Who was born on November 28 zodiac sign. Love and sex

A horoscope reveals not only the inner world of a person, but also gives a clear idea of ​​the nature and strengths of a person. Sagittarius, as a representative of the Fire Element, has the desire to conquer the whole world and show everyone an advantage. In addition, on November 28, the Zodiac sign is woven from inconsistency and variability, instability and contrasting desires.

Courage and determination, pride and steadfastness in terms of expressing opinions, independence and sexuality - all this is combined in one person and boils in character. To others, it seems as if everything works out for him by itself and success follows on the heels of the representative of the sign. Actually this is not true.

Their thoughts and lifestyle are not easy to understand; if Sagittarians respect other people, they put position first. Tips and recommendations are not for the Element of Fire, because tips can offend a representative of the sign or make you angry. Intelligence and prudence protect him from mistakes and make him an excellent leader or businessman.

Strengths include:

  • Sense of humor;
  • Kindness;
  • Developed intelligence.

The Sagittarius man is born with a strong-willed nature, confidence and selfishness. Since childhood, he wants to command and show others superiority. This is an active and cheerful child who will eventually grow into a real heartthrob.

He studies well and absorbs information, but in life he chooses a philosophical style and prefers to show his position. Sagittarius wants to develop spiritually, so he can practice various techniques. The sign is quite impulsive and bright, and Fire adds sensuality and energy.

Man loves to play with women, he likes well-groomed and self-respecting ladies who are able to win a chosen one not only with a beautiful appearance, but also with a rich inner world. They must be actresses and constantly change so that Sagittarius does not get bored. As soon as he feels that he has already studied his partner, he will immediately leave her and go for new adventures.

If he sees the one, he will give his all to win attention and condescension. He is a romantic at heart and a dreamer by nature, so conquering new heights will not be difficult. The sign representative does not like to show off money or huge profits. Instead, he will try to show talent or ingenuity and surprise the lady with a truly original gift.

In terms of personal life and family, representatives of the sign are flighty and unstable. They will cheat on their wives or seek consolation for themselves on the side, because it is simply unrealistic to please Sagittarius. He wants to see an ideal wife, an exemplary mother for a child and a passionate lover. In practice, these qualities, unfortunately, are rarely combined in one lady.

It is important for the representative of the sign power and financial status. She is a careerist, capable of sacrificing her family for the sake of money and success in terms of work. Purposefulness, the ability to hold a position and go towards the intended goal are the main qualities of the sign. In addition, she has a sharp mind and intelligence.

As for external data, a woman born on November 28 will not have problems with the opposite sex. She combines lightness and attractiveness, mannerism and subtlety of facial features. This is an aristocrat with a twist, who knows how to present herself in the right light.

She likes men who are calm, but confident in their actions, pedantic and with an active lifestyle. Being a romantic person, she is not averse to her chosen one also feeling the world through the prism of feelings and emotions. In most cases, the union of two Sagittarius or a woman of the Element of Fire and a Gemini man will be successful.

The lady chooses the right life guidelines, so she practically makes no mistakes in her choice. He is an honest and positive person who brings talent along with his work. By the way, in terms of hard work, Sagittarius has no equal.

She will be a good mother, because she will be able to give her children love, tenderness and wisdom. She has an easy-going disposition and balanced emotions, which will make her an ideal friend for a child.

Character flaws include:

  1. Selfishness.
  2. Inability to listen to the advice of others.
  3. Narcissism.

As for the positive description, this is:

  • Elegance.
  • Calm.
  • Communication skills.
  • Openness.
  • Attractiveness.

In this regard, Sagittarians are lucky; there is not a single representative of the sign that could not find a soul mate. Sometimes it seems that they are not the ones looking for partners, but vice versa. It cannot be said that representatives of the sign take just anything. In fact, they have a good understanding of people and can clearly determine the attitude of others towards them. Sagittarius does not invent problems, therefore the sign has no complexes.

These people are just purposeful and know how to set priorities and life goals. What to others seems like simple luck is actually hard work and persistent work on mistakes.

He is easy to communicate with and both men and women get along well with other signs. Or rather, they can find an approach and a personal key to any person.

Zodiac sign born on November 28, a man tries to experiment and open new horizons, so in terms of relationships there may be many partners, but this does not mean that he will not be able to settle down and build a family. No, he will make a calm father.

In terms of compatibility, the following are suitable:

  1. Twins.
  2. Aries.
  3. Aquarius.
  4. Virgo.

With Pisces and Virgos, representatives of the sign can play at being leaders and manage their partners, playing the first fiddle in the relationship. An alliance with Libra or Aries would be excellent, and windy and cheerful Geminis are also suitable for a long-term relationship. Their impulsiveness and desire to get everything at once will amuse representatives of Fire.

Sagittarius seeks trust and understanding in partners. For them, it is important to find not only a beautiful picture or a person with ideal parameters, but also a kindred spirit who can support and listen and come to the rescue at the right time. Representatives from Air and Earth go well with the Element of Fire, relations with Water will be neutral, but here everything depends on the character and specific date of birth.

Work and career

The sign loves to control other people and be a pioneer in your chosen business. He prefers to experiment and always successfully invests money in the development of a new industry or to obtain greater profits.

Working in a cramped office or on a par with other workers is not for Sagittarius, or rather, not for his sharp and quick mind. The sign must develop ingenuity, using it and creative ideas to solve serious issues than paperwork or sitting in the archives over old documents.

In the horoscope for November 28, the Zodiac sign combines confidence in strength and the ability to take the right risks, activity and determination, energy and quick response to problems. Such a person simply cannot hide his talent from others or not use it to earn a serious amount.

Although money will never be the main thing for Sagittarius, he still does not like to deny himself the pleasure of buying an expensive gadget or eating in restaurants. The sign likes luxury and permissiveness, although this does not make him stand out from the crowd. Bragging and pretentiousness are not for Sagittarius.

Health and illness

They need to move more to keep their body in good shape.. Due to a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition, representatives of this sign may have problems with the cardiovascular system, digestive tract and obesity, so it is worth eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and also reducing the load on the liver. You need to give up bad habits, because they affect the heart.

Alcohol and cigarettes will not help solve the problem, but they will easily create new ones. Sagittarians need to be careful in terms of the amount of food they eat and try to give up fatty and sweet foods, especially after thirty years.

According to astrologers, the November 28 horoscope for Sagittarius contains a warning that they should give up unhealthy food, because the health and appearance of the sign depends on this.

On this day, brave and independent people can be born who know how to achieve their goals and not play with the feelings of others. Respect and the desire to help are inherent in their nature from birth, which is why other signs are often drawn to Sagittarius. The number 8 in the date of birth speaks of cyclicality and repetition of life phases. Perhaps a person will have to return to something or improve something that has already begun, after a while. This figure is also responsible for monetary stability and profit, so it seems as if money and material wealth are pouring into Sagittarius.

Number 2 makes horoscope representatives philosophers looking for their expression. Inner peace and the opportunity to develop spiritual qualities are important to them. They gradually form the power of energy, strengthening themselves in this world. These include long-livers and people who profess the religions of the planet.

There is also a lot of information about celebrities who were born on November 28th. In addition to actors, these are politicians, researchers, discoverers, pioneers, scientists and artists.

Sagittarians love to develop and try themselves in different guises. Such versatility adds strength and endurance, fills the sign with experience and understanding of the matter, so Sagittarius finds everything easy and simple.

Together, the number 28 fills the sign with such qualities as:

  • Spirituality.
  • Calm.
  • Determination.
  • Thirst for new discoveries and knowledge.

Even earlier, I was looking for information about what zodiac sign is on November 28, but I couldn’t find detailed characteristics. I was interested in compatibility and work. I never considered myself a careerist, but it’s true that everything in life came easy. It was interesting to read.

Among my acquaintances there are many Sagittarius, but combinations with Aries could not be seen. It seems to me that this is unrealistic - two signs of the element of Fire under one roof. They are temperamental, impulsive, and will not make concessions to each other. How can this be?

I subscribe to every word. I'm a Sagittarius and I almost always get what I want. But I still have problems with my personal life. Perhaps this is because I am in search of an ideal, and all around are Scorpios and Capricorns.

Attention, TODAY only!

On this day, brave and independent people are born. They are loyal friends and reliable comrades. In case of adversity or problems, you can confidently count on their help. They are very proud, respect the opinions of others, but always have their own point of view on everything. People born on November 28 under the zodiac sign Sagittarius are extremely courageous and have a lot of determination. They always achieve their plans thanks to their hard work.

Sagittarius zodiac sign makes them honest people. They always choose the right life guidelines, and spiritual values ​​and moral principles help them achieve their plans. Nature has rewarded those born on November 28 with the zodiac sign Sagittarius with a sharp mind and useful qualities that help them to be successful in everything. They succeed in absolutely everything that they would not undertake. They are the creators of their share, and their life will be exactly the way they want it to be.

The natures born on November 28, zodiac sign Sagittarius, are so contradictory that no one can solve them. They are extremely kind people, but as soon as you anger them, the full power of their merciless anger will appear. The patronage of the Sagittarius constellation makes them unique individuals. They have individuality that helps them find original solutions.

These strong personalities always go their own way. Those born on November 28, zodiac sign Sagittarius, are able to surprise and delight others. Their innate magnetism makes other people obey. At times it may seem that they achieve superiority over others thanks to their natural attractiveness. But this is a mistaken opinion, because the main role here is not played by their hefty intelligence and ability to recognize the psychological mood.

For those born on November 28 with the zodiac sign Sagittarius, the doors of the whole world open. They can realize themselves in any profession. A distinctive feature of these people is the desire to defend their positions and views; they are not ready to submit to written dogmas and concepts. Moreover, Sagittarians of this day are a kind of self-taught thinkers, they do not recognize the school education system, for them it is a waste of time. They are critical in their judgments, sometimes even distrustful. Conventional facts are always questioned. They cannot stand various kinds of generalizations, and when they try to “comb them with the same brush.”

To avoid getting into sharp arguments that could lead to a scandal, people of this day use irony. They use it against their opponents, and in such a way that it seems as if they are talking completely seriously.

Those born on November 28th, the zodiac sign is Sagittarius, have passionate natures, they are amorous, prone to romantic impulses. But their love is sometimes so fickle. In amorous matters, they are, as a rule, flighty, but when it comes to friendship, everything is different here. They know how to sincerely value friendships. But their contradictory nature is reflected in this too. It is thanks to this that such natures always remain in the memory of others.

These people really appreciate the natural elements. Walking in the fresh air inspires them. They draw their strength and energy from it. Nature is like a refuge for them from disappointments and failures.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius November 28 prefers to go his own way in everything. It is interesting that along this path he manages to combine aggression and sensuality. Very often it seems that in front of you is a person who loves to dominate physically. Although, in fact, he relies on intelligence. It doesn’t matter what field of activity he belongs to, since he will always defend his position and not pay attention to generally accepted dogmas and instructions of the system. He is self-taught and despises school education. Takes the side of the minority if he considers it correct.

Character traits

Individual November 28 possesses a skillful weapon - irony. He gladly uses it against offenders, but at the same time maintains a serious appearance, which adds authority to him. However, if he gets involved with emotions, then all his restraint disappears, and he is sucked into a whirlpool of unpredictable events. It is difficult for him to resist romantic interests, but it is practically impossible to get used to constancy. His manifestations are visible only in friendship, where he remains devoted to the end. Those around him see him as a complex person who always strives to do everything his own way. But there is also a noticeable duality zodiac sign. So, he can be selfish, but at the same time generous. His kindness is best received by children, because they do not even suspect any motives and see sincerity in everything. He appreciates nature and seeks refuge in it when troubles strike.

The hardest thing for him is to understand himself and cope with various complexes and shortcomings. Due to the eternal boiling of passions, he does not have time to evaluate himself objectively. He will have to do a tremendous amount of work to harmoniously accommodate emotionality, intuition and powerful intellectual potential. Only after this is he able to find points of contact with society.

November 28 – Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius man – born November 28

Guys born on November 28 stand out for their awareness, spirituality, straightforwardness, masculinity and honesty. Sagittarius always remains open, talkative and spontaneous. Never tires of striving for new impressions and emotions. Tries to stay away from banality and boredom. Sagittarius men make wonderful speakers who can captivate you with their stories. These are the favorites of fate who easily realize their potential. They often take risks, but always justifiably.

Sagittarius woman – born on November 28

Girls born on November 28th are sensitive, patient, cheerful and enthusiastic. Such a woman always remains powerful, strong and independent. She does not tend to follow the lead of others, because she obeys only her own rules and does not react to other people’s opinions. Her versatility and creativity help captivate people and inspire them to action. Remains a leader, both at work and at home. The inner desire for freedom does not allow submission.

Birthday November 28

Representatives of November 28 are distinguished by courage and independence in everything. They always remain loyal friends who will come to the rescue. Despite their pride, Sagittarians respect the opinions of outsiders, but still prefer to stick to their own point of view. Courage and determination allow you to cope with obstacles, and hard work helps you achieve your goal. Tries to be honest in everything and corresponds to the correct life and spiritual values. Moral principles always come first. A sharp mind allows you to achieve incredible success in any field.

It is important to understand that Sagittarius remains a contradictory person. It seems kind until you piss him off and then you feel the full wrath of the zodiac. They are individualists with an original vision, so they always follow their own path. A sign can surprise people and cause admiration. It seems that superiority is achieved through an attractive appearance, but it’s all about intellectual development and the ability to capture the mood of others.

Anyone who appears on November 28 is incredibly lucky, because all doors open before him. The Zodiac got the opportunity to realize himself in any profession. They are distinguished by their desire to fight for their positions and opinions, so do not expect submission to dogmas and rules. Sagittarians often prefer to study on their own and do not take traditional school education seriously. They are overly critical in their judgments and rarely take their word for it. Any generally accepted fact is ready to be questioned. The Zodiac does not like scandals, so he gets off with ironic comments.

This is a passionate person, quickly falls in love and can dare to make a beautiful romantic gesture. However, the feeling lacks consistency. This is a flighty personality, but in friendship he manifests himself as a stable support and support. Sagittarius is drawn to nature, so he can often walk in parks, spend time in the fresh air, replenishing his energy supply and relaxing.

Love and compatibility

Sagittarians often find themselves drawn into a long chain of different situations. This is a romantic obsession that is impossible to resist. Passion quickly ignites and subsides, but friends can be chosen more critically and for a long time.

It is best to build your life with Leo or Aries. They adhere to equality and do not try to suppress the freedom of their partner. Such a family is not doomed to jealousy, but there is room for support and mutual inspiration. As a leader, Sagittarius will have to be paired with Virgo or Pisces. Scorpio will not be suitable because he will strive to prove his superiority. Libra is not the best candidate, since it will not be able to understand Sagittarius’s attempt to change everything and constantly embark on adventures. Such a relationship is devoid of harmony.

Work and career

Those born on November 28 are used to being a pioneer in everything. He is an eternal seeker of new ideas, thoughts, technologies, methods, etc. He is attracted by the unknown, which fuels his interest. I am ready to endure any hardship if I eventually find an unprecedented treasure. Sometimes such a person is looked at as crazy, but in a favorable sense. He takes risks where many do not dare to look. He remains faithful to ideals and principles to the last, so do not try to bribe his respect or opinion.

Sagittarius can have several priority areas at once. Usually, in a professional sense, they connect their lives with industries such as zoology, biology, botany, and agriculture. The Zodiac wants to be as close to nature as possible. In some cases, hobbies or travel can become a profession if Sagittarius learns how to make a profit.

Health and illness

The diseases affect the bronchi and lungs, so you should protect yourself from colds. Smokers are at risk, as there is a high risk of contracting lung pathology. Health can be improved through diet, and some people lean towards vegetarianism. The main thing is not to get carried away with experiments and do it only in adulthood.

Fate and luck

On November 28th, the world welcomes hardworking, brave, talented, lucky, courageous and fair characters. They are reliable, so they will never let you down and are always ready to help out in difficult times. All endeavors are doomed to success, so there will be many joyful moments in life. You won't have to worry about money.

Sagittarius may suffer due to internal contradictions. It is important not to overexert yourself mentally and physically. Use every vacation and weekend for proper rest. There is a lot of energy, so you need to find a safe way to release it. Know yourself and don't reject other people's ideas. Harmony will come with balance in the soul.

Famous personalities

Today we congratulate Sergei Sendyk, Laura Antonelli, Adam Hicks (actors), Alexander Godunov (dancer) and Anna Gorshkova (model).

What fate brings

Born November 28 endowed with enormous energy. With the right approach, it not only fills itself, but also shares it with everyone. Moreover, with desire and practice, he can learn to manage outsiders, thanks to which he will become a wonderful leader or find himself in the political path. He is observant and goal-oriented, but also critical and aggressive. True, he is wise enough not to spit in the well from which he will drink, so his temper does not negate his courteous behavior with his superiors.

Loves to laugh heartily. But his humor is an excellent attack. If someone crosses the line of what is permitted, he will sting him painfully with sarcasm. Moreover, these blows will not be forgotten for many years. He is offended if he is neglected or not noticed. But give him a little attention, and he will immediately forgive everything. His talents are perfect for all construction-related professions (builder, contractor, architect, engineer). And his projects will be distinguished by their originality.

The zodiac sign of those born on November 28 is Sagittarius. These are brave, determined and independent individuals. They are accompanied by luck and success. These are pioneers who crave active pursuits and thrilling experiences. They defend their ideas with equal passion and fight for championship at the championship.

It is difficult to understand the thoughts of these people. They have their own opinion on everything, although they respect the opinions of others. From school years we tend to have a point of view opposite to the generally accepted one. Whatever religious or professional group these people belong to, they are not ready to agree with generally accepted facts.

These are contradictory personalities who combine sports passion and a philosophical mindset, aggressiveness, willpower and sensitivity, dreaminess and ambition. They are smart and reasonable. However, their character is unyielding; they tend to do everything their own way. At one moment they can be selfish, and at the second - generous.

Those born on this day love nature. It helps them forget about uncertainty and problems.

Characteristics of women born on November 28

These women know their worth from childhood. They are independent, powerful, but know how to empathize and inspire other people. They have leadership qualities and live by their own laws.

Such ladies become wonderful housewives and best friends to their child. Children feel their kindness and sincerity, and are imbued with sympathy for them.

Characteristics of men born on November 28

These men cannot stand boredom and routine. They are open to communication, active, and focused on new experiences. They like to travel. They love risk. Their adventures usually pay off.

These men love change and hate commitment. Freedom and personal space are valued in relationships.

Love horoscope

Those born on this day often give in to their passion and get involved in romantic adventures. However, it is difficult for them to be constant. They prefer variety. They often show impersonality and indecisiveness in personal relationships.

Before finding a soul mate, such women and men start many short-term affairs. They prefer creative and goal-oriented individuals. In difficult life circumstances, they may refuse to commit themselves to a serious relationship. However, what they really need is home comfort and peaceful, calm family connections.

The most suitable partner for those born on November 28

People born on such days are best suited for love and marriage:

January: 19, 25, 26
February: 6, 12, 27
March: 3, 11, 18, 19, 24
April: 20, 25, 30
May: 9, 15, 28
June: 1, 4, 7, 9, 17, 22
July: 7, 14, 18, 30
August: 12, 16, 20, 22, 26, 28
September: 4, 7, 9, 22
October: 6, 8, 10, 20, 24, 26
November: 8, 17, 19, 23, 27
December: 11, 19, 20, 23


Ideal partners for Sagittarius born on November 28 are Aries, Gemini, Aquarius. They have low compatibility with Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn.

Business horoscope

Those born on this day are hardworking. They systematically and firmly move toward their goals and use their energy rationally. Thanks to their uniqueness, they find original solutions to assigned problems and achieve the desired result. They often make discoveries and do things that no one else would dare to do. They are capable of implementing a new unusual project.

These people interact well with the team. They have the ability to lead others. Innate magnetism and the ability to control other people's feelings force many to obey them.

Those born on November 28 are capable of achieving success in any profession. They become excellent biologists, botanists, and zoologists. They realize their talents in music or literature. They connect their work with their favorite pastime - travel.

Health horoscope

Sagittarians born on this day often suffer from diseases of the lungs and bronchi. They need to beware of colds, harden themselves, and strengthen their immunity. Smokers should regularly check their lung health, and best of all, quit the bad habit. You should also not abuse alcoholic beverages or solve health problems with the help of medications.

To restore peace of mind, contact with nature, walks in the fresh air, and communication with animals are recommended. Moderate physical activity will have a positive effect on your well-being. The horoscope advises to adhere to a vegetarian diet. It is necessary to reduce the amount of meat products and unhealthy foods in the diet.

Don't overexert yourself

Learn to relax without waiting for vacation. This is the only way you can maintain your health for a long time.

Understand yourself

Internal contradictions haunt you. Learn to harmoniously combine the development of intelligence with the manifestation of emotions, physical activity with philosophical research. Once you achieve balance, you will be happy.

Be more objective

Your ideas are original, but they may not be absolutely correct. Learn to respect and accept the other person's worldview.

Extraordinarily strong personalities born on November 28 must go their own way in everything. Paradoxical in nature, those born on this day never cease to amaze their family and friends with their unusual combination of aggression and sensitivity. Their worldview is extremely important to them, but it can change in incredible ways, wandering in the labyrinth of irony and absolute seriousness. For example, it is sometimes very difficult to determine whether someone born on November 28 is a conservative or a radical, a rightist or a leftist, a supporter of social order or an anarchist rebel.

In the end, all these terms have almost nothing to do with the way of thinking of those born on November 28, who can only be understood using their own coordinate system.

Although those born on November 28 often come across as people with a dominant physical side, the main emphasis in their lives is on the mental or even intellectual side. Whatever social or professional group they belong to, they are always ready to defend their views, refusing to accept ready-made dogmas and religious systems. They are essentially self-taught thinkers, and schooling for them is, at best, an unfortunate episode, and at worst, a prison. They have a strong tendency to always take the opposite point of view, resisting absolutes and any generalizations.

Those born on November 28th have a very developed sense of humor and are always willing to use wit and irony as a weapon aimed at opponents, as well as to clarify and define their own views. Moreover, most often they give the impression of terribly serious people. As for the emotional sphere, those born on November 28 often find themselves drawn into the whirlpool of their own passions. Quite often they may have romantic interests, but those born on this day usually find it difficult to be consistent.

Their friendship, on the contrary, is strong as a rock and filled with special meaning.

Those around you who had to deal with those born on November 28 will long remember their complex, unbalanced, rebellious and contradictory character, their desire to do everything their own way. For example, they can sometimes be incredibly generous, and sometimes extremely selfish. Often their kindness and sincerity are better understood by animals or small children on a purely intuitive level than by critically analyzing adults. The love of nature is sacred for them and serves as the only reliable refuge from life’s failures and uncertainty.

Probably the most difficult thing for those born on November 28 is to understand themselves and cope with their complexes and personal problems. As a rule, the boiling of passions does not allow them to look at themselves more objectively. Many of those born on this day use work as a sure way to avoid delving into their inner world. Those born on November 28 need to make enormous efforts to achieve a balance between the four abilities of perception - intellect, emotions, intuition and feelings.

Only when this balance is achieved will those born on November 28 be able to reconcile with society and themselves.


Those born on the twenty-eighth day of the month are influenced by the number 1 (2+8=10, 1+0=1) and the Sun. Those influenced by the number 1 tend to be individualistic, overly self-confident and strive to rise to the very top. Since those born on November 28 always strive to dominate everything, they must be wary of becoming a victim of their own desire for power. The sun symbolizes powerful creative energy and fire, which should burn evenly, avoiding uncontrolled outbreaks. The combination of the Sun and Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) gives those born on November 28 generosity, luck and openness (sometimes even excessive).


The first card of the Major Arcana is the Magician, symbolizing intelligence, communication, information, and also magic. Above his head is the infinity symbol, which in some Tarot decks is shown as a headdress, and in others as a halo. Various interpretations are possible, including one where the Magician recognizes the cyclical and endless nature of life and draws strength from this understanding.

Positive aspects associated with the first card include diplomacy and insight; among the negative ones are imprudence and inability to wait for an opportune moment.


Those born on November 28 need peace and tranquility in a strong home. Equally important for them is communication with living nature, for example, with pets and plants. They will benefit from a vegetarian diet, but even for meat lovers it will be useful to diversify their table with fresh vegetables, bread, and dairy products. All attempts to forget with the help of medications or alcohol should be treated with great caution.

Those born on November 28 need to beware of problems with the bronchi; Smokers should periodically overexert themselves and overwork. In this regard, it is extremely important to maintain a reasonable rhythm of life - especially as you age. It is recommended to find a permanent, understanding partner, but due to the reasons stated above, this task becomes difficult to accomplish. It is necessary to take food slowly, in a calm and relaxing environment. Regular sleep, warmth and care can work wonders for those born on this day. Rough foods are recommended (root vegetables, bread, brown rice and other grains, pasta, carefully selected varieties of meat or poultry).

Control the hurricane within you and use its energy for creative purposes. Try to understand yourself better. Don't be afraid to ask for help and leniency.


Speed, intuition, impulsiveness.