The best height of the battery from the floor. SNiP rules and installation diagram of heating radiators Distance between the wall and the heating radiator GOST

Every professional builder knows that when organizing various installation works, certain postulates and rules must be followed, which can be conditional and legitimized by various certified documents such as GOSTs and SNiPs.

Rules and recommendations on how to install a structure exist for any, even small, part; accordingly, they exist for organizing heating, including the installation of radiators - heating elements systems.

How to select batteries for a room

The volume of batteries should be enough to heat the room

The heating system is a complex structure, so it as a whole and its individual elements, such as heating radiators and pipes, require proper installation and appropriate selection of a product suitable for a particular room.

Regarding the heating radiator, there are recommendations on the installation of pipelines, the height of radiators (maintaining distances from the floor) and their correct location.

As a rule, radiators are installed in places of greatest heat loss

As for the choice of location for installing radiators, as a rule, these are places with the greatest heat loss. In almost all houses or apartments, such places are windows and doors, regardless of the use of new technologies. It is not always possible to install a radiator above the door, so they are often mounted under the windows.

To prevent dampness of the wall under the window, and warm air evenly distributed over the lower part of the room, and then rises up, it is necessary that the size of the heating radiator is 70-75% of the window in this room.

A small heater will not provide significant heat transfer, and the room will not be warm enough.

Rules for installing radiators

If the radiator is located under the window, then install it strictly in the middle

For heaters, not only size is a reference requirement, but there are also a number of other recommendations that should be followed both when choosing a heating element and when performing installation work.

These requirements include:

  • the heating device must be installed strictly in the middle of the window, equidistant from the edges;
  • the installation height of radiators from the floor should not exceed 15 cm, otherwise cold zones will form above the floor, and if you lower the heater below 8-10 cm from the floor, then cleaning under such a device will be problematic;
  • Radiators should be placed at a distance of 12-18 cm from the window sill; if the device is placed closer, there may be a loss of heater power due to the influx of cold air from the window opening;
  • distance from the rear wall of the device to wall covering should be 3-7 cm, this is necessary for proper air convection.

It should be remembered that if the radiator is brought as close as possible to the wall, then the gap will act as a “dust collector”, and besides, the device during the heating period can not only damage the external wall decoration(wallpaper), but also destroy wall structure– plasterboard board.

Carrying out installation work

Before you produce installation work, and when choosing at what distance from the floor and wall the heater will be installed, it is necessary to increase heat transfer and efficiency (coefficient useful action) stick on the wall in the approximate location where the device will be installed aluminum foil. After which you can mark the fasteners.

You should know that there are several options for connecting radiators to the heating system, some of which you can see from the table diagram.

A medium-sized radiator is hung on 2 brackets

When hanging the radiator, you should check all planes, since the heat transfer of the device depends on maintaining the vertical and horizontal position of the heater.

For medium-sized heaters, install 2 brackets so that they fit between the outer sections, but if the radiator large sizes, then install an additional hook strictly in the middle opening of the radiator. To learn how to hang a radiator, watch this video:

Bypass will allow you to regulate heat

When connecting radiators, there are also a number of features and requirements that must be observed. One of these requirements includes the rule of installing a jumper (bypass) between pipes in a single-pipe distribution system, which will make it possible to independently regulate required amount warmth in the room. The main advantage of the bypass is that the base for its installation does not need to be legalized, and the installation process can be done independently.

It should be remembered that all installation rules radiator systems united as in individual heating, and with centralized heating. If you are going to install new heating elements, you should obtain permission for this action from management company or housing office.

To summarize the article, it should be said that choosing and installing a heating radiator is not an easy task.

All measures, requirements and recommendations for the installation of heating elements of a heating system specified in the article can serve every owner who is planning to install radiators on their own and organize a heating system in their house or apartment.

Efficiency heating system apartment or private house depends not only on the power of the heat sources. Correct installation Heating radiators will reduce the cost of heating the room, make it more productive and improve the microclimate.

Regardless of what system you use, whether autonomous or centralized, where the radiator will be located - in an apartment or house, the rules for installing heating radiators are the same. There are three options for radiator placement:

Types of heating systems

There are three options for radiator connection systems - serial, single-pipe, two-pipe and collector (parallel). They differ in the wiring diagram. Depending on what system is installed, it is necessary to select the type of batteries. It is important to remember that incorrect connection of heating radiators leads to a decrease.

