The best deep penetration antiseptic for wood. The need for comprehensive fire and biological protection

Along with its advantages, any building material also has certain disadvantages. For wood, the main disadvantages are its susceptibility to burning (and quite intense) and damage by microorganisms, as well as wood-boring insects. There are means for treatment that are distinguished by their “narrowly targeted” action, that is, they protect against either one or the other “enemy”.

Complex preparations are much more convenient, as evidenced by the reviews of those who have tried them in practice when processing wood. This article will help you understand how to choose the right compositions for this group.

Fire-bioprotective agents are preparations that immediately replace two different compositions: fire retardant (against fire) and antiseptic (against wood rotting). Therefore, their additional use for processing lumber is no longer required.

It is impossible to take into account everything - the specifics of use, the type of wood (its porosity), the conditions of use (air humidity, temperature) and the like. However, there are a number of rules that should be followed in any situation. Simply, to decide on the answers to some questions.

What structural element is supposed to be processed?

All fire-bioprotection preparations are characterized by certain features.

  • Some are resistant to “surprises” of the atmosphere, therefore, for external works- the best option.
  • Others are completely transparent and are ideal for subsequent application of varnishes.
  • Still others may contain dyes. If the wood is covered with something (hydro- or thermal insulation, cladding, etc.), then this is not important; in other situations, colorless compositions should be chosen.

Under what conditions will the lumber be used?

There are quite a lot of them - inside or outside the building (for example, the facade), temperature and humidity, whether further cladding (coating, painting) of the wood is planned or not. Only having clearly defined the basic requirements for the drug can one begin to search for the composition that is most suitable in terms of characteristics (properties).

What area is to be treated?

Fire protection preparations are sold in different packaging. If you need to soak a total of 15 m², is it worth buying the composition in a 10 liter canister? This also needs to be taken into account when choosing, if it is possible to take a product identical in basic characteristics, but in smaller quantities. It makes no sense to take it in reserve, since fire-bioprotection is not in short supply, and its effectiveness gradually decreases during storage.

What else to consider when choosing fire protection


This is where most buyers, trying to save money, get caught. Cunning manufacturers (advertisers, sellers) are actively positioning their fire protection as a means of long-term wood preservation. There are even assurances of the type “processed once - forgotten for 15 years.” All this is nothing more than marketing tricks with the goal of simultaneously increasing the price of fire protection and increasing sales volume.

Such remedies are effective for an average of 5–8 years., and regardless of the component composition. But only if all the rules for using wood are followed. For example, high-quality waterproofing is provided in areas where there is excessive humidity or there is a risk of direct contact with liquids (vapors). Or the structure has been sufficiently insulated when temperatures drop very low. If the conditions of storage (use) of wood are violated, no “chemistry” will help, even if sellers assure otherwise.

Protection group

It makes no sense to consider everything, since the most “serious” is provided by the first group. Such preparations not only prevent the spread of flame, but also significantly complicate the ignition process itself. Sometimes this is enough to prevent a fire, especially when time is measured in seconds. Therefore, when choosing fire bioprotection, you need to look not at the cost of the composition, but at its group. It is one of the most important criteria.


Considering the demand for such compounds, many companies and “firms” are engaged in their production, sometimes very dubious, and even semi-legal or underground. This is the market segment in which it is easy to run into counterfeits. When choosing fire bioprotection, you should, firstly, focus on well-known brands (even despite the higher cost of the drugs), and secondly, be sure to familiarize yourself with the certificate for the product.

Fire bioprotection price

Almost main indicator, which we are used to focusing on when choosing a product. How does it correspond to the final cost of wood processing? The fact is that the drugs differ in both concentration and packaging, that is, the capacity of the bottle (cylinder, etc.). So you need to calculate how much of a particular composition will be needed if it is diluted in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer. Only such a rational approach to the choice of fire protection (subject to all other rules) will allow reasonable savings.

Watch the video - tests of various compositions:

Brief overview of the most popular fire protection products

All prices in Russian rubles, in relation to the Moscow region, are approximate.


A fairly well-known Russian brand specializing in the production of various preparations for wood processing. In terms of fire bioprotection, two are of interest - “Senezh Ognebio” and “Senezh Ognebio Prof.” They are similar in many characteristics, but there are differences in some indicators.

Firstly, the “pro” series is more expensive.

Secondly, it contains a dye, and Senezh Ognebio is completely colorless, that is, suitable for processing wood that will be coated with varnish or transparent paint.

