How to define a non-reflexive verb. Verb state category

Verbs starting with -sya are called reflexive. They can be non-derivative, reflexiva tantum (to be afraid, to laugh), and formed from both intransitive and transitive verbs (trade - bargain, wash - wash).

Some intransitives and those derived from them reflexive verbs can indicate the same situation (Something is turning black in the distance and Something is turning black in the distance). But in most cases, reflexive and non-reflexive verbs name different situations, for example, trade means “to sell something”, and bargain means “to try to buy cheaper”, wash refers to a situation with two participants (Mother washes the girl), and wash - a situation with one participant (Girl washes her face); in the sentences Misha hit Kolya and Misha and Kolya hit a tree we are talking about two boys, but the situations in which they are participants are not the same. In this regard, the components of meaning (except for the meaning of the passive voice) introduced into the word by the postfix -sya are considered word-forming. -Xia is a multi-valued affix (A. A. Shakhmatov counted 12 meanings for him). In grammars the following are most often noted:

1) proper reflexive meaning: wash, dress, put on shoes, take off shoes, comb your hair, powder, blush;

2) mutually reciprocal meaning: hug, swear, quarrel, kiss, make up, correspond, meet;

3) mid-reflexive meaning: admire, be angry, be angry, have fun, rejoice, be horrified, be scared;

4) indirect return meaning: stack, assemble, pack, build, stock up;

5) active-objectless meaning: butt, spit, swear (pronounce obscene words), bite;

6) passive-qualitative meaning: bend, tear, heat up, cool, expand, contract, wear off;

7) passive reflexive meaning: to be remembered, to be remembered, to be introduced (= to seem).

A reflexive verb can be formed using -sya in combination with other morphemes (run up, get tired, wink).

Reflexivity is associated with voice (when voice is determined at the morphemic level, reflexive verbs formed from transitive verbs are combined into the so-called reflexive-medial voice). The affix -xia is a sign of intransitivity. Combinations found in colloquial language such as I’m afraid of my mother, I obey my grandmother are non-normative and few in number.

Reflexive verb

Verb with the affix -sya (-еъ). The scope of the concept “reflexive verb” and the related concept “reflexive form of the verb” is presented differently in theoretical research and in educational literature. In some works (“Morphology of the modern Russian language” by I. G. Golanov, school books) reflexive verbs are all verbs with the affix (particle, suffix) -sya, regardless of their origin and collateral meaning: this includes formations from transitive verbs (to wash, to be upset, to hug, etc., where -sya is considered as a formative affix), from intransitive verbs (cry, roam, wake up, walk, etc., where -sya is a word-forming affix) and verbs that are not used without -sya (fear, be proud, climb, hope, wake up, laugh, crowd, etc.) d.). In other works (academic “Grammar of the Russian Language”), reflexive verbs ы are reflexive verbs, in contrast to which verbs with the affix -sya, which do not express a voice meaning, are called reflexive forms of the verb a; The latter include formations from intransitive verbs (threaten, call, knock, etc.) and verbs that are not used without -sya ( cm. higher). In third works (the university textbook “Modern Russian Language”, part II), independent verbs are considered reflexive verbs lexical formations, in which the affix -sya performs a word-formation function (mess around, give out, lean against, call out to each other, tidy up, get hurt, cry, knock, etc., be proud, hope, laugh, etc.), and the reflexive forms of the verb - formations, in which the affix -sya performs a formative function: these are forms of the passive voice that retain lexical-semantic identity with transitive verbs (the window is washed by workers, the streets are landscaped by Komsomol members, etc.). The difference in the interpretation of the terms “reflexive verb” and “reflexive form of the verb” is associated with a different understanding of the category of voice ( cm. voice of the verb.

Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

See what a “reflexive verb” is in other dictionaries:

    RETURNABLE, oh, oh. 1. Same as reverse (1 digit) (obsolete). Let's hit the road. 2. Renewing, sometimes arising again. V. typhus (acute infection occurring in the form of attacks). 3. In grammar: 1) a reflexive verb denoting... ... Dictionary Ozhegova

    - (gram.) see Reflexive verb... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

    - (reflexive | réfléchi | reflexiv | reflexive | riflessivo) Containing a return to the subject of the action. A reflexive verb (verbe réfléchi) means that the action coming from the subject returns to it again (French je me baigne “I am bathing”) ... Five-language dictionary of linguistic terms

    RETURN, return something to where or to whom, turn, turn back, give back, back; send home, put or put in its original place. Get your health back, your money, get back what you lost, get it back for yourself. Come back,… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    This article or section needs revision. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles. Reflexive pronouns part of speech, type of pronoun, expressing the direction of action on the one producing it. Group... ... Wikipedia


F.I. _________________________________________

Reflexive and non-refundable verb.

Remember: in Russian languagein reflexive verbs, -sya is used after a vowel, and after a consonant -sya: rush, learn. Suffix–sya (-s) differs from other suffixes in that it comes after all morphemes, including after endings.

1. After reading the poem, underline the reflexive verbs.

The fly was going to visit
It's a very long drive.
I washed my face
I was getting dressed,
She was worried, she was curling, she was rushing about in front of the mirror, she was gaping... And she fell into the milk.

2. Write down the verbs with the suffix -sya (-съ) and label it. What are these verbs called?

To knock, to descend, to blacken, to surprise, to construct, to be guided.


3. Extract from the fableI. Krylovareturnable Verbs.
Swan, Pike and Crayfish
When there is no agreement among comrades,
Things won't go well for them,
And nothing will come out of it, only torment.
Once upon a time Swan, Crayfish and Pike
They began to carry a load of luggage
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are doing their best, but the cart is still moving!
The luggage would seem light to them:
Yes, the Swan rushes into the clouds,
The cancer moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water.
It is not for us to judge who is to blame and who is right;
Yes, but things are still there.


4. Correct the mistakes of careless students.

1. I am in seventh grade. 2. My notebook has already been found. 3. Zhenya went to the station by tram. 4. After a while she sat down to write the letter. 5. Tanya looked at him for a long time, and then met him. In the morning I washed my face, combed my hair, had breakfast and got dressed.

Most reflexive verbs are formed from non-reflexive ones: wash - wash, scold - scold. Some of the reflexive verbs without -sya (-сь) are not used: laugh, fight.

5. Form reflexive verbs.

Angry - __________________, warm - _____________________, captivate - _________________, calm - _________________, make happy - _______________, hug - _____________________, cry - ________________, comb - ___________________, button up - ____________________.

6. Replace with one word.

Greet each other when meeting().

To be in an anxious state, to experience excitement().

Give consent().

Pack your things before the trip().

To make a mistake().

Show interest in something().

Feel offended().

Pay in full as required().

7. Eliminate the shortcomings in the word usage of careless students.

A girl plays with a doll. Three people play this game. Washed clothes sway in the wind. The passenger began to wait for the next stop. My sister made friends with a neighbor.

REFLECTIVE FORM OF VERBS . Verb form, formed using the ending -s or -xia. Verbs with this ending can be divided into 1. verbs for which there are no correlative forms without -xia: to be afraid, to laugh, etc.; however, some of them have verbs without -xia from the same basics, but with different prefixes: ridicule, etc.; 2. verbs that have correlative verbs without -xia, but with such a difference in meaning that cannot be attributed to the ending -xia, eg. fight, cf. tear; 3. verbs that have forms without -xia with such a difference in meaning as may be considered to be due solely to the presence or absence of this ending. The first 2 cases do not allow us to determine the functions of formations with -xia, since the meaning of intransitivity that unites them all is usually common in many verbs without -xia. In the latter case, we can talk about the difference between pledges, which can be called returnable and non-refundable (see Pledges and Refundable pledge). The main meanings (functions) of V.F. for verbs that have both non-reflexive and V.F. are the following: 1. own returnable: the actor does to himself what, in the irrevocable form, he does to the person or object indicated by the VIN. pad. noun: wash, rejoice, etc.; 2. mutual: several characters do to each other what, in the non-reflexive form, the character does to other persons or objects designated as vinit. pad. noun: fight, meet, etc.; 3. passive: the object of the action of the verb in the non-reflexive form here (with V.F. with a passive meaning) becomes the subject of speech, although its real (ungrammatical) relationship to the action of the verb remains the same, i.e. is denoted by a noun in nominative, case, and the subject of the action is either not denoted, or is denoted as an instrument of action, creates, by the case of the noun: a house is being built by a carpenter; more often without creativity. pad., indicating the producer of the action: the floors in the house are washed weekly; at the same time, V.F. with a passive meaning is used mainly with names, pad. nouns that do not denote a person; 4. indirect return: the actor does something for himself, in his own interests; V.F. has such a meaning relatively rarely and, moreover, mainly from intransitive verbs: knock, i.e. knock for oneself in order to make oneself known, to make a promise, i.e. promise for yourself, etc.; 5. intransitive: action is considered independently of the object of action, sometimes as an ability, property: to scold, bite, etc.; 6. intensification or concentration of intransitive meaning(from verbs having a non-reflexive form with an intransitive meaning): blush, cf. blush, smoke - “blow smoke around oneself”, cf. smoke; 7. impersonal(from verbs that have an intransitive meaning in the non-reflexive form): the action is considered without relation not only to the object (which does not exist even in the non-reflexive form), but also to the subject of the action, as something that happens by itself: sleeping, breathing, believing, wanting, etc.; in this case, the person who is the subject of the action in the non-reflexive form of these verbs is designated by a noun in the date. pad.: he can’t sit well. See Pledges and titles. there is an article by Fortunatov.

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VERB TENSE The present tense of a verb is often used to convey a past or future action. In the first case, when an event from the past is spoken of as if it were happening at the present moment, the author's purpose is usually to give the narrative

Reflexive verbs

Verbs with postfix xia(s), which express the opposite action are called inverse: be proud, fall in love, date.

Suffix xia(s) can be used with most verbs in all forms except participles. It comes after the infinitive suffix - ti (t) or endings in personal forms of the verb. For example: wash - wash, wash, wash.

Modern verb suffix xia (s) - is an ancient short form of the reverse pronoun myself in the accusative case singular.

Using a suffix xia(s) verbs are formed:

Attention! It is written -s is written Xia

We swim in the sea - we swim in the lake; I shaved yesterday - shave twice.

Verb state category

The category of state expresses the relation of action to subject and object. Subject-object relations appear in the sentence. The verb is the main link in the implementation of grammatical relations between the subject and object of an action. Yes, in a sentence The team carries out the plan the subject of the action (or the bearer of dynamic characteristics) is the word brigade; action performed by the subject as an active agent, aimed at an object (plan), which in a sentence acts as a direct object.

The logical relations of subject and object in this sentence coincide with the grammatical ones; the verb expresses the meaning of an active action aimed at an independent object.

However, these logical relations can be conveyed in a different grammatical form, for example The plan is carried out by the team. In this sentence structure, the verb acts with the meaning of passive action. Verb performed, formed from a transitive verb fulfill using postfix -sya, has lost its transitive meaning. The logical subject is expressed in the dependent form of the noun - the instrumental of the subject, the logical object appears in the form of the nominative case.

Compare also: Everyone greets a friend and Friends are welcome. In the first case, the verb expresses an active action aimed at an independent object; in the second, the action is distributed between subjects and is also an object.

The meaning of the verb state is closely related to the semantics of the verb and turns out to be syntactic connections it with other words.

The category of state finds its expression in the methods of verbal control, closely associated with the category of transitivity/intransitivity. Thus, all transitive verbs can express the meaning of an active action, but intransitive verbs never express it. Transitive and intransitive verbs formed from transitive ones using a postfix -sya, express double subject-object relations, and enduring ones do not correlate with transitive verbs (for example, go, grow, bloom), express a one-sided, subjective attitude. Compare for example:

Subject-object relations Subject relations

The student completes the task. - Everyone around is sleeping.

The task is completed by the student. Vasilko goes to school.

Alenka dresses her sister. - Lena laughs.

Lena gets dressed (Alyonushka dresses herself).

The morphological and word-formative means of expressing individual meanings of a state is the postfix Xia. With the help of this word-forming affix the meaning of reverse and passive action is expressed.

Transitive and intransitive verbs correlate with postfixes Xia differ not only in the meaning of the state, but also in semantic shades, compare, for example fight ~ fight, love - love, fight - climb, carry-carry. Only when creating verbs with a passive meaning are the semantic nuances of comparable verbs almost invisible, for example the factory builds workshops, workshops are built by the factory; the choir performs the cantata, the cantata is performed by the choir.

In the modern Ukrainian literary language, the following states of verbs are distinguished: active (or active), passive and reverse neuter.

In addition, there is a group of intransitive verbs that do not express double, subject-object relations; these are verbs of zero object state.

Attention! In linguistic science, since the time of M.V. Lomonosov, a traditional system of verb states has been defined. M.V. Lomonosov in “Russian Grammar” named six states: real (or transitional), inverse, reciprocal, average, passive (or suffering) and general.

In the works of A. A. Shakhmatov, three states are named: real, passive and inverse, and within the inverse state they are considered different meanings its: actually inverse, indirectly reciprocal, mutually inverse, etc.

In academic grammar Ukrainian language only two states are considered: active and passive, it is emphasized that the category of state is inherent only in transitive verbs; it is based on two interrelated correlative grammatical meanings- active and passive. The active value is expressed morphological forms, passive - morphological and syntactic. In considering the verb state there is different approach scientists fall into this category: some take into account the semantic and grammatical shades of subject-object relations expressed in verbs; others identify the state with the category of transitivity/intransitivity; some scientists rely only on the grammatically manifested correlation of subject-object relations, leaving the subject relations with the zero object without attention.

1. Active state. Verbs of the active (or actual) state express the active action of the subject, aimed at an independent object. Only transitive verbs that control the form have this meaning accusative case without pretext.

For example: A mower in a meadow scythes his scythe loudly(M. Rylsky) The girls looked at the viburnum bush in the meadow(I. Nechuy-Levitsky).

The formal expression of a direct object by a dependent noun (or pronoun or other substantivized word) is a grammatical indicator active state verb. In the structure of a sentence with an active verb, grammatical subject-object relations correspond to logical subject-object relations.

2. Passive state. Verbs of the passive state are contrasted with verbs of the active state by the relationship of the subject to the object and by the direction of action. The logical subject of a passive verb has the form of the instrumental case without a preposition and acts as an indirect object, thereby expressing the relationship between a passive subject and a passive action. The object of action with a passive verb is expressed by the form of the nominative case (pronoun or substantivized word), which acts as the subject, for example: The song is performed by all concert participants.

Passive verbs arise from active verbs using a postfix -xia. The states of the verb, correlative in meaning, appear respectively in active or passive figures of speech, for example: The singer performs an aria. - The aria is performed by the singer.

The forms of inflection of verbs in the passive state are somewhat limited in use: with the instrumental subject, the verb is often placed in the 3rd person, less often in the 1st or 2nd person or in the past tense. The meaning of the passive state can also be expressed by the form of the passive participle, for example: Did you think I'm obsessed with you? - And, choking, you fall into the grass... I am affirmed, I am affirmed, I live(P. Tychina) I'm abandoned and I'm poor(I. Kotlyarevsky).

The absence of an instrumental subject in the verb neutralizes the meaning of the passivity of the action, and the verb acquires the meaning of a reflexive-medial state. For comparison: The film is watched by a commission And The film is being watched for the second time.

3. Back average condition. Verbs of the reflexive-medial state express the action of the subject, do not transform into an independent object, but are directed back to the actor himself or additionally characterize him through an unnamed object, for example: child puts on shoes(puts on his shoes) workshops compete(compete with each other) dog bites(may bite someone).

Reflexive verbs can have different shades of reflexive-medial state, differently characterize the relationship between the subject and object of the action

a) the actual reflexive verbs express an action, the subject and object of which is the same person. These include verbs: wash, dress, put on shoes, take off shoes, bathe, wash, powder, shave, dress up. For example: With obscene help, the boy did not hesitate to wash and tidy up(Panas Mirny)

b) reciprocal verbs express an action performed by several subjects, each of which simultaneously acts as the object of the action. These include verbs: meet, compete, greet, hug, kiss, correspond, communicate, consult. For example: It was then... in the village, in the evening, when I met Gabriel, I saw you. “And now you see where we met,” Zherdyaga recalled.(S. Sklyarenko)

c) indirect reflexive verbs express an action performed for the subject himself. Verbs with an indirect meaning may have an indirect object or circumstance, for example prepare for exams, get ready for a trip, get ready for a trip. These verbs differ from the actual inverse ones in that the logical direct object is not expressed with them. For comparison: The girl washes her face(the girl washes herself) and girl getting ready to go(the girl packs her things for the trip) The father took his cap: - Get ready, son, let's go(Panas Mirny) (means "pack your things")

d) reflexive verbs express action, concentrated in the very acting person, or express internal state subject. This includes verbs with the meaning of the relationship between the performer of the action and the object admire, worry, wonder, get angry, become angry, calm down, lament, shake, suffer and under. For example: There three willows bowed down as they lamented(L. Glebov)

d) active-objectless verbs express the property of the subject without its connection with the object. These include verbs with the meaning of dynamic characteristics of creatures: bite, fight, scratch, hit (the dog bites, the cow hits, the cat scratches, the horse hits) or inanimate objects: sting, prick (nettle sting, thistle prick) ",

e) passive qualitative verbs express a static attribute of an object, which includes the influential actions of another object. This includes verbs like tear, bend, fight, break, crumble, prick, g. laugh, drown(melt, turn into a liquid state), melt etc. Compare in phrases: iron bends, chintz crumples, wax melts, tin melts, ice breaks, bread crumbles, glass breaks."

f) reflexive passive verbs express an action attributed to a passive subject. Reflexive passive verbs control the form of the dative case (dative subject), which acts as an indirect application. The logical object of reflexive-passive verbs is expressed in the nominative case form and acts as the subject of the sentence. For example: And I remember my grandfather’s Ulyantsi fairy tale(A. Donchenko).

If the direct object is not expressed in the nominative case form, then the verb turns into an impersonal with a zero state value for the object, for example I shouldn't eat bread - I shouldn't eat.

Reflexive passive verbs arise from transitive verbs using a postfix -sya, in which, to a certain extent, the meaning of the reciprocal pronoun has been preserved, especially in the group of reflexive verbs themselves.

All intransitive verbs without a postfix have a zero state according to the object expression -sya (fly, ring, posters, become, run etc.), as well as impersonal verbs with a postfix Xia (can’t sleep, can’t sit, can’t lie down).

Intransitive verbs without postfix Xia mean an action closed in the subject itself, that is, they express only the subjective relationship (the relationship of the action to the subject), for example: Summer passed like a day, and out of the restless fog came the blue-eyed, golden-fanged September(M. Stelmakh).

Impersonal verbs with postfix Xia also express one-way relations of action to a logical subject in the form of the dative case (dative subject). Action expressed impersonal verb with postfixes xia, attributed to the subject as an internal state independent of him (I couldn’t sleep; the girl couldn’t sit in the house; he couldn’t lie down).

  • Shakhmatov A. Ya. Syntax of the Russian language. - L., 1041. - P. 476-481. Modern Ukrainian literary language: Morphology / Under general. ed. I. K. Bipolida. - M., 1969.