How to install a bathtub on bricks? What's the point of not using standard legs? How to install a bathtub on bricks: step-by-step installation instructions Installing a steel bathtub on bricks.

A bathtub installed on regular legs is not capable of for a long time withstand heavy construction. And after a couple of years, the screw fastening will begin to loosen and lose its functionality.

Therefore, the choice of many falls on the strongest supports from brickwork. The contact zone with this installation is much larger, and therefore it is attached much better. How a bathtub should be installed on bricks correctly, and what is important to know, will be discussed in the article.

This is where you need to start when thinking about changes to the restroom. It is necessary to think through actions that will be useful in the future at the level of finishing work.

The floor must be level. Carry out waterproofing in advance. When tiling, use high-quality cement mortar, tile adhesive. If you use highly diluted, low-quality glue, there will be voids between the tiles and the floor.

Don't use this method. The large weight of the bricks will press, which will lead to cracks and breaks in the tiles. Tiling should follow the installation of large plumbing fixtures. Those. First, a sink, bathtub, etc. are installed, and then it is tiled.

If you do everything correctly, a bathtub, especially an enameled one, will last a very long time.

Proper installation of a bathtub on bricks with your own hands will cause long term operation.

Why put a bathtub on bricks?

This design has been successful for a very long time. There are several reasons for this:

  • Reliable way;
  • Has greater fastening strength;
  • Sustainability;
  • Long service life.

When purchasing a bathtub, it comes with additional legs for installation. But as practice shows, this is less reliable than bricklaying. After 10 years of installation on the original legs of the bathtub, they begin to deform, as a result of which the bathtub itself changes. Because of these changes, water may not completely drain down the drain.

Well, if there are overweight people in the family, the lifespan of the legs is even shorter. In this case, confidence in long service rests only on the brickwork. Typically, native fasteners are made of metal. Due to excess moisture in the bathroom, they will quickly rust and lose their appearance and functionality.

Necessary materials for installing a bathtub on bricks

For correct installation there is no need to buy expensive tools and materials. Everyone has this set in their garage. Well, the materials can be purchased at a reasonable price in construction stores and furniture stores. Necessary:

  1. Ceramite (brick), from 15 pieces.
  2. Everything you need for cement mortar.
  3. Sealant.
  4. Metallic profile;
  5. Bulgarian;
  6. Self-tapping screws;
  7. Level ruler;
  8. Master OK;
  9. Rubber gaskets for waterproofing.

Take tape sealant. It insulates seams well and makes work easier. Hollow bricks are not used in this case. Buy red, white.

Do not purchase liners unless you have a steel bathtub. And if it’s steel, install as many bricks as possible. It weighs little, so it is easier to loosen it. The level is also very important. It will help place the bath evenly.

We measure dimensions for installing a bathroom

It is important to accurately measure and mark the location for the bath using measuring instruments. This should be done only after purchasing it, because... We need clear measurements, not approximate ones. Also, measurements need to be taken not only before installation, but also during it.

The first step is to take the correct measurements. Use a tape measure or measuring tape. We need parameters for width, length, depth. If the depth is different in several parts of the bathtub, measure it several times. You also need to measure the space from the ends to the brick supports. Your bathroom may vary in length, but the standard approach is to keep the brick spacing around 50cm apart.

For best result you need to check if the measurements are correct. To do this, you need to find out the length of the bathtub, measure 25 cm in different directions. Brick stacks should be installed under these places in the future. It is also useful to measure the distance from the water drain into the sewer, to the very bottom.

It is important to choose correctly appropriate place. The bathtub should be in very close contact with the wall. If you make such a mistake, all the water will flow onto the floor through the gaps. After a couple of months, mold will begin to form. This is very harmful to both the condition of the house and its inhabitants.

But it should only be adjacent to two walls. If the room is small, make sure that the ends of the bathtub do not touch the third and fourth walls. The bath may overheat and become deformed. Once installed completely against the first two walls, fill the joint with caulk. Before installation, think about the height of the bathtub from the floor. Approximate height – 1 brick.

It is not difficult to count the number of bricks needed for the luggage. On average they buy more than 15. They need two supports. 2.5 bricks go to the width of the bathtub, and the height is at the request of the owner.

To ensure that the water completely pours into the sewer, the side of the drain hole is made slightly lower than the other. Experts recommend using the following numbers: 17 cm in height on the side with a hole and 19 on the side without it. But people began to make bathtubs designed in such a way that the water drains quickly. For such baths, there is no need to make a difference in the height of the racks. To mark out all the parameters of the bathtub, transfer them in advance with a pencil to the walls and floor.

Installing supports under the bathtub

After completing all preparatory work, having dealt with necessary materials After checking all the calculations, you can proceed with the installation.

First you need to do sand-cement mortar. Ratio 1:4 (more sand).

According to the first work, only on one piece of luggage. We lay the first row, wait for the solution to harden, and use a level to correct everything. The bathtub can be kept at one level, but you can lay a second and third one. After the cement has dried at all levels, add another half brick on the outer sides of the supports. It will look better. After a day everything will completely harden.

Immediately after drying, you cannot install the bathtub. First you need to install a siphon. You need to turn the bathtub on either side and seal all the holes in the bathtub (except for the large and main ones) with sealing agents. Then install a siphon with overflow. Only then can you place the bathtub on the brickwork.

Important! Install so that sewage pipe was located below the siphon.

Installing a bathtub, how to install a bathtub on a brick

If you have a steel bathtub, install spacers before installation. Usually one person cannot handle the installation; ask 1-2 people for help. Carefully place the level on the bottom of the tub.

Then grab her with different sides, lift and lower onto the bricks. Do not forget about bathtubs, which may already be adapted to a favorable drainage. The level is only used when classic version. This is when the bottom is parallel to the floor.

Well, if the bathtub inside has slopes, then using a level the correct location is noted with outside. Do all the work slowly, don't rush anywhere. Do not forget about the tight fit of the bathtub to the wall. Talk each action out loud with your partner.

Next you need to check for strength and durability. Grab onto any edge of the bathtub. Then carefully try to move it to the side. It's like you're trying to turn it over. If it moves a little, errors were made during installation. Understand the problem and carefully inspect the entire structure. Maybe somewhere you need to lay another brick, or it’s better to use more mortar and sealant.

Rigid fixation and installation of the pipe

If the bathtub is made of steel, it is very light. It has great instability. To correct the problem, additional supports are added. Typically, walls and bricks are used as a stand. Bricks are placed under each corner of the bath.

But how do you know which method to solve the problem? Should I use a stand or build a wall? This problem is easily solved. If the bathtub is tightly pressed against the walls with only one side, use the walls. Well, if the bathtub is in a corner between walls, or pressed against three walls, it is more stable. Bricks can help here.

One of the main problems when renovating a bathroom is installing a bathtub. You can do this in several ways. Below we will look in more detail at the method of installing a bathtub on bricks, which is one of the most reliable. Using this type of installation, you can extend the life of the equipment and increase its strength. Such a bathtub can withstand serious weight loads; even a very fat person can wash in it.

Installation on bricks: how to do it and why?

Why do you need to install a bathtub on bricks?

Note: Most craftsmen offer installation on brickwork, primarily because it is more reliable than using legs (they usually come with the bathtub). Over time, the screw fastening becomes loose, as any movement made in the bath is transmitted to it. After about 10-12 years, the legs begin to rust, deform and bend.

This is bad not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from the point of view of tightness. Due to distortions and deformations, the drain hole also moves, and instead of sewerage, water pours onto the floor and causes a lot of problems with the neighbors below.

There are two ways to place a bathtub on bricks:

  • make a board;
  • lay a brick base.

Most often, builders suggest using the second option, since in this case you will have access to pipes located directly under the plumbing. This method is suitable for any shape of bathtub.

We put the bathtub on bricks

How to properly install a bathtub on bricks? Any construction begins with markings and measurements.


It is necessary to obtain data on the length and width of the bath. Also consider where you will install it.

The height of the edge of the bathtub from the floor should not exceed 60 centimeters. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to climb into it. In order for the water to flow into the sewer drain, it is necessary to make a slight slope. To do this, the brick for the base racks before draining is made 17 centimeters, and the structure farthest from it must be made 19 centimeters high. For a standard-shaped bathtub, the distance between the supports should be 50-60 centimeters.

The next step will be processing the materials. If you want the bathtub not to have to be dismantled after some time, then treat the wall in the place where it will be installed with a special compound. Those who carry out installation already in finished room, can omit this part.

A moisture-proofing compound must be applied to prevent mold and mildew from appearing on the wall. The brick under the bathtub is covered with Guerlain D. tape. Bathtub with outside You can also completely cover it with this roll protective material. It helps to obtain the best adhesion of the brick support under the bathtub with its surface.

Tip: You can lay a layer of tile adhesive on a brick covered with Guerlain. With this technique you will make the connection as strong as possible, and also reduce the noise level when drawing a bath. If you install steel bath, then it is best to choose Guerlain with a foil base.


Easiest to install on brickwork acrylic bath, since it is light in weight. If you have cast iron or steel version plumbers, it is best to use combined option installation and screw the legs. During installation they will be reinforced with masonry. In this case, installing a bathtub on bricks looks like this:

  • Legs are mounted;
  • Using bricks (without mortar), the required number is calculated: by height and width between the legs;
  • Once all the calculations have been made, you can fix the bricks with mortar.

Using the same algorithm of actions, a bathtub can be installed on foam blocks.

Tip: Instead of a solution for brickwork You can use tile adhesive. Some craftsmen believe that it is much stronger and more durable.

Along the edge of the bathtub, in order to hide communications and masonry, you can mount a wall. In order to make supports without the participation of legs, you need to find something to put under the bathtub. It is most popular to use a wooden box as a temporary support. Once you have made the supports, carefully install the bath on them and dismantle the temporary scaffolding. Particular care must be taken when handling an acrylic bathtub, as it can be easily damaged by any protruding sharp corner.

The wall around the edge is also suitable for strengthening the bathtub. In this case, the brick is not laid as legs, but along the perimeter of the plumbing. This method is more expensive and has one more significant drawback– if a pipe breaks or another emergency occurs, you do not have access to communications.


When renovating a bathroom, it is necessary to make the interior not only beautiful, but also functional. All plumbing must be properly installed to avoid leaks. You can watch the video to see the process of installing a bathtub on bricks more clearly.

No matter how much marketers praise modern shower stalls with many bells and whistles, the good old bathtub does not lose its relevance. Only in a fragrant foam bath can you relieve fatigue after a difficult, eventful day. And it is not so important what kind of product it is - cast iron, acrylic or steel. It is important that the bathtub can withstand loads well and not sag. Unfortunately, the legs that come with the product are not very stable, so we have to make more reliable support on one's own. Topic of the article: how to install a bathtub on bricks. If you do everything correctly, the problem of bathtub instability will cease to be relevant for you forever.

Cast iron bath

Despite the fact that it is available for sale a large assortment composite products, cast iron bathtubs, due to their good quality and durability, still remain popular. Of course, one cannot discount such disadvantages as the large mass of the bathtub and the difficulties associated with installation. In addition, if you install the bathtub on the supplied legs, the structure turns out to be quite shaky. It is necessary to additionally construct brick supports. To be on the safe side.

Important! A cast iron bathtub can be installed by building brick supports around the perimeter of the product, at the corners or edges of the container. To save bricks, most often they make 2 supports under the bottom of the bowl. This is often enough. There is no need for support in the middle part of the bowl, since cast iron is a rigid material. Therefore, under the bathroom it will be possible to arrange economic niche.

To prevent the bathtub from moving during use, the bricks are laid in such a way that a kind of bed is formed in the center. Sometimes on the Internet you can find advice that the rear support should be 10-20 mm higher than the front one in order to create a slope towards the drain. In fact, this is unnecessary, since the design of the bowl allows for this slope. The drainage of water into the sewer will occur unhindered. Besides, horizontal installation bathtub will help you avoid difficulties with installing facing tiles.

Important! If you do not plan to use complete legs and install the bathtub only on bricks, then it is recommended to lay the bathtub on a brick bed under the entire bottom.

Installing a cast iron bathtub on bricks - procedure

First of all, clear the room of objects that may interfere with work. Before placing the bathtub on the bricks, take all the necessary measurements. To prevent damage to the cast iron product door jambs, first wrap them in soft material.

You will need for work:

  • Red bricks - 20 pcs.
  • Cement grade 400.
  • Sand.
  • Tile adhesive.
  • Polyurethane foam to provide sound insulation.

The tools you will need are a regular construction trowel and a container for preparing mortar.

Important! The work must be done carefully and carefully, since any alterations are associated with considerable difficulties.

So, the algorithm of actions:

  • Bring the bathtub indoors and place it on the included feet.
  • Assemble and install the siphon with overflow. It's better to do it right away. Once the bathtub is installed, this work is much more difficult to complete.
  • Cover the bottom of the bowl soundproofing material or blow in with polyurethane construction foam. It is important that the foam does not protrude beyond the perimeter of the product. Otherwise, installing the bathtub close to the wall will be quite difficult.
  • Measure from the base of the bathtub legs to the bottom of the bowl. This is the height of the support. Another distance is between the complete bath supports along the length, corresponding to the length of the bed. In addition, you need to take into account approximately 10 mm tolerances.
  • Install the bathtub close to the wall with a slight slope towards the back wall. Place marks with a marker.
  • Prepare building mixture: 1 part cement to 4 parts sand. After this, dilute the mixture required quantity water.

Important! If half the volume of cement is replaced with tile adhesive, you get a plastic solution, which is much more convenient to work with. The design is quite durable.

  • Lay the brickwork, not forgetting the slope towards the rear side. To form a bed, lay half a brick on the sides. The masonry will harden for one or two days.
  • Lay a 20 mm thick layer of mortar on top of the brickwork.
  • Apply a layer of tile adhesive to the vertical surfaces of the sides of the bathtub where they meet the walls.
  • Place the bathtub on a brick bed, pressing it against the wall as tightly as possible.
  • Check the slope. If necessary, adjust it using legs or pieces of bricks.
  • Fill the cracks with mortar where the bottom meets the brick base.
  • Connect the siphon and check the operation of the bath. Fill the bowl with water and then open the drain hole. It is necessary that the water drains completely.
  • Blow construction foam into the front of the bottom.

Important! The height of the side of a bathtub installed on bricks should not exceed 700 mm. Otherwise, using the bathroom will not be comfortable.

Steel baths

Installation procedure steel bath for bricks is the same as for a cast iron product, but there are some nuances:

  1. The steel product has thinner walls and is much lighter than cast iron. Over time, this advantage can turn into a disadvantage. If the bathtub is long, it may become deformed in the middle. Therefore, an additional support is made in the center of the product.
  2. The second point is the additional fastening of the steel bowl to the adjacent walls using anchors or dowels with a diameter of up to 8 mm.
  3. If you absolutely want to arrange a utility niche under the bathroom, you can use a “bed” for the bowl, welded from steel pipes up to 25 mm in diameter.
  4. For better stability of the structure, place the steel product on a layer of polyurethane foam.

Important! When installing a metal bath, do not forget about the ground connection.

Installing a bathtub on bricks: acrylic

The light weight of the acrylic product is a kind of pleasant bonus during installation. However, to think that such a bowl does not need additional supports is, at least, naive.

How to install an acrylic bathtub on bricks?

  1. The best option for an acrylic product is a brick bed around the entire perimeter of the bottom. Saving bricks in this case is quite doubtful, since the bowl may crack.
  2. It is necessary to provide a niche to provide access to the siphon, so as not to disassemble the structure for repair work.

Video material

Knowing how to place a bathtub on bricks will make the operation of this product much more comfortable. The work, as you can see, is not difficult; you can do it yourself.

Proper installation of a bathtub begins with finding 15 red bricks on which it will subsequently stand. The thing is that with the standard legs that come with the kit, you will never be able to install the bathtub perfectly. Standard legs are usually made of the same cast iron as the bathtub, or if the bathtub is iron, plain iron, and are connected to the bathtub with screws.

Such a connection is very unreliable under changing loads and will not be able to ensure complete immobility of the bath during operation. This immobility of the bathtub, especially over a long period of time, will help to avoid the appearance of cracks in the places where the bathtub adjoins the walls, which, in addition to water flowing behind the bathtub, can, due to the extremely long drying of the water, lead to mold. In general, to eliminate the root causes of the wobbly bathtub, installing the bathtub on bricks is used.

Brick racks must be of a certain height, which is necessary so that after installing the bathtub, it top part was at a height of 60 cm from the floor. The approximate height of the brick racks: the front is 17 cm, the second is 19 cm from the level of the finished floor, and if protruding fastening parts of the bathtub get on the racks, they can be cut down or the height of the racks can be reduced. Instead of mortar for laying bricks, it is better to use tile adhesive, which will make the seams thinner, and the increased adhesion of the glue will make the entire masonry of the racks more monolithic. Some bathtubs also have different depths and before carrying out work it is advisable to measure the depth of the bathtub and adjust the height of the racks accordingly.

The distance between the racks is determined by the length of the bathtub and averages 50-60 cm. This arrangement of brick racks is optimal if you are going to leave one or two niches for feet and basins under the bathtub. When planning in the future to completely cover the bathtub with a screen, the dimensions between the racks of great importance They don’t play, and to increase reliability, you can make three instead of two racks.

This third support is required on wide and long steel bathtubs, the thin iron of which will bend under your weight and the weight of the water being poured. If you want to leave open niches for basins in such large bathrooms, instead of the third brick support, you can use a solid support lying on the outer ones. Closely welded ones are optimally suited as such a support. steel pipes, which will create an almost inflexible platform due to the formation large number stiffening ribs.

No connoisseur of pleasant and relaxing water treatments would exchange a bath for a modern one. In the latter, it is simply impossible to fully relax and soak up, steam your bones, plunging into a font filled with hot water and rich in aromatic oils. There is a lot of pleasure in such procedures, but in order for these impressions not to be spoiled, the bathtub must stand securely, and most importantly, steadily. Modern fastenings in the form of flimsy legs do not allow this to be achieved. In this article, together with the website, we will talk about how to install a bathtub on bricks - this is the most reliable and effective way, better than which it is impossible to imagine.

How to install a bathtub on bricks photo

Installing a bathtub on bricks: why is such a global approach necessary?

There are several reasons for the rigidity, and all of them are certainly related to the stability of this plumbing fixture. In addition, this approach to business allows you to extend the service life of some types of bathtubs. Take, for example, which Lately are manufactured deviating from the norms, using thinner sheet steel than should be used. How do you think it will behave during operation? Constant loads from the water and weight collected in it human body gradually deform it - as a result, the enamel will begin to peel off prematurely. The same can be said about - of course, it is not customary to fully install them on brick, but still some craftsmen use this approach to the matter as additional insurance.

Installing a bathtub on bricks with your own hands photo

In general, by creating a brick pillow under the bathtub or fully installing it on bricks, future longevity is laid. A bathtub on bricks is a guarantee of the integrity of the enamel over a long service life. Moreover, I would like to note the fact that only a full-fledged installation of a bathtub on bricks can achieve such an effect. If you simply hang this plumbing product on brick pillars laid out along the edges of the bathtub, then it will be of little use. Both posts and brick supports under the bottom of this plumbing product are required.

Watch the video to see how to install a bathtub on bricks.

