How to varnish a door. How to varnish a wooden door How to varnish a wooden door

Wooden doors look aesthetically pleasing and elegant. There are many opportunities to buy blanks for painting or varnishing. It's cheap and practical. You can paint the old product in the desired tone that matches the interior. Many people wonder what is used to cover solid wood doors. There are many upgrade options. The only thing that is necessary is to adhere to the technology of preparing the canvas and painting.

Solid pine surface covered with enamel

Features of painting door panels

It often happens that old doorways have a good frame and panel, but have lost their original luster. Affordable, simple method renewal is considered to be coating with coloring materials. Any person can handle this kind of work. It is enough to know the properties of the paint and varnish materials from which the doors are made. Attention is paid to compliance with the technology of painting structures:

  • Paneled canvases. Before painting, they are disassembled into elements, since the number of joints leads to wear and requires updating.
  • Solid wood: heavy structures that convey the natural structure of wood. To update, use varnish or paint for such wood-look doors.

With varnish applied
  • MDF. Painting the structure is simple, but before doing this, carefully prepare the surface.

Choosing the shade of interior door designs

The range of colors makes it possible to embody different design solutions, therefore, the question of how to cover the surface does not arise. Three color trends are visible in the design: delicate, light shades; bright shades of yellow, red; dark shades. When choosing a color, adhere to the following principles:

Shades of colors
  • Shades of chocolate and cherry add luxury and sophistication.
  • In the bedroom, nursery they select bright hues that create coziness and comfort.
  • Solid wood doors are suitable for log houses.
  • In a room with antique furniture, artificially aged ones look great.
  • Color door frame make the walls darker (lighter).

Selection of painting material

High-quality paint does not come cheap. Sometimes stores give discounts on quality paints when their expiration date approaches. If painting is carried out immediately after purchasing the paint and varnish material, then this option will save money without reducing quality.

When thinking about what solid wood doors are coated with, you will need knowledge about paint and varnish materials. The range of paints is divided into: transparent, opaque. The first include impregnations, varnishes, and glazes. When the canvas is treated with a transparent coating, the natural color and wood pattern are emphasized. For solid wood canvases, varnish is often used. It protects the surface from moisture and various influences. Varnishes come in clear and tinted varieties.

Important. When purchasing varnish, pay attention to the drying speed. It is better to take quick-drying paintwork. It does not spread on the surface and is also harmless.

Opaque coatings include alkyd and oil-based coloring materials that have their own characteristics. Most often used:

Paint for doorways
  1. Nitro paint. It has aesthetic properties, wide color palette, which is superior to other types of paints. It has strength and wear resistance. But it is harmful to health, its fumes are toxic.
  2. Acrylic. Suitable for use in rooms. When painting, it applies well and there is no toxic smell. The disadvantages of paint include low strength and high cost. To increase stability, apply to the paint acrylic lacquer.
  3. Alkyd enamel. It is affordable, has a wide range of shades, and forms a durable coating. This paint is suitable for wooden doors, it is wear-resistant, economical, and dries quickly. Significant disadvantage: held for 2 days bad smell. This type of paint is not used where allergy sufferers or children live.

Preparatory work before painting

To cover the door with paint and varnish, you need to carry out some preparatory work. First of all, prepare the tool:

  • brush;
  • paint container;
  • rags;
  • gloves;
  • scotch;
  • sandpaper;
  • 4 stools;
  • putty knife.

Be sure to prepare paints and varnishes.

Painting tools

The next step consider the preparation of the canvas. It is removed from the canopies and placed horizontally on stools. If the chosen paint has a pungent, unpleasant odor, then the work should be done outside. Remove the fittings. Fixed elements are wrapped in paper and tape. The lock is closed with masking tape. To properly coat the surface, prepare it:

Removing old coating
  1. Remove old paint and primer using grinding machine, sandpaper, cleaning solution.
  2. Pre-grinding is performed, which helps remove scratches and paint.
  3. Remove dust and dirt.
  4. Fill imperfections and cracks in wood.
  5. After drying, the canvas is puttied with medium-grain sandpaper and then with fine-grain sandpaper.

