How to clean a microwave oven: secrets of using folk remedies and household chemicals. How to easily clean a microwave from grease inside and outside

Many housewives have no idea how to clean old fat inside the microwave. Complete cleaning of the “insides” of your snow-white pet will not take more than 15 minutes at home, if you know how to approach the procedure correctly.

The microwave oven has long been firmly established in kitchen space every housewife. This smart and compact appliance reheats ready-made meals, saving energy and precious time.

This is a real rival to the household kitchen stove: depending on the available functionality, it cooks, bakes, and grills food. At the same time, time costs are reduced several times. It's no wonder that using the microwave has become a daily ritual.

Safety precautions

  1. Before using liquid products, unplug the device from the socket.
  2. Do not use for cleaning enamel surfaces. metal brushes and abrasive products: this will damage the enamel.
  3. The use of water during cleaning should be minimal: there is a risk of flooding vital important details microwaves.
  4. Don't take it apart electrical appliance independently, even if there is a possibility that contaminants have penetrated inside. Use the services of specialized services, which is much more reliable and safer.
  5. Do not experiment with household chemicals unless they are intended for microwave cleaning. This may harm you and your home appliances.

Effective folk remedies

Cleaning the house is a labor-intensive process that requires a lot of time and money. Modern products make the process much easier chemical industry, but many prefer time-tested “grandmother’s” recipes. They work no less efficiently, but are cheaper and more environmentally friendly.

Lemon acid

Great way cleaning household appliances. It is possible to replace citric acid with fresh lemon or other citrus. Citric acid neutralizes unpleasant odors well, but you should not use it often: with regular use, the acid destroys the enamel.

For cleaning you will need:

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. citric acid(or 4 tbsp citrus juice).

After pre-mixing water and citric acid in a container, place it in the microwave. Depending on the degree of contamination, set the timer for 2-5 minutes. Then, for greater effectiveness, wait about 10 minutes more. After the procedure, fat and burnt marks can be easily removed with a soft sponge.

Video tips


A wonderful remedy that will help in the fight against even severe pollution. It is not recommended to use it constantly, otherwise housewives risk the beauty and integrity of the enamel coating. The disadvantages of this method include the smell: it is very pungent, open the windows in the room while cleaning.

For cleansing you will need:

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar.

Combine vinegar and water in a deep container. Place the solution in the microwave for 3-5 minutes (depending on the degree of contamination) and turn the mode on to maximum. At this time, evaporation works for the housewife and vinegar vapor softens old fat. After the timer signals the end of operation, leave the device closed for another two minutes. After this, dirt can be easily removed with a simple soft sponge. Then clean again with water, removing any remaining vinegar from the walls.


Baking soda, which costs pennies, replaces many expensive products. Soda condensate has proven itself to be an excellent grease cleaner, but heavy pollution Soda can't handle it. The product will gently clean the surface of small and medium stains without damaging the enamel.

To work you will need:

Dissolve baking soda in a bowl of water, then place in the microwave for 3-5 minutes and turn on maximum power. During this time, the soda forms condensation, which will soften the fat and burnt marks. After turning off the appliance, wait another 2 minutes, then remove the grease using a damp cloth. soft fabric.

If there is a stain that cannot be wiped off, baking soda will come to the rescue: pour a small pinch onto a rag and remove the stain. Remember, baking soda is abrasive and can leave small scratches on a high-gloss stainless surface.

Purchased products and chemicals

Products from the chemical industry are firmly established on the shelves of every home: in a matter of minutes they clean any surfaces from contamination, restoring objects to their former shine and pristine whiteness.

There are also special chemicals for cleaning microwaves, but if you don’t have any at hand, others will do, which will always be found in housewives’ arsenal. It is important to take into account their consistency and structure - abrasive substances will not benefit the enamel. Detailed description possible options Let's look at it in the table.

MeansDosageMode of application
Dishwashing liquid0.5 tsp.Apply a drop of product to a soft damp sponge, lather and place in the microwave for 30 seconds. Using the same sponge, wash softened dirt and remove any remaining product. clean water.

  • 4 tbsp. l. windshield wiper;

  • 2 tbsp. l. water.

Prepare a solution from the ingredients. Apply to a soft sponge and use it to remove dirt inside and outside microwave oven.
Grease remover sprays1 tbsp. l.Most often, such products are sold with a spray on the package. A few clicks are enough to completely clean the inner surface of the product. Be sure to rinse off the cleaner with plain water.
Fat removal gels1 tsp.The grease removing gel will perfectly cope with the most difficult stains. Using a soft sponge, apply the product evenly to the surface. If the dirt is strong, leave the gel on for 1-2 minutes. Thoroughly rinse off any remaining product with water.
Laundry soap1 tbsp. l. soap shavingsDissolve the soap in a bowl with warm water, place in the oven for 2-3 minutes at maximum power. After time has passed, thoroughly wipe the walls of the device with the same solution until all contaminants are removed. Clean any soap residue from your microwave with clean water.
  • It is easier to prevent contamination than to eliminate it: use special covers when working with a microwave. You can replace them plastic bags or baking paper.
  • Set aside 1 day a month to clean the inside of your microwave. This will help avoid large accumulation of fat on the walls, and will make the process of cooking and heating food more hygienic.
  • Do not rush to close the microwave door after use; let it stand open for two or three minutes: during this time, food odors will disappear and the resulting steam will dry out.
  • Ideally, remove stains after each cooking if any grease gets on the sides.

Regularly keeping your microwave clean will reduce time and effort during general cleaning and prolong the joy of using this useful household assistant. And the cleanliness of the inner surface is the key to health!

All the most effective and quick ways Cleaning the inside of a microwave oven is based on one principle - creating a steam bath and a trap for evaporation of cleaning products. The trap effect will be created by the stove itself, but our task is to make an effective cleaning solution from products that, fortunately, you probably already have in your kitchen cabinet.

A quick way to clean a microwave

In most cases, the vinegar “bath” method helps to clean the microwave from old greasy deposits and stubborn stains:

  1. Mix 1.5-2 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar (9%) in a bowl and put it in the microwave.
  2. Start the microwave oven at maximum power for 10 minutes, then leave it to “steam” for another 5-10 minutes.
  3. Wipe the oven with a damp cloth to remove dirt and vinegar odors.

Yes, the smell of vinegar will be felt during cleaning, but it will quickly disappear both from the room and from the microwave chamber. And, of course, during the “bath” it is advisable to open the window.

If the dirt has become wet after the “bath”, but still remains, you can turn on the oven for another 10 minutes or wipe its chamber with a sponge soaked in the same vinegar solution and sprinkled with soda.

Old greasy deposits after a vinegar “steam room” can be washed off with olive oil.

Now let’s talk about other ways in which you can replace or supplement the cleaning method described above.

Method 2. Cleaning the microwave with citric acid or lemon juice (for medium and heavy soiling)

This method allows you not only to quickly clean the inside of the microwave oven from grease and carbon deposits, but also to eliminate unpleasant odors. However, if the chamber of your microwave oven is covered with enamel, then you should not regularly use citric acid to wash it.

What you will need: water (400-500 ml), a container for water and 1 tablespoon of citric acid or 4 tablespoons of lemon juice from 2 medium lemons and the remains from them.


  1. Fill the bowl with water, pour citric acid into it or squeeze out the juice from lemons cut in half, and then put the halves of the fruit in there as shown in the photo below.

  1. Next, place the container in the chamber and turn on the microwave at maximum power for 2-5 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination.
  2. When the microwave turns off, you should wait another 5-15 minutes.
  3. We take out the dishes, wipe the inside of the oven with a sponge or rag, in difficult places, wetting the sponge in the same solution.

Method 3. Cleaning the microwave with soda (for medium dirt)

If you don’t have citric acid on hand and you don’t grow lemon Tree at home, and generally prefer to use citrus fruits for their intended purpose, then baking soda will help you, as it will settle on the walls of the chamber in the form of condensation and dissolve dried splashes and dirt.

What you will need: water (400-500 ml), water container and 1 tablespoon of soda.

Recipe: our task is to make a solution that will settle on the walls of the chamber in the form of condensation and dissolve dried splashes and dirt. To do this, fill the dish with water, pour soda into it, put it in the chamber to heat at maximum power for 2-5 minutes, and then leave the oven alone for another 5 minutes. Then all that remains is to wipe the camera clean, in difficult places, wetting a sponge or rag in the same soda solution.

Method 4. Cleaning with vinegar (for severe stains)

Vinegar will help clean even the most neglected microwave oven effectively and quickly, but you will have to endure the smell during the cleaning process. And one more thing - if the chamber of your microwave oven is covered with enamel, then we do not recommend using this method too often.

What you will need: water (400-500 ml), a container for water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar (9%) or 1 teaspoon of 70% essence.

Recipe: First of all, open the window slightly so that the smell of acid can disappear. Next, pour water into a plate, pour the bite into it, put the solution in the chamber and turn on the microwave for 2-5 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination. Now we give the vinegar evaporation a little more time to dissolve the dirt on the walls of the chamber and begin to wash the inside of the microwave oven with a sponge or soft brush. When you're done, rinse your equipment clean of the product itself.

Method 5. Cleaning the microwave using a sponge and Fairy (for light and medium dirt)

You probably thought that we would be talking about ordinary mechanical cleaning? Not at all, although you can’t do without it, but now we offer a slightly different method that is suitable for washing a slightly dirty microwave.

What you will need: any sponge (except metal, of course), water for soaking it, as well as any dishwashing liquid like Fairy, Dosi, etc.

Recipe: squeeze out a detergent the size of a 1-ruble coin onto a sponge generously soaked in water, then foam it well, squeezing and unclenching the sponge. Next, put it in the chamber and start the microwave at minimum power for 30 seconds, making sure that the sponge does not start to melt. Now open the door and wash off the grease and splashes softened by the steam of the product with the same sponge. IN next video you can clearly see the process and result of cleaning using the described method.

Method 6. Cleaning the microwave with a glass cleaner (without a “bath”)

Here is another good and safe cleaning method for equipment using household chemicals, though without creating the “bath” effect.

What you will need: sponge, water, and any glass washing liquid.

Recipe: First, unplug your oven. Next, mix a cleaning solution of glass cleaner and water in a 2:1 ratio. The solution should be enough to clean the oven both outside and inside. Next, soak the sponge generously in the cleaning solution and wipe inner part microwave, including ring and plate. Dried stains should be soaked in glass cleaner for 5 minutes. Next, thoroughly wipe the entire chamber with a clean cloth soaked in water so that there is no dirt, windshield wiper residue, or its smell left on the walls.

  • The recommended procedure for cleaning the inside of the chamber is as follows: first, remove the ring and glass plate from the oven, then wipe the top wall and grill, then the sides, then the bottom, and finally the door as shown in the photo below. During cleaning, you can place a plate under the stove to collect all the dirt.

  • You need to clean your microwave at least once or twice a month. During this time, grease stains will not have time to grow old.
  • In order not to neglect your assistant and to wash it less often, use a special plastic cap that protects the microwave oven chamber from splashes of heated food. The cap can be replaced by transparent glassware or cling film.

  • With citric acid and vinegar, it is important not to overdo it in the process of heating the solution or soaking, especially if interior decoration enameled chambers.
  • Old grease stains that cannot be removed even after a “bath” can be removed with a cloth soaked in olive oil.
  • Be careful when cleaning your microwave. Do not use metal sponges or sponges that crumble excessively. After all, foreign particles getting behind the grill can cause a fire in the device. We also advise you to refrain from experimenting with household chemicals and use only specialized products or those described in our article (glass cleaner, dishwashing liquid and “household” products). The use of hazardous chemicals may also cause the device to catch fire.
  • Do not use abrasive cleaners to clean your microwave oven to avoid damaging the cabinet.
  • And, of course, let us remind you that if food “exploded” during cooking or heating, leaving splashes of fat and pieces of food on the inner walls of the oven, then it is better to remove them immediately.

It is hard to imagine modern kitchen without a microwave oven: in it you can not only quickly heat up lunch and defrost food, but also cook delicious food without much hassle. But the need to wash this miracle helper puts many housewives under stress, because getting rid of dried-on grease stains is not so easy. How to clean a microwave at home in 5 minutes? Here are the best recipes.

To clean the microwave you need a soft cloth

Types of interior coatings for microwave ovens

If everything is clear with the outer coating of the microwave oven - it can be washed with any cleaning agents and even abrasives, then the inside requires a more delicate approach. The surface reflecting microwave rays can be of three types:

  • Enameled. The smooth, non-porous coating does not absorb grease, making it easier to clean. Nevertheless, enamel is afraid of mechanical stress - scratches on the surface quickly turn into rusty areas. The main rule when cleaning enamel coating is not to use abrasives and wipe the walls dry.
  • Stainless. The surface perfectly withstands constant temperature changes, but has a high “attractiveness” to fat and soot. Streaks and stains literally stick to the walls and are very difficult to remove. Large particles of cleaning powders leave scratches, and acids cause darkening of the surface.
  • Ceramics. Combines enamel smoothness and strength of stainless steel. How to clean a microwave with ceramic coating? Oily stains removed with a damp sponge or soft cloth.

Water and lemon juice– effective home remedies for cleaning microwave ovens

How to clean a microwave using household chemicals

In any household chemical store there are several options for detergents for microwave ovens. Most often they are produced in the form of aerosols, sprays or liquids. How to clean a microwave from grease and deposits at home using professional means? Follow simple instructions:

  • Laundry soap is the most inexpensive way get rid of stains. Whip up a thick foam with a sponge, apply it evenly to the walls, wait about half an hour and carefully remove the composition. The advantage of the recipe is the low cost of soap and a fairly good result. The downside is the specific smell.
  • Dishwashing detergent can be just as effective. The liquid must be diluted in warm water and the walls washed with a sponge. Be sure to thoroughly remove any remaining foam and wipe the surface dry with a towel. Otherwise, the heated food will have a distinct “chemical” taste.
  • Specialized creams and sprays are present in the lines of many manufacturers. They allow you to clean the microwave in 5 minutes - just apply the product to the dirty walls and wipe it off along with the deposits after a while. Household chemicals have a significant drawback - they are quite difficult to wash off, so a small amount may end up in food. This method is contraindicated if there are people with allergies or small children in the house who need to heat their food in the microwave.

You need to wash the inside surface of the miracle stove regularly. Even if you use a special plastic lid, steam from heated products escapes through special holes and settles on the walls.

Important! Carrying out " bath procedures", make sure that excess moisture does not flow under the grates. Water that gets on electrical parts can damage your kitchen assistant.

Wipe down the walls of the microwave after each meal preparation.

Home remedies for microwave

You can clean your microwave from grease and deposits at home using household products, which are in the arsenal of any housewife.


The simplest and, most importantly, free cleaning method. To get rid of stuck-on pieces of food and oil, place a bowl of warm water in the oven, turn it on at maximum power, wait 10-15 minutes and wipe off any remaining dirt with a soft sponge. How larger diameter containers, the better - the liquid will evaporate more actively, improving the effect. A glass or cup will not work, perfect option– a wide plate of medium depth. To enhance the effect, you can add a little dishwashing detergent to the water.

Important nuance! This method is only suitable for fresh stains. With many months of “savings” there will be no result.


You can clean the microwave with lemon or other citrus fruits:

  • Peel the orange, place the peels in a plate of water and place it in the microwave oven. Turn on maximum power for 5 minutes. When heated, the zest releases essential oils, which, in combination with water steam, soften dried-on food and oxidized fat particles.
  • Slices of fresh lemon enhance the effect and also relieve unpleasant odor. Follow the previous instructions, but turn on the microwave for 20 minutes.

Important! Monitor the water level in the plate - it should not completely evaporate.


How to clean a microwave using vinegar:

  • Dissolve in a glass warm water two tablespoons of apple or wine vinegar (you can also use citric acid).
  • Pour the solution into a wide plate, place it in the oven and set the timer for 10-15 minutes.
  • Turn on the microwave at maximum power.
  • After the end of the time, do not open the door for another 20-25 minutes to allow the steam to take effect.
  • Remove any remaining dirt with a sponge and wipe the walls dry.

When heated, a mixture of acetic or citric acid with water creates steam, which dissolves fatty deposits and softens dried-on food. In addition, pronounced aromas overpower the smells of fish, Chinese dishes and fast food.

Important! When cleaning the microwave using this method, be sure to open a window or vent.


The interior of microwave ovens should not be cleaned with abrasive materials. However, baking soda will help clean the inside of equipment in another way:

  • Fill a wide bowl about two-thirds full with warm water.
  • Stir 3 tablespoons of baking soda into it.
  • Set the timer for 15 minutes and turn on the microwave.
  • Wipe off any dissolved dirt.

Important! After the timer goes off, perform a control check. If there are traces of fat on the walls, repeat the procedure. The non-contact method is suitable for any type of coating.

Important nuances

When wondering how to quickly clean the inside of a microwave, do not forget about “preventative” measures. Observe simple rules:

  • Do not use stiff bristled brushes or steel wool.
  • When washing the surface, try not to touch ventilation grilles and places of contact with power supplies.
  • Be sure to unplug the device while cleaning.
  • Wipe down the walls thoroughly after each cooking.
  • Use special lids to reheat food.
  • If an “explosion” occurs during cooking and food particles end up on the inner surface of the microwave oven, remove them immediately.

Important! Do not neglect the care of your microwave. Thick layer fat may cause a short circuit.

Ordinary Activated carbon removes unpleasant odors from the microwave

How to get rid of unpleasant odor

The aroma of some foods (garlic, fish, fermented milk foods) is literally absorbed into the surface and transferred to other dishes. Getting rid of an annoying smell is difficult, but not impossible. In addition to soda and lemon, already indicated in previous recipes, you can use following methods:

  • Natural or instant coffee. Wipe the inner walls with the solution, leave for two hours and rinse with clean water. It is not recommended to boil coffee in the stove - stains from the drink are difficult to remove.
  • Salt is an excellent absorber of foreign odors. The recipe is simply simple - pour 100 grams of salt into any container and leave in a closed microwave for several hours.
  • Activated carbon. The absorbent acts on the same principle as salt. You need to crush 7-10 tablets and leave them in the microwave oven overnight.

Important! To prevent the smell from being absorbed into the walls, do not close the door immediately after use. Allow the device to air for a couple of minutes.

Video life hack: how to quickly clean a microwave

Now you know exactly how to clean a microwave in 5 minutes at home, get rid of unpleasant odors and thereby improve the taste of cooked dishes. Follow these simple rules, and your microwave assistant will serve faithfully.

Keeping household appliances clean takes a lot of time for many housewives. Especially if the house has a lot of different household appliances, from coffee grinders and juicers, to electric and microwave ovens.

Fortunately, caring for modern appliances mainly consists only of their timely washing and cleaning, which, in turn, extends the life of household appliances.

Today we will wash the inside of the microwave, specifically the inside, since the inside of the microwave oven is usually the most contaminated. We'll wash the outside too.

As always, let's start with the products that can be used to clean microwave ovens.

How to clean a microwave oven

Personally, I use regular household cleaning products to clean my microwave, which are sold at any hardware store, or in the hardware section of most grocery stores.

I try to buy products that are not the most expensive, since the effect from them is approximately the same. I prefer to take products in the form of sprays. They are more convenient and are evenly sprayed over the surface being treated.

In principle, any household appliance cleaner with an anti-grease effect will do. If your microwave oven is made of stainless steel, you must purchase special means for washing stainless steel household appliances, for example the same way we washed a stainless steel gas stove, or make sure that the cleaning product available in the house is suitable for washing such household appliances.

Under no circumstances should you wash the inside of a microwave oven, especially a microwave oven made of stainless steel, with abrasive cleaning products. That is, such household appliances cannot be washed with undiluted powder like “Pemo Lux” or undiluted, semi-dry soda.

Microparticles of powder can easily damage the surface of the oven, leaving small scratches on it. And this will not only spoil appearance household appliances, but can also affect its performance.

For example, you know that you cannot put metal utensils or ceramic utensils with reflective elements on them in a microwave oven. When the microwave is turned on with such dishes, the oven begins to spark and may simply catch fire.

For the same reason, when washing, you should not rub the inner walls of the oven with a hard or metal brush. No matter how much you would like to wash away the grease that has ingrained itself into the walls, you simply cannot scrub it off this way - you will ruin your household appliances.

If you plan to use powder detergents for washing, pour the product onto a sponge or cloth, add a little water and knead with your finger to form a semi-liquid paste. And only after that, carefully wipe the walls of your microwave oven with the resulting composition.

We wash the inside of the microwave from grease and other dirt.

1) Take a critical look at the inside of the microwave oven

We evaluate what condition it is in. Try rubbing the walls of the oven with a damp cloth or finger: if the remaining grease is easily wiped off, then there should be no difficulties with washing.

If the dirt and grease have already completely dried in, then before you start washing, place a glass cup or bowl of water in the microwave oven, into which you first need to add a little household appliance cleaner. Turn on the oven for a couple of minutes, without covering the bowl, so that the water and product gradually evaporate.

This will help slightly soften the grease that has dried on the walls of your household appliances and make them easier to clean.

2) Disconnect the microwave oven from electricity

This must be done for your safety - it will protect you from possible electric shock when washing household appliances with a damp cloth.

3) Remove the stand and roller spinning base from the oven.

We treat the stand with dishwashing detergent - let it sit for a while until it gets wet. Next, we wash the stand like a regular food plate.

4) We treat the walls, ceiling and base of our electrical appliance with detergent

When processing, try not to get into ventilation holes, - it will be almost impossible to rinse the product in them, but the smell will remain after such a wash. And an excess of such a product the next time it is turned on can lead to a short circuit.

H3>5) Leave the applied detergent on for a while

The duration depends on the condition of the stove - the dirtier the stove, the longer you need to wait. Do not let the product dry on the walls of the microwave - it will be difficult to wash it off.

6) Wipe all internal surfaces of the oven with a damp cloth

As I already wrote above, abrasives, as well as brushes with hard or metal bristles, cannot be used to wash the stove - you will simply ruin it without achieving the desired result.

7) Repeat if necessary

If you have not achieved the desired result, and there are still specks of grease on the inside walls and ceiling of the microwave oven, you will need to re-treat the inside of your oven with detergent. Leave it for a while, then rinse thoroughly, removing any remaining product.

8) Rinse thoroughly again

When washing off detergents, the rag used for this should be thoroughly rinsed in water. Don’t forget, if you don’t wash off the remaining household chemicals, they can get into the food you are heating or cooking in a microwave oven, and ultimately into your stomach, which can cause serious poisoning or allergies.

9) Rinse outside

After washing the inside of the oven, you must also wash the outside.

We wash the outer part of the oven and controls

1) We treat the outer surface, as well as the end and side parts of the open door of the electrical appliance, with a cleaning agent. Leave it for a while.

2) Thoroughly wash the treated surfaces, remembering to rinse the cloth several times.

3) We wipe the stove controls, especially if they are made in the form of levers.

Finish washing and turn on the oven

    After washing the inside and outer surface of the stove, wipe the stove dry again with a clean, semi-dry cloth.

    We put the delivery and the roller base in place.

    We make sure that the oven is wiped dry and plug it into the electrical network.

    We check the functionality: put a bowl of water inside the oven, close it with a lid so that there is no excess evaporation, and turn it on.

That's all. The microwave is washed and ready to use again.

A few tips to keep your microwave clean longer

1) When heating or cooking any food, especially fatty or liquid food, always use a lid. The presence of a lid prevents food from splashing, leaving unsightly marks on the inner surface of the oven.

2) If food or its remains still get on the walls of the oven, immediately after heating, use a dry soft cloth or paper towel, wipe the inside surface of the oven without waiting for the oven to cool completely and for food residues or grease to dry on its walls. When wiping the stove, be careful - you can easily get burned.

3) After cooking or heating food, especially for food with a strong aroma, hold the oven door open a little - this will ensure the oven is ventilated, dries quickly, and, as a result, reduces the accumulation of microbes in it.

Today, microwave ovens are found in almost every home. On the one hand, they save us a lot of time and effort, and on the other, they require careful self-care. And, if you don’t have time to clean the inner surface in a timely manner after each contamination, then sooner or later you will be faced with the question of how to wash the microwave from the accumulated layer of fat?

We have already written, but for the microwave we need other methods.

The inner surface of the microwave oven is coated with a special compound that reflects waves, which is very easy to damage. Therefore, microwave ovens should not be cleaned with abrasives or hard sponges and brushes. You can’t just wash off frozen fat with water and a liquid detergent. In this article we will give some tips on how to clean your microwave oven quickly and easily.

Due to the emergence huge amount household chemicals, the modern generation has completely forgotten about laundry soap. But it is not only capable of cleaning the most severe stains, but also perfectly disinfects the surface being treated. Lather generously laundry soap sponge, rub the inside walls of the microwave, leave for 10-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. If the layer of fat is very thick and old, then this method may no longer help, then try the following.

Pour a glass of water into a bowl, stir in a small amount of citric acid or vinegar. Place the bowl in the oven and turn it on full power for 5-7 minutes. Make sure that the water does not evaporate completely. After turning off the microwave, wait another 10 minutes without opening the door. Dirt and grease, under the influence of acid, will become wet and can be easily removed with just a damp sponge. Be careful not to allow water to get into the grates when wiping the walls.

You can pour 1-1.5 glasses of water into a deep bowl, add 3-4 tablespoons of soda and microwave at maximum power for 10 minutes. The water should boil, but not completely evaporate. Again, leave it for 5-10 minutes after switching off and wipe off the dirt with a damp sponge. Then wipe the walls dry.

Fruits from the citrus family are great for cleaning the microwave.

Pour water into a deep bowl, put half a lemon, put in the microwave for 5-7 minutes, leave after turning off for another 5 minutes and wash the walls with warm water using a soft sponge.

Pour water into a bowl, put a few pieces of orange peel in it, and microwave at maximum power for 7-10 minutes. Then wait 5-10 minutes and wash off the dirt from the walls with a damp sponge. Essential oils from the orange peel, when heated and combined with water, the accumulated fat is dissolved, and it is easily cleaned. You can also clean a regular oven using the same method.

In all methods, make sure that the water does not completely evaporate.

And so that you no longer have to worry about the question of how to clean a microwave oven in the future, always cover your dishes with special plastic lids when using them, which will protect the walls from grease and dirt.