why prune Kalanchoe briefly:

Before you start pruning your Kalanchoe if it is stretched, refer to the recommendations for your species. Although there are about two hundred species of Kalanchoe, each has its own procedural preferences and may not like pruning.

note: hybrid species Kalanchoes, especially those with yellow inflorescences, do not tolerate pruning well.

Popular types – Kalandia, Blossfelda– they take well to the annual renewal of the crown, thanks to which it is possible to form a beautiful, healthy bush in a compact pot.

How to set the direction of growth: a) pinch side shoots for the development of Kalanchoe, sew in, b) remove the top or individual shoots for the growth of Kalanchoe and create a rounded shape.

Preparing for pruning Kalanchoe

Before the procedure, preparations are carried out: water a couple of days before pruning, but do not add water on the day of the procedure, disinfect tools, prepare powdered charcoal or fungicide.

How to prune Kalanchoe?

Remove shoots only with tools - pruners, sharp scissors or a knife - to close the wounds. Do not process more than the required length for renewal, so as not to stress the Kalanchoe.

How to prune Kalanchoe if it is stretched:

  1. Remove up to 2 elongated leaves on the stem.
  2. Go over the shape of the crown and remove the elongated leaves.
  3. Process to healthy weight.
  4. Sprinkle the wound with charcoal powder.
  5. Leave in a place without sudden fluctuations in lighting and temperature.

Kalanchoe care after pruning

Having treated the crown, it’s time to prepare the plant for restoration. Usually Kalanchoe pruning is carried out in early spring, after which temperature indicators contribute to recovery. If the plant has stretched out at the beginning of autumn, and you have done light pruning, reinforce the result temperature +15° C. Try not to prune close to cold weather. 1 month is enough for recovery.

How to care for Kalanchoe after pruning: water moderately and regularly several times a week, but adjust the volume of moisture to the competitive period, add charcoal to the soil once a month, create suitable temperature and light and shadow conditions. In the latter option, place it on the eastern windows.

Criteria for pruning Kalanchoe:

  • The shoots of the upper part are from 7 to 10 cm.
  • Straight cuts.
  • Minimal damage to the crown due to uneven cuts.
  • Remove shoots evenly to distribute sap.

Trimming nuances:

  • It is forbidden to cut off the top part of the Kalanchoe in the summer - the shoots are stretched and the structure of the crown is disrupted.
  • Do not handle with dirty tools.
  • Manual removal of shoots is contraindicated.

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An important procedure in caring for Kalanchoe is the formation of the crown. Pruning Kalanchoe includes pinching the top, removing fading flower stalks and old side shoots. The plant looks more attractive in the form of a compact bush with a rounded crown.

Why prune Kalanchoe?

The Kalanchoe flower is characterized by rapid growth of shoots. If you do not participate in the formation of the plant crown, then it takes on a shape that is far from ideal.

Pruning Kalanchoe has several purposes.

  1. Pinching the top shoots to form a beautiful crown and to maintain a compact, rounded shape. The top of the plant actively stretches upward in spring. It needs to be pinched, then the bush will grow in width and acquire a decorative appearance.
  2. When rejuvenating a bush, old shoots are removed, which eventually shed lower leaves. Such parts of the flower become unattractive.
  3. Timely removal of wilted flower stalks is necessary to prevent infection and for lush flowering.
  4. Pruning to maintain the health of the bush, as a result of which the juice is evenly distributed over all shoots and leaves. A healthy plant with fleshy leaves that is resistant to disease is formed.

There are about 200 varieties of Kalanchoe, which react differently to crown formation.

Kalanchoe varieties Blossfeld and Kalandiva tolerate pruning easily. Their crown can be safely shaped without fear of harming the plant. Some hybrids with yellow and white inflorescences react painfully to pruning, so only the tops are pinched off.

Timely and correct pruning promotes growth beautiful bush Kalanchoe with lush inflorescences. The crown formation process has nuances that you need to know.

