Coffered ceiling: Renaissance luxury. Wooden coffered ceilings: design ideas and installation tips Designing coffered ceilings

The fashion for coffered ceilings arose several centuries ago, but now their function has changed. Now wooden beams are intended more for visual decoration than to strengthen the structure of the house. In addition, if previously only high-ranking officials could afford such a luxury, now everyone has the opportunity to make a coffered ceiling at home with their own hands.

Finishing features

A coffered ceiling is called a decorative one because its design includes many recesses and cells, which are decorated with wooden beams. All this has a very attractive appearance, giving the room luxury. When installing coffered ceilings, cornices, borders, molded rosettes, paintings, ornaments and transitions to the walls using special profiles are used.

It is recommended to make coffered ceilings in rooms with a height of at least 2.5 meters, since in large rooms they will be inappropriate. At the same time, it is also necessary to comply with certain architectural style the whole house. You can realize any design ideas: create caissons of certain shapes, various styles and color shades.


If simple dropped ceilings are already beginning to lose their relevance, then coffered ones remain just as in demand. With their help you can easily give the room the correct proportions. This is especially true for old houses with ceilings of about 3 meters. In addition, with such ceilings you can equip not only the ceiling vault, but also the inner surface interior arches. And also coffered ceilings, photos of which you can see further, also perfectly hide all possible surface defects. The main thing is to correctly decide on the type of ceilings, taking into account both the characteristics of the room and your own preferences.


Before you begin installing the coffered ceiling, you need to prepare all the materials. To do this, you need to finally decide on the future composition. On the old ceiling you need to roughly make a drawing of the placement of the slabs. This way you can calculate the required material.

First of all, materials are purchased to create a coffered ceiling structure. As an option, you can purchase ready-made caissons in the form of individual squares that are simply glued to the ceiling. However, over time they may peel off. When calculating, keep in mind that the pitch between the caissons for a standard ceiling should be within 80–100 cm.

To achieve the desired result when creating a ceiling with your own hands, we advise you to follow our recommendations, as well as watch a video in which you can see the installation process yourself. The installation of coffered ceilings should be carried out in stages.


Let us remind you that coffered ceilings reduce the height of the room, so if the room is not very spacious, it is better to choose thinner panels light shades. Typically, beams with a width of 12–15 cm are used. Their number depends on the size of the room. The more spacious the room, the more beams can be used.

If the installation of coffered ceilings is carried out in an apartment where the height of the room is very small, you can place beams in the door and window openings. This will create a contrast against the background of the existing recesses and visually increase the space. To prevent such ceilings from creating a repulsive environment, do not choose too dark colors, and do not combine them with dark furniture and other decorative elements. At the same time, be sure to take care of high-quality lighting.

You should carefully consider the choice of color, which plays a significant role. If, for example, you choose White color and move the ceiling down a few centimeters, you may get the feeling of a falling ceiling. If the room is large enough, use dark colors, they will make the environment more comfortable. You can always make some kind of ornament or molding to complement the design. It is possible to use stencil painting, gluing flowers and other architectural details. Attention should shift to the center of the ceiling, so it’s worth making it brighter.

Beam frame

First you need to prime the entire ceiling. If the first layer is absorbed quickly, repeat this step again. Now you can hang the wallpaper. It is recommended to do this together using plastic spatulas.

Now we mark marks on the ceiling in those places where the entire structure will be located. You need to start marking from the center. After this, you can begin installing the support beams for the coffered ceiling. They are nailed one by one, forming a certain pattern. After creating the frame, we attach it to the ceiling in accordance with the prepared plan. To cover the sides, strips of the same size are cut out.

Now we begin to create box-shaped beams, which are placed parallel to the central structure. After this, the longitudinal strips are attached and the transverse elements are installed. They must be applied strictly according to the marks, paying special attention to the corners. For final processing you need to seal all the cracks with profile slats.

Coffered ceiling

Everything new is well forgotten old. Coffered ceilings entered our lives a long time ago, they were used mainly in the decoration of castles and rich houses. Having reached our times, this method of finishing has become available to everyone, moreover, now it is quite possible to make a coffered ceiling with your own hands (see).

Caissons are a type of ceiling design in which square or polygonal recesses are made, made from intersecting beams. The coffered ceiling is decorated with decorative rosettes and carvings, because at all times such ceilings played not only a constructive role, but also served to decorate rooms.

It is worth noting that this ceiling design perfectly absorbs sounds, thereby improving the sound insulation of the room.