Price: “Senezh Ognebio” series – from 690 (10 kg), “Senezh Ognebio Prof” – from 605 (5 kg).


Fire and biological protection of Izhevsk NPO "North". The manufacturer offers 4 modifications of the drugs. Convenience of choice is ensured by a variety of packaging - from 1 to 65 kg and lower consumption of compounds compared to Senezh (about 1.5 times). When purchasing, you should carefully read the characteristics, since a large range of products also determines an impressive range of parameters. For example, the protection period is from 2.5 to 7.5 (with external impregnation); conditions of use (for what structures, premises, etc.). If you focus on fire-bioprotection under the Pirilax brand, then there really is plenty to choose from.

Price – from 379 (1 kg) to 1,716 (25 kg).

Fire and bioprotection NPO "Rogneda"

Another Russian brand of drugs. There are 3 modifications of compositions on the market - “Pyrex”, “Woodmaster” and “Ecodom”, each of which is produced in various series and packaging.

Prices: “Pyrex” – from 548 (0.8 kg) to 4,198 (12 kg); “Woodmaster” - from 309 (5 kg) to 456 (6 kg); “Ecohouse” - from 208 to 317 (5 kg).


There are 4 products on sale, 3 of which are impregnations, and one (040 Professional) is used for coloring for fire protection purposes. Packaging – from 1 to 200 kg.

The price starts from 25 rubles/kg.


Fire and bioprotection from JSC "Descartes". Here the choice is small - 1 composition each of the first and second groups. Standard packaging in canisters of 5, 10 or 20 liters. Increased consumption – within 525 (±%) ml/m². But taking into account the low cost, in the end fire bioprotection will not be expensive.

1.1 Antiseptic and fire protection for wood "Sigma D" with specialized additives "PYRO-STOP" developed by technologists from Sigma Color and Sigma Plus designed to protect wood from fire, stops the progress of fire when a fire occurs (arson of a wooden structure)

1.2 The product is a solution of acidic compounds with specialized additives "PYRO-STOP" and specially developed bioprotective wood additive "Living House +" for private and civil housing construction, does not form a film (wood “breathes”), provides a surface fire-retardant layer resistant to washing away by precipitation and long-term protection of wood, and also has an aesthetic appearance after application. The structure of the tree appears.

1.3 The product protects wood from biological destruction caused by various types wood-staining, mold fungi and wood-boring beetles, destroys pest larvae. Removes existing biological damage to the tree and prevents the emergence of new ones.

1.4 Used for fire - bioprotection of external wooden surfaces (walls, parts of the roof, fresh log houses, etc.) and internal wooden surfaces premises (walls, ceilings, rafter systems, attics, attics, basements, etc.).

1.5. Antiseptic and fire retardant for wood of the “Golden Style” series does not dry on the surface in 20 minutes. when exposed to heat and does not freeze when sub-zero temperatures, and absolutely everything goes into wood.

1.7. Does not cause allergies. A voluntary test of fire-bioprotective impregnation was carried out for the presence of harmful substances and the influence of the composition on human health.

1.8. The composition is certified.


2.1 The surface to be treated must be free of dust and dirt.

2.2 The surface should not have been previously treated with impregnating, paint and varnish and other compounds. If it is necessary to apply “Sigma D” to another composition, you need to do a “test paint” to check for compatibility.

2.3 For better absorption of the composition, the wood moisture content should not exceed 25% - 30%. Application on damper wood is allowed to prevent darkening of the wood during atmospheric drying of lumber and wooden log houses on shrinkage.

2.4 Due to the fact that the composition is corrosive, storage containers and application equipment must be made of plastic or stainless steel. After application, the equipment must be thoroughly washed and dried.


3.1 The product is ready for use and cannot be diluted.

3.3 The product is applied to the wood with a brush, spraying or dipping.

3.4 During processing and drying, the product tints the wood to a rich amber color. On pine and spruce wood it shows the structure of the wood due to the reaction of the composition to the resins contained in the wood. The veins of wood with a high resin content become darker and more pronounced. Finish coatings can be applied.


- for wood antiseptic not less than 100 g/m² (in one layer). Depending on the degree of damage to the surface, the composition is applied in 1-2 layers.

- for transferring wood to 1 group of fire-retardant efficiency according to GOST R 53292 - 2009 (weight loss less than 9%), the product is applied in an amount of at least 450 g/m². (not planed wood)

- to transfer wood to group 2 fire-retardant efficiency according to GOST R 53292 - 2009 (weight loss less than 25%), the product is applied in an amount of at least 200 g/m². (not planed wood)

- for bioprotection of wooden log houses during aging up to 150 g/m².

- for bioprotection of wooden log houses during assembly the joints of the logs are impregnated in 3 layers under a brush with a total consumption of up to 450 g/m². There is no need to wait for the composition to dry completely.

- profiled timber impregnated with a total consumption of 350 g/m².

- lining, planed boards, polished wooden surfaces impregnated with a consumption of no more than 200 g/m². A finishing coating can be applied.

-hidden cavities with a consumption of 450 g/m².

-ends of logs, beams and boards are most susceptible to biological damage and are soaked under the brush in 3 passes with intermediate drying for 60 minutes. The impregnation depth is 3 – 7 cm. After applying the antiseptic to the ends of the beams and logs, it is necessary to apply a finishing coating.

3.6 Depending on the density of the wood, the composition is applied one or several times, the drying time between layers at normal temperature and humidity is 60 minutes, at negative temperatures the drying time between layers increases to 3.5 hours.

3.7 Treated wood can be coated with any paints, varnishes and other compounds that do not contain calcite, chalk, lime, cement 15 days after application of the product, or apply the finishing coating “Sigma Oil-Wax” for interior and exterior work, color solutions or similar formulations from another manufacturer.


4.1 The product is classified as moderate hazardous substances(hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007). Does not have a cumulative effect. It has a mild irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract and damaged areas of the skin.

4.2 When working with the product, you must use personal protective equipment.

4.3 The premises in which work is carried out must be provided with ventilation and/or be well ventilated.

4.4 Upon completion of work with the product, you must wash your hands and face with soap. Eating in the workplace is not permitted.

4.5 Fire-bioprotective agent for wood is fire- and explosion-proof. During storage and operation it does not emit harmful substances.


5.1 The fire-retardant agent is transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the cargo transportation rules in force for this type of transport.

5.2 The product is stored in tightly closed polyethylene containers at a temperature environment from minus 50º C to plus 50º C.

5.3 At a temperature of - 25º C it partially crystallizes, after defrosting it retains its properties.

5.5. Shelf life: 5 years. Does not precipitate.

– valuable, natural construction material. Buildings made from it have a good microclimate, an optimal level of humidity, they are warm and comfortable in winter, and quite cool in summer.

But the material is organic, and therefore various biological factors pose a danger to it: insect pests, bacteria, and much more. Therefore, the tree needs reliable protection.


Which antiseptic do you prefer? How to make a choice?

In order to select the composition that is optimally suitable for quality, it is necessary to take into account several important factors. This is the density and porosity of the material, its ability to absorb, the type or type of wood.

By durability tree species usually divided into the following groups:

  • Persistent. They are characterized by resistance to rotting processes, reliability, strength and durability. These include oak, pine, larch core and ash.
  • Medium resistant. They have lower resistance to decay processes. These include sapwood, spruce, cedar and fir.
  • Low resistance. They are not as durable and reliable as the two types already noted. These include the sapwood of oak, maple, beech, birch, and elm core.
  • Unstable. These are the types of wood that are more susceptible to negative putrefactive changes than others. These include alder, birch kernel, linden sapwood, and aspen.
  1. Easy to impregnate - these types include birch sapwood, beech and pine.
  2. With moderate ability - these include aspen, pine heartwood, oak, maple and linden sapwood.
  3. Difficult to impregnate - spruce, ash, oak and birch cores.

Use of antiseptics: classification by purpose

Banding and antiseptic treatment

All drugs can be divided into two conventional types, depending on their main purpose:

  • Preventive. They are used at the very beginning of construction or even before the start of the process. It is quite acceptable to begin processing with such material immediately after required lumber was purchased. It will be possible to begin priming and painting only when one or two layers of the preparation are completely absorbed into the surface of the wood.
  • Medicinal. They are resorted to in cases where problems with the material have already appeared and need to be eliminated. For example, wood has undergone putrefactive processes, or has been damaged by microorganisms and insects - these are the types of products that can help it. Therapeutic antiseptics can also be used as prophylactics, in cases where it is known in advance that the operating conditions of the potential structure will be unfavorable. For example, it will be high humidity.

Antiseptic solutions: classification by use

The most suitable antiseptic composition is selected depending on the type of wood and the purpose of the material. The processing features also depend on this. wooden products. According to the method and area of ​​application, all antiseptics can be divided into two types.

For outdoor use

External preparations are substances that are used to protect wooden parts exposed to harsh outdoor conditions.