Correct installation of heating radiators in a niche

It happens that in apartment buildings there is a niche for old cast iron radiators. This method of installing heating batteries is ineffective, but sometimes there are no other options. Therefore, let's consider it too.

  • The distance between the side and rear walls of the niche to the radiator should be at least 5 cm.
  • Air access from below should not be difficult, as well as its exit from above. The distance from the bottom and top of the radiator to the walls should be more than 10 cm.

Decorative lattice should promote convection. An overlay made of diagonal strips is best suited. It is better not to cover the gap in the lower part of the radiator with a grille to ensure optimal air convection.

If the niche is made in a parapet located along the wall, it top part It is better to cover it with a decorative grille rather than a solid overlay.

The battery in the niche under the window should be located so that there is a distance to the window sill. It should be twice as large as the window sill protrudes from the wall. For example, if the window sill extends 15 cm beyond the wall, the distance from it to the niche should be 10 cm.

Read also:

Flow aluminum radiator heating: how to fix it yourself

The radiator in the niche under the window should be positioned so as to ensure good air convection. There should be at least 10 cm between its top and the edge of the niche.

How to properly install a battery under a window

The greatest heat loss occurs through windows. Therefore, correct installation of the battery under the window is especially important.

  • The radiator must be located exactly in the middle of the window - so it will cut off cold air and will not allow it to spread throughout the apartment.
  • The installation height of the radiator from the floor should be 5-10 cm. If the gap is larger, a layer of cold air will form. If less, it will be difficult to clean under the battery.
  • The distance from the wall should be at least 5 cm so as not to impede air convection. Otherwise, the battery will heat the wall of the building and not the room.

If the radiator is equipped with air cutoffs (see photo), the distance from it to the window sill should be more than 5 cm. If the window sill is wide and protrudes beyond the radiator, for every 1 cm of this difference you need to add 2 cm to the gap between it and the battery.

For radiators without air cut-off minimum distance to the window sill - 10 cm plus 3 cm for every 1 cm of protrusion. Installing heating radiators under the window close to the window sill will interfere with air convection. And this will lead to a decrease in heat transfer.

The window sill not only plays an important role for the window, but can also have an impact when installing radiators; it should also be taken into account when choosing curtains. We will consider all the features of the choice correct height window sill from the floor and from the radiator. These installation dimensions are important for the heating system.

Product protrusion functions

The protrusion of the window sill may vary. There are practically invisible structures that do not stand out beyond the window opening; there are also wide, powerful window sills on which you can sit. The structure is needed to retain heat in the house; it can serve as additional support, for example, for installation flower pots.

You should choose a window sill carefully; it must match the design of the window, otherwise it may fail. Replacing a part without removing the glass unit is extremely problematic.

Primary requirements

The distance from the floor to the window sill may vary depending on the type of window. However, GOST provides for the permissible coefficient at which heat is best retained in the room, and the figure is 0.55 W/°C×m². This means that in order to achieve the desired effect, you need to use a plate that will have low thermal conductivity.

Important role The distance of the radiator to the window sill plays a role: in this case, there is SNiP, the main provisions of which require:

  • The window sill should have a slight slope into the room - at least 1˚.
  • There must be thermal insulation between the wall and the structure.
  • During installation, the height from the floor is taken into account. All window sills must be at the same level.
  • The length of the window sill should not be more than 3 meters.
  • The length is set relative to the window opening, with a difference of 4 mm.
  • The distance required to retreat from the battery to the windowsill should not be less than 8 cm.
  • It is recommended to saw off excess parts at room temperature.

Height calculation

The distance between the radiator and the window sill must be at least 10 cm, regardless of what type of heating device is used. You also need to take into account the height of the battery itself. It is necessary to retreat 8 cm from the rear. The battery itself should rise above the floor by 10 cm, that is, when installing a window sill from the floor according to SNIP, you will need to retreat 70-80 cm.

An important role is also played by how the window sill protrusion will be: it can move significantly away from the wall or be invisible. If there is no radiator under the window, it is not necessary to meet any requirements, but if heating is present, the projection must be strictly regulated. The task of the window sill is to redirect heat flows. Without it, they will rise upward, and proper heating of the room will not occur, since some of the heat will evaporate and be distributed on the ceiling.

