Canned corn without sterilization. Canning corn at home: a preparation that will definitely come in handy

The recipe for pickled corn that I offer is ideal in proportions, I have tested it several times and it always works out.

To can corn for the winter, you will need young sweet corn, sugar, salt and clean water - and no additional preservatives. Homemade pickled corn will turn out very tender, sweet and juicy, ideal for all kinds of salads. The jars are well stored in the cellar, do not become cloudy over time and do not explode. In a word, the recipe will be an excellent alternative to store-bought seaming, the quality of which often leaves much to be desired.


To canning corn at home you will need:

  • corn 1 kg
  • sugar 6 tbsp. l.
  • salt 2 tbsp. l.
  • water 1.5 l

How to prepare canned corn for the winter

We take a sharp knife and use it to cut off the corn kernels as close to the cob as possible - it’s okay if part of the head of cabbage is cut off; during the cooking process, all the particles will rise along with the foam and will be easy to remove.

Fill the corn with cold water (approximately 3-4 fingers above the level of the grains) and bring to a boil over high heat, as a result of which foam forms on the surface, which must be skimmed off with a slotted spoon. Reduce heat to low and cook for 1 hour.

After 1 hour, we express the water, but do not pour it out! We put the grains in clean sterilized jars - it is most convenient to use 0.5-liter jars.

We fill the jars not to the very top, but approximately 3/4 of the capacity.

Based on the liquid in which the corn was cooked, prepare a marinade based on 2 tbsp per 1.5 liters of liquid. l. non-iodized salt (without top) and 6 tbsp. l. sugar (without top). Bring the marinade to a boil and pour it into jars filled with corn kernels.

Important: The grain should float freely in the marinade. If you fill the jars 3/4 full, then each jar will take about 300-350 ml of marinade. It turns out on average 4 cans, 4x0.35 l = 1.4 l. Calculations are given with a margin, based on 1.5 liters. If you cook in double or triple volume (or more), then the “marinade reserve” may remain unclaimed. Therefore, we recommend measuring out the marinade in several batches. Place the grain in jars, filling them 3/4 full, then prepare 1.5 liters of marinade and pour into the jars. See how much liquid you have left and repeat the procedure if necessary. This way you will not transfer salt and sugar.

Cover the jars with lids and place them in a pan of hot water for pasteurization - place a small piece of cloth on the bottom of the pan to secure the jars. Pasteurize for 1 hour from the moment the water begins to boil in the pan.

We roll up the finished canned corn with sterilized lids, turn it over, wrap it in a warm blanket and let it cool in this form.

We send the jars for storage in the dark, cool time. Seaming can be stored for 1-2 years.

The recipe for pickled corn that I offer is technologically proven and ideal in proportions; I have tested it several times and always succeed.

How to can corn - 4 step-by-step recipes

Man's acquaintance with corn took place five thousand years ago, but people began to preserve this product only in the 18th century in France. A gifted French cook who fell in love with maize, he was looking for ways to store corn for a long time. As a result, he settled on conservation. Almost three centuries have passed since then, and canned corn remains popular.

Today, canned corn is widely used in cooking. It is used to prepare dietary salads and hearty side dishes, aromatic sauces, casseroles, pies, soups and even desserts. In some national cuisines, recipes based on canned corn are considered fundamental. Therefore, today’s article will tell you how to can can corn at home for the winter.

Calories in canned corn

Jars of canned corn first appeared on store shelves in the second half of the twentieth century. Housewives from all over the world immediately appreciated these canned goods. Dishes made from canned corn regularly appeared on everyday and holiday tables in every family.

People who are struggling with excess weight have also paid attention to the cereal. This is because the calorie content of canned corn is 120 kcal per 100 grams.

The ripening of corn cobs is traditionally accompanied by the appearance of a wonderful delicacy on the tables. Frozen corn kernels are great for cooking and are easy to prepare. What about canned corn? After all, you want preserved food to be easy to prepare, tasty, and stored for a long time. The following tips will help with this.

  • Choose young corn for canning. You can prepare the old one for the winter, but it turns out hard even after prolonged heat treatment.
  • Some housewives have difficulty separating grains from the cobs. To make the procedure easier, immerse the cob in hot water for 10 seconds, then cool sharply under running water.
  • Repeated sterilization is the key to success. The duration of a single procedure does not exceed 10 minutes. This is not enough to stop the growth of spore microorganisms found in corn. Therefore, it is recommended to repeat the process several times.

These simple tips are enough to make delicious canned corn. In winter, an open jar of treats will delight your family with the taste and aroma of the bygone summer.

Classic recipe for preserving for the winter

Corn is salted, pickled, and used to make purees, but this cereal is also ideal for preservation, like butter. Over the years, culinary experts from all over the world have created many recipes for canned corn, but the variety is based on the classic recipe. Let's consider it.

  • Corn - 3 cobs.
  • Water – 1 liter.
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon.
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon.

Ingredients are indicated for one three-liter jar.

  1. First, sterilize the jar and lid. Steam the glass container in the oven or microwave, and boil the lid for several minutes.
  2. Peel the cobs and place in a container of water. Boil for 3 minutes after the water boils. Place corn in a bowl of cold water.
  3. When it has cooled, separate the kernels from the cob. Using a colander, rinse with water. Place the grains in a saucepan and place on the heat for 3 minutes. Cook at low boil.
  4. Meanwhile, make the marinade. Place a container of water on the fire, add salt and sugar. After boiling, wait 2 minutes and remove from heat. Fill the jar with corn and pour the hot marinade over it.
  5. Place the jar in a deep container covered with a towel. Pour warm water into it up to the shoulders of the jar and put it on the fire. When the water boils, reduce the heat slightly.
  6. Sterilizing a jar of corn takes 3.5 hours. Keep an eye on the water level. Add boiling water when the volume decreases. When you finish sterilizing, take out the jar and roll up the lid. Turn it upside down and wrap it in a warm towel until it cools down.

A cool place away from sunlight is ideal for storing canned corn at home. If there is no such room, keep the canning in the refrigerator.

Store-bought canned corn

Eating canned corn in winter is good for your health. It can be used as an ingredient in salads or eaten with a spoon. Canned corn is sold everywhere, but the homemade product is healthier, and it is not difficult to prepare the cereal to match the taste characteristics of the store-bought one. The main thing is to get some sweet corn.

  • Corn.
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon.
  • Sugar – 2 teaspoons.
  • Vinegar – 1 tablespoon.

Ingredients are indicated per half-liter jar.

  1. Place the peeled cobs in a container, fill them with water and place them on the stove. Cook in boiling water for 40 minutes, adding salt to taste.
  2. Drain and cool. Separate the grains, rinse in cold water if necessary. Fill the prepared jars with corn.
  3. Add salt, sugar and vinegar there. Pour boiling water and place in a deep container for sterilization. After pouring water, put it on the fire and after boiling, cook for about an hour over low heat.
  4. After this, remove the jars and roll up the lids. Turn over and cover with a blanket until cool. Place the preserves in a cool, dark place.

This canned corn can be stored for a long time. In winter, when there are not many vitamin-rich foods in the diet, it will help in preparing delicious salads and side dishes for meat dishes.

How to Can Corn on the Cob

Canned corn on the cob is a real culinary miracle that any housewife can create. This preparation will always help out in winter. So as the season approaches, be sure to stock up on a few jars.

  • Young corn – 1 kg.
  • Salt – 2 tablespoons.
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons.
  • Vinegar – 6 tablespoons.
  • Cloves – 6 pcs.
  • Bay leaf and peppercorns - to taste.
  1. Place the peeled and washed corn in a small saucepan, cover with water and boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Prepare 3 half-liter jars. Place a bay leaf in each container and add a few peppercorns.
  3. Fill the jars with corn. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to each container and fill with marinade. To prepare it, pour water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar, and boil.
  4. Sterilize the preserved food for half an hour. After this, roll up each jar with a lid, place it on the floor upside down, cover with a blanket and wait until it cools down. After this, send it to a storage location.

Corn prepared according to this recipe will serve as a beautiful and tasty side dish. To do this, cut the cobs into small rings and place them around the main dish. If you separate the grains, you get the base for a salad with crab sticks.

Sweet canned corn without sterilization

The following recipe will appeal to busy housewives who, for certain reasons, cannot devote much time to canning, but love to please their family with a variety of delicacies. I consider this recipe to be universal, as it is suitable for both grains and cobs.

  • Young corn - 15 cobs.
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon.
  • Sugar – 3 tablespoons.
  • Vinegar – 2 tablespoons.

The proportions of salt, sugar and vinegar are indicated per liter of water.

  1. Clean and rinse young ears of corn with water. Place the prepared corn in a saucepan, add hot water and after boiling, boil for 3 minutes. After the time has passed, drain in a colander and cool in ice water.
  2. Dry the cooled cobs with paper towels and separate the grains. Fill the jars with corn, pour boiling water over them and leave covered for a third of an hour. After the time has passed, drain the water, boil again and pour the grains back.
  3. Make the marinade. Pour water into a saucepan, add a tablespoon of salt, two tablespoons of vinegar and three tablespoons of sugar per liter of liquid. Bring the liquid to a boil, drain the jars and add marinade. Roll up the jars and keep them under a blanket until they cool.

This recipe once again proves that homemade canned corn is a quick, easy to prepare and tasty dish that provides a wide range of cooking possibilities.

The benefits and harms of canned corn

The topic of today's conversation is canned corn. Many people like this easy-to-prepare delicacy, but its beneficial properties and contraindications remain a mystery. We'll talk about this in the final part of the material.

  1. Bright yellow corn kernels are a storehouse of nutrients. These include folic acid, thiamine, and tocopherol. Canned corn is rich in phosphorus, calcium and sodium. It contains potassium, zinc, silicon and iodine, but in smaller quantities.
  2. Canned corn is the basis of a professional athlete's diet. This is because it contains a lot of plant proteins and amino acids, which provide essential assistance in maintaining shape.
  3. Canned corn has also been used in the diet of people with diabetes. This product regulates sugar levels and reduces cholesterol, the excess of which has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the heart and vascular system.
  4. Scientists have noticed that canned corn has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Even in small quantities, the product helps in eliminating the symptoms of flatulence.
  5. Canned cereal helps in the fight against excess weight due to its small amount of calories. However, a positive result is achieved only with a balanced diet.

If we talk about harm, canned cereal is contraindicated in people susceptible to thrombosis and people with high blood clotting. The product reduces appetite, and if the grain is abused, it will result in an exacerbation of stomach ulcers.

Canning corn at home is simple, and the benefits and harms of the dish are determined by the individual characteristics of the body. If there are no contraindications for use, feel free to prepare maize for the winter and eat it regularly. See you!

Canned corn is a delicacy that works well both as a separate dish and as part of complex treats. How to make it at home?

How to prepare corn for the winter

Corn for the winter is canned or frozen, which you can prepare at home without any hassle. Grains are added to salads, sauces, first and second courses.

Corn on the cob for the winter

After freezing, the grains retain their taste and aroma.

Source: Depositphotos

Corn cobs keep well in the freezer all winter.


  • corn - 6 cobs;
  • water – 1 l.
  1. Place the corn in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes.
  2. Place the cobs in ice water, then pat dry with paper towels.
  3. Place the pieces in freezer bags and remove the air from the packaging. Place the cobs in the freezer.
  4. Use blanks as needed.

    Homemade pickled corn for the winter

    Prepare an unusual snack with a sweet and sour taste using our recipe.


  • young corn - 6 cobs;
  • water – 2.5 l;
  • salt – 90 g;
  • sugar – 70 g;
  • vinegar – 30 ml;
  • peppercorns – 4 pcs.;
  • cloves – 3 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  1. Cut the cobs into 3 parts, put them in boiling water and cook for 30 minutes.
  2. Dissolve salt and sugar in 2.5 liters of water. Boil the marinade, add pepper, cloves and bay leaf. Lie it for 5 minutes.
  3. Place the corn in sterilized jars and pour boiling marinade over it.

Cover the dishes with nylon lids and cool. Store the workpiece in the refrigerator or cellar.

Canned corn for the winter with tomatoes

Sweet corn kernels prepared at home do not differ in taste from those sold in the store. You can serve the tomatoes separately or add them to a salad or soup.


  • tomatoes – 10 pcs.;
  • corn – 2 pcs.;
  • water – 2 l;
  • sugar – 120 g;
  • salt – 60 g;
  • vinegar – 45 g;
  • currant litas – 5 pcs.;
  • peppercorns – 4 pcs.;
  • dill – 3 sprigs;
  • basil – 2 sprigs.
  1. Place herbs and peppers at the bottom of a sterilized three-liter jar. If desired, you can add dill umbrellas, cherry or grape leaves.
  2. Cut the cobs into pieces 2-3 cm thick. Place the pieces in a jar, alternating with tomatoes.
  3. Pour boiling water over the food and cover it with a lid. After 5 minutes, pour the infusion into the pan and boil it again. Repeat this operation 2 more times.
  4. Add salt and sugar to the broth and bring it to a boil.
  5. Pour the vinegar and marinade into the jar, close the container with a lid.

Turn the workpiece upside down and cool. Send the workpiece to the cellar or pantry for storage.

Canned or frozen corn kernels are removed from the stalk with a knife before consumption. They can be immediately added to a hot dish or salad.

When fresh corn is in season, we enjoy preparing it for our family. It’s a pity that this time passes quickly, and in the fall we can only enjoy dry, frozen or canned grains. Frozen grains are perfect for our culinary creations. But how to prepare canned sweet corn at home for the winter? Yes, not just boil it, but so that homemade canned corn according to the recipe is not difficult to prepare, is tasty and lasts all winter, just like in jars. Today we are publishing a detailed step-by-step recipe for this.

Ingredients for homemade canned corn (for 5 pint jars):

  • Corn - 16 cobs (large);

For marinade per 1 liter of water:

  • Salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • Table water – 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. l. (6%).

How to prepare homemade canned corn for the winter:

1. Be sure to pay attention to corn for the winter canning recipe. Don't choose cobs that are too young. But too old dry corn will not work. Pay attention to the photo of the ingredients for this recipe. We chose dark yellow corn. Its grains have already ripened well, but these are not old cobs yet.
Boil the corn for at least 20 minutes. Test for readiness, it may take more time. Our corn was cooked in 30 minutes.

2. Cool the heads of cabbage. Then place one side of the corn on the board, holding the other edge with your hand. Carefully cut off the grains. It is advisable not to touch the cob with a knife.

3. Once the grains are in the bowl, you will need to separate them from each other. This is very boring and painstaking work, but believe me, it's worth it.
Spoon the corn into sterile jars. Considering that corn is very capricious! The container must be sterilized both inside and outside. We described how to sterilize dishes in the recipe for the winter. This process does not tie your hands at all.
Advice: Home recipe canned corn jars should be left half full. To do this, you don't have to follow the curve of the can. Containers can be completely different. Maintain a distance of two fingers from the top of the container.

4. Cook the brine for today’s preservation. For this, it is advisable to use corn broth. Pass it through a clean gauze cloth to remove any excess. First add a liter of water, salt and sugar to the pan. After boiling, boil the brine for 5 minutes, add vinegar, stir and remove from heat.
We will fill the jars with brine to the very top.
Advice: look at the number of canning jars. Describes how to prepare brine for corn using 1 liter of water. You can double or triple these proportions.

Also about vinegar - you don’t have to add it. Then the sterilization time will increase. Sterilize half-liter jars without vinegar for 1 hour. After sterilization, the preservation will stand, and the corn will be sweet. Vinegar will give it sourness.

5. If you want your corn to be tasty and sweet, then you must sterilize it! Otherwise it won't stand.
Place a towel on the bottom of a wide and deep pan and place filled jars on it. We simply place the lids that we will use for canning on top of the jars. If the lids have rubber bands, remove them during sterilization. Pour water into the pan at such a temperature that it does not differ much from the temperature of full jars. The water level should not exceed the level of the corn in the jars.
After the water boils, time 40 minutes for half-liter jars. Be sure to ensure that the water does not bubble too much.

When the set time has passed, we simply take the cans out of the water and roll them up without opening them. If there were rubber bands, carefully return them and tighten them with a key. As usual, turn the roll over and wrap it up.

After cooling, home canned corn should be stored in a cool place for the winter. Its storage temperature is a maximum of 10 degrees Celsius. In the heat, such preservation can deteriorate and break.
Note: a week after twisting the jars, the brine in the middle may become cloudy. This is fine. Think about store-bought corn. Its brine resembles diluted milk.

1. First, you need to choose the right cobs so that the corn for the winter without sterilization at home is not hard. It's best to use fresh, recently picked ones so the corn isn't starchy. The cobs must be thoroughly cleaned and washed thoroughly.

2. Place the whole cobs in a deep saucepan and cover with hot water. Bring to a boil over high heat and blanch for about 3 minutes. Place the cobs in a colander and cool under running water (you can place the corn on ice).

3. Cooled and slightly dried cobs can be placed in a jar. If you wish, you can make corn directly into grains, according to the principle of what is sold in the store. To do this, you need to cut the grains with a sharp knife.

4. For one small jar, and more is hardly necessary for one dish, it takes 3 medium cobs. They need to be placed in the jar quite tightly. Fill the jar with boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes with the lid closed.

5. This water then needs to be drained and brought to a boil again. Pour over the corn a second time for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the marinade. For 1 liter of water you will need 2 tablespoons of vinegar and sugar and 1 tablespoon of salt. Pour the boiling marinade over the corn, after draining the water. Roll up the jars and leave them under a blanket until they cool completely. That's the whole recipe for cooking corn for the winter without sterilization. Cobs are also preserved in the same way.

Experienced chefs don’t even stop at counters selling food manufacturers’ products—they know the real price of these goods. Almost any product can be prepared at home, so recipes for canned corn will certainly interest you.

Salads with these yellow-orange juicy grains are enduringly popular on our menu - both on weekdays and on holidays.

Canned corn is distinguished by its universal compatibility with fresh and boiled vegetables, meat, seafood and fish, and even fruits. It can be used as a salad ingredient, as a tasty side dish, and to decorate dishes. Therefore, having an adequate supply of home-canned corn in your bins will be a practical solution.

I would also like to note that the calorie content of canned corn is only 118 calories per 100 g of grains. This fact allows you to eat it without fear of gaining extra pounds. Corn does not lose its beneficial properties during long heat treatment, improves metabolism, helps overcome stress and provides energy. Therefore, how many calories are in canned corn is not so important if nutritionists often include it in a diet for weight loss.

Canned corn recipes are simple and very easy to implement. The result is always excellent! Once you try to can your favorite product at home, you will no longer buy canned food in the store. You can really feel the difference in taste and safety. Let's choose a recipe!

Recipe with citric acid


  • Corn cobs- how much + -

Marinade for a half-liter jar:

  • - 1 tbsp. l. + -
  • - half a tsp. + -
  • Lemon acid- a third of a tsp. + -


  • Boil the cobs in salted water (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) for 40-50 minutes. We take them out and leave them to cool. Leave the corn broth for pouring.
  • Cut the grains from the cooled cobs and pour them into sterile jars up to the “shoulders” of the jar. Place 1 tbsp in each jar. granulated sugar, half a teaspoon of table salt and a third of a teaspoon. citric acid.
  • Bring the broth to a boil and fill the contents of the jars with boiling marinade solution. Cover each jar with a boiled lid and set to sterilize for 15-20 minutes.
  • We roll up the lids using a canning device, place the jars with the lids down on a flat surface and wrap them in something warm for pasteurization. We transfer the cooled canned food to a storage location.

Recipe with vinegar

  • Composition of 1 liter of marinade:
  • Table salt – 1 tbsp. with a mound
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. without a pot
  • Vinegar 9% (for 1 jar 0.5 l) – 2 tsp.


Recipe with vegetables

  • Corn cobs - how many to eat
  • Carrot
  • Zucchini
  • Red bell pepper
  • Sugar
  • Apple vinegar
  • Parsley
  • Dill


Secrets of canned corn at home

  • For one half-liter can of canned corn you need about 5 ears.
  • Corn is a capricious crop! Doesn't like to be preserved! This is due to the complete absence of acids in it. It contains a lot of sugar and starch, and a minimal amount of natural preservatives. Therefore, it must be placed in high-quality sterilized jars, covered with sterile lids, pasteurized in water and under a warm blanket. Then the canned food won't explode!
  • The proportions of salt and sugar can be changed to suit your taste - if you sterilize the canned food properly, it will not let you down!

Canned corn, the recipes for which we have reviewed in detail, turns out tasty, juicy and absolutely safe for health. Having a sufficient supply of our own production, your menu will shine with unusual salads and beautiful sunny decor! Bon appetit!