How to make a coffered ceiling


  1. Everything needs to start with an idea and a project. Try to imagine what you will really like in the future. To do this, you can view several photos on the Internet, consult with friends or relatives. Take into account the parameters of the room, lighting, height, purpose, and only after that proceed to the selection of materials. Making a coffered ceiling with your own hands is a rather complicated task, but at the same time, it’s interesting to do it.


  1. The sketch is the heart of the project. This will be the next step in your renovation, because all your thoughts need to be put together and see how they will look later. Use a regular piece of paper and a pencil. For clarity, you can add a little color to the sketch by coloring it with colored pencils.


  1. When the ideas are ready and the coffered ceilings are laid out in the sketch, you can begin the renovation itself. First of all, check the condition of your ceiling. If its surface is relatively smooth and solid, then it is quite suitable for finishing. Otherwise, smooth it with putty and let it dry thoroughly(cm. ).
  2. To ensure reliable fixation of materials, the ceiling surface must be primed. If the primer is very strongly absorbed, cover the surface with another layer after drying (see).
  3. Wallpaper should be placed under the coffered ceiling. It is advisable to choose a pattern that is monochromatic or has a slight structure. It is better to do this together; the wallpaper should be smoothed with a special plastic spatula (see).

Advice: if you buy smooth, plain wallpaper and do not smooth it out when pasting it under coffered ceilings, you get a rather interesting “crumpled” pattern. To do this, stretch the strip from wall to wall and glue it, first pressing it with your hand in several places, then casually level it across the ceiling with a board with a round end or a mop.


  1. Based on the sketch on the wallpaper, we mark the future caissons. At this time, you need to be very careful, and it is better to take measurements again and check the sketch.

Tip: Start marking from the center of the room, otherwise you may break the symmetry.

  1. We cut out a development from construction cardboard and, bending it along the lines, glue the beams together

  1. Glue the caissons to the ceiling using mounting adhesive. It is important not to stain the wallpaper during gluing.
  2. All joints and connections must also be covered with cardboard. This will be our main frame for the ceiling (see)
  3. Cover all beams with self-adhesive film, choosing a pattern depending on how you want your ceilings to look. They can be white or marbled; they also often use a pattern that imitates the structure and color of natural wood.
  4. We glue decorative elements onto the finished beams. You can paint them if you wish.

Second way

Another option is coffered ceilings made of polyurethane; this option is not so difficult to work with, but is more expensive. You can buy ready-made modules in the store and glue them to the ceiling. There are also modules mounted on special hidden fastenings. Modules can be selected to suit your taste, because there is a huge selection of beams, rosettes, stucco molding, etc.

Third way

Ideal for those who do not have high ceilings. This is the use of ceiling coffers, which consist of slabs and do not require significant labor during installation. Perfect option for apartments with low ceilings - choose not too high slabs and mount them on the ceiling. There are several options for installing such slabs.


  • Mounting on a special profile

  • Fixing the slabs to the ceiling using mounting adhesive or self-tapping screws

Coffered ceilings can be decorated with a large rosette in the center of the room, or an ornament can be drawn.. Also, a great option would be to cut out ornaments and thematic designs from wallpaper purchased for this purpose and then stick them on the ceiling. As a photo, instead of wallpaper, you can use tapestry fabric - it will look very impressive.

The ceilings will look just wonderful if you approach this issue judiciously and do not rush. After all, if you are not constantly engaged in repairs, then do not rush to create a castle right away. It's better to start with a small room and practice on it, and then move on to larger ones. grandiose projects. Then installing your ceilings will only be a pleasure.

The ceiling in the design of a room plays a certain final role, putting an end to the entire interior style. Among modern diversity finishing materials coffered ceilings are considered an innovation, although in fact this type of ceiling appeared back in Ancient Greece and gained widespread popularity during the Renaissance. As you know, the Renaissance era promoted beauty and grace in everything, so ceilings of this type are ideally suited for classic interior styles.

What a ceiling called a coffered ceiling is, what are the features of its installation and for which interiors it will be a real find - “Dream House” will tell you about all this today.

Features of the design of coffered ceilings

Coffered is usually called a type of wooden panel consisting of rectangular or square panels. main feature The distinctive feature of these ceilings is the presence of decorative recesses. It is these recesses that are the caissons.

During the Renaissance, imperial palaces and castles were decorated with coffered ceilings. At the dawn of its birth, such a recess in the ceiling was necessarily decorated with complex decorative carvings, and the surface was covered with gold and gilding. However, so complex designs were created not only to emphasize their status, but also to be able to hide the ceiling piles.

Of course, not everyone can afford real coffered ceilings made of expensive wood, but today designers decided to make luxury accessible and began creating coffered ceilings from cheaper materials - and polyurethane. It is also worth noting that true coffered ceilings do not currently exist. The fact is that in their “primordial” version they can only be created if their design begins together with the design of the house itself. Since this installation method is unreasonably expensive and complex, today coffered ceilings are a non-load-bearing decorative design, the surface of which is decorated with “recesses”.

Characteristics of coffered ceilings

The characteristics of this type of ceiling depend on the materials from which they were made. For example, coffered polyurethane ceilings are the lightest of all types. They cannot be used as load-bearing structure, That's why the main objective such ceilings is decorative decoration interior Since polyurethane is very easy to install, you can decorate a ceiling from this material in almost any room, if the appearance of the structure is in harmony with the overall style.

The “highlight” of these ceilings are the caissons, the so-called “recesses”. So that original ceiling, gravitating toward classic, monumental designs, does not come into dissonance with the interior of the room; designers recommend choosing the size of the caissons depending on the spaciousness of the room itself. For example, in small rooms Ceilings with small square recesses will look better, while the spaciousness of a large room can be emphasized by large and deep caissons decorated with elegant designs.

Coffered ceiling in the interior photo

A coffered plasterboard ceiling is the most affordable design option of this type. As a rule, only the frame itself is made from plasterboard, and the decorative cornice for the ceiling is formed from gypsum. It is convenient because lamps can be easily installed in its caissons, which will make the structure even more beautiful and unusual. This design will look most harmonious on high ceilings in interiors, or classic. A coffered plaster ceiling does not “load” the interior; it can be used not only in, but also in more modern styles.

Coffered ceilings made from MFD are a good alternative to real ones wooden ceilings. Ceilings made of this material are, first of all, interesting for their design value. Like previous varieties, the design of this ceiling consists of a frame to which bars are attached, creating a square or rectangle. The caisson can be decorated with stucco, various carved elements, etc.

Wooden coffered ceilings

Installation of a coffered ceiling

With skills construction work, making a coffered ceiling with your own hands is not difficult.

Before starting to mount the ceiling, it is necessary. Special requirements no to wallpaper, they can be either colored or plain, but you should not choose a color that is too dark, because in this case general form the ceiling will look too “bulky”. As for the material for making beams and frames, the most difficult thing to do on your own is to make a coffered ceiling from wood, and the easiest thing is from building cardboard. If desired, the structures can be covered decorative film imitating, for example, wood or other texture. The beams are attached to each other using wood glue. Installation of a coffered ceiling occurs by securing the structure with special fasteners.

Installation of a coffered ceiling

Coffered ceiling as a design element

A coffered ceiling of any type immediately adds luxury and expressiveness to the design of the room. Since in the original version such ceilings were made only of wood (oak, beech or walnut), coffered ceilings for a long time there were only dark colors. However, dark shades in the design of ceilings are not always appropriate. Perhaps, dark colors will look harmonious only in fairly large rooms decorated in classic style or . In all other cases, it is better to give preference to lighter and more natural shades.

Wooden coffered ceilings

Since the coffered ceiling itself looks colorful, it is necessary that its design echoes the elements of furniture or decoration in the room. For example, the design of a room with wooden or plasterboard ceilings and the same panels.

Thanks to special frame structure, the coffered ceiling can be not only flat, but also vaulted, which looks especially stylish in rooms decorated in vintage styles interior

Wooden coffered ceilings

Don’t forget that a coffered ceiling is not only stylish, but also convenient. Its design features make it easy to mount any chandeliers and lighting Moreover, such a ceiling provides additional heat and sound insulation. And, of course, similar design solution will not go unnoticed, surprising your guests and constantly delighting you with its original design.

IN last years Wooden coffered ceilings are becoming increasingly popular - they are beautiful, durable and environmentally friendly. Let's take a closer look at their advantages and features, installation method and photos of design options.

What is a caisson?

WITH French“caisson” is translated as box. Such ceilings look like several sections delimited by wooden beams. They suit large and airy spaces well, adding classic elegance.

Made of natural wood, the coffered ceiling looks expensive (however, as it costs), it is durable and solid. The processing features of the material allow it to be used in almost any room - from the living room to the kitchen.

