A short message about a rose. Legends about the rose flower: where and how these plants appeared

Stories and legends about the rose...
People have composed many legends and tales about beautiful rose. They say that this is an old, old riddle, composed more than a thousand years ago. Its initial version was written in Latin. “Try to guess who the five brothers are: two are bearded, two are beardless, and the last one, the fifth, looks like a freak - only on the right there is a beard, on the left there is not a trace.”

This riddle is mentioned in Alexander Tsinger’s book “Entertaining Botany” (1951). The answer lies in the structure of the green calyx of the rose flower. Two sepals have serrated edges (“beards”) on both sides, two have no such edges at all, and the fifth has a edge on only one side. The convenience of the device for a flower still hidden in a bud is understandable. Five borders, tightly touching, cover five gaps between the sepals. If even one edge was missing, one gap would remain uncovered; a sixth rim would be redundant and could interfere with the cup's tight closure.

It is not surprising that such detailed detail was noticed in ancient times. Countless ancient stories, tales and legends tell about roses, which have been sung by poets in all kinds of languages ​​since time immemorial. Maybe it was roses that were the first plants that people began to breed for their beauty.

As we know from history, she was loved, worshiped, and sung from time immemorial. IN Ancient Greece they decorated the bride with roses, they strewn the path of the victors when they returned from the war; they were dedicated to the gods, and many temples were surrounded beautiful gardens roses During excavations, scientists found coins with roses depicted on them. And in Ancient Rome This flower decorated the homes of only very rich people. When they held feasts, the guests were showered with rose petals, and their heads were decorated with wreaths of roses. The rich bathed in rose water baths; Wine was made from roses, they were added to dishes, to various sweets, which are still loved in the East. And then roses began to be grown in other countries.

According to archaeological data, roses have existed on Earth for about 25 million years, and have been cultivated for more than 5,000 years and most during this time it was considered a sacred symbol. The scent of roses has always been associated with something divine, inspiring awe. Since ancient times, the custom of decorating churches with fresh roses has been preserved.

It was grown in the gardens of the East several thousand years ago, and the very first information about the rose is found in ancient Indian legends, although Persia is considered its homeland. In the ancient Persian language, the word "rose" literally means "spirit". The ancient poets called Iran Gyu l and stan, i.e. country of roses Bengal roses come from India, tea roses come from China.

According to legend, Lakshmi is the most beautiful woman in the world, was born from an open rosebud. The progenitor of the universe, Vishnu, kissed the girl, woke her up, and she became his wife. From that moment on, Lakshmi was proclaimed the goddess of beauty, and the rose - a symbol of the divine secret, which she keeps under the protection of sharp thorns. There is another legend - a Hindu one, according to which the deities argued which flower was better, a rose or a lotus. And of course, the rose won, which led to the creation beautiful woman, from the petals of this flower.

The Queen of Flowers was also appreciated by privileged people. Roses were bred under Peter the Great and Catherine the Second. In the 17th century, the rose first came to Russia. He brought her German Ambassador as a gift to Emperor Mikhail Fedorovich. They began to plant it in gardens only under Peter the Great.

The temptress Cleopatra seduced the impregnable warrior Mark Antony among the mountains of fragrant rose petals. According to the legend of Ancient India, during the celebrations one of the rulers ordered to fill a moat with water with pink petals. Later, people noticed that the water was covered with a film of pink essence. This is how rose oil was born. For the ancient Greeks, the rose has always been a symbol of love and sadness, a symbol of beauty in poetry and painting.

One Greek legend tells us how the rose appeared - it was created by the goddess Chloris. One day the goddess discovered a dead nymph and decided to try to revive her. True, it was not possible to revive, and then Chloris took from Aphrodite the attractiveness, from Dionysus - the heady aroma, from the Graces - joy and bright colors, from other deities everything else that attracts us so much in roses. This is how the most beautiful flower appeared, ruling among all others - the rose.

In Greek mythology, as a symbol of love and passion, the rose served as an emblem greek goddess the love of Aphrodite (Roman Venus), and also symbolized love and desire. During the Renaissance, the rose was associated with Venus because of the beauty and aroma of this flower, and the thorn of its thorns was associated with the wounds of love. According to one legend, the rose first bloomed when the goddess of love Aphrodite was born from the waves of the sea. As soon as she reached the shore, the flakes of foam sparkling on her body began to turn into bright red roses.

The ancient Greek poet Sappho called the rose “the queen of flowers.” The great Socrates considered the rose the most beautiful and most useful flower in the world. From ancient Greek myths we know that temples dedicated to the goddess of love Aphrodite were surrounded by thickets of these flowers, and the goddess herself loved to take baths in rose water. In the 2nd millennium BC. roses were depicted on the walls of houses in Crete, and thousands of years later - on the tombs of the pharaohs in Ancient Egypt. The ancient Romans so deified the beauty of roses that they planted them in the fields instead of wheat, and in winter they exported flowers from Egypt in whole ships.

Another story about why the rose turned red - it blushed with pleasure when Eve, who was walking in the Garden of Eden, kissed her. The rose is the flower most revered by Christianity. That's what they call it - the flower of the Virgin Mary. Painters depicted the Virgin Mary with three wreaths. A wreath of white roses meant her joy, red roses meant her suffering, and yellow roses meant her glory. The red moss rose arose from the drops of Christ's blood flowing down the cross. The angels collected it in golden bowls, but a few drops fell on the moss, and a rose grew from them, the bright red color of which should remind us of the blood shed for our sins.

There is an ancient Hindu legend about how the gods Vishnu and Brahma started a dispute about which flower was the most beautiful. Vishnu preferred the rose, and Brahma, who had never seen this flower before, praised the lotus. When Brahma saw the rose, he agreed that this flower was more beautiful than all the plants on earth.

Poets and writers were inspired by the legend of the nightingale and the rose. The nightingale saw a white rose and was captivated by its beauty that he pressed it to his chest in delight. A sharp thorn, like a dagger, pierced his heart, and scarlet blood stained the petals of a wondrous flower.

Muslims believe that White Rose grew from drops of Mohammed's sweat during his night ascent to heaven, a red rose - from drops of sweat from the Archangel Gabriel who accompanied him, and a yellow rose - from the sweat of an animal that was with Mohammed. Knights once compared the ladies of their hearts to roses. They seemed as beautiful and impregnable as this flower. Many of the knights had a rose engraved on their shields as an emblem.

And finally, one more riddle about the rose. One evening, a prince was walking in a palace park. He was surprised when he met a very beautiful stranger. They walked through the park all night, but at dawn she told him that she had to leave because she was a princess who had been turned into a rose by an evil sorcerer. Only for one summer night she becomes a girl again. There is only one way to disenchant it - on the first try, recognize it among thousands of other roses. If the choice is wrong, the girl will die. The princess disappeared, and the prince, with the first rays of sunshine, went to that part of the park where hundreds of roses grew and immediately found her. The question is - how did he recognize her? Answer: there was no dew on it...

Do you know the history of the most beautiful flower in the world? The first historical evidence appeared in the second millennium BC. in Crete, where roses were depicted on palace walls. In Ancient Egypt, this flower was painted on tombs. However, it would be incorrect to say that roses were valued by all ancient civilizations. For example, it is known that Christian church considered this flower a symbol of promiscuity. In ancient texts you will find more references to how lilies of the field grow.

Rising Rose

But time passed, tastes and preferences changed. Around 400 AD. The rose has become popular again. Perhaps they were the first to grow it in pots and gardens in Greece. The Romans readily embraced this hobby. Ancient healers made medicines and cosmetics from its petals, and its fruits (rose hips) were used as rosaries. The rich slept on rose petals, and even covered the floors with them. Early roses were brought from Egypt and grown in greenhouses that were specially heated. The petals were even eaten, and in temples they made windows whose outlines resembled rose flowers.

But as we know, history rules the world. Some dynasties and empires collapse, others rise. Tastes, fashion and preferences change. When Rome fell, the passion for them began to subside, and only the hardiest varieties remained in Europe.

And yet it managed to spread throughout European territory, and was also brought to Britain. The oldest variety of garden roses is still known - french red rose (R. gallica), which was most likely brought by the Crusaders.

Other ancient varieties are also widely known - White Rose (Rosa Alba) And fragrant Damask rose. These varieties were highly valued long flowering. It was this property that laid the foundation for a whole group of varieties of these beautiful flowers. Sprawling bushes grew, gradually expanding both geography and varieties.

In the 16th century, extraordinary varieties were obtained by crossing, which still decorate best gardens Europe. The love for them was especially evident in Britain.

Roses in the East

But while the West gradually became accustomed to these magnificent flowers, in China it was valued and used much earlier. Even at the dawn of Western civilization, rose oil was already widely used in China. It was even used to protect against evil spirits. Unfortunately, in the east, according to tradition, preference was given to lotus or sakura. Therefore, many varieties were irretrievably lost. One of the famous Chinese varieties, brought to Europe – variety ( Old Blush). This is one of the first varieties of remontant roses. Later there were tea roses, known for their beautiful bud shape and delicate aroma. They laid the foundation for hardy and frost-resistant varieties. Beautiful varieties have been bred through crossing, for example, a whole series of climbing roses and floribunda.

Roses in Russia

In the history of Russia there is a mention of how they grew up double roses and rose hips in the gardens of the Moscow Kremlin in the 18th century. They were bred in the palace gardens under Peter 1 and Catherine 2. By the end of the 19th century, the first industrial farms appeared, engaged in the cultivation of new varieties. Roses were grown in pots and for cutting. For this purpose, greenhouses were specially built, and with the onset of heat they were planted in the ground. Was very popular remontant variety Ulrich Brunner fils. It was a long-stemmed rose with large cherry blossoms. There are also references to the variety Frau Karl Druschki with magnificent white flowers.

After the revolution and to the present day, the rose has been and remains practically the main garden crop. New varieties are being developed for different climatic zones our country. Perhaps today we can say with confidence that there is no corner in our country where it has not conquered the gardens of ordinary summer residents and owners of country mansions.

Rosa Rose. evergreen shrub height from 20 cm to 1 m with erect or branched shoots and beautiful flowers different colors With pleasant aroma, located singly or in several pieces at the ends of the shoots.

Etymology of the name

The name of the genus Rose comes from the ancient Persian word wrodon, which in the Greek dialect was transformed into rhodon, and in Latin in rosa.

Types and varieties of roses

Rose is one of the most popular plants in the world. Motherland cultivated roses- subtropics South-East Asia, although some wild species, such as rose hips, are widespread all the way to the Arctic Circle. Evergreen roses are grown in pots, blooming profusely throughout the year: varieties of tea, hybrid tea and polyantha roses of multiple crossings the following types. At the same time, for growing indoors, only dwarf, 20-30 cm high, miniature forms are used, whose roots do not go deep into the soil. It is best to keep roses growing on their own roots, that is, grown from cuttings.

Fragrant rose, or tea rose (Rosa odorata)

An evergreen shrub up to 1 m high with erect or branched shoots. The flowers are single or several at the ends of the shoots, with a pleasant tea aroma. The color of the flowers varies depending on the variety.

Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis)

An evergreen shrub 15-30 cm high with erect or drooping shoots. Young stems and leaves are red, mature ones are green. The leaves are pinnate with 3-5 lanceolate leaflets. The flowers are solitary, about 4 cm in diameter, single or double, pink or white, depending on the variety.

Varieties of miniature roses:


« Purple Montserrat» - up to 20-25 cm tall, flower with pearl-white edges;

« For you» - up to 15 cm high, double flower, white with cream highlights;

« Green Ice Min"-buds are greenish-white, flowers are white.

Reds :

« Kri-kri» - up to 30 cm high, double flowers, from light red to crimson;

« Mayrov» - up to 40 cm high, bright red flowers with a yellow eye in the center, double;

« Peon» - 15 cm high, flowers are red, double or semi-double.

Yellow :

« Baby masquerade» - up to 35 cm high, lemon flowers, double;

« Golden child» - up to 30 cm high, yellow, simple branches;

« Hummingbird» - orange-yellow, double flowers.

Roses are most often used in festive decoration interior The rose itself is a wonderful decoration for any room. It looks beautiful both in a group with other plants, being the main element of the composition, and in splendid isolation. Roses with differently colored petals look very impressive on a windowsill, especially when the plants are located at different levels.

Rose care

The best location would be a bright, sunny, well-ventilated place. In spring, the rose is taken out into the garden or onto the balcony. In autumn and winter, plants are kept in a cool room with a temperature of +5...+8 °C; in February - March the temperature is raised to +18 °C. In winter, additional lighting is advisable. Water with settled water under the root or in a tray, from spring to autumn - generously, in winter - moderately. Required good drainage so that the water in the pot does not stagnate. During the active growing season, they are fed once every two weeks. mineral fertilizer. Wilted flowers are removed to allow further flowering. Plants do not tolerate drafts well. Replanted in the spring. After transplantation, the plant is cut short, leaving 3-4 buds. Roses have a well developed root system, so they need to provide a sufficiently deep pot (the diameter is approximately equal to the depth), the rose is replanted using the transshipment method so as not to damage the roots. For planting, use a soil mixture from turf land, humus and sand (3:1:1).

Possible problems when growing roses at home:

spider mite on a rose — the mite settles on the upper and lower sides of the leaf, on shoots and buds. The surface of damaged leaves is first covered with pale spots, but later the spots increase and form solid whitish spots, the leaves fall off prematurely. To combat the disease, it is necessary to increase the humidity in the room, wash the plants from cobwebs;

powdery mildew on a rose - develops in poorly ventilated areas, with excess fertilizer and crowded plants. In diseased plants, the affected shoots, leaves, and buds are removed, then they are treated with foundationazole;

rust roses - with this disease, pustules (vesicles, swellings) are formed, which can be completely different color- from red or orange to dark brown. All suspicious leaves should be removed. Spraying with fungicides may not produce results. It is important to carry out prevention, consisting mainly of proper care for plants. Rust of roses is promoted by keeping them in a poorly ventilated area, when high humidity and high air temperature;

rose spotting - a disease of both fungal and bacterial nature. In this case, brown weeping spots appear on the leaves of the plant, which grow in size as the disease spreads, merge and affect the entire leaf. Remove and burn affected leaves and shoots. Spray with foundationazole, reduce watering and stop spraying until recovery;

thrips on rose - the causes of infection are heat and low air humidity. On the underside of the leaf, thrips lays numerous colonies, and light dots appear on the upper side of the leaf. Thrips cause the main damage to flowers, which become stained and deformed. The plant should be sprayed, if necessary, repeatedly, with insecticides.

If there is a large window and favorable conditions You can arrange a small rose garden at home. A rose is good in the center of a small glass or wooden coffee table. In general, she feels great surrounded various items made of glass, which emphasize the beauty and fragility of its flowers. Roses in various flowerpots and decorative containers can beautifully decorate your garden, terrace, balcony or garden path.

Rose propagation

The easiest way to propagate roses is by cuttings. Green shoots are used for this. The buds located in the leaf axil should be green and alive. Select the middle part of the shoot. The first oblique cut is made under the lower bud, the second - 1.5-2 cm above the upper bud. For better rooting, the cuttings are dipped in a solution of a growth stimulator (heteroauxin, etc.). Then the cuttings are planted obliquely to a depth of 1.5-2 cm in the ground. Cover it with a jar on top and spray it periodically. When the first leaf unfolds, the frequency of spraying is reduced and the cuttings begin to be ventilated, accustoming them to the dry air of the room.

Ecology of home with rose

The magical aroma of roses has a phytoncidal effect. Cleansing and healing the environment, the rose emits an aroma that tones and excites.

Medicinal properties of roses

Rose oil can have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Contemplation in the interior of elements of living nature with decorative and phytoncidal properties has a beneficial effect on our body.

Rose energy

The rose is the oldest flower that accompanies a person. The scent of rose is probably the most famous of the scents of love. Rose is a difficult flower to grow, but if you succeed, it will bring peace, comfort and harmony to your home. The energy of a rose is characterized by rotational vibrations directed outward. The energy moves in a spiral from the center of the plant in ever-widening circles. It has a stimulating effect and gives strength, so plants with such energy should not be combined with plants that emit cloud-like vibrations. It should be remembered that for all its beauty, a rose is a vampire and is not suitable for every home. Giving you its splendor, the rose will require you to give back your energy and spiritual strength. If you found a rose mutual language, with its beauty and perfection it will certainly harmonize the bioenergetic environment in your home.

By flower horoscope Rose is Leo, and, like all Leos, she is expansive, proud, and full of self-esteem. Rose-Leo easily gets along in the same house with Gemini, Pisces, Virgo, Libra. It is strictly contraindicated for her to live together with Aries, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Leo. She is indifferent to other signs.

Floral cosmetics with rose

The most famous essential oil is rose. It is believed that only pink and red varieties of roses have the typical scent of this oil. Rose oil in its pure form or in cosmetics (it is included in many perfumes) gives a woman sensuality and a touch of tenderness.

Legends and myths about the rose

In ancient India, a person who brought a rose to the king could ask for whatever he wanted. According to one ancient Greek legend, the Earth, seeing the wondrous beauty Aphrodite emerging from the sea foam, decided to create something no less beautiful. And she created a rose. Since then, the rose has been dedicated to Aphrodite. But the roses remained white until a misfortune happened to her beloved Adonis. Having learned that he was mortally wounded, the goddess rushed in search of him. Sharp thorns and stones injured her legs. Drops of divine blood fell on the roses, turning them from white to red.

According to other sources, the rose was created by the goddess of flowers Flora. In many folk rituals the rose was given pride of place. A wedding, a declaration of love, a meeting of warriors - roses were present everywhere. The Greeks not only enjoyed roses, but also studied them as a culture. Theophrastus described the types of roses that existed in Greece and how to care for them. Even then, he wrote how to propagate roses using cuttings, how to prune in order to improve flowering, and how to choose the right place for planting.

Indian puranas (myths) tell that from a blossoming rosebud, the most beautiful of women was born - Lakshmi, the goddess of beauty, who became the wife of Vishnu. The rose that covered her turned into a symbol of divine mystery and since those ancient times has been considered sacred by all eastern peoples.

In Greece, the rose was also considered a gift from the gods. One of the prominent Greek lyricists, Anacreon, believed that she arose from the snow-white foam of the sea that covered the body of Aphrodite when the goddess stepped onto land. The gods sprinkled the magnificent white rose with nectar, and it began to smell wonderfully fragrant. The rose's difficult path led her to medieval Europe. There's more late times The image of a rose arose - the protector of good deeds, for example, the legend of St. Nicholas has survived to this day. He took bread from the monastery so that cold winter to feed the freezing poor, but on the way he was stopped by the strict abbot of the monastery. And then the bread suddenly turned into roses - this was a sign from above that God was on the side of the saint performing this good deed.

The heroine of our story is mentioned in many proverbs and sayings, for example, in England the phrase bed of roses denotes an easy, pleasant life. Expression under the rose(“under the rose”) goes back to its Latin counterpart sub rosa and means “secretly”, “secretly”. The rose in Rome was a symbol of silence. According to legend, the god of love Cupid bribed the god of silence Harpocrates with a rose flower so that he would not tell his mother Venus about Cupid's misdeeds. During the decline of Rome, a rose was hung on the ceiling of the hall during feasts as a reminder that, after drinking wine, you need to keep your mouth shut. There is a saying in Turkey: “A rose that blooms before its time quickly withers.” In Russia they used to say: “The flower is good, but the thorn is sharp.”

Rose was also accompanied by Christian legends. According to one of them, the Archangel Gabriel made three wreaths for the Blessed Virgin Mary from heavenly roses. The white wreath signified her joy, the red one her suffering, and the yellow one her glory. On some paintings in the Middle Ages, the Mother of God and Child are depicted surrounded by three wreaths of roses.

Essential rose oil is very expensive, and obtaining it requires enormous effort, since rose petals have to be collected by hand, preferably at dawn. From 4 to 8 am, rose flowers contain greatest number essential oil, and you need to collect it at this very moment. To prevent the oil from evaporating, processing of the collected petals begins immediately after collection. Essential rose oil was obtained by the Egyptians and Greeks in ancient times. It is believed that varieties of double essential oil rose, the most saturated in rose oil content, originate from Iran. From there they eventually came to India, Turkey and Bulgaria. Most of the oil is extracted from the flowers of the Kazanlak rose, however, to obtain only 1 kg of essential rose oil, approximately 3 tons of petals must be used.

Pages of history

Since time immemorial, the rose has become an object garden culture. When you read books about the history and cultivation of roses in different cultures and civilizations, you involuntarily begin to realize that the rose was revered only by those peoples whose civilization was in its prime. Ancient China, Egypt, Hellas, the Roman Empire, Persia - roses were revered and grown everywhere. During the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte, his wife Josephine founded a rose garden near the Malmaison Palace. Numerous studies have established two centers of origin for garden roses. They arose long before our era, were geographically distant and independent of each other. These roses and biological properties, and were different in appearance. All modern varieties of roses growing on the globe originate from these centers.

The first center is the Middle East and Persia (Iran). Persian and Arab poets praise the rose and decorate palaces and temples with it. According to Islamic legend, a white rose arose from drops of Mohammed’s sweat during his night ascent to heaven. In ancient times, mainly Gallic roses were grown in the Middle East - Gallic, or French (Rosa gallica), Damascus (Rosa damascena), centifolia, or centifolia (Rosa centifolia), and hybrids white roses (Rosa alba). An intoxicating aroma, luxurious branches of huge, spreading bushes, decorated with inflorescences of double flowers of red, pink or white flowers, are characteristic features of Gallic roses. These roses bloomed once a season and not for long.

The second center of rose culture is China. There was a rose here imperial flower: It was grown only in the gardens of the imperial family (no mortal was allowed to grow roses in their own garden). From China, the rose came to India, where it was considered a symbol of divine mystery and a sacred flower. In Japan, chrysanthemums and sakura were revered more than other flowers, but here they grew , which breeders used to develop new varieties. East Asian types of roses - Chinese (Rosa chinensis), Indian, or tea (Rosa indica odorata).

If we consider historical path Since the emergence of modern varieties of roses, the next people to put the rose on a pedestal were the ancient Greeks. Ancient Rome adopted the culture of the Greeks, and with it the attitude towards the rose. During the heyday of Rome, the rose was considered a symbol of strict morality and served as a reward for outstanding deeds. It was in Ancient Rome that they began to breed it in industrial scale, they even learned how to grow roses in winter in heated greenhouses. With the decline of the Roman Empire, the image of the rose changed - it became a sign of vice and vulgar luxury (a bed of rose petals, baths of rose water; whole ships of roses were delivered by order of the emperor to Rome from Egypt). The Roman Emperor Heliogabalus (from the soldiers received the name Marcus Aurelius Antoninus) tried to introduce the Sun God into the Roman pantheon and proclaim him the supreme deity of the Roman state. The cult of Heliogabalus was characterized by lavish orgiastic rituals. One day during a celebration, the emperor locked the guests in order to attract their attention to an unusual spectacle that he created by making it rain roses. The number of petals was so large that several people suffocated. During early Christianity, people tried not to remember the rose. It came out of oblivion again only in the 4th century. n. e.

The path of the roses Western Europe was difficult. So, many related species of roses were found in Europe only at the beginning of the 19th century. And if you compare a breeder with an artist, then only from that moment on he had the entire palette of colors in his hands, which in the future would allow him to paint any picture. As a result of crossing Damask roses (Autumn Damask) And Gallic (Rosa gallica officinalis) in 1792 were received Portland roses (Portland). They bloomed several times during the season, but repeat flowering was weak. In 1812, a variety was bred in the New World that marked the beginning Noisette roses. Then in 1817 they appeared Bourbon roses. Their ancestors were Chinese and Damask roses, later musk (Rosa moschata) And gigantea (Rosa gigantea). Tea roses (Rosa indica odorata) have been cultivated in China since ancient times. From 1789 to 1809, several varieties of Chinese roses were exported from China to England by tea traders. After crossing tea roses with Noisette and Bourbon roses, a group arose tea roses (Tea). The tea roses turned out to be tender and heat-loving plants. In 1810, hybrids were brought from China Chinese dwarf rose (Rosa chinensis minima), and five years later they became very popular.

Remontant roses appeared in the 40s of the nineteenth century. in France as a result of crossing Gallica and Damask roses with varieties of Portland, tea, Bourbon and Noisette roses. They bloomed again, and they were named after this property. remontant (Hybrid Perpetual). In 1867, varieties of tea roses were crossed with remontant and other garden roses and a group was obtained hybrid tea roses(Hybrid Tea).Polyantha roses (Polyantha) appeared in 1875 after crossing a dwarf form of a multi-flowered rose with a dwarf form Chinese rose. The unusual shape of this shrub for a long time attracted gardeners. As a result of further breeding work, complex hybrids of roses appeared, which, according to biological and morphological features were similar, and in 1935 they were all united into a single garden group Floribunda, which literally means “generously blooming.”

It took almost a century for roses with long whip-like shoots to Banks rose (Rosa banksiae), multi-flowered rose (Rosa multiflora) And Rose Vihura (Rosa wichuraiana) migrated to Europe. These vine-shaped roses have been crossed with all known garden rose groups. This is how the group came into being climbing roses(Rambler and Climbing). Low-growing, compact varieties with small leaves and inflorescences, continuously blooming, were separated into a group Patio. In America they were called Mini Flora. The story of roses does not end here. Every year, scientists continue to develop more and more varieties of amazing beauty.

No plant is associated with so many myths as the queen of flowers. Legends about roses exist in every country, and they are all associated with the first appearance of this flower in a particular state. But the truth remains the fact of existence aromatic plant more than 25 million years on earth. The prickly beauty has been cultivated for more than five thousand years. Petals of red, yellow, apricot, peach and even black are a unique celebration of the past and present.


This flower has been worshiped and sung since time immemorial. Archaeologists have obtained information about the existence of a rose on the Cretan peninsula, where frescoes with this symbol were discovered. Rose wreaths have also been found in Egyptian tombs and silver coins minted in the 4th century BC. e.

Legends about roses connect the first appearance of the flower with a gift from Allah to the Persians. In fact, the Chinese place themselves at the origins of the appearance of this fragrant plant. Although some sources still claim that the official place for breeding the queen of flowers from rose hips is Persia.

Whatever the legends and beliefs about roses, the most ancient variety of the plant is considered to be the Damascus bush, which was brought to Europe from Syria in 1875. The best specialists The French are called the cultivation of these plants, and the Dutch are the leaders in the supply of flowers of love. The center of production of rose oil, widely used in perfumery, is Bulgaria.

The benefits of the prickly beauty known to mankind give rise to a bunch of legends attributing the appearance of the flower to their people.

Myths about the origin

The white rose appeared as an offering from Allah to his people. The children of the flora asked the creator to replace Lotus, who was unable to cope with his royal duties. The majestic beauty was immediately nicknamed the queen of flowers. This is how the legend about the rose - “Flower for Children” arose.

In India, there is a myth about the appearance of the goddess of abundance and beauty Lakshmi from But at the same time, in the iconography, the loving mother of the Hindu Universe appears before them against the background of a lotus. Perhaps admirers of the Rosehip family relegated the significance of the lotus in Eastern religion to the background, attributing the merits to the thorny princess.

The Greeks attributed the appearance of the impressive flower to the goddess of love. According to ancient Greek culture, the rose arose from the foam on the body of Aphrodite as she emerged from the sea. It was she who gave beauty to the flower, and Dionysus saturated the rose with an intoxicating aroma, filling the plant with nectar.

The appearance of a red flower

After Aphrodite caused the white rose to appear, she decorated her altar and garden with these flowers. The petals of the plant remained “clean” until the sad news. When the news arrived about the injury of his beloved, he immediately rushed to him through the rose garden. Running in frustrated feelings, Aphrodite did not notice that the thorns of the plant were scratching her bare legs, and drops of divine blood were dripping onto the white petals of the flower. This is how a scarlet-colored plant appeared. Here is a short legend about colors that is present in ancient Greek mythology.

In general, the Greeks decorated the wedding bed with pink petals, strewed the road along which the victors returned from the war with them, and dressed brides in wreaths of these flowers with myrtle.

In Rome, the plant was a symbol of courage. Warriors were instilled with courage before being sent into combat: instead of a helmet, they wore a wreath of roses.

England emblem

For more than thirty years, the struggle continued in England between two dynasties: York and Lancaster. This conflict brought destruction to the kingdom and losses from the feudal aristocracy. Henry Tudor, a representative of the House of Lancaster, won the conflict. The victorious dynasty then ruled England for the next 117 years.

But how are the legends about roses related to the mentioned military conflict of 1455-1485? It turns out that later the disagreement between the Lancaster and York dynasties was called the “War of the Scarlet and White Roses.” The reason for this was the symbols of warring forces. So, White flower was chosen as the emblem of the losing party, as it later became known, by the York party. The scarlet rose became a contrasting contrast to the symbol of the enemy. They say that English breeders even developed a Lancaster-York bush that produces both white and red flowers.


Legends about black roses are associated with the Turkish city of Halfeti, thanks to which they received an identical name. The flower is no different in appearance from a classic rose; the only sign of uniqueness is the alarming coal-black hue of the petals.

The plant received its unnatural color due to the composition of the soil in which it grows. This is due to the acidity level increasing in summer period, just at the moment of flowering of Halfeti.

Black roses began to be considered an endangered species after the flooding of old Halfeti by the waters of the Euphrates. Residents began to transplant flowers to a new place, where they were forced to move due to flooding, but the adaptation of the shrubs was difficult.

Flower growers agree that in a natural way It is impossible to achieve a black tint of rose petals because they lack blue pigment. The Halfeti bush species is a way of attracting tourists. In fact, the darkest rose has a burgundy-violet hue.

French legend

There is a sad legend that tells the story of a girl, Joelle, who had leukemia. She lived in the 20th century in France and loved to communicate with young Joelle at the age of 10. A few days before her death, she, talking to her mother, said that if she died, she wanted to become a rose that would belong to her parents.

Poor Joelle's mom didn't ignore last wish babies and after the death of her daughter she turned to French rose breeders with a request to breed new flower and name him after his girl. New variety distributed and put on sale, and money from sales was used to fight cancer.

Perhaps the legend told about the rose for children with leukemia is a myth, but I still want to believe it. Believe that beautiful plant not only saves hearts broken by love, but also helps bring back to life people who have lost hope of a normal existence.

Rose: stories, legends from Russia

The first mention of an angelic flower brought to the territory of Rus', and later Tsarist Russia, dates back to the 17th century. The rose became widespread under Catherine II. Proof of this is the story of a sentry guarding the territory for more than 50 years, five hundred steps from the eastern pavilion, where the flower once grew.

General Klinger, who accompanied Empress Maria Feodorovna, mother of Emperor Nicholas I, to Tsarskoye Selo, noticed a guard in the garden. He was surprised by the position of the sentry. The general did not see the point in it from a security point of view. When Klinger got to the bottom of the truth, it became known that since the reign of Catherine II, there had been an order to protect the mentioned place in the garden after a blooming rose appeared there. The Empress liked the flower so much that she took care of its integrity in this “armed way.”

Beliefs about roses

Superstitious people always look for the reason for past events. Roses can also serve as a harbinger of certain circumstances in fate. However, you should not take signs seriously, because the person himself is the creator of his own future.

  • A bouquet of roses in the house promises prosperity, wealth and happiness.
  • A prick with thorns from a prickly beauty portends disappointment in a loved one or conflict.
  • It is considered a sign of good luck to see an open flower bud in early June.
  • The desire to give a bouquet is considered insincere if the next day the petals of the gift begin to fall off.
  • It is a well-known truth that (or any other flowers of this shade) should not be presented to loved ones, because they are harbingers of separation.
  • Legends about roses reflect the widespread use of this flower in funeral rituals among the ancient Greeks and Romans: they were decorated with graves and then scattered on the ground. This is where the belief came from that at a wedding it is still better to refrain from sprinkling the road with young rose petals.


The thorny beauty is also used as a symbol in different religions and cultures. So, in India it is a sign of the divine word. In Christianity, a red rose is a sign of the suffering of Christ, a white rose is a sign of the Virgin Mary. The Virgin Mary's symbol is a white flower without thorns, which represents liberation from sins.

In Western religion, the rose bush has the same meaning as the lotus in the East. In Kabbalah, this flower is considered the mystical center and heart of creation.

In modern society, a rose is a sign of attention and an attribute of sympathy.


Since ancient times, the rose has remained the unsurpassed queen of flowers, a symbol of beauty and greatness among all peoples of the world.

Poets of all centuries sing about it.
There is nothing more tender and beautiful in the world,
Than this bundle of scarlet petals,
Opened with a fragrant cup.

S. Marshak

According to archaeological data, roses have existed on Earth for about 25 million years, and roses have been cultivated for more than 5,000 years!!!
In the 2nd millennium BC. roses were depicted on the walls of houses in Crete, and thousands of years later - on the tombs of the pharaohs in Ancient Egypt.

The rose was grown in the gardens of the East several thousand years ago, and the first information about the rose is found in ancient Indian legends, although Persia is considered its homeland.
In Old Persian the word "rose" - "GUL" literally means "spirit". The ancient poets called Iran Gulistan i.e. country of roses.

Indian goddess of beauty Lakshmi born from a blossoming flower, composed of 108 large and 1,608 small petals rose bud.

Vishnu, the guardian of the universe, seeing this beauty hiding in her lovely pink cradle, captivated by her beauty, woke her up with a kiss and turned her into his wife.
The rose was held in such esteem in ancient India that there was even a law according to which anyone who brought a rose to the king could ask him for whatever he wanted.
According to Indian legend, during the celebrations, one ruler ordered a moat of water to be filled with pink petals. Later, people noticed that the water was covered with a film of pink essence. This is how rose oil was born.

From the waves of the sea the goddess of love was born Aphrodite . She had barely reached the shore when foam flakes, sparkling on her body began to turn into luxurious White Rose.
Goddess of the island Rhodes considered to be the nymph Roda, the wife of Helios, the patron saint of the island. The name Rhoda came from the rose, and the name in turn gave the name to the island.
And in Rhodes, where one of the most magnificent temples of Aphrodite existed, even images of the divine rose were minted on coins.

The priestesses of Aphrodite took white roses to the temples of this goddess and decorated the altar and the garden surrounding them with them. And the roses remained white until the heart of Aphrodite was struck by terrible news: her beloved Adonis lay wounded to death by a boar.
Then the goddess rushes into the grove of Python, where her path is, and runs, not paying attention to the thorns covering the roses, which wound her legs until they bleed. A few drops of this divine blood fall on the roses and turn them from white into red.

According to another legend, a white rose turned red during one of the feasts of the gods on Olympus. Cupid somehow accidentally knocked over a vessel with nectar, which spilled onto the white roses that were blooming right there, turning them red and giving them a lovely scent.

Even more poetic is the legend about the creation of the red rose by the goddess Flora. Flora was struck by Cupid's arrow, and was inflamed with passionate love for him. It was then, in an unsatisfied passion, that she decided to create a flower that both laughs and cries - combines both sadness and joy.
Seeing the wonderful flower growing in her hand, the goddess wanted to exclaim in admiration: "Eros"(that’s what the Greeks called Amur), but she faltered and, swallowing the first syllable, only shouted: "grew up" The flowers growing around picked up this word, and from then on this flower and began to be called a rose .

Myths are interesting about the origin of thorns at the rose. According to one version, Bacchus, who was pursuing a nymph, found himself in front of an insurmountable fence of thorns and ordered her to become a fence of roses. However, later, seeing that the fence could not hold the nymph, Bacchus supplied the rose with thorns.

Among the Romans During the republic, the rose served as a reward for outstanding deeds, and during the fall of Rome it was a symbol of vice and a luxury item on which crazy amounts of money were spent.
At first, when Roman soldiers went to war, they even took off their helmets and put on rose wreaths to give you courage. It was like an order that was given as a reward for heroism.

This was not the meaning of the rose during the fall of Rome. From a royal flower it becomes a flower of fun for drunken orgies
Wanting to revel in the scent of roses as much as possible, some patricians strewn even the surface of the sea with its petals when they went out on galleys for a walk, and during one of the celebrations the surface of the entire Lake Lucina was even strewn with them.

But he surpassed everyone with his ugly destruction of roses Emperor Heliobalus.
At one of his feasts, nobles the guests were abandoned so many rose petals fell from the ceiling that some of them, to his great pleasure, suffocated under them.
According to legend, Heliogabalus decided to get rid of his associates, whom he suspected of infidelity.
Roses of Heliogabalus Alma Tadema Lawrence

This is reflected in the poem L.A. Meya "Flowers":

“And the flowers fall and fall,
And they rain uncontrollably...

Their hundred hands from the extinct choir throws
Baskets, heaps, aroma
Pours deadly poison into the air...
In vain is the cry of the feasters: “Mercy!
We are dying!" Flowers are falling -
There is no mercy - all the doors are locked..."

Helioglobal bathed in rose wine, which the mob was then forced to drink.

An interesting custom of the Romans was to throw rose petals from the wreaths of their interlocutors into glasses of wine and drink this wine as a sign of goodwill. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra used this custom to convince her of her love. Mark Antony .
Once upon a time Cleopatra sprinkled rose petals with poison your wreath. When Mark Antony plucked the petals from her wreath into his cup and was about to drink, Cleopatra stopped him. “Look, dear Anthony, how easy it would be for me to get rid of you if I could live without you.”
To confirm her words, Cleopatra ordered the slave sentenced to death to be brought in and ordered him to drink Anthony's cup. The poor slave died on the spot.
In the work of the ancient writer Apuleius “Metamorphoses” main character Lucius, turned into a donkey due to witchcraft, turns to the gods for help. Isis invites him to eat blooming roses, after which Lucius returns to human form.

Roses are also edible. They made jam from them and made a delicacy from candied roses. Roman writers talked about the magnificent wine made from roses, which they likened to the nectar of the gods. Ancient doctors highly valued rose oil, rose water and rose ointments.
But among all the feasts and orgies, the rose, in addition to decoration, also had an even more original meaning.

The rose served as a symbol of silence, and was dedicated to Harpocrates - the god of silence , who was depicted as a young man with a finger attached to his lips.
According to one of the myths, Cupid gave Harpocrates a white rose in order to suppress rumors and gossip about the frivolity of his mother Venus.

The Latin proverb says: "In vino veritas"(there is truth in wine) indicating that a person intoxicated with wine may blurt out his secrets.
And since during the decline of Rome it was very dangerous to share your thoughts publicly, to remind you that you need to keep your mouth shut, people were hanged during Roman feasts. on the ceiling of the hall there is an artificially made white rose .
A look at this rose forced many to restrain their frankness. They say that the famous thing came from this rose Latin expression: "sub rosa dictum" - " what was said under the rose», in the sense: under secret.
Rose is the flower most revered by Christianity. That's what they call it - the flower of the Virgin Mary.
Painters depicted the Virgin Mary with three wreaths. A wreath of white roses meant her joy, red roses meant her suffering, and yellow roses meant her glory.
According to Christian legend, white garden roses owe their origin Holy Virgin Maria. They grew on a bush on which she hung Christ’s swaddling clothes to dry.

The red moss rose arose from the drops of Christ's blood flowing down the cross. The angels collected it in golden bowls, but a few drops fell on the moss, and a rose grew from them, the bright red color of which should remind us of the blood shed for our sins.
Another story about why the rose turned red - it blushed with pleasure when Eve, who was walking in the Garden of Eden, kissed her.
At that time, white roses were also called Magdalene roses, and they were said to have lost their color due to Magdalene’s tears of repentance shed on them.

It was believed that the rose grew in paradise without thorns, but acquired them after the fall of man as a reminder.
In Catholic legends, the rose is the heavenly protector of good deeds. So, one of them tells about St. Nicholas. When one day in the middle of a freezing winter he was carrying bread taken from the monastery to feed the poor, and was stopped by the abbot of the monastery, this bread turned into roses - as a sign that this was a good deed.

Golden Rose
Since the 11th century Pope annually awards golden rose to the monarch who has shown the highest virtue during the past year. “On the day of “Dominica in rosa” (the fourth Sunday of Lent), the Pope, in the presence of the cardinals, blessed this rose in St. Peter’s Basilica, and then sent it to the one who during the year turned out to be worthy of a high reward.” Interestingly, only the Santelli family has the right to make such a rose.

IN different years The owners of the golden rose were: Joan of Sicily, German Emperor Henry III, Mexican Empress Charlotte and Spanish Queen Isabella.

A real gift from heaven was a branch of a living rose, the mention of which is found in the records of Columbus's expedition. When Columbus's ships were sailing in the Sargasso Sea, one of the sailors saw a rose branch in the water. It was good sign, instilling hope in everyone and adding determination to continue the journey. This is how America was discovered.

Muslims believe that a white rose grew from drops of Mohammed’s sweat during his night ascent to heaven, a red rose from drops of sweat from the Archangel Gabriel who accompanied him, and a yellow rose from the sweat of an animal that was with Mohammed.
Muslims attribute cleansing powers to roses and rose water.
Sultan Saladdin, having again taken Jerusalem from Christians in 1189, he entered the Mosque of Omar, converted by the crusaders into a church, no earlier than washing the entire floor and all its walls with rose water. Mohammed II did the same with the temple of St. Sofia after his capture of Constantinople in 1453. Before turning this wonderful temple into a mosque, he ordered it to be washed from top to bottom with rose water.

According to one of the Eastern poets, the rose was a gift from Allah himself. One day all the children of the flora came to him with a request to appoint them a new ruler instead of the sleepy lotus (Nile water lily), who, although wonderfully beautiful, forgot his duties as a ruler in the middle of the night. Then Allah, having listened to them favorably, heeded their request and gave them a white virgin rose with sharp thorns guarding it as their ruler.

Nightingale and rose
When the nightingale saw this wonderful queen of flowers, he was so captivated by her charm that he pressed her to his chest in delight. But sharp thorns, like daggers, pierced his heart, and warm scarlet blood, splashing from the loving breast of the unfortunate man, watered the delicate petals of the wondrous flower. This is why, says a Persian legend, many of the outer petals of a rose still retain their pinkish tint.
Thus, rose thorns became associated with the wounds of love.

Knights Once upon a time they compared the ladies of their hearts to roses. They seemed as beautiful and impregnable as this flower. Many of the knights had a rose engraved on their shields as an emblem.
In the 13th century, a custom arose in France for ladies to wear wreaths of roses, which are called “chapels,” and those who knit them are called “chapelliers,” a word that now denotes hat manufacturers; from these wreaths came the present French word "chapo"(chapeau) - hat.

In 1324, the legendary Clémence Isor founded in Toulouse Flower Games - first in history tournament of poet-knights. The reward for the talented winner was silver rose .
Since then, the Flower Games have become a tradition, and outstanding poets of France, such as Ronsard, Chateaubriand, Hugo, Vigny and others, became holders of the silver rose.

Gallic rose - one of the oldest and most studied types of roses.
In earlier times, rose petals were dried, rolled into balls, and then used to make beads.
Such rosaries were called “ rose gardens “. They were used when counting the number of prayers offered to the Lord God. Later this name passed for flower beds, in which roses were bred.

Rose in England
Many legends and stories about roses in England are associated with
Eleanor of Aquitaine and the beautiful Rosamund .
Gallic rose appeared in Europe thanks to the French king Louis VII (1120-1180), who brought it after the second crusade for his wife, the beautiful Eleanor.
But Louis VII divorced Eleanor, and soon she married a handsome man Duke of Anjou . As a dowry, the Duke received the Duchy of Aquitaine and white rose as an emblem.

Subsequently Henry of Anjou became Henry II, the first Plantagenet king of England, father of the legendary king Richard the Lionheart .
And so, Henry had a mistress - Jane Clifford, Jane was extraordinarily beautiful, she was called “Rosa Mundi” (Graceful Rose) and “The Fair Rosamund” (Charming Rosamund ).
Romantic legends say that Henry II and Rosamund met in a secret tower hidden by a bower of roses. The path to the gazebo ran through a labyrinth, and the way could only be found with the help of a silver guiding thread.

William Bell Scott "Fair Rosamund in the Bower", 1854
But Queen Eleanor managed to find the way to the secret tower and destroy Rosamund. Legend has it that Rosamund died in the town of Woodstock, and there, near Blenheim Palace, a healing spring began to flow, and a new scarlet rose grew, called “Rosa Mundi” (Graceful Rose).

When one of Henry II's descendants Edmund the Hunchback, 1st Earl of Lancaster , married Blanche Artois, the widow of the French king Henry III, then adopted her emblem - Provençal (Gallic) scarlet rose. And then the scarlet rose became the official symbol of the Lancaster dynasty.
In England they call it Red Rose of Lancaster .

About the famous War of the Scarlet and White Roses
Between representatives of the two Plantagenet lines in 1455. the war for the throne began.
War of Scarlet and White roses. The war that tore England apart for more than 30 years was caused by clan rivalry Lancaster and York who had these flowers on their coats of arms.

Based on the tragedy “Henry VI” by the great Shakespeare, it all started in Temple Park.
Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York, having picked a white rose from a bush, offered to do the same to everyone who wanted to see him as king. “I will not rest until my white rose is stained with Lancaster blood,” Richard declared.
Lancastrian supporters responded by pinning red roses to their hats. After this, white and scarlet roses were used on castle coats of arms, shields and banners.
And as a result of this, the discord that arose during Henry VI Lancaster for the right to the English throne Edward of York, bears, name wars of the scarlet and white roses.

As a result of the war Henry VII Tudor , (who had distant rights to the throne), won Richard III , the last of the House of York. Henry VII married Elizabeth of York and created a new royal emblem, combining white and scarlet roses (the white rose is inside the scarlet rose).
Tudor emblem

In London's Temple Park, those two historical rose bushes with which the whole story began were preserved for a long time...

English gardeners did not stand aside from the events and developed a special variety of roses.
Rose Lancaster York, with flowers with white and scarlet petals

Black roses

Black rose from the fantasy garden
Mourning velvet - its petals

They say that this variety of roses was bred for the Queen of England, who preferred to lay just such flowers on her husband’s grave.
Actually completely black rose It was not possible to breed, but there are varieties with such a rich dark red color that these roses can be called black.
These roses include varieties Black magic or Baccarat. Petals are the color of red Burgundy wine with a black tint. It seems that real magic comes from the rose flower...

The buds are actually black. But as soon as the bud opens, its color becomes burgundy with a velvety tint of black.
Also, black tulips are actually very dark red.

In Germany The rose (rose hip) dates back to pagan times.
In the ancient Germanic sagas it is dedicated Queen of Heaven Frigga, in many places it is still called Friggadorn. It was allowed to tear it only on Friday - the day dedicated to Frigga.
The Germanic language also uses roses. fire god Loki when spring comes. He laughs, and from his laughter the cold runs away, the snow melts and the earth is covered with roses.
She also plays a role in the tale of Brunnhilde, when she, having become a Valkyrie, whose duty was to carry the souls of dead soldiers from the battlefield to Valhalla, betrays the vow she made. Intervening in the battle of two kings, he helps one of them, who Wotan (One), the god of war, was destined to perish.

As punishment for this, the angry Wotan places it under her head. wild rose branch(rose hips) with mossy growths, and Brünnhilde and all her surroundings fall into deep sleep, from which she can only awaken when some prince comes to awaken her.
All this served as a prototype for our existing fairy tale “ About Sleeping Beauty ”, which in German is called “Wild Rose”. or "Rosehip".
In Germany, roses are still called " sleeping beauties" The word "rosehip" is translated from German as "sleeping beauty."

The symbol associated with the rose Order of the Rosicrucians.
Rosicrucians - a mysterious and secret mystical society founded in Germany in the 15th century by Christian Rosenkreutz (hence the name - the Rosicrucian Order, “Order of the Rose and Cross”).
This is the teaching, " built on ancient truths" that "provide understanding of nature, the universe and the spiritual realm", which is symbolized by the emblem of the brotherhood - a rose blooming on a cross.

As alchemists and spellcasters, they became legendary. Later, more modern theosophists, led by Paracelsus, and alchemists descended from them.
The most old rose in the world growing in Germany near the cathedral in Hildesheim - it is about a thousand years old, and the height of the bush is comparable to the height of the cathedral. And there is an old legend about this bush.

Charlemagne's son Louis the Pious, while hunting in winter in Saxony, lost his pectoral cross. The servant found this cross among the snow on a blooming rose bush. But when I wanted to remove the cross, the bush wouldn’t let me in. The servant told about this, and then Louis himself went to get the cross.
Arriving at the place, he saw a huge spot in the snow in the form of a cathedral plan, in the upper part of which there was a rose bush.
Having removed the cross, he ordered a cathedral to be built on this site and a wonderful bush to be preserved with it. The place was named Hilde Schnee, deep snow; hence the word Hildesheim (Hidelsheim).

And the bush turned into a huge tree that exists today and is covered annually by thousands gorgeous roses!
At the end of World War II, Hildesheim was almost destroyed by Allied bombing. Then the rose trunk burned, but the next year the rose sprouted and grew as before!
Just imagine - in a thousand years, world history is forgotten, entire cities go away, and the rose is still blooming!
In the 17th century, the rose first came to Russia
The German ambassador brought it as a gift to Emperor Mikhail Fedorovich. They began to plant it in gardens only under Peter the Great.

Tea rose , so called for its wonderful tea smell, was brought to Europe only in early XIX centuries, and, moreover, pink - in 1860 from the East Indies, and yellow - in 1824 from China.
From a cross between these two species we got those hundreds, even thousands of hybrids of tea roses that make up the beauty of our modern flower beds.

The best of the best!!

Among roses, climbing forms are the most vigorous plants.

Biggest Rose bush growing over a tombstone in Tombstone, USA. The flower was planted in 1885, and today it has a trunk of 3.7 meters in girth, occupying an area of ​​740 square meters. During the flowering period, more than 200,000 buds of yellow roses bloom on it.

Unusual colors

Rainbow Roses, cast in all the colors of the rainbow, are a miracle that boggles the imagination. Each petal in a flower has its own unique coloring.

The effect of such an unusual color is achieved by coloring the flower through the stem. The stem of the selected flower is split and placed in a solution with special dyes. As the water is absorbed, the rose petals turn into the most unusual colors.
Now you can find rainbow tulips, lilies, gerberas, etc.
The cost of one rainbow rose reaches 20 dollars - the most expensive!

Blue or blue roses

Roses do not naturally have the blue pigment known as delphinidin. That's why there are no blue roses. Unattainable blue shade there were even roses synonymous with impossibility.

Red roses and white roses

I brought it to my beloved.

She doesn't need those, no!

Give me a bouquet of blue roses...

I returned to those lands

My love has died.

I waited, I waited until I cried

In the kingdom of death of blue roses...

It was an empty question:

There are no blue roses in the world...

R. Kipling

But the dream of getting blue roses never left the gardeners. The Japanese holding Suntory subsidized genetic research of the Australian company Florigen. The blue gene was introduced from pansies(pansies) in roses.
in Paris .

Rose in sculpture
On the streets New York 38 huge roses “grew”. The stems and leaves of the flowers are steel, and the buds are made of fiberglass. The largest roses are seven meters high

And this rose is in St. Petersburg, in the Museum of City Sculpture.

In Bulgaria , in Kazanlak and Karlovo, at the end of May they hold Rose Festival . Here the rose is considered a messenger of happiness. At this time, the collection of petals for the preparation of rose oil in the Rose Valley begins. The Rose Parade and the election of the pink Queen and King take place here.

Some interesting facts about roses:

1. Rose is national flower USA, England and Iran.
2. Wild rose Rosa Acicularis can be found in the Arctic Circle.
3. Long before Sappho immortalized the rose with the epithet “queen of flowers,” the Greeks called it “king of flowers.”
4. Natural rose oil is one of the most expensive, international market it is valued more than gold and platinum.
5.Yellow, orange, and coral roses appeared from crossing with the wild rose of the Persian yellow variety, and the bright red color was inherited from Chinese roses.
6. The gene responsible for scent is recessive, and if you cross two roses with a strong scent, you will get a hybrid with either a weak scent or no scent at all.
7. Shakespeare mentioned roses more than 50 times in his poems.
8. Avicenna’s recipes using roses take up several pages.

For those interested in this topic:
