The design of a bath shelf without fastening to the walls. How to make a shelf in a bathhouse: selection of materials and recommendations from professionals

All fans know what a shelf is. These are benches located at different heights. Racks are necessary to select the most optimal temperature when in the bath. This is due to the fact that the air temperature in the steam room at different altitudes is very different. To make shelves in a bathhouse with your own hands, you need to consider a step-by-step guide.

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How to make shelves in a bathhouse with your own hands

Do-it-yourself bathhouse shelves step by step detailed guide:

When creating a shelf for a bathhouse, you need to consider several rules. For example, you need to leave a distance between the bottom edge of the structure and the floor about 3 cm.

Important! If there is no clearance, this will cause disruption of circulation in the bathhouse.

It is also necessary to remember that the rack should be located along a blank wall. If you install a bed near a window, if it gets hit hot water on glass, the material may burst. The distance from the ceiling to the top of the shelf should be at least a meter. Planks are not allowed when creating a shelf. butt-butt, you need to leave a small distance between them.

Attention! It is worth remembering that each board for shelves in the steam room must be pre-treated special compounds. This will significantly increase the service life.

Bath shelf drawings

In order to create shelves in a bathhouse with your own hands and not make mistakes, you need to prepare a drawing.

To do this, you need to draw a plan of the room in which the structure being created will be located. The drawing must show the exact dimensions of all elements.

There are several schemes according to which a design can be created:

  1. Corner shelves in the steam room can be created even in small sauna. Most often they have 2 or 3 tiers.
  2. Longitudinal shelves located near one wall.
  3. Parallel. Such structures can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical. They are usually located at opposite walls.

When creating a drawing, you can consider several options and then choose the one that suits you best. Thanks to the layout of all elements, you can easily determine the number of steps and their height.

How to choose the size of a shelf in a bathhouse

Many owners of suburban areas create shelves in several tiers. But for a standard bathhouse, a one-level arrangement is more suitable.

This is due to the fact that the ceiling in the room is usually quite low. Multi-tiered structures are installed in a sauna or bathhouse, which is large in size.

When creating a regiment, you need to focus on specific sizes:

  1. Height. On average the most comfortable height shelf is considered 70-80 cm. In this case, the design can be convenient for people of different heights. When creating a shelf, you must remember that the distance to the ceiling should be at least 110 cm. In this case, it will be comfortable not only to lie down, but also to sit.
  2. Lenght and width. The length should be not less than 220 cm. Width – minimum 90 cm.

Most often, shelves are created across the entire width of the wall, since the room is small. If the steam room is large, you can expand the shelves so that two people can fit on it.


Wood is used to create benches only deciduous trees. This is due to the fact that no resin is released when heated. In this case, the boards must be resistant to temperature and high humidity. But the main selection criterion is the thermal conductivity of the material. Wood should have low thermal conductivity, as the material can burn the skin. The most commonly used boards are aspen, linden and maple.

To make a choice, you should consider features of various materials:

  1. Aspen wood is used quite often, as it is the most affordable wood. Material is durable, so you don’t have to worry about replacing boards even during long-term use. When choosing aspen for a bathhouse, it is important to carefully inspect it so that the boards do not have internal rot, chips, deep cracks, large quantity knots.
  2. Linden is considered the most suitable material, since boards made from this species have an acceptable cost and at the same time are of high quality. This wood is ideal for creating structures, as it differs pleasant smell, durability and ease of processing. At the same time, the linden shelf does not burn the skin at any temperature.
  3. Abash. This wood is also called African oak. The described material is resistant to high temperature and humidity. At the same time, it also has low thermal conductivity. If desired, you can find both dark and light wood. If wood is properly treated before use, it can retain its original appearance for a long time.
  4. Maple. This material for shelves used quite rarely, maple is usually used for furniture production. It is easy to process and hard, thanks to which it adheres well to fasteners.

Larch wood prices

larch board

Before making shelves in the bathhouse, you should carefully consider each option indicated.

Options for creating a regiment

Before creating the flooring, you need to determine which shape will be more convenient. The most commonly created types are:

  • ordinary;
  • folding;
  • corner.

Regular shelf is created as follows:

  1. First, the dimensions are determined.
  2. After this, the frame is assembled and secured to the frames located on opposite walls.
  3. Then the shelf is created and laid on a fixed frame. To do this, you need to fasten boards of the same length to 2 crossbars. There should be a distance of 1 cm between the boards.
  4. On last stage side gratings are created and secured. The result is a structure that is covered with boards on all sides.

Do folding shelf for a bathhouse with your own hands it is more difficult, since it must be easy to fold and at the same time be reliable, since it bears a large load.

Can be designed in several stages:

  1. Definition of the most convenient place to accommodate. Such shelves are created only when there is not enough space in the bathhouse for a standard frame.
  2. Installation of the frames on which the folding lounger will rest. They must withstand heavy load, therefore, it is advisable to install not only horizontal elements, but also place racks under them, also fixed near the wall.
  3. Creating a shelf with hinges. At this stage, it is necessary to take into account that the frame must support the weight of several people. That is why you need to attach several racks to it.
  4. After fixing the structure on hinges near the wall, it is important to check whether all elements are installed correctly and whether it can withstand heavy loads. As a step with which you can climb onto the shelves, you can use standard wide bench. It is important to remember that the bench should not wobble during use, as this can lead to injury.

Corner shelves
is a more complex variety standard design, but at the same time it is made quite simply. When creating the frame, you first need to secure the frames to both walls and join them.

Then you need to determine the length of the diagonal and, at the selected distance from the wall, fix the stand, which will be central element frame.

Having calculated the equal distance from the edges, you need to install the central post and secure it with horizontal bars. It is worth noting that if constructed incorrectly, the corner structure may begin to wobble.

After studying the step-by-step guide, doing everything yourself is quite simple. It is worth remembering that a properly assembled structure is resistant to lateral loads. That is why, if it is not located between the walls, it is necessary to strengthen it when using jibs.

When fixing elements, it is worth remembering that metal fasteners can burn when the air heats up. To avoid this, you should recess the caps of the fasteners and close them .

How to treat wood

Wood processing can be done by various means that can be created on chemical or organic basis. Any product helps repel moisture. Most often, universal compounds are used that protect against moisture and high temperature.

Attention! It is also worth using mixtures designed to increase resistance to damage by fungi and insects.

The composition of the described solutions can be and water soluble. Using antiseptic impregnations it is necessary to follow the instructions exactly, since such compositions are aggressive chemicals.

Shelves in the bathhouse - the best designs

Shelf in the bathhouse. Best designs

If you are carrying out interior finishing work on a log bathhouse, then a number of questions usually arise: What are the shelves for the bathhouse made of? What design of shelves for a bath will be optimal? Which steam room design styles should you choose? What types (types) of bath shelves exist? How to cover the steam room? How is wood protected in a sauna? What are the pros and cons of hardwood lining? How to do simple shelves for a bathhouse with your own hands? What should you consider if you want to create bath shelves in several tiers? What will be the significant difference between the design of bath shelves according to Finnish technology and a Russian steam room?

Let's try to clarify these points and present to your attention ideas for the design of a bath shelf.

To the question: what to make shelves for a bath from, the answer is simple - only wood is suitable, it is this traditional choice that meets all the features of the steam room. Any artificial materials are inappropriate here. Wood fits perfectly into the interior of a log bathhouse, meets the requirements of environmental friendliness, beauty and heat resistance.

Shelf made of linden for a bath. Saw cuts in the interior of the bathhouse.

An additional material for finishing the steam room is salt slabs for the bath. IN Lately increasingly usedHimalayan salt , as an element of the bath interior. Himalayan salt is a unique substance containing about 80 microelements.

By scientific research conducted in the last decade, the undeniable advantages of Himalayan salt have been revealed as a substance that can have a general strengthening effect:

  • strengthen immunity
  • stabilize work nervous system
  • relieve the effects of stress
  • promote relaxation
  • improve blood circulation
  • improve brain activity
  • restore the body's water-salt balance
  • have a preventive effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
  • skin cleansing

Salt panels in the interior of the bathhouse

Himalayan salt in the interior of a bathhouse is an excellent solution for improving health and creating unique design steam room It is worth considering that salt brick is not only a strong and durable material, but when heated it enhances its healing properties. That is why salt blocks will be very appropriate in a steam room.

Salt panels for baths

Himalayan salt tiles are made by pressing. It is resistant to temperature changes, and when heated it can change color. Ions released during heating create the effect of mountain breathing. Therefore, for asthmatics, bathing procedures in a steam room with built-in salt blocks will be especially useful.

Himalayan salt insert in the shape of a window in the steam room

What is the difference between a Finnish sauna and a Russian steam room?

Note that when arranging a steam room, it is worth asking yourself the question: what do you want to get: a Finnish sauna or a traditional Russian version of a steam room? Why is it important? Let me explain. The Russian bath differs from the Finnish sauna in terms of humidity and temperature, as well as the method of taking the bath procedure.

Round shelf in the bathhouse. Log shelves

So in a Finnish sauna the heating temperature reaches 90-100 degrees, in a Russian steam room it is lower: 70-90. At the same time, the humidity in a Finnish steam room is significantly lower (about 25%), while in a Russian steam room this figure ranges from 45 to 65%. The air movement itself in these two steam rooms is significantly different: in the Russian steam room, the movement of the hot air mass is much slower than in the Finnish sauna and this is due to high humidity.

The process of carrying out the bath procedure also differs: in a Finnish steam room it is customary to sit, in a Russian steam room they usually lie down, and the bath attendant increases the temperature with a broom, and often turns up the heat by increasing the humidity (pouring boiling water on the heater).

Round shelf in the bathhouse. Interior of a bathhouse with a central stove-stove

Sauna shelf design

Everything listed above should be taken into account when designing a bath shelf.

Multi-level shelves in the bath

Let's illuminate subtleties of the arrangement of shelves in a Russian bath :

  • It is important to make larger distances between the planks of the sun loungers than when constructing shelves in a Finnish sauna.
  • When designing the shelf, take into account a slight slope for draining water.
  • Since brooms are used in the Russian steam room, it is important to take into account when building a bath shelf the possibility of easy access to the floor, that is, to make cleaning easier, it is better to make the side walls removable or not sew them up at all.
  • In addition, you need to arrange a wide indentation of the bath shelf from the wall.

Shelves in a Russian steam room. The shape of an "L-shaped" shelf in a bathhouse. Do-it-yourself bathhouse shelves

Peculiarities different approach to the vaping process are determined different designs shelf for Russian steam room and Finnish sauna.

In the Russian tradition, it is important to take into account the ratio of height and distance to the ceiling when choosing the best shelf design in a bathhouse. A simple drawing of bath shelves for a Russian steam room recommends the following dimensions: 40 cm (height of the bottom shelf), 70 cm (height from the bottom to the top shelf). At the same time, the recommended length of the lounger should be about 220 cm, this is important so that you can lie down on it comfortably. The width of the top bench of the bath shelf should be at least 90 cm, which is also designed for convenience and comfort during the bath procedure.

Shelves in a bathhouse made of linden

Shelves in a bathhouse made of logs

The interior decoration of a log bathhouse can be made in different styles, and the heart of this decoration will be the steam room. What’s a steam room without a shelf? Since a bath shelf is the main attribute of any bathhouse, there are many questions about its construction.

Shelves of simple shape made of half-logs. Do-it-yourself bathhouse shelves

If you chose “Russian antiquity” as the main design style for your bathhouse, then the best option for the shelf may be the idea of ​​constructing it from logs. A log shelf has its advantages: consistency with style, reliability and durability of the structure, ease of installation and cost-effectiveness. Note that for the shelf you can use both a log and a half-brow. However, a shelf made of logs also has its drawbacks, first of all, it is the massiveness of the structure, which does not allow the flight of fancy to go beyond simple straight lines, and simply put, only shelves of a simple configuration can be made from logs. They look impressive, and sometimes heavy.

Half-log shelf. Do-it-yourself bathhouse shelves

The location of the shelves in the bathhouse. Steam room and sauna layout

Shelves in a bathhouse are traditionally located along the walls, and where there are no windows. The sunbed benches are mounted in two or three stages. Since the temperature rises as it approaches the ceiling, as a rule, the upper tier of bath shelves is made for lying, and the lower one for sitting.

Rules for constructing bath shelves:

  • The size, shape and location of the shelves in the bath should be comfortable.
  • The corners of the shelves should be rounded.
  • The material for the manufacture of bath shelves must be selected carefully, taking into account not only aesthetics, but also the finishing of the material. Any, even minor, roughness will not allow you to relax and enjoy.
  • The entire structure of the shelf in the bathhouse must be reliable, so pay special attention to the fastenings.
  • All metal parts of the shelf must be protectedor hidden in other ways to avoid burns.

Log shelves. L-shaped shelf design with saw cuts

Different shapes of a shelf in a bathhouse

Now let's illuminate subtleties of arranging shelves in a Finnish sauna :

  • The most important difference is the need to equip the benches with backrests. Why is this being done? As mentioned above, the temperature here reaches and often exceeds one hundred degrees. At the same time, the walls become scalding hot, which is why backs on the shelves are needed. They protect the body from contact with the wall cladding.
  • Another difference between a Finnish sauna and a Russian steam room is the steaming process itself. It is customary to sit in the sauna rather than lie down. Therefore, the distance to the ceiling here may be less (you do not need to take into account the span of the steamer’s broom). A simple drawing of bath shelves for a sauna consists of observing the following standardized dimensions: 40 cm (height of the bottom shelf), 40 cm (height from the bottom to the top shelf) and the same distance to the next one, if provided. The width of the sunbeds on the sauna floor is from 60 cm. Sometimes additional footrests are placed on the walls.

How to arrange shelves in a barrel bath

Abasha shelf

What size should a sauna be? Unlike the Russian steam room, here size plays a role important role, since the steam room must be heated to a temperature of one hundred degrees. Therefore, the size of the sauna is usually small and all its space is occupied by shelves.

Do-it-yourself bathhouse shelves

Types of bath shelves

Bath shelves can be of different types:

  • Simple straight shelves placed one above the other.
  • Complex bath shelves have several options: rounded shelves with an “L-shaped” or “U-shaped” shape.”
  • Stepped shelves in a bathhouse are usually installed in large rooms. Such shelves have two or three steps. A modification of this type of bath shelves are shelves with retractable steps, which is convenient if you need to increase the space of the steam room.
  • Closed (wired) shelves in the bathhouse.

Do-it-yourself bathhouse shelves

The question is what wood is best to use for interior decoration baths, was discussed in detail in the article . Here we will only provide a table of wood characteristics.

Arranging shelves in a bathhouse or sauna is quite complex issue, so before you start construction, think about all the nuances in advance. Taking everything into account when building a bath shelf means not only getting comfort and pleasure, but also avoiding all those small but annoying problems that appear over time. For example, if you have completely sewn up a bath shelf without creating access to the floor (like a Finnish sauna), in the near future you will notice an unpleasant musty aroma from bath leaves and wood rotting below, which does not have time to dry out due to lack of air circulation and high humidity characteristic of a Russian steam room.

Three-tier shelves in the bathhouse with sun loungers. Regimental uniforms for large sauna(steam room)

Loungers for steam room (sauna)

Comfortable sliding beds for a bath (steam room, sauna)

Comfortable sunbeds for the bath. Do-it-yourself bathhouse shelves

Bath chairs

Mobile lounger for steam room (sauna)

Oval (rounded) shape of shelves in the bathhouse

A simple rounded shelf for a black bath

Carved panel for bath decoration

Placing shelves in the bathhouse on opposite walls with a common raised floor acting as the first stage.

Light rounded aspen shelves

Drawing of a two-tier shelf in a bathhouse. Shelves in the bathhouse dimensions device

Bath – perfect place for relaxation of the human body and soul. To make your time in it pleasant and comfortable, you must take care of installing convenient and practical wooden shelves. Of course, they can be made to order, but the cost finished design will be quite high. The way out of this situation is to do it yourself. To make your work a little easier, you should take the time to read this article. It presents step by step description Total technological process for the production of bath shelves with photos and video materials. Familiarize yourself with them and your work will become exciting and interesting.

Characteristics of bath shelves, their features

Before you start making bath shelves with your own hands, you need to do some work. It includes the following steps:

  • selection of product type;
  • preparation of a design drawing;
  • determination of layout;
  • choice of material.

Selecting a product type

Today there are three types of bath shelves:

  • benches: bench shelves are the most common option for such bath structures. They are ideal for both spacious steam rooms and small rooms.
  • beds - they are less popular than benches, but they can also be found in baths. They are often chosen by people who like to steam not only while sitting, but also while lying down.
  • sun loungers - their design is practically no different from their beach counterparts. During bath procedures They can be used as a bed when unfolded, or as a chair when assembled.

Making a drawing

Once the type of bath shelf has been selected, you can begin to draw a drawing of the future design. He will help you make a really high-quality and practical product with your own hands.

Important! To make a drawing of a bath shelf, you don’t need to be a professional, just use one of the profile computer programs(or remember how to use a pen and ruler correctly).

When constructing a drawing of a shelf, you should definitely take into account the overall dimensions of the steam room itself. Also, do not forget to indicate on it all the design parameters that will help to correctly calculate the amount of material.

Determination of regiment layout, options

Determining the layout of regiments - next stage works It has a large number of nuances that should be taken into account during the work process. Since shelves are often made with three tiers, it is worth remembering a few points:

  • the height of the shelves is significantly affected by the number of tiers;
  • in a small steam room, the lower tier of shelves should be placed almost at floor level, leaving a minimum gap for natural ventilation;
  • experts recommend making the top tier a little wider than the other two (it can be used as a bed);
  • the distance from the ceiling to the third tier should not be less than 100-120 cm (based on medical recommendations);
  • It is not recommended to install shelves near windows, as there is a risk of injury due to glass cracking.

Experts, based on many years of experience in arranging steam rooms, recommend placing shelves according to one of the proposed options:

  1. Two- or three-stage. Such shelves are ideal for arranging spacious steam rooms. It is recommended to place them near a blank wall. The lower level of the structure is designed for people who prefer cooler air, but the upper level is for those who like high temperatures.
  2. Compact coupe-shaped. It is suitable for small baths that have practically no free space. The design of such a shelf provides for the presence of two tiers that fold out, like in a train compartment.
  3. Universal L-shaped three-level. To install it, you will need to use two adjacent walls, they will serve as the basis for attaching the shelves. This shelf is suitable for large double rooms.

Selection of material, brief description

After the craftsman decides on the type of product and the placement of the shelves and makes a drawing of the future design, you can begin to select the material. It must meet several criteria:

  • have low thermal conductivity, which is very important;
  • do not contain resins;
  • its fibers must have high density;
  • tolerates high temperatures well.

Important! In the process of making shelves, you cannot use coniferous wood, plastic or plastic!

  1. Linden - perfect material for regiments. It is easy to process, does not crack, tolerates moisture well, and has a very pleasant specific aroma. Its only flaw is that it quickly becomes dark when exposed to moisture.
  2. Aspen – budget material for regiments. Although he is praised for beneficial features for the body, but it has significant drawback– rapid decay in a humid environment.
  3. Abashi is the most quality wood, but very expensive. It warms up slowly, has a long service life, and maintains a presentable appearance for many years.

Do-it-yourself shelf manufacturing technology: step-by-step instructions for craftsmen

Making a shelf for a steam room is not such a complicated process as it might seem at first glance. It includes several sequential steps that should be followed clearly and confidently.

  • Prepare the wood for further work (sanding, processing corners).
  • The surface of the material is covered with a special liquid with antiseptic properties (this will eliminate the possibility of wood rotting in the future).
  • They make a frame: install supporting wooden posts in a vertical position at a distance of 60 cm from each other, perform horizontal strapping (for durability, attach the shelves to the walls).
  • Under minimum angle(at 2-3 degrees) prepared thin boards are attached that will form benches. To fasten the boards, you must use special oak wedges (unlike nails or self-tapping screws, they do not heat up), which will reliably fasten the structure.
  • Fasten the shelves, leaving a small wall gap of 8-10 cm (it is intended for natural ventilation).

Important! You should definitely worry about installing a waterproofing material between the bottom edge of the shelf and the floor surface (it will provide reliable protection material from moisture).

  • Install additional accessories that will definitely be needed while relaxing in the bathhouse (for example, special footrests or headrests).

These simple manipulations will allow you to independently make high-quality and reliable shelves for the steam room. Try to implement the proposed instructions, the result will not be long in coming!

Frame for a shelf in a bathhouse: video

How to make shelves for a bath: photo

Design elements of bath shelves
The reason for the multi-stage shelves in the bathhouse
How to arrange shelves
Dimensions bath shelves
Height of bath furniture
Rules for creating shelves for a steam room
Technology for creating a simple shelf

At first glance, bath shelves do not represent anything complicated. However, there are special standards for their construction, which are dictated by the characteristics of their use. Therefore, in order for them to last as long as possible and be comfortable to use, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules for their construction.

Let's look at what shelf layouts exist, and also provide a step-by-step guide for building a canopy in a bathhouse with your own hands.

The bath shelf has another name - a bench.

There are shops different heights, they are arranged according to a certain pattern.

They consist of two main elements:

  1. Frame, which is the base to which the flooring boards are attached. The flooring can be fixed or dismountable. The most common is a frame made of support posts, which resemble bench legs connected by wooden crosspieces.

    There is also another option, when the frame is made as a stair stringer, to which the steps of the shelves are attached. Sometimes the frame is built in the likeness of the frames in a sauna. In this case, there are no supports, and the frame looks like a railway shelf fixed to the walls of the steam room.

  2. Flooring, made of stuffed linden or aspen well-polished planks.

    There should be a small distance of 1-2 cm between the planks. The flooring is either fixed to the frame or consists of separate elements. Loose flooring can be taken outside to dry. It can also be used as a seat, a couch or a podium for the bath attendant. In the same way as the flooring, the backs and sides of the shelves, headrests, and devices allowing you to lie down so that your legs are located at head level or higher are made.

As a rule, a steam room small size, because the small room It’s easier, faster and more economical to warm up to the desired temperature, so the shelves have a simple rectangular shape (read: “What are the optimal dimensions of a steam room”).

Usually the shelves in a steam room look like a staircase with 2-3 degrees. Such steps can be similar to sun loungers or corner sofas with a rounded shape. However, something like this can only be done in a large steam room.

If there is not enough space in the steam room to build a rectangular lower bench, it can be made in the shape right triangle. It is located as follows: one leg should fit loosely against the wall, and the other against the shelf adjacent to it.

The reason for the multi-stage shelves in the bathhouse

According to all known laws of physics, steam and hot air rise to the ceiling. After some time, the air flow at the top cools down. Some of it goes through the ventilation of the steam room, and some goes down to the floor. For this reason, it is much hotter at the top than at the base of the bath shelves.

Multi-stage operation allows a person to independently choose the best temperature regime for him.

Therefore, so that you can take a steam bath and maximum temperature in the steam room and in a more gentle one, you should make shelves in the sauna with your own hands in the likeness of steps. In a Russian bathhouse, two shelves are most often built, but three can be made, but there must be enough space for them.

This means that space should be left for people in the steam room to move without getting injured.

How to arrange shelves

To build a shelf in a bathhouse with your own hands, you will need drawings, and you should also make all the necessary calculations. A small plan of the room is drawn, dimensions are indicated, equipment installation locations, the location of windows and doors are noted.

It is very important to remember that you cannot place shelves near walls with glazed windows. Under the influence of hot steam, the glass may burst and fragments may fall on people. Therefore, in steam rooms with windows there are not many options for arranging shelves in the bathhouse. They can only be placed along walls where there are no windows or glazed ventilation vents.

There are several shelf layouts:

  • Along one wall in 1-3 rows, placing shelves on top of each other.
  • Design in the form of the letter G with various options for the number of degrees.

    For example, 2-3 along each wall, the top and bottom shelves along the long wall, and the middle one along the adjacent short one.

  • Two parallel structures located along opposite walls, similar to a compartment in a train carriage. Structures can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Before making shelves in the steam room on paper, you should draw several options and choose the most suitable one from them.

In order to plan everything correctly and calculate the required amount of lumber, you need to know the exact dimensions of the shelves for the bathhouse.

Dimensions of bath shelves

Based on a person of average height and configuration, the following sizes of shelves in the bathhouse have been developed for receiving steam procedures in a sitting or lying position:

  • The length of the shelf so that you can lie with your knees bent is 1.5 m.
  • To lie on the shelf in full height without bending your legs, the length should be 1.8 m.

    But in this case, everything is individual, since all people are of different heights and it may be that 2 m is not enough (read: “What size of shelves should be made in a steam room - tips from practice”).

  • The minimum shelf width is 40 cm.

    Most often this is the bottom shelf, which is used mainly as a footrest for the bathhouse attendant. You can not only stand on such a stand, but also sit if you want to cool down a little.

  • The most common bath benches are 60 cm wide.

    However, they are not very comfortable for vaping while lying down.

  • The width of the shelves is 90 cm, allowing a person of any size to sit crosswise with their legs tucked in and lie down.

The minimum dimensions are given, but no one forbids making shelves bigger size. But there is no point in building smaller bath benches - they will simply not be comfortable.

Height of bath furniture

Regarding the height of the shelf in the bathhouse, completely different principles apply; there are no standard values. First, the height of the top shelf is determined.

1.10 - 1.20 m is measured from the ceiling and the top shelf is installed at this level.

We make shelves in the bathhouse with our own hands

This will allow you to sit on it, and gives you enough room to swing the broom to whip the person's back rather than the ceiling. But in order to be able to do this while holding the broom in an unbent hand, you should leave more space, about 1.5 m.

Sometimes the top shelf is installed opposite the steam door. This will allow you to get more benefits from the steam. However, it is not necessary to adhere to such a scheme.

The height of the bath shelves can be 40 - 60 cm. The lower bench should be at least 30 cm from the floor. The height of the shelves depends on their number.

As a rule, the lower part of the structure is not secured.

This allows you to wash and dry the floor underneath. For a fairly heavy lower step, special skids are made that move along rubber guides.

Rules for creating shelves for a steam room

To guarantee the comfort of steaming, safety and long service life of bath decorations and furniture, you should adhere to the recommendations below, which explain how to properly make shelves in a steam room:

  • Shelves should not fit tightly to the walls.

    A gap of approximately 10 cm should be left between them; it is necessary for ventilation. To ensure such a gap, sections of timber should first be secured to the wall. The frame elements are attached to it using self-tapping screws, and the heads of the screws should be recessed into the wood.

  • For the construction of the frame it is recommended take timber 50x70 mm.

    In order for the wood to dry completely, the thickness of the board should be 4 times less than its width.

  • Depending on the thickness of the planks the required number of supports is determined.

    If the board is 22 cm thick, then the supports are installed at a distance of 60 cm from each other.

  • To give the structure stability, the frame supports should be connected along the entire length with a board from the bottom and top.
  • For all legs of bath furniture rubber gaskets should be nailed.
  • For fastening boards recommended to use wooden nails or pins that are driven into holes drilled for them.

    If there are only self-tapping screws, then they should be screwed in with reverse side so that you can’t get burned on them. If there is no other option but to fasten it from the outside, then the metal caps need to be buried in the wood.

  • Shelf flooring planks should be located at least 1 cm apart from each other.

When calculating the required amount of material, you should remember the technological indents.

According to Finnish technology for arranging shelves in a steam room, the sides are made in the same way as the flooring, that is, with ventilation gaps. However, in Russian baths, the side boards were attached tightly to each other, this was done to reduce the heated space.

Of course, in this case the steam room will warm up faster, but the wood that is hidden will take much longer to dry. Which option is the best for the owner of the bathhouse? Read also: “How to make canopies for a bathhouse with your own hands - tips and instructions from the master.”

Technology for creating a simple shelf

Here's a step-by-step guide for building simple shelves in a bathhouse with your own hands:

  1. The length of the flange is measured. There should be a gap between the wall and the shelf.
  2. The shelf frame is fastened with galvanized corners.
  3. The frame should be adjusted to the required length.
  4. The frames are attached to the wall with screws, and you should use a level.
  5. Next, right and left frames are installed at the same level.
  6. To ensure ventilation between the wall and the shelf on outside The frames are lined with pieces of plywood.
  7. Flooring is made for the upper shelf measuring 60 cm, for the lower shelf – 40 cm.
  8. The shelf frames are attached to the walls with screws.
  9. Finished shelves should be cut to the length of the frame.

    Then they are placed in their place and secured.

  10. The backrest is made to the required size and fastened in place.

There is nothing complicated about how to make shelves in a steam room. It is important to follow the recommendations given above on how to properly make shelves in a steam room, and to approach construction responsibly.

What materials are suitable for the shelf
Aspen wood - budget option
Lime roofs - optimal ratio quality and value
Abacha - high price with excellent quality
Bathroom shelf dimensions
Structural characteristics of the regiments
Sequence of assembling a crown with a sliding sofa
Folding structure assembly procedure
Wood impregnation to protect against moisture

A comfortable stay in a steam sauna largely depends not only on the microclimate, but also on the quality and comfort of the furniture that is there, especially on the shelves.

In this article we will tell you about optimal size sauna shelves and how you can build them yourself.

What materials are suitable for the shelf

When choosing the right wood for timber, you should look for stones that do not release resin when heated, which will not damage or burn the leather.

The best trees for this.

Beds in the steam room for a long time served, their wood should not be afraid of high humidity and temperature (see: “How to make a free room in the bathroom with hands - tips from the master”). In addition, it is necessary to take into account the degree of its thermal conductivity.

It is advisable to produce shelves from wood with low thermal power, which is not subject to overheating, does not burn human skin, and therefore can be placed on such a bed without a sheet layer.

In most cases, benches are made of limestone, aspen or abacha.

Aspen wood - budget option

For proper production and selection of ash, this tree can last quite a long time and does not cause discomfort when leaving.

Additionally, Aspen has many health benefits that, along with at an affordable price For this, raw materials become very demanding.

DIY bath shelves

It is believed that Aspen is able to absorb "bad energy", which restores emotional condition person.

Lime roofs - the optimal balance of quality and value

Lime is recognized as one of best views wood used to make bath furniture.

The advantages of lime plates are as follows:

  • comfort in processing, beautiful appearance, the presence of a pleasant smell of wood, which creates a special microclimate in the steam room;
  • the ability to maintain a temperature acceptable to the skin and the absence of dark spots from sweating;
  • long-term operation wooden products free from rot, splinters or cracks, although the original color may be dull.

Abacha - high price with excellent quality

Exotic wood abacha or African oak is incredibly resistant to temperature and humidity, which allows it to withstand loads well.

Since the level of thermal conductivity of such wood is very low, it heats up very slowly, so you cannot be afraid of burning in a steam room.

It should be noted that abacha is a very expensive type of wood, so every person cannot afford such material.

Abacha comes in rosettes with light and dark wood. This pre-treated wood remains unchanged for a long time.

Bathroom shelf dimensions

There are several options for placing the crown in a steam bath.

As a rule, if they were organized on 2-3 levels, this meant no seating, which is typical for Finnish steam baths - saunas (also read: “Like bathroom curtains with arms - tips and instructions from the captain”).

But for a Russian bath it is better to place the benches on the same level, so it would be appropriate to lie on them. Yes, and massage brushes are much more convenient.

At what level do you have a bench in a Russian bath?

Ideally, the height of the steam bath shelf matches the height of the bather so that he can perform bathing procedures without having to rest too much or raise his arms to an uncomfortable height.

It is best if the stem falls at finger level. As a rule, the height of the shelf in the bathroom is 70-80 cm.

In addition, the height of the shelves in the sauna should be leveled, moving from ceiling to ceiling at least 110 cm, so it was comfortable to sit and not worry.

Calculation of the length and width of the deck

The size of the shelf in a Russian bathtub should be sufficient to allow a person of any height to fit comfortably in a reclining position. Therefore, its width should be at least 90 cm and about 220 cm long.

All benches and couches in a steam bath in Russia are located along the walls, without windows, across the entire width.

More than a couple of rooms, you can fit more beds in it. In some cases, the width of the crown in the steam room is based on two people - such shelves are called floors.

But for small steam rooms, you can use the coupe repair principle on cars.

This means that the benches and shelves are attached to the same wall. You can use them at the same time, and if you need to sit, the top shelf folds down and fits on the bottom bench. Alternatively, the bottom plate can be attached to the removable mechanism and the top shelf can be securely fastened.

Structural characteristics of the regiments

  1. The structure, open from the bottom, will allow easy cleaning in a steam bath and will not impede air circulation and rapid ventilation.
  2. The lei should be slightly tilted so that water falling on it flows freely out of it.
  3. Plastic or rubber spacers under vertical shelves on shelves extend the life of the wood and prevent it from rotting.
  4. The bed should not be folded or loosened during operation and all elements should be securely fastened.

    And smooth, polished plates with rounded corners, the appearance of the structure will be beautiful and imaginary.

Board mounting methods

Avoid direct contact with everyone's skin metal elements is one of the basic conditions for attaching boards and other structural parts of the deck.

Thus, you can fix the panels in one of the following ways:

  • By recessing the hats or screws according to the thickness of the wood.
  • Use the screws from the bottom of the shelf.
  • Using oak wedges - to do this, first drill holes in the wood. This method is the safest, but it is labor intensive.

Since it would be useful not only to lie on a shelf, but also to sit on the wall on the wall, you can attach three horizontal panels as a back panel to provide ventilation between them.

To do this, use wood similar to that used for a sunroom.

You can attach some bars to the end wall so that you can lay on the sofa, which can be supported by your feet - so they get hot.

Sequence of assembling a crown with a sliding sofa

This design is optimal for small steam rooms measuring 220 x 180 x 210 cm in height, width and length. The size of the shelf in the bathroom in this case will be such that it covers an area of ​​110 × 210 × 220 cm.

Then they can fit and bake in the steam room, and the bathroom room will be the room.

They need 16 plates 210 cm long, corners, screws, frame supports and a special impregnation for wood, such as Tikkurila.

The top layer is 113 cm from the ground. Here the width of the shelf in the bathroom is 69 cm and the length is 210 cm. A sliding bench with a similar length has a width of 49 cm.

And the distance from it to the top floor is also 49 centimeters. This gap is left for ease of use of the design - in a sitting position, a person can rest his feet on the lower deck.

Despite the relatively acceptable size shelves in the steam room, the height of this design is still not very suitable for the bathroom.

Therefore, a special stand with 3 slabs 36 cm wide was built on the floor. The height of these benches on the top shelf is 70 cm, which is optimal for bathing procedures.

The shape of the crown includes two elements - the skeleton and the soil. The frame uses two support beams, which are positioned along the width of the steam bath shelf and connected to rods every 50 cm.

In this case, the transverse rods and one of the beams are close to the wall along the entire plane, and the other is close to the end parts. Cut the gutters into uneven rods to mount the rods. Also read: “How to properly make shelves in the bathroom - instructions.”

The second bracket also supports wall supports. These supports are driven so that the targets are close to the beam. Using two screws, attach the structure to each side.

Use plates with rounded edges for floor coverings, wind them carefully. They are filled at intervals of 1-2 cm for ventilation and water drainage.

It is best to use a plate whose width is 4 times the thickness or less - it dries faster and will not burst after use.

Although in this case the crown is made with a width of 69 cm, however, a similar size of shelves in the steam room is obviously not enough.

The standard width is 90 cm, which requires 7 plates.

The bottom sliding shelf is required according to the same principle as the stationary one. Its base will consist of two long sticks with a lattice, and the floor will consist of 5 plates.

Folding structure assembly procedure

Separately, it is necessary that the sliding system be left in place.

For this purpose, holders are installed on the end walls. On them and on the sides of the sofa inner part fixes the axes on which the wooden shoulders are placed. On these slats, it is advisable to cut the corners so that the mechanism moves smoothly.

The thickness of the rod at the end parts of the body and on the walls should be the same. Wooden washers are placed on them to securely attach the hands to the axles and move them without playing.

This shape allows the shelves to be moved only 0.8 times the length of the wooden brackets.

They support the couch in an expanded or retracted state.

A similar mechanism is provided for such a pair, where the size of the shelves in the sauna is equal to the length of the wall.

Wood impregnation to protect against moisture

Before using the steam room, the wood must be pre-treated. It is necessary that hot air and high humidity do not destroy the material very quickly, without spoiling its appearance, and also to avoid the appearance of fungi.

Please note that impregnation is not suitable for any chemicals such as linseed oil or varnish, because when heated it releases dangerous ingredients with a pungent odor.

It is advisable to use a natural impregnation, specially designed for use in baths.

It is based on oils that create a light-protective film on the surface of the wood. Therefore, when the temperature in the steam bath increases, no toxins or unpleasant odors are released.

Or you can also use flaxseed oil, which is used for cooking. It is heated, spread onto the surface of the wood and shaken gently. In this case, the plate must protrude well so that the steam room has a high temperature, so the oil will polymerize.

Some other oils take place in a cold form and at the end of the process the surface is heated with a hairdryer.

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How and from what to make shelves in a bathhouse with your own hands

Anyone can make shelves in a bathhouse with their own hands if they are not afraid to get down to business. This work is not that difficult. The main thing is that the materials and desire are available. For the successful implementation of the project, when constructing shelves, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the basic requirements for wooden bath structures.

A steam room is a zone of aggressive conditions: high humidity and large temperature changes.

To wooden shelves served for years, it is necessary to adhere to certain standards that clearly regulate methods and materials for the construction of bath loungers.

Material design of the bath shelf

The correct choice of material design is very important for the long-term operation of the entire structure. Boards for bath shelves are selected according to the following criteria:

  • high resistance to moisture and large temperature changes;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • low content of resins and compound;
  • increased strength, which depends on the degree of fiber.

The most suitable materials for manufacturing wooden structures in the steam room are considered:

  • African oak;
  • Linden;
  • larch;
  • aspen.

To familiarize yourself with the texture of these wood species, you can find numerous photos on the Internet.

Advantages of using larch for making bath shelves:

  • resistance to rotting;
  • high strength and durability;
  • reduced hygroscopicity, thanks to which the shelves remain clean for a long time;
  • low thermal conductivity, which prevents the shelves from getting too hot;
  • beautiful texture of the design.

African oak

Abash or African oak is a very high-quality and expensive material that has all the necessary properties.

Basically, only flooring is made from it, and other parts are made from budget wood. The use of African oak for the entire structure of the shelves is irrational.

When working with abash, you should be careful, as the material is expensive and requires careful handling. In order to avoid unnecessary expenses, it is necessary to clearly plan the work or prepare drawings of wooden structures in advance.

The thermal conductivity of abasha is very low, making it the best candidate for making bathhouse shelves.

With proper wood processing, the color of African oak is preserved throughout its entire service life. Abasha products are famous for their durability and beautiful aesthetic appearance.


Linden is another candidate for quality material for the execution of bath shelves.

It has excellent structural properties that make it attractive. The absence of defects, beautiful texture and healing qualities are complemented by excellent resistance to fungal organisms that cause wood rot.

Low thermal conductivity makes the shelves comfortable to sit on.


One of best options The material for the construction of bath shelves can be considered larch. It has low resin content. This makes it safe for a person to stay on the shelves, since the resin becomes very hot and can cause burns.


The use of aspen is justified because it has a low price and beneficial effects on the human body. This is confirmed by many people who visited the bathhouse, for the construction of the shelves of which this material was used.

However, when purchasing lumber, it is necessary to carefully monitor the absence of internal rot.

Aspen shelves are almost as durable, strong and reliable as larch ones, but their cost corresponds to budget solutions. If you take care of impregnating the wood with septic tanks in a timely manner, its service life will be comparable to that of larch. That's why independent device shelves in the bathhouse, made of aspen, will be cost-effective.

Scheme of bath shelves

There are several layouts for bath shelves, which have their own advantages.

Here are the most common:

  1. Step scheme.

    We make shelves and benches for the bath with our own hands

    It is a classic option for arranging shelves in a steam room, the number of which usually does not exceed three. This scheme makes it possible to regulate the body's heating temperature. The fact is that shelves allow you to divide the space into temperature zones: the lower the shelf, the lower the temperature.

    The design of the steps is considered the simplest and most suitable for DIY construction. It is located along one of the walls and occupies most of the space.

  2. The L-shaped layout of the bathhouse shelves allows you to make the steam room more compact.

    This arrangement saves significant space. This scheme, best suited for baths with low ceilings. According to it, the lower and upper shelves are located on one side, and the middle ones on the other.

  3. Scheme-compartment. This solution is more common in saunas and is intended for sitting on shelves.

    It is simply not suitable for use in a steam bath. Moreover, the retractable design is complex to implement and requires a lot of experience.

General requirements for the design of bath shelves

To successfully implement your project, you must adhere to the general requirements:

  1. The height of the shelves in a Russian bath should be about 70–80 cm.
  2. It is calculated based on the ease of use.

    The height depends primarily on the height of the visitors. The calculation takes into account the size, which takes into account the mark at which the broom is swung. Taking into account the space above the structure begins with the top shelf.

    It should allow you to sit on it. Minimum distance from the top shelf to the ceiling - 110–120 cm.

  3. To ensure comfort in the steam room, the shelves must be more than 2 m in length. This is provided for even before the construction of the premises itself. The width of the shelves in the bathhouse is at least 90 cm.
  4. The main structure is a frame made of inexpensive but moisture-resistant material. It consists of wooden beams, fastened together with self-tapping screws. The number of supports must be such as to ensure sufficient rigidity of the structure.
  5. The shelf covering is laid evenly, with a gap of at least 15 mm.

    This is done in order to compensate for the swelling and expansion of wood in a heated bath. The presence of free space between the flooring boards improves the ventilation of the structure and increases the speed of drying of the shelves.

  6. Fastening shelves in a bathhouse with self-tapping screws is unacceptable!

    Metal caps of hardware become very hot in a heated bath and can cause burns. In the very budget option: self-tapping screws are screwed into the deep recesses of the boards. For normal installation of the flooring, oak pins are used.

    They allow you to disassemble the structure and carry out maintenance of the shelves. Holes in the parts to be fastened are made for pin connections. After this, the flooring is installed on the supports.

  7. Similar to the shelves, they are arranged wooden backrests. The boards are installed with a gap and provide additional convenience.
  8. The design of the shelves should include a slight slope, which allows you to quickly get rid of excess moisture.
  9. The base of the frame made of beams should be installed on plastic or rubber gaskets, which will prevent rotting of the wooden structure.
  10. During construction, the design of bath shelves should not contain sharp corners or jagged edges.

    The surface of the wood is carefully sanded.

Processing wooden structures in the bathhouse

When installing shelves in a bathhouse, it is necessary to carefully treat each structural element with impregnation, which will significantly increase the service life of the shelves. Untreated wood, even the most moisture-resistant species, quickly loses color.

The use of varnish or drying oil to impregnate bath shelves is unacceptable, as their fumes can cause nausea, dizziness or an allergic reaction.

The best solution would be to use vegetable oils, which give the tree a monochromatic appearance. They don't highlight harmful substances and have water-repellent properties.

Vegetable oils deeply saturate the wood and serve as a vapor barrier, protecting its structure from the destructive effects of moisture. Without access to the latter, active reproduction of fungi is impossible. They are the ones responsible for the destruction of the bathhouse shelves.

Oil-treated structures are devoid of unpleasant odors, are environmentally friendly and do not cause allergies.

When making sauna shelves with your own hands, the use of linseed oil will be most justified. Its cost is relatively low, and the effect is sustainable.

Oils for impregnating shelves

As effective impregnation wooden bath structures, you can use both hemp and linseed oil.

However, the latter will be cheaper. The main determining factor when choosing an impregnation can be considered the penetrating property of the oil. And flaxseed, in all respects, will be an excellent option.

Impregnating oil application technology

Before applying oil, the wood is carefully processed sandpaper. This is done in order to clean the surface of the material from possible contaminants that may appear after processing.

The amount of impregnation required depends on the size of the shelves in the bathhouse.

To improve the penetrating properties of oils, they are preheated and then applied to the wood with a brush. Strokes are made along the direction of the fibers. The oil is thoroughly rubbed into the surface of the wood. It is best to apply the impregnation in a heated bath. You can apply cold oil, but then the wooden structure must be heated with a hair dryer.

High-quality impregnation is carried out gradually, in 2–3 stages.

The break between applying each layer should be several hours. After completion of the work and before commissioning, about a week should pass for the oil to be completely absorbed into the wood.

The width of the brush is selected depending on the size of the boards. You can also use a rag for application. In any case, the durability of the entire structure will depend on the thoroughness of the work. After the impregnation has dried, the surface of the shelves can be polished.

The level of comfort in the steam room largely depends on functional characteristics shelf - its height, design features and material of manufacture. You can make a convenient bath shelf yourself if you follow the basic rules.

Choosing the right material

For the manufacture of shelves and benches, it is recommended to use hardwood, and here's why: when it is heated, it does not release resin, which can burn and stick to the skin.

It is important to choose wood that is resistant to high temperatures and moisture, in which case the shelves can last long years. But the key criterion is the thermal conductivity of the material:

Wood with low thermal conductivity – the best choice, since such a shelf does not overheat and does not burn the skin, allowing the steamer to lie directly on the boards without using a sheet.

The most popular types wood for making the shelf - aspen, linden and African abash oak.

Aspen is the most affordable material

In addition to its low price, aspen has certain healing properties. Traditionally, aspen is considered a tree that absorbs “negative energy.”

The aspen shelf is quite durable and practical to use. But carefully select aspen - without internal rot.

Linden - the best price/quality ratio

It is ideal for making shelves and benches, and here's why:

  • This wood is easy to process, looks aesthetically pleasing, and when heated, emits a light, pleasant aroma, creating a microclimate favorable to health.
  • Even at high temperatures, the wood does not burn, and there are no sweat stains left on it.
  • Linden bath shelves are quite durable - the material does not crack or rot over time, but it may darken.

Abash (African oak) – good, but expensive

It is highly resistant to temperature and moisture, and resistant to stress. Due to its low thermal conductivity, the abash heats up very slowly, so you can use the shelf without fear at any temperature in the steam room.

You can find light and dark abasha wood on sale. During operation, the material retains its original appearance if it is pre-treated. But abash oak is an expensive material, alas.

The correct dimensions of the bath shelf

Often, many bath attendants make shelves in several tiers because “it’s beautiful” or they saw it in others. But the two- or three-tier shelves with steps came from saunas, where people sit, not lie.

Such options are not suitable in a Russian bath - they disturb the steamer. It is advisable to make shelves on one level.

To make places comfortable for sitting and lying, you should focus on the following proportions:

Shelf height in a Russian bath

The height of the shelf should correspond to the height of the soaring person. To prevent the steamer from having to bend down or, on the contrary, work with his hands at an uncomfortable height, the shelf should be located at the level of the thumb bone of the lowered hand. On average, the height is 70-80 cm.

It is advisable to leave a distance of at least 110 cm between the shelf and the ceiling of the steam room; in this case, you can not only lie on the shelf, but also sit comfortably.

Lenght and width

The shelf should be comfortable for lying on, so the length is at least 220 cm, so as not to rest your head against the wall and prevent your legs from dangling. Width – about 90 cm.

Shelves and benches in the steam room are placed along walls without windows, spanning the entire width of the wall. The number of shelves depends on the size of the steam room. If space allows, the width of the main shelf can be made for two - these will already be chambers.

If space is limited, the “compartment” option is used - the bench and shelves are adjacent to one wall, the shelf folds back and is fixed for the convenience of sitting on the bench. If necessary, the shelves return to their original position. Another option: the lower bench is retractable, and the shelves are attached permanently.

Important shelf design features

  1. It is preferable to install structures that are open at the bottom so that they are well ventilated from below, do not interfere with the ventilation of the room and make it easy to clean the floor.
  2. To make water drain faster from the shelf, it is made with a slight slope.
  3. Between the floor and the vertical posts of the shelf, pads made of plastic or thick rubber should be installed - this will prevent rotting of the wood of the posts and will extend the service life of the structure.
  4. The bath shelf should look aesthetically pleasing and have smooth surface and rounded corners of the boards. The structural elements must be tightly adjusted to each other so that the shelves do not wobble or creak.

Methods of fastening boards

Particular attention is paid to fastening the shelf boards and other external elements - it is important to exclude the possibility of accidental contact of screws or nails with the metal while using the steam room.

There are several mounting methods:

  • The easiest and fastest way is to embed the heads of the screws deeply into the wood.
  • You can attach self-tapping screws to the back of the structures.
  • The most labor-intensive, but the safest and most environmentally friendly option is the use of oak wedges, which are driven into pre-made holes.

If desired, a backrest is mounted on the wall to which the shelf is attached - usually these are three boards stacked on vertical racks made of bars. The back allows you to sit comfortably on the shelf without fear of burning your back on the steam room lining. The back is made of the same material as the shelves. Gaps should be left between the boards for ventilation.

To increase comfort, you can place blocks on the end wall to support your legs: it is recommended to raise your legs higher than your head while lying on a shelf so that they warm up faster.

The process of making a shelf with a pull-out bench-lounger

This option will do for those who have a small steam room. The height of the steam room is 220 cm, width 180 cm, length 210 cm. This compact system of shelves fits on an area of ​​110x210x220 cm. The rest of the space is for the stove and for the steamer.

Costs For this shelf with a sunbed, 16 linden boards of 210 cm each, bars for the frame, screws, corners, Tikkurila wood impregnation were used - all together costing about 6,000 rubles. Everything is done by hand.

The top shelf is mounted at a height of 113 cm. Its width is 69 cm, length – 210 cm. The width of the pull-out lounger is 49 cm, and it also takes up space from wall to wall. The distance between the shelf and the lounger is 49 cm, making it convenient to use the lounger as a footrest while sitting on the shelf.

Since the upper stationary shelf is located significantly higher than required by the standards, for the convenience of the soaring, a bench of 3 boards, 36 cm wide, was additionally made. The distance between it and the shelf is 70 cm - this is a quite comfortable value.

The steam room shelf consists of two main elements: a supporting structure made of timber and flooring. The support is made of two load-bearing beams: they are installed along the width of the shelf and connected to each other by jumpers with a pitch of 50 cm:

One of the beams and the outer transverse beams are attached to the corresponding walls along the entire plane, the second beam is attached to the ends. To secure the lintels, grooves of the required size are made in the beams.

To support the second beam in this case, special racks resting on the wall are used. To ensure a tight connection, the ends of the racks are filed at the required angle. The structure is fastened with screws, two fasteners for each rack.

Thin, well-planed boards with rounded edges are placed on the manufactured frame. Slots 1-2 cm wide should be left between the boards to ensure rapid drainage of water and the necessary ventilation during drying.

The frame was covered with boards, leaving gaps for water to drain (there is also a bench in the photo)

It is important to use boards whose width does not exceed four times their thickness - such material dries well and is not susceptible to cracking during use.

In order to save space in the project under consideration, the width of the lounger is 69 cm, but it is recommended to make shelves at least 90 cm wide, which will require the use of 7 boards.

The principle of manufacturing a retractable lounger is the same as that of a shelf - the frame consists of two longitudinal bars with transverse struts. 5 boards were used for the flooring.

Retractable mechanism device

The design of the retractable “walking” mechanism requires special attention. How to make a folding shelf so that the bottom lounger slides under the top one? The bars are mounted to the end walls of the steam room. To them, and to the sides of the lounger from the inside, axles are attached, on which wooden planks– levers. The corners of the slats should be filed (at least in the upper part) so that they do not interfere with the operation of the mechanism.

The thickness of the bars fixed to the wall must correspond to the thickness of the end elements of the lounger. To ensure that the slats sit tightly on the axle and move without play, wooden washers are installed.

The mechanism allows you to effortlessly extend the lounger to a strictly defined distance, which in this case is 0.8 of the length of the lever. The lounger rests on its legs in the fully extended or fully retracted position.

This retractable design is most suitable for steam rooms, in which the length of the shelves and the lounger completely occupy the wall.

Protective wood treatment

Before using the steam room, it is necessary to treat the wood from which the shelves are made. Frequent contact with hot moist air leads to rapid destruction of the material, deterioration of its appearance. Proper prevention will help avoid the appearance of mold and rot.

Attention! Under no circumstances should the shelf be used for processing. chemicals, including the usual drying oil and varnish. Otherwise, as the temperature in the room increases, substances that have an unpleasant, pungent odor and can cause an allergic reaction will be intensively released into the air.

It is recommended to use impregnation specially designed for bath shelves and benches. It is made on the basis natural oils and allows you to create a protective film on the outer surface of wooden structures without compromising the natural properties of wood. This product is odorless and does not emit harmful fumes when heated.

Cheaper and affordable option– edible flaxseed oil, which can be purchased at the grocery store. Hot oil is applied to the wood with a brush; it is recommended to rub it in well.

It is advisable to process the shelves by heating the stove well in the steam room - the oil polymerizes under the influence of high temperature. With another processing method, cold oil is rubbed in, and then the surface is heated with a hair dryer.