This cannot be said to be an innovative solution - they were used in France back in the 17th century. But if previously they performed mainly a load-bearing function, now experiencing the second peak of popularity, they are used more often as original item interior

They are loved not only for their beauty - this coating has many other advantages:

However, it cannot be said that there were no downsides. First of all, it should be noted quite high price- Installing such a ceiling is expensive.

However, there are cheaper options - for example, coffered ceilings made of MDF or plasterboard.

These materials are also lighter, so they are well suited for rooms with not very strong floors.

They are not suitable for low rooms - minimum height The walls should be three meters. Otherwise, you risk getting a cramped and uncomfortable room.

It is unlikely that you will be able to carry out installation yourself: it requires certain skills, and solid wood cannot be named lightweight material- you will need the help of at least two or three people, or better yet, let the professionals do it.

Preparatory work

But, if you still decide to install it yourself, we recommend that you read these instructions very carefully - as mentioned above, the process is considered quite complicated.

The first thing you need is high-quality preliminary design. In this matter, it is better to contact the designers: they will be able to develop it, taking into account all the nuances of the room. For a classic coffered ceiling, the recommended distance between the slats is from 80 to 120 centimeters- depending on the surface area.

Interesting fact: There is an unspoken design rule- the more spacious the room, the more beams are needed for its use. Not only mathematical logic is involved here - in a small room a lot of even very thin beams will look clumsy, and in a large room a few thick ones will look rude, creating the effect of an unfinished room.

Place the caisson grid from the center- this way you will not disturb the geometry of the room and will be able to achieve a uniform result. Be sure to mark on the diagram the location of all lighting sources, communications outlets and wires, fireproof elements - it is better to take this into account immediately than to spoil the coating later by cutting unplanned holes.

There are a couple of nuances that need to be taken into account. If you decide to install coffered ceilings in rooms with low walls, place the beams in the window and doorways- this will help expand the volume of the room.

It is better to avoid their use in dark rooms with low lighting - they will create an oppressive impression.

If you choose a white background, then the beams must fit tightly to the covering - otherwise you risk getting the effect of a falling ceiling. In general, color for caissons is very important - pay close attention to it.

For example, dark brown shades are suitable only for large rooms - they will make them visually neat and cozy.

And most importantly, the caissons must be combined with the rest of the interior. They would not be particularly appropriate in a high-tech studio: it is better to use them for classically decorated rooms.

Having completed the sketch and decided on the design, proceed to the purchase. building materials. You will need:

  • Directly caissons. These can be ready-made squares or just beams of appropriate sizes. The first option can be installed much faster, but there is a risk that over time it may begin to move away from the coating. The second one takes much longer, but is more reliable. It is better to choose oak, pine or alder. Please note that conifers have a slight aroma - take this into account if you cannot stand such odors.
  • Nails;
  • Adhesive paint;
  • High-quality wood glue;
  • Angle ruler;
  • Saw.

If at the preparation stage your enthusiasm has not yet died down, then it’s time to move on to the most important thing - installing the beams.

Installation of a coffered ceiling

First of all, it is necessary to carry out work to prepare the coating: thoroughly prime the surface.

When the coating is completely dry (this is important, so it’s better to wait a day or two, depending on the glue), apply markings. Take into account the location of the rail in the central part, otherwise you may end up with a skew towards one of the walls.

Important point: When marking, keep in mind that the distance from the wall to the first square element of the frame must be at least 15 centimeters.

The next stage can be called key: installation of beams and ceiling support structures using nails. Strictly follow the plan and secure them carefully, otherwise you risk creating an emergency in your own home.

The beams must be mounted using stretched twine- it will ensure exact compliance with the project and will help not spoil the appearance of the coffered ceiling. Special attention pay attention to the corners - the slightest carelessness can nullify the entire effectiveness of such a finish.

Having installed all the beams, move on to the panels: secure them with construction staples and nails. Having completed one square, proceed to the next. The work is painstaking, but the result is undoubtedly worth it.

If cracks appear during installation, use the thinnest slats to disguise them- this will not only hide defects, but also add volume to the structure.

WITH ready-made slabs everything is much simpler: just start attaching them from the center to the walls using brackets - this way you will get a neat and beautiful ceiling. As in the previous method, mask all holes with decorative strips.

Coffered ceilings in the interior

Is such a long and rather complex work worth the effort? We think you will be able to answer this question yourself by looking at the following selection of photos - we have collected for you best examples use of caissons in the interior country houses and apartments.

