What is the cheapest roofing material. The best way to cover the roof of a house: types and features


As you know, a competent choice of roofing material is the key to reliable and strong roof. Today this issue is very relevant, since a huge range of roofing coverings suggests the presence of a mass of options that differ from each other in appearance, quality characteristics and price. When deciding what is the best way to cover the roof of a house, you should take into account some parameters that will help you determine which roofing covering will be more suitable. From roofing In this category, perhaps only ondulin can be distinguished, which is a wavy slate. It has a fairly wide range of positive qualities, and also withstands high temperatures. In addition, the affordable cost of ondulin makes its use on the roof quite acceptable. Installing this coating is not at all difficult, which also refers to its positive aspects.

Another popular roofing material option is slate. In terms of quality and price ratio, this coating is quite good, since at its quite affordable cost specifications The materials are pretty good.

Technical characteristics of roofing coverings

When building a private house, the use of ondulin is quite acceptable due to its low cost, good quality and very light weight. The basis for creating ondulin is a solution based on bitumen and fiberglass, thanks to which the coating, although reliable, is not able to withstand significant temperature changes. For such a flooring, the installation of a continuous lathing system will be required so that the ondulin sheets do not deform and remain reliable.

Roofing felt roofing is an excellent option for temporary roofing. Bitumen mortar and cardboard are involved in its production, from which it becomes clear that the strength and fire resistance of the material are extremely low (read: "").

When answering the question of what is best to cover, we can say that using slate is a very good solution. It withstands bad weather and stress mechanical type, and the low cost has made this material perhaps the most popular. Perhaps the main disadvantage of slate is its unaesthetic appearance, since this criterion today is often the number one requirement.

Another roofing covering that comes in many varieties is tiles. There are five main types in total, and each of them is different in its own way.

There are roofing tiles the following types:

  1. Natural tiles, the raw material for the production of which is durable stone rock. Provided that all the requirements and conditions necessary for installation have been met, such tiles can last a very long time. The material has excellent resistance to any kind of impact, so its durability is fully felt. The most important disadvantages of this flooring are too much weight and the high cost of both the material itself and its installation.
  2. Sand-cement tiles. If it is difficult to decide which material is best to cover the roof, you can quite use this coating, which looks almost no different from natural tiles. But due to the greater fragility of this material, it must be transported and laid out carefully. One of the main advantages of the material is its affordable cost.
  3. The most common type of tile is metal tile. Its main advantages are low cost, light weight of the material and ease of installation, if you understand, since the dimensions of the metal tile sheet are large. Before that, it is important to make the correct calculations.
  4. Bituminous shingles, related to soft roofing. With its help, you can equip even the most complex areas of the roof without spending large quantity time and without special material costs. The main disadvantages of bitumen shingles are the need for a continuous sheathing, as well as poor resistance to natural influences.
  5. Clay tiles, less and less used in modern construction due to a number of reasons. Therefore, without clear information about how best to cover the roof of a house, you should use the most convenient and at the same time quality option shelters at home.

You can also pay attention to such a one that has become Lately popular material like Euro slate. Thanks to its lightness, installation of Euro slate does not pose any difficulties and is carried out quickly, without requiring the involvement of a large number of work force. The insulating properties of the roof of the structure also improve.

Resistance to damage of any nature makes the service life of slate even longer. In addition, the appearance of the coating also meets all modern standards and allows specialists to implement almost any design decision regarding the roofing structure.

Selection of roofing materials

When choosing roofing We should not forget, first of all, about the functions that it is intended to perform, as well as the comparison of standard criteria. Such criteria include the color combination of the covering with the walls of the house, the quality of the flooring used, as well as its price.

Coatings for commercial and technical buildings

The construction of any private house, of course, presupposes the presence on its site of special technical and utility-type buildings, the roof of which should also be equipped according to all the rules. However, for these structures, you can choose an inexpensive roofing covering based on practicality and at the same time reliability. Such materials include standard slate, the technical characteristics of which are quite normal and the cost is absolutely acceptable.

