What sectors are included in the infrastructure complex? Infrastructure complex composition, significance. Types of transport

Lesson-39 Grade 9 Date____

Topic: Infrastructure complex. Transport complex

Goals and objectives of the lesson :

    To introduce students to new terms and concepts: “freight turnover”, “transport hub”, “highway”.

    Develop the concept of “infrastructure”, an idea of ​​the composition infrastructure complex and its role in the country's economy.

    Determine the importance of transport for the work of the economy and the life of the population of Kazakhstan.

    Study the composition of transport.

Equipment: school for 9th grade, atlas for 9th grade.

During the classes

1. Organizing time.

2. Checking homework.

What complex are we studying? (APK)
– Name the main task of the agro-industrial complex.
– How many links are there in the agro-industrial complex?
– What does the 3rd link of the agro-industrial complex do?
– What industries make up the 3rd link of the agro-industrial complex?

You know “Food and light industry”. To test your knowledge of the food industry, we will play the “Hot Chair” game. They will play it (Name 4 children). At this time (the names of 2 children) will work using cards, completing tasks on the card. (Light industry: composition, factors of enterprise location, main areas and centers. Problems and development prospects.)

Read the tasks while I explain the rules of the game and if you have any questions, ask.

Rules of the game: I read out the statement, if it is true, you agree and explain that this is true, remaining in your place. If it is not correct, you change seats, i.e. your stool is hot and you explain why it is incorrect.

The class listens carefully to the answers and if someone makes a mistake, cannot explain, or explains incompletely or inaccurately, then raise your hand and correct or supplement your friend’s answer. Any questions?

First statement:

The food industry is found almost everywhere where people live.
– Branches of the food industry are divided into 3 groups based on the nature of the raw materials used.
– Industries: cereals, tea, sugar, fish belong to group 2.
– Industries: bakery, pasta, confectionery belong to group 2.
– Industries of the first group are consumer-oriented.
– The geography of industries of group 1 depends not only on the availability of raw materials in certain areas, but also on the size of the raw material base.
– Industries of the second group of the food industry gravitate towards the consumer finished products and are located directly in cities and large rural settlements.
– The meat, dairy, and flour-grinding sectors of the food industry focus only on the consumer.

3. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with another intersectoral complex - infrastructure.

Let's consider its composition, tasks, and significance in the country's economy. We will find out what problems exist in this complex in our country and try to identify the problems and possible ways their decisions in various industries infrastructure

Open your notebooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson.

4.Learning new material.

Writing in notebooks

Infrastructure (from Latin infra - below, under and structure - structure, location) is a set of structures, buildings, systems and services necessary for the normal functioning and provision of everyday life of the population.

We begin the study of any complex with its composition (slide 2).

The infrastructure complex is divided into two relatively independent parts

Infrastructure complex

Communication system

Transport communication





Sea and river




Service sector

    Trade and catering(shops, cafes, canteens, etc.)

    Household services (repair workshops, ateliers, hairdressers, baths)

    Housing and communal services (provision of housing with its improvement)

    Culture and art (concert and exhibition halls, theaters, libraries, radio and television)

    Science and education (universities, schools)

    Healthcare and physical education (clinics, hospitals, sports complexes, stadiums)

    Social security (maintenance of nursing homes, orphanages, boarding schools, organization pension provision and social insurance)

    Financial and credit sector (savings banks, insurance and financial organizations Investment funds)

    Public administration, defense, law enforcement.

We have written down the composition of the infrastructure complex. Look again at the industries included in this complex and say:

What is the task of the infrastructure complex?
– Does this complex produce any goods?
-What does he produce? What does it do to the population?

The products of this complex are services, i.e. The infrastructure complex unites sectors of the economy that produce a variety of services. This distinguishes it from all other intersectoral complexes.

What is the purpose of the complex?(Providing a variety of services)

What is a service? This is a special type of product that is consumed not as a thing, but as an activity.

It is difficult to imagine the life of modern society without services. They ensure the normal operation of industry, agriculture and other parts of the economy, and determine the quality of life of the population.

The development and use of any territory is impossible without the appropriate infrastructure, i.e. without residential and industrial buildings, roads, water pipelines, power lines, etc.

At the same time, the better the territory is developed, the more diverse infrastructure structures it has.

The task of a communication system is the movement of people, information, energy and cargo in space.

The main task of transport is to ensure reliable communications between economic sectors and regions of the country, as well as to ensure connections between Kazakhstan and other countries.

Transport system consists of all types of transport interconnectedtransport hubs .

(these are points where several modes of transport converge and cargo is exchanged between them)

Transport performance is assessed by such indicators asfreight turnover and passenger turnover.

Freight turnover - this is the product of the amount of cargo transported (tons) by the distance of its transportation (km), measured int/km.

Passenger turnover – This is the number of passengers transported over a certain distance (in passenger kilometers).

Types of transport differ in the following indicators:

a) cost of transportation. (the most expensive is aviation, but it is the fastest, the cheapest is sea)

b) speed of transportation

c) comfort

d) reliability

d)influence of natural conditions.

4. Consolidation of new material.

Working with the map:

Determine the configuration of the railway network.Where is the greatest density of railways? (Railway transport plays important role in the transportation of goods and passengers. Performs56% passenger transportation. The advantages of railway transport are high load capacity, low cost of transportation, and all-weather capability. The length of railways is 14.6 thousand km, 3rd place in the CIS after Russia and Ukraine) - in the northern part of Kazakhstan the network density is greatest, in the south there are few railways.

From the text of the textbook, write down the largest railway lines. (Orenburg-Tashkent, Semipalatinsk – Almaty – Arys (Turksib), Petropavlovsk-Astana-Karaganda-Moyynty-Shu, Kartaly-Astana-Pavlodar (South Siberian), Komsomolsk-Kostanay-Kokshetau (Central Siberian)

Practical work.

Characteristics of one of the transport routes (according to atlas maps) according to plan:

    Length of the highway

    Highway direction.

    Natural conditions in which the highway operates, the influence of these conditions on the efficiency of the highway.

    Major transport hubs on the highway.

    Composition and direction of cargo flows.

    Prospects for the development of the highway.

5. Homework assignment. p. 37-38, 5 groups:

1. features of this type of transport

2. share in cargo turnover.

3. main directions of highways

4. problems, prospects

5. the influence of transport on environment.

1. road transport

2. sea

3. river

4. aviation

5. pipeline

After watching this video lesson, users will be able to get an idea of ​​the topic “Infrastructure complex: composition, meaning. Types of transport". During the lesson, you will be able to find out what is included in the infrastructure complex, what the infrastructure is and its composition. The teacher will also talk about the main types of transport.