Since these objects are actually under open air, then they quite often experience the influence of the environment: ultraviolet radiation, precipitation, sudden changes in temperature, etc.

Therefore, the external antiseptics used in this case must be durable and of high quality, providing reliable protection.

They often have a sharp, specific odor, which can only be gotten rid of after the treated material has completely dried. This may take from one month to two.

These substances tolerate solar radiation well, negative impact high humidity, but for interior work they are not intended.

They, in turn, are divided into two groups:

  • impregnations - these compositions are intended for deep penetration into tissues to destroy insects and fungi in them;
  • finishing coatings – designed to protect the impregnating layer from weathering. They do not penetrate deep into the fibers, but they form a special protective film on the surface of the treated material.

Both finishing preparations and impregnation antiseptics can be used separately, but often owners choose combined products that have different functions.

For interior work

These compositions are characterized by one feature: after processing, a microfilm is formed on the surface of the material. It seems to clog toxic substances, not allowing them to erode. This is very important for substances used for

IN wood construction everything needs to be done on time. Unfortunately, many become convinced of the truth of this truth too late, noticing traces of the work of wood-boring beetles on the beams or looking at the embers of a burnt house.

Wood is a delicate material. Despite high strength, she is afraid of fire and dampness. Insects that feed on cellulose also pose a serious danger to it.

Without the use of special protection, none wooden house will not withstand fire, and its beautiful golden facade will become gray and dull in a couple of years.

How can you protect wood from aggressive factors? What products are best to buy for this?

How is fire bioprotection applied correctly and is it hazardous to health? We will answer all these questions in our article.

What is fire bioprotection and how does it work?

Despite all the achievements of science, a means has not yet been invented that 100% protects wood from fire and biological destruction. Any fire-bioprotection of wood only makes it more difficult to ignite and slows down the development of microorganisms.

Since the main danger to a wooden building is fire, manufacturers focus on the effectiveness of fire retardants - substances that make it difficult for wood to ignite. It is their properties that we will consider first.

There are three main physical processes on which fire protection is based:

  • melting of substances that make up fire retardants (silicon, boric or phosphoric acid salts);
  • decomposition of substances that release gases that do not support combustion (sulfur dioxide and ammonia);
  • swelling of the protective shell, preventing contact of fire with the surface of the wood (organophosphorus compounds).

Most of the fire protective compounds in addition to the fire retardant component, they contain an antiseptic - a substance that prevents biodestruction of wood (mold, rot, blue stain, wood-boring beetles). The mixture of these two substances is called “fire and bioprotection of wood”.

Types of fire-bioprotective compounds

To correctly answer the question of how to choose fire protection for wood, you need to know its properties and application features.

There are two groups of protective substances on the market:

  1. Fire retardant impregnations;
  2. Fire retardant coatings (pastes, enamels, varnishes and coatings).

The main difference between them is the aesthetic qualities of the treated surface. Impregnations do not change the smell and texture of wood. Coatings, on the contrary, worsen appearance treated surface and have bad smell. Therefore, they are used to process load-bearing wooden structures that are hidden by finishing.

In addition, all fire-bioprotective substances are divided into organically soluble and water-soluble. The first type of protection requires the use of flammable and toxic solvents, which significantly limits the scope of their use.

Water-soluble fire-bioprotection is safer and more versatile, which is why it is most often used in wooden housing construction.

By chemical formula it is divided into two categories:

  1. Saline;
  2. Non-salt.

Non-salt fire protection for wood appeared quite a long time ago (80s of the last century). Despite its advanced age, it is actively used in practice today. The basis of such impregnations are salts of boric, carbonic or phosphoric acids.

The main advantage of salt protection is low cost. It has more disadvantages: short shelf life (3 years), low degree of protection, high consumption, impossibility of painting and easy washing out with water. Therefore, salt compositions are mainly used for treating wood indoors.

Non-salt fire protection (based on organophosphorus substances) is more profitable. It does not spoil the appearance of wood, binds securely to its fibers, and has high fire and bioprotection properties. Wood treated with this impregnation can be painted and varnished. Non-salt treatment retains its properties for 10-15 years. It is non-toxic and safe for health.

Efficiency of fire bioprotection

Here we come to the most important thing, for which, in fact, protective compounds are purchased. Before you take your money to the cashier, pay attention to the protective effectiveness group indicated on the product label. It won’t be difficult to figure it out, since there are only 2 groups that characterize the impregnation’s resistance to fire.

