How to choose a pumping station for water supply. Pumping station in a private house

Automation of country water supply will allow you to completely forget about the lack of benefits of civilization outside the city. To implement this idea, you need an inexpensive, productive pumping station that can easily do all the hard and, admittedly, thankless work for the owners. You don’t want to always carry water in buckets, do you?

We will tell you which pumping station for your dacha will be the best purchase. Let us list what criteria the buyer should be guided by. Here you will find a description of the design features and specifics of connecting the equipment.

An excellent addition to the information is the rating of water supply stations, compiled based on the personal experience of summer residents in choosing equipment. With the help of the information we provide, supported by photos and videos, you can easily solve the problem of purchasing a unit and arranging the system.

Indeed, is a pumping station really necessary at the dacha? Isn't it easier to buy a regular one, which does not require special maintenance and is cheaper?

This option is the most common, in particular in summer cottages where owners live only in the summer, but it is far from the most effective.

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The problem of access to water is still relevant for summer residents and owners of country houses. Solving it using one column for the entire street is a thing of the past. There is a more modern method that saves time and effort on household chores - a pumping station.


The water supply pumping station serves private houses within the city and beyond. It doesn't function on its own. This is an integral part of the autonomous system, which is needed to supply water from the source to utilities. The main task of the station is to maintain a stable pressure level. When it is stable, water is absorbed and transported evenly. Often, summer residents and home owners try to save on operating the station by replacing it with a garden pump with hoses and an automation unit. But the simplified version does not control blood pressure. Therefore, it is not able to prevent water hammer.

Water hammer is a sudden surge of water in pipes. It is caused by a change in the speed at which the water flows inside the pipes. The reasons for the surge may be different, but the consequence is one - a decrease in the service life of pipes and shut-off valves. All this can lead to an emergency and ultimately only increases the cost of water production. Also, the system of a pump and control unit does not allow pumping water, regulating the pressure and temperature.

A full-fledged station has one more function. The water tank in the design serves as a reserve water reservoir. If the electricity goes out or the water in the source disappears for some reason, the water supply in the reservoir allows you to use the system as before for some time. It is important to consider the capabilities of this reserve when we select a pumping station.

Even the most progressive model will not last long without resources. The problem needs to be found and fixed as quickly as possible.

There are different types of pumping stations based on design principle, power and other characteristics. All types share several features:

  • the station can be connected to any source of water supply: well, borehole, central water supply, natural reservoir;
  • the design of the pumping station allows you to regulate the water pressure in the tap or watering hose;
  • from one source, water can flow into different channels (to the bathroom, to the kitchen, to the watering system for garden beds) without losing pressure;
  • the design of the system is carefully thought out, so any of its elements can be repaired or replaced;
  • quick assembly and dismantling if necessary;
  • the station consumes electricity to operate, which means it requires funds to maintain it;
  • the station is noisy during operation - the noise level is comparable to an old-style refrigerator;
  • in practice, the operation of the station is not as productive as in the accompanying documents, since manufacturers always indicate maximum power and performance parameters.


From time to time there are interruptions in the operation of the pumping station. This does not mean that an unscrupulous manufacturer is selling faulty equipment. The reasons, as a rule, are that water from natural reservoirs is actively filtered. Garbage of various sizes clogs the filter and gets clogged into the functional elements of the device. Here are just some common problems: the pump operates jerkily, does not supply water, does not turn on or off, hums, but does not work. To quickly eliminate the cause, it is important to understand what elements the system consists of and what its operating principle is.

Station structure:

  • Pump- the heart of the system. It is formed by an electric motor and a pump part. An electrical cord with a plug extends from the motor and is connected to the power cord or directly to a socket.
  • Hydraulic accumulator. The minimum volume is 18 liters, the maximum exceeds 100 liters. For a dacha, the minimum is enough. For a residential building, the bigger the better. Since it acts as a reserve, a large volume will allow you to use water longer until the problem is corrected. Inside the battery there is a so-called rubber “bulb”. It has the ability to contract and expand under water pressure, therefore preventing water hammer. Pears are made from several types of rubber: butyl, ethylene propylene, butadiene rubber. All of them are suitable for use with drinking water and can withstand high temperatures. But not the entire volume of the accumulator is filled with water. This tank is divided into two parts: for water and air. It is due to this combination that the pumping station is able to operate for some time after a power outage or interruption in the water supply.

  • Connecting hose. This is the link between the first and second element.
  • Automation kit or control unit. Regulates and maintains stable pressure in the system. At low pressure it starts the system, at high pressure it turns it off. The kit includes a five-piece, a monometer, a pressure switch. Required items that must be purchased separately: check valve and filter. The purpose of the check valve is to keep water in the tank so that the motor does not run idle. A filter is necessary to purify water from debris and impurities. The filter is removable and easy to clean. This prevents many problems from occurring.

For the system to start working, a pumping station is not enough. It needs to interact with all elements. These include:

  • water source;
  • suction pipeline (filter and valve are located at the end of the pipeline, directly in the water);
  • discharge pipeline;
  • nipple;
  • crosspiece;
  • transition nipple;
  • flexible liner or hose;
  • pipeline to water consumers (washing machine, dishwasher, shower, taps, toilet, boiler).

Principle of operation

After connecting the system to the power source and starting it for the first time (this procedure requires one-time preparation with independent pouring of water into the tank), the control unit begins to control the operation. Water is pumped out from the source through the suction pipeline and enters the hydraulic accumulator until it is completely filled. From the reservoir, water under pressure is supplied through pipes to water consumers. When cold water is turned on, it flows directly into the tap. When you turn on the hot water, the liquid from the reservoir enters the boiler, is heated there to the desired temperature, and only then enters the mixer and tap.

When a faucet is opened in the house, the pressure in the tank begins to drop. While the water supply in the accumulator tank is consumed and the voltage drops to a critical point, the system does not pump out a new “batch”. After reaching the minimum threshold, water intake resumes and the pressure begins to rise to the maximum. This saves costs on maintaining the station and does not affect the water pressure in any way.

Almost all elements of the system can be repaired yourself if you determine the nature of the damage and know where this or that part is located. A detailed diagram is given in the technical data sheet of the product.


There are different types of autonomous water supply stations. The classification is based on several criteria: scale of use, nature of station management, level of water rise, method of water suction, type of tank, source of water supply.

Based on the scale of use, industrial and domestic stations are distinguished.


The stations are used in high-rise apartment buildings, public utilities, and industrial premises. Their purpose is to provide water to facilities that require an uninterrupted supply of water with good pressure. This happens due to high blood pressure. The design of industrial water supply stations is not fundamentally different from domestic ones. But the sizes and types of stations are different.

The sources of water intake also differ. This could be a large natural reservoir, a central water supply network, or artesian wells. Water of different quality comes from different sources. Some of them require additional cleaning.

Depending on the path the water takes from the source to the consumers, there are several levels of rise.

  • First level pumping stations are rare. The water they pump from the source must be very clean. It goes directly into water tanks or water towers. The pump operation is uniform, without interruptions.
  • The second level of lift means that pumping stations pump water not from the reservoir itself, but from a reservoir where the water has been purified. From the second level, water can reach consumers, so the station operates intermittently as water is used in homes.
  • Stations of the third level of rise and beyond are included in a complex system, where several stages of purification and distribution of water resources are provided between the water source and the consumer.

Industrial pumping stations can be located vertically or horizontally, and have a positive or negative water intake height. Household ones are usually limited in this regard. They pump water from the bottom up and are installed strictly horizontally.

Pumping stations serving large facilities operate according to three schemes:

  • Straight– water is taken from the reservoir, filtered and supplied to consumers. After processing, it is cleaned again and discharged into the reservoir. Typical for public services.
  • Sequential– after the first use, the water undergoes simple filtration and goes to a new facility, where high quality requirements are not imposed. Used in production.
  • Negotiable– closed cycle of water resources use. The beginning and end of the cycle involve multiple filtering.

Station control can be manual, automatic, semi-automatic or remote. The main difference between industrial stations and household ones is not only and not so much in size, but in the power of the pumps. Due to the fact that high-power vacuum pumps are used, the system copes with large volumes of liquid without loss of performance.

Industrial systems have their own characteristics regarding location. They are above ground, semi-buried and underground. Industrial pumping stations include:

  • hydraulic;
  • pumping station;
  • booster (pressure increasing station);
  • circulation;

  • pumping;
  • fire department;
  • modular;
  • pumping and filtering.


These stations are necessary to service homes in the private sector. In a cottage or country house, the main purpose of the pumping station is to supply water to communications, bathrooms, and household appliances for washing and washing. At the dacha, the station is often used to supply water to greenhouses and water the garden. There is another type of pumping station - sewage. SPS is a system of hydraulic equipment for draining wastewater.

The purpose of the pumping station is to collect waste liquid and transport it to local treatment facilities. Used when processed water masses do not go away on their own. They are also used on an industrial scale. The water pumping station is designed “mirror” in relation to the water supply station. The pumped water does not return to the pipeline due to the fact that it also has a check valve. The waste water passes through a filter to remove large debris. The filter is called a basket. To clean it, you need to go down into the sewer hatch.

There may be more than one pump in a sewer pumping system if the capacity of one is too small to cope with the volume of wastewater. They are controlled either manually or automatically. The use of a domestic water supply station (sometimes in combination with a water pumping station) is necessary if there is no centralized water supply. You can’t live without it in your home, but it’s important to consider that the system has not only pros, but also cons.

Pros of a private station:

  • Significantly simplifies life outside the city and in the private sector. If you have your own pumping station, you can supply water anywhere: to the kitchen, to the washing machine and dishwasher, to the shower room, to the greenhouse, to the garden, to the bathhouse, even to the pool.
  • Provides good and stable water pressure. It can be smoothly adjusted to the desired level.
  • The ability to choose from a wide range of equipment (by size and function) a system that will be optimal for working in specific conditions.
  • Economical energy consumption. Smart automation controls the water pumping process so that the motor never runs idle.
  • The larger the tank, the longer the system operates in emergency mode without connecting to electricity.
  • Uninterrupted supply of water to all consumer objects in the house. This is also provided by automation. All that remains is to check the sensor readings from time to time.
  • Most often the source is located deep underground. This is not the result of recycling, but pure drinking water without impurities.


  • In a private home, water is needed all year round. The station can be operated in cold weather only if it is installed in a warm place. This imposes restrictions on the choice of model and its location.
  • A source of water is not always immediately available. Often you have to drill a well, and this process is fraught with some difficulties. Firstly, the services of drillers are not cheap. Secondly, you need to accurately determine the place where water will always be available. Thirdly, wells crumble over time. Because of this, the water supply may deteriorate and the filter may become clogged.
  • Any type of pumping station is noisy. The quieter the unit operates, the more complex it is and the more expensive it is.
  • Filters need to be regularly cleaned of debris and sometimes replaced. If this is not done, debris will get into the valve or reservoir and the system will fail.
  • In the totality of all actions (drilling a well, purchasing, installing and maintaining a pumping station), this is an expensive pleasure. Over time, the system will pay for itself, but you will have to invest a lot in it.

Household stations come in two types: self-priming and automatic. A self-priming station is a type of automatic one. Its design is simple and designed to lift water from shallow wells. An automatic station is more practical and safe. Having small dimensions, it can serve an entire house with several liquid consumers.

Energy consumption is economical - the process of pumping water and pressure in the system is controlled electronically.

Automatic stations according to the method of sucking liquid are divided into:

  • Vortex. Simple and unpretentious devices that are capable of pumping water from a depth of up to 7 meters. They have low productivity, but stable good pressure. The price for vortex stations is the lowest.
  • Centrifugal. An order of magnitude more powerful than vortex ones due to the fact that the centrifugal wheel creates the required pressure. They are capable of pumping water from wells twice as deep – about 15 meters. In addition, the centrifugal station can withstand temperature changes in the suction water. It is safe for use in the cold season. In terms of cost, this unit is no longer considered budget.
  • Multi-stage. The optimal solution for shallow water sources. They suck up liquid from a depth of up to 7.5 meters, while providing stable pressure and high performance. The advantage of multi-stage stations is their silent operation.
  • With remote ejector. It is characterized by complex installation and “capriciousness” in operation. The device may fail due to clogged filters or air entering the system. But a station of this type copes with the extraction of water in difficult areas where groundwater is located at a depth below 15 meters. The maximum depth at which it operates is 45-50 meters.
  • With built-in ejector. The operating depth of such stations is up to 9 meters. They are not afraid of blockages and air that may accidentally enter the system. Used for different water supply sources.

The disadvantage of this type of station is the noisy motor. It is not recommended to install the station in a residential area or close to it. The way the station is located relative to the water supply source also differs. Non-submersible stations mean that the ejector remains on the surface and the hose is lowered into the water. Such a device is easier to operate, easier to repair and control. Suitable for shallow water sources - up to 10 meters.

Immersion stations are more complicated. They have a waterproof body that can be completely submerged in water. They are easy to install and more economical. An important condition: the depth of the well must be 10 meters or more.

How to choose?

The criteria for choosing a pumping station for a private residential building and a summer cottage are not the same. In a residential building there are more water collection points, higher requirements for cleanliness, and larger volumes used per day. At the dacha, water is used sparingly, there are usually 2-3 points of analysis, and the filtration requirements are less stringent.

In addition to the fact that water supply stations should be different for home and garden, it is important to consider that the type of water source also influences the choice. In one case, submersible units are needed, in the other, non-submersible. In one area the depth of water intake is only 4-5 meters, while in another it may be more than 10.

Selection options:

  • Power pump This parameter determines the station's performance and capabilities. The more powerful the pump, the higher it can lift water. This is important to consider when the depth of the well is more than several meters or the height of the house exceeds one floor. To determine the total power, you need to add up the water consumption of all plumbing fixtures. When they are turned on simultaneously, the pressure should remain at the same level, that is, the pressure drop should not be felt.

  • Performance. This characteristic shows how much water the station pumps per unit of time (usually a minute or an hour). Since everyone’s water needs are individual and there can be any number of collection points, it is impossible to accurately calculate the minimum acceptable parameter. According to approximate data, one water collection point (for example, a faucet in the kitchen) requires 15 liters per minute. To calculate the approximate water consumption, you need to add up all the points of analysis in the house. At each, the flow rate is conventionally assumed to be 15 l/min. It is important to consider that manufacturers indicate the maximum capabilities of the unit. If the documentation says that the station pumps 55 liters per minute, this is the limit of its capabilities.

  • Maximum height of water rise. Here you need to take into account two aspects at once: the distance from the ground to communications on the 2nd or 3rd floor (if they are there) and the distance from the house to the station. The station is located as close as possible to the source of water supply. The vertical and horizontal indicators are correlated as 1: 10. For a station, this means that its productivity decreases as the height and distance of the house from the station increases.

  • Water intake depth. This indicator is determined by how deep the water source is. If the distance is small - 100-150 cm, any station will do. If the depth reaches 6-8 meters, multi-stage stations and stations with an external ejector are suitable.
  • Hydraulic accumulator volume. Its capacity is important for creating water reserves in case of power outages and other problems. An important point: not the entire volume of the battery will be left for a “fire” case, but only half. This is due to the fact that part of the tank volume is filled with air.

  • What's inside the accumulator(water tank). If water is used as drinking water and used for cooking, there must be suitable materials inside the tank. Often the tank is equipped with a rubber “bulb” of different volumes. Butyl, rubber, ethylene-propylene membranes, butadiene-nitrile are materials that are safe for use in a pumping station. They can come into contact with drinking water without saturating it with substances harmful to the body.

  • Air pressure. For any tank volume it should be 1.8-2 atmospheres. This parameter is checked using a pressure gauge. If the indicator is below normal, the air needs to be pumped up. Low air pressure causes the flow pressure in the tap to be weak and unstable.
  • What is the station body made of? Cast iron, stainless steel and PVC materials are used in production. The hygienic features and strength of “stainless steel” are better than those of other materials.

  • Accessories. They may not be included in the kit, but they are necessary for the normal functioning of the station and extending its service life. Accessories include: check valve, filters, sensor for protection against “empty running”. The sensor is installed at the station and connected to the electrical network. They prevent the pump from running without liquid and prolong its life. Idle operation is harmful to the engine, since it heats up during operation, and the liquid cools it. Water also acts as a lubricant. For obvious reasons, another type of lubricant cannot be used - the water will become unpotable.

The filter must be purchased with a good cleaning system. At the same time, its design should be convenient for regular cleaning of dirt. In addition to the technical characteristics of the station, the performance of the water supply source plays an important role. It is necessary to take into account at what level the water surface is, what is the “debit” volume of the well or well.

The productivity of the well must be greater than the productivity of the station. The approximate volume is 1.5-1.7 cubic meters per hour with a station productivity of 3-5 cubic meters per hour. Last but not least is the price parameter. There is no need to save on the water supply system. A pumping station made of quality materials from trusted manufacturers will quickly pay for itself. A cheap station, purchased out of a desire to save money, will quickly fail.

Manufacturers: review and reviews

The best recommendation for choosing any equipment for regular use is the one given by the owners of the equipment. A store consultant can praise a product as much as he likes. Its' his job. But users who have tested the equipment “in the field” can tell you what its strengths and weaknesses are and which manufacturer you can rely on without fear. For convenience, the rating is divided into the best stations for a summer residence, for a cottage and top stations for country houses. Since the operating conditions and load at the dacha, in a house within the city and in a suburban building will be different, the equipment required is not the same.

At your dacha, you don’t need a station with maximum power and additional filtration if the water is used mainly for watering plants and washing dishes. Often, summer residents prefer to pump water from a well or a nearby reservoir. There is a reason for this - the pump with a hose does not need to be protected from winter frosts. During the cold season, it can be pulled out and stored in the household. room. The station requires maintenance, but it has more advantages. We have already talked about them before.

It is important to choose a station that will survive the winter well and will not consume too much energy. Such units are in the average price category and below average. These include:


A specific model must be selected according to individual parameters. “NeoClima” is a collaboration of Russian and Chinese manufacturers. The price of the product is 5000-7000 rubles. Users note the simple operation and “endurance” of the station in different weather conditions. It is convenient for dachas in that it is more suitable for drawing water from a well or natural reservoir. This reduces the cost of drilling a well.

“NeoClima” is a surface-type station with a productivity of 1.5-2 cubic meters per hour. The maximum value is 3. Immersion depth is up to 8 meters, the level of water rise without loss of pressure is 25-27 m. According to reviews, water from this depth is suitable for any needs. The stainless steel body ensures long service life. Disadvantages include a thin connecting hose from the pump to the accumulator and a short cord for connecting the station to the power supply.

Quatro Elementi Automatico

Another Chinese-made unit. Reviews are mostly positive. With a modest price of 6,000 rubles, this is an indispensable assistant for a summer resident. The equipment lasts for at least 5 years at maximum permissible loads.

Like the previous option, this is a surface installation station with an average productivity of 2 m³/hour. The level of water rise is up to 30 meters (according to technical documentation - up to 40). The downside is that the valve and filters are not included. The product can only be equipped with accessories from the same manufacturer.

Alko HWF

The starting price for a station with a 20 liter tank is 6,500 rubles. Technical parameters are similar to the first two models. Among the positive reviews, they note that the station is fully equipped: valves and filters are included, it is ready for use from the moment of purchase. The pump is also protected from running dry.

The filtration system prevents leaves and large debris from entering the water supply. This is a plus, since the system is designed for installation in open water. The disadvantage of the station, which explains its low cost, is the plastic housing. It has a hard time withstanding winter and mechanical damage.


The price for installing a “garden” pumping station is higher than that of Russian and Chinese analogues – from 9,900 rubles. This is explained by Swedish production. Users note that the pumping station is not for beginners. It performs well in operation and solves the gardener’s problems if he knows exactly what to do with it and how to care for it when the season is over.

Plus to the efficiency is the silent operation of the pump. Inexperienced summer residents speak negatively about the plastic parts in the pump structure. It is difficult to pump water out of the tank, and if it is left, the system will fail over the winter. Weak threads on the pipes are also noted as a disadvantage.

The station is not complete, there is no protection against empty running, and getting to the filter to clean it is quite difficult.


Products from a Russian manufacturer with an average price tag for a similar station starting from 8,500 rubles. Users rate the products as a solid four. The unit did not reach the “excellent” rating due to the fact that it is difficult to put into operation. The initial launch is described sparingly in the product passport; you need to calculate everything yourself. In addition, part of the body is made of plastic parts.

For a permanent residence in a country house, you need a station with greater capabilities than for a garden. The price of equipment increases in proportion to its functionality. Popular models:

  • "Gileks Vodomet Prof." Russian-Chinese products at an average price of 25,000 rubles. Its volume is slightly larger than garden stations - 24 liters, but this little one is capable of supporting the livelihoods of a family of 3-4 people. The station is a surface installation. Pumps out water from a depth of 20-25 meters. The manufacturer indicates 30, but user reviews say that this number is too high. Without loss of pressure, the station raises water to a height of up to 75 m. At the same time, its productivity is 2-3 m³/hour. Among the advantages are a complete set of equipment. You just need to connect the system to a water source. Convenient, simple filter replacement if necessary. Simple controls, clear instructions and basic settings. The main disadvantage of the equipment is that with intensive use, the service life is limited to 4-5 years.

  • "VMtec Altera Auto". Reliable equipment from a German manufacturer at a price of 27,000 rubles. The equipment is fully adapted for use in the conditions of our country. It differs from standard pumping stations in the absence of a hydraulic accumulator. Equipped with a new type of tank. With a lower water rise height - 40-42 meters, it has excellent productivity - 4-4.5 m³/hour. The depth of water intake is close to 30 meters. As advantages, reviews mention the absence of plastic parts, a complete set and all protection systems. The equipment is fully automated.

  • Wilo HMP. In its segment, the price of this station is above average - 29,000 rubles. In this case, you need to add the cost of purchasing a sensor against “dry running”. Despite the price, the station is popular. It pumps water from 25 meters and raises it to 25-27. Productivity under intense work conditions is 6 m³/hour. This is 2 times more than the Chinese one. In this case, the volume of the hydraulic tank is 50 liters. The pumping station is noted as a reliable and exemplary system for a private home.

  • "Grundfos". A reliable and extremely easy-to-use station costing from 30,000 rubles. Users note that such a high price is assigned only for reliability and long service life. The depth of water intake is only 8 meters, productivity is 2 m³/hour.
  • "Unipump Auto DP". A budget alternative of Chinese production and Russian assembly at a price of 13,000 rubles. Suitable for small houses and families of 2 people. In terms of technical parameters, it is closer to the garden one, but the suction depth is increased to 20 meters.

A cottage within the city and beyond is a room with high water consumption. At the same time, the quality of the feed must be consistently good. Only powerful pumping stations can cope with this task. Their technical characteristics are superior to simple models. But, which is typical, the productivity of such stations due to the large number of water consumers is at an average level - 2-3 m³/hour.

The cost of equipment varies between 60,000 - 100,000 rubles. They speak positively about the products of manufacturers Grundfos and Espa. Italian brands have proven themselves well: Ergus, Marina, Perdollo. In addition to the high price, they have all the necessary characteristics. These are reliability, long service life during intensive work, absence of plastic parts in the design, precise automation. Often stations are equipped with valves, filters and sensors.

Connection diagram

There are two ways to connect a pumping station to a water source.

  • Directly to any source. That is, to a well, well, reservoir. It is worth choosing if there are no problems with the supply of water from a natural source: a mirror level of up to 10 meters, good well productivity, high quality water without impurities.
  • To the water supply. They resort to it when water from a well comes intermittently or does not flow at all, and its quality is unsatisfactory. Another reason is outdated equipment. If the pump is old, it will not do its job. Additional pressure increase is required.

The connection diagram to natural water supply sources is the same. Some steps differ slightly depending on the type of pumping station.

Choosing a location to install the station

It is important to maintain a balance here. The distance from the station to the water source should be minimal. This will provide good pressure. In this case, the station must be protected from freezing in winter, but cannot be located near recreation areas. The equipment is noisy and will irritate household members.

Suitable for installing the station:

  • Boiler room- a specially equipped room inside the house. High-quality sound insulation and distance between the boiler room and rest rooms are important.
  • Basement. Suitable for installation if it is dry and warm. Additionally, installation of sound insulation is required.
  • Well. Brackets and a “shelf” for the station are mounted inside the well chamber (ring). The bad option is that the station can freeze in winter.
  • Caisson– a recess near the well in which the station is installed. The difficulty is to calculate the depth correctly. The station in the caisson must be protected from freezing by the ground temperature.

It is not recommended to install the station inside residential premises in a house.

Pipeline installation

Laying a pipeline solves the problem of interruptions in water supply. It is carried out in several steps:

  • Dig a trench. You need to dig at such a depth that the pipeline does not freeze. If there is a small depression, it is worth insulating the pipeline. Budget and high-quality material - mineral wool with a foil base.
  • Make holes in the foundation and walls for the pipeline. The holes also need to be insulated so that there is no heat loss in the house due to them.
  • Lay down the pipes.
  • Connect the pipe system to the pumping station.

Exterior works

If the equipment is already equipped with a filter and check valve, this step can be skipped. If not, you need to install these parts on the hose (pipe) on the side that is immersed in the reservoir. The filter must be firmly secured with one or two couplings. Place the hose into the pipe. After this, you can put the head of the well in order so that it does not crumble. You don't need to do anything with other sources.

Station connection

It is necessary to connect all external parts into one system. First install the station in the designated place. Then, using a coupling and a straight tap, connect it to the pipeline. Lastly, connect the station in the same way to the point of communication with the water supply network.

Trial run

A prerequisite is to fill the station with water through the filler hole. The pump should not run idle. After filling with water, you can turn on the power supply. When tested, the water will “push” excess air out of the pipes and stabilize the pressure. If the station turns off when the maximum value (1.8-3 atmospheres) is reached, the connection is made correctly.

  • In order for the station to serve for more than 5 years and not fail, you need to select and connect the equipment correctly. Before purchasing a pumping station, you need to find out the depth and productivity of the well (well). The water in them is gradually consumed until it runs out, and then it is collected again. It happens quickly. However, the well's productivity must be greater than the station's productivity.

  • When choosing equipment, a mandatory step is studying the technical documentation. All indicators are given at the maximum level. Focusing on the real tasks for the station, it is worth choosing a model that is more powerful in all respects than necessary. For example, a productivity of 4 m³/hour in the documentation will actually be 2.5-3 m³/hour. It is important to check the warranty period and clarify the conditions. There are many reasons for the breakdown. It should be possible to contact a service center for free repairs at least during the first year. Or better than two.
  • When installing the station, you need to place 1-2 layers of rubber gasket under it. This will reduce the vibration and noise the pump makes. Also, do not lean the equipment against the wall to avoid creating sound bridges. If the station is located on the street, it must be insulated. If it does not work in winter (at the dacha), you need to pump out all the water so that the parts inside do not freeze. And most importantly, do not overload the equipment. The level of water consumption must correspond to the capabilities of the pumping station, then it will serve for a long time and properly.

The organization of water supply in a country house is often solved by making a well. This is especially true in cases where there is no centralized water supply. Making a well is not an easy process, and it requires special skills, although some home craftsmen can do this work themselves. In addition to manufacturing the well itself, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate equipment for its construction.

The heart of such a plumbing system is the pump. There are many models on the market. Moreover, the choice depends on the specific water source. A deep pump may be required or a surface pump will suffice. In this article we will talk about how to choose a pumping station for a private home. You will learn about the types of this device, what parameters you should pay attention to, and you will be able to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the most popular models of pumping stations for home needs.

Operating principle and components of the device

Pumping stations today are presented in a wide range. If we talk about the standard package, it includes:

  • Electrical engine;
  • storage capacity;
  • self-priming pump;
  • pressure switch.

By storage tank we mean a hydraulic accumulator. To ensure that the station operates automatically, a pressure switch is installed on it. In addition, this device maintains the pressure level in the hydraulic tank.

From this brief description it becomes clear that the design and operating principle of the pumping station are relatively simple. Using a pump, water flows into a storage tank (hydraulic accumulator). Thanks to the pressure created, the necessary pressure is formed in the water supply system of a country house. If necessary, the pressure switch turns on and pumps the required pressure into the system. That is, when the water leaves the storage tank, the relay is activated and pumps water from the well to the required pressure. After installing this equipment during operation, you will simply need to open the tap for water flow in the washbasin or shower.

Video: operating principle of the pumping station

Choosing a pumping station - what you should pay attention to

Although the operating principle and structure of the pumping station are relatively simple, when choosing it it is worth considering a large number of nuances. Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with all the details of this process. Let's figure out what you need to pay attention to when choosing. In order not to miss anything, we suggest taking a piece of paper and a pen and marking all the main points. This will allow you to immediately determine all the parameters that the pumping station you purchased must meet. If you're ready, let's get started!

The main things to pay attention to:

  1. Water intake depth.
  2. Storage tank volume (hydraulic accumulator).
  3. Power.
  4. Performance.

In addition, it is additionally worth considering such provisions as:

  • control method: automatic, manual or remote;
  • the presence of protection against dry running and overheating;
  • the material from which the body of the accumulator and pump is made;
  • height from water level to pump.

Now we will look at each point separately and start with the main four positions.

Video: features of choosing a pumping station

Water intake depth

Here you will need to make some calculations. It is worth noting that the main advantage of the pumping station compared to analogues is the ability to install it anywhere. There is one limitation - the selected location must be close to the water intake. This is an important parameter, since the standard suction depth is around 9 meters.

It is also worth considering the distance from the water source. An important feature of this equipment is that it can absorb 10 times more water horizontally than vertically. For example, if the intake depth is located at a depth of 7 meters (i.e. the station has such power), then in fact the station can draw water horizontally to a distance from the source of up to 70 m. Thanks to this feature, the installation and arrangement of the pumping station is carried out inside a residential building . As a rule, it will be located at a considerable distance from the water source, be it a well or a well.

The formula for carrying out calculations is also known. It looks like this:

H + 0.1 × L = max 8m

In this formula, the letters stand for:

  • H – height to water intake;
  • L – distance of the station from the water source.

The result should not be more than 8 meters.

For example, consider the following calculation: the depth of water in your well is at around 4 meters. You managed to place the pumping station at a distance of 15 meters. According to the given formula, we make the following calculations:

4 + 0.1 × 15 = 5.5 meters.

This is an excellent indicator, since it does not exceed the 8-meter mark.

What to do if the water intake exceeds 8 meters? There are 2 ways to solve the problem:

  1. Installation of a deep submersible pump.
  2. Installation of a pumping station, but you should place it as close to the water source as possible, for example, dig a pit right next to it and arrange it for the pumping station.

These calculations take into account the distance from the pumping station to the water intake. It is equally important to calculate the entire length of the water supply system, namely, from the water level to the water intake points located in the house (shower room, washbasin, etc.). You can learn about this indicator from the technical specifications for the pumping station; it is marked as pressure height. The average reaches approximately 50 meters.

Today there are models that can easily lift water from a depth of 50 meters. Such devices are equipped with a remote ejector. However, the ejector quickly becomes clogged with silt and sand. Repairing it is very expensive. For this reason, well-known manufacturers of pumping stations produce models without an ejector.

Here it is important to distinguish between a deep pump and a station. The deep one is mounted in deep wells, hence its name. But in most cases, it is better to give priority to stations. Why? The thing is that when there is a power outage, the deep pump stops working and, accordingly, there will be no water in the house. As for the pumping station, the presence of a hydraulic accumulator (storage tank) will provide a private house with water for some period, even when the lights are turned off.

Video: from what depth can the station lift water?

Hydraulic accumulator or storage tank - what should it be?

The next thing you should pay attention to is the hydraulic accumulator. This device stores the energy of the liquid and releases it when necessary. The name consists of two words “hydro” (liquid) and “battery”. Its main, but not only function is to accumulate liquid under pressure and smoothly change the pressure in the system. It works in conjunction with a pressure switch. Due to this, automatic operation is achieved.

Additional features include the following:

  • Preventing water hammer.
  • Availability of a small supply of water.
  • Restriction regarding short-term restart of the pump.

That is, the situation looks like this. Without a hydraulic accumulator, the pressure relay will not be able to work correctly, since with an instantaneous change in pressure in the system (when the consumer tap opens/closes), the relay would turn on/off, as a result, this would lead to breakdown/overheating of the electric motor or relay. Let us explain this nuance in more detail.

Considering the fact that water is practically not compressed, without a hydraulic accumulator, turning on the pump with a pressure switch would lead to a sharp increase in pressure in the system. As a result, the relay would immediately give a signal to turn off the pump. If at the same time you open any water intake valve, the pressure in the system would instantly drop. Accordingly, the relay would immediately send a signal to the pump to turn on. Considering that the pressure in the system would change at high speed and frequency, the operation of the relay and pump would be constant, which causes them to overheat and fail. Another interesting fact is that the water pressure created by the pump has almost no effect on the change in the volume of the liquid; it is equal to hundredths of a percent.

Such simple calculations make it clear that having a hydraulic accumulator and a pressure switch at the same time is the optimal solution. What should you pay attention to when choosing this container? In this matter, immediately understand an important detail - the hydraulic accumulator itself does not pump water and does not create pressure. It maintains the fluid pressure that is created in it under the action of the pump.

For this reason, the question of how much storage tank you need to buy if you have 2 showers and the like is incorrect. Water is supplied from the accumulator only until the pump is turned on. The main water supply occurs under the influence of a pump. As soon as all the taps are closed, the pump turns off and at the same time the pressure in the tank rises.

Video: how a hydraulic accumulator works

Operating principle and advantages of a hydraulic accumulator

Mostly the body of the device is made of stainless steel or metal. There is a rubber bulb inside. This is where the liquid comes in and is stored there. There is air in the tank body itself, which exerts strong pressure on the bulb. The more water inside it, the more pressure is created. When water is used, the pressure in the rubber bulb is reduced. It also contains a pressure switch sensor. As mentioned above, it automatically pumps up liquid and turns the pump on/off.

Using a hydraulic accumulator has the following positive aspects:

  • Favorable operating conditions for the pump.
  • The number of pump on/off cycles is reduced (the ideal number of starts is about 50 times per hour).
  • Additional water supply.
  • Smooth pressure adjustment.

What should be the air pressure in the accumulator cavity?

It’s worth pointing out right away that the pressure in the air cavity, in contrast to the pump activation pressure, should be 10% less. That is, if the minimum pressure is 1.5 atm, then the optimal air pressure in the accumulator should be 1.35 atm. How did we get this value?

1.5 atm÷ 10% = 0.15 atm, after that we carry out calculations

1.5 atm – 0.15 = 1.35 atm.

This number (1.35 atm) determines the pressure level inside the air cavity of the accumulator. If you have not done the settings yourself, you can find out the minimum pressure in the system when you turn on the station on the pressure gauge.

What happens if the pressure is below this norm or even zero? This will lead to frequent switching on/off of the pumping station. This will happen after each tap is turned on/off. If such a phenomenon occurs, it means that there is insufficient air pressure in the accumulator.

How to measure and increase air pressure

To measure pressure, a regular pressure gauge is used, which checks the pressure level in car tires. Each tank has a fitting with a spool valve. Immediately before measuring air pressure, the water pressure in the system should be reset to zero. To do this, disconnect the pumping station from the power supply and open any tap until the water is completely drained.

If water flows out when you press the spool, this is a sign that the bulb is ruptured. It should be replaced.

In order for the bulb to last as long as possible, you should not make a large pressure difference between the pump on/off cycle. The ideal difference is 1–1.5 atm.

You can increase the air pressure using a regular car pump through a fitting with a spool.

Video: how to pump air into a hydraulic accumulator

Calculation of the required volume of the hydraulic accumulator

As mentioned above, frequent activation of the pump leads to its malfunction. Moreover, this increases energy consumption. To minimize this probability, it is important to choose the right accumulator volume. The choice of container volume should be based on the number of people living in a private house. For one person, a volume of up to 24 liters is enough, for two to four, 50–80 liters is enough, and so on in increasing order.

But remember, these calculations are relevant if water supply to a private house will occur constantly, all year round. If you plan to use the dacha only seasonally, then you can get by with a small hydraulic accumulator with a capacity of up to 20 liters.

If you plan to irrigate with water passing through the accumulator, then you should install a container with a volume of at least 50 liters.

But you shouldn’t think that it’s better to buy a hydraulic accumulator with a large margin, just to be sure. In this situation, the principle of more is better does not work. The water inside the tank may stagnate and have an unpleasant odor, so the volume of the tank should correspond to the approximate water consumption.

Video: calculating the volume of a hydraulic accumulator

Selecting material for storage tank

The next thing you should pay attention to when choosing a pumping station is the material used to make the accumulator. This is important, because the material directly affects the noise level and service life. These containers are made of stainless steel and steel, let’s compare them:

Please remember that the material of the accumulator does not affect the quality of your water in any way. This is explained by the fact that inside the tank the water does not come into contact with the metal walls, since it is located in a rubber bulb. Therefore, the choice should be made based on the environment where the installation will take place. If this is a street, then it is advisable, but not necessary, to purchase a stainless steel tank. Although a large number of people buy regular steel ones. They are more affordable in price and have proven themselves well in use.

Pump power station for a private house

This is the next indicator by which you need to navigate when choosing a pumping station. When deciding on this indicator, be sure to take into account the following parameters:

  1. Number of water intake points.
  2. Distance from pump to well.
  3. Source flow rate, i.e. the actual volume of water that the source can provide.

Today, stations with a power of 500 to 1500 W are mainly sold. If your house is small, then a pump with a power of 750 W - 1000 W will be enough. Just in this case, it is better to choose a motor with a small margin. After all, there is always the possibility of increasing water consumption, for example, you decide to install several additional water supply points or want to water the garden.

Video: choosing a pump by power

Station performance - what should it be

An indicator such as productivity directly depends on power - a parameter that we discussed above. By productivity we mean the volume of water that a station can pump in 1 hour, and it is measured in cubic meters or liters. In this case, the approach should be different from that with power (it is recommended to take a more powerful motor).

Calculation of productivity should be based on the flow rate of the source, that is, the volume of water that the source is capable of producing in one hour. As a rule, when manufacturing a well, this indicator is indicated in the technical passport. If measurements have not been taken, you can perform them yourself. How? To do this, turn on the pump and pump out water for an hour. During this procedure, you should monitor its level. It is important to know the pump performance.

You can build on the following averages. When servicing a dacha, water consumption can reach 1000 l/h. If we are talking about stable living in a private house, and water supply is needed on an ongoing basis, then this figure reaches 6 thousand l/h.

Some experts suggest taking into account the water consumption in one tap. The average is 14 l/min.

Very often performance and power indicators do not match. It's not scary. When pumping water, the impeller of the pump is taken into account, and not just the motor. The wheel is located on a shaft consisting of several disks. Between these disks there is an impeller. It is precisely under its influence that centrifugal force is created, under the influence of which water is pressed against the walls of the pump and pushed out.

Some stations have 5 impellers. Due to this, the pressure height, unlike analogues, is much higher. So, the pressure height depends on the following indicators of the impeller:

  • material;
  • rotational speed;
  • diameter.

What affects the life of the pump?

To figure out how to choose a pumping station that will last for many years, you will have to study a large amount of information. Above we looked at the main parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing this device. Now let's note some important details. It’s worth saying right away that some people don’t pay attention to them at all. They prefer to trust store sellers, thinking that they are completely objective in this matter. However, their assessments are often based on personal views or the need to sell a particular model at the request of management. With this in mind, we suggest you explore all the details yourself.

So, it is important to understand that all parts of the pump must cope with high water pressure. For example, the impeller always operates under strong impacts of a water jet. If it is made of poor quality material, it will quickly break. Next, as if in a chain, the impeller, oil seal, etc. fail.

If you choose a pumping station, then remember one important nuance. A cheap station will not serve you for long, or at least you will have to constantly repair it. Therefore, it is better to save some money and immediately buy a good unit. Therefore, when choosing a pump, be sure to pay attention to the elements presented in the table:

Pumping station elements


Pump housing

It is made of plastic, stainless steel, steel or cast iron. As for plastic, this is a budget option and short-lived, despite the fact that its cost is low. Stainless steel is certainly considered the best option. The only drawback is the high price. There are also products made of cast iron. Such pumps are durable, but have a high cost.

This structural element must be made of stainless steel. Steel that has undergone heat treatment is also allowed. This element must be quite durable.

Working wheel

This element is constantly under the strong influence of enormous water pressure. In most cases, manufacturers use technopolymer. It does not corrode and is abrasion resistant. In terms of its technical characteristics, it resembles aluminum. If we talk about the most reliable option, then this is a stainless steel impeller.


It is not worth mentioning low-quality seals. It is better to select expensive pump models from well-known manufacturers. A braided cord made of asbestos thread is used as a seal. Inside it is brass or copper wire.

Nozzle diameter

This element is extremely important, because, taking into account hydraulic laws, the water pressure is always affected by the diameter of the pipe, in particular the pipes. For higher water pressure, the tap must have pipes with a larger diameter. Although this is not always relevant. For example, to organize watering work, it is better to install a narrowed outlet pipe. In this case, the speed and pressure of the water flow will be at a high level. But still, ideally, the diameter of the pipe at the station you choose should be large.

So, based on these important indicators, you can choose a high-quality station for your summer residence.

Pumping station protection system for long-term operation

For productive and long-term operation of the pumping station, it is also important to take care of the presence of an additional safety system. Among other things, we list the following components:

  • dry running protection relay;
  • coarse filter;
  • check valve;
  • pressure switch.

Now let’s pay attention to each element separately, because thanks to their presence, the operation of your pumping station will be long and safe.

Dry running protection system

At first glance, everything is clear here. The pump simply includes a special relay with a sensor, which prevents the pump from running so-called dry. But here it is important to understand what this dry running is and whether it is dangerous for such pumps.

It is worth noting that dry running is dangerous only for household pumps. At the same time, what is more scary for the pump is not the lack of water, but the high temperature that is formed during operation without coolant, in particular, water acts as it. Therefore, the correct definition would be: dry running is the operation of a pump without water or with small flow water, which does not provide cooling of the internal elements of the pump.

The principle of operation is very simple: as soon as the water in the source drops to the lowest possible level, a sensor is triggered, which sends a signal to the relay, the relay, in turn, gives a signal to turn off the pump. As a result, the operation of the pumping station stops because the power supply chain is broken.

The dry running sensor measures the following indicators:

  • water level in the source;
  • water pressure at the pump outlet;
  • water flow at the pump outlet.

Coarse filter – protection against mechanical impurities

The presence of a filter prevents unwanted debris from entering the pump and accumulator. Such a filter will trap silt, sand and other dirt. Some stations already have such a filter included, but in most cases you should purchase it additionally.

You can also additionally install a fine filter station. In this case, the water will be of higher quality. It is worth noting that both coarse and fine filters must be removable for possible replacement or cleaning.

Check valve – protection against pump emptying

The presence of a check valve in the pumping station is a mandatory requirement. It prevents water from leaving the pump. Its installation is carried out in front of the hydraulic accumulator or at the end of the suction tube. In the absence of such a valve, water will partially flow out of the storage tank, thereby reducing its volume. Because of this, the pump will turn on more often.

Pressure switch – monitoring the correct operation of the pumping station

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, a pressure switch is a mandatory element in any pumping station. This device maintains the pressure level at a given level in the accumulator. This sensor comes in two types:

  1. Electronic.
  2. Mechanical.

Video: connecting a pressure switch and dry running

Video: how to adjust the pressure switch

The pump is the heart of the entire pumping station

So, we have reviewed with you the main technical characteristics that are important to consider when choosing. Let us now consider the types of pumps that are the heart of the entire water supply system of a country house.

Pump type



Surface (vortex)

  • Small dimensions.
  • Low power consumption.
  • Resistance to dry running.
  • Ability to pump high temperature liquids.
  • Small suction depth.
  • High sensitivity to air leaks.
  • Instability to the presence of abrasives in water.

Surface (centrifugal)

  • Suction depth up to 9 m.
  • We tolerate a small amount of air that is sucked in along with the water.
  • We tolerate the presence of abrasives in water.
  • High energy consumption.
  • Sensitive to dry running and temperature changes.
  • Large dimensions and heavy weight of the pump.

Common models of pumping stations

Now let's move from theory to practice. Although there is a wide variety of different pumping stations, we have identified the most popular ones on the Russian market in different price ranges.

This pump model is a product of joint production between Russia and China. The price for it fluctuates around 5,500 thousand rubles and above. This device is easy to use. Mainly used to organize a small water pressure in the country. Considering this, This pump is great for organizing water supply from a well..

Advantages of NeoClima GP 600/20 N:

  • The working part and the pressure chamber are made of stainless steel (this prevents the formation of corrosion).
  • The pump power of 600 W allows the station to be used in dacha cooperatives where there are established standards for electricity consumption.


  • The device comes with a short power cord, so you either have to extend it or completely replace it with a new one.
  • There is a thin hose between the pump and the accumulator (this explains the ability to create a small water pressure).

It is worth highlighting the possibility of automatic control, organizing uninterrupted water supply and a wide range of applications. The NeoClima GP 600/20 N pumping station has a large capacity.

You will also be interested in its technical characteristics:



Immersion depth

The station is designed for a limit of up to 8 meters.

Water pressure (max)

The limit is around 35 m, in practice this figure reaches 25 m.

Productivity (max)

The maximum value is 3 m 3 /hour. The actual operating point is around 1.5 m 3 /hour.

Accumulator volume

Power consumption

Protection class

Made of stainless steel.

Installation method

Only horizontal installation is allowed.

Station weight

This pumping station was made in China. It costs from 6 thousand rubles and above. The kit does not include a check valve or filter. It is an excellent helper for summer residents. Can be used in combination with a well or well. After minor modifications, namely the installation of a check valve, a filter and, if necessary, an additional hydraulic accumulator, this unit will last its entire specified period - five years. The package includes a pressure gauge that monitors water pressure. For ease of use, the model has special legs for mounting the unit in a horizontal position.

The Qvattro Elementi Automatico 801 pumping station has the following technical characteristics:



Immersion depth

This figure is 8 meters, however, if the water surface is higher, then the distance from the pumping station and the consumer may be increased.

Water pressure (max)

Productivity (max)

The maximum value is 3.2 m 3 /hour. The actual operating point is around 2 m 3 /hour.

Accumulator volume

The storage tank holds up to 20 liters of water. If you often have power outages, you can install an additional hydraulic accumulator.


Made of plastic.

This is a German budget pumping station; in our market the price range starts from 8 thousand rubles. The package includes a coarse filter and a check valve. There is also protection against dry running. The hydraulic accumulator is made of polypropylene. Whether this is good or bad, there are many opinions on this matter. It is better to familiarize yourself with them and then decide to purchase it. We highlight the following important technical characteristics:



Immersion depth

Water pressure (max)

The limit is around 40 m, in practice this figure reaches 30 m.

Productivity (max)

The maximum value is 3.2 m 3 /hour. The actual operating point is around 2.5 m 3 /hour.

Accumulator volume

The storage tank holds up to 20 liters of water. There is always a possibility of a plastic tank breaking. This is a strong drawback, according to many.


Pump working mechanism


Station weight

This pumping station is imported from China. It has striking differences from its analogues – it is silent and lightweight. However, there is a plastic tee inside the pump, which is its weak point. This is especially evident if the station is left at sub-zero temperatures. This tee will simply break. The worst thing is that draining water from such a station is quite problematic. Moreover, it is necessary to carefully study the attached instructions, since the station does not provide for the use of a dry running relay.

Below are the technical characteristics of this unit:



Immersion depth

Water pressure (max)

The limit is around 40 m, in practice this figure reaches 25 m.

Productivity (max)

The maximum value is 2.8 m 3 /hour. The actual operating point is around 2 m 3 /hour.

Accumulator volume

The storage tank holds up to 20 liters of water.


Working wheel


Device weight

Protection class

This brand of centrifugal pumping station is a product of a domestic manufacturer. With good characteristics, one can note the relatively low cost of the station, starting from 9 thousand rubles. One of the disadvantages of this device is that it is difficult to start up. Moreover, if you configure it incorrectly, it will not work well. It is also noted that the station is susceptible to water hammer when the tap is suddenly closed. On the other hand, the JUMBO series of pumps has excellent automation. The electric motor is of an asynchronous type, which means there is a built-in cooling fan, and the starter itself is protected by a thermal kit.

The table shows the main technical characteristics:



Immersion depth

This figure is 9 meters.

Installation location

Non-submersible, installation is allowed only on the surface.

Pump housing

Made from quality cast iron.

Water pressure (max)

The limit is around 30 m, in practice this figure is 20 m.

Productivity (max)

Hydraulic tank volume

Material hydraulic accumulator

Metal tank.

Power consumption

Mains voltage

Protection class

Installation method

Only horizontal installation of the pumping station is allowed.

Unit weight

A series from a domestic manufacturer, easy to install and start up. The pumping station is equipped with the necessary automation, including dry running. The main disadvantage is that it has a short service life during intensive use, about 4 years (this is explained by the fact that some parts are made of plastic, which wears out quickly). Also, the GILEKS Vodomet PROF 55/90 House pumping station is equipped with a control panel, which allows you to program the operation of the pump. The package also includes a pressure gauge that controls the pressure level.

Device specifications:



Immersion depth

Installation location

Submersible pumping station.

Pump housing

Stainless steel.

Water pressure (max)

The limit is around 90 m, in practice this figure reaches 75 m.

Productivity (max)

The maximum value is 3.3 m 3 /hour. The actual operating point is around 2.5 m 3 /hour.

Hydraulic tank volume

Material hydraulic accumulator

Metal tank.

Pump power

Protection class

Unit weight

This is a German pumping station, ideally adapted to modern Russian realities. The cost of the device is around 20 thousand rubles or more. High performance is observed throughout the entire service life. The package includes a dry running relay.

Advantages of the VMtec Altera Auto 5/5 station:

  • high reliability;
  • the operating process is silent;
  • the motor is equipped with thermal protection;
  • all materials used are of high quality;
  • does not require special maintenance;
  • economical in operation.

This unit is used in different conditions, for example:

  • for seasonal watering;
  • for organizing water supply for a country house;
  • in a system with a large number of filters;
  • to increase blood pressure;
  • for irrigation systems;
  • for filling pools and tanks.

Technical characteristics of the VMtec Altera Auto 5/5 pumping station:



Immersion depth

This figure is 30 meters.

Installation location

Water pressure (max)

The limit is around 58 m, in practice this figure reaches 42 m.

Productivity (max)

The maximum value is 8 m 3 /hour. The actual operating point is around 5 m 3 /hour.

Hydraulic accumulator

Operates without a tank.

Pump power

This type of pumping station is the standard of German quality. However, the station requires additional equipment, and in particular the installation of a dry running relay. In all other respects, this device is reliable and practical for use in a private home. The cost of the unit is around 25 thousand rubles or more.

Technical characteristics of Wilo HMP 603 1:



Immersion depth

This figure is 30 meters.

Installation location

Installed on the surface.

Water pressure (max)

The limit is around 32 m, in practice this figure reaches 25 m.

Productivity (max)

The maximum value is 8.1 m 3 /hour. The actual operating point is around 6 m 3 /hour.

Accumulator volume

Pump power

Unit weight

This is a product of the German market. For a very low cost, which is 19 thousand rubles or more, you can get a completely workhorse. The low cost of the device is explained by the fact that the station is assembled in China, however, all components are supplied from Germany. Therefore, do not be afraid of the low price.

Technical characteristics of VMtec Altera Auto 9/4:



Immersion depth

This figure is 30 meters.

Installation location

Installed on the surface.

Installation method

Water pressure (max)

The limit is around 48 m, in practice this figure reaches 38 m.

Productivity (max)

The maximum value is 15 m 3 /hour. The actual operating point is around 13 m 3 /hour.

Hydraulic accumulator

Pump power

Unit weight

This pumping station is of the self-priming type with automatic control. The program includes the ability to configure cyclicity through the use of a dry running relay. In practice, the device is very simple to operate. The only drawback is the high cost, which is around 29 thousand rubles or more.

Technical characteristics of Grundfos CMB-SP SET 3-47 (PM 1-22):



Immersion depth

This figure is 8 meters.

Installation location

Installed on the surface.

Installation method

Horizontal position only.

Water pressure (max)

The limit is around 34.9 m, in practice this figure reaches 30 m.

Productivity (max)

The maximum value is 3 m 3 /hour. The actual operating point is around 2 m 3 /hour.

Hydraulic accumulator

The station operates without storage tank.

Pump power

Unit weight

This pumping station creates increased operating comfort, because it provides constant high pressure. This becomes possible thanks to the special design of the pump and the presence of high-quality automation. This station model can also be used for watering in a country house. In the event of an emergency shutdown of the pump, the station restarts after a specified time. You can also set up temporary switching on of the station, which significantly saves resources. This station model is an expensive pleasure, the price starts from 75 thousand rubles and above.

Advantages of the ESPA Aqvabox 350 TP 15 4 M pumping station:

  • saving energy costs;
  • silent operation process;
  • compactness is achieved thanks to a small hydraulic accumulator.




Immersion depth

This figure is 8 meters.

Installation location

Installed on the surface.

Installation method

Vertical position only.

Water pressure (max)

The limit is around 42 m, in practice this figure reaches 38 m.

Productivity (max)

The maximum value is 3.6 m 3 /hour. The actual operating point is around 2.3 m 3 /hour.

Hydraulic accumulator

The station operates without storage tank.

Pump power

The presence of a well or a well on a personal plot is not yet a sufficient condition for meeting domestic and economic needs for water. In order to deliver water from the source to places of consumption, additional equipment is required. Such equipment is a pumping station or pump.

When choosing between them and determining which is better, it is necessary to make an accurate individual calculation, which will take into account such parameters as the depth of the aquifer level, the distance to the points of use, and the amount of water consumed.

1 Station assignment

Pumping stations for a dacha or home differ from a conventional pump in that they are guaranteed to ensure the constant availability of a water resource in a given volume. For example, a borehole submersible pump supplies water only when it is running. When there is a power outage or temporary depletion of the source, the supply of water is interrupted.

Pumping stations are more preferable because they have a hydraulic accumulator (storage tank) with a certain supply of water, which is used when the water pumping unit is idle. This system guarantees the availability of water in your own water supply under any circumstances.

Water supply stations have surface-type pumps, so they can be placed in any convenient place, and not in a well or well. In most cases, such equipment is located directly in the house, which eliminates the influence of third-party factors on its operation. Installing equipment in the house allows you to control its operation well and, if necessary, carry out preventive and repair work without problems.

When studying the question of which pumping station to choose, you should know that they are designed to create a stable pressure of 1.5 atmospheres in the water supply system and can supply water from wells of any diameter. The total distance to the source should not exceed 8 meters, and the supply of water from deeper and more distant levels (up to 30 meters) can only be ensured if there is an ejector.

Before buying water supply equipment, you should find out what parameters and how to choose a pumping station for a private house, cottage, summer house or for an apartment in a building without a centralized water supply.

2 Selection options

When figuring out how to choose a pumping station for your home, the following characteristics of the equipment are taken into account:

  • power;
  • performance;
  • volume of hydraulic accumulator (storage tank);
  • pressure height.

In order to correctly select which station from the existing offer is most suitable for certain operating conditions, you should pay attention to the following:

The question of how to choose a pumping station for a summer house or home should take into account such a fundamental characteristic as power. For domestic use, manufacturers produce equipment with a power of 0.6 to 1.5 kW and it should be selected taking into account the following:

  • resource (volume of level replenishment) of the source;
  • distance to source;
  • number of consumption points;

Performance is directly related to power, but the choice of pumping station for a home may be limited by the capabilities of the source itself, since the use of too powerful equipment can lead to its drying out.

2.1 General characteristics

For most users, the minimum information on how to choose a pumping station for a stable supply of water to a home or country house is as follows:

  • productivity 3-6 cubic meters. per hour for the home and 0.6-1 cubic meters for the dacha;
  • the storage tank capacity from 25 to 100 liters is determined by the actual needs during equipment shutdown;
  • hydraulic accumulator made of steel, cast iron or plastic;
  • The presence of protection against dry running and overheating significantly increases the reliability of the equipment and its longevity in operation.

For continuous operation, an automatic pumping station is preferable, which turns on when the storage tank is empty and turns off when it is full. In the dacha version, manual control is sufficient, since the need for water supply appears seasonally.

2.2 Popular models

The best pumping stations can be easily determined by the number of sales. Products that are of poor quality or do not satisfy needs are not purchased. In addition, there are reviews from users who are happy to share their experience of operating specific equipment in certain conditions.

Based on sales data and studying consumer reviews, you can determine the most popular models.

  • Marina APM 100/25 - Italian pumping equipment with a power of 1.1 kW for supplying water from deep wells (up to 25 m). The body is made of cast iron, which eliminates the need for additional protection. Has a capacity of 2.4 cubic meters. m per hour, which is quite enough to provide water to a country house;
  • Gardena 4000/5 Classic (1772) is an economical household pumping station of low power - 0.85 kW. A capacity of 3.5 cubic meters allows you to provide drinking water to owners of country houses and summer cottages;
  • Grundfos JP 2 PT is an Italian automatic station that operates autonomously to provide water to small houses and summer cottages. With a power of 0.72 kW, it has a productivity of 3 cubic meters. m per hour. The maximum depth of water intake is 8 meters;
  • Jumbo 50/28 Ch-24 and Jumbo 70/50 N-50 N are models that are rightfully considered the best and most adapted to various operating conditions, since they have a built-in ejector. They supply water to individual buildings automatically. The productivity of the first is 50 l per minute, the second is 70 l;
  • AL-KO HWA 1300 F is a powerful (1.3 kW) device for pumping water from a depth of up to 50 m. Equipped with an automatic water supply relay. Allows you to maintain the pressure required for normal use (min. 1.5 atmospheres) in the water supply system. Can be used for irrigation;
  • Karcher BP 4 Home & Garden is high-quality German equipment, which, with a relatively low power (0.95 kW), has high productivity - 3.8 cubic meters. m per hour. Automatically supplies water from a depth of up to 8 meters;
  • AQUAROBOT M is a low-budget station for low seasonal water consumption in summer cottages and garden plots. Device power - 0.245 kW;
  • Vortex ACB-800/24 ​​- with a power of 0.8 kW, it allows you to pump water from a depth of up to 9 meters. Productivity - 6 liters per minute. A special feature is stable operation at high ambient temperatures - up to 50 0 C. Light weight and large storage tank allow use in small areas (0.6-1 hectares) and in small one-story buildings;

  • BELAMOS XK 08ALL is an inexpensive Belarusian product that is designed to work autonomously to provide water from a well, well or main water supply system. With a power of 0.8 kW, the productivity is 6 liters per minute;
  • Wilo Jet HWJ 203 is an independent open type water supply device. Installed to maintain a given pressure in water supply systems and normal water supply. A power of 0.75 kW allows you to automatically pump water from a depth of up to 42 m and a capacity of 50 liters per minute. It is declared as a device that operates reliably in difficult operating conditions.

Household pumping station - equipment for automated water supply to a private home. It can supply water from any source: well, borehole, central water supply or river. The advantage of installing such a device is constant pressure in the water supply system, which allows you to connect any household appliances.

Pumping stations for water supply to a private house or cottage consists of:

  • pump;
  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • control and automation groups.

For its operation, a guaranteed power supply is required. The installation itself is autonomous and does not require intervention: water is supplied with constant pressure - there is a difference, but it is small and is not felt by the equipment, much less consumers.

Pumping stations for water supply to a private house: operating principle

In modern pumping stations for water supply, hydraulic accumulators are installed, which are a cylindrical container divided into two parts by an elastic membrane. One part of the container is factory filled with gas. A certain pressure is created in this chamber.

When the pump is turned on, water enters the second part of the accumulator. The container gradually fills, the membrane stretches, compressing the gas in the second part even more. In this way, pressure is created in the water supply system of a private house (dacha). Its value is controlled by sensors. When a threshold value is reached (about 2-4 atm), the sensors issue a command to turn off the pump. While the taps in the system are not open, the pressure is stable, the pump no longer works.

The principle of operation of pumping stations: pumping water as needed into a special reservoir - a hydraulic accumulator

Somewhere a faucet opens. Water enters it from a hydraulic accumulator, in which the pressure gradually drops as consumption occurs. When the lower threshold is reached, the second sensor is triggered, which gives the command to start the pump, water begins to flow again, equalizing the pressure. After the tap is closed, the pump runs for some time, then turns off.

In this way, stable pressure is maintained in the system. This means that you can use any equipment in the house - a washing machine, a dishwasher and, if desired, you can organize a lawn.

Types and types, connection features

The main working part of this equipment is the pump. It is its type that determines their main technical characteristics. We will talk about pumps.

Surface and submersible

Most of the stations supplied assembled from factories are equipped with surface pumps. They are installed on the same frame with a hydraulic accumulator and a control group. A pipeline is connected to the pump, which is lowered into the source - a well, a borehole, etc. This option is good because it can be used in narrow wells - the pipe diameter can be from 32 mm, which is normal even for the narrowest well. But such systems can lift water from a depth of about 7-10 meters.

When installing such equipment, a filter and a check valve must be installed at the end of the supply pipeline immersed in water. A filter (mesh) is required, since pumps are demanding on water quality, and a check valve prevents water from draining while pumping is not in progress. Without these two parts, the system does not work effectively.

If the well is deep, a submersible pump or installation with a remote ejector is required. In this case, the ejector is lowered into a well or well, and two hoses are connected to it. The rest of the equipment is on the surface. With such a system, water can rise from a depth of 40-45 meters.

A pumping station with an external submersible ejector allows you to get water from deep wells or wells up to 40-45 m deep

The disadvantage of this system is that it does not like the presence of air in the pipes (hoses), which is why starting the system is a troublesome and responsible undertaking.

Quiet and noisy

The internal design of the pumps also differs. The noise level during operation depends on their structure.

  • Vortex. The suction force is created by the blades inside the housing. These home water supply pumping stations are silent or very quiet, but they can only lift water from a shallow depth. They can and should be installed in residential buildings: they really don’t like temperature changes, and when they freeze, they break down.
  • Centrifugal pumps make a lot of noise when operating, but they pump water from considerable depths and can operate at different temperatures, so they can be installed in specially equipped pits.

Rules for installing a pumping station

It is necessary for the pumping station to operate. And this is one of the main criteria when choosing an installation location: you need to either install the station where there is power supply, or pull the line to where the station is located. But there are a number of other factors that need to be taken into account:

  • Equipment must be installed taking into account the distance over which water can be supplied.
  • If you plan to use the system in winter, then the room in which the equipment is installed must be warm - the stations cannot tolerate frost. At the same time, it must have good ventilation to prevent condensation from accumulating.
  • If the pump makes a lot of noise, and it is more convenient to install it in or near the house, it should be enclosed in a soundproofing box.

Sometimes the best solution is to build a caisson - a small room, which is located at a depth of approximately 2.5 m. If the water intake comes from a well, then the casing pipe is cut off just above the bottom of the caisson. A pump is immersed in the well, which supplies water to the accumulator.

The equipment is installed below the freezing depth of the soil, which prevents it from freezing: a positive temperature is maintained inside. It is then convenient to lay the pipes below the freezing depth, and bring them out under the house, in a warm, non-freezing zone, and supply water to the comb.

While installing a caisson at home is a justifiable expense, for a dacha it is unlikely. Then they make a simplified version - they build a small box or make a pit and put the equipment there for the spring-summer period, taking it into a heated room for the winter.

The installation of a water supply system in a dacha is written in the article

How to choose a pumping station for your home

In addition to pump types, when choosing pumping stations for water supply to a private home, you need to pay attention to a number of parameters:

When choosing a model, you should also pay attention to additional functions. A useful option is protection against overheating and idling (when there is no water). They extend the life of equipment.

You can also choose the pump housing. It is made from steel, stainless steel, cast iron, and high-density polypropylene. Polypropylene is the most inexpensive. It does not rust and does not transmit noise during operation. But even though it is of high density, it is plastic, and if handled carelessly (during transportation, for example), it can be damaged. The second most expensive is steel, but when using a centrifugal pump, the housing transmits noise and sometimes also resonates. So these pumps are loud. A similar one installed in cast iron is quieter. But with acidic water, cast iron quickly rusts, which is not good: there is usually an excess of iron in the water anyway. The most optimal in terms of durability is a stainless steel body, but they are the most expensive.

What to do if there is no station with the required characteristics? Assemble it yourself. All required spare parts are available for sale, everything is connected using conventional fittings. How - see the video below. By the way, a self-assembled pumping station is cheaper than one purchased assembled, and it will be easier for you to repair it: you connected everything yourself.

Popular brands

The most popular water supply pumping stations for private homes today are Gilex Jumbo. They have low prices and good quality. They are produced with pumps made of cast iron (letter “C” in the marking), polypropylene (costed “P”), and stainless steel (“N”). There are also numbers in the marking: “Jumbo 70-/50 P - 24.” This is deciphered as follows: 70/50 - maximum water flow of 70 liters per minute (performance), pressure - 50 meters, P - polypropylene body, and the number 24 - accumulator volume.

The price of a pumping station for water supply to a Gilex home starts from $100 (mini versions with low power and low flow rates in a polypropylene casing). The most expensive unit with a stainless steel body costs about $350. There are also options with a borehole submersible pump. They can lift water from a depth of up to 30 meters, flow rate up to 1100 liters per hour. Such installations cost from $450-500.

Gilex pumping stations have installation requirements: the diameter of the suction pipeline must be no less than the diameter of the inlet. If the water rises from a depth of more than 4 meters and at the same time the distance from the water source to the house is more than 20 meters, the diameter of the pipe lowered from the well or borehole must be greater than the diameter of the inlet. This must be taken into account when installing the system and piping the pumping station.