Classification of material and technical resources. Material resources: types, efficiency of use

In order to operate normally and uninterruptedly, each enterprise must promptly receive the materials, fuel, and energy it needs in the composition and quantity needed to carry out the production process. These material and energy resources must be rationally used in order to increase production output with the same amount of allocated materials and fuel and reduce its cost.

All resources are divided into labor, financial, natural, material, energy and production.

Labor resources are a part of the country's population participating in the creation of the gross national product (GNP) in accordance with their educational and professional level. This essential element economic potential of the country.

Financial resources are cash, at the disposal of the state, associations, enterprises, organizations and institutions. Part financial resources includes profits, depreciation charges, contributions to the state social insurance budget, and funds of the population mobilized by the state into the financial system.

Natural resources- part of the natural environment used or suitable for use by society in order to satisfy the material and spiritual needs of people. Natural resources are classified into mineral, land, water, plant and animal, and atmospheric.

Material resources- a set of objects and objects of labor, a complex of things that a person influences in the process and with the help of means of labor in order to adapt them to meet their needs and use in the production process (raw materials).

Energy resources are energy carriers used in production economic activity. They are classified: by type - coal, oil and oil products, gas, hydropower, electricity; by methods of preparation for use - natural, ennobled, enriched, processed, transformed; by methods of receipt - from outside (from another enterprise), own production; by frequency of use - primary, secondary, reusable; according to the direction of use - in industry, agriculture, construction, transport.

Production resources (means of labor) are a thing or a set of things that a person places between himself and the subject of labor and which serve for him as a conductor of influence on him in order to obtain the necessary material benefits. Instruments of labor are also called fixed assets, which in turn are classified into a number of groups.

Primary and derived material resources

Material and technical resources are a collective term that refers to objects of labor used in primary and auxiliary production.

Material and technical resources, i.e. basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, energy and semi-finished products obtained from outside make up the bulk of revolving funds most enterprises. Only in some branches of mechanical engineering (with long production cycles) Substantial part working capital consists of work in progress and semi-finished products of own production.

The largest share of the material and technical resources of the enterprise consists of basic materials. These include objects of labor that go into the production of products and form its main content. The main materials in the manufacture of, for example, a car are metal, glass, fabric, etc.

Auxiliary materials include materials consumed in the process of servicing the main production or added to the main materials in order to change them appearance and some other properties (lubricants, cleaning materials, packaging materials, dyes, etc.).

IN metallurgical production usually additional materials are also isolated, which are added to the main ones as reagents of the metallurgical process. Such materials include: in blast furnace production - limestone and other fluxing materials; in open-hearth - oxidizing agents (for example, iron ore, manganese ore) and fluxing materials (limestone, lime, bauxite), as well as filling materials (dolomite and magnesite). This group of materials also includes acids for pickling metals, oils for heat treatment of metals, zinc and tin for galvanizing and tinning industries. In the practice of metallurgical plants, these materials are combined with the main ones in the general article “raw materials and basic materials”. Essentially, some of the additional materials can be classified as basic materials, and some - as auxiliary materials.

Depending on the nature of use, fuel and energy are divided into: technological, i.e. directly involved in the process of manufacturing products (in smelting, electrolysis, electric welding, etc.); motor; used to service the production process (for heating, lighting, ventilation, etc.). This classification of material and energy resources determines the different nature of consumption of these groups, and, consequently, a different approach to establishing standards for their consumption, determining the need for them and identifying ways to use them more economically.

The main feature of the classification of all types of material and technical resources is their origin. For example, the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals (metallurgy), the production of non-metals (chemical production), the production of wood products (woodworking), etc.

Material and technical resources are also classified according to their purpose in the production process (production of semi-finished products, components, final finished products). For material resources, additional classification characteristics: physicochemical characteristics(thermal conductivity, heat capacity, electrical conductivity, density, viscosity, hardness); shape (bodies of rotation - rod, pipe, profile, angle, hexagon, beam, lath); dimensions (small, medium and large sizes by length, width, height and volume); physical (aggregate) state (liquid, solid, gaseous).

