Which thermal insulation material is best for walls. Which insulation materials are better and how to choose them correctly

Which insulation is better for the walls of a house outside and inside, how to choose the most effective one? We will also consider the dependence of their characteristics and basic properties on the place of application.

What is the best insulation for a home, and which for the floor, ceiling or roof? We will try to answer these questions by carefully studying the properties that have different types insulation materials. What is insulation, types of insulation and their characteristics, we will tell you everything you need to know.

In the production of these heat insulators, raw materials of organic origin are used. The composition of modern organic insulation no longer includes toxic substances - phenols and formaldehydes, but may include cement and various plasticizers.

First, let's look at the type of insulation that is used to insulate walls from the inside, as well as for the floor and ceiling.


Produced from pressed small chips. IN modern construction It is used extremely rarely due to its flammability and susceptibility to rotting, due to its high hygroscopicity.

The thermal conductivity of particle boards is from 0.09 to 0.18 W/m*K depending on the density, which can range from 500 to 1000 kg/m3.

Wood fiber insulation board

During production, organic raw materials are used with the addition of antiseptics and water-repellent substances, which makes this material more suitable as a heat insulator for a house to be insulated from the inside.

Thermal conductivity - from 0.09 to 0.18 W/m*K. The main advantage of this material is environmental friendliness and ease of installation on interior walls, as well as the variability of their final processing.

Polyurethane foam

Some believe that it can be used for both outdoor and internal insulation walls and that this is the best insulation for walls, but I strongly disagree with this (it is not environmentally friendly).

Has the following characteristics:

  • density – 40–80 kg/m3, which provides good water resistance, noise and heat insulation;
  • thermal conductivity – 0.019–0.028 W/m*K;
  • durability - 30 years.

Thanks to the spraying method, the formation of cold bridges is completely eliminated when using this insulation. According to its flammability properties, polyurethane foam is a self-extinguishing, difficult to ignite material. The main disadvantage of this heat insulator is its high cost and application using special equipment.


The scope of application of penoizol is quite wide: it is used for facade walls, ceilings and floors. It is not recommended to use penoizol for walls inside a building, since the material contains formaldehyde resins and is not environmentally friendly.

The material is produced in the form of loose crumbs or in the form of blocks. Penoizol in liquid form is poured into previously prepared cavities. This technique can most often be found in the internal insulation of foundations, but there is an opinion that this heat insulator cannot be used in humid environments due to the high moisture absorption parameter.

Characteristics of penoizol:

  • density – up to 20 kg/m3;
  • thermal conductivity index – 0.03 W/m*K;
  • service life -50 years;
  • flammability class - G3, ignition temperature - over 500 degrees.

The disadvantages of penoizol include: it is not environmentally friendly, exposure to aggressive environments, and high moisture absorption.

Expanded polystyrene

The composition of expanded polystyrene includes polystyrene - organic compound, obtained from petroleum. Expanded polystyrene is used for insulation of facades, floors and roofs.

No insulation causes as much controversy as expanded polystyrene. Many professional builders believe that this is one of the best insulation materials, despite its many shortcomings; others recommend under no circumstances using it for walls, since it is not environmentally friendly, is flammable, and leads to the formation of condensation and mold.

Properties of expanded polystyrene:

  • thermal conductivity index – 0.037–0.042 W/m*K, which is its main advantage;
  • resistance to aggressive environments – average;
  • excellent hydro and sound insulation;
  • flammability class G2, when burned, it releases toxic substances hazardous to human health;
  • vapor permeability – 0.015–0.019 kg/m*hour*Pa;
  • The hygroscopicity of a material depends entirely on its density.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Thermal insulation material made by extrusion, due to which the material has a cellular structure. The cells are filled with air, providing heat-insulating and noise-absorbing properties.

The technical characteristics are as follows:

  • density 35 kg/m3;
  • thermal conductivity – from 0.037 to 0.048 W/m*K;
  • flammability class – G2.

This is the best insulation for thermal insulation of foundations: it has a low degree of moisture absorption and is resistant to rodents. We do not recommend using it to insulate the walls of a house for two reasons: it is not environmentally friendly; when heated, extruded polystyrene foam emits toxic fumes, and it is flammable.


A unique heat insulator of its kind, with very high heat and sound insulation rates. The disadvantage of this insulation is a decrease in basic properties over time.

This material is made from waste from pulp and paper production. Another disadvantage is strong moisture absorption. The use of this organic insulation is possible only in dry rooms for thermal insulation of ceilings and floors by bulk method.

Inorganic insulation materials and their characteristics

In the production process of heat insulators of this type, substances of a mineral nature are used: asbestos, glass, basalt rocks. Such insulation materials are resistant to aggressive environments, non-flammable, and have greater specific gravity in comparison with organic heat insulators. Insulation materials of this type include: mineral wool, glass wool, basalt-based wool, etc. Let's consider the most popular types.

Mineral wool

On modern market mineral wool is presented in two versions: slag and basalt (stone).

Slag wool is considered not environmentally friendly, because industrial slag is used in its production. However, it is this wool that is often used to insulate non-residential industrial buildings. Basalt mineral wool is considered more environmentally friendly, so it is often used for thermal insulation of walls, floors, roofs, as well as for the construction of ventilated facades.

The main advantage of mineral wool, which manufacturers always point out, is zero flammability. Mineral wool is also an excellent sound insulator.

The disadvantage is a decrease in thermal insulation properties over time and the high price of the material itself and components.

Characteristics of mineral wool:

  • thermal conductivity – 0.0035–0.042 W/m*K;
  • flammability class - NG;
  • vapor permeability is high.

Glass wool

The material is based on silicate production waste.

The advantages of glass wool include:

  • thermal conductivity - 0.03 to 0.052 W/m*K;
  • good noise insulation properties;
  • flammability class - NG;
  • hygroscopicity – low.

A significant disadvantage of glass wool is its brittle fibers, which can penetrate the skin, lungs, and clothing. IN Lately there are many fakes on the market that contain harmful substances, but they can be distinguished by shade and smell.

Insulation made of porous concrete with density D-140 “Velit”

If you ask the question which thermal insulation is better or which insulation is the best, I would answer that it is Velit or the Velit Plus insulation system.

This thermal insulation material made of porous concrete, density 140 kg/m3. This is a slab insulation material that consists of environmentally friendly pure materials: sand, cement, lime and air.

The material is not flammable and is not subject to destruction. They can be used to insulate walls both outside and inside the house, and also very well insulate floors, ceilings, and flat roofs.

Main advantages: environmentally friendly, non-flammable and durable. The insulation system with this material is 20 percent cheaper than insulating the facade with mineral wool.

Thickness matters

Now let's talk about the thickness, on which the thermal conductivity of the entire layer of the structure of the structure depends. When choosing one or another insulation, it is necessary to calculate its required thickness to ensure thermal insulation properties. Simply put, you need to know how thick the selected insulation should be to keep the house warm.

This indicator will depend on the properties of the thermal insulation material: density and thermal conductivity. Calculation required thickness insulation in each specific case is produced according to special formulas that take into account not only the characteristics of the insulation, but also the conditions under which they will be used. The calculation is very simple, I won’t show it here so as not to scare you with formulas, it’s all easy to find on the Internet using relevant queries.


Which insulation materials are best to choose for the walls of your home? Here I express my opinion, and you can agree with it or not. When asked what the best thermal insulators are, I would answer basalt wool, mineral wool. As for the question of which insulation is the best today, it is definitely Velit.

