How to get high-quality penoizol. Penoizol: benefits and use

Penoizol is an improved polystyrene foam. Applicable in construction industry during the construction of houses, for filling hollow blocks, insulating housing by pouring it into inter-wall voids.

Thanks to the simple technology of its production directly from the customer and relatively inexpensive components, the cost of insulation is several times lower and faster than with external insulation with polystyrene foam or other insulation. Its unique properties are similar to those of expanded polystyrene.

Thermal conductivity

The first and main positive quality is the thermal conductivity of penoizol. It is quite low, ranging from 0.031 to 0.041 watts per meter. It is enough to apply such material to the surface of the wall in a layer ten centimeters thick, and the house will become much warmer.

Penoizol will help create savings when heating the room, reducing the cost of it several times. Thanks to this, you can more than compensate for all construction costs for penoizol literally in one maximum two winters.

It is worth adding that layers of penoizol can be used different sizes- from five centimeters to a whole meter in thickness. It all depends on the decision and financial capabilities of the owner.

Fire resistance

The second feature of the material is resistance to open flames. It manifests itself in the fact that penoizol is not only unable to catch fire, it does not even melt in the fire.

Such insulating material can be safely used in various temperature indicators - from minus sixty to plus eighty degrees Celsius. And even if there is a high temperature that can melt hardware, penoizol will only evaporate without releasing toxic substances.

Moisture resistance and hygroscopicity

The disadvantage of many insulation materials is exposure to mold. This does not apply to our sample at all. It completely resists the effects of moisture and other microorganisms.

The composition of the material is perfectly capable of absorbing moisture, but its return occurs quickly, without consequences. This quality makes it one level higher than mineral wool, which gradually loses its properties due to a humid environment.

After complete drying, it continues to retain heat. With the use of this material you can completely protect your walls from dampness. The only condition is that you need to create a gap for ventilation.

TO positive qualities It is also quite possible to include the hygroscopicity of the material, the ability to allow air to pass through well, excellent strength and operational durability.

Rodents prefer to avoid this material, without making their secret passages in it. The foam insulation material remains neutral to organic solvents and aggressive chemical environments.

Does not increase in volume

There are also certain negative aspects. The material poured into the cracks does not increase its volume, as careless craftsmen try to say. However, it does give some shrinkage. And this must be taken into account when carrying out work. You may end up with low-quality material that contains toxins that emit unpleasant odors during operation.

Disadvantages of penoizol

Despite all the apparent advantages, this material has significant disadvantages.

2. If applied incorrectly or using low-quality components, penoizol shrinks and this causes cracks to form, which become cold bridges, nullifying all efforts at thermal insulation.

Penoizol - liquid foam

It is worth immediately noting that polystyrene foam is a term that includes a large list of foamed materials based on polymer resins.

The properties of all these materials can vary significantly, and they completely depend on such issues as the purpose of the material, that is, technical foam plastic can have a significant excess in toxicity compared to materials used in everyday life.


Liquid foam is prepared immediately before work begins on applying it to a certain surface; this type of foam can release toxic substances during work with it, until it completely hardens.
Among the variety of raw materials for making polystyrene foam, the best is urea resin.


Any type of slab heat-insulating material appears as a result of solidification of foamed liquid raw materials. And if you apply this liquid raw material directly to the surface, the adhesion of the material to it will become several times stronger than the strengthening of the slab. This led to the fact that Lately Mobile foam preparation stations are especially in demand.

For the manufacture of liquid foam hardener and resin are used. The curing process of the material is similar to polymer or epoxy glue, the only difference is the type of resin. All components are mixed and whipped into foam using a special station; this foam is called liquid foam. Afterwards, from the station the foam under pressure is supplied through the hose to the application area.

Penoizol is one of the cheapest insulation materials. At the same time, his functional characteristics, as a heat insulator, are quite competitive with other, more expensive insulation materials.

When building houses or reconstructing them, the question often arises about effective insulation walls For these purposes, many materials are produced that are different in their technical characteristics, properties, performance and cost. Recently, penoizol or urea-formaldehyde foam has become increasingly popular in the domestic market.

It allows you to quickly and inexpensively insulate almost any building structure.

What it is?

Penoizol is a modified polystyrene foam. Its consistency resembles marshmallow. The material is foamed plastic with a cellular structure. Modified foam - modern heat insulator for insulation of building structures.