It happens that appearance the material does not harmonize well with the design of the site. To do this, it is recommended to paint the slate with a special paint, which can not only add aesthetics to the structure, but also provide the roof with additional protection from external influences.

Drawing a conclusion from all of the above, we can confidently say that the roofing covering should be selected exclusively in accordance with individual characteristics each specific design roofs. Required knowledge characteristics of all materials will help to make optimal choice, the most suitable for each owner in terms of price and quality ratio. If desired, any information about the types of roofing coverings with photos of samples and detailed videos their installation can be easily found on the Internet on specialized construction sites and forums.t optimal solution for the installation of a specific roof.

What should you pay attention to when choosing materials?

When deciding what material is best to cover the roof, it is recommended to be guided by the following criteria:

  • variety of material forms;
  • ratio color range;
  • the weight of the entire roof (for the construction of a load-bearing roof frame);
  • price of coating and installation work;
  • indicators of reliability and quality of coating.

The weight of the roof covering is a very important parameter that must be taken into account when building a house, since a correctly distributed load on the load-bearing roof system and the roof itself will significantly increase the reliability and service life of the entire structure as a whole. For this reason, any calculations designed to calculate bearing capacity roofs, must be carried out even before purchasing this or that roofing material.

Therefore, when choosing the best way to cover the roof of a house, you should take into account each of the characteristics of the roofing material used during the installation process.

A widespread covering today is soft roofing, the basis for which is bituminous materials or roofing felt. Such roofing will be optimal as a temporary covering or covering for technical or utility-type premises where the roofing systems are flat (more details: " "). The main disadvantages of this material are poor resistance to natural and mechanical influences and a short service life.

The roof of a roof is its uppermost part. It is she who protects the building from negative impacts environment. Before covering the roof of a house, you need to choose the right material. Roofing materials vary different types. Each of them has its own purpose and limitations in use.

Material selection criteria

Types of coverage should be considered from several angles. When choosing a roofing material, you should answer the following questions for yourself:

  • how steep the slope is planned;
  • the cheaper it is to cover a roof, is the financial component in the first place;
  • what type of roofing material will best fit into the architectural appearance;
  • the better it is to cover the roof with your own hands, how complicated the installation process is;
  • Is it possible to put up with the high noise level of the roof?
The main criterion for choosing a roof covering is the slope angle

In general, the coating must meet the requirements for reliability, durability, strength and waterproofing. The aesthetic and economic components are also important. To choose a covering for the roof of your house, you will have to carefully consider the most popular options.

Seam roofing

This option will allow you to get the job done inexpensively. The coating in this case is made of thin metal sheets. Their lengthwise connection is made by bending the folds. This coating material is not suitable for DIY work, since it requires certain skills and knowledge.

It is not recommended to do the installation of a seam roof yourself.

When deciding what is the best way to cover the roof of a house, you should pay attention to more simple types. This option is more suitable for a professional team that will do the work quickly and efficiently.

Deciding what to cover the roof with wooden house or anyone else? Then you should take a closer look at metal tiles. It is lightweight, so it does not create a strong load on the walls of the building and foundations. Often the material is difficult to distinguish from natural tiles.

Metal tiles by decorative properties almost as good as normal

It looks attractive, and a wide range of colors allows you to choose The best decision for any facade. To protect the material from corrosion, a special coating is used. Polymers are most often used.


Roof finishing metal tiles suitable for slopes with a slope greater than 15 degrees. Such types practically do not limit the upper limit of the slope. If the value is less than 20 degrees, you should think about waterproofing. In this case, moisture flows worse on the surface and can seep through the sheets.

When installing a roof with your own hands, you need to securely close the joints. The tiles are attached to the sheathing. It is most often made sparse. To make the base, a board with a thickness of 32 mm is sufficient. The minimum acceptable size is 25 mm, but in this case the design will work at the limit of its capabilities.

Metal tiles are attached to the sheathing

Application area

Metal tiles for roofing have become widespread. It is suitable for a private residential building, administrative or industrial building. The material is intended for pitched roofs. Not used on flat surfaces.

Advantages and disadvantages

When deciding what is the best way to cover a roof in a private home, pay attention to the durability of the material. The metal coating can last up to 50 years. Compared to other types, the period is long. The advantages also include:

  • ease of installation;
  • small weight;
  • you can cover the roof alone;
  • does not require particularly careful handling during transportation;
  • affordable price;
  • a wide range of.

When installing metal tiles, a lot of waste is generated

But such modern materials They also have disadvantages. During the construction process, a lot of waste is generated, which makes up a considerable percentage of the purchased material.

In addition, any metal coating is quite noisy. Residents literally feel every drop of rain.

Corrugated sheet

Roofs pitched roofs It is advantageous to cover it with a professional sheet. This material is similar in properties to metal tiles, but is cheaper. These types of material may have different markings. Corrugated sheeting marked H or NS is intended for coating installation.. Sheets marked C are intended for vertical structures, you can’t make a roof out of them. The profile brand (numerical designation) is selected depending on the load and pitch of the rafters.

To cover the roof, you should choose a profiled sheet of grade N or NS


The coating is intended for roofing with a slope of at least 10 degrees.. The overlap during installation is assigned depending on the profile parameters. Usually the overlap made is 20 cm. If the slope is less than 20 degrees, the joints should be additionally protected from moisture with sealant.

The sheets are fastened using self-tapping screws. On square meter You will need approximately 8 pieces. It is permissible to lay the material on top of an old roof made of rolled materials.

Most often, corrugated sheets are used for outbuildings and industrial buildings. But now there are many colors that will fit perfectly into the facade of a residential building.

Advantages and disadvantages

Are you choosing which material is best for a wooden house? It is not recommended to use heavy types here. Therefore, the decision of how to cover the roof of a house in favor of a profiled sheet will be beneficial. Also perfect for buildings made of brick or concrete.

Construction of a roof pie made of corrugated sheets

The advantages include:

  • ease of installation;
  • good bending strength under mechanical stress and loads;
  • service life like metal tiles;
  • low cost.


Roof-roof made of ondulin - profitable solution. It is possible to cover a building with such material without significant material costs. The second name for onudlin is Euroslate. The sheets are made from cellulose fibers, impregnated with bitumen with polymer additives. At the end, the material is painted in two layers of heat-resistant paint, thanks to which the sheets acquire a neat and attractive appearance.

Installing a roof made of Euro slate is an economical option when constructing or repairing a roof.


Ondulin roof covering country house when the slope slope is from 6° to 15°, a continuous sheathing is required. You can use regular edged board(3 grade wood) or moisture-resistant plywood. If the slope is more than 15°, then you can get by with a sparse base.

The overlap of the sheets must be good - at least 30 cm. Special nails are provided for fastening.

Advantages and disadvantages

When deciding which material is best for a canopy, bathhouse or garage, you can confidently choose ondulin. It is also suitable for a private home. But when choosing, it is worth considering that the service life of Euro slate is up to 40 years, but the paint will fade earlier. The benefits include:

  • waterproofing indicators;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • there will be no problems due to noise;
  • ease of processing and cutting;
  • very light weight;
  • budget.

The main disadvantages of the coating include fading of paint, flammability

The disadvantages of the material are quite significant, so it’s worth considering whether you need to cover your house with such material. Minuses:

  • flammability;
  • fading of paint;
  • softening of the material in sunny weather in summer (not recommended for steep slopes);
  • moss growing in dark places.

Like the previous material, tiles are made using bitumen. Will fit better for roofs with a slope of no more than 45 degrees, since it can soften in hot weather. There are different types of flexible tiles depending on the pattern and color.