Attention. Darkened wood is lightened with a mixture of chlorine bleach and water (3 to 1).

Scheme, procedure for coating a door with paintwork

The painting material is applied to the doors according to a specific pattern. The panel surface is painted in 3 stages. It is better to use a roller. It ensures uniform application and does not leave streaks. Start painting from the top from the corner of the door, across from left to right. Then, after drying, apply a second layer lengthwise, and a third layer crosswise.

The paneled door is painted with a brush, starting from the recesses. Make sure that no excess paint remains. Afterwards, the door is painted with a roller in accordance with the painting scheme for the panel surface. For rich color, paint in 3 layers.

Before varnishing doors, take into account the number of layers. Quality depends on this appearance. Most often apply 3 times. Each layer is applied after the previous one has dried. The number of layers can be found on the varnish jar itself - information is provided by the manufacturer.

The varnish is applied to wooden door with a large brush. If there are patterns, then use brushes different sizes. To ensure that the varnished surface is smooth, painting is carried out on a flat surface with the door in a horizontal position.

To varnish, the canvas is placed in a horizontal position.

The first (base) layer is made with diluted (water, solvent) varnish along the length of the wood structure. You cannot stop the process, as dark spots remain. The next layer is applied crosswise, after drying and treating the surface with fine sandpaper. Varnishing of wooden doors is carried out until a smooth surface is formed.

Attention! If a drop of varnish gets on the surface and has time to dry, it is better to leave it as is. Otherwise, you can ruin the appearance.

Painting pine canvas

The advantage of inexpensive pine is the pleasant smell of pine needles, which brings peace to the house and promotes good sleep. Pine is classified as a wood susceptible to environment. Pine will become durable and wear-resistant if it is painted with the chosen paint coating.

Not all interior designers are willing to use pine doors - they have a lot of knots. This deficiency can be corrected with the help of stain, giving a noble shade.

Before painting a pine door, it is puttied and sanded. Resin stains are removed door leaf pine is sanded. To paint pine doors you need to do the following:

  • Any pine door is pre-treated with sandpaper - sanded.
  • The surface of the pine canvas is cleaned of dust.
  • Pine doors are primed, which promotes uniform application of paint and protects the wood from rotting. To improve antiseptic protection, special impregnation is used.
  • Next, a layer of stain of the required shade is applied to the pine door using a roller. Opaque paints are suitable for completely coloring the texture.
  • The pine door is varnished.

When coating solid wood doors with paint and varnish, do not save time and do not shorten work processes. This results in an unattractive appearance and the appearance of defects on the surface of the canvas. Therefore, carrying out the main stages of painting from stripping to polishing is an important aspect of it.

How to paint pine doors correctly:

When the interior needs to be updated, but there is no money to buy new doors, there is a desire to do something with your own hands. Many resort to in various ways decoration - paste the canvas with self-adhesives, paint it with various paints and varnishes, and cover it with vinyl panels. But I liked the way of varnishing a wooden door. It is about this method that I will write in more detail today, and also tell you how the whole coating process happened with my own hands and how to remove the varnish if necessary.

Advantages and features of using varnish

We coat the door with varnish

In addition to the fact that varnish allows you to give the door a spectacular look, it also has great amount protective functions, which are so necessary for the door leaf. Thanks to various types varnish can completely change the appearance of the solid wood and give the appearance of ordinary pine valuable breed tree. Varnishing also allows you to emphasize the shade that the door leaf has and give some of its details a deep and rich color.

Important! Many people confuse the concepts of impregnation for wooden surface And protective coatings. If the former serve to protect the material from mold and rot, then the latter protect the wood from external negative impact water, sun and sudden temperature changes.