Often the material is prepared directly on the construction site. Using specialized equipment, the liquid mixture is used to fill voids in walls, ceilings, roofs and attics. Thanks to the production of insulation at the construction site, savings are made cash, time costs and effort for the delivery of a conventional heat insulator and its loading and unloading operations. Not required additional areas for storing thermal insulation products.


In the production of penoizol, inexpensive components are used, due to which the finished material is affordable.

To produce this insulation you need:

  • urea-formaldehyde resin;
  • foaming component;
  • orthophosphoric acid;
  • water.

Dosed parts of these components are placed in special equipment (foam generator), to which the compressed air. Through the use of such a device, a foamy mass is formed, intended for filling voids.

Modified foam has White color and jelly structure. With its help, it is possible to quickly seal all air spaces. The applied foam hardens after 10 minutes. After 4 hours the mass becomes solid, and after 3 days it acquires “final” strength. 72 hours is enough for the material to dry completely.


Thermal insulation of buildings is produced by various types of foam insulation. There are three types of them:

  • Liquid. The most commonly used type by builders. Its popularity is due to its ease of use. Such a heat insulator is prepared directly on site using specialized equipment. The material can be purchased in cylinders for small amounts of work. Close up with liquid foam air gaps during the construction, reconstruction or repair of various structures.

  • Sheet or in rolls. This thermal insulation material is made by pouring liquid foam into molds. After the mass hardens, it is cut into sheets of optimal length, dried and mechanically cleaned. Some manufacturers offer foil sheet foam insulation. Such materials cannot be glued. They must be fixed with dowels and covered with cladding on top.

  • Chit. Penoizol granules are produced by crushing hardened penoizol into fractions whose size does not exceed 15 mm. Granular insulation has a minimum density (up to 8 kg/m2).

Different types of liquid foam can be used for different construction purposes.

Where is it used?

Penoizol is widely used in private and professional construction. It is used not only as a heat-insulating material, but also as a sound-proofing component.

It is used for insulation:

  • external walls;
  • facades;
  • roofs;
  • pipelines;
  • vegetable storage facilities.

The material is also intended for creating sandwich panels. Granular penoizol has found application in insulation horizontal structures: floor surfaces, attics and interfloor ceilings. Foil insulation can be used to insulate water pipes.

You should be aware that liquid foam has some restrictions on its use. For example, it is not recommended for use in areas exposed to intense moisture. These include plinths, basements, foundations. The reason is simple: penoizol is able to withstand multiple cycles of freezing and thawing, but at the same time it loses its thermal insulation properties.

Experts also do not recommend using urea-formaldehyde foam for furnishing roofing pie. The fact is that the material quickly collapses under the influence sun rays, because of which, soon after installation, it may lose its heat and sound insulation qualities.


According to their own technical parameters Penoizol is superior to many modern insulation materials.

Main characteristics of the material:

  • Excellent thermal conductivity. The values ​​of this parameter range from 0.03 to 0.4 W/mK. To preserve heat and significant savings on heating, it will be enough to install foam insulation sheets 10 cm thick on the walls.
  • Good noise absorption rates (over 65%).
  • Fire resistance. Thermal insulation products based on urea-formaldehyde resins belong to the flammability class G-1, and to the flammability group B-2. This means that the material will not ignite in a fire or even melt. With prolonged exposure to a fire flame, the insulation will evaporate without releasing toxic substances.

  • Moisture resistance. The heat insulator absorbs moisture well and releases it back without losing its performance qualities. The insulation is able to absorb up to 1/5 of the moisture and soon evaporate it.
  • Strength. Compression with linear deformation is 0.25–0.3 kg/cm2, and with tension 0.05–0.08 kg/cm2.

Penoizol can be used under severe temperature fluctuations from -50 to +100 degrees, which allows its use in difficult climatic conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Liquid foam has numerous advantages that distinguish it from other types of heat insulators.

This material has the following advantages:

  • Low thermal conductivity coefficient.
  • Elasticity and resilience. Thanks to these properties, the foam fills all cracks and voids, eliminating the formation of cold air bridges.
  • Resistant to mechanical stress. Under force loads, the frozen material is crushed, and after the pressure is removed, it quickly returns to its original position.
  • Fortitude to sudden temperature changes and resistance to changes in humidity.
  • Excellent steam permeability. Due to this property, condensation will not accumulate on insulated wall surfaces.

  • Good adhesion. The foam quickly and reliably adheres to any of the bases, making it convenient for insulating buildings with complex structures.
  • Excellent protection against mold and mildew. You don’t have to be afraid that insects will get into the insulation or that rodents will ruin it.
  • Favorable price. The raw materials for the production of penoizol are inexpensive, which has a positive effect on the prices of the finished material. By installing a heat insulator yourself, you can save a significant amount on home insulation.
  • Durability. Properly installed thermal insulation material can last more than 50 years without changing its performance properties.
  • Environmentally friendly. During operation, the heat insulator does not emit harmful substances. It is safe for health.

Despite the above advantages, liquid foam cannot be called an ideal insulation material. It has some disadvantages. Reviews from those who insulated their home with penoizol indicate shrinkage of the material (approximately 5%). The disadvantages include the impossibility of preparing and applying a foamy mass without specialized equipment.

It can be rented or purchased, and this leads to additional financial costs.

Disadvantages also include a high percentage of moisture absorption, low tensile strength and the inability to work with foam at temperatures below +5 degrees. In addition, when installing the material, there is a risk of releasing phenol-formaldehyde vapors that are hazardous to health. And yet, whether penoizol is harmful or not is worth understanding in more detail.

Harmful or not?

According to numerous reviews online, most consumers of liquid foam complain about its toxic odor during installation and drying. As experts note, such situations are observed when purchasing a low-quality heat insulator. The fact is that some manufacturers, in order to save money, use cheap urea resin with numerous impurities.

A high-quality thermal insulator can exude bad smell only during installation. This is explained by the fact that during polymerization the substance begins to release formaldehyde. However, their number is insignificant. In comparison, many modern paint products emit much more harmful substances, while penoizol manufactured according to standards ceases to emit formaldehyde even after drying.

Having compared all the pros and cons, we can conclude that it is better to refuse cheap insulation from unfamiliar manufacturers. It’s better to overpay and give preference to well-known ones brands who have managed to win the trust of consumers.

Review of manufacturers

Penoizol – tradename urea foam plastic and this mark can only be used by the NST company (“New construction technologies»). This material is produced abroad, in each country it has its own name:

  • in the UK - flotation foam;
  • in Germany - animotherm;
  • in Canada - insulinspray;
  • in the Czech Republic - mofotherm.

The basis for the production of liquid foam in Russia is produced by the companies ZAO Metadynea, OAO Togliattiazot, OAO Acron and others.


For the production of penoizol directly on construction site and its submission will be required specialized equipment. This includes gas-liquid installations, the function of which is to mix the components included in the material and supply the finished foam to molds or places of insulation. In addition to mixing units, you will need air compressor and containers for reagents.

The operating principle of such an installation is simple: all containers with the necessary components and a compressor are connected to the gas-liquid unit via hoses. After mixing the reagents, foam forms. It is then fed into casting molds or air gaps at the construction site.

Before you buy penoizol, as well as purchase or rent all the necessary components for home insulation, it is important to familiarize yourself with some recommendations.

How to choose?

When selecting equipment, consider a number of nuances.

  1. To install liquid foam, two types of installations can be used: gas-liquid and pneumohydraulic technology. The first, budgetary one, is advisable to use for insulating small objects, for example, a private house. Pneumohydraulic equipment is characterized by large dimensions, productivity and cost. It should be chosen if large-scale work is necessary.
  2. It is recommended to give preference to installations with a built-in compressor and receiver.
  3. Pay attention to what the plunger pump is made of and its options. Choose a pump made from of stainless steel or plastic. It must have a speed control function.
  4. You should not buy a unit with a foam generator attached to the pump part.

  • have a white color;
  • do not decrease in volume immediately after leaving the installation sleeve;
  • withstand hand pressure after 15 minutes of hardening;
  • do not have large and heterogeneous pores;
  • recover quickly after pressing.

If the prepared mass meets these requirements, you can safely purchase it.

No matter how they call penoizol - “liquid foam plastic”, KFP, “Mipora”, “Mettemplast” - but no one will undertake to say exactly what it is, where it is used and what properties it is characterized by. But these products, if you know about all their features and subtleties of the technology of use, will help solve a lot of problems, and at minimal cost.

So what is penoizol and is it interesting for us in terms of household use, especially if we focus on such an important indicator as the ratio of the final result to the money spent? Let's consider all the main pros and cons that characterize penoizol.

basis of this material is a polymer (urea resin, purified in a special way), into which various additives are introduced (primarily a plasticizer). These include substances such as foaming agent, hardener and water. The technology for preparing penoizol has its own specifics, but this is the topic of another article. We will only deal with its advantages and disadvantages.

It is worth noting that opinions about this material are very contradictory, and there is not so much information. And this is understandable - the products on the market are quite new. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to summarizing all the reviews that are publicly available.


In terms of such a parameter as thermal conductivity coefficient, penoizol is superior to the common one. Its value can vary between 0.033 – 0.048 W/m·K, since the value depends on the density of the material (from 8 to 28 kg/m³). This means that under the same insulation conditions, more CFPs can be laid thin layer, which does not significantly affect the reduction of usable space in the room.

The poured mass forms a continuous structure. Consequently, there are no joints, overlaps or gaps in the insulation layer, as is the case when using slab and roll products. Accordingly, there is no need to seal them (sealing the base).

Due to the fluidity of penoizol, it can be used to treat any areas – hard to reach, with complex geometry or topography. When insulating a private building, it is the finishing of the passages through the walls (floors) of various communications, the location of pipes on the roof, and so on that cause particular difficulty.

The absence of fasteners ensures the integrity of the waterproofing layer and eliminates the possibility of the formation of so-called “cold bridges”. Consequently, the level of heat loss is indirectly further reduced.

According to some experts (with reference to the specialized research institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences), the service life of the material is unlimited. Although in practice (taking into account the “youth” of the products), this has not been confirmed in any way - only theoretical calculations.

Penoizol does not melt, does not ignite, does not emit smoke - it only chars.

Its structure is such that it belongs to the “breathable” category, so unpleasant “surprises” in the form of mold or mildew do not threaten the base material.

Possibility of reinforcing the layer by introducing mineral additives into the mixture.

Low cost - from 790 rubles/m³. This is enough to insulate approximately 15 - 20 m² (depending on the thickness of the fill).


Like all foam plastics, it does not have high mechanical strength. Therefore, insulation with penoizol is automatically accompanied by surface cladding of the applied layer. And it's not about his appearance. For example, when interior decoration the garage is not essential. The reason is the fragility of the material. “Unprotected” penoizol quickly crumbles, and such insulation will be of little use.

Difficulty of insulation frame structures. If the mass is poured between the capital partitions, then they do not deform under its weight. Consequently, penoizol fills the entire cavity to the maximum. And during insulation, when the formwork walls are not rigid enough, they can “play.” After some shrinkage of the CFP, this will lead to the formation of voids, and it will not be possible to correct the situation later. Although this can be avoided. For example, maintaining the room temperature at a constant and unchanged level, thereby regulating the rate of moisture evaporation. But this is only feasible for internal work.

Penoizol highlights harmful substances , and intensely. This is one opinion. The other is only partially, and then only until the poured mass has completely hardened.

Limitation in use - it is not recommended to use it for insulating buried parts of structures. The same applies to various types of screeds (installed using “wet” technology), since some moisture is still absorbed into the material, which worsens its properties as insulation.

Difficulty in carrying out work independently. The main difficulty is strict adherence to technology, and this requires certain knowledge and experience.

But this is mostly a theory, and in some respects not entirely confirmed. After all, there is still no practice of using penoizol on a large scale, and for a long time. Accordingly, there are no established statistics or specific recommendations for the use of this material, taking into account all the nuances of this insulation technique. Therefore, before making a final decision on the advisability of purchasing and installing it yourself, you need to think through everything carefully. Better yet, consult a “pro.”

To be fair, it is worth pointing out that many manufacturers advertise other types of penoizol - crushed (packed in mats), sheet. But this is already somewhat different, and more similar to the usual one (in granules or slabs).

The mid-90s of the last century was a turning point for the market building materials. Practical and inexpensive types thermal insulation, for example, mineral wool, glass wool, cellulose-based insulation. These materials attract the attention of buyers affordable price and relatively good characteristics.

However, there are also significant drawbacks. In particular, these are quite large materials, and the thickness of the insulation board “conceals” the interior space of the premises. In addition, such thermal insulation can dry out and become painted, which invariably leads to heat loss. Of course, mineral wool is still considered one of the popular thermal insulation materials.

However, this is not due to high efficiency, but to an affordable price. If there is a need for really high-quality thermal insulation of premises, penoizol is used during construction. This is a liquid insulation material that is rapidly gaining popularity in our country.

What kind of thermal insulation material is this?

Let's start with definitions. The name "Penoizol" is a trademark of insulation created on the basis of urea resins. The material is in high demand, so it has become a household name, combining the following names:





However, in the environment professional builders, insulation is better known as liquid or poured foam.

By appearance, thermal insulation resembles marshmallows, which, after hardening, turns into an elastic mass that is guaranteed to fill all voids.

The composition of the insulation includes the following components:

    Urea resin

    Orthophosphoric acid

    Foaming additives

The ingredients are mixed in certain proportions and pumped into special cylinders where the mixture is under pressure.

Technical characteristics of urea-formaldehyde foam (UFP)

It is believed that, in terms of its stated performance properties, penoizol is superior to any insulation available on the domestic market. The main characteristics of thermal insulation look like this:

    Thermal efficiency. The thermal conductivity of insulation varies within 0.031-0.041 W/m on the Kelvin scale. It is enough to pour a layer of liquid foam into 10 cm, to provide interior spaces reliable insulation.

    Soundproofing. Penoizol absorbs up to 65% street noise, which is considered a very good indicator.

    Fire safety. The material is not flammable and does not support combustion. However, when exposed to high temperatures, the insulation will simply evaporate without releasing toxic substances into the air.

    Dependence on chemicals and biological factors . The insulation is neutral to any aggressive environment. In addition, the insulation is of no interest to rodents and is resistant to pathogenic microflora: fungus, mold.

    Moisture resistance. The material absorbs moisture well, but subsequently evaporates it without losing its original properties. Given this feature, it is recommended to install ventilation gaps to prevent the appearance of mold on the walls.

    Strength. Indicators of linear compression of insulation are 0.07-0.5 kg/cm2. Accordingly, the material holds its shape well and quickly restores its structure.

Manufacturers assure that thermal insulation can last 30-50 years without loss of quality. However, insulation appeared on the market relatively recently, so there is no evidence of such an impressive service life yet.

Advantages and disadvantages of hardened thermofoam

The popularity of penoizol did not arise out of nowhere. Among the undeniable advantages of insulation are the following features:

    High technical properties - even a layer of insulation in 45 mm, can prevent heat loss.

    The elastic structure allows it to be restored to its original state even after prolonged compression.

    Neutrality to any external influences - sudden temperature changes do not affect the quality of the insulation.

    Excellent adhesion- thanks to its liquid structure, the thermal insulation adheres well to any surface and fills all voids.

    Multifunctionality- insulation is suitable for any structure, regardless of geometric shape.

    Vapor permeability- when using penoizol, condensation does not form on the walls, which is very useful for wooden structures.

In addition, liquid foam does not form cold bridges.

Of course, it wasn't without its drawbacks. Weaknesses insulation are considered:

    Shrinkage- after pouring, the volume of material may be reduced by 0.1-5%.

    Moisture absorption- if we are talking about foundation insulation, this parameter can be regarded as a disadvantage.

    Dependence temperature conditions - you can work with penoizol only at air temperatures above +5 degrees.

    Low tensile strength- despite the elastic structure, the insulation is easily torn and pierced, which violates the thermal insulation performance.

The disadvantages include high cost. It is curious, but the price of insulation does not exceed the cost of mineral wool and other thermal insulation materials. However, pouring liquid foam requires special equipment, which private developers do not have.

Therefore, you have to rent equipment or hire a team of construction workers, which adds to the overall cost of the work.

Independent reviews from construction forums

To understand the real effectiveness of insulation, you should not unconditionally trust the words of sellers and manufacturers. It will be much more effective to turn to reviews real people, who have already used the subject of our conversation for insulation. Let us immediately note that opinions on the properties of liquid thermal insulation are divided.

Not bad, but there was a small nuance. Alexander (

Penoizol is great alternative any kind modern insulation materials. The price is quite reasonable, the mice will not be carried away, the declared characteristics are at high level. However, when practical use a small drawback emerged: when insulating wooden walls there were empty areas left.