Roof slope angle flexible tiles should be no more than 45 degrees


The material can be used to cover roofs with a slope of 11 to 45 degrees. A continuous sheathing must be made under the covering. To do this, use a board or moisture-resistant plywood. If the slope angle is less than 18°, it is recommended to attach an additional waterproofing layer. For fastening, a layer of bitumen with polymer is applied to the back surface. This option is perfect for roofs with complex shapes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits include:

  • long service life up to 70 years;
  • noiselessness;
  • holds snow well, it does not slide on rough material;
  • resistance to corrosion and condensation;
  • high flexibility;
  • reasonable value for money.

Due to their flexibility, soft tiles are widely used for roofs of complex shapes.

Natural tiles

What to make a covering for a completely eco-friendly home? The best option in this case - ceramic tiles or its closest relative, cement-sand. They can last a century, are safe, environmentally friendly and natural. But significant shortcomings that prevent materials from regaining their leading positions include:

  • very large mass;
  • the need for a strong and powerful foundation;
  • high price.

Tiles are a beautiful, environmentally friendly, but heavy roofing material

Roll welding material

This option is mainly used for flat or low-slope bases. There are several varieties from different manufacturers. Gidroizol, Stekloizol and TechnoNIKOL have gained great popularity. The basis of the coating is fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester impregnated with bitumen.


The roofing carpet is rolled out over the roof, heating part of the roll gas burner. When working on pitched roof work starts from the bottom. The overlap along the length and at the ends is prescribed at least 10 cm. For flat roof 2-3 layers of coating will be enough. For a pitched one you will have to lay 4-5.

The coating is mainly used for roofs multi-storey buildings or industrial buildings. It is difficult to find it in private construction. For own home It makes sense to buy such material as a lining waterproofing layer.

Roll fused roofing is most often mounted on flat surfaces

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this coating include:

  • ease of care;
  • good resistance to moisture;
  • noiselessness;
  • environmental friendliness and safety for humans;
  • affordable price.

Today the market building materials so rich that every craftsman has the right to choose what to cover the roof of his house with, based not only on preferences and design solution buildings, but also from financial possibilities. After all, conditionally, all coatings can be divided into budget materials, medium price category and elite. We will look into how to cover the roof of a house and how financially justified it will be below.

In most cases, craftsmen, due to lack of financial scope, cover the roof with budget roofing materials. Especially if the house is a country house or has a small area. Moreover, it would not be a pity to replace such coatings over time with more comfortable, beautiful and durable ones. So, let's look at how to cover a roof inexpensively.


One of the cheapest roofing materials. Its approximate cost is Russian market is about $0.35/m2. The roofing material is based on cardboard, which is then covered with bitumen mastic and special protective crumbs made of fiberglass, sand, etc. As a result, such a coating is a very flexible material. Its advantages are:

However, if you decide to cover the roof of a private house inexpensively and use this particular material, then it is worth considering that it also has some negative qualities:

  • High degree of fracture resistance sub-zero temperatures(coating fragility);
  • The need to lay the material in 3-5 layers (which will automatically increase the cost of the finished roof);
  • Compliance minimum angle slope of the roof slopes (such material is not suitable for a highly sloped roof).

Important: the service life of a roofing felt roof is 5-8 years, and therefore it is better to use it to cover a parking lot in the yard or other auxiliary buildings.

Wave slate

One of the most familiar and used roofing materials, which has been covering roofs for the last 50-70 years. Of course, such material is not relevant for a wooden house, but all other boxes (made of brick, foam block, cinder block, etc.) can be covered with slate. Its popularity is due to both price (about $2/m2) and relative strength. Slate sheets are made from 85% asbestos cement. The rest is made up of additives and impurities. TO positive qualities Such roof coverings include:

  • Simplicity and high speed of installation;
  • Sufficient durability (up to 40 years);
  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • Non-flammability;
  • Optimal maintainability;
  • The ability to choose a coating not only of a boring gray color, but also of a completely bright shade.

However, slate also has its drawbacks:

  • Low environmental friendliness (today it has been proven that using slate for roofing residential premises is undesirable);
  • The large weight of one sheet, which complicates the installation of the roof;
  • The fragility of the material under mechanical stress.