Material resources, depending on their purpose in the production and technological process, are broadly classified into the following groups: raw materials (for the production of material and energy resources); materials (for main and auxiliary production); semi-finished products (for further processing); components (for the manufacture of the final product); finished products(to provide consumers with goods).

Raw materials.

These are raw materials that, during the production process, form the basis of a semi-finished product or finished product. Here, first of all, industrial raw materials should be highlighted, which, in turn, are classified into mineral and artificial.

Mineral fuel and energy raw materials include natural gas, oil, coal, oil shale, peat, uranium; to metallurgical - ores of ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals; to the mining chemical - agronomic ores (for the production of fertilizers), barite (for producing white paints and as a filler), fluorspar (used in metallurgy, chemical industry), sulfur (for the chemical industry and Agriculture); technical - diamonds, graphite, mica; for construction - stone, sand, clay, etc.

Artificial raw materials include synthetic resins and plastics, synthetic rubber, leather substitutes, and various detergents.

Important place in national economy occupies agricultural raw materials. It, in turn, is classified into plant (cereals, industrial crops) and animal (meat, milk, eggs, raw hides, wool) origin. In addition, raw materials from the forestry and fishing industries are isolated - procurement raw materials. This is a collection of wild and medicinal plants; berries, nuts, mushrooms; logging, fishing.


This is the basis for the production of semi-finished products, components, industrial and consumer goods. Materials are classified into basic and auxiliary. The main ones include those types that are directly included in the composition of the finished product; to auxiliary - those not included in its composition, but without which it is impossible to conduct technological processes for its production.

In turn, basic and auxiliary materials are divided into types, classes, subclasses, groups and subgroups. In general, materials are classified into metals and non-metals, depending on their physical state - into solid, granular, liquid and gaseous.

Semi-finished products.

These are intermediate products that must go through one or more stages of processing before becoming the final product. Semi-finished products are classified into two main groups. The first group includes partially manufactured products within a separate enterprise, transferred by one production division to another. The second group consists of semi-finished products obtained through cooperation from one industrial enterprise to another.

Semi-finished products can be subjected to either one-time processing, after which they are turned into finished products, or multi-operational processing according to developed technological processes.


These are finished products that, through cooperation, are supplied by one industrial enterprise to another for the production of the final finished product. The final finished product is actually assembled from the components.

Final finished product.

These are produced industrial enterprises goods for industrial or consumer purposes intended for sale to intermediate or final consumers. Individual consumer goods can be durable (reusable) and short-term use, everyday demand, pre-selection, special demand.

Secondary material resources.

Waste refers to the remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products generated during the production of products or performance of work and which have lost completely or partially their original consumer properties. In addition, waste is generated as a result of the dismantling and write-off of parts, assemblies, machines, equipment, installations, and other fixed assets. Waste includes products and materials that are no longer in use among the population and have lost their consumer properties as a result of physical or moral wear and tear.

Secondary material resources include all types of waste, including those for which there are currently no technical, economic or organizational conditions for use. In this regard, it should be noted that with the increase in production volumes of industrial and consumer goods, the volumes of secondary material resources will constantly increase. They have their own classification according to the place of generation (production and consumption waste), application (used and unused), technology (subject to and not subject to additional processing), state of aggregation (liquid, solid, gaseous), chemical composition(organic and inorganic), toxicity (toxic, non-toxic), place of use, volume, etc.

Material and technical resources used for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, depending on the main purpose, are divided into resources: for the manufacture of load-bearing and enclosing structures and parts, for the installation of coatings that insulate and protect against the penetration of moisture, gases, sound, corrosion, rotting, fires, etc.; for the construction of structures, parts and coatings that provide household amenities and comfortable conditions in residential, public and industrial buildings and structures (installation of sanitary and engineering technical systems); for fastening materials, parts and products; for the production of other materials and semi-finished products.