Without an infrastructure complex, it is impossible to imagine the work of enterprises or the lives of the population. The better a territory is developed, the more institutions there are that provide a variety of services. In the city, the infrastructure complex is better developed than in rural areas. The infrastructure complex is divided into two relatively independent parts: communication system, which includes transport, communications, as well as service sector, which includes: trade and food (shops, cafes, canteens), consumer services (repair shops, studios, hairdressers, baths), housing and communal services (housing and communal services - provision of housing, with its improvement), culture and art (concerts, exhibitions halls, theaters, libraries, radio and television), science and education (higher educational institutions, schools), healthcare and physical education (clinics, hospitals, sports complexes, stadiums), social security (maintenance of nursing homes, orphanages, boarding schools, organization of pension security and insurance), financial and credit sector (banks, insurance and financial organizations, investment funds), public administration (defense, law enforcement).

Services. Their types

The infrastructure complex consists of industries producing services.

Based on the nature of the services, they are divided into two groups: material(trade, catering and consumer services) and intangible(education, culture, healthcare) (Fig. 1). Based on the frequency of consumption, services are also divided into two groups: permanent(housing and communal services, trade, transport) and periodic, i.e. sometimes needed(health care, hairdressing or recreational services).

Nature of services Types of services
Material Materialized in objects of their influence Trade, catering, housing and communal services, consumer services
Non-materializable in the objects of their influence Transport and communications
Intangible Required Education, culture, healthcare, physical education
Necessary Public administration, defense, public order

Rice. 1. Classification of services by their nature and types

Services ensure normal operation Agriculture, industry and other parts of the economy, ensuring a high-quality standard of living for people.

Transport. Transport system

The main task of transport is to ensure reliable communication between economic sectors, regions of the state, as well as between Russia and other countries. To do this, there are different types of transport; they must be interconnected with each other, forming a transport system. Transport system consists of all types of transport, united by transport hubs.

Major transport hubs are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Vladivostok, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Large transport hubs in Russia

There are several types of transport: land(railway, road), water(sea and river), air, as well as a special type of transport - pipeline. The unified transport system of Russia is about 160,000 km of railways, 680,000 km of roads with hard surface, 100,000 km of inland waterways and more than 210,000 km of pipelines. This industry employs about 4.5 million people. Transport performance is assessed by such indicators as freight turnover And passenger turnover.

The leading place in terms of cargo turnover belongs to water and pipeline transport, which transports large volumes of cargo over long distances. Based on the volume of cargo transported, railway, pipeline, and road transport are distinguished. The share of road transport is growing rapidly.

In passenger turnover its share is close to 60%, and in the volume of passenger transportation it prevails (about 90%).

Types of transport differ in the following indicators:

  • Cost price(consists of cost vehicles, transport route and cost of loading and unloading stations). The most expensive type of transport is air, and the cheapest is sea.
  • Transportation speed. The fastest is air transport, the slowest is sea and river transport.
  • Reliability
  • Comfort
  • Influence of natural conditions. This factor is typical for aviation, sea and river transport.


  1. V.P. Dronov, V.Ya. Rum. Geography of Russia: population and economy, grade 9.
  2. V.P. Dronov, I.I. Barinova, V.Ya. Rom, A.A. Lobzhanidze. Geography of Russia: economy and geographical areas, grade 9.
  1. Rating of subjects of the Russian Federation in terms of provision of sports infrastructure ( ).
  2. Rating Russian regions by quality of life ().
  3. Infrastructure complex. Composition of the complex. transport role().

Topic: “Infrastructure complex. Composition of the complex. The role of transport"

Lesson objectives:
to form an idea of ​​the importance of transport for the work of the economy and life
population of Russia;
develop skills to define “freight turnover”, “passenger turnover”
form an idea of ​​the composition of the infrastructure complex and its role in
the country's economy.

develop the ability to analyze, establish cause-and-effect relationships, highlight
the main thing is to compare;
develop the independence of schoolchildren, participate in discussions on the topic
“Infrastructure complex. Composition of the complex. The role of transport";
develop cognitive interest by introducing elements of novelty and connection into the lesson content
them with human life.
contribute to the formation of basic ideological ideas, causally
investigative connections;
promote environmental and aesthetic education of students;
promote physical education.
New knowledge: infrastructure, infrastructure complex, communication
system, service sector, service.
Basic knowledge: food industry, light industry, textile
industry, technological cycle.
Form of implementation: combined.
Teaching method: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, partially search.
Lesson type: learning new knowledge.
Teaching aids: “Transport of Russia” map.
Used literature: 1) E.A. Zhizhina. Lesson developments in geography 9
2) Textbook Population and economy of Russia V.P. Dronov, V.Ya.Rom.

During the classes

Teacher activities
Student activities

Organizing time
- Hello guys!
- Sit down.
Who is on duty in class today?
Are there any missing ones?
I. Updating of basic knowledge.
Guys, today we start
new section: "Infrastructural
complex". Let's study the composition of the complex,
Consider the role of transport. But before
Let's remember our previous
topic and answer the questions:
– What constitutes the third link of the agro-industrial complex?

– That’s right, which 2 groups?
industries included in
composition of the food industry according to
the nature of the raw materials used?
– That’s right, which areas of the country
are leaders in production
- Yes, for which groups?
light industries are subdivided
industry by features
- Hello (stand up)
(sit down)
1 min.
10 min.
– The third link of the agro-industrial complex is
food and light
– Group 1 – industries,
using raw
raw materials, group 2 - industries,
using raw materials that have undergone
– In the production of products
nutrition leaders are
Central district, Uralsky,
Povolzhsky, North Caucasus.
– According to placement features
all light industries
industry can
combine into three groups: 1)
focus on raw materials; 2)
focus on both raw materials and
consumer; 3) focus on
– Great, what industry in light
industry has a special
- Textile industry -
one of the main industries of light
– That’s right, what stages does it consist of?
fabric making process?
- Great, well done.
– Fabric making process
consists of the following stages:
primary processing of raw materials,
spinning, weaving, finishing,
cut the fabric.

22 min.
Write down the date and topic.
Write down the definition in
They are listening.
II. Learning new material.
– As already noted, today’s
our topic: “Composition
infrastructure complex. Role
transport". Open your notebooks
Write down today's date and topic.
What is infrastructure?
Infrastructure is the totality
structures, buildings, systems and services,
providing conditions for
normal operation of various
sectors of the economy and life
population. Infrastructure
the complex consists of industries,
producing services.
A service is a special type of product.
It is consumed not in the form of a thing, but in
quality of activity. Services
are different in nature,
wide range of consumers and
frequency of consumption.
Life of modern society
It's hard to imagine without services.
They provide normal
work in industry, agriculture
farms and other units
economy, determine the quality
life of the population. However, the role
infrastructure complex
is determined not only by this.
Mastering and using any
territories are impossible without
relevant infrastructure:
residential and industrial buildings,
roads, water pipelines, lines
power transmission, etc. Moreover, what
The better the territory is developed, the more
there is more variety on it
infrastructure facilities.
For example, in the most developed
region of the country – Central –
10% occupied by infrastructure
territories. And in the Far East -
only 0.5% of the territory. Costs for
creating infrastructure like
usually very large. For example, 1
km of modern automobile
the highway costs about $1 million.

But saving on these costs
it is impossible, because this is the result
leads to much greater losses.
Infrastructure complex
divided into two relatively
independent parts: 1)
communication system
(transport and communications), which is often
called production
infrastructure, 2) sphere
services (trade,
catering, culture,
art, science, education, etc.),
called social
Communication system
covers transport and communications. Her
The main task is to move to
space of people, information,
energy and various cargoes.
All types of transport are divided into two
groups. Those of them who can
transport various cargoes and
people are called universal.
Specialized types of transport
only move certain
cargo (oil, gas, electricity).
The transport system consists of all
types of transport combined
between transport hubs.
– Using the atlas map, name
transport hubs of Russia.
Draw a diagram in a notebook
A transport hub is a point at
which several
modes of transport, and
cargo is exchanged
between them.
Transport performance is assessed
such indicators as
freight turnover and passenger turnover.
– Moscow, St. Petersburg,
Nizhny Novgorod, Vladivostok,
Krasnoyarsk, Arkhangelsk.
Freight turnover is the product

the distance of its transportation,
measured in t/km.
Passenger turnover – quantity
passengers transported on
a certain distance.
III. Repetition.

– Today we covered the topic:
“Infrastructure complex.
Composition of the complex. The role of transport".
And now let's answer the following
– What is infrastructure?
10 min.
– That’s right, which industries are included in
composition of infrastructure
– Right, what is the role of transport?
– Infrastructure is
a set of structures, buildings,
systems and services that provide
conditions for normal operation
various sectors of the economy and
life of the population.
– As part of the infrastructure
the complex includes transport,
communications and services.
- Yes, what is transport?
– Transport moves people to
space and cargo.
– The transport system is
the totality of all types
transport, united between
are transport hubs, then
there are points at which
several types converge
transport and is carried out
exchange of goods between them.
– The largest hub in Russia –
– Freight turnover is a product
quantity of cargo transported per
the range of its transportation.
1 min.
1 min.
– Great, name one largest
node in Russia?
– What is cargo turnover?
- That's right, well done.
VI. Homework.
Homework paragraph 31,
answer the questions, on page 153.
V. Summary.
So now you know the composition
infrastructure complex, and
the role of transport. Everyone in class
good job. Well done!
- Goodbye!


Option 1

b) dry cleaning;

G) kindergarten;

e) mobile operator.

a) railway;

b) automobile;

c) air;

d) pipeline;

d) river.

a) Obsky;

b) Volga-Kama;

c) Lensky;

d) Yenisei.

a) household services;

b) social security;

V) recreational sector;

d) housing sector.

a) South Siberian Railway;

d) Trans-Siberian Railway;

e) Moscow - St. Petersburg.

Select faithful sayings:

a) Volgograd;

b) Moscow;

c) Yakutsk;

Yekaterinburg city;

d) Kazan;

d) Chelyabinsk;

f) Rostov-on-Don;

g) Krasnoyarsk.


Option 2

a) communication;

b) infrastructure;

c) a transport hub;

d) social security.

b) culture;

c) transport;

c) technopolises;

5. What is cargo turnover?

a) type of cargo packaging;

  • In the 19th century, postal institutions were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior. The main function of the post office was to send ordinary and registered letters, postcards (introduced in 1872) and parcels. Money, including copper, silver and gold coins, could be sent in small quantities in special packages and leather bags. They, like valuable parcels, were insured.
  • The telephone first appeared in Russia in 1880. Initially, the government planned to establish a state monopoly on telephone communications. However, due to the high cost of construction and operation of telephone exchanges, private capital began to be attracted to their creation. According to the concluded contracts, telephone exchanges and lines built at the expense of private companies became state property after 20 years of operation.
  • The first telegraph line appeared in Russia in 1835. It connected St. Petersburg with Kronstadt and was intended for the needs of the military department. Four years later, construction of the second line was completed, which connected the northern capital with Warsaw. Since the mid-50s, where railways were being built, the German company Siemens laid a telegraph equipped with new electromagnetic technology.
  • By the beginning of the 20th century, the length of state telegraph lines amounted to 127 thousand miles. By that time, underwater telegraph cables had been laid connecting Russia with Denmark and Sweden. Russian telegraph lines were connected to telegraph lines in China and Japan. If in 1897 14 million internal telegrams were sent, then in 1912 there were already over 36 million.

Geography lesson in 9th grade on the topic "Infrastructure complex"

a) milk, meat, bread;

b) coal, timber, grain;

c) confectionery products;

7. Select faithful sayings:

a) about automobiles;

b) river;

c) horse-drawn;

d) railway;

See also:
Infrastructure complex

Information about the Group's projects

Geography lesson in 9th grade on the topic "Infrastructure complex" Teacher Sorokina T.I. MBOU "Gymnasium No. 3" of Bryansk

Lesson objectives:

introduce students to the infrastructure complex: consider the composition, significance, problems of the complex; continue working with diagrams, tables; develop students’ speech, geographical thinking. Lesson equipment: Projector, presentations, map.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Checking homework.

– What complex did we study? (APK) –

How many links are there in the agro-industrial complex? At the blackboard (three main links) At home you prepared the paragraph “Food and light industry”. test of 8 questions in each option (written).

At the blackboard Is the statement true:

— Branches of the food industry are divided into 3 groups according to the nature of the raw materials used.– Industries: cereals, tea, sugar, fish belong to group 2.– Industries: bakery, pasta, confectionery belong to group 2.– Industries of the first group are consumer-oriented. – The geography of industries of group 1 depends not only on the availability of raw materials in certain areas, but also on the size of the raw material base.

– Industries of the second group of the food industry gravitate toward the consumer of finished products and are located directly in cities and large rural settlements. – Meat, dairy, and flour-grinding sectors of the food industry focus only on the consumer.

The Vladimir and Kostroma regions are leaders in the production of linen fabrics.

The most favorable areas for agriculture in the south of the country specialize in growing flax, rye, and oats.

— Significant drop in production in the shoe and silk industries

Semolina is obtained from wheat.

— industrial crops include buckwheat, millet, and corn.

- potatoes, corn, sugar beets - industrial crops.

— In the northern regions they are engaged in antler reindeer breeding.

3. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with another intersectoral complex - infrastructure.

Goal setting: Let’s consider its composition, objectives, and significance in the country’s economy. We will find out what problems exist in this complex in our country and during the lesson we will try to identify the problems in various sectors of the infrastructure complex.

Open your notebooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson.

Explanation of new material. Appendix 1. (Guide) 1. The concept of infrastructure from a set of words? (Infra- - (infra-) prefix denoting a value greater than some other value).

2Infrastructure is the totality of buildings, structures, systems and services necessary for the normal functioning and provision of life for the population and economy of the country.

We begin the study of any complex with its composition (slide 11).

3. The infrastructure complex is divided into two relatively independent parts. (Write in a notebook). Textbook p. 98 fig. 56., p. 121 t 24

Communication system

Transport and communications

Composition of the infrastructure complex

Service sector

Trade and public catering (shops, cafes, canteens, etc.)

Household services (repair workshops, ateliers, hairdressers, baths)

Housing and communal services (provision of housing with its improvement)

Culture and art (concert and exhibition halls, theaters, libraries, radio and television)

Science and education (universities, schools)

Healthcare and physical education (clinics, hospitals, sports complexes, stadiums)

Social security (maintenance of nursing homes, orphanages, boarding schools, organization of pensions and social insurance)

Financial and credit sector (savings banks, insurance and financial organizations Investment funds)

Public administration, defense, law enforcement.

– We have written down the composition of the infrastructure complex. Look again at the industries included in this complex and say: What products does the infrastructure complex produce? The products of this complex are services, i.e. The infrastructure complex unites sectors of the economy that produce a variety of services.

The meaning of the complex in defining the service and the complex. This is how it differs from all other intersectoral complexes

– What is a service? This is a special type of product that is consumed not as a thing, but as an activity.

The infrastructure complex does not include: A. tourist and excursion

.(slide 12)Working with a table in a notebook

Types of services - service

Tangible and intangible (transport, communications, education and housing and communal services, sports, public administration), trade.

constantly and to everyone

Necessary periodically, for most

Necessary occasionally and for a few

I'am a teacher. My profession is in the field of education. This means that my service is intangible, necessary, in terms of frequency - constant, in terms of the breadth of the circle of consumers - needed by few.

CONCLUSION: The infrastructure complex unites industries that produce a variety of services, rather than goods.

Question: Are all sectors of the infrastructure complex classified as non-technical? production sector?

Transport, trade and catering belong to the production sector, but why?

Answer: They provide productive services, i.e. services supporting the production process.

What is the significance of this complex? In the definition of a complex

At the same time, the better the territory is developed, the more diverse infrastructure structures it has.

– What do you think, Central Russia or Far East has the most developed infrastructure and why? (Central Russia – 10% of the territory, Far East – 0.5% of the territory is occupied by infrastructure). Share of infrastructure complex in the economy diagram

Like any other, the infrastructure complex has its own problems Ryzhenko A

Business game. In order to answer this question, we will create expert groups of 4 people who will analyze the state of the relevant industry in the microdistrict and someone from the group will briefly report to us how things are in this industry, what problems are and how to solve them.

You have pieces of paper on your desks that say what industry you will represent. I give you 2 minutes for discussion.

Group performance.

Group 1 – transport What types of transport are there in the neighborhood?

How do you assess the performance of urban transport (excellent, satisfactory, unsatisfactory)? What hinders the efficient operation of transport (roads, lack of buses during rush hours, etc.)? How to improve the performance of transport? Group 2 - Household services Are there repair shops, studios in the microdistrict , hairdressers, dry cleaning? Are they necessary? Are they convenient to use (operating mode)? How to solve problems? Group 3 – Retail and public cateringAre there shops in the neighborhood (grocery, industrial goods, household), markets. Are there enough of them? Is the operating mode convenient? Is it conveniently located? Is there a cafe? Are they needed? How to solve the problem? Group 4 – Medical services Are there clinics, hospitals, pharmacies in the neighborhood? Are there enough of them? Are all the specialists available? Do they work conveniently? What are the problems? How to solve them? Group 5 – Education and culture. Are there schools, kindergartens, libraries, clubs, parks in the neighborhood? Are there enough of them? Are they conveniently located? Are there any problems? How to solve them? Consolidation.

In Russia, the development of the infrastructure complex has not received due attention for a long time. Therefore, its share in the Russian economy is much lower than in developed countries of the world

5. Consolidation of what has been learned. List of types of institutions: school, kindergarten, nursery, pharmacy, clinic, sports complex, stadium, theater, cinema, concert hall, store, post office, bank, workshops (various), market, etc.

2.Use a straight line to highlight the institutions whose services you use, and a wavy line to highlight the elders in the family.

Reflection. What new did you learn? What was difficult in the lesson? How would you rate your participation in the work?

Home task 18 p1. P 22 p1.. Essay “Services in the life of my family” Railway transport messages

Automobile transport. Pipeline

Annex 1

17.11.2015. Guide to the topic.

1. Topic?________________________________________

2. Purpose?________________________________

3 Create a definition of the concept of infrastructure ————— (buildings, services, systems, the need for people’s lives, the country’s economy)

4. Composition of the complex (write down in a notebook)

5 Find a match: types of services - service

Material connection

Education is intangible



Public administration

6 Fill out the table:

Types of services by nature of use

Services needed constantly by everyone

Services needed periodically by most

Necessary occasionally and for a few

7. Group work Group 1 – Transport What types of transport are there in the microdistrict?

How do you assess the performance of urban transport (excellent, satisfactory, unsatisfactory)? What prevents the efficient operation of transport (roads…

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Option 1

1. The infrastructure complex does not include:

a) tourist and excursion bureau;

b) dry cleaning;

c) greenhouse floriculture;

d) kindergarten;

e) mobile operator.
2. Select which of the services are material:

3. Types of transport have the highest freight turnover (choose 2 correct answers):

a) railway;

b) automobile;

c) air;

d) pipeline;

d) river.

4. Russia's navigable river routes belong to different basins. The main one:

a) Obsky;

b) Volga-Kama;

c) Lensky;

d) Yenisei.
5. Sanatoriums and tourist centers refer to:

a) household services;

b) social security;

c) recreational facilities;

d) housing sector.
6. Name the main railway in Russia:

a) South Siberian Railway;

b) Ekaterinburg – Tyumen – Omsk;

c) Baikal-Amur Mainline;

d) Trans-Siberian Railway;

e) Moscow - St. Petersburg.

7. Select faithful sayings:

a) The section of the Moscow – Rostov highway has a good road surface and is tolled.

b) As the cheapest mode of transport develops, the remaining modes will die out.

c) Most of the recreational institutions are located in the Asian part of the country.

d) The situation with providing housing for its citizens in Russia is worse than in many new foreign countries.
8. Among the listed river ports, indicate 2 incorrect ones:

a) Volgograd;

b) Moscow;

c) Yakutsk;

Yekaterinburg city;

d) Kazan;

d) Chelyabinsk;

f) Rostov-on-Don;

g) Krasnoyarsk.


Option 2

1. The set of structures, systems and services that provide conditions for the normal functioning of the population and sectors of the economy is called:

a) communication;

b) infrastructure;

c) a transport hub;

d) social security.

2. The communication system includes:

b) culture;

c) transport;

d) public administration.
3. Special territorial entities that unite scientific centers with knowledge-intensive industrial enterprises are called:

a) education; d) recreation;

b) scientific institutions; d) scientific departments.

Infrastructure complex composition, significance. Types of transport

c) technopolises;

4. There are more than 40 ports in Russia, 11 of which are relatively large. Distribute ports among sea basins.

5. What is cargo turnover?

a) type of cargo packaging;

b) a closed scheme for organizing transportation;

c) the product of the number of goods transported and the average distance of transportation;

d) the mass of transported goods.
6. What cargo is more economical to transport by river transport?

a) milk, meat, bread;

b) coal, timber, grain;

c) confectionery products;

d) light industry products.
7. Select faithful sayings:

a) Solovetsky Monastery belongs to the recreational areas of cultural and historical direction.

b) Share of road transport with diesel engines in Russia in Lately decreases.

c) Northern sea ​​route is of great importance for the regions of the Far North of Russia. It is closed to foreign ships.

d) Russia ranks 11th in the world in terms of the number of users of the global computer network Internet.
8. This type of transport has great maneuverability and speed. It carries out long-distance transportation in the northern and eastern, as well as mountainous regions of the country. One of the most expensive transportation costs. Environmental pollutant. What type of transport are we talking about?

a) about automobiles;

b) river;

c) horse-drawn;

d) railway;

See also:
Infrastructure complex

Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region

Health complex "Belino" Location: Health complex

Grain cleaning and drying complex ZSK-30SH

The solution to the assigned tasks is based on a comprehensive comprehensive assessment of the territory, during which the natural resource, economic, transport, and infrastructure potentials are identified and assessed, and the inherent features of the territory are established.

Information about the Group's projects

Methods of recreational activities in the summer

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What is an infrastructure complex? What is an infrastructure complex?

Composition and significance of the infrastructure complex

  • What sectors are included in the infrastructure complex?

  • What is the difference between the production and non-production spheres of the complex?

  • To which area of ​​the complex can the topic of our lesson be attributed?

    • In the old days in Russia, communication between the capital and peripheral cities, as well as between troops participating in hostilities, was carried out with the help of special messengers on horseback.

    • This method was improved by the Tatars, creating it on roads at a distance of 30 - 40 km. special stations (“pits”) where coachmen could rest and change horses. In the 17th century, Moscow was connected by such “pits” with Novgorod, Pskov, Smolensk, Arkhangelsk and Nizhny Novgorod.

    • The first regular post office for sending government papers and letters from merchants was established in 1666. Under Peter I, maximum deadlines (standards) for the delivery of correspondence were established.

    • Under Catherine II, a unique tax was introduced on letters and parcels depending on the weight and distance of their transportation.

    • In the 19th century, postal institutions were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior. The main function of the post office was to send ordinary and registered letters, postcards (introduced in 1872) and parcels. Money, including copper, silver and gold coins, could be sent in small quantities in special packages and leather bags. They, like valuable parcels, were insured.

    • Since 1897, postal and then telegraphic money transfers began to be accepted. The post office also took over the delivery of periodicals, charging for this, depending on the frequency of publication of newspapers or magazines, from 6 to 18% of the total subscription cost.

      The telephone first appeared in Russia in 1880. Initially, the government planned to establish a state monopoly on telephone communications. However, due to the high cost of construction and operation of telephone exchanges, private capital began to be attracted to their creation. According to the concluded contracts, telephone exchanges and lines built at the expense of private companies became state property after 20 years of operation.

    • By the beginning of the 20th century, 77 state and 11 private telephone exchanges operated in Russia. Telephone fees in the public sector were two times lower than in the private sector. In total, in 1913, 300 thousand telephone lines were installed in Russian cities devices .

    • The main indicator of the development of the public telecommunications services market is telephone density (TD), that is, the number of telephones per 100 inhabitants, which is directly correlated with GDP per capita.

    • According to official statistics, at the end of the 90s, the telephone park in Russia consisted of more than 31 million devices, that is, there were 21 phones per 100 Russians, while for the same number of residents of the USA and Western European countries there were from 60 to 70 phones .

    • In Russia at the beginning of the third millennium, 54 thousand settlements were not provided with telephones, there were six million waiting lists and about 50 million potential telephone owners. Tariffs for local telephone communications for the population were lower than the actual cost

    • At the end of the 19th century, radio communications appeared - the wireless transmission of electrical signals over long distances using radio waves (electromagnetic waves with a frequency in the range of 105-1012 Hz).

    • Later, powerful transmitters and sensitive receivers appeared, their sizes decreased and their parameters improved.

    • Significant achievements in the development of communications were the inventions of the phototelegraph and television communications. Video signals are transmitted using these means of communication.

    • To implement television communications, you already need two transmitters: one for audio signals, the other for video signals.

    • The next step in improving television communications was the invention of color television.

      The first telegraph line appeared in Russia in 1835. It connected St. Petersburg with Kronstadt and was intended for the needs of the military department. Four years later, construction of the second line was completed, which connected the northern capital with Warsaw. Since the mid-50s, where railways were being built, the German company Siemens laid a telegraph equipped with new electromagnetic technology.

      By the beginning of the 20th century, the length of state telegraph lines amounted to 127 thousand miles. By that time, underwater telegraph cables had been laid connecting Russia with Denmark and Sweden. Russian telegraph lines were connected to telegraph lines in China and Japan. If in 1897 14 million internal telegrams were sent, then in 1912 there were already over 36 million.


    • Telegram- a message sent by telegraph, one of the first types of communication using electrical transmission of information. Telegrams are usually transmitted over wires using Morse code.

    • Telegrams are printed on paper tape, which is then pasted onto a sheet of paper for ease of reading.

    • Satellite communications is one of the types of radio communications based on the use of artificial earth satellites as repeaters. Satellite communications are carried out between earth stations, which can be either stationary or mobile.

    • Network subscribers in the regions will receive via satellite communication channel

    • the following services:

    • fax, telephone, Internet, radio and television programs.

    • Main feature of email:

    • information is sent to the recipient not directly, but through an intermediate link - an electronic mailbox, which is a place on the server where the message is stored until the recipient requests it.

    Cellular telephone

    • Cellular telephone- a mobile communications device that uses a combination of radio transmission and traditional telephone switching to carry out telephone communications over an area (coverage area) consisting of "cells" surrounding base stations of a cellular network.

    • Currently, cellular communications are the most common of all types of mobile communications, so a cell phone is usually called a mobile phone, although in addition to cellular phones, mobile phones also include cordless phones, satellite phones and trunking devices.

    • Cellular penetration in Russia was 87%, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg it has already reached 100%.

    • There are more than 130 million computers in the world and more than 80% of them are connected into various information and computer networks, from small local networks in offices to global networks such as the Internet.

    • Internet is a global computer network covering the whole world.

    • It provides a unique opportunity for low-cost, reliable and confidential global communications around the world.

    • The number of Russians with mobile phones has grown from 40% in mid-2005 to 52% this year.

    • More than half of Russians already use telephone communications at home - 55% (this has increased by one percent over the year).

    • According to sociologists, the number of Russians who have a computer at home is also growing - now 20% of respondents have one (15% a year ago).

    • As the study showed, now 19% of Russians (compared to 17% a year ago) use a personal computer daily or several times a week at home, at work and in other places, 5% - approximately once a week (3%), never use a computer — 73% (last year — 76%).

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    Humanitarian sciences / Economical geography/ 11.7. Infrastructure complex

    Infrastructure complex unites economic sectors that produce a variety of services; this is a special type of product that is consumed not in the form of a thing, but in the form of an activity. This complex is divided into two relatively independent parts: the communication system and the service sector.

    Communication system Russia includes transport and communications, the main task of which is the movement in space of information, energy, people, and various substances. Transport figuratively called the circulatory system of the economy. All types of transport interacting to form transport system the totality of all types of transport interconnected by transport hubs, i.e. points where several modes of transport converge and the exchange of goods and passengers takes place. When choosing a mode of transport, the cost and speed of transportation, carrying capacity and the influence of natural conditions on its operation are taken into account.

    Railway transport leading in the Russian transport system (length 150 thousand km). The main task of the railways is to provide reliable transport links between the European part of the country and its eastern regions. It should be noted that the pace of railway construction sharply lags behind the pace of development National economy. Therefore, the most important transport routes are overloaded. Main features of geography Russian roads were determined in the pre-revolutionary period. In the European part, their configuration resembles a wheel, the center of which is Moscow, from which “spokes” radii extend, intersecting with ring roads.

    To the east of the European “wheel” there are latitudinal highways, and the further east you go, the fewer there are. This creates serious problems, since transportation between Siberia, the Urals and European Russia is growing especially rapidly. Therefore, the most important task was the need to build new railways in eastern Russia. The Baikal-Amur Mainline has already been built, but is poorly used. Construction of the Amur-Yakutsk highway has begun. In the long term, it is possible to extend the Pechora Highway (Salekhard - Vorkuta Konosha) to the east, which would unite the territories of the European North. A special direction is the creation of high-speed railways, the first of which is between Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    Automobile transport one of the most expensive in the country, with a length of about 949 thousand km. But it has great maneuverability and speed, the ability to deliver cargo directly to consumers and carry out transportation in places where there are no other types of land transport. The geography of roads (of which only 73% are paved) is similar to the geography of railways.

    Infrastructure complex

    In the eastern regions the number of roads is sharply decreasing, and there are still no highway, crossing all of Russia from east to west.

    The development of road transport in Russia is proceeding in several directions: new highways are being laid, roads are being created in rural areas, manufactured models of cars and buses are being improved, and the share of cars with diesel engines, which reduce fuel consumption by 30% compared to gasoline ones, is increasing.

    Sea transport is important due to the geographical location of Russia. Maritime transport has a complex economy: fleet, ports, ship repair yards.

    Most of Russia's ships are physically outdated (more than 10 years of operation), so these ships cannot enter foreign ports. The fleet lacks many types of vessels: gas and lighter carriers, few refrigerators and ferries. There are 39 ports in Russia various sizes, but there are only 11 relatively large ones, which is unacceptably small, and besides, 60% of the ports are shallow and cannot accommodate large ships.

    The first place in cargo turnover belongs to the ports of the Pacific coast, the second place to the ports of the Baltic basin. Oil is mainly exported through the ports of the Black Sea, and the Northern Sea Route, which is of great importance in the development and supply of the Far North, passes through the seas of the Northern Basin.

    River transport plays a decisive role in those areas where high-water rivers flow, and the construction of roads for land transport requires a lot of money and time. The length of inland waterways is more than 85 thousand km. Russia's navigable river routes belong to different basins. The main one is the Volga-Kama, which is the core of the Unified Deep-Sea System of the European part of Russia. During normal operation water transport does not pollute the environment very much. Ships travel a significant part of the distance at a constant speed, which produces a minimum of toxic substances.

    Aviation transport the only one that covers almost all regions of the country with transportation, but the relative volume of goods transported is small. The main specialization of air transport is long-distance transportation of passengers. Aviation transport pollutes the atmosphere to a significant extent, for example, in one hour a jet aircraft burns about 15 tons of fuel, while consuming 625 tons of air and emitting 66 tons of combustion products that remain in the atmosphere for 2 years.

    Pipeline transport In terms of the amount of work performed, it has already surpassed the railway. Construction of pipelines is 3-5 times cheaper and is carried out

    faster than railways. In the future, in addition to oil and gas, pipelines will also transport solid materials (coal, ore) using crushed water. To date, the length of main pipelines is more than 212 thousand km.

    Connection . The main task of this link in the communication system is the transmission of various information, the volume and role of which is increasing in the modern period. Due to the discrepancy in the level of development of the Russian communications system, Russia practically falls out of the global communications system. In cities, only 30% of families are provided with telephones, and in rural areas only 10% of families. Some better position with radioification of the population. The most favorable division is television, through which 96% of the country's population is covered by television broadcasting. But in the field of multi-channel and satellite television, Russia lags behind Western countries.

    Service sector It has complex nature. An important role in it belongs recreational sector. Variety of terrain, climate and natural areas, rivers and lakes of Russia creates favorable conditions to satisfy a wide variety of requests. In Russia there are more than 7.5 thousand recreational facilities, tens of thousands of cultural and historical monuments, thousands of sources of mineral waters and medicinal mud. Large sanatorium-resort and recreational areas have formed in the country. Among them are areas formed: 1) on the basis natural resources and conditions; 2) around large cities; 3) areas of valuable and cultural historical sites. 4) areas of long-standing use: Mineralnye Vody, Sochi and others.

    Abstract: Infrastructure complex of Chuvashia


    1 Factors and conditions for regional differences in social infrastructure

    2 Transport is a branch of the infrastructure complex

    3 Infrastructure of the Chuvashia region.


    List of used literature


    The infrastructure complex unites economic sectors that produce a variety of services.

    Services are a special type of product that is consumed not in the form of a thing, but in the form of an activity.

    The infrastructure complex includes communication services (transport and communication services) and the service sector (domestic services, healthcare, cultural institutions, housing and communal services, banking services, insurance agencies, legal organizations, sports sector and resort and health complex). Services can be divided into tangible (trade, housing, consumer services, transport and communications, etc.) and intangible (education, culture, healthcare, public administration, defense, law enforcement, etc.)

    1. Factors and conditions for regional differences in social infrastructure

    In assessing the sociocultural development of the country's regions, one of the most important places occupies the level of social infrastructure development. Social infrastructure is designed to create favorable conditions for people to live and ensure the satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of the population. The comfort of living of people, the attractiveness of the region for living and investing, and migration flows depend on this.

    One of the tasks of state and municipal authorities, undoubtedly, is to equalize the standard of living of the population in different areas. Although this problem is recognized and taken into account in social policy, nevertheless, the decisions made are not always effective. In the shadow of this problem remains another, even more important one: the balance of industrial development and the degree of regulation of social problems, primarily the development of social infrastructure.

    The inconsistency and imbalance of economic and social development, the development of the social infrastructure of large industrial centers in our country have always been observed and continue by inertia in the new economic conditions, although market prerequisites have been created to overcome it. Development social sphere– education, cultural institutions, healthcare, consumer services – a priority task for the activities of government bodies. Studying the real state of social infrastructure is a necessary condition making informed decisions on managing the social sphere, the sphere of human life - the main goal of a socially oriented state. The imbalance of economic and social development is clearly visible in the example Sverdlovsk region, which is confirmed by statistics and public opinion. It is enough to note the high (unaffordable for many city residents) housing prices, the sharp reduction in social infrastructure, the state of education, cultural institutions and health care. This is especially clearly visible in large cities, primarily those in which a large number of industrial enterprises of the defense complex were previously located.

    A feature of the region is also the employment of a significant part of the population in enterprises, as well as the presence large number cities with city-forming industrial enterprises. It seems that there are several regions in our country similar type, where a large number of industrial enterprises are concentrated, but the social sphere lags behind. Sharp contrast in social development observed, for example, when comparing the industrially developed Sverdlovsk region and the predominantly agricultural Kurgan region, comparing the Tyumen region, rich in mineral resources, and the social infrastructure of its cities, where workers of mining enterprises live. It follows that industrial potential and the corresponding level of development of social infrastructure can be considered as the basis for a typology of regions of the country when comparing sociocultural development or sociocultural portraits of regions.

    The population's assessment of the administration's activities in developing the social infrastructure of the municipality, assessment of changes occurring in a particular locality can serve as one of the indicators of the social effectiveness of activities local authorities authorities.

    Analysis of public opinion in municipalities - the cities in which our research was carried out - makes it possible to compare the population's assessments of the activities of the authorities municipal government. In every municipal formation have their own special problems.

    Despite the similarities of these cities, the specific conditions and socio-economic status of the population differ markedly. Of course, it is primarily due to the fact that these cities have city-forming enterprises, which historically have always influenced the development of the city’s social infrastructure. About the most acute social problems population can be judged by the results of public opinion polls that are constantly conducted.

    Conducted by us sociological research(2007, surveyed 4,000 people) showed that the most popular among the population are sports and GYM's(16% of respondents), baths and saunas (12.6%), dry cleaners and laundry (9.9% of respondents), custom tailoring workshops, rental shops and hairdressers.

    Thus, the state of social infrastructure is the most important characteristic of the sociocultural development of the country’s regions. The problem of balanced, harmonious and integrated development of the economy and social sphere in each region is especially acute.

    2. Transport – a branch of the infrastructure complex

    The successful development of Russia, along with other conditions, requires a well-developed and organized system transport. Transport - " circulatory system economy” of the country, influencing the location of productive forces. Transport links together all parts of the country, ensuring interaction between economic regions and industries, and is a necessary condition and material basis for the territorial division of labor. This means that the study of the Russian transport complex is a relevant topic in our time, and at all times.

    Transport is a special sphere of material production and an independent branch of the national economy. With its help, connections are made within and between industries, within economic regions and between them, and interstate connections are formed. The transport complex is the largest integral part infrastructure, serves as the material and technical basis for the formation and development of the territorial division of labor, and has a significant impact on the dynamism and efficiency of the socio-economic development of individual regions and the country as a whole.

    The specificity of transport as a sector of the economy is that it itself does not produce products, but only participates in its creation, providing raw materials, materials, equipment for production and delivering finished products to the consumer. Transport costs are included in the cost of production. The ratio of total transport costs to the total cost of production is called the transport component coefficient. The lower this coefficient, the more transportable the product is, and therefore, the more freely production can be located in relation to the consumer. For different types products, the share of transport costs in the cost is different. Thus, it accounts for more than 50% of the cost of fuel and building materials, and up to 20% for iron ore and timber. The total transport costs of the national economy in the sphere of production and circulation amount to 10% of the country's gross social product. The traditional idea of ​​the need to reduce unit transport costs by modern stage The scientific and technological revolution is questioned, since the economic benefits of the territorial division of labor, broad and comprehensive specialization of production often cover the increase in transport costs.

    The importance of transport as an important part of the economy Russian Federation is determined by its role in the territorial division of social labor: the specialization of regions and their comprehensive development are impossible without a transport system. The transport factor influences the location of production; without taking it into account, it is impossible to achieve a rational placement of productive forces. When locating production, the need for transportation of masses of raw materials and finished products, their transportability, provision of transport routes, their throughput. Depending on the influence of these components, the option for locating enterprises is calculated. Rationalization of transportation affects the production efficiency of both individual enterprises, regions and the country as a whole. Transport is also important in solving socio-economic problems. Providing the territory with a well-developed transport system serves as one of important factors attracting population and production, as well as an important advantage for the location of productive forces, and gives an integration effect. Transport provides employment for 6.3% of the average annual number of all employed in the economy.

    The transport factor is of particular importance in our country with its vast territory and uneven distribution of resources, population and fixed production assets. Transport creates conditions for the formation of local, regional, and national markets. In the context of the transition to market relations, the role of rationalization of transport increases significantly. On the one hand, the efficiency of an enterprise depends on the transport factor, which in market conditions is directly related to its viability, and on the other hand, the market itself implies the exchange of goods and services, which is impossible without transport, and therefore the market itself is impossible. Therefore, transport is a critical component of market infrastructure.

    The share of transport in the most important national economic indicators and in the consumption of products from other industries is relatively large. Thus, the share of transport and communications in the gross product is about 4%, and the share in the country’s fixed production assets is 20%. Transport annually consumes 8-10% of electricity, 17% of fuel, 25% of rolled products, 10% of tire materials produced in Russia.

    3. Infrastructure of the Chuvashia region

    Address by the President of the Chuvash Republic N. Fedorov

    Chuvashia is a region of the Russian Federation with dynamic development of the economy, public infrastructure and social sphere. Pace industrial production and investment growth from year to year consistently exceeds the Russian average. Chuvashia enterprises have competitive production and successfully use innovative technologies. International quality standards are being actively implemented both in industry and in educational institutions, healthcare, and the agro-industrial complex.

    Chuvashia is the leader in Russia in terms of volumes housing construction per capita. The republic is completely gasified. A program to provide the population with high-quality drinking water. Already in 2008, all settlements of the republic will be connected by paved roads. All this ensures comfortable living in the republic and creates favorable conditions for business development in rural areas. In large-scale projects implemented in Chuvashia, they take Active participation Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, Vneshtorgbank, World Bank Group, Raiffeisenbank. With the participation of Vneshtorgbank, the implementation of a unique project for the construction of the “New City” has begun in the republic.

    The Chuvash Republic has established itself in the financial market as a reliable and obligatory partner, as evidenced by expert assessments and the trust of the World Bank, which acted as the guarantor of the republic’s financial obligations. With the support of the World Bank Group, Chuvashia placed its government bonds on the stock exchange. Chuvashia, according to authoritative experts, ranks first in Russia in terms of quality government controlled, is different high quality financial management, budget transparency. According to a study by the Standard & Poor’s rating agency in Russia and the CIS, Chuvashia has been confidently ranked among the top ten for financial management for five years. And the rating agency Moody’s characterizes Chuvashia as a region with very high creditworthiness.

    All these factors play an important role in the cooperation of Chuvashia with countries near and far abroad.


    The infrastructure complex ensures interaction various parts national economy and individual territories of the country. With its help, interstate relations are also carried out. The industries included in it prepare qualified personnel, provide good rest, reduce time lost from illness and thereby increase labor productivity in the production sector. Social influence complex even more significantly, because it shapes spiritual world person.

    Services are for people and should be provided where they live. Therefore, when organizing a service system, the territorial distribution of the population is taken into account.

    The communication system of the Russian Federation includes transport and communications, the main task of which is the movement of information, energy, people and substances in space.

    Transport fulfills the following tasks: ensuring stable connections between individual sectors and regions of the country, timely and complete satisfaction of the needs of the national economy and the population in transportation. It is difficult to accomplish this task with the help of one type of transport, therefore all types of transport interact, complementing each other, and forming a transport system.

    An important role in the service sector belongs to the recreational sector, which includes a network of specialized health institutions, recreation centers, and tourist centers. The development of this industry is facilitated by the diversity of recreation areas in the Russian Federation; there are 7.5 thousand recreation facilities, tens of thousands of cultural and historical monuments, thousands of mineral water sources, etc. Most of the institutions are located in the European part of the country. There are districts formed by:

    based on natural resources and conditions (climate, favorable conditions, picturesque landscape) ( Mineral water, Sochi);

    around large cities and cultural centers (Moscow, St. Petersburg);

    around valuable cultural and historical sites (Golden Ring, Zagorsk).

    But in times of crisis, new recreation areas are practically not created, old ones are dilapidated and heavily overloaded, some are closed due to interethnic conflicts.


    1. V.E. Grebtsova Economic and social geography of Russia: fundamentals of theory and practice: tutorial for universities - Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2000

    2. www.isras.ru/abstract_bank/1213170690.pdf “Social infrastructure of an industrial region”

    3. www. eup. ru/ Documents/2006-07-04/3 FB8 A-12. asp Economic geography: “INFRASTRUCTURE COMPLEX”

    4. chuv.exportsupport.ru/main?id=353682&xid=353680 Address by the President of the Chuvash Republic N. Fedorov

    Warning: mysqli_query(): MySQL server has gone away in D:\OpenServer\domains\site\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 1924

    Infrastructure - A complex of economic sectors that serve production and provide the living conditions of society. Infrastructure - Sectors of the economy, scientific and technical knowledge, services that directly provide production processes Infrastructure - complex With sectors of the economy that provide conditions for the production of goods: energy, communications, transport, education, healthcare. Infrastructure - a complex of production and non-production industries and areas of activity that ensure the process and conditions of reproduction. It is divided into production and social.

    Infrastructure complex: composition, significance, problems.

    Purpose of the lesson: to study the composition, significance and problems of the Russian infrastructure complex through text, tables, diagrams.

    What is a service?

    • New textbook - page 131
    • Old textbook - page 172.

    A service is a special type of product that is consumed not as a thing, but as an activity.

    • What is an infrastructure complex?
    • What is its main task?

    An infrastructure complex is a complex that unites economic sectors that produce various services.

    The main task is to provide a variety of services to the population

    Using the textbook text and tables, fill out the diagram: "Classification of services"

    • What types of services are there? By frequency?
    • Give examples of services that you use regularly? Sometimes?
    • What type of services would you consider: trade, communications, education, defense?

    • What does infrastructure development depend on?
    • Is the infrastructure complex developed equally in all regions? Where is better?

    • Write down in your notebook the problems characteristic of the infrastructure complex.

    • What types of transport are there on the state farm?
    • How do you rate the performance of transport (excellent, satisfactory, unsatisfactory)?
    • What hinders the efficient operation of transport (roads, lack of buses during rush hours)? How to improve transport performance?

    • Does the state farm have a bathhouse, laundry, repair shops, ateliers, hairdressers, dry cleaners, repair shops?
    • Are they necessary? Are they convenient to use (operating mode)?
    • How to solve problems?

    • Are there shops (food, industrial goods, household goods) or markets on the state farm? Are there enough of them? Is the operating mode convenient? Are they conveniently located?
    • Are there cafes or canteens? Are they necessary?
    • How to solve a problem?

    • Are there clinics, hospitals, or pharmacies in the neighborhood? Are there enough of them?
    • Are all the specialists available? Do they work conveniently?
    • What are the problems? How to solve them?

    • Are there schools, kindergartens, libraries, clubs, parks on the state farm?
    • Are there enough of them? Are they conveniently located?
    • Are there any problems? How to solve them?

    Development of the intangible sphere in the village of Voskhod

    Types of services

    Types of institutions


    Total number


    Educational and cultural


    Medical and recreational sports


    • What types of services and institutions prevail in the village?
    • What age group are they aimed at?

    • What complex did you meet today?
    • How does the infrastructure complex differ from those previously studied?
    • What is the importance of the infrastructure complex?

    • Today I found out...
    • It was interesting…
    • I realized that...
    • I purchased...
    • I learned…
    • I managed …
    • I was able...
    • I was surprised...


    • New textbook paragraph 31.
    • Old textbook paragraph 34.
    • Prepare reports on modes of transport:

    water transport

    air Transport

    ground transport


    1.General characteristics

    2.Advantages of transport

    3.Disadvantages of transport

    4. Development prospects.

    Geography teacher

    MCOU Skatinskaya Secondary School