Poor convection can also be caused by a window sill that is too wide. It will not allow warm air to escape; as a result, condensation will begin to accumulate on the window, since the main air flows will go up, and some of them will get stuck under the window, heating the atmosphere. In this case, it is very important to calculate the distance from the window sill to the heating radiator, both in height and how much of a protrusion can be made. You can avoid the problem described above by using a slab that does not extend beyond the wall by more than 8 cm.

Tip: when calculating the dimensions, you need to take into account the level of the wall with decoration.

The best option is a solution in which no more than 10% of warm air will be retained in the window niche. To do this, the window sill should not protrude more than 6 cm beyond the radiator, but it should not be shorter than the heating device. If design solution The premises require the installation of non-standard wide structures; ventilation holes must be provided in them. Their size must be sufficient for proper air circulation.

The distance between the window sill and the heating radiator will remain standard in this case. As for the thickness of the structure, it usually does not exceed 4 cm, but this indicator is not a standard. A thinner slab has a risk of deformation caused by warm air currents. The thicker one has more mass and costs more. If such structures are not provided for by the design plan, there is no point in installing them. detailed instructions for installing a window sill.

Is clearance necessary?

Some window owners believe that the window sill goes deep under window frame, However, it is not. The distance between the window and the window sill is approximately 10 mm. Otherwise, the structure may become deformed. The fact is that under the influence of warm air, the material from which the slab is made expands. The gap is left so that the structure can take the desired shape without being damaged. Visually, this technique is invisible.

The distance of the window sill curtain also plays a role. In order for the curtains to move without clinging, without leaving marks on them, and for warm air to circulate freely, the distance must be at least 5 cm.

Conclusion: it is not always possible to apply the standard distance from the floor, radiator, curtains to the window sill, but you can find a way out by observing certain requirements.

Video: Installation of heating radiators (batteries)

Rules for installing heating radiators, SNiP, installation and placement

A heating system should be present in every home. At the same time, it is extremely important that at each stage of its installation all rules for installing heating radiators are strictly followed - violation of any of them can lead to serious disruptions in the operation of the system and even lead to equipment damage.

Installation of control heatsink

Before you begin the process of installing heating radiators, it is extremely important to determine the connection diagram. There are several options for how to do this; this is also indicated in the snip. Each of them has both certain advantages and disadvantages. Connection methods:

  • side connection. This method is perhaps the most common, since it is it that allows for maximum heat transfer from radiators. The installation principle is quite simple - the inlet pipe is connected to the upper radiator pipe, and the outlet pipe is connected to the lower one. Thus, both the inlet and outlet pipes are located at one end of the battery.
  • diagonal connection. This method used primarily for long radiators, since it allows for maximum heating of the battery along the entire length. In this case, the inlet pipe should be connected to the upper pipe, and the outlet pipe to the lower one, which is located on the other side of the battery.
  • bottom connection. Least effective method connections (compared to the side method, efficiency is 5-15% lower), used primarily for heating systems located under the floor.

Options for connecting heating radiators

So, how to hang radiators correctly? You have purchased radiators and even decided exactly how they will be installed. Now you need to familiarize yourself with all the requirements of SNIP - and you can begin installation. It's actually quite simple.

Most radiator manufacturers, trying to make life as easy as possible for users, include with each battery detailed instructions and rules for installing heating radiators.

And they really need to be followed - after all, if the radiator is installed incorrectly, if it breaks, repairs under warranty will be denied.

Heating radiator installation diagram

If you want to protect the device from scratches, dust and other damage that may occur during installation, then during installation you can not remove protective film- this is allowed by the rules for installing heating radiators. The only most important requirement, which must be followed strictly, is strict adherence to the indentations necessary for normal circulation of heated air. Here are the rules for installing heating radiators to indentations put forward by SNIP:

  • According to current standards, the distance from the window sill or the bottom of the niche should be at least 10 cm. It should be taken into account that if the gap between the radiator and the wall is less than ¾ of the depth of the radiator, the flow of warm air into the room will be much worse.
  • Equally strict requirements are imposed on the installation height of radiators. How to properly place heating batteries? So, if the distance between the bottom point of the radiator and the floor level is less than 10 cm, then the outflow of warm air will be difficult - and this will negatively affect the degree of heating of the room. The ideal distance is 12 cm between the floor and the radiator. And if this gap is more than 15 cm, then there will be too large a temperature difference between the upper and lower parts of the room.
  • if the radiator is installed not in a niche under the window, but near the wall, then the distance between the surfaces should be at least 20 cm. If it is smaller, air circulation will be difficult, and in addition, dust will accumulate on the back wall of the radiator.