For myself, I found out the following advantages that allow you to varnish the door yourself:

  1. Varnish is available material– everyone can choose suitable mixture based pricing policy. But here we should not forget that only a high-quality mixture can improve the protective and external properties of the door and at the same time extend its service life. Therefore, such protection will not cost a penny.
  2. Simple application - even a beginner who has no previous experience in carrying out such events can coat surfaces with varnish
  3. Versatility - the material is used for various surfaces, besides, it can be used as a fixing for decoupage and painting
  4. The protective functions that varnish has increase the resistance of a wooden door to various negative influences. This can include mechanical damage, scratches, moisture and ultraviolet light.

As it turns out, there are plenty of varieties of varnish, but they are all divided by composition. There are such as:

  • Oil varnish - as is already clear, the main component is oils, which, when absorbed into the surface, can change its color. They can be used as a solvent, they take a long time to dry and most often have an unpleasant odor
  • Water-based - popular nowadays because they are colorless, have no strong odors and can be either completely matte or glossy. It has short term drying, but the door leaf requires preliminary application of stain

Sequence of work

Door finishing with varnish

As for all reasons, it comes first proper preparation surfaces. If the canvas has already been varnished, it should be removed. Such manipulations can be done in several ways:

  1. Using sandpaper - in order to remove the old coating, it is better to stock up on a block with which it will be more convenient to hold the sandpaper. You should start with coarse-grained pieces and then move on to fine-grained pieces
  2. A sanding machine will make the whole process very fast and convenient. Removing the coating with its help will not be difficult or physically expensive.
  3. Solvent - although this method can be called very relevant, it can ruin the wood or not work in the required volume

Important! If there are chips, use a special mastic that can be matched to the color of the canvas. If you decide to use stain before coating, apply it immediately after sanding and cleaning the surface.

From a friend of mine, I learned some features that will make covering the canvas much easier and more correct. Doors require dismantling and installation in a horizontal position - only this action will protect the door as much as possible from smudges and other flaws. Using a brush allows you to apply the varnish evenly. In total, you should apply from three to five layers - if you applied the base layer with horizontal brush movements, then apply the second one in a vertical direction. You should also alternate subsequent layers if you need to coat the canvas with varnish.

DIY antique effect

We coat the door with varnish ourselves

If we figured out how to renew an old canvas, then on the contrary, I had no idea how to age wood. Very often, antique doors are used to emphasize design solutions in rooms and there is no desire to purchase expensive options. This is precisely why there are ways to create an antique wooden door.

I liked the brushing option, but I will talk about each one separately. So, to achieve an antique look, the following methods are used:

  1. Brushing is a very simple option and is used by many workshops. Using an iron brush you need to remove upper layer wood until the annual rings appear. Remember how worn boards in your home begin to look over time - here this look is achieved with the help of physical labor and metal brush. For those who decide to try to implement this method for the “antique” effect, you should immediately stock up on varnish. Since the rough material should subsequently be sanded and covered with paint, stain or updated with varnish
  2. Patination – “patina” is the name given to a special paint that allows you to get an antique look for a rough wooden panel. Application technology consists of selecting the required color and applying the first base layer, which is subsequently covered with paints or the same material, only more light shades. When the coating dries, it begins to age using fine-grained sandpaper. When the bottom layer begins to show through the top, it appears that the canvas has been painted several times. In this case, scratches appear that look completely natural.
  3. Aging with wax - the “antique” technology in this case consists of a certain sequence: apply the wax - paint it in a lighter color - wait for it to dry completely - remove the paraffin using a spatula - sand the entire base - the next step is “coat with varnish or stain” - treat wax. It is this method that allows you to make the “antique” look as close to the truth as possible.


We cover the door with varnish with our own hands

When I first heard about varnish and similar actions for updating doors or, conversely, aging doorways, all the actions seemed difficult to carry out and very complex in terms of execution technology. But the first time I tried to apply varnish and decorate interior paintings with my own hands, I realized that for my home there is still for a long time no need to replace interior doors.