Material and technical resources depending on the sources of financing when paying for materials and with the current system for them accounting are divided into the following groups: building materials and equipment for installation, low-value and wearable items. Construction materials and equipment are divided into the following subgroups; basic materials, structures and parts, other materials, equipment for installation. Basic materials are all materials that are materially included in the structures of buildings and structures. The composition of basic materials takes into account sanitary Technical equipment, if it is provided for in estimates for construction work and is included in the scope construction work under the article “Materials”. Structures and parts - prefabricated and reinforced concrete, wood, metal, asbestos-cement and other structures, prefabricated buildings and structures, pipes from various materials, rails, sleepers, prefabricated elements for sanitary works, etc. Other materials – non-inventory containers, spare parts, fuel, maintenance materials, auxiliary materials. Spare parts include parts and components of construction mechanisms, Vehicle, equipment, machines intended for capital and current repairs these means of production. In addition, this subgroup includes materials obtained during construction work as by-product under the article “Associated mining materials”, provided that they are semi-finished products or even finished products that can be used or sold.

Crushed stone, sand, timber obtained during stripping operations in quarries, when laying routes for high-voltage lines in forest areas, cleaning areas in a flood zone, etc., are classified as “Associated Mining Materials”. Materials obtained during associated mining and used by construction for its own needs are accounted for in the subgroup “Main building materials" Material and technical resources, characterized by a set of characteristics reflecting various characteristics materials (physical-mechanical, geometric, structural, etc.), include materials and products from natural stone, materials for the manufacture of metal, wood, concrete and reinforced concrete structures, binding materials, building mortars, ceramic and silicate materials and products, materials and products based on polymers, timber and products, gypsum and gypsum cement products, roofing, waterproofing and vapor barrier materials, thermal insulation and acoustic, fireproof materials and products resistant to corrosion, materials for protection wooden structures from rotting, woodworm damage and burnout, materials and products for construction railways, materials and equipment for the construction of sanitary systems, etc.

The classification of material and technical resources facilitates the selection of the necessary vehicles for their delivery (road, rail, water, air, specialized transport) depending on the cargo (their dimensions, weight, physical condition).

The classification allows designers and builders to take into account the features of stored and accumulated material and technical resources (bulk, liquid, gaseous and other products) when constructing warehouse complexes and terminals. There is an opportunity to choose best option their storage, take into account the impact on environment, create artificial conditions for this.

This allows you to create optimal reserves of material and technical resources and meet deadlines warehousing, timely maneuver stocks, sell them, linking all links of the overall logistics chain. We are talking about the use of information networks that provide logistics services with initial data for making rational decisions.

Thus, in the process of producing products, performing work and providing services, objects of labor are used in addition to tools.

Unlike fixed assets, these material assets, as a rule, are consumed entirely in one production cycle and their cost is entirely transferred to manufactured products (work, services).

Material resources are the objects of labor consumed in the production process, which include basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products and components, fuel and energy for technological needs.

Material and technical resources are classified according to a number of criteria depending on their purpose, sources of financing, etc.

For the uninterrupted functioning of production, well-established logistics support (MTS) is necessary, which at enterprises is carried out through logistics authorities.

The main task of the enterprise supply authorities is the timely and optimal provision of production with the necessary material resources of appropriate completeness and quality.

List of used literature

1. Bregadze I.V. “Organization of material and technical resource management at railway transport enterprises.” - M.: RGOTUPS, 2006.

2. Zologorov V.G. Organization and planning of production. Practical guide. - Mn.: FUAinform, 2001. - 528 p.

3. Smirnova. E.V. "Introduction to the theory of material resource management." - M.: RGOTUPS, 2005.

4. Analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise: Textbook. allowance/Under general. ed. L.L. Ermolovich. — Mn.: Interpressservice; Ecoperspective, 2001. - 576 p.

5. Enterprise Economics / V.Ya. Khripach. - Mn. : Economypress, 2000. - p. 243-244

The resources of an enterprise are divided into: labor, financial, natural, material, energy and production.

Labor resources- this is the part of the country's population that participates in the creation of the gross national product (GNP) in accordance with its educational and professional level. This is the most important element of the country's economic potential.

Financial resources- these are funds at the disposal of the state, associations, enterprises, organizations and institutions. Financial resources include profit, depreciation charges, contributions to the state social insurance budget, and public funds mobilized by the state into the financial system.

Natural resources- part of the natural environment used or suitable for use by society in order to satisfy the material and spiritual needs of people. Natural resources are classified into mineral, land, water, plant and animal, and atmospheric.

Material resources- a set of objects and objects of labor, a complex of things that a person influences in the process and with the help of means of labor in order to adapt them to meet their needs and use in the production process (raw materials).

Energetic resources- energy carriers used in production and economic activities.

They are classified:

Coal, oil and petroleum products, gas, hydropower, electricity;

Natural, ennobled, enriched, processed, transformed;

From outside (from another enterprise), own production;

primary, secondary, reusable;

in industry, agriculture, construction, transport.

Production resources(means of labor) - a thing or a set of things that a person places between himself and the object of labor and which serves for him as a conductor of influence on him in order to obtain the necessary material benefits. Instruments of labor are also called fixed assets, which in turn are classified into a number of groups.

Primary and derived material resources

material technical support resource

Material and technical resources is a collective term that denotes objects of labor used in primary and auxiliary production. The main feature of the classification of all types of material and technical resources is their origin. For example, the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals (metallurgy), the production of non-metals (chemical production), the production of wood products (woodworking), etc.

Material and technical resources are also classified according to their purpose in the production process (production of semi-finished products, components, final finished products). For material resources, additional classification characteristics are introduced: physical and chemical properties (thermal conductivity, heat capacity, electrical conductivity, density, viscosity, hardness); shape (bodies of revolution - rod, pipe, profile, angle, hexagon, beam, lath); dimensions (small, medium and large sizes in length, width, height and volume); physical (aggregate) state (liquid, solid, gaseous).

Material resources, depending on their purpose in the production and technological process, are broadly classified into the following groups: raw materials (for the production of material and energy resources); materials (for main and auxiliary production); semi-finished products (for further processing); components (for the manufacture of the final product); finished products (to provide consumers with goods).

Raw materials

These are raw materials that, during the production process, form the basis of a semi-finished or finished product. Here, first of all, industrial raw materials should be highlighted, which, in turn, are classified into mineral and artificial.

Mineral fuel and energy raw materials include natural gas, oil, coal, oil shale, peat, uranium; to metallurgical - ores of ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals; to the mining chemical - agronomic ores (for the production of fertilizers), barite (for producing white paints and as a filler), fluorspar (used in metallurgy, the chemical industry), sulfur (for the chemical industry and agriculture); technical - diamonds, graphite, mica; for construction - stone, sand, clay, etc.

Artificial raw materials include synthetic resins and plastics, synthetic rubber, leather substitutes, and various detergents.

Agricultural raw materials occupy an important place in the national economy. It, in turn, is classified into plant (cereals, industrial crops) and animal (meat, milk, eggs, raw hides, wool) origin. In addition, raw materials from the forestry and fishing industries are isolated - procurement raw materials. This is a collection of wild and medicinal plants; berries, nuts, mushrooms; logging, fishing.


This is the basis for the production of semi-finished products, components, industrial and consumer goods. Materials are classified into basic and auxiliary. The main ones include those types that are directly included in the composition of the finished product; auxiliary - those not included in its composition, but without which it is impossible to carry out technological processes for its production.

In turn, basic and auxiliary materials are divided into types, classes, subclasses, groups and subgroups. In general, materials are classified into metals and non-metals, depending on their physical state - into solid, granular, liquid and gaseous.

Semi-finished products

These are intermediate products that must go through one or more stages of processing before becoming the final product. Semi-finished products are classified into two main groups. The first group includes partially manufactured products within a separate enterprise, transferred from one production unit to another. The second group consists of semi-finished products obtained through cooperation from one industrial enterprise to another.

Semi-finished products can be subjected to either one-time processing, after which they are turned into finished products, or multi-operational processing according to developed technological processes.


These are finished products that, through cooperation, are supplied by one industrial enterprise to another for the production of the final finished product. The final finished product is actually assembled from the components.

Final finished products

These are goods for industrial or consumer purposes produced by industrial enterprises, intended for sale to intermediate or final consumers. Individual consumer goods can be durable (reusable) and short-term use, everyday demand, pre-selection, special demand.

Secondary material resources

Waste refers to the remains of raw materials, materials, and semi-finished products generated during the production of products or performance of work and which have lost, in whole or in part, their original consumer properties. In addition, waste is generated as a result of the dismantling and write-off of parts, assemblies, machines, equipment, installations, and other fixed assets. Waste includes products and materials that are no longer in use among the population and have lost their consumer properties as a result of physical or moral wear and tear.

Secondary material resources include all types of waste, including those for which there are currently no technical, economic or organizational conditions for use. In this regard, it should be noted that with the increase in production volumes of industrial and consumer goods, the volumes of secondary material resources will constantly increase. They have their own classification:


application (used and unused),

technologies (subject and not subject to additional processing),

state of aggregation (liquid, solid, gaseous), chemical composition (organic and inorganic),

toxicity (toxic, non-toxic), place of use, volume, etc.

The meaning of the classification of material and technical resources

The classification of material and technical resources facilitates the selection of the necessary vehicles for their delivery (road, rail, water, air, specialized transport) depending on the cargo (their dimensions, weight, physical condition).

This classification allows designers and builders to take into account the features of stored and accumulated material and technical resources (bulk, liquid, gaseous and other products) during the construction of warehouse complexes and terminals. It becomes possible to choose the optimal storage option, take into account the impact on the environment, and create artificial conditions for this.

This allows you to create optimal reserves of material and technical resources, comply with warehouse storage deadlines, timely maneuver inventories, and sell them, linking all links of the overall logistics chain. We are talking about the use of information networks that provide logistics services with initial data for making rational decisions.

Resources are divided into labor, financial, natural, material, energy and production.

Labor resources— ϶ᴛᴏ part of the country's population participating in the creation of the gross national product (GNP) in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙi with their educational and professional level. This is a key element of the country's economic potential.

Financial resources— ϶ᴛᴏ funds at the disposal of the state, associations, enterprises, organizations and institutions. Financial resources include profit, depreciation charges, contributions to the state social insurance budget, and public funds mobilized by the state into the financial system.

Natural resources- part of the natural environment used or suitable for use by society in order to satisfy the material and spiritual needs of people. Natural resources are classified into mineral, land, water, plant and animal, and atmospheric.

Material resources- a set of objects and objects of labor, a complex of things that a person influences in the process and with the help of means of labor in order to adapt them to meet their needs and use in the production process (raw materials and supplies)

Energetic resources— energy carriers used in production and economic activities. The material was published on http://site
It is worth noting that they are classified: by type— coal, oil and oil products, gas, hydropower, electricity; by methods of preparation for use- natural, ennobled, enriched, processed, transformed; by methods of obtaining- from outside (from another enterprise), from own production; by frequency of use - primary,

recycled, reusable; by area of ​​use - in industry, agriculture, construction, transport.

Production resources (implements of labor)- a thing or a set of things that a person places between himself and the object of labor and which serves him as a conductor of influence on him in order to obtain the necessary material benefits. Instruments of labor are also called fixed assets, which in turn are classified into a number of groups.

Primary and derived material resources

Material and technical resources— ϶ᴛᴏ a collective term that denotes objects of labor used in primary and auxiliary production. The main feature of the classification of all types of material and technical resources will be their origin. For example, the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals (metallurgy), the production of non-metals (chemical production), the production of wood products (woodworking), etc.

Material and technical resources are also classified according to their purpose in the production process (production of semi-finished products, components, final finished products). It is worth saying that additional classification criteria are introduced for material resources: physical and chemical properties (thermal conductivity, heat capacity, electrical conductivity, density, viscosity, hardness ); shape (bodies of rotation - rod, pipe, profile, angle, hexagon, beam, lath); dimensions (small, medium and large sizes in length, width, height and volume); physical (aggregate) state (liquid, solid, gaseous)

Material resources, depending on their purpose in the production and technological process, are broadly classified into the following groups: raw materials(for the production of material and energy resources); materials(for main and auxiliary production); semi-finished products(for further processing); components(for the manufacture of the final product); finished products(to provide consumers with goods)

Raw materials

These are raw materials, which during the production process form the basis of a semi-finished product or finished product. Here, first of all, it is necessary to highlight industrial raw materials, which, in turn, are classified into mineral and artificial.

Mineral fuel and energy raw materials include natural gas, oil, coal, oil shale, peat, uranium; metallurgical - ores of ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals; to the mining chemical - agronomic ores (for the production of fertilizers), barite (for producing white paints and as a filler), fluorspar (used in metallurgy, the chemical industry), sulfur (for the chemical industry and agriculture); technical - diamonds, graphite, mica; for construction - stone, sand, clay, etc.

Artificial raw materials include synthetic resins and plastics, synthetic rubber, leather substitutes, and various detergents.

Don't forget that important place Agricultural raw materials occupy the national economy. It is worth noting that it is first of all classified into plant (cereals, industrial crops) and animal (meat, milk, eggs, raw hides, wool) origin. Excluding the above, raw materials from the forestry and fishing industries are isolated - procurement raw materials. This is a collection of wild and medicinal plants; berries, nuts, mushrooms; logging, fishing.


This is the basis for the production of semi-finished products, components, industrial and consumer goods. Materials are classified into basic and auxiliary. The main ones include those types that are directly included in the composition of the finished product; auxiliary - those not included in its composition, but without which it is impossible to carry out technological processes for its production.

In this case, basic and auxiliary materials are divided into types, classes, subclasses, groups and subgroups. In general, materials are classified into metals and non-metals, depending on their physical state - into solid, granular, liquid and gaseous.

It’s worth saying - semi-finished products

These are intermediate products that must go through one or more stages of processing before becoming the final product. It is worth saying that semi-finished products are classified into two main groups. The first group includes partially manufactured products within a separate enterprise, transferred from one production unit to another. The second group consists of semi-finished products obtained through cooperation from one industrial enterprise to another.

It is worth saying that semi-finished products can be subjected to either one-time processing, after which they are turned into finished products, or multi-operational processing according to developed technological processes.


These are finished products, which, through cooperation, are supplied by one industrial enterprise to another for the production of the final finished product. The final finished product is actually assembled from the components.

Final finished products

These are goods for industrial or consumer purposes produced by industrial enterprises, intended for sale to intermediate or final consumers. Individual consumer goods can be durable (reusable) and short-term use, everyday demand, pre-selection, special demand.

Secondary material resources

Waste refers to the remains of raw materials, materials, and semi-finished products generated during the production of products or performance of work and which have lost, in whole or in part, their original consumer properties. In addition, waste is generated as a result of the dismantling and write-off of parts, assemblies, machines, equipment, installations, and other fixed assets. Waste includes products and materials that are no longer in use among the population and have lost their usefulness and consumer properties as a result of physical or moral wear and tear.

Secondary material resources include all types of waste, incl. and those for which there are currently no technical, economic or organizational conditions for use. For this reason, it should be noted that with an increase in the production volumes of industrial and consumer goods, the volumes of secondary material resources will constantly increase. It is worth noting that they have a classification according to the place of formation (industrial waste,

consumption), application (used and unused), technology (subject to and not subject to additional processing), state of aggregation (liquid, solid, gaseous), chemical composition (organic and inorganic), toxicity (toxic, non-toxic), place of use, volume and etc.

Meaning of Resource Classification

The classification of material and technical resources facilitates the selection of the necessary vehicles for their delivery (road, rail, water, air, specialized transport) depending on the cargo (their dimensions, weight, physical condition)

It is this classification that allows designers and builders to take into account the features of stored and accumulated material and technical resources (bulk, liquid, gaseous and other products) during the construction of warehouse complexes and terminals. It will be possible to choose the optimal option for their storage, take into account the impact on the environment, and create artificial conditions for ϶ᴛᴏgo.

This allows you to create optimal reserves of material and technical resources, comply with warehouse storage deadlines, maneuver stocks in a timely manner, and sell them, linking all links of the overall logistics chain. We are talking about the use of information networks that provide logistics services with initial data for making rational decisions.

Analysis of the provision of material resources and their use

Let's study the influence of material resources on the volume of output. All other things being equal, the volume of production will be greater, the better the organization is provided with raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, fuel and energy equivalent to material resources and the better they can be used.

The main sources of information for analysis will be: explanatory note To annual report organizations, order journal No. 6 for settlements with suppliers for materials, order journal No. 10 for accounting for production costs, statements of materials consumption reports, cutting sheets, receipt orders for materials, limit and intake cards, requirements, warehouse cards accounting of materials, book (statement) of remaining materials.

The main tasks of analyzing the provision of material resources and their use will be the following:
  • determining the degree of implementation of the organization’s logistics (supply) plan in terms of volume, assortment, completeness and quality of received material resources;
  • control over compliance with stock standards and consumption standards of material resources;
  • control over the implementation of organizational and technical measures aimed at reducing warehouse stocks of materials and saving the consumption of material resources in the production process.

The implementation of the logistics plan should be analyzed by the most important types of materials, on which production output is most dependent. The volume of supplies (delivery) of material resources to the organization in a given period is equal to the planned need for them to produce the specified volume of products; with this, the balance of materials in the organization’s warehouse at the beginning and at the end of the period is taken into account. In this case, the planned need for material resources is equal to the number of products manufactured according to the plan, multiplied by the rate of consumption of materials per product.

When analyzing, it is extremely important to find out to what extent the planned quantity of imported materials is provided by contracts concluded with suppliers for the supply of these materials, and subsequently to establish how suppliers fulfill their obligations for the supply of material resources.

Let us study, using an example, the influence on the volume of output of factors of provision of material resources and their use.

The increase in production output was influenced by the following factors related to material resources:

The total influence of all factors (balance of factors) is: pieces.

The receipt of materials from suppliers, which affects the volume of products, should be studied not only in terms of the quantity of materials received, but also in relation to compliance with the scheduled timing of their receipt, their range and quality. Failure to comply with all of these conditions may adversely affect product release. Then it is extremely important to specify the analysis in the context individual species materials. When analyzing their warehouse stocks, you should compare the actual balances of materials with the norms of their stocks and identify deviations. If existing excess stocks can be sold to other enterprises without prejudice to production process, then their implementation should be carried out. If actual inventories are less than normal, it should be determined whether this does not lead to interruptions in the production process. If not, then inventory standards may be reduced.
It is worth noting that Special attention should be given to identifying stale and slow-moving types of materials that are not used in production and long time located in the organization's warehouse without movement.

Having studied the state of warehouse stocks of certain types of materials, we should move on to considering their consumption. In this case, you should compare their actual consumption with the consumption according to the business plan, recalculated to the actual volume of production, and identify savings or overconsumption of certain types of materials. It is also necessary to establish the reasons for these deviations. Overconsumption of materials can be caused by the following main reasons: incorrect cutting of materials, replacement of one type, profile and size of material with others due to their lack of stock, custom size material, lack of allowances and dimensions of material, production of new parts to replace rejected ones, etc. It is necessary to establish the reasons for the excessive consumption of material resources in production.

See further: Material consumption and material productivity

At the conclusion of the analysis, it is necessary to summarize the reserves for increasing production output associated with material resources.

Reserves for increasing production output:

  • reduction of material waste during the production process;
  • reduction in the net weight of products due to a revision of their design;
  • rational replacement of materials with more efficient materials.

In order to operate normally and uninterruptedly, each enterprise must promptly receive the materials, fuel, and energy it needs in the composition and quantity needed to carry out the production process. These material and energy resources must be rationally used in order to increase production output with the same amount of allocated materials and fuel and reduce its cost.

Material and technical resources, i.e. main and auxiliary materials, fuel, energy and semi-finished products obtained from outside, constitute the bulk of the working capital of most enterprises. Only in some branches of mechanical engineering (with a long production cycle) a significant part of the working capital consists of work in progress and home-made semi-finished products.

The largest share of the material and technical resources of the enterprise consists of basic materials. These include objects of labor that go into the production of products and form its main content. The main materials in the manufacture of, for example, a car are metal, glass, fabric, etc.

Auxiliary materials include materials consumed in the process of servicing the main production or added to the main materials in order to change their appearance and some other properties (lubricants, cleaning materials, packaging materials, dyes, etc.).

In metallurgical production, additional materials are usually isolated and added to the main ones as reagents of the metallurgical process. Such materials include: in blast furnace production - limestone and other fluxing materials; in open-hearth - oxidizing agents (for example, iron ore, manganese ore) and fluxing materials (limestone, lime, bauxite), as well as filling materials (dolomite and magnesite). This group of materials also includes acids for pickling metals, oils for heat treatment of metals, zinc and tin for galvanizing and tinning industries. In the practice of metallurgical plants, these materials are combined with the main ones in the general article “raw materials and basic materials”. Essentially, some of the additional materials can be classified as basic materials, and some - as auxiliary materials.

Depending on the nature of use, fuel and energy are divided into: technological, i.e. directly involved in the process of manufacturing products (in smelting, electrolysis, electric welding, etc.); motor" used to service the production process (for heating, lighting, ventilation, etc.).

This classification of material and energy resources determines the different nature of consumption of these groups, and, consequently, a different approach to establishing standards for their consumption, determining the need for them and identifying ways to use them more economically.

All work on organizing and planning material and technical supply and use of material and energy resources at an enterprise can be reduced to the following:
> rationing the consumption of material and energy resources;
> determining the need for them;
> organization of logistics;
> organizing the storage of materials and fuel and their distribution to production sites.

In the course of this work, especially at the stage of developing material consumption standards, an in-depth analysis of the use of material and energy resources is carried out, and measures to save them are developed and implemented.

Organization and planning of material and technical supply and use of material and technical resources is a significant section of enterprise activity, determining the use of one of key elements production process - objects of labor. In addition, the cost of objects of labor constitutes a predominant part in the cost of production of enterprises in many industries. Thus, their economical use is the most important condition reducing production costs and increasing the profitability of enterprises.

Dear Colleagues!

In the Directory maintenance system MTP opportunity implemented introduction of nomenclatures manufacturing plants. For this purpose a template for replenishing the Materials and Equipment Directory was developed, whichavailable for downloadin this section.

For download relevant informationin the MTP Directory, you should fill out the specified template, and also send officially th request, attaching a company card with date, signature and seal, addressed to General Director Gazprom Komplektatsiya LLC at the address: 119991, Moscow, st. Stroiteley, 8, copr. 1

The template for generating an application for input of materials and equipment contains three tabs:

  • Filling example;
  • Description of fields;
  • Replenishment form.

Bookmark "Example of filling" contains examples of correct formation of records and encoding.

Bookmark "Description of fields" contains the purpose of each field and comments on how to fill them out.

You need to fill in information about the equipment being manufactured in the main tab. "Replenishment form" .

There are also General requirements when compiling names:

When compiling names, the following requirements must be met:

  • In the first place in the name of the material there should be a noun, in the singular, nominative case and without abbreviations.
  • The second place in the name of the material may be an adjective that determines the technological orientation of this material.
  • All words in the name of the material must be separated by only one space.
  • A period is placed at the end of the abbreviated word. In this case, there is no need to put a space after the period and the new word. For example: Pressure sensor Metran-100.
  • The names/trademarks of imported equipment must be written in Latin letters, in accordance with the registered international designation/name trademark this manufacturer.
  • Enter proper names (name of brand, model, manufacturer) in lowercase letters (the first letter is capitalized).
  • The title must be one paragraph (do not use a line break), words must be separated by one space (do not use a tab character).

When writing names, you cannot use the following symbols:

  • " (quotes). Except for indicating the unit of measurement is inch.
  • * sign corresponding to multiplication. Instead, the Russian letter "x" is used.
  • sign º (degree). Instead, the Latin letter "C" is used.
  • sign Ø (diameter). Instead, the Russian letter "f" is used.
  • the underscore character “_”, except where indicated by the brand/model spelling.
When forming names, pay attention to the keyboard layout (RU/ENG) (especially the symbols: c, y, H, e, O, x, A, B, K, M).

Please send completed templates for replenishing the Materials and Equipment Directory and enterprise cards to the address of the deputy head of the department for development and maintenance of reference data - Alexander Valerievich Marchenko (e-mail: