What components are needed to install siding? How to siding a house with your own hands Additional elements required during installation

Modern cladding of buildings, giving the building a presentable appearance, slows down the “aging” process, that is, it protects the facade from the action of various natural factors. The natural desire of every person is for the finishing of the building to be not too expensive, but at the same time to look decent, require little labor during its installation, and not be difficult to maintain.

There is a fairly high demand for specialized decorative panels. One of these building materials is siding, which was first used in North America since the middle of the 20th century. Today, covering a house with siding is quite common.

Buy siding better in winter, because in the summer, at the height of the construction season, its price will certainly increase by 10-15 percent. At the same time, it’s a good idea to conclude an agreement with the seller, even if it’s verbal, about the possibility of returning excess fittings to the store, of course, if the remaining material is not damaged by you.

You can install the panels yourself. Using a simple tool, you will get the job done in a couple of weeks, while saving 70-80% of money on inviting specialists. First, you will have to look at a building already covered with siding, familiarize yourself with the details of the work, or consult with installers in order to avoid mistakes during installation.

Over time, the surface may deteriorate and will need to be replaced. To simplify the task, we recommend choosing panels of traditional colors, which are certainly available in any store. If the canvas is the same tone, it is easier to replace it. If different panel colors are used, then you cannot do without an H-profile. In order to save it, the panels will have to be installed overlapping.

Considering that the dimensions of the siding are such that residues may appear when working with it, you can save money when designing eaves overhangs. Soffits designed for this purpose are perforated for better ventilation. Externally similar to siding, they exceed its price by 60%. It will be more economical to use leftover siding, but you need to be prepared for the fact that the terrain will take on a slightly different look.

Composite corners, including price for linear meter, cost half as much as solid external corners. By joining two J-profiles together, you can find an alternative to solid outside corners. Just don’t forget about the need for sealing. To do this, you need to cover the facade with solid corners, and back side houses - made up of profiles. It will also look presentable.

In any case, you will benefit by using siding when decorating your home - it will protect your home from destruction and make it attractive in appearance.

We have already told you how to cover a house with siding and insulation with your own hands. We were talking about working with wooden and brick walls.

And then we concluded that this method is quite expensive, since market price The demand for façade and thermal insulation materials, especially imported ones, is constantly increasing.

Today we’ll focus on how to cover a house with siding and insulation with your own hands, and at the same time do it as cost-effectively as possible.

It's no secret that every season companies selling façade and thermal insulation materials, they raise prices for both.

How to properly insulate your house and give it an attractive façade without going down the drain - this will be discussed in this publication.

Sequence of actions for insulating and covering a house

First, let's look at the order in which we perform all the work when we begin to sheathe and insulate the walls of our house:

  1. Preparing the wall surface for further work, eliminating cracks and sealing.
  2. Installation of vapor barrier.
  3. The first tier of sheathing for insulation.
  4. We install sheet insulation into the sheathing.
  5. The second tier of the sheathing is perpendicular to the first tier.
  6. We install the second layer of insulation with the obligatory overlap of the seams.
  7. Laying wind protection – waterproofing – membranes.
  8. Installation of sheathing for ventilation gap.
  9. Preparation for siding installation - starting profiles.
  10. Installation of drip linings on the base.
  11. Siding installation.
  12. Installation of additional elements.
  13. Installation of slopes on windows and doors.
  14. Installation of soffits on the roof overhang.

That, in fact, is the whole process. Nothing complicated. Now let's talk about how to cover a house with siding with your own hands and insulation in a budget option, where you can save money without compromising the quality of the work performed.

Budget vapor barrier options

Laying a vapor barrier between load-bearing wall and a layer of insulation allows you to protect the hydrophobic insulation from moisture, which comes out of the interior spaces Houses.

How can we save money at this stage? Firstly, on any walls that are made of vapor-proof materials, you can do without vapor barrier at all.

This applies, first of all, to walls made of heavy concrete or, for example, made of expanded clay concrete blocks.