Wood is one of the most popular building materials. Of course, over time, wood began to be used somewhat less frequently, giving preference to stronger and more durable materials. It is unlikely that wood can be replaced as an interior decoration material. Wooden doors can have special treatments, as well as a variety of patterns. Despite all positive sides material, without varnishing the doors will begin to deteriorate. The appearance and condition of the wood may deteriorate significantly, and it will be impossible to return everything to its original state.

It is worth understanding that the process of applying varnish is quite simple, but incredibly responsible. Many owners still count on the help of specialists, but simple rules They will help you easily carry out all the procedures yourself. It is important to know that, first of all, applying varnish is not about improving the appearance of the door, but rather about actions aimed at extending the service life of the material.

Of course, the door can also be painted, but it is the varnish that can preserve the natural appearance of the wood component. At the same time a little dark colors varnishes for wooden doors look really chic. In this matter, a lot also depends on the interior of the home itself. In some cases, paint may be suitable, and in others, varnish. Experience shows that lacquered windows are not best idea, from which, under the influence of precipitation, the wood still begins to deteriorate and darken. Doors that are located indoors, after applying varnish to the surface, last a really long time without losing their appearance.

Basics of choosing wood varnish

As already mentioned, varnish will help the doors not fade, dull or peel, as happens when using paint. It is important to know that the varnish is applied to the surface of the door in several layers. This ensures maximum surface durability. Varnishes are quite inexpensive, but there are also varieties of such coatings. Among the most popular varnishes are:

  • acrylic;
  • alkyd;
  • water-dispersed.

The last type of varnish is used most often. It has many advantages compared to other types. In turn, it is better not to look closely at alkyd varnishes; they have many disadvantages. Water-dispersion varnishes last longer and are also much safer in terms of the environmental component. Maximum important aspect This varnish is fire resistant. This is a factor that is of phenomenal importance within a home.

Preliminary actions

Before varnishing the door, you should do some important actions. It is worth being careful and looking for cracks and chips on the surface. Such defects often appear during the transportation of doors. Nothing wrong with that. All these irregularities should be filled with putty. To purchase putty, we need to know the type of wood, and then purchase required material. Putty is applied with a special spatula Not big size. It should be ensured that after all these actions, even a minimal void does not form inside the putty crack. After this, you need to sand the surface of the door. Our task is to make the surface of the door smooth. For this it is best to take zero sandpaper and carefully treats every millimeter of surface. Almost all types of wood after careful processing create a shiny surface.

Applying varnish to the door surface

Before varnishing the doors, you should know exactly how many layers need to be applied. This is an important aspect on which the final quality, as well as the appearance of the doors, can depend. Often 2-3 layers are applied. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried. Often information about required quantity layers are provided by the varnish manufacturers themselves, so before use you should read the instructions located on the varnish jar. The varnish is applied with a regular brush, preferably a large one. If there are elements on the door that should be avoided when applying varnish, you should use masking tape. If we are talking about three layers of varnish, then you should not apply it in large quantities.

The varnish dries quite quickly. The very next day you can safely touch the door. Immediately after treatment, an unpleasant smell of varnish will be felt, so it is better to ventilate the home.

Important Process Features

To strictly take into account the consumption of varnish material, you should again refer to the information on the can. The varnish is incredibly easy to apply, so of this material large quantities are not required. To calculate the amount of varnish in detail, you need to know the surface area of ​​the door. The can indicates the amount of varnish that is suitable for treating the surface in one layer.

If there are a lot of patterns and other complex elements on the surface of the door, it is worth purchasing several brushes at once. Unfortunately, a large tool is not effective when processing small parts; this should be taken into account.

Other aspects of surface varnish treatment

Before To How to varnish wooden doors, experts advise removing them from their hinges and placing them horizontally. Thanks to this action, the application of varnish becomes much more uniform than with classical way. This option will require a lot of time to varnish the entire door. First we apply varnish to one surface, and the next day we turn the door over and treat the other side.

It is very important what kind of varnish the door is coated with. Many also prefer colored varnish, which gives the door a special richness. Colorless door varnish is often applied after the door surface has been painted. This step allows you to make the surface as smooth as possible and truly mesmerizing.

There is no price issue when choosing varnishes special significance. It is important to pay attention to popular manufacturers who have been for long years They produce only high-quality products. Quality is the key word here, because coating a surface with varnish implies maximum term operation of doors while maintaining the original properties.

It’s not always a decision to update the interior or make redecorating in the house should be accompanied by the replacement of wooden doors. They can be easily transformed and returned fresh look, replacing the old one paintwork by selecting new color, texture, application technology. This idea is quite easy to implement; you just need to choose the right paint and varnish.

Types of paints and varnishes

For painting wood, modern manufacturers offer several types of paints, each of which has its own specific features and properties, which can be decisive when choosing.

Alkyd enamel and varnish

This type of paint is affordable and has a huge palette of colors. After drying, the coating becomes very durable and does not require enamel application. special devices, there is no need to strictly follow the instructions. One cannot but rejoice at the fact that the initial polymerization of the enamel will occur within an hour after its application, and after a few days its full strength will be acquired.

The main arguments against such a decision are that such a coating will need to be renewed almost every year, since it relatively quickly loses its original color, fades, and cracks begin to form on it. An important drawback that can be decisive if it is necessary to paint doors indoors is that the chemical components included in the alkyd enamel actively evaporate during the drying process, causing Negative influence on people's health. A persistent unpleasant odor is inevitable, so it is recommended to apply this coating only outdoors.

The basis of alkyd varnish is alkyd resins, which are dissolved in an organic solvent. They are resistant to moisture, but do not tolerate high or low temperatures, therefore, to apply them it is necessary to comply temperature regime within +5-30?C with humidity up to 85%.

It's solid durable coating for the door, which can be washed using detergents. Manufacturers offer special types of alkyd varnishes, which are characterized by the ability to be exposed to the sun for a long time, exposed to acids, alkaline materials, and cleaning agents.

Nitro paints and varnishes

Nitro paints are used only if it is possible to apply the coating and dry the door outside in a place where people are not constantly present. This is due to the fact that it is even more toxic than alkyd and requires compliance with safety precautions during work. But at the same time, such a coating will be the strongest and most durable of all existing ones; it dries completely in just 20-30 minutes, which is why it is often preferred when industrially painting wood.

Nitrovarnishes contain the same substances as paints, so all the disadvantages associated with chemical composition OS material, as well as the advantages of this option remain relevant. They are actively used for interior work, but it is desirable to create conditions under which no one will have to breathe fumes.

Acrylic enamel and varnish

If you plan to paint and varnish work indoors, acrylic enamel is the best possible options. This material is free from all the disadvantages of alkyd and nitro paints:

  • drying of the coating occurs due to the evaporation of water,
  • the enamel contains no toxic chemicals that could cause allergies or an unpleasant odor during the drying process,
  • The coating is bright, resistant to sunlight,
  • a very wide selection of enamel shades is offered,
  • acrylic coating is always elastic, therefore not prone to cracking and chipping.

The only “disadvantage” of this paint can be considered only its relatively high cost and the need to additionally open the surface with acrylic varnish to increase the strength of the coating.

Water-based acrylic paints

Acrylic varnish has a number of features compared to other types of materials. The most important advantages This material remains fireproof, environmentally friendly, and also contains no organic solvents. The difficulty in application may lie in the low drying speed of each layer, which (depending on environmental conditions) takes about 10-14 days at a humidity above 50%.

Manufacturers provide the opportunity to choose alkyd varnish in two versions:

Acrylic varnishes

Features of choosing and using paintwork materials for a wooden door

First of all, you should pay attention to whether this paint is intended for external or internal work (accordingly, choose paintwork materials for the entrance or interior door). The humidity in the room is no less important: separate category Manufacturers have selected moisture-resistant materials. You should also take into account whether the resulting coating should be transparent or opaque, which means you need to decide on the varnish or paint for the door.

  1. When choosing a material, you should pay attention that any glossy coating will highlight all the irregularities on the surface of the door (this applies not only to varnishes, but also to glossy paints). If you need to make minor imperfections, you should choose a matte material.
  2. If the choice is made in favor acrylic paint, it is recommended to pay attention to the fact that the adhesion of the coating to its base becomes stronger over time. In connection with this, varnishing such a door should be postponed for several days (and better than weeks), having previously protected the surface with film or glass.
  3. Before using nitro varnish on a painted surface, it is worth testing it in an inconspicuous place: it is possible that instead of a glossy layer new paint will dissolve and “stretch” behind the brush in streaks.

If you decide to have your doors repaired, contact our branch, we will update your doors and save you the money that you would have spent on buying a new door.

No residential or public space is complete without doors. for various purposes. Quite often these doors are made of wood or modern wood substitutes (laminate, MDF, veneer).

Due to its natural characteristics, a wooden door cannot remain flawless for a long period.

Any wooden door requires the right approach to choosing the covering material.

There comes a time when you have to replace the old design with a new product. But not everyone can afford to replace all the doors or the quality of the old door is so good that they can be given new life. Then a legitimate question arises - how to cover a wooden door. The answers may vary. It depends on what you want to see in the end result. Let's consider the methods and materials that are most accessible for independent use.

Giving new life to an old wooden door

Most often, the question of how to cover a wooden door arises among owners of old interior designs, which went to the apartment from the moment of construction.

Do not rush to throw away old wooden doors. They have robust construction and will be able to serve for more than one year with the right approach.

Multi-year layers of paint begin to crack, crumble, and the façade design does not fit into the new one. modern interior. It's time major restoration wooden sheet and box. The main requirement is to prepare the structure for the new decorative coating. After thorough cleaning, it is necessary to select the base coating so that you know what work needs to be done before covering the wooden door. For coating, you can choose paint, varnish or stain. The sequence of work will be the same. The only difference is finishing layer and surface drying time.

Painting an old wooden door

If you decide not to buy, but to cover the old door with paint, then the choice must be made between two types of paint:

    • alkyd enamel;
  • acrylic enamel.

The choice of paint dictates the sequence of further actions.

    • Alkyd paint dries within two days and has a very strong odor, which does not bring comfort to either you or your family members. The only advantage is the fact that alkyd enamel is abrasion resistant, does not require varnish if a glossy composition is chosen, and is affordable.

If you or family members are prone to allergies, acrylic paint should be preferred for covering a wooden door.

When thinking about the question of how to cover a wooden door, do not forget to buy wood primer and putty.

Wood putty and primer will be needed to prepare the door for coating with paint or varnish.

These funds will be needed to prepare the canvas for subsequent painting.

Having examined the properties of two types of enamel, we will get acquainted in detail with all the stages of returning an old wooden door to a new life.

How to coat a wooden door: instructions for working with paint

If an old wooden door is chosen for the interior space, then all work must begin with the purchase of materials and tools.

What you need to prepare:

for removing old paint

    • putty knife;
    • sandpaper of different fractions;
    • a rag;
  • a construction hair dryer if the paint is difficult to remove.

for preparing the canvas

    • wood putty;
    • wood primer;
  • roller or brush.

for painting

    • brush, roller, sponge;
    • wood varnish;
  • protective agent for face and hands.

Stages of work on updating a wooden door:

    1. The door must be removed from its hinges, because it is difficult to properly cover the door leaf in a hanging position. There is no way to get to all sides of the facade without problems, the paint will smudge, the fittings will be dirty finishing materials, which will affect their external and functional qualities.
    1. Prepare a mat on the floor to prevent contamination of the surface. If you use compounds with a strong odor, then, if possible, carry out all work on the street or balcony to reduce the presence of odor in the room.
    1. Lay the canvas on the prepared surface and remove all accessories. The fittings may also need to be updated.
    1. Let's start removing the old coating. Don't forget that wood is soft and can be easily damaged. Therefore, proceed with caution. Some experts advise using special removers to remove old paint. You can use these products, but after first studying their composition and effect on wood covering. If you have difficulty peeling paint, you can use heating elements, which will soften the paint and allow you to remove it all without a trace.
    1. Inspect the canvas and eliminate any defects using sandpaper, putty or wax-based mastic.
    1. After drying, the surface must be sanded again to remove any unevenness that may appear during the application of the final coat of paint.
    1. We proceed to applying the paint according to the instructions on the package. It depends on the type of enamel chosen.

Let’s take a closer look at how to properly varnish a wooden door, because it can be used as a basis for restoration.

Choosing a varnish to coat a wooden door, the specifics of applying glue to the surface

If the painting method does not suit you, or you want to cover not an old door, but a new one, but without finishing, then varnish can be used to maintain the natural texture and shade of wood fits better Total. But you need to choose the right varnish, because each surface has its own composition.

Varnish and any other product applied simultaneously to the canvas must have the same properties.

The assortment of varnish can confuse an uninformed person. Some formulations have a very strong odor, others are barely noticeable. There are several types of varnish:

    • Alkyd - the base is a solvent that has a pungent odor. The varnish is water resistant. At correct application give light wood yellow tint. Dries within one day. A hardener can be added to improve properties.
    • Nitrolac is similar in composition to the first option. Dries quickly. For even application it is better to use a paint sprayer.
    • Polyurethane varnish is the most resistant to external influences and lasts longer than other varnishes on the surface. But it must be remembered that this varnish can make the wood dark if you do not apply a primer first.
  • Acrylic varnish is the most environmentally friendly of all listed, because it is water based. It does not have a pungent odor, which also inspires respect. But acrylic varnish, like acrylic enamel, is less resistant to abrasion. You shouldn’t count on maintaining the gloss of a wooden door for a long time.

The choice is yours.

We varnish the door blank

Many people, trying to save on money, buy products without finishing. They are cheaper and can fit perfectly into the interior if you know how to cover a wooden door and how to do it correctly.

A wooden door coated with varnish retains its natural color and texture.

If the workpiece is not intended for painting (panel with white matte finish), then select the varnish of the desired composition so as not to spoil the canvas.

    1. Basically, door blanks are sold in sanded form, but take the time to check the entire surface again for chips, dents, and roughness, which will make the varnish appear even more. Treat defects if necessary.
    1. Apply a coat of primer and let it dry. The primer will protect the wood surface from darkening.
  1. We proceed to applying the varnish, having first stirred it and poured it into a jar. The varnish must be applied quickly, in cross movements, without smudges. Slowness is of no use here. The varnish quickly sets to the surface. The more strokes, the less even the layer will be. This will lead to additional processing against stains. The varnish must be applied in three to four layers, allowing each layer to dry.

Your efforts will be visible in the end result - beautiful glossy canvas natural shade of wood will fit perfectly into the interior of any room.

You can varnish not only a new wooden door, but also an old canvas coated with varnish. Restoration begins with thorough cleaning of the old coating. The process is similar to working with painted old door, excluding the stage of painting with enamel. Craftsmen advise using more toxic varnishes for long-term use of varnished doors, because they are more resistant to abrasion.

Let's not forget about the stain

Stain is also still appropriate for covering a wooden door. If you want to change the natural shade of wood, stain will cope with this task very well. Any wood can be stained. The shade depends on the intensity of application of the composition to the surface. The more stain, the more the natural shade changes. But you need to do everything carefully to avoid dark spots or smudges on the door.

Stain allows you to change the basic shade of wood.

The stain can be applied to the door without removing it from the hinges. You just have to move from bottom to top. Use a sponge to apply.

We have reviewed different means for new or old.

If you want to save money, do everything yourself. How to cover a wooden door? The answer depends on your choice.

A visual aid of what and how to cover a wooden door can be obtained in the presented video: