Smokehouse from a gas cylinder recipes. Everything is easy and simple - a smokehouse from a gas cylinder

Today, among summer residents and owners country houses A popular topic is the creation of all kinds of barbecues, smokehouses, barbecues, ovens, etc. People began to relax more with their families on weekends, going to the dacha to barbecue, what could be better? fresh air and deliciously cooked kebab))

But in order to cook everything thoroughly and efficiently, you need a grill-smokehouse-barbecue, for example, the author made this miracle from old gas cylinders. At first, the master simply made a barbecue grill from a cylinder, then he wanted to improve his creation and he added another small 25 liter cylinder as a smokehouse firebox, and a large cylinder serves as a smoking chamber. The compartments communicate with each other, the small one is located at a lower level to form draft and the smoke independently passes into the smoking compartment.

A small cylinder can also be used as a barbecue or barbecue, only one grate can fit there, and there are 2 times fewer skewers, but in combination with a large cylinder you can increase the barbecue productivity per hour)))

So, let's look at what is needed to create a smokehouse-barbecue-barbecue?


1. gas cylinder 25 l
2. fittings
3. metal pipe 50 mm
4. sheet metal 2-3 mm (for damper)
5. loops 2 pcs.
6. pen holders
7. pipe 50 mm long 1.5 m
8. lid opening limiter (fittings)


1. grinder (angle grinder)
2. welding machine
3. drill
4. hammer
5. file
6. ruler
7. marker
8. pliers

Step-by-step instructions for making a smokehouse-barbecue with your own hands.

As mentioned above, the author already had a basic grill made from a gas cylinder (By the way, the site has previous material on how to make a grill and correctly cut a gas cylinder) But the master decided to improve his design and increase its functionality, and as a result, productivity , adding another small compartment to the existing barbecue.

An old 25 liter gas cylinder was taken as the starting material (see how to cut a gas cylinder on the website). The cylinder was cut in compliance with all safety regulations.

Then, in the end part, using a grinder, a technological hole in the shape of an ellipse was cut out, through which two cylinders will communicate.

After which the master proceeds to making the lid of a small cylinder, namely, he makes markings with a marker and makes a cut with a grinder along the intended contour, but there is no need to cut everything out at once. We make one cut and immediately weld the hinges and only then cut out the entire lid.

The hinges are welded on.

Another technological hole in the shape of a triangle is made at the opposite end of the small cylinder; it will serve as a blower and regulate the air flow into the combustion chamber.

On a large cylinder, a hole is also made in the end part for installing a chimney pipe.

Pipe diameter 50 mm length 1.5 m.

This is exactly what happens.

Holders for the handle are welded onto the small cylinder, and the wooden handle made from a shovel handle.

A limiter made of reinforcement is also welded for a certain opening angle of the grill lid.

A damper is installed; it is slightly larger in size than the hole itself and serves to regulate the air supply and draft accordingly.

After the firewood burns, we turn the damper to minimum to maintain smoldering in the combustion chamber.

It is advisable to use alder firewood; they produce very aromatic smoked meats) The author smoked chicken wings and sausages, smoked for an hour.

Periodically you should open the lid of the smoking chamber and check the condition of the product.

The taste of home-smoked meat, lard or fish is much different from the taste of those products sold in stores or markets. After all, today’s smoked meat producers have long mastered an easier and less expensive technology for processing meat products - the so-called “liquid smoke”. The essence of the technology is simple: salted ready-made delicacies are dipped in smoke liquid for 2-3 minutes, and then dried in special cabinets.

It’s very easy to make real smoked meats at home by making a smokehouse from a gas cylinder with your own hands. In this article we will try to describe in detail the manufacturing process of the smoking unit, and for clarity we add step by step instructions and several videos.

Usually, in the store, the labels of smoked products indicate how the product was prepared: hot or cold. To get a clear idea of ​​their essence, take a look at the proposed drawings.

Scheme: comparison of hot and cold smoking technologies

During hot smoking, the products placed in the smokehouse reach condition much earlier than during cold smoking, due to the fact that they are exposed to high temperature and smoke. But the shelf life of products prepared by smoking this way is short and, as a rule, is 2-3 weeks.

When cold smoking, products in a smokehouse can be processed from 1 to 3 days. This ensures long-term preservation of meat or fish from 2 to 6 months. By the way, prunes, beloved by confectioners, are also prepared using cold smoking technology.

Design homemade smokehouse will depend on the technology you choose. As shown in the drawing when cold technology the firebox is separated from the smoking tank by a long pipe (about 3-4 m). This is necessary so that the smoke has time to cool before reaching the food.

Preparatory work

Today, in many large hardware stores you can easily buy a ready-made smokehouse, but its cost is sometimes too high. It is much cheaper to make a smokehouse with your own hands from scrap materials, for example, as in our case from a gas cylinder. The quality of the products prepared in it will also be high.

Smokehouse made from gas cylinders

To make a smokehouse, as in the photo, you will need an AG-50 gas cylinder. Its capacity must be more than 50 liters.

Important! Do not use old, heavily rusted or damaged cylinders. A smokehouse made from them will not last long.

All preparatory work can be combined into three stages:

Attention! Do not neglect your personal safety - it is prohibited to cut or weld the cylinder without first cleaning it of gas residues and other substances. Carry out all work only after the gas has completely escaped.

Cutting out the smokehouse lid

After complete cleaning the cylinder becomes safe. Now it can be cut. Lay the can on its side and make chalk marks where the doors should be. Using a grinder, cut a hole in the cylinder, leaving only those places where the loops should be intact. Please note that the side parts (rings) must remain intact. You can speed up the process a little by using various metal cutters.

You can cut the balloon with a grinder

Now you should attach the hinges to the door. You can use any iron door hinges. Ordinary bolts are quite suitable for fastening them. But it will be safer to weld the hinges with a welding machine. After this, the door is finally cut out and all sharp edges are cleaned. Attach a handle to the outside of the door. For greater convenience, the handle is covered with fire-resistant, non-heating material. You can buy it at a hardware store.

Making legs or a stand for the smokehouse

As a rule, the height of the smokehouse rarely exceeds the standard kitchen table and is 85-100 cm. At the first stage, you should decide whether you will have a stationary smokehouse or one with a portable function. Both the stand and removable legs can be made from metal corners.

Attention! The weight of a smokehouse loaded with products is much greater than an empty one, therefore, in order to ensure the stability of the smokehouse, during the manufacture of the supporting structure, all parts must be properly secured and welded.

Easiest and fastest way to do it stationary structure. To make it you will need 4 corners and a welding machine. Connect the corners perpendicular to the cylinder and weld them to the bottom of the smokehouse.

The smokehouse is installed on metal legs

Portable legs are made differently. Drill holes in the bottom of the cylinder and insert bolts into them so that the threads are outward. And weld nuts into the legs. If necessary, the legs are simply screwed to the cylinder.

The lower part of the legs, both in the first and second cases, for greater stability, must additionally be equipped with corners or metal supports.

Manufacturing of firebox and chimney

As we said above, the technology of cold and hot smoking is different, therefore the designs of smokehouses will be different. Let's look at the step-by-step manufacturing instructions hot smokehouse. For a more visual representation, we suggest watching the video.

So, weld an iron elbow to the neck cut off with a grinder. Insert it into chimney. Create a damper at the top to regulate the amount of smoke. It is attached to the pipe with a bolt or made completely removable.

Cut a hole in the other side piece. Through it, smoke from the firebox will flow into the smokehouse. The combustion tank can be made from sheets of metal (4 mm) or a tank of slightly smaller dimensions. It is made with two holes for placing sawdust and for a blower. Install a grate between the firebox and the smokehouse tank, as an open fire can spoil the food. The best solution will provide a small transition in the form of a pipe. Remember, hot smoking is carried out at high temperatures.

Chimney for smokehouse

For cold smokehouse the pipe connecting the firebox and the tank is extended as much as possible so that the smoke reaches the food already cooled to 19-25 degrees. The design of the smokehouse may involve two removable pipes: one for hot smoking, the other for cold smoking.

At the bottom of the food tank, install a metal sheet, wrapped in foil for collection excess fat. You will have to change the foil after each use. Attach to the top metal pipe, on which pieces of meat or fish are hung.

The assembled smoking unit can be additionally equipped on the outside with a table for food.

General recommendations for using a smokehouse based on a gas cylinder

The finished smokehouse is usually covered with enamel dark colors. However, this is not necessary, since gradually it will still become covered with soot. Before using the smokehouse for the first time, the firebox should be heated at least once “idle” to completely get rid of extraneous odors.

For cold smoking you need to extend the chimney pipe

When making smoked meats at home, use sawdust only from deciduous trees. Wood from fruit trees and bushes. It would be a good idea to have a small wood chipper at your disposal.

When placing meat or fish preparations in the smokehouse, wrap them in one layer of gauze. It will retain excess resin, which gives smoked meats bitterness.

Do-it-yourself smokehouse from a gas cylinder: video

Gourmet restaurant dishes or classic barbecue, which is cooked over an open fire - all this can be prepared quickly by creating a smokehouse from a gas cylinder with your own hands.

Such a barbecue-smokehouse will not only allow you to prepare delicious dishes in the country, in nature or on a hike, but will also maintain the environmental balance, since the container will be reused.

Variety of species

For making a barbecue on our own, you will need to decide on the design of the product, develop or order a drawing from a professional in order to avoid errors and shortcomings during the assembly of the structure.

Barbecue smokehouses come in the following types:

  • folding, also called mobile or portable, they are convenient for transportation, especially when traveling outdoors;
  • portable, with handles for easy movement;
  • stationary barbecues (installed in a pre-prepared place) are relevant for dachas and country houses.

In most cases homemade design is an old cylinder that has run out of natural gas.

Additional materials used for the manufacture of smokehouses:

  • stone (you can use decorative or natural, different forms and sizes);
  • bricks (different colors);
  • steel or sheet iron.

To give the structure an aesthetic appearance, it is recommended to cover it with bricks or cladding using tiles - you will get something like a stove.

Expert advice: Before starting work on the manufacture of a grill-smokehouse, you will need to carefully study all the necessary technical information, find suitable drawings, prepare materials and tools.

Design Features

There are some features of this invention that must be taken into account, because every author wants the design to be durable, reliable and completely safe to use.

Let us list the main advantages of a homemade invention:

  • low cost, since all materials are at hand;
  • high reliability during intensive use;
  • the ability to create exclusive models according to your own drawings.

A balloon grill assembled according to all the rules, despite its low cost, will decorate a suburban area.

It can be made non-standard, for example, by giving it the shape of a steam locomotive. This term also refers to a barbecue that has a high pipe through which smoke is released during use of the product.

It is interesting that all work related to connecting elements is performed using a welding machine.

Interesting fact: a barbecue made from an old unnecessary gas cylinder is not only cost saving, but also protection environment. Instead of polluting nature, it turns out useful thing at home.

The classic cylinder has very durable, thick walls that do not burn out quite for a long time. This can also be considered an advantage.

What is needed for work

What is required to create an unusual design:

  • an empty gas cylinder (the optimal tank capacity is 50 -70 l);
  • a metal pipe or other blank (to create a reliable chimney, if this is provided for in the smokehouse design);
  • several hinges and metal rivets to secure the grill lid;
  • metal rods to create an independent grate in the smokehouse (8-10 mm thick);
  • construction corners;
  • sheet metal.

Set of tools:

  • medium power welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • gas keys of various sizes;
  • hacksaw (for metal);
  • drill with replaceable drill bits.

Don't forget that when you deal with welding, you need a special protective mask.

Note: A person who has never welded should trust professional craftsmen. All tools are dangerous, you need to handle them with care and precision, and be attentive when working.

Stages of work

The drawings will help you make a comfortable grill from an old gas cylinder. Additionally, you will need to carry out work on its creation and installation.

The first and one of the most important stages is visual inspection and preparation of the container, which in the future will allow the production of hot and cold method smoking

After selecting a cylinder of appropriate size, it is necessary to carry out a visual inspection to determine the presence or make sure there are no traces of corrosion.

Cleaning the container

Each container has a valve that must be completely unscrewed. This should be done smoothly, as gas vapor may remain in the cylinder. After this, the cylinder must be turned over to remove any remaining gas.

To be safe, you can rinse the tank with water. Regular foam made from soap or dishwashing detergent, which should be applied to a closed valve, will help control the process and ensure the complete absence of dangerous vapors.

It is important: If you apply soap suds to the closed valve of a gas cylinder and see bubbles forming, the cylinder is not completely empty. If there are no bubbles, then there is no gas, and cutting and welding work will be completely safe.

Then cut off the valve with a grinder, and pour the most plain water. This process will help free the container from possible dirt and dust.

These measures will prevent sparks and ignition..

Let's start cutting

Next stage- cutting the balloon.

As professionals advise, the incision should be made longitudinally. You will get two halves, not necessarily equal in size. One of them will serve as a grill, the other as a lid.

The construction of the legs will not only serve as a support for the structure, but will also decorate the future barbecue.

The material can be old, not rusty, undamaged pipes or forged stands. They are secured with strong and also rust-free bolts.

Attaching the lid and legs

For reliable installation of the lid, which will allow the smoking process to proceed faster, holes should be made for the hinges. This is done in stages:

  • fixation with rivets and/or bolts;
  • welding is carried out.

After the hinges are securely fastened, the handles that will be required for opening/closing are installed. Fastening is also done using bolts. A chimney is installed in the place where the cylinder valve was located.

The firebox is a special part of the structure. This element is required if you plan to make a smokehouse from the cylinder. To make it, you will need steel sheets, which will need to be cut and welded to specific sizes.

A smaller canister, cut lengthwise and welded in the required place, can act as a firebox. The final stage is strengthening the smokehouse. To do this, weld the corners along the edges of the structure.

There is no doubt that when using a homemade grill, the container will inevitably wear out and become deformed. There is one secret to extending the service life - weld a corner to the inner walls.

The smokehouse firebox is not needed as a separate element. After all, when creating a barbecue, we achieve tightness and integrity of all constituent elements. For additional protection in winter period The smoker can be placed in an old gas cabinet.

Exposure to heat, precipitation and other negative natural phenomena may damage metal parts designs.

If you want the barbecue-smokehouse, created from an old unnecessary cylinder, to serve for several years and not lose its attractiveness and performance characteristics, you need to protect outside structures - painted or treated with a composition that prevents corrosion.

According to reviews from craftsmen and those who like to do everything with their own hands, this product is convenient, modern, durable, unusual in design. appearance device.

It will definitely attract the attention of your guests and friends if you treat the manufacturing process properly and do everything carefully, correctly and reliably. By inviting guests to your dacha, you and your invention will be the center of attention, the weekend will be unusual, fun and interesting.

Thus, crafts from an old propane tank can give it a second life. Such smokehouses are often made, so finding a suitable drawing will not be difficult.

Expert advice: The main thing in making a smokehouse from a gas cylinder is to follow safety precautions and use only quality materials, which are free from corrosion or other damage.

Watch the video in which the master explains in detail how to make a grill-smokehouse from a gas cylinder with my own hands:

The grill-smokehouse (M-K) can be built from brick or stone. The result is grandiose multifunctional structures. If you don't need such grandeur, you can create an M-K with your own hands from gas cylinders.

Of course you will need necessary materials, tools and drawings, as well as skills and abilities.

Because it is thought combined apparatus, then its main specificity is the difference in the conditions for preparing the product.

Smoking technique

You can smoke products using the following methods:

  • Cold. Cooling of the smoke occurs inside in a long pipe. The smoke follows into the product compartment. It arrives there within 1-2 days. This ensures product safety for 2-6 months.
  • Hot. The smoke generator is located near the food compartment. Smoking does not last long. But food can be stored for no more than two months.
  • Semi-cold. The process takes 1-1.5 days. There is a pipe between the smoke generator and the food compartment. Its length is 1.5 – 2 m.

Schemes of these techniques are outlined below:

Depending on the preferred technique, the device will essentially have the same design. Only its components will be concentrated from each other at different distances.

Parameters of the device and barbecue

The most common parameters of such units are:

  • Free length. It is determined by the number of skewers. The distance between them is: 8-10 cm.
  • Height: 15-20 cm. This is the optimal interval from the product to the coals.
  • Width depending on the length of the skewer. The standards here are 25-40 cm.

An example of a drawing from a real cylinder:

A less critical indicator is the height from the ground line. Usually it is 80 - 120 cm. Grates are used for barbecuing. The lesion does not change in height and length. The width is affected by the size of the grille.

For grilling, the parameters of the fryer are less significant. But here you need a lid to maintain a stable temperature in the fryer itself.

Advantages of a gas cylinder as a basis for M-K

The cylinder has a number of advantages over the barrel and sheet metal version. They are:

  • Wall density – 2.5 mm.
  • Reasonable prices for used cylinders.
  • Compact sizes.
  • Practical readiness of the building. This makes the work less labor intensive.

The planned barbecue-smokehouse made from a gas cylinder will be equipped with many functions. And here one container will not be enough. It can be used for barbecue. The second cylinder is activated. Its volume is 50 l. This will make a smoke generator.

Design questions

One design can combine 4 devices. In addition to the basics: barbecue and smokehouse, you can arrange a grill and barbecue here.

Classic version mangala is perfect solution for the food compartment of the smokehouse. Here important condition– presence of a lid with excellent sealing.

A smoke generator is added to the brazier. You can connect it with her directly, so the hot method will work. You can tie it with a pipe of the required length. This is how the other two methods will work.

It is impossible to make a multifunctional device from gas cylinders with your own hands without initial design. Ideally, use modern computer technology - draw a 3D drawing. At a minimum, you should have a sketch on paper. It is important to at least roughly imagine the upcoming costs of materials: corners, pipes, etc.


Security question

Before the main work, the cylinder must be prepared and made safe. For this:

  1. They completely remove the remaining gas, or rather propane and butane, if they are preserved in the container.
  2. The valve is carefully unscrewed.
  3. The entire bottle inside is filled with water. She remains in this position for 12 hours.
  4. The liquid is then drained where plants are not planned to be planted.
  5. The cylinder is being cut. An angle grinder with a metal disc is used. This tool must be used wisely:
  • the disk is located on the left side of the body, so the abrasive part will be on top of the workpiece, and sparks will fly under the user’s feet;
  • the cut is directed away from itself along the rotation of the disk,
  • when welding and edges are ground, the surface of the tool tooling is at an angle of 15 degrees in relation to the plane being processed.

Failure to comply with these criteria can result in serious injury.

Manufacturing process

The planned hybrid requires a 50 liter cylinder. The following designations and cuts are made on it:

Lid. It has a length corresponding to the entire height of the cylinder from the sealing ring (it is located at the bottom) to the initial line of the rounding section of the neck. The approximate width is one third of the length of the entire circumference of the container.

The lid to the cylinder must be mounted by welding on the hinges

Landing zones. They are needed for skewers. These are vertical slits on one side of the formed bowl.

Opposite them, through holes are arranged

Hole for smoke exhaust. It is cut in the upper side from the position of the neck.

Inlet. It may vary depending on the method. With the hot method, the smoke generator enters the body of the device from the bottom. The shape of the hole is oval, horizontally elongated.

With the cold method, for the pipe next to the smoke generator, the shape of the hole is a circle. Sizes – smaller

To conveniently use the dampers, corners should be welded onto the bodies of both cylinders. Handles can be mounted to the dampers

Creating a Smoke Generator

Its design is somewhat more difficult to work on. Algorithm of actions:

The balloon is cut to 50 cm in height. The bottom or neck is mounted back

A hole is prepared in the upper part for connection to the barbecue.

A grate for fuel (sawdust) is installed

The cover for access to the smoke generator is cut out

During the smoking process, there must be perfect sealing of the grill. When cooking a meat product over charcoal, air must penetrate into it. For this reason, instead of the standard side holes, a hatch should be cut out in the bottom. And part of the body in this situation is converted into a gate valve.

Chimney and supports

The methods for creating legs for M-K are as follows:

1. Brick layout.

2. Welding. Use a corner or profile pipe.

3. Use of used stand from sewing model.

Cutting out a vertical container with 50 liters of planting zones. Their shape is a semicircle. They correspond to the diameter of the device.

To guarantee the necessary draft, it is necessary to use a pipe whose height reaches at least 150 cm. The calculation comes from the firebox of the smoke generator. Wetted fuel is placed in it

Laying several rims for auto. They lie on top of each other. Seized by welding.

You can invent your own innovative version of supports. A lot depends on your creativity here.

It is better to use steel pipes for the chimney. They must match in diameter.

The chimney does not need to be inserted into the hole where the cylinder valve was previously located.

It is better to mount the pipe at the top of the cylinder.

When the lid is open, the effectiveness of the smoke exhaust disappears. It is used only when smoking original dishes - delicacies.

At the culmination stage, you need to assemble the smokehouse from the resulting blanks:

  1. The roasting pan is placed on supporting elements.
  2. A smoke generator is mounted to it from below. It is based on its legs.
  3. A chimney outlet is connected to the top side.

This is how M-K is created, aka grill and barbecue from gas cylinders

Unlike brick version, the device can be used immediately. And the traction test is carried out at the same moment.

Decorating questions

The created device can be endowed with additional functionality and its design can be decorated in an original way. For example, you can arrange:

  1. Cutting table. Its convenience lies in placing products in the smokehouse. It also makes it easier to work with skewers and pack cooked dishes.
  2. Canopy. This is protection from precipitation.
  3. Woodpile. You can place the necessary firewood in it. And you won’t have to leave for them during the culinary process.
  4. Forged components. They will give the structure a more valuable appearance.

If you add wheels to such a device, it will become mobile. It can be moved freely around the site.

Thus, using only two 50 liter cylinders, you can create a multifunctional useful hybrid unit. He will allow all year round delight yourself, your family and friends with delicious barbecues, kebabs and smoked meats.

A thrifty owner can always breathe life into old unnecessary things. Someone may have an old propane gas cylinder lying around in their utility room. You shouldn’t give it away for scrap metal, because just one day of work and you will get an excellent smokehouse from a gas cylinder with your own hands.

The shape of the cylinder will give the product originality, and you will need a small set of tools that almost any craftsman will have. As a result of the efforts spent, the family will receive delicacies from fish, meat, lard or poultry.

Preparation for production

A gas cylinder is an excellent preparation not only for a smokehouse, but also for a barbecue. However, it is advisable to choose a container that is not damaged by significant corrosion, as this will affect the durability of the product. Also, all work must be carried out only after the remaining gas and gasoline have been properly removed from the cavity.

Video - how to make a smokehouse from a cylinder yourself (brief instructions):

If all the work is done correctly, the product will last on average 15-20 years, which is much longer than store-bought ones.

You will need to stock up on the following materials and tools:

  • gas cylinder (container for domestic gas red 50 l);
  • sheet metal (thickness 3-4 mm);
  • approximately 6 m of building corner with a 45 mm wall (in some cases it can be replaced with a 20x40 mm building profile);
  • chimney pipe (length 100-120 cm, diameter 100-120 mm);
  • door hinges (it is advisable to choose a metal thickness of at least 2 mm);
  • rods for the grid (diameter 8-10 mm, reinforcement, square or hexagon are not advisable);
  • wooden blanks for handles (well-dried blanks made of birch or other dense species);
  • grinder (preferably with a soft start);
  • welding machine (electrodes will need 2-3 mm);
  • electric drill (drills must be selected with a minimum length to ensure rigidity during operation);
  • hacksaw for metal (use a blade with a fine tooth).

Working with a cylinder

After selecting a cylinder, it is necessary to visually check it for the presence of deep corrosion. Next, you will need to get rid of the condensate and gas remaining in it. First, take the container out into the open space in the yard or other area. It is preferable to carry out work dry sunny weather. There should be no open source of fire near the work site.

Unscrew the valve as much as possible. After the intensive phase, turn the container over to remove residues. You can check whether the gas has completely escaped using ordinary soap paste. Lubricate the valve with it. When bubbles stop appearing, it means that the pressure inside is equal to the outside.

From the top of the future barbecue-smokehouse from a gas cylinder, we cut off the neck together with the tap with our own hands using a hacksaw.

When cutting off the top, do not allow a spark to occur. In this case, it is necessary to periodically water the treatment area to eliminate the risk of fire. The cut must be wet.

We rinse the opened cavity running water to get rid of the smell. It is convenient to fill the volume with water using a hose. If it does not fit into the hole formed, then pour everything through a funnel.

Adding to water will be effective. ammonia. Leave the container with this solution to settle for several hours. You can stir the liquid periodically. After draining the residue, wash it again with running water.

Making the base for the smokehouse

It is unlikely that any preliminary drawings will be needed to make a smokehouse with your own hands from a gas cylinder. Most often, manufacturers calculate the final result from the material that is available.

In general, this design of a vertical smokehouse can be useful, where you can use an electric stove.

Marking the cuts for the door is done using a long ruler and a pencil. You can duplicate the stripes with thin white chalk.

The cuts will need to be made carefully without displacements, not reaching 100-150 mm along the axis before the rounding of the balloon ends (“top” and “bottom”) begins. There is no need to open the slots right away.

Having made long axial grooves with a grinder, we try on the hinges in place. Clean the welding surface wire brush, fixed on the drill. Some craftsmen clean the area under the hinges with a grinder. The method is practical, but aesthetics are not always preserved. We “grab” the overhead loops by welding.

You can also subsequently secure these with rivets or bolts. However, no coating is allowed on rivets or other fasteners in order to prevent harmful fumes from near food. A more popular option for attaching hinges is final welding with electrodes. When the hinges are welded, we open the grooves separating the door from the frame completely.

From the side to which the tap was attached, we weld an elbow made of pipes onto the barbecue smokehouse from a gas cylinder with our own hands.

The height of the vertical section must be at least a meter. This will ensure high-quality traction and efficient smoldering of the chips during the process. A damper covering the upper end of the vertical pipe will help control the draft. In some designs, the damper fits into a cut groove in the pipe.

The second end is connected to the firebox for the smokehouse. To do this, cut out the lower half of the end diameter using a grinder. When using such a smokehouse as a barbecue, the draft in the former gas cylinder will be regulated using this cut-out sector.

During operation, thermal deformations of the manufactured container are possible. Tightening the structure will help reduce their influence. To do this, along the axis of the cylinder in the middle of the hole closed by the lid, we weld a tube with a diameter of 20-30 mm from the inside. It will also serve as a limiter to help prevent the lid from falling deeper. Another function of the pipe is to hang food products from it for smoking. This can also be done through holes drilled in the frame.

Welded strips of metal along the perimeter of the lid will help ensure the tightness of the cavity. They can also serve as a closing stop. A horseshoe-shaped loop on the outside can prevent the lid from falling back sharply.

At the bottom of such smokehouses made from self-made gas cylinders, a special tray is installed, which serves as a container for collecting fat. To avoid smearing the container, it is advisable to cover the tray with food foil. The bases for a removable metal grill are attached above the pallet. You can make it yourself with your own hands from rods of stainless steel wire or use a ready-made unnecessary grill left over from an old refrigerator.

Making a stand (legs or support)

A smokehouse made from a gas cylinder, made by yourself as in the photo, must be stable so as not to tip over the coals and food. To do this, legs are attached to it. If you intend to use the device as a portable product, then it would be wiser to make them removable. Their convenient length will be 80-100 cm.

To do this, we weld bolts to the base of the former cylinder, and weld nuts to the prepared legs from a corner or construction profile. Before transportation, we unscrew the legs and return them to their original position upon arrival.

More often the base is not removable, but is rigidly welded to the base of the cylinder. For greater convenience, you can replace a pair of legs with a pair of wheels. Transportation within the immediate area will be simplified. Comfort for stationary legs will be added by several crossbars or a full-fledged shelf under the cylinder. In the cooking process, useful space always comes in handy.

Smokehouse firebox

If this unit is intended to be used not as a smokehouse, but only as a barbecue from gas cylinders, then an additional firebox will not be needed. If the owner intends to engage in smoking, then the fire will need to be lit in an additional container.

Additional firebox made of welded steel sheets

To make a firebox, you will need to cut a sheet of metal 3-4 mm thick. It is also possible to cut another cylinder of smaller volume. Two holes in the end opposite walls are left for mating with the smoking chamber and for installing a damper. The third hole is necessary for laying wood chips that form smoke smoke.

Additional firebox from another cylinder

Prevent hit open flame Even a slight distance of the smoking chamber from the sawdust firebox will help. This is done by cutting into the pipe. In some designs, its role is played by a special corrugation.

The length of the finished smokehouse will help determine the final result, because hot smoking uses smoke at a higher temperature. For cold smoking you need almost cooled smoke.

The most important thing is that before the first smoking you should definitely let the unit go idle - heat it with wood, but without meat.

The video shows an example of a barbecue grill, smokehouse, made by hand from three 50-liter gas cylinders.