How to use polyurethane foam without a gun. How to use polyurethane foam: detailed instructions for use How to use foam correctly

From the article “Mounting foam: professional advice,” you already learned how to choose quality product. The only thing left to do is to use it correctly. In this article, we will help you choose a mounting gun and reveal techniques for economical use and removal of foam residue from hands and clothing.

Despite the fact that polyurethane foam is in demand during construction and repair, we should not forget that it is far from a universal insulating material. It all depends on the size of the cracks and voids that need to be filled:

· Small cracks up to 1 cm are best eliminated using sealants or putties. They are more flexible and will not give side effect as a secondary expansion.

· Holes more than 10 cm wide are recommended to be filled with static materials - brick, wooden blocks or with insulation (for example, polystyrene foam), and only then further processed polyurethane foam.

· To insulate medium-sized cracks, it is optimal to use polyurethane foam - household or professional.

Polyurethane foam sealant (spray foam) has excellent adhesion to the vast majority of building materials, however, there are cases when it is useless: the foam will not stick to various types of polyethylene, Teflon, silicone, as well as to any greasy or dusty surfaces. These nuances must be taken into account to obtain effective insulation.

Foam with a tube - threat of expansion

The main disadvantage of household foam with a straw is significant secondary expansion. When hardening, it can increase several times, so it is extremely important to comply with all conditions of use.

Instructions for using household foam can be seen on the back of the cylinder, but let’s look at it in more detail and step by step:

· Surface cleaning and preparation. Before applying the foam, you must carefully check all cracks and holes for the presence of small debris and, if necessary, degrease the surface with acetone.

· Surface moistening. Polyurethane foam requires contact with moist air, therefore, before using the can, the surfaces need to be moistened - a regular spray bottle is quite suitable for this purpose.

· Preparing a foam bottle. A little trick - before using the foam, you need to hold it for several hours in water with a temperature of about 20 ° C - after this procedure it will lie down better. Before starting work, shake the container for a minute so that all components are evenly mixed - this will ensure maximum foam yield.

· Attaching a tube or gun to a cylinder. The tube is simply screwed onto the valve, but with a pistol the situation is somewhat more complicated - we will consider the issue of its selection and use below.

Working with foam. By the right technology The polyurethane foam is applied in small sections (about 10 cm) from bottom to top - this helps to avoid unnecessary spreading of the material. It is necessary to ensure that the gap is not filled by more than 50% - during hardening the volume will increase greatly, which can lead to damage to the structure being treated. It is extremely important not to touch uncured foam - any physical impact and disruption of the structure worsens hardening and negatively affects volume and density.

It is necessary to ensure that the cylinder is always in the “upside down” position - this will ensure the most complete consumption of foam.

Difficult moments:

Problem when using

How to solve

Foaming hole wider than 3cm

Polyurethane foam must be applied in several stages, waiting for each layer to harden. Before reapplying the foam, be sure to moisten the hardened base.

Through slots

Under no circumstances should such holes be filled with foam on both sides - this can lead to severe deformation of the structure. Foam is used on one side only, back side usually filled with silicone sealant.

Installation of door and window boxes

To reduce the pressure on the structure, it is recommended to use dowels and additional spacers (they are removed after hardening). Otherwise, the foam, expanding, can seriously distort the frames of doors and windows.

The container of household foam must be used completely, otherwise the composition will harden during storage and will be unsuitable for use. With professional foam such problems do not arise, but there are some nuances.

Mounting gun: price or quality

A professional gun ensures accurate and dosed application of polyurethane foam, reusable use of the container and accuracy when working. There are many modifications of such a tool, but the design of the device and the principle of operation are approximately the same:

· The tip of the gun - as a rule, its diameter is several times smaller than the diameter of the tube itself. This feature allows you to repeatedly increase the pressure when foam comes out, which, in turn, guarantees a good volume.

· The barrel (tube) is the channel through which the foam comes out. It can be one-piece or collapsible (in two parts), which simplifies the maintenance of the instrument.

· Adapter - adapter for connecting to the neck of a foam bottle. In high-quality models it is coated with Teflon.

· Adjustment unit - allows you to dose the foam output and its pressure.

· Fastening nut - with its help the barrel is attached to the handle. This design allows the tube to be removed for cleaning or replacement.

· Trigger - serves to adjust the supply of polyurethane foam.

· Handle - made from various types plastic and metals. Aluminum handles are considered the most reliable and comfortable.

Operating principle mounting gun The mechanics are simple: after attaching to the cylinder, the foam passes through the supply valve into the barrel, where it remains until the trigger is pressed. Pulling the trigger opens the valve on the tip, releasing the foam. The regulating mechanism allows you to control the volume of foam supplied.

Since there is nothing superfluous in the design of the pistol, choosing such a tool is quite simple. There are just a few factors to consider:

The quality of the materials from which the gun is made. It is better if it is made entirely of hard metals. Meet quality models made of plastic, but this is very rare.

Collapsible design: monolithic guns are cheaper, but the price of a collapsible tool will pay for itself many times over when cleaning and replacing parts.

Working pressure in the gun. This characteristic cannot be checked in a store, but there is a little trick. When buying a gun, immediately purchase a can of cleaner (it contains acetone). At home, you need to screw the gun onto a bottle of cleaning liquid, press the trigger to release it inside, then remove it and leave it for a couple of days. If after this time the acetone fires when the trigger is pressed, the pressure is normal. If not, you can return the low-quality product to the store; acetone does not leave any traces on the surface of the barrel.

Gun foam - professional use for beginners

Having chosen the right gun and related products (foam remover/cleaner and petroleum jelly), you can get to work.

Initial gun installation

To install the gun, you need to unscrew the mounting screw all the way, lubricate the socket with technical petroleum jelly and secure the cylinder. It is important to ensure that the adjusting unit is on minimum consumption foam. The container is then turned over working position(upside down) and the supply of the composition is adjusted - a couple of test presses are made to release excess air and check the pressure.

The rules for applying foam remain the same: in small stripes in the direction from bottom to top. However, professional foam has virtually no secondary expansion, which makes calculating the required volume much easier. The main thing is to ensure that the cylinder is not in a horizontal position both during use and during breaks.

Replacing a foam bottle

Before you put new cylinder or put the gun into storage, you must thoroughly clean all surfaces from the remains of old foam. For this purpose, a cleaner (wash) is used:

· to release the pressure, pull the gun trigger;

· attach the cleaner bottle to the gun;

· turning the cylinder over, press the trigger for 10 seconds;

· repeat several times until clear liquid comes out of the tube;

· lubricate the gun parts with technical petroleum jelly.

When storing the mounting gun, it is necessary to repeat the lubrication procedure approximately every one and a half to two months.

When working with foam, it is important to consider such points as its chemical composition and increased “stickiness” to different surfaces. Therefore, it is extremely important to use protective equipment - a work suit and gloves.

Covering our tracks

Polyurethane foam is one of the most difficult materials to remove: once it gets on fabric, leather or other surfaces, it is quite difficult to clean them. But it's worth a try.


Fresh foam

Cured foam

Skin of hands

Carefully remove with a sponge, the residues are removed with improvised means - scrub, acetone, solvent, gasoline, saturated saline solution

Can only be removed mechanically. Usually loses its properties and falls off after 2-3 days


Collect with a stick, residues are removed with a cleaner.
Important! When processing the fabric, stains may remain!

Large pieces are cut off if possible, and the remains are treated with a special solvent for frozen foam, white spirit or gasoline. Appearing stains are removed with stain removers.

PVC (frames, window sills)

Carefully remove, wipe the surface with a special cleaner for PVC

Carefully cut off, the surface is wiped with a special cleaner for PVC (usually marked - for installing windows)

Flooring (linoleum, laminate, parquet)

Remove the foam with a spatula, and collect the remaining residue with a sponge moistened with cleaner. Spots may appear! WITH wooden surfaces They are removed by grinding, but varnished coatings cannot be cleaned - they will have to be replaced.

After cutting off the foam, the remains are carefully dissolved with a special cleaner or the drug “Dimexide” (sold in pharmacies). It is necessary to wear gloves when working with such substances - potent components can cause burns!

As you already know, polyurethane foam is not intended for sealing holes smaller than 1 cm in size - it is better to fill such cracks with silicone sealants.

Alexander Birzhin, - website

In everyday life, the need for special tools does not always arise. If you suddenly need to repair the seal or insulation on small area, but you don’t have a gun for applying foam at hand, you can try to do without it. This will avoid unnecessary expenses. However, you should first find out how polyurethane foam will behave without a gun and how to use it correctly.

There are two classes of polyurethane foam:

  • domestic;
  • professional.

By technical specifications Both types of materials are similar, however, differences still exist. First of all, the volume of the cylinders should be noted. Thus, household foam is usually offered in small quantities (up to 800 ml). The kit includes a small piece of tube with a small cross-section. The pressure level in the container is relatively low. This allows you to reduce material consumption in cases where you plan to use a cylinder of polyurethane foam without a gun.

Professional material can be purchased in volumes starting from 1.5 liters; in addition, it is used for large-scale tasks: sealing the seams of window and doorways, sealing large gaps. The foam is contained under high pressure, so it is very difficult to apply it correctly without a gun. There is one more nuance. Thus, the outlet of a professional cylinder is equipped with a fastening element: a threaded cap (bayonet). The gun is installed at this point.

Subtleties of application

First you need to determine what type of material to use: household, professional foam. If you plan to treat a large area, you need to take into account the volume of the cylinder.Products household class sometimes differs from some manufacturers in worse quality than its analogue professional type. For this reason, for more serious problems, it is better to choose the latter option. Possible methods applying foam without a gun:

  • Professional grade material is used, for which a tube is used. You should be prepared for the fact that under high pressure foam will come out in excess.
  • Use household material, attaching a tube to the valve, which is equipped with a cylinder.
  • Professional foam is used by attaching two tubes of different sections: first a larger one, then a tube of a smaller diameter is inserted into it and fixed well. This will reduce material consumption.

Preparing for work

The site that will be processed must be put in order. Having figured out how to work with polyurethane foam without a gun, perform simple manipulations:

  1. Remove any contaminants: dust, dirt. If the gap is quite large, it is pre-filled with foam, which will provide improved thermal insulation qualities for this area and will reduce foam consumption. Using a material such as foam, it is recommended to seal cracks no more than 8 cm in width.
  2. The area is moistened with water, for which it is better to use a spray bottle, then the surface will be moistened evenly.
  3. Control conditions environment. It is better to carry out work at air temperatures from +5 to +20 degrees. The maximum upper limit is +30 degrees. But in cold conditions, a different type of polyurethane foam is used - frost-resistant.

The procedure must be carried out in protective equipment Oh. Gloves and goggles are usually sufficient.

Tip: If the material contains toluene, you should also wear a respirator.

Instructions for applying foam without a gun

The principle of performing the work is similar to that when using special tool. If polyurethane foam is used without a gun, how to properly use the tube included in the kit? Step-by-step instruction:

It takes an average of 8 hours for the foam to completely harden. Do not worry if, after this period of time, swelling appears on the treated area. They can be cut with a stationery or regular sharp knife.

Tip: After drying and removing excess foam, be sure to cover it with putty or other material, since otherwise the composition will gradually deteriorate under the influence of sunlight.

Disadvantages of the foam application process without a gun

When deciding which method to choose, you need to take into account both positive and negative aspects in each case. Of course, using a specialized tool greatly simplifies the task. But the process of sealing using a tube without a gun has its drawbacks:

  • Large consumption of material. It is necessary to control the intensity and duration of valve pressure. Still, significant pressure contributes to the appearance of excess foam. As a result, the area requires 2-3 times more material, while professional foam is consumed less intensively. This factor determines financial costs – they increase.
  • If you plan to use professional foam, you need to remember that it will not always be possible to install a tube. Simply, the balloon will not produce foam.
  • Time consumption. To keep it in the correct position flexible tube, and with it the cylinder valve, will take more time. In addition, you need to remember the need to constantly monitor the volume of foam that appears at the outlet. If using a gun makes it possible to complete sealing in 10-15 seconds, independent processing without a specialized tool will take about 15 minutes.

There is one more nuance. Thus, disposable polyurethane foam should be purchased in the required volume, which will avoid unnecessary waste, otherwise the rest of the material will simply be thrown away. For this reason, it is sometimes easier to buy a small-volume balloon and fill the gaps with foam using the tube included in the kit.

If there is a need to fill a hole, seam or gap, polyurethane foam is most often used. This material is used for rough finishing, installation door frames, double-glazed windows, balcony repair, construction various buildings(for sealing).

There are several types of polyurethane foam - for different conditions and tasks.

The product is sold in cylinders of different sizes (from 300 ml to 1 l).

Approximate composition (may vary partially, depending on the manufacturer and type):

  1. Prepolymers (polyol, isocyanate) are the basis of the foam. Upon contact with air, this component enters into a polymerization process, expanding and foaming.
  2. Propellant (propellant gas, a mixture of butane and propane). Displaces the composition from the cylinder when pressed.
  3. Additives. Additional components that improve adhesion, regulate the degree of foaming, are necessary to change the operating temperature.


Technical characteristics of polyurethane foam:

  • Extension. Indicates the volume that the mixture occupies at 2 stages: leaving the container and solidifying. The greater the expansion, the denser the gap (seam, hole) will be foamed. Average figures are 10-60% for household compositions, and 180-300% for professional compositions.
  • Adhesion. Indicates the tenacity of the composition with the surface inside the foamed space. The higher the viscosity, the less the foam will slide off. This is relevant if you need to foam holes on a vertical surface (on the wall) or on the ceiling (from where the foam can drain before it hardens). In numbers, the normal parameter is considered to be 0.4-0.48 MPa.
  • Volume in container and volume out. Common parameters: 300 ml (will give about 30 liters of hardened foam), 500 ml (will give about 40 liters of foam), 750 ml (will give up to 50 liters of foam) and 1000 ml (80-100 liters). The volume of frozen foam is given approximately under normal conditions (room temperature).
  • Temperature at which foam can be applied.

These characteristics are indicated on the cylinder.

Purpose and scope

Polyurethane foam is used in construction at the following stages:

  • Rough finish.
  • Installation of door frames, balcony and window frames.
  • Communication gaskets (for sealing between water pipes, sewer pipes, ventilation ducts, gas pipelines and walls so that there is no vibration).

Its purpose is to seal holes, cavities, seams and joints between structural elements if their width exceeds 2-3 cm. Previously, cement and tow were used for such tasks, but this method is longer and more complex.

Pros and cons of using foam as a sealing material

The advantages of the application include the following nuances:

  1. Easy to use (working with polyurethane foam does not require special experience or knowledge).
  2. High speed of application and hardening (a 300-500 ml container can be completely released in 5-10 minutes, it will harden in 3-12 hours, depending on air humidity and temperature).
  3. Can be used with any type of material, including metal, plastic and polymer surfaces.
  4. Strong adhesion to surfaces (after hardening, it will be difficult to remove the foam, but if necessary, it can be cut off or washed with a solvent).
  5. Resistance to moisture (the layer of hardened foam does not rot or mold).
  6. Availability of compounds with different characteristics(For different temperatures, with varying degrees of protection from open fire).

The main disadvantage is its sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Under sun rays the foam dries out over time, but it is usually used at the rough finishing stage, and is not left in sight - it is either sealed with plaster or covered with panels (plastic, for example).

Types of polyurethane foam

All compositions can be divided into:

  • Number of components.
  • Method of application.
  • Temperature.
  • Degrees of flammability.

By number of components

There are compositions:

  • One-component. Sold in pressurized cylinders, do not require additional components: The composition can be used immediately by spraying it from a container.
  • Two-component. Sold in 2 separate containers. The contents of the containers must be mixed in certain proportions, and the resulting mixture must be applied using special devices.

In construction stores, most of the products are one-component compounds. Two-component ones are usually used only for industrial purposes, for large volumes of work and when it is necessary to obtain the highest possible characteristics of the composition.

By method of application

There are compositions:

  1. Professional. The foam is sprayed from a container, which is inserted into a construction gun. More convenient option than spraying with a tube, it allows you to quickly work with a large volume (for example, foaming cracks between slabs).
  2. Semi-professional (household). A plastic tube is placed on the container through which the mixture will pass. Suitable for small volumes (for example, to foam a gap when insulating a balcony).

Plastic tube nozzles are sold complete with small volumes. They can be used several times (if the work is carried out in several stages, if several cylinders are used), for which it is necessary to blow out the tube after use (so that the foam does not freeze inside).

Foam guns are sold separately. The minimum cost is about 300 rubles, the average is 500-800. The device is reusable; at the end of work it must be washed with a special cleaner (containing an acetone solution). Even if the foam hardens inside the nozzle, it can be washed off with a cleaner or cleaned mechanically.

According to the temperature at which the foam can be used

According to temperature conditions, the following types of compositions are distinguished:

  • Summer: intended for use at +5º…+35º.
  • Winter: intended for use at −18º…+35º.
  • Universal: used at −10º…+35º.

The temperature of the surfaces on which the foam is applied is indicated, not the air temperature in the room. Therefore, when working in cold weather (for example, if a balcony is being glazed in winter, or the seams are foaming in a building under construction without heating or without windows), it is necessary to heat not the room, but the surface.

Also, the surface temperature affects the volume of polyurethane foam: the colder it is, the less ready-made solution will be produced at the exit.

According to the degree of flammability

This is relevant if work is carried out in a room with the possibility of fire (for example, in a bathhouse).

Product classes:

  • B1: Fireproof.
  • B2: self-extinguishing.
  • B3: flammable.

Popular manufacturers

On Russian market There are products from the following manufacturers:

  1. Macroflex (Makroflex, Finland).
  2. Bison International (Netherlands).
  3. Soudal (Belgium).
  4. Tytan, Hauser (Poland).
  5. Bau Master, Domos (Estonia).
  6. Master Gvozd, CHIP, Putech (RF).
  7. Ceresit (Germany).

Rules for using polyurethane foam

Foam is used observing the following rules:

  • The width of the crack or hole should be in the range of 2-10 cm. Narrow cracks (up to 2 cm) are best sealed with putty or sealant. It is better to seal wider cracks with brick, wood or foam, and foam the remaining leaks.
  • When working in cold weather, the foam container will need to be heated: lower it into a container with warm water(up to 30-40º approximately).
  • You can cut off the excess only after 25-30 minutes after applying the foam, when it has completely hardened. This can be done with a construction knife.
  • The cylinder must be held upside down so that the gas pushes out the foam. If you hold the container upside down, the gas will come out of the container, but the foam will remain.
  • After removing the cap and attaching it to the gun (or tube), the can must be shaken.
  • A container with “household” foam is used completely in one go - an open container cannot be stored for a long time, it will harden.
  • The gap cannot be foamed more than 50%, because when it expands, its volume increases.

Complex nuances

So you don't have to cut it a large number of foam and redo the structure, please note:

  1. If the hole is 3-4 cm wide or more, the foam is applied in several steps: first 1 layer, after it hardens - the next ones in succession.
  2. It is better not to fill through holes with foam. On the one hand, it is recommended to cover them tightly with something (for example, a board), and remove the “lid” only 30 minutes after foaming, when the composition has hardened.
  3. When installing door and window frames, they must be secured with dowels and spacers. If this is not done, the expanding compound may warp the box and it will have to be reinstalled.

Stages of work

The foam is used step by step like this:

  • The surface is cleaned of small debris, if any.
  • The surface is degreased (acetone).
  • The surface is moistened (sprayed with water using a brush or spray). Foam hardens faster and better if the surface (or air) is wet.
  • If the room is cold, place the balloon in warm water.
  • The cylinder is opened, inserted into the gun (or a tube is put on it) and shaken.
  • The end of the tube is inserted into the slot, and the foam is supplied in portions, 5-10 cm along the length of the slot, moving from bottom to top.
  • After complete hardening (after 25-30 minutes), the protruding pieces are cut off with a construction knife.

Safety precautions when working with polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is a chemical composition located in a container under pressure. Therefore, you need to work with it, observing safety rules:

  1. Do not drop or heat the cylinder.
  2. Do not use the cylinder near hot surfaces or open flames.
  3. The work is carried out with gloves (if the foam gets on the skin, it will be difficult to clean it off).
  4. You need to keep a sponge and a rag at hand to clean off the composition if it gets into an “unwanted” place.

Removing foam from contact with “unwanted” surfaces

Polyurethane foam sets quickly on the surface, so if it gets somewhere other than the desired gap, it will be difficult to clean it off.

Methods for cleaning different surfaces:

  • Leather. If the composition has not hardened, it is removed with a sponge, and the remains are washed with acetone or a solvent. If it is frozen, it is cut off and scrubbed off with a scrub.
  • Textile. The uncured composition is collected with any hard object (a piece of a board will do). The frozen pieces are cut off, and small residues are washed off with a solvent. In both cases, a stubborn stain may remain on the fabric.
  • Plastic window sills, frames, slopes. Fresh composition is removed with a sponge, the remains are washed off with a cleaner for plastic surfaces. The dried layer is cut off, the remains are washed off.
  • Linoleum, laminate. Fresh foam is removed with a hard object (spatula, piece of board), the remains are collected with a sponge soaked in cleaner.

To prevent such situations, in addition to the skin, it is necessary to protect the surfaces around it. It is advisable to cover them plastic film, rags or newspapers.

If you have started renovations in your apartment, then at certain stages you will have to think about how to use polyurethane foam, if you have not encountered this before. Although this material cannot be called an innovation in construction industry, not everyone knows the rules of its use, as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

Nuances when using polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is used not only professional builders, but also people renovating their homes, cottages or other premises with their own hands. It is necessary for fixing products, improving thermal and sound insulation and sealing.

Thanks to its wide range of uses, polyurethane foam is rapidly replacing cement, putty, bitumen and tow from the construction market. It's easy to explain. If you have never used this product for repair or construction work, then simply because they did not know all its advantages, of which there are many.

So, here is a list of some of the benefits that you will experience when using polyurethane foam:

  • high thermal insulation rates;
  • short drying time;
  • ease of operation;
  • good sound insulation;
  • stable sealing;
  • elasticity of polyurethane;
  • reliable fastening of products;
  • interaction with almost all types of building materials, with the exception of silicone, Teflon and polyethylene;
  • increase in volume several times;
  • resistance to humidity;
  • fire resistance;
  • poor conductivity of electric current;
  • filling all gaps and cracks, even in hard-to-reach places;
  • if necessary, excess material can be cut off with a knife;
  • when used as fasteners, there is no need to use additional fixing means;
  • not affected by chemicals.

However, like any material, foam has some disadvantages:

  • certain requirements temperature regime and humidity during operation;
  • instability to ultraviolet radiation;
  • when using, eye and hand protection is required;
  • difficult dismantling.

As you can see, there are quite a few disadvantages, moreover, they can be avoided by following the technology of use.

Material application technology

Before you begin, take precautions by wearing gloves and safety glasses. Next, wet the surface to be treated and shake the can thoroughly several times.

When using summer foam, you must ensure that the air temperature is between +5 and +35 degrees.

If all conditions are met, remove the cap from the cylinder, screw on a special tube, and then turn the cylinder itself over. If you are processing a vertical hole, the process must begin from the bottom and work your way up. When finished, sprinkle the surface with water, thereby speeding up the hardening process.

If after work there are gaps in the surface, go over them again with foam and leave it until completely dry (8 hours). After the required time, carefully cut off the excess material with a knife.

When using foam as a fixation for products, window or door openings, it is necessary to use spacers to avoid deformation.

  1. To work in cold weather, you need to make a choice in favor of winter or universal foam.
  2. Foam elements remaining on hands or clothing are removed with solvent or acetone.
  3. You should not buy cheap products, since they are of low quality, and during the dismantling process there is a high probability of damage to surfaces.
  4. To protect polyurethane from ultraviolet radiation, you can coat it with paint, plaster or putty, or use platbands.
  5. Work can only be done efficiently if workroom well ventilated and ventilated.
  6. To process horizontal surfaces and hard to reach places was less difficult, it is advisable to use a mounting gun.
  7. If the gap to be processed has a width of more than 80 mm, it should be pre-filled with brick, wood or cement mortar.
  8. If the gap opposite is less than 10 mm, it is better to use putty.

With the help of the above information, you will learn how to easily use polyurethane foam where it is needed. Do not be afraid to start using a material that is unfamiliar to you, since there is nothing complicated about it, and once you realize the advantages, you simply will not find an analogue when carrying out repair and construction work.

In addition, now you can do almost all the work that you previously trusted to professionals yourself without special skills and knowledge. Soon you will feel all the benefits of polyurethane foam.


In addition to the information presented above, here is the following video.

The question of how to use polyurethane foam may sooner or later become relevant for you. First of all, such a moment is brewing if you have started renovating an old building or building a new one. It is during this period of time that most often there is a real need to seal joints and cracks. And the best way to deal with them is – yes, that’s right, polyurethane foam.

This sealant is one of the most sought after sealants available. different types sealants. It is the foam that will allow you to efficiently process seams and various joints whose width is more than three centimeters. The material, which is much needed in everyday life, is sold in metal aerosol spray cans; it has a fairly small weight, but despite this, its concentration is very high. Thus, one can produces over 40 liters of foam for filling joints and cracks. Using video tutorials, you can learn how to properly use the foam assistant when installation work ah in your home and not have problems with drafts.

When starting to work with this substance, remember that it hardens very quickly when exposed to moisture and at the same time greatly increases in volume after using the can. The resulting porous substance has excellent heat-insulating properties. Along with this, taking into account the possibility long term service of this material, it is clear why polyurethane foam is recognized an indispensable assistant in construction and repair. It is polyurethane foam that will allow you to seal seams, glue certain structural parts, successfully fix joints and, importantly, provide these places with heat and sound insulation.

This miracle solution is divided into several types - there is semi-professional and professional (pistol), there is winter, summer and for all seasons. like this convenient design It was not invented by chance - polyurethane foam can be easily expelled from cylinders using a special gas. Thus, the liquid polymer on the surface to be coated successfully hardens and forms a rigid frame (polyurethane foam).

So, it makes sense to choose miracle foam in a store for its main properties - thermal insulation, sound insulation, ease of installation, the ability to connect, fasten and glue different parts. At the same time, taking into account its ability to expand, polyurethane foam successfully fills hard-to-reach joints and seams, and when it hardens itself, it does not require special attention further. Previously, foam could only be replaced in this field by cement mortar, but preparing it is a more labor-intensive process than working with an aerosol can. Therefore, choosing convenience and simplicity, many people prefer polyurethane foam. Moreover, it can be successfully combined with stone, concrete, wood, metal, plaster, and glass.

Using polyurethane foam is not a labor-intensive process at all. It's convenient and simple. However, there are certain details you need to know to avoid screwing things up.

Firstly, installation work is best carried out in the warm season. From mid-spring to mid-autumn. Optimal temperature outside the window for such manipulations – from plus 5 to plus 30 degrees. Experts guarantee that it is in this case that the hardening process occurs best. If you are so impatient to do something like this in winter time– for this there are seasonal winter foams.

Secondly, do not work with this substance without gloves. This is often neglected by workers. However, such connivance is quite dangerous.

Third, don't try to use the substance wherever you please. If you are going to seal a gap from 1 to 8 cm wide, the use of foam is allowed and encouraged. But if the size of the gap is much larger, then it is better to take materials such as wood or plastic, or brick or foam plastic. And if it’s less than a centimeter at all, you can get by with putty. And don’t forget - after sealing your cracks, you need to cut off the excess foam (tearing it off with your hands is not recommended).

Fourthly, before using the foam, it is advisable to treat the hollow space with water. Then, with appropriate air humidity, the process of expansion and hardening of the foam will take place much faster and more correctly. Air humidity for polymerization is sufficient in the range of 60–80 percent.

Fifthly, the foam container must be shaken well before use. And this should be done not within a couple of seconds, but about a minute. This time will be enough for the contents in the cylinder to become a completely homogeneous mass.

So, the can is in your hands. You have first shaken the mixture and now you can remove the cap. After screwing the existing installed tube onto the adapter, the cylinder should be turned upside down. This is how it is used during installation work. This nuance is important due to the fact that the gas that displaces the foam is much lighter than the other components and when the cylinder is positioned upside down, all the components of the mixture mix better.

Now you can apply foam with peace of mind. Considering the fact that it increases in volume, it is necessary to close the cracks by no more than a third. The volume will increase 2-3 times over a short period of time, and then you can cut off the excess (it’s better to do this with a sharp knife with a long handle). If you need to apply the foam not horizontally, but vertically, then you should fill it from the bottom up - this is more convenient for both you and the foam (a base will appear on which the sealant that has not yet hardened can attach).

It will be necessary to sprinkle water not only on the cracks, but also on the foam after application. This will make the hardening process faster. If you see that you didn’t have enough foam, wait about half an hour for the previous layer to harden, and you can add a little foam to the same areas. However, don’t overdo it – you won’t need any extra anyway.

The applied layer of foam at a time should not exceed three to four centimeters, and if the gap or cavity is still larger, then the foam is applied sequentially in layers - one after the other.

After application, the foam will harden completely after 8 hours. So don’t try to start subsequent work (rearranging furniture, gluing wallpaper, nailing shelves) in this area right away. Moreover, after drying and removing excess, the joints need to be treated protective material(it’s better to do this with putty, plaster, paint or cement). Can be used as a protective layer and special silicone sealant. Polyurethane will also help for these purposes. sealing tape. This will not only protect the polyurethane foam from exposure ultraviolet rays, but will also increase the service life. After processing, it is possible to use and, as well as move further in realizing your fantasies.

Your foam should be flexible and adhere well to the surface. The fact that after shrinking and completely frozen, it will not crumble will also speak about its quality. Don't add to yourself extra work– before final hardening, the polyurethane foam cannot be touched or processed, so as not to change the structure of the material itself and not to interfere with the polymerization process.

If the material meets existing standards, then you will be satisfied with the quality. This means that you won’t need to redo the work done. Just keep in mind different manufacturers They offer cans with different foam output volumes. Sometimes it's cheaper to buy an expensive can of aerosol that will cover all your joints than to buy two cheaper ones.

When buying polyurethane foam, remember that the container is designed for one-time use only. So don't try to halve. Calculating the volume is not difficult if you already have experience working with similar material. If not, it is better to consult with those who work in the construction industry or with a salesperson in a store. Reusing the same cylinder is allowed only if you are going to “repeat the maneuver” in the near future. Then, at the end of the first stage of work, you need to wash the tube (gun) itself and the valve with a special cleaning liquid. However, workers at the sites often do not do this.

Useful tips and secrets of working with the material:

  • Prepare a water sprayer and a pruning knife in advance.
  • It’s good if you have a soft sponge and acetone on hand - they help wipe off the foam that has stuck in unnecessary places.
  • If you use polyurethane foam sparingly, you can get by with fewer cans.
  • It is better to treat the surface (trimming with a knife) after applying the foam after about 4 hours have passed - after 7–8 hours the foam will harden completely and will be much more difficult to deal with.
  • Use a respirator (protect your body from unnecessary chemicals). It would be great if glasses and gloves were also available.
  • Ventilate the room (unless, of course, you just decided to do it in the same room).
  • Do not wait for the foam to darken - a change in color is already an indicator that a reaction is taking place and the process of exposure to ultraviolet rays (initially it is light yellow).
  • Do not use the cylinder near a fire and do not leave it in direct sunlight (this is a rule familiar to everyone, however, many do not follow it and risk later encountering the consequences of a fire and arriving firefighters). After all, this polyurethane foam sealant contains various flammable materials that can lead to undesirable consequences. Your foam may belong to one of three classes - fire-resistant, self-extinguishing or flammable (it is better to find out in advance).
  • Problems may also arise if the foam is applied to a dirty surface (for example, window frames when using such materials, clean with a vacuum cleaner).

The viscosity of the product may not meet the standards if the foam container was at temperatures below plus 5. The required consistency will be violated even if the air temperature increases to 30–35 degrees (only all-season foam can work at temperatures from minus 10 to plus 40 degrees) .

So if you have taken into account all the tips and secrets indicated here, you can safely begin sealing window, door blocks or other structures in the rooms of a house or apartment using polyurethane foam. Also, with the help of this material it will be easier for you to cope with the insulation of the distribution network and the seal different widths seams and cracks, and in addition, your assistant - foam will help you easily and simply fill unnecessary voids in the walls. So go ahead and have a good repair!