Installing heating radiators against the wall

In order to get the maximum useful information regarding the installation of radiators, you can use our resource. You can find many valuable tips and recommendations on how to properly install a heating radiator.

Heating radiator installation procedure

It should be noted that SNIP also prescribes the procedure for installing the radiator. Using it, you can do everything correctly:

  1. First of all, you need to determine the location for the fasteners. Their number depends on the size of the battery, but even if the smallest radiator is installed, there must be at least three brackets;
  2. The brackets are being attached. For reliability it is necessary to use dowels or cement mortar;
  3. The necessary adapters, Mayevsky tap, plugs are installed;
  4. Now you can begin installing the radiator itself;
  5. The next step is to connect the radiator to the inlet and outlet pipes of the system;
  6. Next you need to install the air vent. According to modern SNIP, it must be automatic;
  7. After correct installation heating radiators will be completely completed, you can remove the protective film from the radiators.

If during installation heating radiators If you adhere to all the rules and requirements described above, then in this case you will for a long time enjoy the warmth that comes from your correct installation of radiators and a well-made heating system.

Rules for successfully installing batteries in the house. Having correctly chosen the power of heating radiators, we often do not get the desired heat in the house. What does their effective work?

In order for the heating system to work correctly and efficiently, radiators must be correctly placed and mounted. Regardless of what heating system you use (autonomous or centralized), the rules for installing radiators are the same.

Location of heating radiators

The radiator must be installed so that it works with 100% efficiency. The best option installations - under the window. The greatest heat loss in the house occurs through the windows. The placement of heating radiators under the window prevents heat loss and condensation on the glass. At large windows use radiators 30 cm high, or place them directly next to the window.

The recommended distance from the floor to the radiator is 5-10 cm, from the radiator to the window sill - 3-5 cm. From the wall to the back surface of the battery is 3-5 cm. If you plan to stick some kind of heat-reflecting material behind the radiator, you can reduce the distance between wall and battery to a minimum (3 cm).

The radiator must be installed strictly at right angles, both horizontally and vertically - any deviation leads to air accumulation, which leads to corrosion of the radiator.

Pipes in the heating system

Advice for those who have central heating in their home. Typically for heating systems apartment buildings are used metal pipes.

If the apartment has a metal riser pipe, you cannot switch to polypropylene heating pipes!

IN central heating Changes in coolant temperature and pressure often occur - apartment wiring and radiators will fail within a year.

Also, never use unreinforced polypropylene pipes– they are designed for use for water supply and are destroyed at a coolant temperature of +90°C.

Fittings for heating radiators

To make you feel comfortable during heating season It is necessary to install thermostats on each radiator. This way you can save money by shutting off batteries in unused rooms and control the temperature in the house. You can purchase programmable thermostats - they will turn the radiator off/on, maintaining the required temperature.

Installation of thermostats on each radiator is possible in two-pipe system heating. In a single-pipe system (in apartment buildings and high-rise buildings) for thermoregulation, a jumper is installed in front of the battery - a bypass. A bypass is a pipe installed perpendicularly between the supply and return. The bypass pipe must be smaller in diameter than the pipes used in the heating system wiring.

A Mayevsky valve is also installed on the battery - a valve for removing air from the system. These elements simplify radiator management and facilitate their repair.

Obstacles to room heating

Effective heat transfer is also affected by barriers that we ourselves create. This may include long curtains(70% of heat loss), protruding window sills (10%) and decorative grilles. Thick floor-length curtains prevent air circulation in the room - you simply heat the window and the flowers on the windowsill. The same effect, but with less consequences, is created by a window sill that completely covers the battery on top. A dense decorative screen (especially with a top panel) and placement of the battery in a niche reduce the efficiency of the radiator by 20%.

Correct installation of heating radiators is one of the main components of the high-quality functioning of the heating system as a whole. Don't be led by savings at the expense of comfortable heating.

