What kind of furniture should be in the kitchen vastu. Vastu: recommendations for the kitchen

"We are what we eat"- says Ayurveda.
The kitchen is the place where food is prepared. Our health largely depends on food: how suitable it is for us and whether it is prepared correctly. Therefore, Vastu gives the structure and location of the kitchen great importance.
The best place for a kitchen in a house/apartment is the southeastern sector, which is under the patronage of the god of fire Agni (Mars and Venus harmoniously complement each other) and away from the front door. It is also good in the northwestern sector of Vayu (air feeds fire), where the energy of Mars is complemented by the feminine power of the Moon.


  • Stove (1) for cookingshould be placed in the southeastcorner of the kitchen itself,for the mistress of the house to prepare food,facing east.
  • Cutting table (2) for preparations laziness of food, located along the eastern sideus (the hostess is locatedfacing east).
  • Sink (3) and p Potable water (6) is best located in the northeast (zone of the Primary Element of Water).
  • Window (5) on the east side.
  • Shelves and cabinets (7) for food and utensils should be located along the southor the western wall.
  • The refrigerator, mixers and other electrical appliances (8) should be placed along south wall.
  • Dining table (9) in western ornorthwest part of the kitchen, but not in the middle Not.


  • If the kitchen is located in the NE or SW sector of the house.
  • If the door to the toilet is directly opposite the door to the kitchen.
  • The door (4) must not be opposite the stove.
  • The kitchen should have a door, not an empty opening.
  • The sewer system should not be in the southeast or southwest. Water should flow north or east and never south.
  • If the house has several floors, it is undesirableso that there is a bedroom above the kitchen or toilet.
  • Round form symbolizes Tamas and is therefore considered inauspicious for the dinner table.
  • An abundance of red and black in the interior.

How to improve?

  • The main thing in the kitchen is the hearth, the stove. Its location is critical. If the stove is not positioned correctly, residents will have poor digestion and a tendency to excess weight or, conversely, problems with digestion of food. If it is impossible to arrange a kitchen in the southeast corner of the house, then at least the stove should be in the southeast corner of the kitchen - this will partially compensate for the situation.
  • If the kitchen is in the south, where Mars dominates, then there is a lack of feminine energy, so necessary for cooking. Therefore, if the kitchen is in the south, then the dominant energies of Mars need to be balanced with the help of Shukra Yantra (Venus) or Chandra Yantra (Moon). The Yantra can be placed above the entrance inside the kitchen.
  • If the kitchen is located in the north or west, then, on the contrary, there is not enough fire energy. The Mangal Yantra (Mars) above the entrance door to the kitchen from the outside will help compensate for this position.
  • It is believed that if the kitchen is in the north, then there will be frequent guests in the house or food costs may be too high. Therefore, it is recommended to place the Budha Yantra (Mercury) in the north in the kitchen and the Sri Yantra above the entrance door to the kitchen.
  • If the kitchen is in the northeast (residents “eat up” their health and wealth) or southwest (flush their health and wealth down the toilet) - this leads to loss of money and health. Place the Sri Yantra in the northeast inside the kitchen or the Vastu Yantra above the entrance door to the kitchen.
  • If the door to the toilet is directly opposite the door to the kitchen, this is extremely unfavorable. If these doors are nearby, it’s also bad, but less so. If this cannot be eliminated, place a Vastu or Sri Yantra above the kitchen entrance door.
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Vastu or Vastu Shastra - the word "Vastu" translated from Sanskrit means: "place", "house", "dwelling" or "room". Shastra is a “science” and also a “treatise”. Thus, Vastu is the science of houses. Vastu Shastra is based on the harmony of the universe, which is expressed in the lunar, solar and temporal effects on human consciousness and physiology. For this reason, this science is closely related to Vedic astrology and Ayurveda. All Vastu recommendations are given with the goal of helping a person achieve the perfection of life, which is expressed in understanding God, one’s own essence and methods of relationships. By by and large Vastu is the Indian equivalent of Feng Shui. Vastu, like Feng Shui, is based on Vedic astrology— Jyotish.