Recommended by friends. The house has a comfortable microclimate. Ildar (

We decided to insulate the walls with foam insulation around 5 years back: outer wall from block and brick. Between the masonry remains 6-7 centimeters free space. Glass wool and mineral wool did not give the expected result: the wall began to mold, the rooms were quite cool.

Friends recommended penoizol. As the crew worked, one could hear and see the insulation filling the space between the walls, emerging from the cracks. Now the house maintains a comfortable microclimate at any time of the year.

No complaints, but problems arose during the filling process. Mikhail (

It is clear that seamless insulation has undeniable advantages. There are no complaints about the quality of insulation, however, a network connection is required for the equipment to operate 380 V. I did not have such an opportunity, which caused some difficulties during the pouring process.

I really don't like the toxic smell. Konstantin (

After pouring, penoizol noticeably decreased in volume, which already reduces the quality of thermal insulation. In addition, the material has an unpleasant and clearly toxic odor. They said that the composition includes formaldehyde, the use of which has long been abandoned in European countries. I recently insulated the house, so I can’t say anything about the properties of the material, however, doubts about the correctness of the choice are already tormenting me.

The price of the work is steep. Eduard (

Personally, I am satisfied that penoizol will not be chewed by mice, the insulation accurately fills any gaps, and provides reliable heat and sound insulation. I didn't like the fragility of the material and its susceptibility to deformation. And the overall price of the work is a bit steep.

In order for penoizol to fully live up to the hopes placed on it, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the pouring technology. If this is your first time encountering liquid thermal insulation, it is better to immediately contact specialists who can do the job efficiently.

Wall insulation is carried out according to the following scheme:

    IN wall structures holes are drilled into which penoizol is pumped through the filling hoses.

    Install a protective facade made of metal profiles, leaving a gap between the wall and the metal 5-10 cm.

    Fill the free space with insulation.

    Waiting 4 hours To allow the material to set, cut off the excess insulation and begin finishing.

Roof insulation:

    The surface intended for insulation is covered with a film that should extend onto the walls of the attic by 10-15 cm.

    Fix the membrane with staples.

    The slats are stuffed on top of the film.

    The space between the slats is filled with insulation.

    Waiting 15-20 minutes To make the insulation viscous, level the surface.

    Through 4 hours you can begin further work.

Floor insulation:

    Wooden sheathing is being installed.

    All sections are filled with insulation.

    When the material hardens, a plastic film is placed on top.

    Execute finishing: lay boards or pour concrete.

In principle, working with penoizol is practically no different from installing other types of insulation.

Consumption rates for insulating material per 1m2

When planning a construction budget, you need to accurately determine the amount of material. To determine the quantity liquid insulation which will be required to insulate the entire building, you need to know the consumption rates of penoizol per square meter.

According to manufacturers, the consumption of liquid foam per 1m2 varies within 1-1.3 l.

To calculate the required amount of material, you need to multiply the length and width of the wall by the consumption rates stated by the manufacturer. For example: 7*3.2*1.3=29.12 l. In this case, the final amount of thermal insulation must be taken with a small margin, taking into account unforeseen situations.

Manufacturers of urea foam plastic in the Russian Federation

Many companies in Russia and Europe are engaged in the production of penoizol. However, to purchase quality material you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a manufacturer. Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to the products of such companies:

    "New construction technologies". The company was founded in 1990, specializes in the production of thermal and waterproofing, fiberglass, fiber-reinforced concrete. Today, this is one of the main suppliers of penoizol to Russian market. By the way, the rights to use this trademark belong to this company.

    "Varmal LTD". This is a British company engaged in the production of liquid insulation flotofaum - the name of penoizol.

    LLC "Uveis" Russian company, located in the city of Orenburg. The manufacturer has been working on the market for a long time, so it carefully monitors the quality of its products.

In addition, customers respond positively to the products ProTeplo LLC, Penoizol-Omsk LLC, Murmansk Universal Plant CJSC.

On the building materials market there are products with a cellular structure, an example is penoizol. Not only professionals create it with their own hands from scrap materials, but also ordinary people who have some experience. This is an inexpensive raw material that requires the use of simple equipment. For this reason, this insulation has a low cost.

Features and description of the material

The material is a modified foam. Its main characteristics are:

  • resistance to fire;
  • good thermal insulation characteristics;
  • installation by spraying.
Penoizol has good resistance to fire

The basis is made up of three components. This is orthophosphoric acid, urea resin and a substance with foaming properties. The specified ingredients are mixed in exact proportions and the device is installed. A mixture resembling jelly is formed. It has a white tint. Under the influence of compressed air, it moves outward. She:

  • fills any space;
  • ensures tightness;
  • forms a lush foam after hardening.