Important: when choosing slate sheets when purchasing, you need to pay attention to its uniformity and the integrity of the edge seams. They should not become colored when the material moves.

Mid-priced roofing materials

If you don’t know what is the best way to cover your roof, and at the same time you want to make the result of your work not only the attractiveness of the roof, but also relative financial affordability, then you should pay attention to materials from the middle price category. They are quite interesting in design, in most cases do not require high labor costs and are quite durable.

Profiled sheet

This coating is made from aluminum or thin sheets of steel, and a galvanized layer is used to create an anti-corrosion coating. As a result, the mass of such coatings is several times less than that of wave slate or even roofing felt. The cost of the profiled sheet is only $2.6/m2. The service life of such material is up to 80 years, which is important. At the same time, profiled sheets can be used for roofs with any slope angle. In addition, in accordance with the architectural design, the owner of the house can choose any shade of coating.

It is worth noting that the installation of the profiled sheet is similar to the device slate roof and at the same time, one master can handle the job, given the small mass of the coating.

Important: when installing a profiled roof, it is necessary to securely close the fastenings with special sealing washers to avoid corrosion of the coating.


This type of roofing material resembles wave slate in appearance. However, its weight is several times less. All this is because ondulin is based on standard cardboard, and the top coating is bitumen mastic and protective shale chips. The cost of ondulin on the modern Russian market is approximately $2.7/m2. Due to the light weight of the material, installation of ondulin roofing is quick and easy. It is worth noting that the coating has different color solutions, which means the master has the ability to create roof structure, perfectly matching his design idea. The service life of such a coating, provided that the installation technology and its operation are followed, ranges from 30 years.

Important: it is worth noting that ondulin is best used on roofs with a sufficient slope angle. Because if it is necessary to clear the roof of snow from a low-slope roof, damage to the coating may occur.

Bituminous shingles

An ideal solution for covering complex roof configurations. This material is very flexible in installation, which allows the master to bend around all the protrusions and roundness on the roof. Cost of bitumen shingles modern market is 4.2$/m2. This roofing material is made from fiberglass and polymer fiber. As a result, its waterproofing properties are almost ideal. Bituminous shingles are easy to install and unpretentious in operation (provided correct installation). This coating lasts up to 50 years. However, it is worth remembering that such a roofing covering must be laid on a roof with a sufficient angle of inclination of the slopes. Otherwise, the material may be damaged by frozen snow, which will fall off the roof over time.

Metal tiles

If you are wondering how to cover the roof of your house, then you can cover it with metal tiles. This material also falls into the mid-budget category. The cost of one m2 is only $4.2. The structure of metal tiles is similar to profiled sheets. However, the thickness of the metal here may vary depending on the manufacturing company that produces the coating. And the service life of the metal tile will depend on this parameter (steel thickness), as well as on the quality of the top protective layer. But on average it is about 60 years.

Important: it is worth considering that all covering metal coatings are non-flammable and have good resistance to moisture. However, the percentage of noise absorption of such materials is very low. In addition, if you decide to cover your roof cheaper and at the same time give preference similar materials made of steel, it is worth considering that they get very hot in the sun. This means that you need to select thermal insulation based on this criterion.

Elite expensive roofing materials

Slate tiles

Such piece roofing material is not economical, since it is made from natural stone- slate. The roof, which is covered with slate tiles, looks like something out of a picture in a fairy tale book. Luxuriously! Expensive! Original! Slate is strong, durable and at the same time quite difficult to install. The laying of each tile must be carried out as accurately as possible, otherwise over time the entire coating will “move off”.

The service life of such a coating is about 200 years, which means that it is most important to lay such material on houses made of natural stone, which will last no less. At the same time, slate tiles perfectly withstand any weather conditions and perfectly remove moisture. It is worth noting that laying such a piece covering is convenient on roofs with complex configurations. The price of slate tiles is from $50/m2.

Ceramic tiles

The progenitor of slate coating. Fired ceramics high temperatures, has a high percentage of wear and fracture resistance. In addition, due to its natural properties, clay resists combustion, is not susceptible to moisture, and is inert to temperature changes. It is worth noting here that such roofing material perfectly absorbs noise, which means that the house under a tiled roof will always be quiet and cozy. To create a protective reinforcing coating on the surface of clay tiles, the technique of glazing or glazing is used. In the first case, a mixture of water and polymers is applied to the tiles. In the second case, the clay is treated with glaze before firing. Both methods greatly enhance the strength characteristics of the tiles. The price of such coverage is from $25/m2.

Important: for both types of inlaid roofing it is necessary to make a reinforced foundation and a powerful rafter system roofs. Otherwise, the building will not support the weight of the coating.

Copper roof

And the last expensive option for those who don’t know how to cover the roof of an elite house is copper sheets. This metal looks great in any weather. And especially plays in the sun. Working with copper sheets is not difficult. The coating perfectly resists moisture and sun, wind and snow. However, the only drawback for many craftsmen is the exorbitant price of copper roofing material (from $35/m2).

When building a country house, many craftsmen, not wanting to spend a lot of money on arrangement summer cottage, are wondering what is cheaper to cover a roof. After all, a cheap roof means saving almost 15% construction budget. At the same time, for the roof you want to choose not only a cheap coating, but also one that will have good performance characteristics. In the material below we will look at the best way to cover the roof of a country house, and what are the nuances of working with this or that material.

In order for the master to understand the approximate prices for certain roofing materials, below we offer a rating that will be promoted from cheaper to more expensive expensive coatings. So, today prices look something like this:

  • Roofing felt or euroroofing felt - $0.35-0.50/m2;
  • Wave slate - $2.1-4.4/m2;
  • Profiled sheet - $2.6-4.4/m2;
  • Ondulin - $2.7-4/m2;
  • Soft roofing material - $4.2-4.7/m2;
  • Metal tiles - $4.2-4.8/m2.

It is worth knowing that prices may vary slightly depending on the region of the country.

Types of roofing materials for inexpensive construction

If you don’t know how to cover the roof of a house cheaper, then below is an overview of the most economical roofing materials for every design taste. So let's begin.

Rolled roofing materials (roofing felt)

This is the most affordable option coverings for those who don’t know how to cover the roof of their dacha inexpensively. The composition of a standard roofing material includes a cardboard base, bitumen impregnation and protective crumbs made of asbestos, talc, etc. The advantages of such a coating include:

  • Eco-friendly coating;
  • Its plasticity, which means ease of installation;
  • Excellent moisture resistance;
  • Inertness to temperature changes (cold).

At the same time, roofing material, despite its low price and all its advantages, also has some disadvantages:

  • As outer covering this material is short-lived (maximum 15-20 years);
  • Increased flammability of roofing material;
  • Exposure to excessive heat from the sun.

The principle of laying roofing felt as a roofing material is to make a continuous sheathing underneath it. This will prevent the roofing material from sagging over time. Moreover, for density finished roof and its degree of load, it is better to cover the roof of a private house in several layers. In particular, three to five layers are laid.

Important: it is advisable to lay the roof covering in such a way that the seams of each subsequent layer do not overlap each other. And to simplify the work, you can use euroruberoid. One of its edges can be melted, which simplifies the installation of an overlapped coating without the use of bitumen mastic.

Wave slate

This roofing material has been used for many decades. And yet it does not lose its relative popularity. Slate contains 85% Portland cement and only 15% asbestos. It is these proportions that make it possible to obtain a strong and durable roofing material. You can cover the roof of your dacha with slate if you want the roof of your house to last for at least 25 years. This is exactly how much slate is allocated by its manufacturers. However, in reality, wave slate can last for 40 years, provided there are no regular shock loads (falling stones, icy branches, fruits, etc. onto the roof). The advantages of slate include:

  • Its relatively favorable cost;
  • Increased wear resistance;
  • Resistance to combustion and temperature changes;
  • Easy to install.

Slate also has its disadvantages. These are:

  • Low environmental friendliness (due to the inclusion of asbestos in the material, which is harmful to humans).
  • Sensitivity to moisture;
  • Fragility of the coating during installation (may crack if handled carelessly).

It is worth knowing that to lay a roof in a country house from slate sheets, you need to move from bottom to top and from left to right. In this case, each subsequent sheet and row should overlap the previous one by 20-30 cm to avoid moisture getting into the joints. The slate sheets are fixed with special self-tapping screws and rubber washers.

Profiled sheets and metal tiles

Profiled sheets and metal tiles are another convenient and cost-effective material for covering houses from the economical category. Profiled sheets and metal tiles are made of aluminum or steel. Moreover, the configuration of its wave can be varied, which increases decorative features material. And you can choose any shade of coating. Externally, the corrugated sheet is somewhat reminiscent of slate sheets, only much lighter. The advantages include:

  • Light weight and easy installation;
  • Long service life;
  • Resistant to combustion and temperature changes.

The disadvantages include:

  • Low level of noise absorption;
  • Possibility of damage to coating sheets due to impact loads.

Important: profiled sheets and metal tiles are installed according to the principle of simple slate.


Ondulin is an excellent roofing material, easy to install and at the same time quite light. The composition of such roofing material includes cellulose fibers, bitumen impregnation and special additives. The top of the material has a protective paint layer. Externally, ondulin resembles slate, only the sheets of material are lighter and more flexible. The advantages of this coating include:

  • Light weight;
  • Easy installation;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Inertness to aggressive environments;
  • Strength.

At the same time, ondulin also has its disadvantages. These are:

  • Susceptibility of the top color layer to fading;
  • The flammability limit of the material is only 110 degrees;
  • In this case, the coating softens when heated in the sun. Therefore, it can be better used for a cottage/house located in the shade garden trees with a large crown.

When laying ondulin, several basic principles must be observed:

  • They move along the roof from bottom to top and from left to right;
  • Each next row is laid in such a way that its edges are 20-30 cm above the previous one;
  • At the same time, it is worth making sure that the vertical joints/overlaps of the ondulin are not repeated in each row (they are made offset like brickwork);
  • Fix ondulin with special nails;
  • You must use at least 20 nails per sheet of coating, otherwise the coating may become deformed in bad weather.

Soft roofing material

This type of roofing is ideal if the roof of the house has a complex configuration. The fact is that soft roofing is a very plastic material. The composition of this coating includes fiberglass, bitumen, basalt or shale chips. The advantages of this coating include:

  • Easy to install;
  • Light weight;
  • High level of noise absorption;
  • Flexibility of the material;
  • Moisture resistant.
  • Susceptibility to combustion;
  • Fragility of the roof under prolonged exposure to sub-zero temperatures.

When laying soft roof The following principles should be observed:

  • The material is mounted on a continuous surface of the sheathing, without gaps, etc.;
  • Before laying the roof, the sheathing is reliably waterproofed;
  • Sheets of soft roofing are glued onto bitumen mastic;
  • Installation of a soft roof is best done with a slope angle of 11 degrees;
  • If the angle is from 11 to 22 degrees, then each sheet is additionally fixed with four nails;
  • If the angle of inclination of the ceiling is more than 22 degrees, then 6-8 nails are used to fix the roofing sheets. Thus, you can cover the roof of a country house beautifully and inexpensively.

Important: before deciding which material to choose for roofing country house, it is worth assessing the weather conditions in the region, the location of the house relative to the garden plantings on the site and, of course, assessing your financial capabilities. With a competent approach to choosing a roof, you can build a budget-friendly and at the same time strong house, which is what we strive to achieve.

Any construction project requires large investments, and when it comes to roofing, there is not much money left in your wallet. We have to look for some kind of budget, but enough reliable option. In such cases, many people tend to look for the cheapest roof covering. What is it like? Does it have any disadvantages? Let's look at this in more detail.

There are many roof coverings; you can choose one to suit every taste and color. There really is plenty to choose from:

  • corrugated sheeting;
  • tiles (ceramic, concrete, composite, metal tiles);

Each material has certain strength characteristics, reliability and durability. Some have higher waterproofing properties, others benefit in terms of fire safety. Still, we are looking for something cheaper to cover the roof, which means we omit all the requirements regarding design and visual appeal.

Cheap roofing materials

Next, we’ll look at how you can cover your roof inexpensively and at the same time quite reliably. Of course, you want the material to also be durable, but you should also understand that when looking for a low-cost option, you cannot do without losses.

Wave slate

It has been familiar to us since childhood, because then the variety of roofing materials was not so great and there were no excessive refinements. How to cover the roof of a house cheaply? The answer is simple - buy wave slate and install it yourself. More often the lion's share The price of the work takes away from the budget, because no company will do this for pennies.

The tempting price of gray wave slate certainly attracts, but many may rightfully complain about the low reliability of the coating. Indeed, slate sheets sometimes do not pass the hail test, so it is worth choosing this roofing material more carefully. Pay attention that it is painted with enamel or oil paint. Such upper layer significantly increases the frost resistance of slate and reduces its ability to absorb moisture.


This roofing material has plenty of disadvantages. However, if you are thinking about how to cover the roof of a barn cheaply, ondulin is what you need. For temporary buildings this is the most best option, but making a cottage roof out of ondulin is no longer prestigious.

Other disadvantages of this material include:

  1. Made from recycled materials - waste paper. Accordingly, in any pouring rain paper covering will begin to deform.
  2. There are some difficulties in maintenance - it is almost impossible to clean the roof without leaving dents. It is especially not recommended to step on wet ondulin.
  3. This material discolors very quickly. And no claims can be made to the manufacturer, because a 10-12 year guarantee is given only for moisture resistance. Accordingly, it will not let water through, but it will look beautiful appearance won't be able to brag.
  4. Having already made a purchase, you may find bitumen stains on the coating at home. You most likely will not be able to replace the sheet.

Roof tiles

Shingles cannot be called the most budget-friendly roofing material. It comes in different types, which vary significantly in price. If you need cheap roof, choose soft tiles, but a beautiful, sophisticated coating will noticeably empty your pocket. Indeed, the cost of such a roof can vary from quite economical to indecently high.

I would also like to note the following advantages of tiles:

  • it is not afraid of corrosion, rotting, or rust;
  • it is waterproof;
  • is not afraid of direct sunlight, does not fade (unlike ondulin discussed above);
  • any defect can be easily eliminated by replacing individual fragments.


It is better to cover sheds, wood sheds and temporary buildings with roofing felt. The main task of the material is waterproofing. This coating is cheap, so it fully meets the low cost requirement. And if the price of roofing felt is higher than that of competing materials, then in terms of reliability it is pointless to compete. That is why it is laid in several layers (three, or preferably four).

One of the main disadvantages of roofing felt is its low fire safety. The material is flammable, which is a definite disadvantage. To get rid of some of the shortcomings of roofing felt, bitumen mastic is used when laying it. Of course, these are additional costs, but if you do not intend to re-roof in the future, then it is better to fork out for it. How to cover a roof cheaply, if not with roofing felt? For outbuildings this is perhaps the best option.

Budget roofing: what to look for

Budget products are rarely of high quality. By saving on material with good waterproofing, you will first praise yourself for a good choice. However, already at the first rain you will learn about one more thing significant disadvantage– poor sound insulation. Every drop will be heard, which will not add comfort to the home.

It is worth paying attention to whether they are selling you a defective product or a fake at a reduced price. Find out whether it is possible to do the installation yourself without involving a construction company, whether it is easy to get a small amount of material in the event of a breakdown, and in what time frame this can be accomplished. Remember: the roof is important element your home, so take it seriously.