If the label of the composition indicates protection group 2, this means that after treatment the wood becomes difficult to ignite. If you need to give wood fire-retardant properties (higher resistance to open flame), then buy drugs of group 1 fire retardant effectiveness. For reference, we add that only such impregnations are allowed by fire regulations for processing wood in residential buildings.

It is also useful to know that by changing the number of layers of impregnation, you can easily vary the degree of its protection. For example, by making 6 “passes” with weaker fire protection of group 2, we will obtain the fire resistance of a wooden surface at the level of group 1. And vice versa, having impregnated the wood not twice, but once with stronger protection, we obtain group 2 fire resistance of the material. Be sure to take this fact into account so that the treatment of wood with fire protection gives the desired effect.

Consumption, penetration depth and coloring ability

Important economic indicator— consumption of fire protection per 1 m2 treated surface. The purchase costs depend on it. Therefore, do not look only at the price tag of the product, but be sure to estimate the amount of impregnation different manufacturers which you will have to purchase.

For example, cheaper salt compositions have a consumption rate that is 2-3 times higher than that of more expensive non-salt organosilicon impregnations. As a result, apparent savings may be reduced to zero.

For comparison, we present the average consumption rates of different protective compounds. The consumption of Senezh, the first generation salt impregnation, is at least 600 g/m2 for a six-layer treatment. After this, the wood receives fire resistance group 1. Non-salt and more expensive impregnation Neomid ( trademark Profiwood) provides 1 protection group with a consumption of only 250 g/m2 (2.4 times less).

The next characteristic of fire-bioprotective compounds is the depth of absorption into the material. There are two categories of impregnations: surface (capillary) and deep penetration. The former penetrate into the wood fibers to a depth of no more than 6 mm, while the latter are capable of entering the material deeper than 12 mm.

It is more profitable to buy surface impregnation, since it is easily applied by any painting tool(roller, brush or spray gun), does not create internal stresses and does not reduce its strength.

Deep penetration protective compounds (mostly salt type) are rarely found on the retail market, since their application requires special equipment and equipment.

The appearance of wood is significantly affected by the coloring ability of the impregnation. It allows you to easily control the quality and degree of processing, but worsens the aesthetic characteristics of the material. Therefore, it is better to use colorless impregnations on the facades of buildings and inside them.

Application Features

Among the features of using impregnations, the following should be noted: fire bioprotection should be applied only to wooden structures that have undergone finishing mechanical treatment (planing or sanding). Their wood moisture content should not exceed 30%.

In order to give the impregnation the opportunity to protect the wood as much as possible, its surface should be thoroughly cleaned of oil stains, paint, dust and dirt before treatment.

In most cases, the application of a fire-bioprotective composition must be carried out at above-zero air temperatures, since water frozen in the capillaries of wood prevents the penetration of impregnation. Such work should not be carried out in rainy weather.

Well-known brands of fire protection, approximate prices

After studying our recommendations, you will be able to more confidently navigate the choice of impregnations, since the big name of the brand does not in any way affect the existing fire-bioprotection technologies. What matters here is the quality of the components. From serious manufacturers it fully complies with fire and environmental standards.

In addition to the already mentioned products Senezh and Neomid, the first generation salt impregnations Talezh, Olimp and Phenilax deserve attention. Their average cost ranges from 40 to 70 rubles per 1 kilogram.

Second-generation non-salt formulations Pirilax and Neomid can be purchased at prices ranging from 120 to 320 rubles per 1 kilogram.

Fire protection is designed to minimize fire hazard wooden structure by slowing down the combustion process. The fire retardant contains fire retardants based on boron, ammonium phosphate, and ammonium chloride. Most often, fire bioprotection also has an antiseptic property that resists the development of fungus, mold and reproduction harmful insects. Characteristics that the best special product for wood should have: do not lose your chemical properties Under the influence external conditions(high humidity, temperature changes), have a slow evaporation process, have a sufficient service life, and be safe if used indoors. You can choose a tool either based on user reviews or independently using the information received.

Characteristics, features and properties

Due to the fact that the special agent directly affects the equipment fire safety, it comes with many characteristics and features and has a noticeable difference in price. Fire protection is unable to completely protect wooden structure from fire, but can significantly contribute to preserving the structure from the destructive effects of fire, as well as gain time for a rescue operation. You can find out the fire-bioprotection group by the markings on the packaging of the special equipment. Based on effectiveness, fireproofing agents are divided into two types:

  1. 1st group - effectively protects against fire, the flame spreads slowly. During a fire, fire bioprotection allows you to save 70% of the structure’s area. For residential premises it is recommended to use group 1.
  2. 2nd group - effectively protects against the rapid spread of flame, but the product evaporates quickly, so if the reaction is untimely wooden building will lose up to 90% of the structure area.

Advice. the effectiveness of special equipment depends on the number of layers applied: the 2nd group of protective equipment can be equal to the first with repeated surface treatment.

Example of packaging for fire bioprotection group 2 from the market assortment

Types of sales of funds

For ease of application, refractory raw materials are sold in several forms:

  • Impregnations. It is divided into two subtypes according to the depth of absorption: surface - penetrates 6 mm deep into the beam, more advantageous due to the ease of application using a brush, sprayer, roller; deep penetration - impregnate the wood to a depth of 12 mm, for use you will need professional equipment. Impregnations change the structure of the paint when applied, so they are applied before final finishing. The advantage of impregnations is the absence of odor, which facilitates indoor use.
  • Enamels, varnishes, paste mixtures. They significantly change the color and structure of the materials they are applied to, and also have an unpleasant, strong or weakly expressed odor, so they are used only before the final stage of finishing work.

According to the method of dilution, fire retardants are divided into water-soluble and soluble with the help of special liquids.

  • Water-soluble compounds, in turn, are divided into two more types: saline and non-saline. The advantages of the salt product are high in cost, but there are many more disadvantages: short service life (3-5 years), when exposed to moisture, it quickly loses its physical properties, high consumption. The fireproof substance without salt content provides a longer protection period (15-20 years), is non-toxic, can be used indoors and outdoors.
  • Solvent based product is used for protection outside designs, due to increased toxicity. The advantage of applying such a liquid is the formation of a protective film that repels moisture and protects against the effects of fire. The disadvantages, in addition to toxicity, include the narrow focus of the composition: they do not have antiseptic properties.

To treat wooden surfaces from the inside, you should choose the least toxic products

Classification by interaction with fire

According to the method of action during a fire, fire bioprotection is:

  • Slow burning, smoldering. The slow process is ensured by the resulting film of fire retardant substances. Chemical elements react with oxygen and prevent the flame from engulfing the wooden structure.
  • The protection composition emits gases that do not support combustion.
  • The resulting shell swells under the influence of high temperatures and prevents the spread of fire.

Majority protective equipment They have antiseptic effects, which is why they got the name fire-bioprotection.

Abbreviation designation on packaging

The instructions for use indicate letter codes that indicate the special composition of the raw materials. From them you can determine whether the product has antiseptic properties or is only suitable for protection against fire, as well as its mode of action during a fire. Explanation of abbreviations:

  • "M" means that it contains copper sulfate, which protects the building from the appearance of fungus and mold.
  • “F” indicates that the substance contains sodium fluoride (NaF). Chemical element It is odorless, absorbs well into the surface, but is also easy to wash out. Toxic to mold and pests. Used for protection inside premises.

Attention! Sodium fluoride practically loses its properties when interacting with limestone, cement, alabaster, and chalk.

  • “X”—the composition contains zinc chloride (ZnCl2). It has fire retardant and antiseptic properties. Easily washed out with water.
  • “B” means that the composition includes boric acid(H3BO3), which is a fire retardant and antiseptic at the same time. Causes increased hygroscopicity of wood. At high temperatures turns into a glassy film, providing protection against fire.

Water-soluble, four-component, hard-to-wash-out bioprotective impregnating composition marked KHMBB

  • “D” - contains diammonium phosphate ((NH4)2 HP04). Products containing this element are well absorbed into wood, are slightly washed out when exposed to moisture and have a low percentage of volatility. When ignited, diammonium phosphate breaks down into several elements. Ammonia creates a gas shell that slows down the combustion process.
  • “C” indicates the presence of soda ash, which at elevated temperatures creates protective film, effectively slowing down the combustion process. Non-toxic element, can be used indoors.
  • “ХА” - indicates that the composition of fire bioprotection includes ammonium chloride (NH4C1). At a temperature of 350˚C it decomposes into ammonia, hydrogen chloride, which provides a significant slowdown in flame propagation. It erodes quickly, so it is often used in mixed formulations or as a substitute for ammonium phosphate.

Criterias of choice

To provide high degree safety and debt, the retention period of the chemical properties of fire bioprotection, you need to rely on the following parameters:

When building from rounded, laminated timber, applying a protective layer is mandatory. Correctly selected fire protection will help ensure high level safety, reliability and, as a result, long service the entire structure.

Video: Fire protection for wood