Passes in the house most of human life and Vastu aims to relieve a person from additional worries, giving him the opportunity to focus on the main thing.

The laws of the sun are expressed in following time periods intended for a certain type of activity. For example, from 3 to 6 am there is a period of “moksha”. During this period, it is necessary to focus on self-awareness by practicing the method of repeating the names of God on beads or other method of prayer practice. If you do not practice meditative methods of purifying consciousness, then it would be nice to read scriptures or books of great sages.

Vastu practice is aimed at achieving not only material prosperity, but also peace of mind, happiness and harmony in the family and at work. The science of Vastu primarily takes into account the energies emitted by the four cardinal directions: north, east, south and west. She explains on in simple language principles of choosing a site for development, building a house and location in it different rooms that will help improve life. For example, the dining room should stimulate a person’s feeling of hunger, the living room should stimulate sociability, the office should stimulate mental alertness, and the bedroom should promote relaxation. When a human home is built strictly according to the principles of Vastu, the person becomes stronger when facing life problems. Many of the great temples and palaces of India are masterpieces of Vastu and testify to the effectiveness of this ancient science of architecture.

In this article I want to show you 10 mistakes in the kitchen that we make from a Vastu point of view.

Vastu - 10 mistakes in the kitchen

1. A trash can under the sink pollutes the energy of water and worsens the well-being of the family.

What to do: Buy a trash can with a lid and put it somewhere else. The best place for garbage in the west of the kitchen. You can put it under the table.

2. TV in the kitchen takes energy and creates tension in relationships.

3. Ugly presentation of dishes - when serving a dish beautifully, the enjoyment of the taste of food increases by 37%. And hence the better mood.

4. The absence of fresh flowers and fruits - they symbolize and attract abundance into the house. Must always be fresh.

5. You can’t swear in the kitchen - conflicts in the family start to grow like a snowball.

6. Presence of strangers when cooking - no one should be in the kitchen while you are cooking. The only exception is if someone is helping you.

7. When children eat first, it is correct to eat in order of seniority, starting with the husband, then the wife, then the children. Or the guests start eating first. This does not mean that you have to wait until your husband eats. This means that he starts eating first, and then everyone else. This creates harmony in the family and respect among children for elders.

8. Eating from cracked dishes - you can’t even keep such dishes in the house, it’s better to throw them away immediately.

9. Conflict between water and fire in the kitchen - if there is a sink and stove nearby. Ideally, they should be in different corners of the kitchen.

What to do if this is not the case: try to use something to separate the sink from the stove. For example, some kind of screen, curtain, etc. Just don't forget about fire safety.

10. Leaving beautiful dishes for a holiday or for guests means putting your life on hold for later. Get your best beautiful plates and make your loved ones happy every day.

Like these ones typical mistakes housewives perform in the kitchen. Correct them and live happily! Join

The kitchen is a sacred place in the home. The quality of the kitchen affects the quality of life of the entire house and all its residents. We are what we eat. Centenarians and people with good health, as a rule, eat properly.

The main deity of the southeast is Agni, the god of fire, so the kitchen should be located in the southeast corner of the house. If placing the kitchen in the southeast is not possible, then try the northwest (although this leads to increased costs) or the west. If possible, never make a kitchen in the northeast - mental tension increases and this can cause big problems.

If the kitchen is in the southwest, life at home becomes difficult due to clashes. The kitchen in the north is the most dangerous - this is the place of Kuvera, so the costs increase beyond all expectations.

According to Vastu, it is better to have meals in the dining room rather than in the kitchen.

Keep the kitchen clean, do not allow pets in the kitchen, and do not enter there in dirty, unkempt clothes.

The best color for kitchen floors and walls is yellow, orange, pink. Black, blue and white are not suitable for the kitchen.

It is very favorable to hang paintings depicting nature in the kitchen.

It's best if cutting table will be located in the southeast corner. The table should not touch the east and south walls of the kitchen. It should be at least 3-5 centimeters from the wall.

The stove should be located in the southeast corner, at a distance of at least 3-5 centimeters from the wall.

It’s good if the other desktop is located near the south wall. It is suitable for storing a small oven, mixer (mixer), etc.

It is advisable that the sink be located in the north-eastern sector of the kitchen. Drinking water should also be in the northeast or northern sector.

It is better that the cabinet for food (cereals, spices, etc.) is located in the southern or western sector of the kitchen.

It is considered unfavorable if Entrance door to the kitchen is located in some corner. It's good if kitchen door located in the east, north or west.

The gas stove should not be located in front of the main entrance to the kitchen.

The kitchen should have one or two windows, as well as ventilation holes for air circulation, which best case scenario should be located in the eastern and western sectors of the kitchen.

If dinner table located in the kitchen, the best place for it is the northwestern or western sector.

Light, non-massive items can be stored in the east or north.

The highest quality and most easily digestible food is obtained when the cook cooks facing east.

The best place for a refrigerator is the southeast, south, west or north sector. The worst is the northeastern sector. If it is in the southwest corner and touches the wall, then it can break quickly. It is better to move it away from the corner at a distance of 20 centimeters.

Move fire and water objects as far as possible from each other in the kitchen to avoid conflict between the elements of water and fire. As well as fire and air objects, so as not to strengthen the element of fire. TO water bodies refers to the sink, Dishwasher, washing machine. Air elements include the refrigerator. For fire - stove, grill, toaster, microwave, etc.

Do not place the microwave on top of the refrigerator and/or washing machine.

Do not keep a trash can under the sink.

Leave the kitchen clean at night. It is important not to leave any dirty dishes, food, scraps, garbage, etc. in the kitchen overnight. This is what attracts negative energy manifestations into the house and has an extremely adverse effect on the inhabitants of the house. After all, during sleep we are very vulnerable and susceptible. This is especially true for young children.

Based on materials from sites


Ideally, the kitchen space is not intended for eating.

For this purpose there is a separate room called the dining room. The kitchen serves more as a room for preparing prasadam. To a certain extent, the kitchen can also be a mini-altar, since sacred processes take place here - serving the Lord. The members of our movement fix their minds on Krsna no matter how specific type They are engaged in devotional service. While working in the kitchen, the devotee meditates on Krsna because he knows that he is preparing delicious food to offer to Krsna. Similarly, chanting and dancing before the Deities installed in the temple is also meditation on Krishna. Thus, the boys and girls of our Society for Krishna Consciousness are true yogis, because they meditate on Krishna all twenty-four hours a day (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The path to perfection. Chapter 4. The principle of moderation in the practice of yoga).
The south-eastern zone of the house is most favorable for the kitchen. It is also quite possible to use directions such as northwest, east, south. The kitchen should be, like the altar, one of the cleanest areas in the house, because this is the place where food is prepared for the Lord. Therefore, this part of the house should be maintained to the highest possible standards.
It is better to form the kitchen separately from the living room.
There are several primary interior items that should be taken into account when creating a kitchen:
Gas or electric stove. They should be located closer to the southeastern sector.

Washing. Zones such as the northeast and north are good for it. The sink and cooking stove should be kept as far apart as possible, within reason.
A separate area should be allocated for garbage in the northwestern part of the room. But at the same time, cleanliness standards should be maintained by not leaving garbage overnight, dirty dishes on the table, in the sink, on the floor.
The refrigerator can mainly be located in the southern part of the room. The larger the refrigerator, the closer it can be located to the southwestern sector.
In the northern, eastern and north-eastern directions, the use of wall-mounted, oversized lockers should be avoided.
It is favorable if the person faces the east when cooking. It is also good if there is a window in this direction through which the garden, horizon or open space will be visible.
Color spectrum:
In general, the kitchen should have a warm, and in some places even hot, color scheme for the walls or interior items.
General principles for the kitchen:
The kitchen is an “extension” of the altar, so everything in the kitchen should be done with great love and attention to the household Deities.
When cooking in the kitchen, you should wear clean, undefiled clothing. When we prepare food, it is extremely important to maintain cleanliness, because cleanliness and righteousness are sisters. Nothing unclean should be offered to Krishna, so try to keep the kitchen clean. Be sure to wash your hands before cooking. When preparing food, do not taste it. Cooking is part of the meditation process, because you are preparing food not just for yourself, but to please Krishna, who should be the first to taste and enjoy it. If you cook according to proven recipes, you will succeed. Once you have finished preparing the food, you can offer it to Krishna. (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. In search of enlightenment. Appendix).
In the kitchen, harmful, empty, irrelevant conversations should be avoided.

The main thing to keep in mind is that the living room promotes sociability, the dining room improves appetite, the office increases efficiency and mental alertness, and the bedroom helps to relax. We do not forget that the northern side is responsible for professional activity, the southwest is for relationships, the northeast is reserved for education, and the northwest is for entertainment and recreation.

Now let's talk a little more about each planet:

The sun has the greatest influence in the East.

The Sun is the ruler of the planets, the ruler of the East, has the purifying energy of the masculine gender, the masculine principle, mind, spirit, willpower. The sun rises in the East and people get maximum benefit from the morning sun rays. Therefore, it is accepted in Vastu that there should be more doors and windows in the house in the eastern and northern directions, and in these directions there should be no large trees or other obstacles to the morning sunlight near the house.

The eastern sector is very important. Everything that is done in the East or facing the East is almost doomed to prosperity. As the sun rises in this part, so all matters related to career, external action, business, study, influence - all this will improve and prosper in this part.

The rooms in the eastern sector are good for prayer and meditation, and there should also be an altar here. Rooms that are governed by the masculine energies of the sun are especially favorable for the living and activities of men.

Sphere of influence: health, charisma, career, power, life force, masculine energy.

Color: dark yellow, orange, saffron, terracotta, brown, gold, metal, shades of blue, white. Light, bright, pure tones are preferred. Avoid red color.

The Moon has its strongest influence in the northwest.

The moon is considered a special female, the bearer of maternal energy that gives life. Controls the subconscious and intuitive activities of a person, guides the restoration of strength and renewal. Just as the sun is a symbol of the spirit, so the moon is a symbol of feelings and everything that is connected with the human soul. It affects that part of our being that is not connected with reason, but feels and perceives.

The North-West is a light and bright sector, responsible for changes in our lives, for travel, for children and guests, for vehicles and animals. If you want change, pay attention to the northwest. What do you have there? How open and bright is the sector? Maybe move this heavy cabinet to the southwest?

Only if the vastu in the north-west of your house is favorable, your fame and respect increases, your relationships and communication improve. Rooms that are governed by the feminine energies of the moon are especially favorable for women’s living and activities.

The Moon also rules bathrooms and water reservoirs. In Vastu, it is accepted that the moon influences the inhabitants of the house through the bathroom - a place of cleansing and renewal.

Sphere of influence: relationships, emotions, travel, movement, feminine energy, change, communication.

Color: milky white, pearl, steel, silver, purple, bright hues blue, green, pink. Avoid dark, dull colors, especially gray and black, as well as red colors.

Mars has its greatest influence in the south.

Mars is considered a symbol of struggle and corresponds to volitional actions man, his decisions and achievements in all areas of life, courage, determination and impulsiveness. This so-called red planet is associated with fire. Mars is changeable, destructive, the patron of wars, but protects the home from quarrels and disputes.

Despite the fact that Mars has Negative influence, it also gives vitality, well-being depending on your personal horoscope. Prosperity from Mars will be received by those who planned their kitchen in the south and southeast. The ideal position of the fireplace and stove is also southeast.

The south is the sector of male assertiveness. If you lack these qualities, then pay attention to the southern part of your house. And if you are thinking about where to put a sports equipment or hang a collection of swords, then the south is just the right place. Vastu defects in the south cause a number of problems and losses, and harmonious Mars enhances religiosity, truthfulness, strict discipline and power.

Sphere of influence: vitality, tone, charisma, prosperity, research, technology, war.

Color: shades of burgundy, red, coral, raspberry, wine. Avoid gray, brown, blue.

Venus has its greatest influence in the southeast.

Venus rules the sensual side of human nature, patronizes love, passion, beauty, and the arts. It enhances eloquence, affects the salon, bedrooms and the health of women in the home.

The southeast is the sector of feminine energy in the home. Only if you want to improve the relationship between you and your family, harmonize this part of your home first. It is not recommended to make a bedroom in this sector, but it is perfect place for the kitchen or dining room.

Sphere of influence: beauty, luxury, coziness, comfort, woman's happiness and health, love, pleasure.

Color: rainbow effect, muted tones, variegation (but muted), light shades of blue, pink, silver, white. Avoid dark, heavy colors, as well as too bright and harsh colors.

Mercury has its strongest influence in the north.

Mercury is the most fast planet and is a symbol of rapid change. In area human activity the highest speed is the speed of thought, therefore in vastu it is accepted that Mercury rules intellectual activity. Changeable, restless, patron of lively conversations and discussions.

The northern sector is the sector of communication, communication, business, finance, as well as guests, intelligence and study. Remember what is in your northern sector? Remove the rubble there, clean it up, add light and space, you can put water there. Following just these simple recommendations will greatly improve your business and help you attract or save money.

With positive vastu in the north, Mercury improves studies, business, communication skills and good character. Mercury is also responsible for the condition of the hallway, garden around the house, flowers inside, veranda and especially business.

Sphere of influence: communication, communication, study, intelligence, finance, business, trade, guests, childhood.

Color: all shades of green, blue, gray, brown. Avoid red, orange, and dark colors.

Jupiter and Ketu have the greatest influence in the northeast.

Jupiter is the most big planet, associated with wisdom, knowledge, skill, learning, jewelry, harmony, law and religion. Banishes darkness, stimulates mental activity.

The NE sector is considered one of the most important in the house. Remember, the head of Vastu Purusha is located in this sector. It should be as open as possible, do not keep any trash or debris there! Through this sector, your home receives all the positive energy. It must be kept clean at all times. Minimum furniture.

Good vastu in the northeast enhances the character, inspires respect, enhances the best features of a person, as well as his spiritual growth. Activation of this sector will bring general good luck to the house in all matters.

Sphere of influence: spirituality, expansion of consciousness, realization, prosperity, luck, childhood, growth, care, study, luck, spirituality, respect.

Color: all shades of yellow, cream, gold, orange, blue. Avoid dark colors, as well as shades of red, blue, purple.

Saturn has the greatest influence in the West.

Saturn symbolizes driving force development, which leads a person to fulfill his life task. Among human qualities, it corresponds to concentration and constraint.

Saturn is the planet of rules, norms and restrictions. This is the slowest and darkest planet, so it is believed that its zone of influence is all the dark places in the house: closets, pantries, basements, etc.

Only if the entrance to your home is in the West, this can lead to divorce, depression, uncontrolled sexuality and constant postponement of good deeds. On the other hand, if the Western sector is harmonious, i.e. more closed, Saturn will cause increased popularity, academic success, and happiness.

The Western sector demands maximum respect. It should not be too open, but always clean and tidy. The best place for discipline and asceticism. Very suitable for the dining area, as well as for the toilet and trash can.

Sphere of influence: wisdom, old age, study (perseverance), discipline.

Color: violet, blue, lilac, lilac, black, dark cherry, brown. But do not overuse these flowers, otherwise they will strengthen the negative influence of Saturn.

Earth, rahu have the greatest influence in the southwest.

Southwest is a sector of heaviness and closedness. Everything that is heavy in the house: a ficus in a tub, a 32 kg weight, wardrobe or grandma's chest - it is better to install all this in the southwestern part of your house. Here you don’t need to open and clear it, you just need to close it and store it. If you want something to stay with you for a long time, place it on the skid and it will not get away from you. For example, books - in this part of the house no one will ever take them or even open them.

By the way, this is an ideal place for the master bedroom. Rahu for big ones dark rooms and large massive doors answer. Heavy curtains, thick curtains, and blinds are used on the windows.

Sphere of influence: influence, security, old age, death, discipline.

Color: terracotta, brick, orange, brown, yellow, gold.

The central part of your home or apartment (brahma stan) should remain open, bright and free of furniture. White color.

As you already understand, each color attracts the energy of a certain planet, affecting our body and mind. Above are the most basic Vastu recommendations for organizing your interior. Based on materials from the Vita - Schola website. ru.

Vastu colors according to cardinal directions. Planet Mercury (day of week Wednesday)

Responsible for the geographic direction of the North, in general terms it is the direction of communications, commerce, and business. Here there is a fusion of the two elements of Water and Air. It is favorable to decorate premises in this direction in any shades Green colour, because this direction is ruled by Mercury - the planet of analytics, endless logic, continuous learning and commerce.

Green color develops communicative and analytical thinking, imagination, creates conditions for reflection, almost all of its shades have a positive effect on the human psyche, increase efficiency, help establish relationships with other people, and develop speech (which is especially important for children). In nature, this color predominates (this is facilitated by the presence of the chlorophyll pigment in plants), it symbolizes life itself, growth, rebirth and is perceived by us as favorable, calming and conducive to trust.

In this direction, following Vastu recommendations, the following can be located: living room, children's room, guest bedroom, office, treasury (including a safe), bathroom. IN commercial premises in the North it is necessary to place accountants, cashiers, all those who are in direct contact with money (by the way, money, thanks to Scrooge McDuck, we also associate with green). All these rooms will look great in various shades of green. Light shades green colors such as mint, emerald, pistachio can be used to tint the walls of a nursery, living room or bedroom - these colors will soothe and refresh, relieve stress and set you in a positive mood. In addition, pale green helps improve vision. In order not to drown in monochromatic green, you can place thin bright accents- many colors are friendly with green, because it is considered universal. Which one should you choose in your case? To do this, it is necessary to analyze the individual situation of the location of rooms in space or your natal chart. For example, it could be purple - if you have a strong and well-placed Saturn, or sunny yellow if the room is not in a direct Northern location, but is shifted towards the North-East.

Ideal house according to Vastu. Home harmonization - how to do it right?

So, the main postulates that will help harmonize the space of our home (apartment according to Vastu):

  • Fresh fruit is a wonderful gift for your home. Make it a rule to always keep a bowl of fruit on the table. This is very auspicious, no entities will attach themselves to the fruit because it is a Divine product;
  • Flowers in vases at home are very favorable: cut or live. Flowers have lunar energy, and fill you with lunar feminine energy, and from you the house will be filled with this energy. Just don’t grow creeping and climbing plants at home, as well as plants with thorns other than roses and cacti;
  • It is very important to do general cleaning at home every 3 months, as well as energetic cleaning - with fire, sea salt, etc. It is very good to walk around the house counterclockwise with a candle - this will clear the space, moving clockwise will fill the space. At the same time, be sure to read any mantra, prayer, or simply say: “I cleanse.” Cleaning on Maundy Thursday is especially effective.
  • It is very important to remember that Vastu works at the level of prana, i.e. energy. The more claims we have, the more negative energy“attach” to this situation. Where our thought is, there is energy. Therefore, you need to clear the space so that your thoughts are also clean. Prana is light. Where can we get this light? First of all, it’s light food, bright thoughts, what surrounds us. Therefore, bring only positive thoughts into the house. And you need to start with yourself!

In my previous article How to choose houseplants? I talked about what you should know and consider when choosing indoor plants. But because I am interested in Feng Shui and Vastu, read about it here, then I would like to tell you how to choose the right auspicious indoor plants that can add good luck and happiness to you. Read about how to attract luck in the article by our editor-in-chief Anastasia Gai, “How to attract and retain luck and money.”

I didn’t think about it before, I grabbed everything I liked, but you also need to be able to understand plants, especially as a woman. And I began to study the question of how to choose the right indoor plants. I chose special plants for myself that not only give good mood, but also give comfort, help to find love, establish family relationships, clear the air of polluted air. Yes! Yes! And there are such plants, and now I will tell you about them. And about how to improve family relationships, read excellent articles in the section Relationships between a man and a woman.