Installing a steel bath on bricks: process description

The steel bathtub is lightweight, which allows it to be installed on legs. But, as mentioned above, constant deformations from the weight of water and the mass of a person very quickly disable it. To prevent such a turn of events, many craftsmen resort to installing the bathtub on bricks as additional measures - essentially, the bathtub is installed on legs, raised slightly above the required level, a pair of brick supports are made under the bottom, onto which the bathtub is lowered using adjusting screws. This method in some way solves the problem, but there is something missing in it, and that something is supporting the sides of the bathtub. Two additional supports along the edges of the bathtub, made in the form of low walls, solve the problem of rigid installation of the bathtub 100%.

There is another way to solve the problem of how to place a bathtub on bricks - it is, as it were, cut into it, resting the edges of the bathtub not on the brick, but on a two-centimeter layer of glue. This method is only good if the length of the bathtub clearly corresponds to or is slightly larger than the dimensions of the bathroom. First, two or three rows of tiles are laid out, then, after they dry, a bathtub is installed. As in the previous case, first the installation is carried out on the legs, then a brick cushion is laid under the bottom. Well, then, to ensure a more rigid installation, the top of the pillow is inflated polyurethane foam, and while it is not dry, the bath is lowered onto the bricks and filled with water to prevent it from being undermined by the force of the inflated foam.

Installing a steel bathtub on bricks photo

In general, there are quite a few options for installing a steel bathtub on bricks, but what they all have in common is several support points: under the bottom (one large solid one or two small ones) and along the edges of the bathtub in the form of walls or four columns. Only with this approach to business can you install a steel bathtub on bricks efficiently and reliably.

How to install a cast iron bathtub on bricks: a few nuances

Unlike its steel counterpart, a cast iron bathtub has much greater mass, which reduces the number of supports required for its installation. This point is also favored by the rigidity of the bathtub, which allows one to abandon the outer supports in the form of columns or low walls - by abandoning them, one should understand the importance of pallet brick pillows, which bear the entire weight of the bathtub and the entire load from the liquid in it, as well as the mass of a person .

A cast-iron bathtub on bricks should stand securely, and most importantly, not swing from side to side. Based on this, the principle of manufacturing pallet supports emerges - as a rule, in the absence of side racks, these supports are hollows in which the bottom of the bathtub is comfortably placed. If it seems to you that you cannot lay out bricks in this way, then no one will forbid you to install a cast-iron bathtub on bricks by analogy with a metal bathtub. A straight brick cushion under its bottom and four columns or two walls along the edges solve the issue of reliable installation of the bathtub just as well. The disadvantage of this approach to the matter is the weight of the bath, which turns the process of installing it on columns into a very complex and difficult operation.

Installing a cast iron bathtub on bricks photo

Installing an acrylic bathtub on bricks: description of the installation process

Do not think that if an acrylic bathtub is light in weight, then the requirements for its brick supports are different. It should be understood that the weight of water collected in it and the mass of a person do not decrease at all depending on the material from which the bath is made. The light weight of the bathtub only greatly facilitates the process of installing it, but does not simplify the supporting structure - you still need the same flat pillow under the bottom and supports along the edges of the sides of the bathtub. Remember how to install a metal frame, which is usually supplied with an acrylic bathtub by the manufacturer - by analogy with it, you need to make brick supports.

Installing an acrylic bathtub on bricks photo

There is another approach to installing an acrylic bathtub on bricks - a built-in installation. By resorting to this method of installation, you create a support for the bathtub in the form of a wall closed around the perimeter of the bathtub, on which it is laid. Under the bottom of the bath, as in all other cases, a flat brick pillow is laid out. In some cases, the space inside the circular support can be filled with sand, but in such a situation, the solution to the question of how to install a bathtub on bricks is associated with some inconveniences of access to the drain siphon - in fact, without special device it will be impossible to reach him.

Bathtub on bricks photo

And in conclusion to this topic, we can add only one thing - installing a bathtub on bricks can be done in any way convenient for you, as long as it is reliable and, as they say, thorough. Present visually weak spots bathtub you bought and fix it so that these places are reinforced.