Curing requires several steps. After application, the composition sets slowly. This takes approximately 15 minutes. After 3 hours the foam becomes a little hard. But this is not enough for it to fulfill its functions. The material takes its final form after 3 days.

In its finished form, it is not solid, but liquid penoizol that is formed. Some home craftsmen are trying to make it with their own hands, since it has good technical characteristics and is considered easy to manufacture. The material is elastic and easily restores its shape after any mechanical stress. It contains up to 90% air. Outwardly, it resembles expanded polystyrene, but differs from it in its fine cell structure.

The improved properties of penoizol have made it popular in the field of insulation of private houses. It finds application in thermal insulation complex structures, interfloor ceilings and floors.

Key varieties

Exist Various types urea foam. All of them are suitable for thermal insulation of buildings.

Penoizol can be used for thermal insulation of complex structures, interfloor ceilings and floors.

Main types:

  1. Liquid penoizol. Received the greatest distribution. It can be prepared directly on the construction site, which is why it is very convenient. Material used for thermal insulation various designs, as well as for the purpose of repairs. Foam is poured into a confined space to form additional sound insulation in frame buildings. If we are talking about repair work, penoizol in liquid form is used to fill cracks and gaps.
  2. Granular penoizol. It has several names: foam insulation crumb, thermal wool. It is available in the form of elastic granules. During manufacturing, the polymer is crushed into fractions up to 15 mm in size. The volume of the finished material after grinding doubles compared to the original amount. This a good option to save on installation costs. Granular penoizol is used to fill the cavity between walls and for laying on the floor.
  3. Sheet foam insulation. The liquid material is poured into a special mold. After cooling, it is cut on special machines or simply by hand until required thickness. After this, they are dried and mechanically processed. The product is used to insulate buildings under construction. Installation is carried out using dowels with outside walls Decorative panels or siding are laid on top. In addition, the slabs are laid between the joists on the floor.

More information about the production of penoizol:

Penoizol may have different densities depending on the manufacturer. It varies on average from 6 to 35 kg per cubic meter.

Technical indicators

Compared with traditional insulation penoizol has many advantages. To the main characteristics, worthy of attention, can be attributed to:

  1. Thermal conductivity. The only low figure is 0.041 W/m/K. To ensure good performance, it is enough to lay a layer 10 cm thick.
  2. Soundproofing. Noise absorption is at a quite decent level. It is approximately 65%.
  3. Fire resistance. The flammability group to which penoizol belongs is designated G-1. Its flammability category is B-2. This indicates that it will not melt when exposed to fire. When high temperatures are reached, the material will begin to evaporate, without producing toxic substances. Under the condition of an open fire, 10 times less smoke is generated compared to polystyrene foam.
  4. Resistant to chemical components. The insulation does not react in any way to aggressive environments. This primarily applies to solvents of organic origin.
  5. Resistance to humidity. Penoizol has the ability to absorb moisture well, but it gives it away with equal success. The characteristics of the material are not affected. It is capable of absorbing up to 1/5 of moisture. Penoizol subsequently evaporates it. To prevent mold from forming on the wall, install a ventilation gap. The heat insulator absorbs approximately 20% of moisture throughout the day.
  6. Vapor permeability. The insulation in question is hygroscopic, and therefore allows the walls to breathe. Air circulates freely throughout the structure.

Penoizol has good vapor permeability, which allows the walls to breathe

Other characteristics include biostability. This means that penoizol is not afraid of fungi, pathogenic microflora, and domestic rodents. The material is soft, so it adheres closely to any uneven surfaces. It fills any gaps. With a linear deformation of 9%, the compression strength is 0.5 kg per square centimeter.

They started producing penoizol relatively recently, so we can only talk about its durability. It appeared on the market only 50 years ago. But manufacturers claim that it can last up to 30 years. Environmental friendliness is another advantage, since toxic compounds are not released either during installation or during operation.

Video on how to make a foam generator:

Disadvantages of the product

The main disadvantage of penoizol is that it produces sediment in the range of 0.1−5%. These indicators are better for the material that is between the walls under some pressure. Other disadvantages include:

  1. Low tensile strength. It's pretty easy to tear.
  2. Increased moisture absorption. In some situations this is a significant drawback. This feature prevents the use of this type of foam in the underground part of the foundation and when constructing a screed. It is necessary to lay additional waterproofing.
  3. The need to use special equipment. This is true for liquid forms of foam.
  4. Installation temperature requirements. It should be above +5°C. High-quality foam will only be obtained if this requirement is met. In addition, liquid urea foam can release phenol-formaldehyde during installation. This is possible if it contains low-quality resin.

Selection criteria and equipment purchase

In most cases, liquid penoizol is chosen when it comes to domestic use. It is applied using special equipment. You can rent it to save money.

To apply penoizol, a special installation is required; it can be rented in order to save

To produce penoizol with your own hands at home, you will need to equip the installation. You can arrange it from scrap materials. You will also need a compressor, molds for finished products, And optional equipment for lighting and ventilation. Budget options settings require a combination of:

  • gas-liquid equipment;
  • supply hose;
  • set of taps;
  • plastic barrels;
  • compressor.

Urea resins and catalyst are mixed in the plant. They are placed there using a pump. There is compressed air here. The main attention should be paid to purchasing a pump, as it plays a role key element in production. Errors in dosage are especially important. A vortex or plunger pump is the most profitable and effective option. But in any case, foreign particles should not be allowed to get inside, as this will ruin the whole process.

More information about liquid foam:

List of materials and manufacturing technologies

Penoizol is made from foamed urea resin. Its production is characterized by efficiency, affordable price and speed of work. To make it you will need:

  • polymer resin;
  • foaming agent;
  • hardener;
  • specially prepared water.

There are several methods for producing penoizol, according to which sheets and mats are produced. The raw materials are poured directly on the spot where the insulation work is being carried out. If the filling radius of the equipment is large, the material manufacturing process becomes efficient.

You can use gas-liquid units that are easy to use and low in cost. For the production of insulation, installations of the Standard and Pena 2000 types are suitable. The first is characterized by an original dosage system. There is also a second generation system with an increased range.

To produce penoizol you will need a special gas-liquid installation

Comparison with polyurethane foam

The two materials are often compared in terms of financial benefits and technical characteristics. Safety of use comes first in importance. Manufacturers claim that penoizol is neutral and safe for humans and animals. But at the same time, in a number of states in Canada and America there is a law according to which the use of urea foam for construction is prohibited. It is considered a potential health hazard.

This situation is also observed in some European countries. This is explained by the release of formaldehyde during the polymerization of liquid foam. You can reduce the likelihood of adverse effects by using a vapor barrier on inside walls.

As for polyurethane foam, there are no bans on it in any country in the world. It has all the necessary quality and safety certificates.

In terms of water absorption, polyurethane foam has minimal indicators, since its structure is porous and closed. It retains heat well and is equipped with protection against corrosion, mold and mildew. The appearance of condensation is excluded here. Despite positive properties penoizol, excess humidity may lead to its destruction. This can be avoided by installing moisture insulation.

Strong humidity can lead to the destruction of penoizol

In terms of strength and physical and mechanical properties penoizol is also slightly inferior. It is resistant to mechanical stress, but in this indicator it is still ahead of polyurethane foam. In terms of price, urea foam is an order of magnitude cheaper than polyurethane foam.

Use in winter

Work in winter is difficult, as problems are created due to low temperatures air. This factor adversely affects the structural composition of penoizol. Approximately 50% of the resin consists of water. For this reason, the viscosity of the material increases. Despite all these unfavorable aspects, penoizol can be poured under certain conditions. Its components must be stored in a warm room at a temperature of at least +15°C, for example in a garage.

The installation must also be placed in a warm place. You can install the cheapest one for this tourist tent. The materials must be rolled up compactly and covered with a layer of polyethylene film, and then install the fan heater. Before starting work, it is necessary to heat the solution to +40°C, and the resin to +20°C. For this, a regular boiler is used.

More information about do-it-yourself penozol:

If all these rules are followed, you can get penoizol that is no different from the material installed under normal conditions. It is unacceptable to keep it at a temperature below +15°C, as it does not dry well. The moisture it contains will freeze. It will fulfill its role as a heat insulator only with the onset of spring. Moisture that does not freeze in the spring will evaporate by itself. Dry foam will remain unchanged.