Personal notebook. How to design a personal diary inside

Many people start keeping a personal diary as early as school age. Writing down all the secrets, desires, important information, you keep all the memories. After many years, it is very pleasant to re-read the pages of the past and smile broadly, remembering those experiences. But the most important thing in any diary is its design. Today we will introduce you to the origami technique - in a great way decorate this thing.

Basically, girls tend to keep diaries, so the design is carefully thought out. Origami diagrams for a paper diary play the role of not only visual decoration, but also do an excellent job of organizing investments.

You can find all sorts of ideas for decorating your diary on the Internet. I offer several photo examples of how to design a personal diary, but I’ll immediately make a reservation that in any case, your diary will be unique, since this is only your personal space.

The same simple envelopes for notes or lucky tickets are made using the origami technique. But in addition to envelopes, there are many more models made using this technique: frames, bookmarks, inserts...

Origami for a personal diary: video tutorials

For those who do not know how to make origami for a personal diary, video master classes will be very useful. I will share with you several original lessons on creating a diary design:

Envelope with photo frame:

It happens that when keeping a diary, we make drawings or notes outside the pages of the notebook that are of particular value and should be added to the diary. In this case, there is an excellent solution - to make an origami frame. It will only take a few minutes to complete, and using bright wrapping paper will help create the necessary mood on the pages of the notebook. It is enough to make folds on paper, following the diagram:

And then just fold the corners:

All that remains is to place a drawing or a note with wishes inside and glue the corners of the frame.

Diaries usually consist of many pages and finding the right page often becomes very difficult. In this case, in Personal diary You can add a bookmark, also made using the origami technique. Following the easy step by step diagram, you can make a bright heart bookmark that will highlight the pages you need:

In addition to the fact that you can paste pictures or clippings from magazines into your personal diary, you can also collect origami figures. For example, to design a page with personal style or clothing wishes, you can make an origami dress. In my opinion, this option for decorating the page will be the most striking and unique. The assembly diagram for the dress is not too complicated, so even novice origami lovers can handle it:

It is most convenient to store all kinds of notes, lucky tickets or checks in envelopes. There are many options for folding envelopes. Everyone can choose a figure to their liking. For example, origami hearts are suitable for storing valentines or love messages. In addition, repeating these figures is not at all difficult, following the diagram:

You can also make a heart envelope from a sheet of notepad without gluing the individual envelopes (pay attention to the video):

Don't forget that your diary is a reflection of your thoughts and your experiences. His appearance It remains only at your discretion, I just gave you a couple of ideas that may be useful to you. After all, some memories deserve a particularly bright and beautifully designed page in the diary.

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There are many ways to add variety to the blank white pages of a journal. It all depends on imagination and skills.

Let's consider decorating a personal diary inside with your own hands with a photo

You need to describe a trip to the sea, then cut-out pictures with shells from magazines and postcards, small travel diagrams from guide books, or the most memorable places you drew yourself are perfect.

You can attach postage stamps from the countries in which the trip took place. An interesting option There will be a special pocket made of fabric or paper. It will serve as a place where you can hide small shells, transport tickets, cinema tickets or other things that remind you of your trip.

If you want to describe your birthday, then images will look great balloons, cake with candles, gift boxes and bags. You can describe your thoughts by highlighting them like in comics - in a kind of pop-up cloud.

What I remember...

To create a real diary, you need to collect those phrases, expressions, pictures, news and facts of incidents that you remember.

Expressions can be immediately cut out from magazines and newspapers and pasted into a diary, describing your thoughts. The same with news and incidents - newspaper columns can be broken up and attached to a diary with a specific date.

It turns out to be very interesting and significant when people describe the history of their time in this way, what is happening during their time in the country and throughout the world. And of course, in parallel with this, he describes the history of himself and his family.

Some people collect gum inserts with their favorite pictures and phrases, for example, “Love is...” gum for girls and “Turbo” for boys.

Bright colors and markers are our helpers.

You can add positive emotions to your personal diary using bright neon markers and pencils, gouache and watercolors, even nail polishes can be great for this.

Spangles, rhinestones, sequins, various ribbons and lace can add volume. A variety of color pictures and inscriptions, decorated with additional bright prints, will add zest to any diary.

Recipes and favorite foods.

A great idea for creating a personal diary for real gourmets would be to add interesting and favorite recipes for every day. Various pictures of exotic dishes, recipe clippings from magazines and newspapers, various cards with ingredients and useful tips on cooking.

Writing food diaries has become very popular in modern world when everyone strives for healthy image life and proper nutrition. Combining a personal diary and modern book The recipes will turn out to be very interesting for further reading, because each dish will always resemble a specific day in life.

General design of the diary.

How to issue the LD itself? The cover of the diary can be upholstered with fabric with soft filling. The name of the diary can be embroidered using satin stitch or cross stitch. You can also attach various decoration pins, rhinestones and voluminous stickers.

It is very popular to wrap a personal diary with a satin or openwork ribbon, attach a small lock to it and, thus, protect it from prying eyes.

The first page of the diary should be the introduction page. It should indicate information about the owner, years of writing, etc.

You can create a diary different ways, most importantly, his owner must like him and be inclined to entrust him with the most important and special things, everything that happens in life. If suddenly the source of fantasy begins to dry up, then you can always look at photos and videos on the topic you need.

The greater the trust in a personal diary, the more memory will remain for future days.

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Life moves quickly, but it is not possible to retain all the memories in your memory. But some inanimate objects This can be done, for example, with photographs and a personal diary. A personal diary is a special storehouse of memories, which in the future will help you return to the past and remember the happy moments of life. In order not to be ashamed to look into it and the diary to have a proper appearance, we advise you to decorate it beautifully.

How to decorate a personal diary - make a bright cover

A colorful, eye-catching cover is a great start to decorating your personal diary. Cover the diary with bright pictures cut out from magazines or stickers. Alternatively, make a paper case, choosing your favorite color. A fabric cover will be more practical because it can be removed and washed if it gets dirty. If you are a craftswoman, design the cover in an original way using scrapbooking.

How to Decorate a Personal Diary – Visualize Memories with Stickers

Cover the inside of the diary with special stickers. In the absence of such, cut them out from newspapers and magazines or find them on the Internet and print them out. Visualize your dreams, happy memories, plans for the future. Try to choose clear, bright, cheerful pictures. This will make it easier to find the necessary information in the future and pages with pictures will be easier to understand.

How to decorate a personal diary - design pockets with important things

Let your personal diary have secret pocket envelopes in which you can keep secret things. Travel or concert ticket; foreign coin; your portrait drawn by a classmate; letter to a friend; photo from the holiday; dried flower petals - such small symbolic things will take you back to a carefree time of dating, traveling, and good-natured communication. A small symbolic object can remind you of many things.

How to decorate a personal diary - paste newspaper clippings with news

When you fill out your diary, leave room to paste in the news of the day from the newspaper. Now what is happening in the country, city, and world seems something ordinary and unimportant. Years later, you will be able to draw certain conclusions. For example, that there was a crisis in the country, but you managed to have fun and meet with friends. Or that you entered a university recognized as prestigious at that time. And after comparing the article about fashionable hairstyles and your notes and photos about going to a beauty salon, you will become proud that you were quite a stylish woman. The opening of a new park or cafe in your city and the first opinion from the visit should also be written down and pasted in the news from the newspaper. If in the future your grandchildren read such a diary, it will be easier for them to navigate the entries and what was happening in your life at that time.

How to decorate a personal diary - experiment with text and background

  • The background of your personal diary can be painted over with colored pencils. To make it look more delicate, distribute the lead shavings over the sheet and rub it over the page with a cotton swab. Alternatively, print backgrounds for letters and notes from the Internet.
  • You can write text about each day in a column, changing the colors of the pen.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with font. Make a test on a separate sheet. The font can change depending on your mood. But make sure it is easy to read.
  • Underline or highlight important things with a marker. Frame conclusions or personal quotes.

A personal diary is a personal memory. Make an effort to correct design memories. After a while, it will be nice to read about the first ups and downs; plans that have become reality; turn over the ticket from the concert of your favorite band, saved in a secret envelope, in your hands and smile happily.

I like to draw and study decoration? Looking for unique ideas for a personal diary? Then you have found your treasure trove of bold and innovative ideas for ld. Our site is aimed at those who want to find themselves in the arts, diversify their leisure time, improve their drawing skills and develop their imagination. We offer a huge selection of designs made in various techniques, as well as pictures for ld and printouts for ld. Each topic is worthy of becoming part of your personal diary.

Start sketching, the pictures you like are ideas for your personal diary. Try yourself in various artistic techniques and decide which one you like best. Over time from copying ready-made pictures you will move on to independent creativity. Start developing your talent today.

Find quotes for ld in the section of our website. Collected here best examples wise thoughts about all aspects of life, about relationships between people, feelings and emotions. Keeping a personal diary requires time, effort and desire. Many girls write down in it every day...

Just a few steps and your personal diary will become much more colorful and interesting! We looked at the gallery, found the stickers you needed and printed them out. You just need to cut it out and paste it onto the page. Printouts on many topics - with phrases, black and white stickers, pictures, #hashtags,...

Besides black and white pictures To design a personal diary, there are also black and white printouts for LD. If you only take notes with a black pen, then these printouts will fit perfectly into the style of your diary. Printouts for LD black and white What kind of black and white printouts...

There are many different interesting drawings for a personal diary, but black and white pictures for personal journals are also very popular. Many will say that such pictures are not interesting and boring because they have no color... there is no need to rush and draw such conclusions...

Not everyone can draw a complex picture. But if you want to decorate your personal diary with drawings, you don’t have to draw complex drawings. You can use light pictures for sketching to decorate your diary entries. I assure you, they will look no worse...

Ideas for old pictures for sketching - a continuation of the gallery with wonderful illustrations of a cat. Many people decorate their personal diaries with pictures to draw, and they especially love this cute cat. Ideas for ld pictures for sketching A personal diary is drawn up with printouts or, for example, filled...

We know that many people love this cute cat. Many people use these pictures to design their personal diary. But where can you find many such illustrations? The answer is very simple! Of course here on our website! In the gallery “ideas for ld pictures...

Perhaps every person at some point in his life, regardless of gender and age, feels the need to entrust his thoughts and experiences to paper. It can be very difficult to understand what is happening in the soul, to understand others and oneself, and to make a decision. A diary is a friend who is always there; you can trust him with everything, without fear of condemnation and misunderstanding, and with the confidence that all secrets will be kept. Today we will tell you how to decorate a beautiful personal diary with your own hands.

Over time, any notes acquire the value of a document - turning through the scribbled pages at your leisure, you can find a lot of valuable information that is erased from memory, but will be carefully stored in the diary. Here are some examples of how to decorate the outside of a LD:

A diary not only helps preserve memories, it also serves as a tool for personal development, often helping to change the way you think about yourself and about current events. For creative people, a diary can act as a kind of “piggy bank” of ideas.

How to decorate a personal diary: master class on cover design

A diary is a very personal thing, and how to arrange it depends solely on its owner. But if a diary accompanies you for a long time, you will probably want it to be not just a notebook with a gray cover, but something beautiful and reflective of you. inner world. The LD cover can be made from beautiful thick paper, fabric, decorated with applique or lace.

In this master class we invite you to make this luxurious cover for your personal diary:

Materials you will need:
  • Notebook with a spring in a thick cover
  • Sewing machine
  • Fabric (bright and dense, linen, jacquard, satin, velvet, drape, cloth are good)
  • Duplicate fabric (for example, non-woven fabric)
  • Lining fabric
  • Button
  • Cord (suede or any other suitable for the cover fabric)
  • Pendant for bookmark decoration
  • Scissors, thread, pencil, cutting chalk, ruler, measuring tape, pins.

First, let's take measurements of the notebook - the width when unfolded, the height, and the width of the notebook when closed, from edge to edge. Let's measure the thickness of the notepad.

And let's determine the size of the smell.

Let's determine the dimensions of the valve that will fix the cover:

We determine the width of the fabric for the cover by summing up all the width measurements, the thickness of the notebook, the sizes of the valves and the cover.

Determine the length of the cord for the bookmark - measure the length, equal to the diagonal notepad and add a small allowance for sewing.

We will wrap the same cord around the notebook, add an allowance for sewing, the length of the loop around the button and the length of the small tail - this is the length of the cord to secure the cover.

We cut out details for two pockets - for pens and notes. The size of the pen pocket is determined based on the size of the notebook and the thickness of the pen; for the pocket, you can take the size of a standard business card as a basis.

Cut out a rectangle from the interlining equal to the rectangle for the cover, attach the interlining to the wrong side of the cover and iron with an iron on the steam function until the parts come together. Having attached the notepad to the cover blank, we will determine the place for the bookmark and for the fixing cord - in the center with right side covers.

We sew the blanks for the pen pocket - turn them inside out, iron them, stitch them on 3 sides, turn them back inside out.

Sew the pocket to the cover blank.

In the same way we sew a pocket for business cards.

We connect the main fabric and the lining fabric - fold it right sides together, fasten it and stitch it, leaving a small hole through which the cover can be turned right side out. After the cover is inside out, sew up the hole.

Attach a pocket to the cover.

We sew the entire cover around the perimeter.

We attach a pocket for a pen.

We sew a button to the cover and decorate the bookmark cord with accessories. The cover for your personal diary is ready:

Of course, the main thing in a personal diary is the text. But decorating diary pages is also quite fun. creative activity. In the diary, you can create separate pages containing visual information about any past events or plans for the future, dreams and desires, collages of your favorite magazine clippings, useful announcements, etc.

Here are some examples of how you can decorate the inside of your personal diary:

You will find more ideas on how to design a personal diary in the video selection.

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