In addition, it is not necessary to make the starting bar the entire length. It is enough to place the pieces of the starting strip at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

As for the finishing strip, in our version it is also not needed. The top of the sheathing will eventually be hidden by the soffits of the roof overhang sheathing. So on the top finishing line You can save money by not using it at all.

Siding is an excellent material if you want to protect your home from the elements. For the North-West of Russia and the Leningrad region, in particular, this is especially important.

You can tidy up the outside of your home different materials but the siding has a row obvious advantages:

  • it doesn't absorb and does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • his no need to paint(unlike a wooden blockhouse or lining, which you will have to paint once every three years);
  • he's relatively easy to install(at least it won't be hard for you to find professionals, which will execute);
  • He easy to clean;
  • the material itself is relatively inexpensive.

Let's dwell on the last point separately, and this article will help you save on siding your house.

5 ways to help you cover your house with siding on a budget

Method No. 1. Do without vapor barrier

If you decide to insulate a house under siding, then, as a rule, when calculating the cost, the company you contacted will lay a vapor barrier.

And it is right. Vapor barrier prevents water vapor contained in the indoor air from penetrating into the insulation and condensing there (turning into liquid water).

But there are cases when without vapor barrier you can get by.

For example, if your house is already vapor-insulated from the inside. This often happens when we cover with siding. frame houses, in which the vapor barrier is already installed on the inner surface of the walls of the house.

Why vapor barrier your house twice? That's right, there's no need. And this - saving.

It is also possible not to vapor barrier houses made of aerated concrete with a thickness of 300 mm or more. Aerated concrete by itself is enough warm material, and the dew point (the place where steam condenses) will most likely be located inside the wall, even if the wall is insulated from the outside.

Therefore, vapor barrier is not needed here either. By the way, here it is.

How much can you save if you don't do a vapor barrier?

Of course, this depends on the size of the house. If you refuse vapor barrier, you save on the material itself and on the work of installing it.

On average, you can save on a 6x8 meter house 10-15 thousand rubles(prices spring 2017).

Method number 2. Choose inexpensive siding

This method is obvious, but for some reason many people forget about it.

Now in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region there is a fairly wide selection of siding brands. And prices can also vary quite a bit.

The danger of choosing the cheapest siding is its poor quality. Such siding can burn out faster, and burn out unevenly (in spots).

So if you choose inexpensive siding, it is better to consult with those who will install it.

For example, since 2009, we at STK Etalon have worked with almost all brands of siding, but, unfortunately, we cannot recommend all of them to the customer.

Be that as it may, if you are, you will know the cost of covering your house with siding for as many as 10 types siding (as well as the cost of covering the base and installation drainage system).

Of the 10 types of siding that you will find in our estimate, all passed our quality control, and we can recommend them.

How much can you save? Depends on the size and complexity of the house, as well as the siding you choose.

For example, siding cost and for the same house (house size 8x8.5 m):

  • when covering with siding Mitten, Canada: 137 thousand rubles;
  • when covering with Docke siding, Russia: 75 thousand rubles;
  • when covering with SnowBird siding, Russia: 56 thousand rubles.

Method No. 3. Install siding with an overlap (without H-profile)

Siding manufacturers offer to connect siding panels on the facade using a special element - connecting profile or N-profile (ash-profile), as it is also called.

The siding is cut so that the joint runs along a vertical line on the façade. In this case, the facade itself is divided into sections, the number of which depends on the length of the facade and the length of the siding panels.

What is the advantage of such installation? Everything is smooth, neat and technologically advanced.

Many manufacturers have H-profile in siding color, and it is almost invisible on the facade. Here is an example from one of our objects:

The H-profile in the color of the siding is not striking (see all photos from this object:)

Additionally, there are types of siding (such as the log or block siding this home is finished with) that impossible install overlapping due to the special shape of the panels. By the way, here it is.

The disadvantage of installation through an H-profile is the higher cost.

Firstly, an extra element is added, accordingly, the item “H-profile” will appear in the estimate with the cost of the material and the cost of installation.

Secondly, more siding is spent on trimming, which also leads to an additional increase in the cost of cladding the house.

However, there are houses where pruning is minimal due to the good correspondence of the length of the siding panels to the length of the walls.

As always, it is necessary to consider each case separately, which is what our specialist does when visiting your home to diagnose it.

When installing siding with an overlap, as a rule, it turns out less scraps siding, because there is no need to adapt to the placement of the H-profile on the wall.

The overlap is made in the direction from which it is least noticeable, and is spread along the wall “staggered” so as not to form a continuous line, as is the case with the H-profile.

Here is an example of an object on which the siding is installed with an overlap:

The photo was taken from an angle in which the overlap is not visible (see all photos from this object:)

What are the advantages of installing lap siding?

Firstly, in saving. The estimate will not include the items “N-profile” and “installation of N-profile”; in addition, you definitely won’t have to buy additional siding, because it will cost less to trim.

Secondly, in USA and Canada Most houses are sheathed with overlapping siding, which indicates the viability of such a scheme.

What are the disadvantages?

Firstly, the overlap is not noticeable on only one side of the wall. On the other hand, it will be visible, especially in summer, when siding is expanding due to heating.

And you may not like it.

Secondly, dust will accumulate in the overlap over time, and in the case of light-colored siding this will be very noticeable.

Thirdly, the gap between the siding panels in areas of overlap will increase from year to year and become more visible.

But if these disadvantages are less important to you than saving money, then installing overlap siding is the way out.

How much can you save if you install overlapping siding?

Depends on the house. Typically the savings are 5-7 thousand rubles(at spring 2017 prices).

Method number 4. Buy everything in one place

Oddly enough, this method is not directly related to either the cost of work or the cost of materials.

But in this case, you don't care you can save money.

Firstly, if you buy everything in one place, you save on delivery. Regardless of whether it is an installation organization or a store.

If the materials for covering a house with siding are delivered to your site by one truck in one trip, then you will save on delivery.

Siding installation companies professionally(for example, ), employees will plan all logistics in such a way that even if siding and other materials are purchased in different places, price delivery will be minimal.

Secondly, you don't waste your time to travel around the city and buy “this here, that there.”

Unless you are retired, your time costs money. And time spent traveling is wasted time.

Divide your monthly salary by 20 and you get the cost of one working day. This is how much time you will most likely spend.

And even if you do this on the weekend, then this is time for rest, which you voluntarily deprive yourself of. Which means it costs at least the same.

And the time spent cannot be returned.

Therefore, if you purchase materials for siding your house yourself, try to do it in one store and order delivery there.

That's all.

Ready to install siding yet?

Call by phone in St. Petersburg 956-17-30 or click on the button " CALCULATE AN ESTIMATE

Covering any construction site with siding depends on the technical and operational properties selected material. The cost of finishing is influenced by many factors, but the main ones are the quality of the material and the features of its installation. It is better to entrust the finishing of a residential building with siding panels to professionals - despite the apparent simplicity, installation requires knowledge of some nuances and non-specialists often make mistakes. Next, we will look at how much it costs to decorate a house with siding with insulation, what are the main stages of installation and the advantages of this type of building decoration.

Finishing a house with siding panels Source aviarydecor.com

Benefits of use

Like anyone construction material, siding has advantages and disadvantages of use. There are two main types: vinyl and metal. The first option is more budget-friendly, but its disadvantages include less strength, structural rigidity and poor resistance to natural factors. In turn, metal panels are more durable and reliable (the downside is the high cost of this type of product).

Types of siding for cladding a house Source stroypay.ru

Experts include the following undoubted advantages of using siding:

    Easy to install. The siding is attached to the base using a special latch, after which it is fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws and specially shaped screws. The average installation time for siding panels (depending on the size of the house) is 2-3 days.

    Versatility– panels can be used for both interior and exterior exterior finishing. They are very resistant to precipitation and sudden temperature changes (installation can be carried out at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions).

    Wide price range, allowing you to purchase material of suitable quality for various buildings.