When was it built most housing stock, no one thought about keeping warm, much less saving. So it turns out that our “Stalin”, “Brezhnev”, “Czech” and all other housing is far from energy-saving technologies. Corner apartments, apartments on the first and top floors for a long time were generally considered cold. Moisture, cold, dust enter through the cracks, interpanel seams and even walls. To avoid all this and ensure yourself comfortable conditions residence, sooner or later you need to think about insulating your home. Let's review the insulation materials offered by the construction market.

The modern building materials market offers different types of thermal insulation for walls. Right choice will provide warmth in winter and coolness in summer. This is achieved by reducing heat loss and eliminating drafts. Also, in a properly insulated room there will be no dampness and mold, and the microclimate will be healthy. Remember the following properties that thermal insulation must meet:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • soundproofing;
  • fire resistance;
  • environmental Safety;
  • durability;
  • waterproof;
  • breathability;
  • biostability.

When choosing, it is worth considering what material the house is built from, how many floors it has, in what climatic zone you live.

So, insulation for walls frame house And wooden house(mezhventsovogo) – this is not the same thing. In the first case, polystyrene foam is suitable, mineral wool slabs, glass wool, penoizol, in the second - ordinary tow, jute, linen felt.

Materials can be organic or inorganic. The first group includes cellulose fiber, wood, rubber, cork, felt, moss, jute or tow. Fibrous (glass wool, mineral wool) or cellular (expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam, penoizol, etc.) insulation materials, liquid ceramics are inorganic materials. Organic ones are more environmentally friendly, but they are not as functional or durable as mildew-resistant polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. Development and testing in this industry continues and new types of wall insulation are emerging. Thus, it is gaining more and more popularity liquid insulation for walls. Let's look at how different types differ, their advantages and disadvantages.

Mineral wool: pros and cons

Construction of a frame from metal profiles

Mineral wool– one of the most common fibrous thermal insulation materials. Mineral wool is produced by heat treatment and pressing of metallurgical slag or basalt. The fibrous structure traps air, thereby forming a barrier to cold penetration and heat loss. Mineral wool comes in the form of slabs and continuous sheets in rolls. It is used for both inside and outside.

Properties are ensured due to low thermal conductivity. The advantage of this material is its breathability, durability, soundproofing properties, fire resistance, and environmental friendliness.

Installation is a rather troublesome process. On the one hand, the slabs tolerate deformation well, on the other hand, it is necessary to use separate protective equipment to ensure safety.

The thickness, when used indoors, narrows the existing space, which is undoubtedly a disadvantage. The water permeability of mineral wool can lead to the fact that over time it will become wet from condensation and fungus will appear in it. To prevent this from happening, the material must be additionally waterproofed.

Technical properties of glass wool

Morally obsolete glass wool is now used extremely rarely

Glass wool is also a fibrous insulation material, the most proven of all, as it has been used for a very long time. It is formed by melting sand, soda, dolomites, limestones, borax or glass production waste. It is produced in slabs and rolls, and compressed for transportation.

Thin, sharp and brittle fibers of glass wool are dangerous both in direct contact and inhalation of air with glass wool fragments. Therefore, when using it, it is important to provide yourself with goggles, a respirator, and gloves. Manufacturers claim that modern views glass wool is safe for humans.

It does not burn, has good heat and soundproofing properties. It can be used to insulate all types of roofs, internal partitions And external walls. It is cheaper than most analogues, but is more susceptible to shrinkage and crumbling.

Characteristics of cellulose insulation

Application of cellulose

This is one of the newest materials, it is environmentally friendly and functional. This type of insulation is produced from cellulose production residues. It is used for both external and internal insulation - it is blown under drywall, magnesite slabs.

It is breathable, which is the positive side. What’s worse is that it is permeable to water, susceptible to mold, and fire hazards. To get rid of such shortcomings, antiseptics are added to the cellulose base to increase biostability and fire retardants to reduce flammability.

Advantages of expanded polystyrene (foam)

A wall covered with foam plastic will provide a significant reduction in heat loss

Expanded polystyrene is produced by foaming polystyrene at high temperatures Oh. This is a white rustling material, which is characterized by water and air tightness, noise and thermal insulation properties, light weight, easy installation. He is not afraid of bacteria, fungi and mold, and he is not afraid of bad weather conditions. Just 8 cm of expanded polystyrene can replace 1.7 m of brick wall, 25 cm wooden wall or 9 cm mineral wool.

It is produced in slabs, which... used for interior walls, balconies, attics and house facades. Expanded polystyrene, due to its strength, does not tend to sag. This is one of the cheapest insulation materials.

Extruded polystyrene foam

In order to obtain such a material, polystyrene granules are melted at high temperatures, then extruded from an extruder and foamed. It turns out even more durable, durable, air- and waterproof than polystyrene foam. He communicates well with different coatings walls (plaster, concrete, brick). At the same time, it is completely incompatible with resins and organic solvents.


The walls are insulated from the inside with fiberboard; installation of the slabs will require laying a waterproofing layer and plaster.

Fiberboard is obtained after drying and compressing wood shavings by mixing them with a binder. It can be Portland cement or magnesium salts. The slabs obtained in this way are made of natural material, and protective layer prevents biological effects (fungus, mold, insects) and water resistance. In order for it to retain its properties longer, additional waterproofing will be required. If the humidity exceeds 35%, then sooner or later it will begin to deteriorate. Additional plastering will increase durability. Fiberboard is easy to process and install.

Eco-friendly cork materials

Cork insulation for walls is not cheap, but the most long-term option

Cork panels– one of the most environmentally friendly materials. It consists of the smallest cells (40 million per 1 cubic cm), has strength, breathability, and the necessary (low) thermal conductivity.

Produced by granulating raw materials, heating them to 400°C and pressing them into blocks. Their thickness can be 10-320 mm.

Such panels are lightweight, resistant to mechanical pressure, and do not shrink. The material is very durable and functional. It also soundproofs the room. And his appearance allows you to use it even for interior decoration.

Liquid insulation is becoming relevant. This is already a new generation tool. Even in the most inaccessible places, liquid ceramics will help get rid of drafts and heat loss. The paste-like suspension consists of closed spheres and is applied to a previously cleaned brick, concrete, wood, metal, cardboard or plastic surface. The color of the material is gray or white.

At the same time, ceramic insulation is easy to apply, it is safe, does not burn, and does not lead to a reduction in the size of the room. Such insulation is also air and waterproof. After it dries, an elastic coating forms on the wall. Thin walls made of brick needs to be processed at least 5-6 times. Ceramic insulator is not cheap (its consumption per 1 layer is 1 l/4 sq.), but it will last a very long time. You will have to forget about insulation for a quarter of a century. That's what the manufacturers promise.

Insulation with liquid foam plastic

Another option for liquid heat insulation is cast foam, called penoizol. It is poured from hoses between walls, into cracks, and formwork during the construction process. And this option is almost 2 times cheaper than all the others. It is resistant to biological organisms, breathable, does not burn well, and is durable. Its properties are 8% better than those of foam plastic, and 12% better than those of glass wool. But its service life is up to 50 years.

Knowing beneficial features all materials, you can use them by skillfully combining them. Insulate the walls with foam plastic or mineral wool, in hard to reach places pour penoizol and treat a small area under the window sill with liquid ceramics.

Preserving heat indoors and creating a microclimate are the main priorities when constructing residential buildings. To achieve these goals use A complex approach in thermal insulation measures. Efficiency of subsequent work, incl. the result is determined by the choice of insulation. To decide which insulation to choose, you should be guided by a number of criteria.

Three methods of thermal insulation protection are used as external wall insulation - well, wet and ventilated facades. Each of these methods involves the use of separate materials.

However, despite this, each of them must have common properties:

  • thermal conductivity - W/(m×K);
  • heat capacity - KJ/(kg×K);
  • porosity;
  • density - kg/m³;
  • vapor permeability;
  • water absorption;
  • flammability - from G1 to G4 (non-flammable - NG);
  • flammability and smoke generation;
  • strength limit;
  • acidity - pH.

In addition to these characteristics, the choice of insulation is influenced by: environmental safety, sound insulation, waterproofing, resistance to environmental influences and biological damage. Also in construction, the parameters of durability and cost are taken into account.

The most popular thermal insulation materials on the market are mineral wool, polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam And liquid material. Next, in the article we will figure out which insulation is better, based on their properties.

Pros and cons of mineral wool

Thermal conductivity (0.070 W (m*K) per 200 kg/m³) and vapor permeability (0.490 per 200 kg/m³) of mineral wool indicate that this material most effective. However, its resistance to moisture is low. In view of this, during the repair reliable protection Guaranteed only in conjunction with waterproofing.

The form of release of mineral wool is convenient for use. So, for cladding the surface of a wall or roof, slabs are chosen. Mats are optimal for floor thermal insulation. It is noteworthy that the texture can imitate sand, stone chips and others natural materials. In this case, which mineral wool is better, the user must decide.

The advantages include:

  • operational life - 30 years;
  • environmental Safety;
  • resistance to temperatures from −260°С to +900°С;
  • chemically neutral to alkaline and other acids;
  • optimal cost.

The main disadvantage is low moisture resistance, which significantly increases the price tag, because... additional waterproofing must be used.

One of the best insulation materials is polystyrene foam.

Foam plastic is the best thermal insulation material, according to consumers. This is due to the affordable price tag, high-quality performance indicators and resistance to loads. In view of this, foam plastic is used both in the construction of residential buildings and in the construction of public buildings.

Heat transfer from 0.031 to 0.042 W/(m*K) is one of the highest. This parameter is achieved due to the structure of the foam: the foamed polystyrene mass is produced in layers, between which there is gas. It is because of this that the density of the raw material initially increases.

The scope of application of this type of insulation is attics, utility rooms, outbuildings, where the walls are sensitive to temperature changes.

However, for thermal insulation of the foundation, polystyrene foam must be used in combination with other protection (brick, wood). This is caused by changes in the soil depending on the season.

Positive properties of polystyrene foam:

  • water-repellent;
  • mildew resistance;
  • light weight;
  • maintains performance regardless of the weather.

But unlike mineral wool, polystyrene foam quickly collapses when exposed to nitro paint. To avoid this situation, it is recommended to select the glue correctly. Another disadvantage is low mechanical stability. Therefore, after cladding, the foam must be additionally protected.

The difference between polystyrene foam and this material is only in the production method. However, its foaming is higher. Moreover, extruded polystyrene foam is additionally processed through high-strength molds (dies). Due to this, water resistance is achieved. The material is also able to withstand mechanical and atmospheric loads.


  • withstands temperatures from −500°С to +750°С;
  • used at industrial facilities;
  • involved in road construction;
  • used as insulation for wells and roofs.

However, extruded polystyrene foam was banned in Europe and America. This decision was influenced by the lack of this insulation - high level flammability. This parameter has repeatedly caused the destruction of buildings after renovation in several European countries. To protect its products, the manufacturer began to add substances that prevent combustion. But this was also subject to extensive criticism, because... During smoldering, dangerous toxins were released. Therefore, it is impossible to assign this material the title of “best insulation”.

A new method of thermal insulation - liquid insulation

Liquid insulation has recently appeared on the market building materials. Its practicality and ease of use are the main selection criteria. Compared to other thermal insulation materials, it does not take up space.

The scope of application is very wide - facades, internal walls, pipelines, metal roofs and garages, basements. It is also actively used in the fight against condensation formation.

  • application to the base, incl. hard to reach places;
  • minimum level of thermal conductivity (0.001 W/(m×K);
  • a surface of up to 100 m² can be treated per day;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • reduction in heat costs by 27%;
  • does not change appearance;
  • there is no preparatory stage;
  • fireproof

The disadvantages of insulation are sensitivity during transportation and high price range. In addition, there are no formulas for accurately calculating the need, which can subsequently increase the budget.


The article discusses popular insulation materials: positive and negative aspects. The consumer must make his own conclusion about which thermal insulation is better. This is due to the fact that each of the representatives of isolation is good in its own way. Therefore, when choosing a suitable insulation, you should rely on technical specifications and prices. This is true both for houses under construction and for those that have already been put into operation.

Wide selection of insulation materials for wooden houses, they can be used to insulate a house outside, and some even inside the house. What types are suitable for a frame house? Which is the best, let's look at their characteristics in this article! If carried out correctly, it will not be superfluous in any climatic conditions.

When it is done correctly, then under its “protection” the house will not only be warmer in winter, but also noticeably cooler in summer.

Installation of insulation will create a comfortable microclimate in a room for any purpose - in a residential building, office or production workshop.

In addition, saving heat means obvious financial savings. It is completely unreasonable to heat the street, despite the fact that the technologies used today provide an opportunity to start saving energy resources already at the initial stage construction work. Most of all, those parts of the building that are most adjacent to the building require the use of insulation. external environment- , And .

The material produced in this way has excellent properties; moreover, it is not flammable and therefore does not pose a fire hazard. But a huge part of the wonderful qualities of insulation can be irretrievably lost when it gets wet. This should be taken into account.

Stone wool

Stone wool

This fibrous material, which goes on sale in the form of rolls and portioned slabs, and has an extremely low thermal conductivity.

Most quality product made from rocks called gabbro-basalt. This non-flammable material It is used with equal success in the construction of private facilities and the construction of various industrial facilities. The wide range of uses is also explained by the possibility of its use at extremely high temperatures, reaching one thousand degrees.

The insulation's complete immunity to fire is complemented by its excellent resistance to moisture. This is a hydrophobic material, the peculiarity of which is that it does not absorb water, but repels it.

This ensures that the insulation remains dry even after a long period of time. This, in turn, will allow her to maintain her high performance qualities. Unique properties basalt wool allow it to be used even in boiler rooms, baths and saunas, where high humidity and high temperature are combined. Strength in this case is not directly dependent on the density of the material.

It's pretty soft material, having at the same time a sufficient margin of safety. Its structural stability is determined by the special arrangement of the individual component fibers - chaotic and vertical. The material has high anti-corrosion properties.

It can coexist quite peacefully with concrete and metal, without causing various kinds chemical reactions. High biological stability provides it with immunity to various biological pests: damage by insects and rodents, the emergence fungal diseases,

The basalt insulation passed the combustion test, but the organic insulation burned out

Basalt rock is the main raw material for production of this type cotton wool. Treatment with formaldehyde resins gives the material a sufficient level of strength, and the materials used modern technologies guarantee the complete elimination of harmful phenols at the production stage of the material.

The final product reaching the consumer is harmless and environmentally friendly material with high insulating qualities.

It is actively used for insulating floors of residential and production premises, for thermal insulation of roofs and facades, including as external insulation.

It has found wide application in rooms with extreme levels of humidity and temperature. The best basalt insulation, stone wool made from rocks is a guarantee of high quality for a long time.

Glass wool

The missing 7% comes from specially added flame retardants. Insulation fibers contain lignin, which becomes sticky when humidity increases. All elements included in the insulation are non-toxic, absolutely non-volatile and harmless to health. Cellulose insulation is resistant to combustion and rotting, and has excellent sound and heat insulation properties.

Can hold approximately 20% humidity while maintaining its performance. The material releases moisture to the outside and dries quickly, maintaining all its performance qualities. The disadvantage of ecowool is the difficulty of manually applying it to the surface, as well as the impossibility of arranging a “floating floor” due to its inherent softness.

Insulating a house is a very important and responsible process. If carried out correctly thermal insulation work, then the rooms will be noticeably warmer in winter, and cooler in summer. This allows you to create a comfortable microclimate that has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Arriving at the building materials market, one can only be surprised by the huge variety of insulation materials produced: they are rolled up in rolls, poured into containers in the form of sand, powder and granules, cotton wool peeks out of packages, etc. Moreover, each type of thermal insulation material will be most effective for insulating that or other surface.

Performance characteristics of insulation materials

It is possible to judge which is the best thermal insulation material only after considering all its main properties together. All insulation materials have almost the same set of properties, only the degree of their manifestation is different:

  1. Thermal conductivity is one of the most important characteristics, which determines the ability of a material to transmit heat. Because the thermal energy spreads in space in 3 ways (convection, thermal radiation and thermal conductivity), then the thermal conductivity coefficient depends on physical properties(porosity, humidity, etc.) and the degree of heating of the insulation. The heat-protective properties of some materials used to insulate houses sharply decrease when they reach certain temperatures, which limits their scope of application. Thermal conductivity coefficient different materials different. The lower its value, the thinner layer thermal insulation will be required.
  2. Water absorption - determines the ability of a material to absorb moisture and retain it in its own pores. Due to the fact that water conducts heat well, when wet, the insulation loses its beneficial qualities.
  3. Fire resistance is the property of a material to retain its structure when exposed to high temperatures. Not all insulating substances have this parameter. Among modern materials Only mineral wool, foam glass and airgel have good fire resistance.
  4. Air permeability is the ability of a substance to allow air and other gases to pass through. For example, during strong winds, the external air pressure on the insulation increases, which leads to the penetration of cold masses through the protective layer. Therefore, insulation materials with high porosity require additional wind protection.
  5. Strength is the ability of a material to withstand strong static and dynamic loads without large changes in its thermal insulation properties. Particularly durable materials include extruded polystyrene foam, foam glass, airgel and polyurethane foam.
  6. Environmental friendliness - since the insulation is used both in external and internal internal works, it is very important that during its entire service life it does not emit harmful human body substances.

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The choice of insulation depending on the conditions of use

Each thermal insulation material has its own area of ​​application where it will be most effective. Most experts say that high-quality thermal insulation can be achieved when every structural element in the house is insulated to the greatest extent possible. suitable material. Therefore, when choosing the best insulation, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of its use.

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External and internal wall insulation

External insulation for building walls differs from internal insulation in a different set of requirements. Usually the thermal insulation process is combined with decorative finishing facade. And this requires increased strength of the material used. That's why the best material in this case it will be basalt slab, extruded polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or plaster. They all have the necessary performance characteristics for outdoor work.

Basalt insulation can be used both for external insulation walls, as well as internal ones. It has low thermal conductivity, high density and increased strength. This material can be mounted in different ways: in one case it is glued to the wall, followed by reinforcement and cladding decorative plaster, in another - they are laid behind a ventilated facade (for example, under siding).

Extruded polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam are the best insulation materials For exterior finishing facade of the building. Its characteristics allow not only to produce high-quality thermal insulation home, but also treat the facade with decorative plaster. Insulating walls with foam plastic is by far the cheapest option.

Among positive qualities plaster can be noted high strength, which is quite difficult to damage mechanically. According to its composition, the material from which it is made warm plaster, is common cement-sand mortar with the addition of various fillers that reduce the thermal conductivity of the mixture. The thermal conductivity coefficient of such a solution will directly depend on the selected fillers.

For internal wall insulation, only vapor-permeable substances can be used, which include mineral (mineral wool) and natural (cork wallpaper) insulation. Mineral wool is an absolutely environmentally friendly material with good vapor permeability, so it the best way suitable for internal use. Its only disadvantage is its relatively high price.

The advantage of cork wallpaper is not only its environmental friendliness, but also its versatility, since it can simultaneously be used not only as insulation, but also as a decorative material.