IN Lately comes into fashion Scandinavian style design - airy minimalism, full of light shades and natural materials. White solid wood caissons fit the concept perfectly.

It is noteworthy that thanks to such tones, the ceiling design is well suited even for small rooms - it will visually make them more spacious and will not add massiveness to the coating.

It is better to keep the rest of the design of the living room or bedroom in the same spirit - this way you will get a complete picture that will delight you with comfort for a long time.

An original option for large living rooms, where it is pleasant to spend a family evening - brown coffers with hidden lighting. Yes, installation of the structure will cost you a lot and requires very careful planning. However, the result is worth it.

Even despite the massive beams, such a ceiling does not seem bulky - it looks very beautiful and natural, creating a fabulous impression in a classically decorated living room.

Another fashionable solution is chalet-style coffered ceilings. The “Swiss house” type of design, which came from mountainous France, has long taken root in Russia. This coating will help achieve full compliance: soft, natural tones, natural wood, simplicity and clarity of lines.

You can decorate it with a contrasting and elaborate chandelier of a complex shape - it will emphasize the elegance of the ceiling and complement the impression. However, remember that this option looks best in large rooms - in small ones it can be a little boring.

Decoration in country style is suitable for both a private home and an apartment - almost everyone likes the cozy and warm design. There is no deliberate luxury in it, and yet it looks expensive.

Use rough, seemingly raw beams to create a more authentic effect. By the way, it is not at all necessary to install caissons over the entire ceiling area - you can use them to zone the room, highlighting, for example, an area of ​​upholstered furniture.

A fairly expensive option that will leave almost no one indifferent is a solid solid coffered ceiling with built-in stained glass.

Installing the structure will take quite a lot of time, but the result is worth it - unusual, beautiful and impressive. However, it should be noted that the rest of the room must match - select furniture and design accessories that will not get lost in such a frame, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

In addition, you need to make sure that the paints on the stained glass window are heat-resistant or that the chandelier is located at a sufficient distance from them.

And, of course, this technique is not suitable for small rooms - it will either make them even smaller, or, if you choose a small glass scale, it will lose all its attractiveness.

If you want to install a coffered ceiling of dark colors in a small room (remember the main rule - the walls are not lower than three meters), you you'll have to think carefully about the lighting. Any massive chandeliers will not be very appropriate - it is better to opt for spotlights.

You can arrange them in a strict order or pretend that you placed the light bulbs randomly - it all depends on your taste. The main thing is to make sure that there is enough such light.

Don't be afraid to use decorative elements, if the size of the room allows - beautiful skirting boards, finishing, stucco. Even simple caissons look very elegant, but the use of decor fully reveals their monumentality.

Make sure it matches the rest of the room's decor if you don't want the ceiling to look like an alien element.

You can also use caissons as a frame for inserts with larger edges in a contrasting color. This method is good even for not very large premises: depending on the shape of the insert element, it can expand or lengthen the room.

In this case, you will have to pay close attention to the processing of corners - any negligence will be evident.

By the way, it is not necessary to make all the caissons the same size - alternating “boxes” can look extremely impressive and add style to a room decorated as simply as possible.

We hope you are convinced that the result is worth the effort - the caissons really look very nice. If you add to this their durability, you will get a ceiling that will delight you for many years.

Probably everyone had to admire beautiful ceilings in the "caisson" style. For example, in the vaults of domes or arches, in ancient mansions and theater buildings. In translation, the word “caisson” means “box”, “cassette”, “niche”.

The history of the origin of the caisson goes deep into antiquity, during the era of Roman rule. They called the structural recesses nothing more than kalimas (cover, ceiling). Caissons appeared as a result of the fact that during construction simplest roof wooden beams intersected lengthwise and crosswise.

As a result, niches of rectangular or other shapes were formed. A little later, people began to decorate and decorate the recesses, which became an integral part of the architectural solutions of that time.

Description and features

* Coffered ceiling made of cardboard. This solution is considered cheap and accessible. The material used is construction cardboard. Prepared plywood beams are covered with any textured film (wood-like, molding-like, mosaic-like). All work is carried out using carpentry.

* Coffered plasterboard ceilingunusual solution For ceiling surface. A base of plasterboard is immediately made, then complemented with a cornice made of different materials(gypsum, cardboard, MDF and so on). Such ceilings are used when it is necessary to create a “Baroque” or “Empire” style, where the interior is dominated by a significant room height and massive windows.