Basic rules for installing siding

Before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with the basic technical characteristics material to have general idea about siding. Each type of panel has its own characteristics, for example, vinyl panels are more susceptible to thermal expansion. You should not forget about this during installation work and leave a small tolerance, otherwise the tightly fitted wall cladding may become deformed.

Distortion of the panel structure after thermal expansion due to improper installation Source imhodom.ru

Particular attention should be paid preparatory work, make an estimate, get acquainted price offers for one type of material or another. When ordering siding installation, give preference to companies that have proven themselves in this service sector. As a rule, these are organizations that have been working in this field for 2-3 years.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer finishing and insulation services for houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

What affects the cost of cladding work?

First of all, the cost of installing siding is influenced by the choice of insulation material. For example, it is enough budget option The facades will be insulated with foam plastic.

An important factor when taking into account the cost of work will be the material from which the house is built. Price for insulation and finishing wooden house siding will be significantly lower than on brick or concrete walls, since in the latter case, when installing the sheathing, the use of additional fasteners will be required.

Source tostatus.ru

It is also worth taking into account architectural features - the more complex the facades, the more expensive the cost of work per square meter. The main cost criterion will be the type of facing material used. Everything is simple here: what more expensive material and the more difficult it is to work with it, the correspondingly higher the cost of the work. For example, installation cost basement siding will be higher than vinyl models, but cheaper than if you want to install fiber cement cladding panels.

The price of siding and additional elements for cladding a house

Price square meter material is the main criterion for how much it costs to decorate a house with siding. The price directly depends on the quality of the material of the siding panels. On average, the market price of vinyl siding varies between 270-300 rubles per 1 m². Metal, accordingly, is more expensive - the price is in the range of 350-500 rubles per 1 m². Wooden panels or “ship plank” will be even more expensive, since the materials have good performance characteristics (high strength, reliability and durability).

Siding white the cheapest one is great option for those who want to save on materials Source nashprorab.com

In addition, prices for the same material may vary depending on the manufacturing company, country of manufacture and external features products.

When installing siding panels, additional additional elements are used, which significantly affect the cost of the work. They are used for covering near-window spaces, corners, and joints.

Additional elements for mounting panels Source en.aviarydecor.com

There is a mandatory list of additional elements for installing panels:

    Connecting strip– necessary for joining siding panels. The cost is approximately 250-300 rubles/piece;

    Starting bar– the initial element is mounted just below the “lower level” of the marking, the price is in the range of 120-160 rubles / piece;

    External and internal corner– for continuous, maximum durable fastening of panels in hard to reach places. The average price is 400 – 500 rubles/piece.

    Door casing – required for registration doorways, recesses and various niches. Price 200 – 300 rub/piece.

    Eat three types near window trims– standard, wide and narrow. The price of non-standard planks varies in the range of 300 – 400 rubles (standard ones will cost approximately 150 – 200 rubles/piece)

Depending on the complexity of the surface, a larger number of additional elements may be needed - this should be taken into account when drawing up a budget for repair work.

Full list of siding work with prices

Below is a summary table taking into account all produced finishing works siding installation. Prices are indicated based on average statistical data - depending on the chosen construction company they may be higher or lower than the stated amount.

Price list for siding installation works (prices are in rubles) Source nord-camping.ru

The price of covering a house with turnkey siding per square meter

How much does it cost to finish a house with siding - price of work per 1 m²:

Attention! Prices for insulating and covering a house with siding vary depending on the region, the manufacturing company and the dynamics of the dollar exchange rate (most finishing materials purchased abroad).

Source saw-wood.ru

Approximate cost for a typical building

Since the building materials market offers a wide range of siding types (metal, cement, vinyl), the total cost will vary significantly. If we take for example the cheapest vinyl siding, then you will spend 35-40 thousand rubles for the cladding of a typical building 6 x 8 meters, excluding the cost of installation and materials for finishing the gables. But if you make an estimate with a much higher quality (and expensive) metal siding, then the price will increase to 70-80 thousand.