Distance from window sill to radiator

Almost everything modern radiators and sectional heating batteries amaze with their high efficiency and efficiency, providing such indicators due to air convection and its natural flow through the heat exchange system. It is precisely because of these design features It is not enough just to buy highly efficient radiators and power them with coolant; it is necessary to provide conditions for convection - the natural transfer of heat by air. Let us indicate the required distance from the window sill to the radiator, as well as the main installation recommendations, as conditions for maintaining high efficiency.

Window sill board.

Installing marble window sills in an apartment or a private house, many focus only on the upper gap of 100 mm, completely forgetting that by choosing an excessively protruding, wide window sill, you can disrupt not only the thermal cutoff of cold air, but also change the overall air circulation along the windows. The window sill board should not block the radiator, creating a kind of niche for the battery, suggesting an enveloping movement of heat along it. Unfortunately, a specific size cannot be recommended, and the protrusion of the board should minimally interfere with air convection near the radiator and move it away from the glass.

Radiator mounting.

Before drawing the first mounting point on the wall, carefully study the included instructions for the radiator, as... Most manufacturers inform about the recommended installation gaps that ensure high heat transfer of this particular battery. In the absence of such recommendations, they use general ones, according to SNiP 3.05.01-85. "Internal sanitary systems":

  • The minimum distance from the bottom of the window sill to the radiator is 100mm, since reducing it reduces the heat flow of air.
  • From the floor to the bottom of the radiator, the gap is in the range of 100-150mm, and increasing the distance increases the temperature difference in the entire room, and decreasing it again reduces the intensity of heat transfer.
  • It is also important to take into account the distance from the wall to the radiator; it is made 25-30mm, because the rear surface also actively participates in heat exchange.
  • If the factory recommendations differ from SNiP, they are guided by the manufacturer who developed the battery.

For any type of radiator there is general rules for placing them indoors. There is also a certain sequence of actions that must be followed. The technology is simple, but there are many nuances.

How to place batteries

First of all, recommendations concern the installation location. Most often, heating devices are installed where heat loss is the most significant. And first of all these are windows. Even with modern energy-saving double-glazed windows, it is in these places that the most heat is lost. What can we say about old wooden frames?

If there is no radiator under the window, then the cold air descends along the wall and spreads along the floor. The situation is changed by installing a battery: warm air, rising upward, prevents cold air from “draining” onto the floor. It must be remembered that in order for such protection to be effective, the radiator must occupy at least 70% of the width of the window. This norm is prescribed in SNiP. Therefore, when choosing radiators, keep in mind that small radiator under the window will not provide the required level of comfort. In this case, there will be zones on the sides where the cold air will go down, and there will be cold zones on the floor. In this case, the window may often “sweat”, condensation will form on the walls in the place where warm and cold air collide, and dampness will appear.

For this reason, do not try to find the model with the highest heat output. This is justified only for regions with a very harsh climate. But in the north, even from the most powerful sections there are big size radiators. For middle zone Russia requires average heat transfer, while southern regions generally require low radiators (with a small center distance). This is the only way you can fulfill the key rule for installing batteries: blocking most of the window opening.

In cold climates it makes sense to arrange thermal curtain and near front door. This is the second problem area, but it is more typical for private houses. This problem may occur in ground floor apartments. The rules here are simple: you need to place the radiator as close to the door as possible. Choose a location depending on the layout, also taking into account the possibilities of piping.

Rules for installing heating radiators

  • Position heating device required strictly in the middle of the window opening. When editing, find the middle and mark it. Then to the right and left you set the distance to the location of the fasteners.
  • The distance from the floor is 8-14 cm. If you make it smaller, it will be difficult to clean; if you make it more, zones of cold air will form below.
  • The radiator should be 10-12 cm away from the window sill. With a closer location, convection worsens and thermal output decreases.
  • The distance from the wall to the back wall should be 3-5 cm. This gap ensures normal convection and heat distribution. And one more thing: at a short distance, dust will settle on the wall.

Based on these requirements, determine the most suitable radiator size, and then look for a model that satisfies them.

These are general rules. Some manufacturers have their own recommendations. And take it as advice: before purchasing, carefully study the installation requirements. Make sure that all conditions suit you. Only then buy.

To reduce non-productive losses - due to heating the wall - attach foil or a thin foil heat insulator behind the radiator on the wall. This simple measure will save 10-15% on heating costs. This is how much heat transfer increases. But keep in mind that for normal “work,” there must be a distance of at least 2-3 cm from the shiny surface to the back wall of the radiator. Therefore, the heat insulator or foil must be fixed to the wall, and not just leaned against the radiator.

When should radiators be installed? At what stage of system installation? When using radiators with side connections, you can first hang them, then start laying out the pipeline. For bottom connection the picture is different: you only need to know center distance pipes In this case, radiators can be installed after the repair is completed.

Work order

When installing radiators with your own hands, it is important to do everything correctly and take into account all the little things. Experts advise using at least three fasteners when installing sectional batteries: two on top, one on the bottom. All sectional radiators, regardless of type, are hung on mounts with an upper manifold. It turns out that the upper holders bear the main load, the lower one serves to give direction.

The installation procedure is as follows:

We tried to describe in as much detail as possible the entire technology for installing heating radiators. It remains to clarify some points.

The most common . They are used for lateral connection heating devices of any type, sectional, panel, and tubular (click on the picture to enlarge its size)

Mounting the radiator to the wall

All manufacturers require installation of heating radiators on a prepared, level and clean wall. From correct location holders depends on the efficiency of heating. A skew in one direction or another will lead to the fact that the radiator will not heat and will have to be rebalanced. Therefore, when marking, be sure to maintain horizontal and vertical lines. The radiator must be installed level in any plane (check with a building level).

You can slightly raise the edge where the air vent is installed (about 1 cm). This way the air will predominantly accumulate in this part and it will be easier and faster to release it. Reverse tilt is not allowed.

Now about how to position the brackets. Sectional radiators of small mass - aluminum, bimetallic and tubular steel - are hung from above on two holders (hooks). If the batteries are short, they can be placed between the two outer sections. The third bracket is placed at the bottom in the middle. If the number of sections is odd, place it to the right or left on the nearest section. Usually, when installing hooks, mortar sealing is allowed.

To install the brackets, holes are drilled in the marked places, dowels or wooden plugs are installed. The holders are secured with self-tapping screws with a diameter of at least 6 mm and a length of at least 35 mm. But these are standard requirements; read the passport for the heating device for more details.

The installation of the holders is different, but not radically. For such devices, standard fasteners are usually included. There can be from two to four of them, depending on the length of the radiator (it can be three meters long).

There are brackets on the back panel with which they are hung. To install the mount, you need to measure the distance from the center of the radiator to the brackets. Set aside a similar distance on the wall (preliminarily mark where the middle of the battery will be located). Then we apply fasteners and mark the holes for the dowels. The next steps are standard: drill, install dowels, attach brackets and secure with self-tapping screws.

Features of installing radiators in an apartment

The given rules for installing heating radiators are general for both individual systems and centralized ones. But before installing new radiators, you must obtain permission from the management or operational company. The heating system is common property and all unauthorized alterations have consequences - administrative fines. The fact is that with a massive change in the parameters of the heating network (replacing pipes, radiators, installing thermostats, etc.), the system becomes unbalanced. This can lead to the entire riser (entrance) freezing in winter. Therefore, all changes require approval.

Types of wiring and connections of radiators in apartments (click on the picture to enlarge its size)

Another feature is of a technical nature. If it is vertical (one pipe enters through the ceiling, goes to the radiator, then exits and goes to the floor), when installing the radiator, install a bypass - a jumper between the supply and discharge pipelines. Paired with ball valves, this will give you the opportunity to turn off the radiator if desired (or in an emergency). In this case, no approval or permission from the manager is required: you have turned off your radiator, but the coolant continues to circulate through the riser through the bypass (that same jumper). You don't need to stop the system, pay for it, or listen to your neighbors' complaints.

A bypass is also needed when installing a radiator with a regulator in an apartment (the installation of the regulator also needs to be coordinated - it greatly changes the hydraulic resistance of the system). The peculiarity of its operation is that it blocks the flow of coolant. If there is no jumper, the entire riser is blocked. Can you imagine the consequences...


Installing heating radiators with your own hands is not the easiest, but also not the most difficult task. You just need to take into account that most of Manufacturers provide guarantees only if heating devices are installed by representatives of organizations licensed to do so. The fact of installation and crimping must be noted in the radiator’s passport, the installer’s signature and the company’s seal must be on it. If you don’t need a guarantee, your hands are in place, it’s quite possible to handle it.

Installing batteries is an important process that affects the performance of the entire heating system of a private house or apartment. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the quality of plumbing connections, but also to compliance air gaps to the window sill, floor and walls. Read more about this in our article.

Radiator mounting

Modern market for buyers big choice radiators of different materials and designs.

According to the methods of fastening, they are all divided into the following groups:

  1. Floor-standing– equipped with small legs, installed directly on the floor of the room. This option allows you to guarantee the required thermal gap to the window sill and the lower horizontal surfaces of the rooms.
  2. Mounted– mounted directly on metal brackets, fixed in the external walls of a house or apartment.

The required distance from the wall to the heating radiator is best achieved with products mounted on vertical surfaces of the room, which is ensured by the special shape of the brackets. U floor types This parameter must be adjusted independently.

Effect of the gap between the wall and the radiator

Many novice home craftsmen do not understand the importance of adjusting the mandatory gap between the radiators and the outer walls. This ultimately leads to a significant increase in unnecessary home heating costs. Let's look at the problem in more detail.

The outer wall has constant contact with the surrounding air, which leads to significant cooling. In the event that the heating batteries are fixed directly on the inner surface load-bearing structures, the bulk of the heat will not be spent on heating the air during interior spaces at home, but to heat the wall material.

Low thermal insulation properties concrete products will not allow maintaining an acceptable internal microclimate. Up to 70% of thermal energy in the case where the distance between the wall and the heating radiator is minimal will be spent on heating the atmosphere. Therefore, by moving the heating device a short distance, they create the necessary air insulation, reducing unreasonable expenses.

How to determine the required distance

Many construction works activities carried out inside residential premises are regulated building codes and rules (SNiPs). There is also a SNiP for the installation of heating batteries.

From it you can not only find out what distance between the wall and the radiator must be maintained, but also other parameters for its installation:

  • the device should be placed directly under the windows so that the centers of the opening and the battery coincide;
  • the width of the heating device should not exceed 70% of the width of the window sill niche, if any;
  • the distance to the floor should not exceed 12 cm, to the window sill - 5 cm;
  • the distance to the wall is within 2-5 cm.

There are several parameters that influence the selection of the optimal gap. Most often it is influenced by the material of the walls of the house and the size of the window sills. In some rooms you can observe an unsightly picture when the batteries protrude significantly beyond its limits.

Additional surface treatment contributes to a significant reduction in the gap between the wall and heating system devices vertical structures special heat-reflecting materials, the price of which is affordable.
These include foil insulation or aluminum foil screens.

Heating radiator installation

The main way to adjust the required distance to the walls is high-quality and competent installation heating appliances with your own hands or with the help of specialists. Let's look at this aspect in more detail.

Installation of floor views

This fastening option is optimal for products that have a high mass and are most often made of cast iron. Such batteries are equipped with removable or stationary legs, which are fixed to the floor. Depending on the base material, fastening can be done with wood screws, self-tapping screws and plastic dowels, dowel-nails.

A necessary element for installing a floor heating device is a wall bracket. It is installed at the required height, which is defined as the desired distance from the floor to the upper longitudinal pipe of the radiator, taking into account the gap. Using fasteners and marking their installation locations, they achieve optimal distance to the floor, wall and window sill.

Hanging a wall radiator

Each heating device is equipped with one or another type of hangers used for installation on walls. The material and strength characteristics of the brackets must correspond to the mass of the heating system, taking into account its filling with coolant. Otherwise, the system may leak.

Before direct installation, it is necessary to determine the installation location and the required distances to the main surfaces.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Let's determine the center of the window and apply markings on the wall to align it with the center of the radiator.
  2. Let's measure the distance from the bottom edge of the batteries to the top pipe and add 12 cm. Set this measurement aside from the floor where the brackets are installed, checking that the mounting points are horizontal and level.
  3. We drill in the places where the hangers are installed Pobedit drill holes, install dowels in them and fix the brackets with self-tapping screws.

Similar instructions are included with each package of sold radiators.
Differences may include specific form suspensions and features of their installation.

Summing up

In this article, we looked at what distance from the wall to hang a radiator, what this affects, and how it is done directly when installing a heating system. More detailed information on this topic - in the video in this article.