How to get to Darnassus in WoW. Guide: how to get from Darnassus to Stormwind and vice versa Get there by ship

Darnassus is one of the cities of the Alliance, the capital of the night elves. It is located in the north of the continent of Kalimdor, on the branches of a huge tree, and is separated from the rest of the world by a strip of water. Players often have difficulty getting to Darnassus, although there are several ways to get to the night elf city.

Get there by ship

You can get to Darnassus directly from Stormwind by taking a sea voyage. To do this, you need to get to the harbor in the capital of people, and wait for the ship at the pier on the far left. It is built in the style of night elf buildings, you can't go wrong. The ship will take you to a mighty tree, where you will still need to go through a portal glowing red to get inside the city.

Air Transport

Alliance players can take advantage of the air transport network and travel to the night elf capital on the back of a bird. Of course, to do this you need to be in Kalimdor and find a flight manager.

Magic portal

Mages can create portals to various cities, including Darnassus. Ask one of them to help you - this is the fastest way to get there.

On your own

If none of the above methods suits you (for example, Horde players), you can get to the abode of the elves on your own. You will need to head to the Darkshore location, from where you can swim (it takes a long time), run (using various spells and abilities to walk on water) or fly (on a mount) to Darnassus.

One of the many shocking revelations at BlizzCon 2017 was the image of Teldrassil burning. And although the Alliance is trying to take revenge by besieging the Undercity, the death of Teldrassil is a huge loss for all of Azeroth.

Many are sure that Sylvanas is involved in this, since she stands in the forefront and watches the world tree burn. But there are several details that indicate it could be someone else. Chief among them are the words of Alex Afrasiabi at the World of Warcraft "What's Next" panel: "Why is the Horde burning Teldrassil?... Why is the Alliance attacking the Undercity?... It doesn't matter who fired the first shot..."

Perhaps my inner conspiracy theorist just woke up, but his words were chosen in a very unique way. He admits that the initiator of the conflict might not have been the burning of Teldrassil, leaving one wondering who fired the “first shot.”

Sylvanas Windrunner

Let's discuss the most obvious first. Sylvanas Windrunner is the leader of the Horde, which Afrasiabi hints is involved in the burning of Teldrassil. And if the Horde did it, then their leader gave the command, right? More likely. But then the question arises: why?

One reason may be that Teldrassil became a huge source of Azerite, the lifeblood of Azeroth, which began bleeding from within the planet after Sargeras plunged his sword into Silithus. Azerite is an incredibly powerful substance, and if Teldrassil had a large concentration of it, it would give the Alliance a huge advantage over the Horde.

So, what would they do if they were the Horde? You would try to push back the Alliance and seize such a powerful source of power. What if you didn't succeed? Then it must be destroyed before the enemy gains such a huge advantage. From the point of view of military tactics, this is a logical course of action. But from Sylvanas's point of view, this is not her style. But it could have been someone else, someone from her inner circle.

Nathanos Blightcaller

Nathanos is Sylvanas's right-hand man, one whose loyalty is unquestionable. Perhaps he is the one responsible for this. It has been in World of Warcraft since the beginning, but has gained much more prominence since Legion. After the initial attack on the Horde in Stormheim, Nathanos led Horde forces in the area to search for Sylvanas. In his attempts to track down the Banshee Queen, he has shown himself to be not only ruthless, but also loyal: "Her will is law, I must not question. Only obey."

In other words, if Nathanos was sent to Teldrassil on Sylvanas' orders, completing the mission and/or protecting the Dark Lady at all costs would be his top priority - no matter what it takes to get there. And if burning Teldrassil was the only way to carry out Sylvanas' orders, Nathanos would have burned it without hesitation.

But the willingness to do anything is not the only reason to suspect Nathanos. Firstly, the fact that Nathanos and Saurfang have new models in the 7.3.5 patch files, despite Nathanos just recently getting a new one in Legion. What if the reason these two have new models is because they will be used in a cutscene that shows the burning of Teldrassil? This may seem far-fetched, but it also cannot be ruled out.

In the prologue "Before the Storm", Nathanos and Saurfang have just returned from the Undercity to meet Sylvanas in Orgrimmar. When they see her, she says: “Another quarter of an hour, and I would have to go without my champion.”

And at the same time, most likely, these events take place somewhere before the events from the Battle for Azeroth trailer. How is this all connected? Burning Teldrassil. In other words, the prologue features Nathanos, Saurfang, and Sylvanas. And this happens before Teldrassil is engulfed in flames. But only Sylvanas and Saurfang participate in the battle for the Undercity.

If it was Nathanos who set Teldrassil on fire, then it is possible that he died during its explosion. This may just explain his absence during the siege of the Undercity. Of course, there is another reason why he might not be there - he might be commanding another part of the Horde army, which might be responsible for the arson.

This is a new and relatively unknown, but still capable organization - the Council of the Abandoned. Who are they? A group of dissident Forsaken who took over Sylvanas's niche while she was in Stormheim, "establishing their own government to take care of the needs of the populace." In the prologue of "Before the Storm" (from where the previous quote was taken), Nathanos talks about the Council of the Forsaken as a group that does not want what Sylvanas wants. They do not want that eternal life that Sylvanas wants to get with the help of the Val'kyr.

Remember what happened the last time when some of the renouncers separated? That's right, we got the Gates of Wrath and the subsequent battle for the Undercity. And both of these groups undermined Sylvanas' status as a leader. If the Forsaken Council knew that Sylvanas wanted to do something to Teldrassil, they might have been the ones who burned it. For what? To blame Sylvanas and turn the Horde and Alliance against her. In addition, it is quite possible that Sylvanas would rather take responsibility for this than show that she has no control over her people.

However, the prologue seems to quickly deal with this issue - Sylvanas' thoughts immediately turn to the Wrathgate before her anxiety is overcome by the realization that Nathanos will not discuss this coup so casually. And Nathanos, understanding what Sylvanas was thinking about only by the expression on her face, assures that everything is calm in the Undercity. In addition, it is difficult to imagine how a group of dissidents could find a way to burn Teldrassil and plan everything in advance so that they could carry out their plan at the very moment Sylvanas found herself there.

External forces

Of course, there is always a chance that Afrasiabi does not attribute the “first shot” to one of the two factions. We've seen hints of the ancient god's machinations throughout Legion, and, most suspiciously, the sword of Sargeras is stuck in the very region where K'Thun lives. This was not the first time that the ancient gods had stirred up conflicts between mortals.

This could have been done to distract players from the "real" conflict of the expansion while still tying everything together in a believable way. But I'm hesitant to attribute the burning of the world tree to the manipulative power of the ancient gods due to the fact that we've already seen such a plot in Warcraft. And even then the conflict between the Horde and the Alliance will look far-fetched.

However, this is entirely possible and will have a firm place in the expansion's plot. In addition, we must be prepared for the activity of the ancient gods. But maybe there is something else besides the ancient gods?

Put the pieces together

Thanks to one small detail in the image of Teldrassil, an interesting theory can be constructed. In the first image, two figures stand next to Sylvanas - Saurfang and Nathanos. But on the second, when Teldrassil was engulfed in flames, she was already alone. Where did her minions go?

Some believe that the elf to Sylvanas's right is Veresa. If so, this explains two things. First, why Sylvanas stayed behind, allowing Saurfang and Nathanos to lead the attack. Secondly, why does the dying elf change positions between the two images. There aren't many elves worthy of Sylvanas' attention, but Veresa is one of them. And if Sylvanas wanted to say goodbye to her sister, she would prefer to do it in private.

The theory is that Veresa dies on the outskirts of Teldrassil, and Sylvanas is left behind to be with her in her final moments. And before she gets to the tree herself, Nathanos takes extreme measures and burns it. It's possible he dies in the process, which would explain his absence from the Battle for Azeroth trailer. Or, more likely, he is leading an army in another part of the city.

Regardless of who burned Teldrassil, it is clear that others besides Sylvanas could have done it. Hopefully we'll find out soon.

Character questions “How do I get from Darnassus to Stormwind and back?” arise not only among new players of the game “Word of Warcraft”. But those who have long ago received a high level also forget the route back. We invite you to read the guide and find out how to get from Darnassus to Stormwind and vice versa.

What is Darnassus and where is it located?

Darnassus is one of the main cities of the faction, the capital of the night elves, so it is located at their starting location. That is, everyone who started playing for this race, after the tenth level, ends up in Darnassus. Quests (tasks) lead there, and only through this city can you get to others. After all, the initial location is located in the north of the Kalimdor mainland, on an island in the branches of a huge tree.

Due to this location, many players often have the question: “How to get from Darnassus to Stormwind or another city?” After all, when you enter the capital of the night elves, it is not clear at first whether there is any transport or teleport here.

Also sometimes high level players forget how to get back to Darnassus. The question arises: why do they need this at all, since the location seems to be the initial one? As mentioned earlier, Darnassus is not just a city, it is the capital. All teachers of professions and classes are located here, here you can learn horse riding, buy transport in the form of saber teeth and several pets (owls and hawks). Therefore, many return here when they accumulate gold in order to replenish their collections of vehicles and satellites.

How to get from Darnassus to Stormwind: looking for means of transportation

There are no means of transportation in Darnassus itself. Therefore, to get to Stormwind, you need to leave it. To do this, go to the middle of the city to the large tree where the bank is located. From there, head west. You will see a large pink tent. Enter it - you will be teleported to the shore of the location. Here you can already get to anywhere in the World War II world

WOW: how to get to Stormwind from Darnassus?

From almost any city this can be done in four ways:

  • by air transport;
  • through a magical portal;
  • on the ship;
  • at its own pace.

When you came out through the tent from Darnassus to the shore, you can see three piers. And if you go a little further, you will also find

In order not to visit any other locations and immediately get to Stormwind, the main capital of the Alliance, it is recommended to use a ship. To do this, go to the end of the pier, which is located to the left of the house located behind the portal tent. Wait for the ship, go on its deck and sail away. You will see a loading screen with a dotted line indicating your route from Darnassus to Stormwind. You will sail to the port of the main capital. Therefore, you can go back in the same way.

You can also get to Stormwind by roundabout routes:

  • Board the flight manager's air transport and fly to the village - the next leveling location, and from there fly further and so on with various transfers to get to Stormwind. This route will be useful if you plan to level up your character in places planned by the game itself.
  • Meet a high-level mage in Darnassus and ask him to open a portal to Stormwind.
  • Join a guild and ask someone who is currently in Stormwind to summon you using the appropriate spell.

If you are already of a high level and have air transport, then you can fly across the water on your own and land on the lands of Kalimdor, and from there fly to Stormwind.

One gets back to Darnassus using the same methods as one gets out of it.