  1. Before starting the procedure, the type of plant is determined, since the pruning method will depend on it.
  2. You cannot prune a newly acquired crop; give it time to acclimatize to new conditions.
  3. Do not prune in winter time years when the flower is dormant.
  4. Need to use sharp stationery knife or pruning shears. Disinfect the tool before use.
  5. Do not pick off leaves and inflorescences with your hands - the plant will be damaged and begin to wither.
  6. Kalanchoe should be pruned in the morning or evening hours, avoiding the effects of bright sun rays for culture during the procedure.
  7. Treat the cut areas with crushed charcoal.
  8. Do not pinch the plant immediately after transplanting. Rooting and adaptation takes 2–3 weeks.
  9. There is no need to prune Kalanchoe that shows signs of disease or pests. They begin to form a bush no earlier than 15 days after the complete destruction of insects.

Initial and preventative pruning

The first pruning of the plant is carried out in the spring. It is worth remembering the main nuances of initial pruning at home.

  1. In the spring, a month after the Kalanchoe awakens, you need to remove new, young shoots with leaves. To begin, cut off two or three leaves on each shoot.
  2. After pruning, do not place the plant on a south or southeast windowsill where exposure to bright sunlight is possible. Kalanchoe in such a place will begin to grow intensively, and the shoots will quickly stretch out. The bush will lose its shape.

Preventative pruning is carried out as the flower grows. It is used for several reasons.

  1. In places where shoots and leaves are cut from the buds in the axils of the leaves, new shoots appear over time. Two or three leaves are also cut from them. This process can be continued until the fall, until the crown of the required shape is formed.
  2. To prevent the appearance of stem rot and other diseases, all damaged leaves and broken shoots are removed from the plant.
  3. As the Kalanchoe grows, the old leaves are shed and its base is exposed. This spoils the appearance of the bush and also interferes with the growth of young shoots. Therefore, the old parts of the flower must be gradually removed and thus rejuvenate the plant.
  4. In the summer season, the top of the plant will actively stretch upward and disrupt the shape of the bush. It is pinched to stimulate the growth of young side shoots.

Apical shoots up to 10 cm long are used for propagation of the plant. Kalanchoe cuttings and leaves have a high survival rate. They can be left in a glass of water to form roots, or planted in prepared soil for rooting.

Removing shoots after flowering

Kalanchoe flower stalks form during short daylight hours. Therefore, flowering begins at the end of winter and continues throughout the spring. Some hybrid varieties They can bloom again in the fall, after which they require a period of rest.

If Kalanchoe continues to grow green mass at the end of spring and is not going to bloom, then pruning is carried out to stimulate flowering. To do this, remove 3-4 top leaves on each shoot so that the plant begins to grow in width and lay flower stalks.

After flowering, it is important not to let the branches with falling petals dry out completely. Pinch off flower stalks immediately after wilting. Buds with new buds appear in the pruning areas, and space is also freed up for new shoots with leaves.

Upon completion of pruning after flowering, you need to give the plant a rest. Conditions during the rest period:

  • rare watering - once every 3 weeks;
  • dark place, without sunlight;
  • reduced air temperature - up to +16 °

Two months after rest, Kalanchoe begins to actively grow.

It is better to remove shoots with flowers after they have withered almost at the root, so as not to provoke rotting of the buds and the plant itself.

Pruning a Kalanchoe bush can be easily done by both experienced and novice gardeners. Timely pinching tops, removal of peduncles and damaged shoots - a condition for the growth of healthy and lush crown Kalanchoe.

A well-formed bush has a rounded shape. Its shoots are evenly covered with foliage; buds with delicate petals are visible above the top.

Among indoor plants, it is worth mentioning Kalanchoe. He is popular due to his abundant flowering. In addition, caring for Kalanchoe at home is also not particularly difficult. It can be trimmed, pinched without fear, and then easily propagated by the most in simple ways. And, nevertheless, there are some rules that you need to know.

Features of the plant

Kalanchoe is one of the plants of the succulent group. It is distinguished by fleshy leaves with a slight waxy sheen. In fact, it belongs to the Crassulaceae family. Such indoor flowers are good because they do not require careful care, because they can withstand almost any temperature conditions and watering regime.

When choosing such a plant for yourself, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • The stems should be smooth and without flaws. If there are dried leaves and weak shoots, it is better to discard such a specimen;
  • Buy the plant when it is flowering, as you will be able to see its color and judge its strength and health by appearance inflorescences and their number;
  • The best time to buy is winter. During this period, Kalanchoe is just in the midst of flowering. Afterwards it will be possible to transplant it;
  • If the leaves have spots or breaks, it is also better to discard the specimen and find a clean and healthy one.