Various finishing types Source: stroy-decor.com

Also worth considering additional work and the cost of rough materials, for example, installation of a drainage system will cost at least 10-12 thousand rubles. It wouldn’t hurt to add an additional 5-7 thousand to the estimate for possible unforeseen expenses. The cost of installing siding is on average equal to all purchase costs necessary materials. However, you shouldn't skimp on installation work. Professionals will carry out installation in as soon as possible and you will have guarantees for the quality of the work performed.

Let's summarize: installation of vinyl siding will cost about 80 thousand rubles, metal siding - 170 thousand rubles, wood and cement from 200 thousand rubles. It is worth understanding that all amounts are quite arbitrary and are for demonstration purposes, since all numbers are given taking into account the minimum cost of materials.

Video description

Comparison of prices in Leroy, Petrovich and on the market:


How much it costs to cover a house with siding depends on the preferences and financial capabilities of the customer. Thanks to the varied price range, this material can satisfy a wide range of consumers. If you need cheap and high quality facing material, then you should pay attention to vinyl siding. If you want the cladding of your home to last long years, it makes sense to invest in metal or cement siding. In general, we can say that any siding is a material that combines reasonable price, reliability and long service life.

- one of the most convenient and affordable external cladding materials.

It can be installed on a fully landscaped area among blooming flower beds, freshly painted structures.

There will be no traces left, unlike plastering or painting walls, when stains stained with mortar or paint will inevitably appear.

In addition, to install siding, you do not need to hire a large team; two people are enough, and if increased accuracy of work is required, you can do everything yourself.

No special knowledge is required to install siding; you just need to be careful and comply with certain conditions.

The difference between basement siding and regular siding:

  • Another form of panels - unlike the narrow and long lamellas of conventional siding, the plinth panel is close to rectangular shape, sheets are shorter and wider.
  • The material is somewhat thicker, since the lower part of the house is subject to higher loads, and the risk of mechanical damage is much higher.
  • The panels generally imitate brick or stone, which is unusual for conventional types of siding.

Basement siding quickly began to be used to completely decorate the walls of a house.. It turned out that the imitation of brick and stone masonry in the canvas looks more attractive than the repetition of log or timber frames.

Behind a short time basement siding presented serious competition common types siding, which necessitated the introduction of a different name for the material. IN Lately along with the term “basement” the name “ façade panels", which is also not entirely accurate, but is more true.

The terminology in cladding descriptions is often confused and not always used correctly. To avoid errors, you should clarify exactly what type of material you are talking about.

The materials for basement siding are:

  • Polypropylene.
  • Vinyl.
  • Metal (galvanized steel, aluminum).

Basement siding is made from the same materials as regular siding; it has similar properties and technical characteristics.

Technological techniques for installation are almost the same, with a slight adjustment to the size of the panels. Basement siding, in fact, is almost no different from ordinary traditional siding; its panels also require the presence of component elements.

Why do you need siding components?

The panels of basement or regular siding themselves are designed to create a plane, cladding fabric. Finishing corners, edges of the canvas, covering openings and other elements of the building's architecture requires specialized parts.

They are called additional elements, are made of the same material as the panels and have a completely matching appearance. With the help of additions, you can carefully finish any element of the facade - a difference in wall levels, an outer or inner corner, create a support platform for installing the first row of panels and carefully complete the canvas.

In addition, if you use components of a different, contrasting color with the main panels, you can get an interesting decorative effect and add variety to the cladding fabric.

The installation of components is carried out before the installation of the main panels, since most additional elements have grooves for fixing the panels and are the basis for them.

The installation rules apply to the same extent to the additions - the need to create temperature gaps, loose fastening to load-bearing structures to create the ability to move elements when heating or cooling.

In addition to the enhanced decorative effect Forming a neat and complete sheathing fabric, the extensions perform the function of strengthening, sealing and increasing the strength of the connection of all siding elements.

The importance of these functions determines the attitude towards the extensions as the main parts of the cladding.

Description of components

The composition of components for siding includes elements for various purposes- from predominantly decorative (accessories) to exclusively structural. Some elements are interchangeable, i.e. it is possible to use some parts instead of others.