There are many techniques for creating coffered ceilings. For example, niches are made from, and sockets are designed as desired. Attention is paid to the joints; special skill will be required here to hide the nodes without compromising the integrity of the structure.

* Coffered ceiling using MDF. Due to the fact that MDF panels are accessible and inexpensive, you can finish the ceiling however you like. They act as an excellent alternative wooden materials.

Another advantage is ease of installation. However, the panels have some negative factors: high flammability, deformed under the influence of moisture and mechanical stress.

* Coffered ceiling made of polyurethane– this is a new birth for such ceilings. Everyone knows that polyurethane has many beneficial properties. Another and, undoubtedly, main advantage is ease of installation. Cassettes are manufactured to be ideal in terms of size, shape and symmetry. As for weight, they are light when compared to wood.

In niches, lighting can be placed at your discretion. They can be painted and shaded in any color, and a variety of cutting techniques are used. Appearance A similar ceiling creates an elite and expensive decoration. This ceiling is also easy to care for and can be washed and cleaned.

Installation of a coffered ceiling

If you are a creative person and a workaholic, then create coffered ceiling it is possible with your own hands. The only thing you need is time for preparation, tools, material and visual aids. detailed instructions.

Before you start decorating the ceiling, you need to think about what function it will perform: useful or decorative? It is not advisable to “heavien” ceilings in very small rooms; completely different coatings are suitable for them.

If space allows, then you can create a coffered ceiling based on desire and capabilities. Made by yourself will not only bring pleasure in the process of work, but will also become the real pride of any owner.

To begin with, draw a sketch of the future coffered ceiling, taking into account the interior and the height of the room itself. They decide on the composition, do not forget about communications (they may need to be hidden). The locations of the cassettes start from the center of the room. Determine the color and approximate material for work.

When the time comes to purchase, they take the drawing with them. The consultant in the store will definitely tell you suitable option material (modules). They are then glued to the ceiling, with light or natural veneer. The step for each module is measured from 80 to 100 cm for ceilings up to 3 meters. For ceilings from 3 meters, a step of 100 cm or more is used.

We must not forget that a coffered ceiling is effective when the room has big sizes. In small ones, it will simply act overwhelming, but here you can use a trick: use caissons not in dark classical tones, but in light ones.

Black beams paired with dark furniture capable of creating an oppressive atmosphere. In rooms with low ceiling, beams are placed in the openings of windows and doors. Proper alternation light and dark tones will help to visually “expand” the space.

For reliable connection The material with the ceiling is double coated and allowed to dry thoroughly. Under the coffered niches, plain colors are usually glued ceiling wallpaper, that is, not structured. Before performing the immediate installation of a coffered ceiling, make marks (preferably from the center).

The main components of the ceiling - the supporting (longitudinal) beams - are fastened with nails in the planned row, adhering to the chosen composition. Transverse elements are measured and adjusted to each niche individually.

Secure with wood glue or wood glue. The work is painstaking and monotonous, but if you follow all the exact instructions, the ceiling will turn out perfect.

In order to hide small cracks and gaps, decorative profile slats are used. When the structural grid is already ready on the ceiling, it can be painted in any color, or left like that for next installation.

Finished modules are attached using glue (assembly) from a proven and reliable manufacturer. It should not damage or stain the wallpaper base.

The first test section is attached in the center, then the ceiling is carefully inspected in order to get your bearings. The joints between the beam and the slab are secured with staples or special tenons, then they are covered with ceiling slats. For example, glue is used for paper/cardboard products, and self-tapping screws are used for plaster products.

If you look carefully photo of coffered ceiling in ceremonial rooms, concert halls or halls, it is mainly made of expensive wood or molding covered with gilding.

For ordinary living rooms They use wood derivatives: pressed boards with admixtures of wood, shavings and PVC. For work you will need carpentry and paint glue, a file, nails of various sizes, a tape measure, a ruler, a sharp knife, scissors, brushes or rollers.


Prices for coffered ceilings will be as follows:

* A coffered ceiling made of expensive wood costs from 17 thousand rubles per sq.m;
* A coffered plasterboard ceiling costs from 1800 to 2000 rubles per sq.m;
* Coffered ceiling made of polyurethane costs from 2800 rubles per sq.m and above.

The best manufacturers ceiling cassettes are considered to be “Europlast” (Russia), “Orac Lux” (Belgium), “Dekomaster” (China), “Gaudi Decor” (Malaysia).