You can buy a small bush from lush flowers. Once it stops flowering, it begins to grow quickly, so you can quickly get it to the size you need. It is best to replant a purchased flower during this period. Suitable soil for succulents.

Regarding the choice of location, special significance this question does not. In principle, Kalanchoe feels good both in the shade and in the sun, but not under scorching rays. Strongly high temperature, however, it does not like it, especially during the summer dormancy period.

But is it possible to prune Kalanchoe yourself?

In fact, this is a prerequisite. In addition, the plant tolerates such procedures well. The exception is hybrid varieties, which, when improper care may die.

Another feature - healing properties. The juice of the plant is used to treat colds, including the runny nose. This is why some varieties are so useful to keep on your windowsill at home.

Rules for watering and fertilizing

To Kalanchoe grew healthy, it is important to properly organize its watering regime. To do this, you can use a pattern suitable for most succulents. It is enough to moisten the soil once every 5-7 days. If the earthen ball gets too dry, watering can be increased more often.

But after flowering, you can reduce the frequency and supply water in small portions once every 1-2 weeks. This will be enough to maintain the plant’s strength during the dormant period and prepare it for new bursts of inflorescences. As for the introduction of fertilizers and fertilizing, it is also better to do this after flowering.

During prolonged bud opening, you can use the method of spraying nutrient mixtures directly onto the flowers and leaves themselves. Otherwise, root nutrition is more preferable. It is important to control the growth of green mass.

Bush pruning

In order to prevent excessive growth of the bush, it is important to know how to prune Kalanchoe. Most varieties can be pinched and trimmed without much concern. The plant tolerates these procedures well, and each time produces new shoots. Due to this, you can form a beautifully shaped decorative bush that will look great on the windowsill even after flowering.

Since you generally have to prune Kalanchoe after flowering, it’s worth starting with this
moment. During this period, it is important to promptly remove faded elements.

After the entire bunch dries, it is cut off to the very root. After this, the plant begins a phase of active green growth. If you want to maintain a miniature shape, you should not hesitate to pinch. Otherwise, you can wait a month or two.

You need to remove the tip of the shoot near the leaves that diverge to the sides.

Very soon after the procedure, two shoots will grow from the buds in the axils of the leaves. This kind of pinching can be done endlessly, and the result will be the same. In this case, the size of the leaves will decrease. If you want to save initial form flower, cut the branches closer to the bottom. At the same time, make sure that you leave the buds for the production of new shoots. In fact, pruning can be done at any time.

Preparing for flowering

How quickly you manage to prune your Kalanchoe will determine how quickly the plant will produce new buds. Most often, inexperienced gardeners encounter this very problem. After Kalanchoe flowering throws out greenery, but may not bloom again next year.

In order to achieve repeated flowering, it is important not only to promptly trim old inflorescences and excess shoots. You also need to adhere to a special regime in terms of lighting, temperature and humidity. The fact is that in order to prepare new buds, you need to observe a rest regime. Of course, this is much easier to do in a greenhouse.

At home, you can achieve this effect using the following techniques:

  • Remove Kalanchoe from light. He needs to organize a short daylight hours. To do this, you can use a paper bag or box, which is used to cover the flower during the day for several hours. 4-6 hours of exposure to light per day will be enough;
  • After flowering, cut off all excess fragments;
  • Reduce watering to once every 1.5-2 weeks;
  • Move the Kalanchoe to a cool place where the temperature is approximately 17-20 degrees, not higher;
  • Before winter flowering, gradually return the Kalanchoe to its usual mode. The plant will immediately produce buds.

The difficulty of preparation lies in the fact that the rest period occurs in the summer, when the day is at its maximum. This is why it is difficult to ensure that the amount of light for the flower is reduced. Difficulties also arise when trying to maintain a suitable temperature regime.

Reproduction methods

Another feature is ease of reproduction. Some varieties even have leaves with babies growing on them, which you just need to stick into the ground, and they will immediately take root. Otherwise, Kalanchoe shoots are mainly used for propagation. If you want to get a new plant, you can prune the flower to the desired level.

Then, stick the twig into wet ground or place in a glass of water.

Kalanchoe is a beautiful and unpretentious representative of succulents that will decorate any windowsill. However, like any other plant, this flower requires basic care: watering, temperature conditions, fertilizing and pruning. The latter helps to form an aesthetically attractive bush, the stems of which will be compact and the foliage will be lush.

In order not to harm Kalanchoe, you need to know not only optimal timing carrying out pruning, but also the peculiarities of its implementation.

Kalanchoe can easily do without pruning, but in this case its decorative effect is lost. Over time, the shoots begin to stretch out and become exposed near the trunk, and the old branches do not allow the young ones to develop normally. Pruning has the following purposes:

  • Maintains a beautiful and harmonious shape of the bush. Often the top of the Kalanchoe, stretching towards sunlight, violates the correct proportions of the plant, so it must be “taken down” periodically;
  • Gives the bush a rest after long flowering. During pruning, all dried inflorescences are removed, which draw vital juices from the plant;
  • Rejuvenates the bush and allows the variety to propagate. From an adult elongated bush, when removing shoots, you can get good planting material in the form of cuttings that will quickly turn into compact flowering Kalanchoe;
  • Creates favorable conditions for development. After pruning, the juice that has accumulated inside the flower is distributed evenly over all shoots, nourishing them. As a result, the bush becomes more resistant to wilting and drying out;
  • Helps prevent diseases. Removing dried and damaged branches is a kind of prevention, thanks to which the Kalanchoe will not get sick.

What types of Kalanchoe require pruning?

About 200 are known in floriculture various types Kalanchoe, but only a few of them are grown at home. Although in general pruning is performed the same for all varieties, specific points should be highlighted.

The most common inhabitant of the windowsill, Kalanchoe Blossfeld, can be identified by the bright red inflorescences that adorn the compact bright green bush.

This is a very hardy plant that will easily survive the most radical pruning. That is why, if the plant begins to stretch out greatly, you can completely cut off the top, leaving a small stump. Soon, new shoots will begin to appear at the site of the “operation”, and the Kalanchoe will bush bushfully and beautifully.

Yellow-flowered and white-flowered Kalanchoe hybrids are more whimsical and therefore require careful pruning. They do not tolerate excessive leaf removal and may die if not handled correctly.

Kalanchoe Degremona is a rather colorful plant that looks unusual thanks to its erect stem and gray-green foliage surrounded by young cuttings. This type also requires formative pruning, the implementation of which depends on the aesthetic preferences of the grower.

Pruning Kalanchoe: features and timing

Initial pruning helps to form a young bush, so it is advisable to do it immediately after the shoot has taken root and adapted to new conditions. To do this, a simple manipulation is enough - on each of the Kalanchoe shoots, carefully remove 1-2 top leaves.

As for preventative pruning, it should be carried out after the formation of new leaves on the stems. The specificity of this procedure lies in the possibility of removing shoots almost all year round, with the exception of winter period. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to pinch the tops of the branches after the formation of the 3rd pair of true leaves.

The last stage of formative pruning of Kalanchoe is carried out in November for plants growing on southern windowsills, or throughout December for bushes whose pots are located on the east or west side.

After pruning at home in the initial stages of bush growth, it is better not to place the Kalanchoe on a windowsill with a lot of light - it must be shaded. Bright lighting provokes rapid growth of shoots, as a result of which they stretch out again and nullify all the efforts of the grower to form the plant.

Specifics of pruning after flowering

Pruning Kalanchoe will help rid the plant of excess leaves and dried flower stalks, thereby accumulating strength for lush budding.

If you trim the inflorescences at the root, you can guarantee the health of the bush and prevent rotting. For preventive purposes, the cut areas are sprinkled with crushed activated charcoal or charcoal.

If desired, you can shorten the shoots, giving the bush the desired shape, or pinch the tops, as during the initial pruning (about 2/3 of the height of the stems is removed). After flowering, it is better to give Kalanchoe a rest by organizing a rest period for 1 month. The bush is shaded, and watering is kept to a minimum (once every 14 days).

Pruning Kalanchoe step by step

Correctly prune Kalanchoe according to the following scheme:

  1. Using a disinfected sharp knife or blade, remove the top 2 leaves (see photo).
  2. After the length of the young shoots reaches a centimeter (3 pairs of leaves), their tops are pinched.
  3. Subsequent shoots are pruned in the same way until the shape of the bush acquires the desired decorative effect.

It is not recommended to use scissors to trim Kalanchoe - they severely damage the fleshy tissues of the flower, as a result of which the cutting areas take a long time or even begin to rot.