This mainly applies to the design of external and, in particular, internal corners. In addition, there are several ways to design window and door openings, which are selected depending on the installation depth of the window or door block relative to the outer plane of the wall (depending on the width of the slopes).

The main condition for the use of add-ons is full compliance of all cladding elements, which requires that they be manufactured by the same manufacturer and belong to a single line of material.

Some companies produce standardized additional elements suitable for all types of siding that are produced by this company. This unification is convenient for the consumer, who is insured against unpleasant mistakes when purchasing cladding materials.


The specificity of using additional elements is that each of them is created for a specific task and has a specific installation method. Therefore, there is little point in talking about components as a whole; we must consider them separately.

Starting bar

The starting strip is used as a supporting element for installing the bottom row of panels. In accordance with its purpose, it is installed first, i.e. the name speaks for itself - the entire siding installation process starts with it. Structurally, it consists of a lock for connecting to the panel and a nail strip for fixing to the subsystem (sheathing).


A universal element, which in cross-section resembles a bracket that covers the edge of the panel. Can be used for various purposes - from decorating corners (in the absence of special profiles) to finishing the canvas along the top edge. Also, J-bar is used when designing large-depth window or door openings to connect siding to the window frame.

Corner profile

The purpose of the corner profile is to design internal or external corners houses, finishing the perimeter of window or door openings, building ledges, etc. For basement siding, corner profiles are made taking into account the pattern of the panels, although elements with different patterns can be structurally used (sometimes this is used for decoration).

In addition to the corner profile itself, a special support element is often made that replaces the sheathing - it is installed on the wall and serves as a support for the profile. This design makes it easier to create sheathing, since the requirements for corners are higher - the subsystem must correspond to the siding elements.

If necessary, the corner profile can be replaced with two J-bars, the shelves installed tightly next to each other in the right place. This method is usually used to save money in inconspicuous places, since from an aesthetic point of view the corner profile is much preferable.

The listed elements are the most important and necessary for siding installation.

The full list of extras is much wider and includes such elements as:

  • Window strip.
  • Finishing bar.
  • Platband.
  • Soffit.
  • Docking strip.
  • H-profile.
  • Wind board, or chamfer.
  • Drain strip.
  • Accessories.

The use of all elements is determined by necessity (the presence of appropriate components), installation is carried out in accordance with all general rules siding work.

Most often, all of them are installed before installing the panels, since they serve as additional fixing elements for them. Most of them are not produced for basement siding, but the specificity of these elements allows for use with non-standard panels.

How to calculate

Correct calculation of the number of additions will save time during installation, which can be spent purchasing missing elements. Considering the priority of installation of components, they should be calculated carefully using special tools.

In addition, you should have a small reserve in case of damage, unforeseen circumstances or changes to the original plan.

When calculating all additional elements in the best possible way To avoid the mistake, you can use a working drawing - a development of all the walls of the house to be finished. In this way, you can clearly imagine the amount of a particular element.

In addition, you should carefully measure the perimeter and height of the walls of the house; this will be needed to calculate the starting strip, connecting and H-profiles, and corner strips. When calculating the perimeter, all protruding elements, partitions and other details of the house’s architecture must be included.

In the same way, you need to measure the perimeter of window and door openings. This will help determine the number of trims, window trims, J-strips and other necessary elements.

The following equipment is required for installation:

  • corner.
  • hammer drill
  • punch.
  • cutter.

The components should be counted not by the total length of the profile, but by the number of installation sections, since the joints of the extensions are undesirable - they look sloppy and violate the tightness of the canvas.

When counting components, it is necessary to take into account the number of fasteners, screws or nails and other accompanying elements required during installation.

Useful video

In this video you will learn everything about components for siding:


When installing siding, the components are full-fledged cladding parts and are not considered only as decoration elements. Correct calculation and full compliance of additional elements and main panels are the main condition for the successful completion of finishing work and long service sheathing.

To avoid installation errors, it is recommended that you read the instructions included with the material upon purchase. The information received will resolve a lot of questions and help produce correct installation and achieve optimal results for the entire home decoration.

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