My first acquisition, based on my knowledge of how to choose the right indoor plants, was Crassula, otherwise known as Crassula. I talked about it in the last article, about my bitter experience, about the fact that I did not know the characteristics of this plant. As it turned out, it needs to be watered no more than once every 7-10 days, so there is no extra hassle with it. It tolerates the cold very well, so don’t be afraid to place it on the windowsill. They say it brings money into the house and gives peace and stability. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, but after I bought it, a few days later I found the job I’d been dreaming about. So decide for yourself.

Then I bought a cyclamen indoor plant, which blooms very beautifully with white flowers. There are, of course, other colors, but I only buy white ones, because... Vastu recommends mainly these. And about what colors are best to wear and on what day of the week, read my article “ Astrological tips by choosing the color of clothing by day of the week."

Red colors add passion to the family, so the choice is, of course, yours. This plant is quite whimsical. It's hard to guess what he needs in this moment, but for some it grows just fine, you just need to monitor the air humidity, they love high humidity. I heard about it in lectures on Vastu, the plant is considered favorable, helps with frequent mood swings, stimulates creative activity, and especially calms the restless psyche of children. Read about how to improve your mood here.

The next plant is spathiphyllum. Very beautiful plant, blooming with unusual white elongated flowers in the form of leaves. I can't stop looking at them. It is not a fastidious plant; the main thing is to spray it properly with water and water it as the soil dries, but not too much, especially in the autumn-winter period. It is believed that thanks to him people find their love. Read about how to find love and get married in R. Kirranov’s book “How to make a man fall in love with you and get married successfully.” I even read a few reviews about it, they say it really works. So far, little time has passed, and I haven’t met much love, but fans have appeared, who knows how everything will turn out in the future.

Another useful plant- this is chlorophytum. I grew up with him when I lived with my grandmother. It grows remarkably well, does not require much care, but it is very useful in that it purifies the air from exhaust gases. This especially applies to the first and second floors. I live on the first one, so this plant is simply necessary for me.

And, of course, my very favorite plant indoor White Rose. Of course, there is a lot of hassle, but what beauty! You need to spray it often, the main thing is not to water it cold water, that's how sensitive they are. It is considered very auspicious plant, nourishes women with feminine energy.

Vastu loves indoor plants with lush flowers, but you need to know the main three conditions:

1) As I already said, you should not keep plants with bright red flowers

2) You should not keep creeping, climbing or thorny plants in the house, this also applies to your favorite cacti on your desktop (roses are an exception);

And now I will list a few more plants that are beneficial for the home: pelargonium (geranium), hydrangea, violet, begonia, azalea, hyacinth, gardenia, carnation.

So, dear girls, women, carefully choose plants for your home, see what your condition is next to them. Let them give you only a good mood. I hope my experience will help you in your choice the desired plant, and let them make you happy every day.

All the best and be happy! Maria Dukhovitskaya.

Choosing an apartment according to Vastu can significantly improve the overall quality of life of a person and the entire family. Therefore, it is advisable to initially choose an apartment that best complies with Vastu principles. Choosing an apartment according to Vastu should be based on many parameters. Of course, in a modern metropolis, it is quite difficult to choose an apartment that has harmonious Vastu aspects. However, there are a number of basic rules by which you should choose an apartment according to Vastu.

Some “Vastu experts” advise “ simple methods» evaluate a place, that is, feel the vibration of this place. However, spurious adverse outcomes may exist with this approach. Firstly, this approach is quite mystical and deceptive, since a modern person, located in an overloaded information space, can be full of anxiety and internal unrest, and at the moment of “feeling” the vibrations of a place, he can be stressed. And also modern man, in principle, the inner subtle vision is dulled, since the material side of life prevails over the spiritual. Secondly, each person has his own set of qualities and his own horoscope and destiny. Therefore, he can choose a space according to his horoscope, which has unfavorable aspects. Unfavorable aspects of the horoscope need to be worked out, and the space of the place will just aggravate it negative traits character. To a large extent, this is what happens, since a person’s home reflects to some extent his destiny. That is, a person chooses his space according to his destiny. More information about this is written in our article: Home as destiny and a reflection of our inner essence.

In the southwest of the house according to Vastu there is the planet Rahu, it is one of the two shadow planets. Rahu is not a planet in the usual sense, it is the northern node of the moon's orbit - the point at which the Moon's orbit intersects the Solar orbit in movement from south to north. Rahu affects the mind and brain. If the sector in the southwest direction has poor Vastu, then additional anxieties and fears may appear, which can increase sensitivity and contribute to mental disorders. Therefore, this area should be given Special attention- leave it as closed as possible and, for example, do not make large windows.

In Vastu, colors play an important role in the harmony of space. The influence of color according to Vastu is mainly subtle. The primary thing in creating space is to comply with all Vastu rules, and color scheme is a minor, but quite significant aspect that influences human consciousness. Although the role of color in the interior according to Vastu is difficult to overestimate, since it is colors that can set the overall ambiance and style of the space. Colors have different effects on the psychological atmosphere and mood, so it is very important to correctly combine colors with each other. To create harmony according to Vastu, it is best to separate space use two or three primary colors with a favorable combination of their shades.

Vastu by colors

Vastu science of colors in the interior recommends using such shades and combinations that will create a favorable, peaceful space, will bring peace and joy. You should not resort to using contrasts in large quantities. It is advisable that they are not too bright or dark colors. It is also important to combine them correctly with each other. There is a special feature for using colors in the interiors of residential spaces: it is best to use colors and shades that are found in natural landscapes, provided there is a clear sky and bright sun. Because nature is best designer, this can serve as additional support when choosing colors for the interior. An example of choosing interior colors based on natural environment see the project "Azure".

In Vastu color space, you should not use dark, “dirty” colors in large mass. Since in conditions of limited illumination of the architectural space, this can “put pressure” on the psyche and emotional condition person. Nice flowers According to Vastu, creamy white (not bright, muted white), light yellow, light green, light blue and light pink are considered for use on interior walls. It would be best to contact a competent specialist so that the colors in the interior are consistent and matched with each other.

Color therapy meaning

Since colors are involved in the design of all objects in physical space, they play important role In human life. There is such a thing as color therapy, or how colors alone or in combination with each other affect a person’s consciousness, helping him maintain a state of balance so that the body remains healthy. The meaning of color therapy is rather a very subtle and slow effect. Various colors certainly capable of influencing psychological condition, but, most likely, this will not happen quickly, and not so noticeably. However, each color has its own meaning in color therapy, which will be described in detail below.


The color red is symbolically represented as the color of passion, strength and fire. Red color is very active, emotional, it gives the desire to move forward, act, and conquer. Red, to some extent, is the color of the holiday. This is the color of courage and endurance, it suggests a confident attitude towards life. But red is also the color of increased excitability and activity, so it should not be used in rooms where relaxation and calm are needed. Therefore, red color is not used, for example, in the bedroom due to its stimulating properties. Also, if a person is very active by nature, then it is not recommended to use too much red in the interior. A large number of red for active person can lead to additional nervous experiences and stress over time. In the interior for such people, small red accents can be used that harmonize well with the main calm color.

Red color refers to the type warm colors, therefore it can be used in measured quantities in rooms located in cold areas. IN winter time In a year when there is a shortage of warm shades, it is always nice to be in rooms with warm shades, and red is one of them. This color helps the body stay hot, even in the cold season.


Orange is the color of joy and high aspirations. Orange color symbolizes a life full of events and changes. The color orange gives people the strength to achieve what they want. It is a universal color capable of emitting great energy. It evokes a feeling of warmth, reliability and comfort. In the interior, orange color has a beneficial effect on a person’s condition, giving him warmth and peace. However, you should still use orange color in the interior very carefully. You need to make sure that it is not too bright and provocative, so as not to smooth out all the positive effects of this color. It is best to combine orange with more muted shades of brown and beige. If the orange color of dim shades is correctly used in the interior, then the residents will feel comfort, care and love. Application orange color in the living room will add the joy of communication, and also create an atmosphere of security, confidence and stability. In children's rooms, shades of orange will make the child cheerful.